% This file was created with JabRef 2.11. % Encoding: UTF8 @Online{1989--, Title = {PACS-L:the public-access computer systems forum}, Date = {1989}, Url = {http://info.lib.uh.edu/pacsl.html}, Urldate = {1995-05-17}, Location = {Houston}, Publisher = {Tex: University of Houston Libraries} } @Online{李强2012-05-03--, Title = {化解医患矛盾需釜底抽薪}, Author = {李强}, Url = {http://wenku.baidu.com}, Urldate = {2013-03-25}, Year = {2012-05-03} } @Online{Dublin2012-06-14--, Title = {Dublin Core metadata element set: version 1.1}, Url = {http://dublincore.org}, Urldate = {2014-06-11}, Year = {2012-06-14} } @Online{Alliance--, Url = {www.wimedia.org} } @Online{Commonwealth--, Title = {Pennsylvania library laws}, Author = {{Commonwealth libraries bureau of library development.Pennsylvania department of education office}}, Url = {http://www.racc.edu}, Urldate = {2013-03-24} } @Online{HOPKINSON--, Title = {UNIMARC and metadata: Dublin Core}, Author = {A HOPKINSON}, Url = {http://www.rfla.org/IV/rfla64/13801613.htm}, Urldate = {1999-12-08} } @Online{JabRef中文手册--, Title = {JabRef中文手册}, Url = {http://blog.csdn.net/zd0303/article/details/7676807} } @Online{OCLC--, Title = {History of OCLC}, Author = {{Online Computer Library Center, Inc.}}, Url = {http://www.oclc.org/about/history/default.htm}, Urldate = {2000-01-08} } @Online{olqa2016--, Title = {求助beamerposter制作海报时参考文献样式的问题}, Date = {2016}, Url = {http://bbs.ctex.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=153061&page=1&extra=#pid544787} } @Online{北京交通大学研究生公众号2016--, Title = {新学期定个小目标—学会在LaTeX中管理参考文献}, Author = {北京交通大学研究生公众号}, Date = {2016-09-17}, Url = {http://www.latexstudio.net/archives/7488} } @Online{olref2016--, Title = {如何在LaTeX写作中管理参考文献?}, Date = {2016-08-12}, Url = {http://www.latexstudio.net/archives/7131} } @Online{文献助手2016--, Title = {参考文献格式搜索神器上线了}, Author = {文献助手}, Date = {2016-09-21}, Url = {http://www.latexstudio.net/archives/7560} } @comment{jabref-entrytype: Online: req[author;title;date;url;urldate] opt[doi]}