@book{Batiffoll1891, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Pierre Batiffol}, Publisher = {Alphonse Picard}, Subtitle = {contribution à l'histoire de la Vaticane}, Title = {L'abbaye de Rossano}, Year = {1891}} @book{Richard857, Address = {Bruxelles}, Author = {Franchi de' Cavalieri, Pio Petro}, Publisher = {Société des Bollandistes}, Title = {Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae}, Year = {1899}} @book{Lake1938, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Kirsopp Lake and Silvia Lake}, Bookpagination = {notice}, Maintitle = {Dated greek minuscule manuscripts to the year 1200}, Publisher = {The American Academy of Arts and Sciences}, Title = {Manuscripts in Rome, in Messina, in Naples, and in London}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1938}} @book{Richard192-3, Crossref = {Richard192}, Subtitle = {Belles-Lettres, Coislin - Supplément, Paris et départements}, Title = {Ancien fonds grec}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1888}} @mvbook{Richard192, Address = {Paris}, Author = {Henri Omont}, Date = {1886/1898}, Publisher = {Alphonse Picard}, Volumes = {4}} @book{Richard834, Address = {Vatican}, Author = {Robertus Devreesse}, Maintitle = {Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae codices manu scripti recensiti iussu Pii~XI Pontificis Maximi, Praeside Iohanne Mercati S. Georgii in Velabro Card. Diacono, S. R. E. Bybliothecario (\emph{sic}) et Scriniario}, Publisher = {Bibliotheca Vaticana}, Richard = {834}, Subtitle = {Codices~1485-1683}, Title = {Codices Vaticani Graeci}, Year = {1950},} @mvbook{Ehrhard, Address = {Osnabrück}, Author = {Albert Ehrhard}, Origdate = {1937/1952}, Origlocation = {Leipzig}, Origpublisher = {J. C. Hinrichs Verlag}, Publisher = {Otto Zeller Verlag}, Subtitle = {von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts}, Title = {Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche}, Volumes = {3}, Year = {1965}} @book{Ehrhard1.1, Crossref = {Ehrhard}, Origdate = {1937}, Part = {1}, Volume = {1}} @book{Richard2445, Address = {Vienne}, Author = {Herbert Hunger}, Maintitle = {Katalog der griechischen handschriften des Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek}, Publisher = {Georg Prachner Verlag}, Richard = {2445}, Title = {Codices historici, codices philosophici et philologici}, Year = {1961}} @book{Bodleian_quarto_t1, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Coxe, Henry}, Bookpagination = {column}, Maintitle = {Quarto Catalogues}, Origdate = {1853}, Publisher = {Bodleian Library}, Richard = {1843}, Subtitle = {Reprinted with corrections from the edition of 1853}, Title = {Greek Manuscripts}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1969}} @book{Richard1842.1, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Henricus Coxe}, Bookpagination = {column}, Maintitle = {Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae}, Publisher = {Typographeus Academicus}, Richard = {1841}, Title = {recensionem codicum graecorum continens}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1853}} @manuscript{U, Address = {Vatican}, Annotation = {Some comments \par Some comments}, Bookpagination = {folio}, Catalog = {[334]{Lake1938}[161-164]{Richard857}[421-425]{Richard834}[673-676]{Ehrhard1.1}[80]{Batiffoll1891}}, Collection = {Grec}, Columns = {1}, Dating = {\textsc{x}\textsuperscript{e} c.}, Library = {Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana}, Origin = {Constantinople (Monastère Saint~Jean le Précurseur)}, Pages = {326\verso-340\verso}, Pagetotal = {406}, Scribe = {Dorothee}, Shelfmark = {1671}, Support = {Pergament}} @manuscript{O, Address = {Vienna}, Annotation = {Some comments \par Some comments}, Bookpagination = {folio}, Catalog = {[50-54]{Richard2445}[682-688]{Ehrhard1.1}}, Collection = {Hist. gr.}, Columns = {2}, Dating = {\textsc{xi}\textsuperscript{e} c.}, Library = {Österreichische Nationalbibliothek}, Origin = {Constantinople ?}, Pages = {263\recto-273\verso}, Pagetotal = {310}, Shelfmark = {45}, Shortlibrary = {ÖNB}, Support = {pergament}} @manuscript{L, Address = {Oxford}, Annotation = {Some comments \par Some comments}, Catalog = {[543D-546C]{Richard1842.1}{Bodleian_quarto_t1}}, Collection = {Laudian Collection}, Columns = {1}, Dating = {\textsc{xvi}\textsuperscript{e} c.}, Library = {Bodleian Library}, Pages = {219-238}, Pagetotal = {426}, Shelfmark = {Gr.~64a}, Support = {paper}} @manuscript{S, Address = {Paris}, Annotation = {Some comments \par Some comments}, Bookpagination = {folio}, Catalog = {[55]{Richard192-3}[678-679]{Ehrhard1.1}}, Collection = {Supplément grec}, Columns = {2}, Date-Modified = {2013-12-24 15:21:30 +0000}, Dating = {\textsc{x}\textsuperscript{e} c.}, Library = {Bibliothèque Nationale de France}, Origin = {Constantinople}, Pages = {233\verso-245\recto}, Pagetotal = {282}, Scribe = {Stephen}, Shelfmark = {241}, Shortlibrary = {BNF}, Support = {Pergament}}