@PREAMBLE{ "\providecommand*{\BibTeX}{Bib\TeX} " } @STRING{cup = "Cambridge University Press" } @STRING{dtv = "Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag" } @Article{angenendt, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Angenendt, Arnold}, indextitle = {In Honore Salvatoris}, title = {In Honore Salvatoris~-- Vom Sinn und Unsinn der Patrozinienkunde}, shorttitle = {In Honore Salvatoris}, journaltitle = {Revue d'Histoire Eccl{\'e}siastique}, volume = {97}, date = {2002}, pages = {431--456, 791--823}, annotation = {A German article in a French journal. Apart from that, a typical \texttt{article} entry. Note the \texttt{indextitle}, \texttt{library}, \texttt{shortjournal} and \texttt{options} fields}, shortjournal = {RHE}, options = {acronym=true}, library = {Here is room for some notes regarding the library in which the work is available} } @Article{springer, hyphenation = {british}, author = {Springer, Otto}, title = {Mediaeval Pilgrim Routes from Scandinavia to Rome}, shorttitle = {Mediaeval Pilgrim Routes}, journaltitle = {Mediaeval Studies}, volume = {12}, date = {1950}, pages = {92--122}, annotation = {A plain \texttt{article} entry. Note the field \texttt{shortjournal}.}, shortjournal = {Med.\ Stud\adddot} } @Book{aristotle:anima, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {british}, author = {Aristotle}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Hicks, Robert Drew}, title = {De Anima}, publisher = cup, location = {Cambridge}, date = {1907}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{author} and an \texttt{editor}} } @Book{aristotle:physics, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {american}, author = {Aristotle}, options = {oldauthor}, translator = {Wicksteed, P. H. and Cornford, F. M.}, title = {Physics}, shorttitle = {Physics}, publisher = {G. P. Putnam}, location = {New York}, date = {1929}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{translator} field} } @Book{aristotle:poetics, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {british}, author = {Aristotle}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Lucas, D. W.}, title = {Poetics}, shorttitle = {Poetics}, series = {Clarendon Aristotle}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, location = {Oxford}, date = {1968}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{author} and an \texttt{editor} as well as a \texttt{series} field} } @Book{aristotle:rhetoric, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {british}, author = {Aristotle}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Cope, Edward Meredith}, commentator = {Cope, Edward Meredith}, sorttitle = {Rhetoric of Aristotle}, indextitle = {Rhetoric of Aristotle, The}, title = {The Rhetoric of Aristotle with a commentary by the late Edward Meredith Cope}, shorttitle = {Rhetoric}, volumes = {3}, publisher = cup, date = {1877}, annotation = {A commented edition. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{commentator} fields as well as the \texttt{volumes}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and \texttt{indextitle} fields} } @Book{averroes/bland, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {american}, author = {Averroes}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Bland, Kalman P.}, translator = {Bland, Kalman P.}, indextitle = {Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction, The}, title = {The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active Intellect by Ibn Rushd with the Commentary of Moses Narboni}, shorttitle = {Possibility of Conjunction}, series = {Moreshet Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought}, number = {7}, publisher = {Jewish Theological Seminary of America}, location = {New York}, date = {1982}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{series} and a \texttt{number}. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the \texttt{indextitle} field} } @Book{averroes/hannes, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Averroes}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Hannes, Ludwig}, translator = {Hannes, Ludwig}, annotator = {Hannes, Ludwig}, sorttitle = {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion}, indexsorttitle = {Uber die Moglichkeit der Conjunktion}, indextitle = {{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion}, title = {Des Averro{\"e}s Abhandlung: \enquote{{\"U}ber die M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion} oder \enquote{{\"U}ber den materiellen Intellekt}}, shorttitle = {M{\"o}glichkeit der Conjunktion}, publisher = {C.~A. Kaemmerer}, location = {Halle an der Saale}, date = {1892}, annotation = {An annotated edition. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor}, \texttt{translator}, and \texttt{annotator} fields. Also note the \texttt{shorttitle}, \texttt{indextitle}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields} } @Book{averroes/hercz, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Averroes}, options = {oldauthor}, editor = {Hercz, J.}, translator = {Hercz, J.}, indexsorttitle = {Drei Abhandlungen uber die Conjunction}, indextitle = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction}, title = {Drei Abhandlungen {\"u}ber die Conjunction des separaten Intellects mit dem Menschen}, subtitle = {Von Averroes (Vater und Sohn), aus dem Arabischen {\"u}bersetzt von Samuel Ibn Tibbon}, shorttitle = {Drei Abhandlungen}, publisher = {S.~Hermann}, location = {Berlin}, date = {1869}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the \texttt{indextitle} and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields} } @Book{cicero, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Cicero, Marcus Tullius}, editor = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula}, translator = {Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula}, afterword = {Thraede, Klaus}, indextitle = {De natura deorum}, title = {De natura deorum. {\"U}ber das Wesen der G{\"o}tter}, shorttitle = {De natura deorum}, language = {langlatin and langgerman}, publisher = {Reclam}, location = {Stuttgart}, date = {1995}, annotation = {A bilingual edition of Cicero's \emph{De natura deorum}, with a German translation. Note the format of the \texttt{language} field in the database file, the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields, and the \texttt{afterword} field} } @Article{duggan, author = {Duggan, Anne J.}, title = {The Lorv\~ao transcription of Benedict of Peterborough's \emph{Liber miraculorum beati Thome}: Lisbon, Cod.~Alcobaça CCXC/143}, shorttitle = {The Lorv\~ao transcription}, journal = {Scriptorium}, volume = {51}, date = {1997}, pages = {51-68}, gender = {sf}, number = {1}, hyphenation = {english}, annotation = {A typical \texttt{article} entry. Note the field \texttt{number}.}, } @Book{iliad, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Homer}, translator = {Schadewaldt, Wolfgang}, introduction = {Latacz, Joachim}, sorttitle = {Ilias}, indextitle = {Ilias, Die}, title = {Die Ilias}, shorttitle = {Ilias}, edition = {3}, publisher = {Artemis \& Winkler}, location = {D{\"u}sseldorf and Z{\"u}rich}, date = {2004}, annotation = {A German translation of the \emph{Iliad}. Note the \texttt{translator} and \texttt{introduction} fields and the format of the \texttt{location} field in the database file. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{indextitle} fields} } @Book{nietzsche:ksa, hyphenation = {german}, sortyear = {1988-00-000}, author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino}, sorttitle = {Werke-00-000}, indexsorttitle = {Samtliche Werke}, title = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke}, subtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe}, volumes = {15}, edition = {2}, publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter}, location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York}, date = {1988}, annotation = {The critical edition of Nietzsche's works. This is a \texttt{book} entry referring to a 15-volume work as a whole. Note the \texttt{volumes} field and the format of the \texttt{publisher} and \texttt{location} fields in the database file. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields which are used to fine-tune the sorting order of the bibliography. We want this item listed first in the bibliography} } @Book{nietzsche:ksa1, hyphenation = {german}, sortyear = {1988-01-000}, author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, bookauthor = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino}, sorttitle = {Werke-01-000}, indexsorttitle = {Samtliche Werke I}, indextitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke I}, title = {Die Geburt der Trag{\"o}die. Unzeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e Betrachtungen I--IV. Nachgelassene Schriften 1870--1973}, shorttitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke I}, maintitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke}, mainsubtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe}, volume = {1}, edition = {2}, publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter}, location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York}, date = {1988}, annotation = {A single volume from the critical edition of Nietzsche's works. This \texttt{book} entry explicitly refers to the first volume only. Note the \texttt{title} and \texttt{maintitle} fields. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. We want this entry to be listed after the entry referring to the entire edition} } @Book{vazques-de-parga, hyphenation = {spanish}, author = {V{\'a}zques{ de }Parga, Luis and Lacarra, Jos{\'e} Mar{\'i}a and Ur{\'i}a R{\'i}u, Juan}, sorttitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela}, indextitle = {Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela, Las}, title = {Las Peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela}, shorttitle = {Peregrinaciones}, volumes = {3}, publisher = {Iberdrola}, location = {Pamplona}, date = {1993}, note = {Ed. facs. de la realizada en 1948--49}, annotation = {A multivolume book cited as a whole. This is a \texttt{book} entry with \texttt{volumes}, \texttt{note}, \texttt{sorttitle}, and \texttt{indextitle} fields} } @Collection{britannica, options = {useeditor=false}, label = {EB}, hyphenation = {british}, editor = {Preece, Warren E.}, sorttitle = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica}, indextitle = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica, The New}, title = {The New Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica}, volumes = {32}, edition = {15}, publisher = {Encyclop{\ae}dia Britannica}, location = {Chicago, Ill.}, date = {2003}, annotation = {This is a \texttt{collection} entry for an encyclopedia. Note the \texttt{useeditor} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as the \texttt{sorttitle} field. We want this entry to be cited and alphabetized by title even though there is an editor. In addition to that, we want the title to be alphabetized under \enquote*{E} rather than \enquote*{T}. Also note the \texttt{label} field which is provided for author-year citation styles} } @Collection{jaffe, editor = {Jaff{\'e}, Philipp}, editora = {Loewenfeld, Samuel and Kaltenbrunner, Ferdinand and Ewald, Paul}, editoratype = {redactor}, title = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum \textsc{mcxcviii}}, shorttitle = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum}, volumes = {2}, edition = {2}, location = {Leipzig}, date = {1885/1888}, annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry with \texttt{edition} and \texttt{volumes} fields. Note the \texttt{editora}, \texttt{editoratype} and \texttt{library} fields}, library = {Library: Shelfmark} } @InBook{kant:kpv, shorthand = {KpV}, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Kant, Immanuel}, bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel}, title = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft}, shorttitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft}, booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft}, maintitle = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe}, volume = {5}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, location = {Berlin}, date = {1968}, pages = {1--163}, annotation = {An edition of Kant's \emph{Collected Works}, volume five. This is an \texttt{inbook} entry which explicitly refers to the \emph{Critique of Practical Reason} only, not to the entire fifth volume. Note the \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields in the database file. By default, the \texttt{bookauthor} is omitted if the values of the \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields are identical} } @InBook{kant:ku, shorthand = {KU}, hyphenation = {german}, author = {Kant, Immanuel}, bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel}, title = {Kritik der Urtheilskraft}, booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft}, maintitle = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe}, volume = {5}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, location = {Berlin}, date = {1968}, pages = {165--485}, annotation = {An edition of Kant's \emph{Collected Works}, volume five. This is an \texttt{inbook} entry which explicitly refers to the \emph{Critique of Judgment} only, not to the entire fifth volume} } @InBook{nietzsche:historie, hyphenation = {german}, sortyear = {1988-01-243}, author = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, bookauthor = {Nietzsche, Friedrich}, editor = {Colli, Giorgio and Montinari, Mazzino}, sorttitle = {Werke-01-243}, indexsorttitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie fur das Leben}, indextitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie f{\"u}r das Leben}, title = {Unzeitgem{\"a}sse Betrachtungen. Zweites St{\"u}ck}, subtitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie f{\"u}r das Leben}, shorttitle = {Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie}, booktitle = {Die Geburt der Trag{\"o}die. Unzeitgem{\"a}{\ss}e Betrachtungen I--IV. Nachgelassene Schriften 1870--1973}, maintitle = {S{\"a}mtliche Werke}, mainsubtitle = {Kritische Studienausgabe}, volume = {1}, publisher = dtv # { and Walter de Gruyter}, location = {M{\"u}nchen and Berlin and New York}, date = {1988}, pages = {243--334}, annotation = {A single essay from the critical edition of Nietzsche's works. This \texttt{inbook} entry explicitly refers to an essay found in the first volume. Note the \texttt{title}, \texttt{booktitle}, and \texttt{maintitle} fields. Also note the \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. We want this entry to be listed after the entry referring to the entire first volume} } @InCollection{brandt, options = {useprefix=false}, hyphenation = {german}, author = {von Brandt, Ahasver and Erich Hoffmann}, editor = {Ferdinand Seibt}, indexsorttitle = {Nordischen Lander von der Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts bis 1448}, indextitle = {Nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis 1448, Die}, title = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis 1448}, shorttitle = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder}, booktitle = {Europa im Hoch- und Sp{\"a}tmittelalter}, series = {Handbuch der europ{\"a}ischen Geschichte}, number = {2}, publisher = {Klett-Cotta}, location = {Stuttgart}, date = {1987}, pages = {884--917}, annotation = {An \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{series} and a \texttt{number}. Note the format of the printed name and compare the \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field. Also note the \texttt{indextitle, and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}} } @Online{ctan, label = {CTAN}, hyphenation = {american}, title = {CTAN}, subtitle = {The Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}, date = {2006}, url = {http://www.ctan.org}, urldate = {2006-10-01}, annotation = {This is an \texttt{online} entry. The \textsc{url}, which is given in the \texttt{url} field, is transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled. Note the format of the \texttt{urldate} field (\texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}) in the database file. Also note the \texttt{label} field which may be used as a fallback by citation styles which need an \texttt{author} and\slash or a \texttt{year}} } @Online{markey, hyphenation = {american}, author = {Markey, Nicolas}, sorttitle = {Tame the Beast}, title = {Tame the BeaST}, subtitle = {The B to X of \BibTeX}, version = {1.3}, date = {2005-10-16}, url = {http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/bibtex/tamethebeast/ttb_en.pdf}, urldate = {2006-10-01}, annotation = {An \texttt{online} entry for a tutorial. Note the format of the \texttt{date} field (\texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}) in the database file.} } @Thesis{geer, hyphenation = {british}, author = {de Geer, Ingrid}, title = {Earl, Saint, Bishop, Skald~-- and Music}, subtitle = {The Orkney Earldom of the Twelfth Century. A Musicological Study}, institution = {Uppsala Universitet}, type = {phdthesis}, location = {Uppsala}, date = {1985}, annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{thesis} entry for a PhD thesis. Note the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a localization key.} } @COLLECTION{Annales-Quedlinburgenses, editor = {Giese, Martina}, title = {Die Annales Quedlinburgenses}, shorttitle = {Annales Quedlinburgenses}, location = {Hannover}, date = {2004}, annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry. Note the \texttt{shorthand} field and compare the List of Shorthands. Not also the \texttt{citedas} option in the \texttt{options} field}, gender = {sf}, series = {MGH. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi}, number = {72}, file = {dMGH:http\://www.dmgh.de/dmghband.html?bsbbandname=00000719&frameaction=bandansicht:URL}, keywords = {Quelle, Deutsches Reich, 10. Jahrhundert, 11. Jahrhundert}, shorthand = {Annales Quedlinburgenses}, options = {citedas=false} } @REVIEW{Koerntgen, author = {Körntgen, Ludger}, xref = {Annales-Quedlinburgenses}, journaltitle = {sehepunkte}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, date = {2007-03-15}, url = {http://www.sehepunkte.de/2007/03/8389.html}, urldate = {2011-02-06}, annotation = {A \texttt{review} entry. Note the \texttt{xref} field.} } @BOOK{Meisen1931, author = {Meisen, Karl}, title = {Nikolauskult und Nikolausbrauch im Abendlande}, shorttitle = {Nikolauskult}, subtitle = {Eine kultgeographisch-volkskundliche Untersuchung}, origlocation = {Düsseldorf}, origdate = {1931}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry. Note the \texttt{origdate} and \texttt{origlocation} fields and the \enquote*{reprint} output}, gender = {sm}, series = {Forschungen zur Volkskunde}, number = {9--12}, location = {Düsseldorf}, date = {1981} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, number = {65}, issue = {Morgen-Ausg\adddot}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03-06}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939a, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, number = {65}, issue = {Morgen-Ausg\adddot}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Gerstmann:2007a, author = {Gerstmann, Günter}, title = {Gerhart Hauptmann-Aktivitäten in Hohenhaus}, journal = {Schlesischer Kulturspiegel}, date = {2007}, volume = {42}, number = {1}, pages = {13}, issue = {Januar--März}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}, } @ARTICLE{GMG:1939, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, number = {65}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03-06}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}, } @ARTICLE{Guilford:1950, author = {Guilford, J[oy] P[aul]}, title = {Creativity}, journal = {The American Psychologist}, date = {1950-09}, volume = {5}, number = {9}, pages = {444--454}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Page:1997, author = {Page, Penny Booth}, title = {E.\,M. Jellinek and the evolution of alcohol studies}, subtitle = {A critical essay}, journal = {Addiction}, date = {1997}, volume = {92}, number = {12}, pages = {1619-1637}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939b, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, number = {65}, issue = {Morgen-Ausg\adddot}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03-06}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939c, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, issue = {Morgen-Ausg\adddot}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Ewers:1906, author = {Ewers, Hanns Heinz}, title = {Rausch und Kunst}, journal = {Blaubuch}, date = {1906}, volume = {1}, pages = {1726-1730}, issue = {4. Quartal}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939d, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03-13}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939e, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, volume = {91}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Landolt:2000, author = {Landolt, H. P. and Borbély, A. A.}, title = {Alkohol und Schlafstörungen}, journal = {Therapeutische Umschau}, date = {2000}, volume = {57}, pages = {241-245}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Chapiro:1930, author = {Chapiro, Joseph}, title = {Das neueste Werk Gerhart Hauptmanns}, subtitle = {\enquote{Die Spitzhacke}}, journal = {Neue Freie Presse}, number = {23773}, pages = {1-3}, issue = {Morgenblatt}, date = {1930-11-19}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939f, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, number = {65}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Barski:2007, author = {Barski, Jacek and Mahnken, Gerhard}, title = {Museumsverbund Gerhart Hauptmann}, subtitle = {Ein deutsch-polnisches Kulturprojekt mit Weitblick}, journal = {Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen}, date = {2007}, number = {119}, pages = {62}, issue = {IV}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Essig:2005, author = {Essig, Rolf-Bernhard}, title = {Mit liebender Schafsgeduld}, subtitle = {Erhart Kästner im Dienste Gerhart Hauptmanns}, journal = {Süddeutsche Zeitung}, number = {237}, pages = {16}, date = {2005-10-14}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Kluwe:2007, author = {Kluwe, Sandra}, title = {Furor poeticus}, subtitle = {Ansätze zu einer neurophysiologisch fundierten Theorie der literarischen Kreativität am Beispiel der Produktionsästhetik Rilkes und Kafkas}, journal = {literaturkritik.de}, date = {2007-02}, number = {2}, url = {http://literaturkritik.de/public/rezension.php?rez_id=10438}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Burckhardt:2006, author = {Burckhardt, Barbara}, title = {Frauen sind einfach klüger, starke Frauen}, subtitle = {Michael Thalheimers \enquote{Rose Bernd} am Hamburger Thalia Theater und Schirin Khodadadians Kasseler Räuber}, journal = {Theater heute}, date = {2006}, number = {5}, pages = {14-18}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Ossietzky:1922, author = {Ossietzky, Carl von}, title = {Moritz Heimann \enquote{Armand Carrel} Staatstheater}, journal = {Berliner Volks-Zeitung}, date = {1922-03-30}, issue = {Abend-Ausg\adddot}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939g, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, issue = {Abend-Ausgabe}, pages = {2}, date = {1939-03}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @ARTICLE{Weiss:1960, author = {Weiss, Grigorij}, title = {Auf der Suche nach der versunkenen Glocke}, subtitle = {Johannes R. Becher bei Gerhart Hauptmann}, journal = {Sinn und Form}, date = {1960}, pages = {363--385}, issue = {Zweites Sonderheft Johannes R. Becher}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Hofer:2006, author = {Hofer, Hermann}, title = {Der Schrei der Verwundeten}, subtitle = {Erschütternd: Gerhart Hauptmanns \enquote{Rose Bernd} am Hamburger Thalia Theater}, journal = {Lübecker Nachrichten}, date = {2006-03-14}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Kammerhoff:2006, author = {Kammerhoff, Heiko}, title = {Rose Bernd}, journal = {Szene Hamburg}, date = {2006-04}, keywords = {journalnumberdate} } @ARTICLE{Fingiert:1939h, author = {Anonym}, title = {Gegen Mißbrauch der Genußgifte}, journal = {Hannoverscher Kurier}, pages = {2}, date = {1939}, keywords = {journalnumberdate}} @INREFERENCE{enzensberger, author = {Enzensberger, Horst}, title = {Capo Colonne, Schlacht v\adddot}, xref = {LMA}, volume = {2}, date = {1983}, location = {München and Zürich}, pages = {1484}, pagination = {column}, bookpagination = {column}, booktitle = {Lexikon des Mittelalters}, gender = {sm}, hyphenation = {ngerman}, annotation = {An article in a work of reference (e.g. in an encyclopedia or in a dictionary), thus a typical \texttt{inreference} entry. Note also the fields \texttt{xref}, \texttt{pagination} and \texttt{bookpagination}} } @REFERENCE{LMA, title = {Lexikon des Mittelalters}, location = {München and Zürich}, date = {1980/1999}, gender = {pp}, hyphenation = {ngerman}, volumes = {10}, shorthand = {LMA}, options = {acronym=true}, annotation = {A \texttt{reference} entry. This entry type is meant for works of reference, e.g. encyclopedias or dictionaries. Internally, it is just an alias for a \texttt{collection} entry. Note also the field \texttt{options}.} } @BOOK{Wulfstan:Homilies, author = {{Wulfstan of York}}, title = {The homilies of Wulfstan}, location = {London}, publisher = {Sandpiper Books}, date = {1998}, editor = {Bethurum, Dorothy}, hyphenation = {british}, isbn = {0-19-811101-0}, options = {oldauthor=true,pseudoauthor=true}, origlocation = {Oxford}, origdate = {1957}, annotation = {An edition of homilies by one medieval author. Note the \texttt{options} field as well as the fields \texttt{isbn}, \texttt{origlocation} and \texttt{origdate}.} }