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AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2007} } @Book{Yi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, Year = {2013} } @Book{LIAO2012--, Title = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, Year = {2013} } @Book{LIU2003--, Title = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIU, shi Qiu}, Publisher = {China Astronautic Publishing House}, Year = {2003} } @Article{lZhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, nameformat={lowercase}, Year = {2007} } @Book{lYi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={lowercase}, Year = {2013} } @Book{lLIAO2012--, Title = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={lowercase}, Year = {2013} } @Book{lLIU2003--, Title = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIU, shi Qiu}, Publisher = {China Astronautic Publishing House}, nameformat={lowercase}, Year = {2003} } @Article{gZhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, nameformat={givenahead}, Year = {2007} } @Book{gYi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={givenahead}, Year = {2013} } @Book{gLIAO2012--, Title = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={givenahead}, Year = {2013} } @Book{gLIU2003--, Title = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIU, shi Qiu}, Publisher = {China Astronautic Publishing House}, nameformat={givenahead}, Year = {2003} } @Article{fZhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, nameformat={familyahead}, Year = {2007} } @Book{fYi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={familyahead}, Year = {2013} } @Book{fLIAO2012--, Title = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={familyahead}, Year = {2013} } @Book{fLIU2003--, Title = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIU, shi Qiu}, Publisher = {China Astronautic Publishing House}, nameformat={familyahead}, Year = {2003} } @Article{pZhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, nameformat={pinyin}, Year = {2007} } @Book{pYi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={pinyin}, Year = {2013} } @Book{pLIAO2012--, Title = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, nameformat={pinyin}, Year = {2013} } @Book{pLIU2003--, Title = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques}, Address = {Beijing}, Author = {LIU, shi Qiu}, Publisher = {China Astronautic Publishing House}, nameformat={pinyin}, Year = {2003} } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \defbibcheck{uppercase}{% \iffieldundef{nameformat}{}{\skipentry}} \defbibcheck{lowercase}{% \iffieldequalstr{nameformat}{lowercase}{}{\skipentry}} \defbibcheck{givenahead}{% 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