\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{fontspec} % \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[autostyle]{csquotes} %\usepackage[document]{ragged2e} \usepackage[notes,strict,backend=biber,autolang=other,cmsbreakurl,% booklongxref=false,compresspages,% noteref=section,noterefintro=introduction]{biblatex-chicago} % \usepackage{lmodern} % \usepackage{gentium} %\renewcommand*{\rmdefault}{fgn}% The font (gentium) used for pdf \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{vmargin} \setpapersize{A4} \setmarginsrb{1in}{20pt}{1in}{.5in}{1pt}{2pt}{0pt}{6mm} \usepackage[split=section]{cmsendnotes} % \renewcommand{\footnote}{\endnote} \usepackage{multicol} \hyphenation{tech-re-port Ap-ril} \protected\def\onethird{{\mbox{\scriptsize\raisebox{.7ex}{1}% \hspace{-0.1em}\raisebox{.2ex}{/}\hspace{-0.03em}3}}} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\dimen\footins}{9.5in} \newcommand{\mycolor}{}%[1]{\textcolor[HTML]{228B22}{#1}} \usepackage{xr-hyper} \externaldocument[cms-]{biblatex-chicago}% \usepackage[hyperref,svgnames]{xcolor} \usepackage[colorlinks,filecolor=Teal,citecolor=black, plainpages=false,breaklinks=true,urlcolor=DarkSlateBlue, linkcolor=DarkSlateBlue,baseurl=biblatex-chicago.pdf\#]{hyperref} \setmainfont{GentiumPlus-R.ttf}[ ItalicFont = GentiumPlus-I.ttf, BoldFont = GenBasB.ttf, BoldItalicFont = GenBasBI.ttf] \setsansfont{ClearSans-Regular.ttf}[ BoldFont = ClearSans-Bold.ttf, ItalicFont = ClearSans-Italic.ttf, BoldItalicFont = ClearSans-BoldItalic.ttf, Scale = MatchLowercase] \setmonofont{lmmonoprop10-regular.otf}[ BoldFont = lmmonoproplt10-bold.otf, HyphenChar={-}] \makeatletter \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}% {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}% {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}% {\normalfont\large\bfseries}} \newrobustcmd*{\cmssecref}[2][]{\marginpar{\href{\@baseurl% \getrefbykeydefault{#2}{anchor}{}}{\small \S\,\getrefnumber{#2}}% \ifblank{#1}{}{\scriptsize,\, s.v.\\[1pt]\enquote{#1}}}}% \makeatother \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}} \newcommand{\mylittlespace}{\vspace{5pt}}%.5\baselineskip}} \addbibresource{notes-test.bib} %%\onehalfspacing %\tracingmacros=1 \begin{document} {\Large\bfseries The \texttt{noteref} Option to the Notes \&\ Bibliography Style}\label{cms:top} \vspace*{1.5ex} Recent editions of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}\autocite[14.31]{chicago:manual} have suggested that, in short notes, it may sometimes be helpful to provide a cross-reference to the work's initial presentation in a long note, \enquote{especially in the absence of a full bibliography.} With this release, I have provided for this purpose the \texttt{noteref} package option, which additionally involves many sub-options and even a new dependent \LaTeX\ package \textsf{cmsendnotes.sty} (with its own options) to help those users who need the same functionality in endnotes instead of footnotes (see page~\pageref{cms:endnotes}). The full documentation in \cmssecref{cms-sec:noteref} \textsf{biblatex-chicago.pdf} contains all of the murky details, but in this document I wanted to provide straightforward examples so that users could get a quick glimpse of the features provided. \mylittlespace By setting the following options when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}: \begin{verbatim} noteref=section,noterefintro=introduction \end{verbatim} you'll get the following results, in what is obviously a rather artificial setting. \section{Long notes} \label{sec:one} Text\autocite{garaud:gatine} block\autocite{leo:madonna} with\autocite{schubert:muellerin} a\autocite{mchugh:wake} series\autocite{euripides:orestes} of\autocite{clark:mesopot} footnotes\autocite{ashbrook:brain} chosen\autocite{contrib:contrib} randomly.\autocite{frede:inproc} \section{Short notes on the same page} \label{sec:two} New\autocite{chicago:manual} text\autocite{garaud:gatine} block\autocite{leo:madonna} with\autocite{schubert:muellerin} a\autocite{mchugh:wake} series\footnote{\shortrefcite{euripides:orestes}. \textcolor{DarkSlateBlue}{<--- \cmd{shortrefcite} produced this \texttt{noteref} where by default one wouldn't have appeared.}} of\autocite{clark:mesopot} footnotes\autocite{ashbrook:brain} chosen\autocite{contrib:contrib} randomly.\autocite{frede:inproc} \mylittlespace Short notes on the same page, or in the same double-page spread when in \texttt{twoside} mode, won't by default have a \texttt{noteref} printed, though you can in fact alter this on a note-by-note basis by using \cmd{shortrefcite} or \cmd{shorthandrefcite} instead of your usual citation command, as I've done with the Euripides example below. \clearpage \section{Short notes on a new page} \label{sec:three} New\autocite{chicago:manual} text\autocite{garaud:gatine} block\autocite{leo:madonna} with\autocite{schubert:muellerin} a\autocite{mchugh:wake} series\footnote{\shortcite*{euripides:orestes}. \textcolor{DarkSlateBlue}{<--- \cmd{shortcite*} suppressed the \texttt{noteref} where by default one would have appeared.}} of\autocite{clark:mesopot} footnotes\autocite{ashbrook:brain} chosen\autocite{contrib:contrib} randomly.\autocite{frede:inproc} \mylittlespace Here \cmssecref[Zero Sections]{cms-sec:zero} all of the short notes will, by default, have a \texttt{noteref}. The first note on this page refers back to a long note that occurred \emph{before} section~1, technically therefore in section~0, which is what would appear without further intervention. The intervention I have made is the option \verb+noterefintro=introduction+, which tells \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to print \cmd{bibstring\{introduc\-tion\}} instead of \verb+\bibstring{section}+. The problem of section numbers containing zero can be complicated, so once again the murky details are in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.pdf}. \mylittlespace The main \texttt{noteref} option has six possible values, four of which are, I would guess, those most likely to prove useful: \texttt{none} (the default), \texttt{page}, \texttt{chapter}, and \texttt{section}, with \texttt{subsection} and \texttt{part} as additional possibilities. The names of the options correspond to the \LaTeX\ counter tracked by that option in addition to the note number itself, so that \texttt{none} produces a \texttt{noteref} that just provides the note number, while \texttt{page} provides page and note number, \texttt{chapter} gives chapter and note number, and so on. Here, with \texttt{section} being the top-level division in the \texttt{article} class, I've used that option. \mylittlespace You can suppress the appearance of a \texttt{noteref} by using the \cmd{shortcite*} or \cmd{shorthandcite*} commands, as I've shown with the Euripides citation below. You can also set the \texttt{noterefin\-terval} option to a number greater than zero if you want to make sure that a certain number of references have intervened before printing a \texttt{noteref}, even if the short note is on a new page. Because this mechanism tracks the \texttt{instcount} counter, which is incremented by more things than just new citations, you may have to experiment to find a value that suits your document. \section{A few extra subtleties} \label{sec:four} Another\autocite{jackson:paulina:letter} new\autocite{holiday:fool} text\autocite{garaud:gatine} block\autocite{leo:madonna} with\autocite{schubert:muellerin} a\autocite{mchugh:wake} series\footnote{\cite{euripides:orestes}. \textcolor{DarkSlateBlue}{<--- The \texttt{noteref} does appear here, following its suppression above.}} of\autocite{clark:mesopot} footnotes\autocite{ashbrook:brain} chosen\autocite{contrib:contrib} randomly.\autocite{frede:inproc} \mylittlespace When a \texttt{noteref} for a particular source has already appeared on a page (or a double-page spread) then another won't be printed after subsequent citations of the same source that appear on that same page. With the second Euripides note below, the \texttt{noteref} \emph{does} appear because it was suppressed after the first reference. \clearpage Another\footnote{\cite{jackson:paulina:letter}. \textcolor{DarkSlateBlue}{<--- The form of this \texttt{noteref} and the next indicates that the short notes are in the same section as the long notes to which they refer. Set \texttt{fullnoterefs=true} to get the long form everywhere.}} new\autocite{holiday:fool} text\autocite{garaud:gatine} block\autocite{leo:madonna} with\autocite{schubert:muellerin} a\autocite{mchugh:wake} series\autocite{euripides:orestes} of\autocite{clark:mesopot} footnotes\autocite{ashbrook:brain} chosen\autocite{contrib:contrib} randomly.\autocite{frede:inproc} \mylittlespace Once again, after a page break, the \texttt{noterefs} appear after all of these short notes. Because the section number hasn't changed, however, the first two footnotes on the page, which refer back to long footnotes in the same section, have \texttt{noterefs} containing only the note number. This more compact form is the default, but you can set \texttt{fullnoterefs} to \texttt{true} when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to see the longer form everywhere. % and should be unambiguous unless you restart footnote % numbering inside the section rather than at section boundaries. \section{Endnotes} \label{cms:endnotes}\citereset Things are \cmssecref[Endnotes]{cms-sec:endnoterefs} slightly more complicated when you are using endnotes instead of footnotes, but in standard cases it's still fairly straightforward. In this document I have added the line: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[split=section]{cmsendnotes} \end{verbatim} to the preamble \emph{after} loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} (with the options shown on page~\pageref{cms:top}), then printed the endnotes below with \textsf{cmsendnotes'} \begin{verbatim} \theendnotesbypart \end{verbatim} command. As this shows you can, as usual with \textsf{biblatex}, mix foot- and endnotes in the same document, but if \texttt{noterefs} are going to appear in both sorts of note --- surely this situation is highly unlikely --- then you need to be careful that they refer back \emph{only} to long references in the \emph{same} sort of note. A \texttt{noteref} from an endnote to a long citation in a footnote will be inaccurate, so careful use of the \cmd{citereset} command (as here) or perhaps of the \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{citereset} option should allow you to keep the two sorts of note distinct. \mylittlespace Text\endnote{\autocite{garaud:gatine}.} block\endnote{\autocite{leo:madonna}.} with\endnote{\autocite{schubert:muellerin}.} a\endnote{\autocite{mchugh:wake}.} series\endnote{\autocite{euripides:orestes}.} of\endnote{\autocite{clark:mesopot}.} endnotes\endnote{\autocite{ashbrook:brain}.} chosen\endnote{\autocite{contrib:contrib}.} randomly.\endnote{\autocite{frede:inproc}.} \section{More endnotes} \label{sec:moreen} Text\endnote{\global\toggletrue{cms@forcenoteref}\autocite{garaud:gatine}. \textcolor{DarkSlateBlue}{<--- Page \enquote{break} before this note.}} block\endnote{\autocite{leo:madonna}.} with\endnote{\autocite{schubert:muellerin}.} a\endnote{\autocite{mchugh:wake}.} series\endnote{\autocite{euripides:orestes}.} of\endnote{\autocite{clark:mesopot}.} endnotes\endnote{\autocite{ashbrook:brain}.} chosen\endnote{\autocite{contrib:contrib}.} randomly.\endnote{\autocite{frede:inproc}.} \mylittlespace When you peruse the endnotes on the next page, please remember that I've simulated a page change in between the two sections, thus allowing all the \texttt{noterefs} to appear as they do. The rules about them appearing (or not) on the same page as the long reference to which they point are the same as for footnotes, so long as you keep in mind that the pages under consideration here are those in the endnotes section itself, \emph{not} in the main text. Also, in this case the standard \cmd{notesname} command provides alternative text for the general header, but \textsf{cmsendnotes.sty} organizes the subheaders and facilitates the \texttt{noterefs}, all without further intervention from you beyond the single option already given to that package. \mylittlespace I hope that this short demonstration is enough to get you started using the \texttt{noteref} functionality. I admit that the processing time for documents using it is somewhat increased, so if you have a long document it may require some extra patience. If something doesn't work properly for you, and the main documentation doesn't clear up the issue, please let me know. \def\notesname{Endnotes to \S\S~5--6} \theendnotesbypart \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% TeX-engine: xetex %%% End: