%% LaTeX2e file `egspecialchar.bib' %% generated by the `filecontents' environment %% from source `biblatex-gb7714-2015ay' on 2017/07/04. %% @Inproceedings{ref-replace-char, Title = {Cognitive Radio and Cooperative Strategies for Power Saving in Multi-Standard Wireless Devices}, Address = { Florence, Italy}, Author = {Rodriguez, J. and P. Marques and A. Radwan and K. Moessner and R. Tafazolli and others}, Booktitle = {Future % Network & Mobile # Summit 2010}, Date = {June 2010} } @Online{olnoauthorcn, Title = {如何在LaTeX写作中管理参考文献?}, Date = {2016-08-12}, Url = {http://www.latexstudio.net/archives/7131} } @Online{Allianceurlonly, Url = {www.wimedia.org} } @Online{olnoauthoren, Title = {Dublin Core metadata element set: version 1.1}, Url = {http://dublincore.org}, Urldate = {2014-06-11}, Year = {2012-06-14} }