% Encoding: UTF-8 @InProceedings{ABC01, author = {N. Abraham and U. Bibel and P. Corleone}, title = {Formatting Contributions for Proceedings}, pages = {46-53}, crossref = {Gl01}, } @InBook{Az09, pages = {135-162}, title = {Die Fußnote in LNI-Bänden}, author = {Azubi, L. and others}, crossref = {Gl09}, } @Book{AB00, title = {Formatierungsrichtlinien für Tagungsbände}, publisher = {Format-Verlag}, year = {2000}, author = {K. Abel and U. Bibel}, address = {Bonn}, } @Book{Ez10, title = {The Magic Format -- Your Way to Pretty Books}, publisher = {Noah \& Sons}, year = {2010}, author = {O. Ezgarani}, } @Article{Gl06, author = {H. I. Glück}, title = {Formatierung leicht gemacht}, journal = {Formatierungsjournal}, volume = {11}, number = {09}, year = {2009}, pages = {23-27}, } @Book{Wa14, title = {Essenzen der Informatik}, publisher = {Verlag Formvoll}, year = {2014}, author = {K. Wasser and H. Feuer and R. Erde and H. Licht}, } @Book{Wa14b, title = {Ganz neue Essenzen der Informatik im selben Jahr}, publisher = {Format-Verlag}, year = {2014}, author = {K. Wasser and H. Feuer and R. Erde and H. Licht}, } @Proceedings{Gl01, title = {Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Formatting of Workshop-Proceedings}, year = {2001}, editor = {Glück, H. I.}, address = {San Francisco}, publisher = {Noah \& Sons}, venue = {New York}, eventdate = {2009}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Formatting of Workshop-Proceedings}, } @Book{Gl09, title = {Formatierung 2009}, publisher = {Format-Verlag}, year = {2009}, editor = {H. I. Glück}, number = {999}, series = {LNI}, address = {Bonn}, booktitle = {Formatierung 2009}, } @Misc{XX14, title = {Anteil an Frauen in der Informatik}, label = {An}, howpublished = {Statistics Worldwide}, year = {2014}, } @Online{GI14, author = {{Gesellschaft für Informatik e.\,V.}}, label = {GI}, year = {2014}, url = {http://www.gi-ev.de}, urldate = {2014-12-24} } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;} @Comment{jabref-meta: saveOrderConfig:specified;author;false;year;false;title;false;}