%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % biblatex-dw % Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven , 2013 % % This file configures the documentation % of biblatex-dw to be printed %%%%% KOMA-Script Optionen %%%%% KOMA-Script options %%%%% \KOMAoptions{ paper=a4 ,headinclude=true % ,fontsize=12pt,DIV=calc ,fontsize=11pt,DIV=9 } %%%%% Mindestanforderung %%%%% Minimum requirement \renewcommand{\Mindestanforderung}{% \iflanguage{english}% {needs at least version~\mindestanforderung{} of \bl{}}% {mindestens Version~\mindestanforderung{} von \bl{}}} %%%%% Kopf- und Fußzeilen %%%%% page header and footer %%%%% \ihead{% \iflanguage{english}% {biblatex-dw documentation}% {Dokumentation von biblatex-dw}} \ohead{\versionname~\biblatexdwversion, \biblatexdwdate}% Kopf rechts \cfoot{\pagemark} %%%%% Lizenzhinweis %%%%% note on licence %%%%% \renewcommand{\lizenz}{% \vfill \begin{quote} \small \itshape \iflanguage{english}{% This manual is part of the \bldw\ package. It may be distributed and\slash or modified under the conditions of the \enquote{\LaTeX\ Project Public License}. For more details, please have a look at the \enquote{\texttt{README}} file. }{% Dieses Handbuch ist Teil des Pakets \bldw. Es darf nach den Bedingungen der \enquote{\LaTeX\ Project Public Licence} verteilt und\slash oder verändert werden. Für weitere Informationen schauen Sie bitte in die Datei \enquote{\texttt{LIESMICH}}. }% \end{quote} \clearpage} %%%%% Inhaltsverzeichnis %%%%% Table of Contents %%%%% \let\TOC\tableofcontents %%%%% Keine farbigen Links %%%%% No coloured links %%%%% \hypersetup{% colorlinks=false,% %linkcolor=dkblue,% Links %citecolor=dkblue,% Links zu Literaturangaben %urlcolor=dkblue,% Links ins Internet %pdftitle={biblatex-dw},% %pdfsubject={Dokumentation des LaTeX-Pakets biblatex-dw},% %pdfauthor={Dominik Waßenhoven},% %pdfstartview=FitH,% % bookmarksopen=true,% % bookmarksopenlevel=0,% %pdfprintscaling=None,% }