% % This file documents the biblatex-chicago package, which allows users % of the biblatex package to format references according to the % Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. % \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[autostyle]{csquotes} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{threeparttable} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{afterpage} %\usepackage[showframe=true]{geometry} \usepackage{vmargin} \setpapersize{A4} \setmarginsrb{1.65in}{.9in}{1.75in}{.6in}{0pt}{0pt}{12pt}{24pt} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{1in} \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{1em} \usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks,urlcolor=blue,linkcolor=blue,% filecolor=Teal]{hyperref} % \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[scaled=0.9]{ClearSans} \usepackage[p]{zlmtt} \usepackage{gentium} %\usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} %\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage[pdftex,hyperref,svgnames]{xcolor} %\usepackage[dvips]{xcolor} \newcommand{\mycolor}[1]{\textcolor[HTML]{228B22}{#1}} \usepackage{multicol} % Some generic settings. \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \newcommand{\mymarginpar}[1]{\marginpar{\flushright#1}} \newcommand{\colmarginpar}[1]{\mymarginpar{\mycolor{#1}}} \newcommand{\mybigspace}{\vspace{\baselineskip}} \newcommand{\mylittlespace}{\vspace{.5\baselineskip}} \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright}p} \newcolumntype{H}{>{\sffamily\bfseries}l} %\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.0} %\renewcommand{\topfraction}{1.0} \setlength{\intextsep}{0pt} \makeatletter \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection {section}% {1}% {0mm}% {\baselineskip}% {\baselineskip}% {\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries}}% \renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection {subsection}% {1}% {0mm}% {\baselineskip}% {.5\baselineskip}% {\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries}}% \renewcommand{\subsubsection}{\@startsection {subsubsection}% {1}% {0mm}% {\baselineskip}% {.5\baselineskip}% {\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries}}% \renewcommand{\paragraph}{\@startsection {paragraph}% {1}% {\z@}% {\baselineskip}%3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}% {0mm}% {}}% \long\def\@makecaption#1#2{% \vskip -3.5\abovecaptionskip \sbox\@tempboxa{\sffamily\bfseries #1: #2}% \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize #1: #2\par \else \global \@minipagefalse \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}% \fi \vskip\belowcaptionskip} \makeatother \begin{document} \begin{center} \sffamily\large\bfseries The biblatex-chicago package: \\ Style files for biblatex \vspace{.3\baselineskip} \sffamily\normalsize\bfseries David Fussner\qquad Version 2.0\\ \href{mailto:djf027@googlemail.com}{djf027@googlemail.com}\\ \today \end{center} \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} \begin{multicols}{2} \footnotesize \tableofcontents \listoftables \end{multicols} \normalsize \vspace{-.5\baselineskip} \section{Notice} \label{sec:Notice} \textbf{This package is still under active development. The \textsf{biblatex} package by Philipp Lehman, Philip Kime, Audrey Boruvka, and Joseph Wright is now quite stable, but my task of incorporating the many enhancements it has accumulated in recent releases is ongoing. The \textsf{biblatex-chicago} package itself now implements the 17th edition of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}, though I have made it possible to continue to use the 16th edition files if that is imperative for you. The package relies heavily, in all styles, on using \textsf{biber} as its backend; other backends will not work properly.} \mylittlespace \textbf{I have tried to implement as much of the \emph{Manual's} specification as possible, though undoubtedly some gaps remain. If it seems like this package could be of use to you, yet it doesn't do something you need/want it to do, please feel free to let me know, and of course any suggestions for solving problems more elegantly or accurately would be most welcome.} \mylittlespace\textbf{Important Note:} If you have used \textsf{biblatex-chicago} before, please make sure you have read the RELEASE file that came with the package. It details the changes you'll need to make to your .bib database in order for it to work properly with this release. I do strongly recommend that you switch to the new edition. The changes, as you can see from the RELEASE file, in the main involve \emph{additions} to the specification, with required alterations to your existing .bib databases actually being rather rare. If, on the other hand, you are new to these styles or to \textsf{biblatex} itself, please do continue reading at least the following section. \section{Quickstart} \label{quickstart} \reversemarginpar The \textsf{biblatex-chicago} package is designed for writers who wish to use \LaTeX\ and \textsf{biblatex}, and who either want or need to format their references according to one of the specifications defined by the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}. This package includes two versions of the \emph{Manual's} \enquote{author-date} system, favored by many disciplines in the sciences and social sciences, and also its \enquote{notes \&\ bibliography} style, generally favored in the humanities. The latter code produces a full reference in a first footnote, shorter references in subsequent notes, and a full reference in the bibliography. Some authors prefer to use the shorter note form even for the first occurrence, relying on the bibliography to provide the full information. This, too, is supported by the code. The author-date styles produce a short, in-text citation inside parentheses --- (Author Year) --- keyed to a list of references where entries start with the same name and year. \mylittlespace The documentation you are reading covers all three of these Chicago styles and their variants. I recommend that users new to the package read this Quickstart section first, perhaps then passing on to whichever of the two introductory files, \href{file:cms-notes-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-intro.pdf}} or \href{file:cms-dates-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}}, is relevant to their needs, returning here afterward for more details on those parts of the functionality concerning which they still have questions. Much of what follows is relevant to all users, but I have decided, after some experimentation, to keep the instructions for the two author-date styles separate from those pertaining to the notes \&\ bibliography style, at least in sections~\ref{sec:Spec} and \ref{sec:authdate}. Information provided under one style will often duplicate that found under the other, but efficiency's loss should, I hope, be clarity's gain, and much of what you learn using one style will be applicable without alteration to the other. Within the author-date section, the \textsf{authordate-trad} information really only appears separately in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, s.v.\ \enquote{title.} Throughout the documentation, any \mycolor{green} text \colmarginpar{\textsf{New!}} indicates something \mycolor{new} in this release, while \textcolor{Teal}{\textbf{blue-green}} text is a clickable link to an external document. \mylittlespace Here's a list of things you will need in order to use \textsf{biblatex-chicago}: \begin{itemize}{}{} \item The \textsf{biblatex} package, of course! The current version --- 3.14 at the time of writing --- has received extensive testing, and contains features and bug fixes upon which my code relies. Please don't use any earlier version. \textsf{Biblatex} requires several packages, and it strongly recommends several more: \begin{itemize}{}{} \item \textsf{biber} --- the next-generation \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ replacement by Philip Kime and François Charette, available from SourceForge (required). You should use the latest version, 2.14, to work with \textsf{biblatex} 3.14 and \textsf{biblatex-chicago}; please note that any other backend will not produce accurate results. \item e-\TeX\ (required) \item \textsf{etoolbox} --- available from CTAN (required) \item \textsf{keyval} --- a standard package (required) \item \textsf{ifthen} --- a standard package (required) \item \textsf{url} --- a standard package (required) \item \textsf{babel} --- a standard package (\emph{strongly} recommended) \item \textsf{csquotes} --- available from CTAN (recommended). Please upgrade to the latest version of \textsf{csquotes} (5.2j). \end{itemize} \item With the changes both to \textsf{biblatex} and to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in this release, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} itself now requires two packages, which are both loaded for you if you load \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, but which you'll have to load manually if not. They are: \begin{itemize}{}{} \item \mycolor{\textsf{nameref}} --- a standard package, available in CTAN. \item \mycolor{\textsf{xstring}} --- also standard and available in CTAN. \end{itemize} \item The line: \begin{quote} \verb+\usepackage[notes,backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}+ \end{quote} in your document preamble to load the notes \&\ bibliography style, the line: \begin{quote} \verb+\usepackage[authordate,backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}+ \end{quote} to load the author-date style, or the line: \begin{quote} \verb+\usepackage[authordate-trad,backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}+ \end{quote} to load the traditional variant of the author-date style. If you add \enquote{\texttt{16}} to any of the keys above, e.g., \begin{quote} \verb+\usepackage[authordate16,backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}+ \end{quote} you can continue to use the 16th-edition styles, if that should prove necessary. Any other options you usually pass to \textsf{biblatex} can be given to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} instead, but loading it this way sets up a large number of other parameters automatically, parameters whose absence may surprise you when processing your documents. You can load the package via the usual \verb+\usepackage{biblatex}+, adding either \texttt{style=chicago-notes} or \texttt{style=chicago-authordate}, but this is intended mainly for those, probably experienced users, who wish to set much of the low-level formatting of their documents themselves. Please see sections~\ref{sec:loading} and \ref{sec:loading:auth} below for a fuller discussion of the issues involved here, and please also remember to load \mycolor{\textsf{xstring}} and \mycolor{\textsf{nameref}} manually if you use this latter method. \item You can use \verb+\usepackage[notes,short,backend=biber]{biblatex-chicago}+ to get the short note format even in the first reference of a notes \&\ bibliography document, letting the bibliography provide the full reference. \item If you are accustomed to using the \textsf{natbib} compatibility option with \textsf{biblatex}, then you can continue to do so with \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. If you are using \cmd{usepackage\hfill\{biblatex-chicago\}} to load the package, then the option must be the plain \texttt{natbib} rather than \texttt{natbib=true}. If you use the latter, you'll get a \textsf{keyval} error. Please see sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:authuseropts}, below. \item By far the simplest setup is to use \textsf{babel}, and to have \texttt{american} as the main text language. (\textsf{Polyglossia} should work, too, but I haven't tested it.) As before, \textsf{babel}-less setups, and also those choosing \texttt{english} as the main text language, should work out of the box. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also provides (at least partial) support for Brazilian Portuguese, British, \mycolor{Dutch}, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish. Please see below (section~\ref{sec:international}) for a fuller explanation of all the options. \item {\small \textsf{chicago-authordate.cbx, chicago-authordate-trad.cbx, chicago-dates-common.cbx}, \textsf{chi\-ca\-go-authordate.bbx}, \textsf{chicago-authordate-trad.bbx}, \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, \textsf{chicago-notes.bbx},\break \textsf{cms-american.lbx}, \textsf{cms-brazilian.lbx}, \textsf{cms-british.lbx}, \mycolor{\textsf{cms-dutch.lbx}}, \textsf{cms-finnish.lbx}, \textsf{cms-french.lbx}, \textsf{cms-german.lbx}, \textsf{cms-icelandic.lbx}, \textsf{cms-ngerman.lbx}, \textsf{cms-norsk.lbx}, \textsf{cms-nor\-wegian.lbx}, \textsf{cms-nynorsk.lbx}, \textsf{cms-swedish.lbx}, \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago.sty}, and \textsf{cmsdocs.sty}}, all from \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, installed either in a system-wide \TeX\ directory, or in the working directory where you keep your *.tex files. The .zip file from CTAN contains subdirectories to help keep the growing number of files organized, so the files listed above can be found in the \texttt{latex/} subdirectory. If you install in a system-wide directory, I suggest a standard layout using \texttt{\slash tex/latex/bib\-latex-contrib/biblatex-chicago}, where\ \texttt{} is the root of your local \TeX\ installation --- for example, and depending on your system and preferences, \texttt{/usr/share/texmflocal}, \texttt{/usr/local/share/texmf}, or \texttt{C:\textbackslash{}Local TeX Files\textbackslash}. Then you can copy the contents of the \texttt{latex/} directory there. (If you install into your working directory, then you'll need to copy the files directly there, without subdirectories.) Of course, if you choose to place them anywhere in the \texttt{texmf} tree, you'll need to update the file name database to make sure \TeX\ can find them. \item \textsf{chicago-authordate16.cbx, chicago-authordate-trad16.cbx, chicago-dates-com\-mon16.cbx}, \textsf{chicago-authordate16.bbx}, \textsf{chicago-authordate-trad16.bbx}, \textsf{chicago-notes16.cbx}, and \textsf{chicago-notes16.bbx}, which, as their names suggest, allow you to continue using the 16th-edition specifications alongside the most recent \textsf{biblatex}, if your project requires this. They can be found in the same directory as the 17th-edition equivalents. \item The new dependent \LaTeX\ package \mycolor{\textsf{cmsendnotes.sty}}, found with the previous files. It offers additional functionality for those wishing to use the new \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} option with endnotes instead of footnotes. See section~\ref{sec:noteref}, below, and also \href{file:cms-noteref-demo.pdf}{\textsf{cms-noteref-demo.pdf}}. \item The very clear and detailed documentation of the \textsf{biblatex} system, available in that package as \textsf{biblatex.pdf}. Here the authors explain why you might want to use the system, the rules for constructing .bib files for it, and the (numerous) methods at your disposal for modifying the formatted output. \item The files \href{file:cms-notes-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-intro.pdf}}, \href{file:cms-dates-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}}, \href{file:cms-trad-appendix.pdf}{\textsf{cms-trad-appendix.pdf}}, and\break \href{file:cms-noteref-demo.pdf}{\textsf{cms-noteref-demo.pdf}}, the first two of which contain introductions to some of the main features of the Chicago styles, while the third documents some of the alterations you might need to make to your .bib files to use the \texttt{trad} style. The fourth gives a brief example of the usage of the \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} package option to the notes \&\ bibliography style. All four are fully hyperlinked, the first three in particular allowing you easily to jump from notes or citations to an annotated bibliography or reference list, and thence to the .bib entries themselves. If you ensure that all four are in the same directory as the document you are reading (the \TeX\ Live default), marginal links there will take you to further discussions here. The file \textsf{cmsdocs.sty} contains code and kludges designed specifically for compiling \textsf{cms-dates-intro.tex}, \textsf{cms-notes-intro.tex} and \textsf{cms-trad-appendix.tex}, so please \emph{do not} load it yourself anywhere else, as it redefines and interferes with some of the macros from the main package. \item The annotated bibliography files \textsf{notes-test.bib} and \textsf{dates-test.bib}, and the not-yet-annotated \textsf{legal-test.bib}, all of which will acquaint you with many of the details on how to get started constructing your own .bib files for use with the three \textsf{biblatex-chicago} styles. \item The files \href{file:cms-notes-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-sample.pdf}}, \href{file:cms-dates-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf}}, \href{file:cms-trad-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-trad-sample.pdf}}, and \href{file:cms-legal-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}}. The first shows how my system processes \textsf{notes-test.bib} and \textsf{cms-notes-sample.tex}, in both footnotes and bibliography, the second and third are the result of processing \textsf{dates-test.bib} with \textsf{cms-dates-sample.tex} or \textsf{cms-trad-sample.tex}, and the fourth processes \textsf{legal-test.bib} using \textsf{cms-legal-sam\-ple.tex}. All of these files are in \texttt{doc/}, and the \textsf{sample} files, aside from the last named, are mainly included for testing purposes. \item The file you are reading, \textsf{biblatex-chicago.pdf}, which aims to be as complete a description as possible of the rules for creating a .bib file that will, when processed by \LaTeX\ and \textsf{biber}, at least somewhat ease the burden when you try to implement the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}'s specifications. These docs may seem frustratingly over-long, but remember that you only need to read the part(s) that apply to the style in which you are interested. Much of the information in section~\ref{sec:Spec} is duplicated in section~\ref{sec:authdate}, so even if you have a need for multiple styles then using one will be excellent preparation for the others. If you have used a previous version of this package, please pay particular attention to the sections on Obsolete and Deprecated Features, starting on page~\pageref{deprec:obsol}. You will find the nineteen previous files in the \texttt{doc/} subdirectory once you've extracted \textsf{biblatex-chicago.zip}. If you wish to place them in a system-wide directory, I would recommend:\,\,\, \texttt{/doc/latex/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-chicago},\\ all the while remembering, of course, to update the file name database afterward. \item Access to a copy of \emph{The Chicago Manual of Style} itself, which naturally contains incomparably more information than I can hope to present here. It should always be your first port of call when any doubts arise as to exactly what the specification requires. \end{itemize} \subsection{License} \label{sec:lppl} Copyright © 2008--2020 David Fussner. This package is author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\ version 2005/12/01 or later. This software is provided \enquote{as is,} without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. \subsection{Acknowledgements} \label{sec:acknowl} Even a cursory glance at the cbx and bbx files in the package will demonstrate how much of \textsf{biblatex's} code I've adapted and re-used, and I've also followed some of the advice the authors have given to others in the \texttt{comp.text.tex} newsgroup and on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com}{Stackexchange}. In particular, Philipp Lehman's advice on constructing \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} was invaluable. The code for formatting the footnote marks, and that for printing the separating rule only after a run-on note, I've adapted from the \textsf{footmisc} package by Robin Fairbairns, and I've borrowed ideas for the \texttt{shorthandibid} option from Dominik Waßenhoven's \textsf{biblatex-dw} package. I've adapted Audrey Boruvka's \cmd{textcite} code from \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/67837/citations-as-nouns-in-biblatex-chicago}{Stackexchange} for the notes \&\ bibliography style, and her page-number-compression code for both styles from the \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44492/biblatex-chicago-style-page-ranges}{same site}. The dependent package \mycolor{\textsf{cmsendnotes.sty}} contains code by John Lavagnino and Ulrich Dirr. I am very grateful to Wouter Lancee for the new Dutch localization, to Gustavo Barros for the Brazilian Portuguese localization, to Stefan Björk for the Swedish localization, to Antti-Juhani Kaijahano for the Finnish localization, to Baldur Kristinsson for providing the Icelandic localization, and to Håkon Malmedal for the Norwegian localizations. Kazuo Teramoto and Gildas Hamel both sent patches to improve the package, and Arne Skjærholt provided some code to get me started on the \cmd{gentextcite} commands. There may be other \LaTeX\ code I've appropriated and forgotten, in which case please remind me. Finally, Charles Schaum and Joseph Reagle Jr.\ were both extremely generous with their help and advice during the development of this package, and have both continued indefatigably to test it and suggest needed improvements. They were particularly instrumental in encouraging the greatest possible degree of compatibility with other \textsf{biblatex} styles. Indeed, if the task of adapting .bib files for use with the Chicago style seems onerous now, you should have tried it before they got their hands on it. \section{Detailed Introduction} \label{sec:Intro} The \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}, implemented here in its 17th edition, has long, in America at least, been one of the most influential style guides for writers and publishers. While one's choices are now perhaps more extensive than ever, the \emph{Manual} at least still provides a widely-recognized, and widely-utilized, standard. Indeed, when you add to this the sheer completeness of the specification, its detailed instructions for referencing an enormous number of different kinds of source material, then your choice (or your publisher's choice) of the \emph{Manual} as a style guide seems set to be a happy one. \mylittlespace These very strengths, however, also make the style difficult to use. Admittedly, the \emph{Manual} emphasizes consistency within a work, as opposed to rigid adherence to the specification, at least when writer and publisher agree (14.4). Sometimes a publisher demands such adherence, however, and anyone who has attempted to produce it may well come away with the impression that the specification itself is somewhat idiosyncratic in its complexity, and I can't help but agree. In the notes \&\ bibliography style, the numerous differences in punctuation (and strings identifying translators, editors, and the like) between footnotes and bibliographies and the sometimes unusual location of page numbers; in both styles the distinction between \enquote{journal} and \enquote{magazine,} and the formatting differences between (e.g.)\ a work from antiquity and one from the Renaissance, all of these tend to overburden the writer who wants to comply with the standard. Many of these complexities, in truth, make the specification very nearly impossible to implement straightforwardly in a system like \textsf{biblatex} --- options multiply, each requiring a particular sort of formatting, until one almost reaches the point of believing that every individual book or article should have its own entry type. Completeness and usability tend each to exclude the other, so the code you have before you is a first attempt to achieve the former without utterly sacrificing the latter. \subsection*{What \textsf{biblatex-chicago} can and can't do} \label{sec:bltries} In short, the \textsf{biblatex} style files in this package try to simplify the task of following the two Chicago specifications along with their major variants. In the notes \&\ bibliography style, the two sorts of reference are treated separately (as are the two different note forms, long and short), and you can choose always to use the short note form, even at the first citation. In the two author-date styles, a series of options allows you to choose which date (original printing, reprint, or both) appears in citations and at the head of entries in the list of references. In all styles, punctuation is placed within quotation marks when needed, and as a general rule as many parts of the style as possible are implemented as transparently as possible. Thanks to advice I received from Joseph Reagle Jr.\ and Charles Schaum while these files were a work in progress, I have attended as carefully as I can to backward compatibility with the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles, and have attempted to minimize both any changes you need to make to achieve compliance with the Chicago specification, and indeed also any changes necessary to switch between the two Chicago styles. There is no doubt room for improvement on this score, but even now, for a substantial number of entries, any well-constructed .bib file that works for other \textsf{biblatex} styles will \enquote{just work} under \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. By no means, however, will all entries in such a .bib file produce equally satisfactory results. Using this documentation and the examples in \textsf{dates-test.bib} and/or \textsf{notes-test.bib}, it should be possible to achieve compliance, though the amount of revision necessary to do so will vary significantly from .bib file to .bib file. Conversely, once you have created a database for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, it won't necessarily work well with other \textsf{biblatex} styles. Indeed, most, quite possibly all, users will find that they need to use special formatting macros within the .bib file that would make such a file unusable in any other context. I strongly recommend, if you want to experiment with this style, that you work on a copy of any .bib files that are important to you, until you have determined that this package does what you need/want it to do. \mylittlespace When I first began working on this package, I made the decision to alter as little as possible the main files from Lehman's \textsf{biblatex}, so that my .bbx and .cbx files would use his original \LaTeX\ .sty file and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ .bst file. As you proceed, you will no doubt encounter some of the consequences of this decision, with certain fields and entry types in the .bib file having less-than-memorable names because I chose to use the supplementary ones provided by \textsf{biblatex} rather than alter that package's files. With additions to the standard data model now possible, this will be one of the directions for future development, particularly if other styles are adopting certain broad conventions. Needless to say, I'm open to advice and suggestions on this score. \section{The Specification:\ Notes\,\&\,Bibliography} \label{sec:Spec} In what follows, I attempt to explain all the parts of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} that might be considered somehow \enquote{non standard,} at least with respect to the styles included with \textsf{biblatex} itself, though in the section on entry fields I have also duplicated a lot of the information in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}, which I hope won't badly annoy expert users of the system. Headings in \mycolor{green} \colmarginpar{\textsf{New in this release}} indicate either material new to this release or old material that has undergone significant revision. Numbers in parentheses refer to sections of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}, 17th edition. The file \textsf{notes-test.bib} contains many examples from the \emph{Manual} which, when processed using \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, should produce the same output as you see in the \emph{Manual} itself, or at least compliant output, where the specifications are vague or open to interpretation, a state of affairs which does sometimes occur. I have provided \href{file:cms-notes-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-sample.pdf}}, which shows how my system processes \textsf{notes-test.bib}, and I have also included the reference keys from the latter file below in parentheses. \subsection{Entry Types} \label{sec:entrytypes} The complete list of entry types currently available in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, minus the odd \textsf{biblatex} alias, is as follows: \textbf{article}, \mycolor{\textbf{artwork}}, \mycolor{\textbf{audio}}, \mycolor{\textbf{book}}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{booklet}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{customc}, \mycolor{\textbf{dataset}}, \textbf{image}, \textbf{inbook}, \textbf{incollection}, \textbf{inproceedings}, \mycolor{\textbf{inreference}}, \textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal}, \textbf{legislation}, \textbf{letter}, \textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc}, \mycolor{\textbf{music}}, \mycolor{\textbf{mvbook}}, \mycolor{\textbf{mvcollection}}, \mycolor{\textbf{mvproceedings}}, \mycolor{\textbf{mvreference}}, \mycolor{\textbf{online}} (with its alias \textbf{www}), \textbf{patent}, \mycolor{\textbf{performance}}, \textbf{periodical}, \textbf{proceedings}, \textbf{reference}, \textbf{report} (with its alias \textbf{techreport}), \mycolor{\textbf{review}}, \mycolor{\textbf{standard}}, \textbf{suppbook}, \textbf{suppcollection}, \textbf{suppperiodical}, \textbf{thesis} (with its aliases \textbf{mastersthesis} and \textbf{phdthesis}), \textbf{unpublished}, and \mycolor{\textbf{video}}. \mylittlespace What follows is an attempt to specify all the differences between these types and the standard provided by \textsf{biblatex}. If an entry type isn't discussed here, then it is safe to assume that it works as it does in the standard styles. In general, I have attempted not to discuss specific entry fields here, unless such a field is crucial to the overall operation of a given entry type. As a general and important rule, most entry types require very few fields when you use \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, so it seemed to me better to gather information pertaining to fields in the next section. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{article}} \emph{Chicago Manual of Style} (14.164) recognizes three different sorts of periodical publication, \enquote{journals,} \enquote{magazines,} and \enquote{newspapers.} The first (14.166) is \enquote{a scholarly or professional periodical available mainly by subscription,} while the second refers to \enquote{weekly or monthly (or sometimes daily)} publications that are \enquote{available in individual issues at libraries or bookstores or newsstands or offered online, with or without a subscription.} \enquote{Magazines} will tend to be \enquote{more accessible to general readers,} and typically won't have a volume number. Indeed, by fiat I declare that should you need to refer to a journal that identifies its issues mainly by year, month, or week, then for the purposes of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} such a publication is a \enquote{magazine,} and not a \enquote{journal.} \mylittlespace For articles in \enquote{journals} you can simply use the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ --- and indeed \textsf{biblatex} --- \textsf{article} entry type, which will work as expected and set off the page numbers with a colon, as required by the \emph{Manual}. If, however, you need to refer to a \enquote{magazine} or a \enquote{newspaper,} then you need to add an \textsf{entrysubtype} field containing the exact string \texttt{magazine} or, now, its synonym \texttt{newspaper}. The main formatting differences between a \texttt{magazine/newspaper} and a plain \textsf{article} are that the year isn't placed within parentheses, and that page numbers are set off by a comma rather than a colon. Otherwise, the two sorts of reference have much in common. (For \textsf{article}, see \emph{Manual} 14.168--87; batson, beattie:crime, friedman:learning, garaud:gatine, garrett, hlatky:hrt, kern, lewis, loften:hamlet, mcmillen:antebellum, rozner:liberation, saberhagen:beluga, warr:ellison, white:callimachus. For \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, see 14.171, 14.188--200; assocpress:gun, morgenson:market, reaves:rosen, stenger:privacy.) \mylittlespace It gets worse. The \emph{Manual} treats reviews (of books, plays, performances, etc.) as a sort of recognizable subset of \enquote{journals,} \enquote{magazines,} and \enquote{newspapers,} distinguished mainly by the way one formats the title of the review itself. \textsf{Biblatex} provides a \textsf{review} entry type which will handle a large subset of such citations, though not all. The key rule is this: if a review has a separate, non-generic title (gibbard; osborne:poison) in addition to something that reads like \enquote{review of \ldots,} then you need an \textsf{article} entry, with or without the \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, depending on the sort of publication containing the review. If the only title is the generic \enquote{review of \ldots,} for example, then you'll need the \textsf{review} entry type, with or without this same \textsf{entrysubtype} toggle using \texttt{magazine}. On \textsf{review} entries, see below. \mylittlespace In the case of a review with a specific as well as a generic title, the former goes in the \textsf{title} field, and the latter in the \textsf{titleaddon} field. Standard \textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses it in just this way, with the additional wrinkle that it can, if needed, replace the \textsf{title} entirely, and this in, effectively, any entry type, providing a fairly powerful, if somewhat complicated, tool for getting \textsf{biblatex} to do what you want. Here, however, if all you need is a \textsf{titleaddon}, then you want to switch to the \textsf{review} type, where you can simply use the \textsf{title} field instead. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also, at the behest of Bertold Schweitzer, supports the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reviewof}, which allows you to use the \textsf{related} mechanism to provide information about the work being reviewed, thereby simplifying how much information you need to provide in the reviewing entry. In particular, it relieves you of the need to construct \textsf{titleaddon} or \textsf{title} fields like: \texttt{review of \textbackslash mkbibemph\{Book Title\} by Author Name}, as the \textsf{related} entry's \textsf{title} automatically provides the \textsf{titleaddon} in the \textsf{article} type and the \textsf{title} in the \textsf{review} type, with the \textsf{related} mechanism providing the connecting string. This may be particularly helpful if you need to cite multiple reviews of the same work; please see section \ref{sec:related} for further details. \mylittlespace No less than ten more things need explication here. First, since the \emph{Manual} specifies that much of what goes into a \textsf{titleaddon} field stays unformatted --- no italics, no quotation marks --- this plain style is the default for such text, which means that you'll have to format any titles within \textsf{titleaddon} yourself, e.g., with \cmd{mkbibemph\{\}}. (The \textsf{related} mechanism just mentioned provides this automatically.) Second, the \emph{Manual} specifies a similar plain style for the titles of other sorts of material found in \enquote{magazines} and \enquote{newspapers,} e.g., obituaries, letters to the editor, interviews, the names of regular columns, and the like. References may contain both the title of an individual article and the name of the regular column, in which case the former should go, as usual, in a \textsf{title} field, and the latter in \textsf{titleaddon}. As with reviews proper, if there is only the generic title, then you want the \textsf{review} entry type. (See 14.191, 14.195--96; morgenson:market, reaves:rosen.) \mylittlespace Third, the \emph{Manual} has slightly complicated instructions concerning \enquote{unsigned newspaper articles or features} (14.199). First, it suggests that such pieces are \enquote{best dealt with in text or notes.} If, however, \enquote{a bibliography entry should be needed, the title of the newspaper stands in place of the author.} The examples it provides, therefore, suggest quite different treatments of the same material in notes and bibliography, and they don't at any point that I can see recommend a format for short notes. I've implemented these recommendations fairly literally, which means that in an \textsf{article} entry, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, or in a \textsf{review} entry, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, and \emph{only} in such entries, a missing \textsf{author} field results in the name of the periodical (in the \textsf{journaltitle} field) being used as the missing author, but \emph{only} in the bibliography and in short notes. In long notes, the \textsf{title} will appear first, before the \textsf{journaltitle}. Note that the use of the name of the newspaper as an author creates sorting issues in the bibliography, issues that will mostly be solved for you if you use \textsf{Biber} as the backend. If you don't, or if the \textsf{journaltitle} begins with a definite or indefinite article with which you can't dispense, then you'll need a \textsf{sortkey} field to ensure that the bibliography entry is alphabetized correctly. (See lakeforester:pushcarts and, for the sorting issue, \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:formatopts} below.) \mylittlespace Fourth, Bertold Schweitzer has pointed out, following the \emph{Manual} (14.183), that while an \textsf{issuetitle} often has an \textsf{editor}, it is not too unusual for a \textsf{title} to have, e.g., an \textsf{editor} and/or a \textsf{translator}. In order to allow as many permutations as possible on this theme, I have brought the \textsf{article} entry type into line with most of the other types in allowing the use of the \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} fields in order to associate an editor or a translator specifically with the \textsf{title}. The \textsf{editor} and \textsf{translator} fields, in strict homology with other entry types, are associated with the \textsf{issuetitle} if one is present, and with the \textsf{title} otherwise. The usual string concatenation rules still apply --- cf.\ \textsf{editor} and \textsf{editortype} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below. \mylittlespace Fifth, in certain fields just beginning your data with a lowercase letter activates the mechanism for capitalizing that letter depending on its context within a note or bibliography entry. Please see \cmd{autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands} below for the details, but both the \textsf{titleaddon} and \textsf{note} fields are among those treating their data this way, and since both appear regularly in \textsf{article} entries, I thought the problem merited a mention here. \mylittlespace Sixth, if you need to cite an entire issue of any sort of periodical, rather than one article in an issue, then the \textsf{periodical} entry type, once again with or without the \texttt{magazine} toggle in \textsf{entrysubtype}, is what you'll need. (You can also use the \textsf{article} type, placing what would normally be the \textsf{issuetitle} in the \textsf{title} field and retaining the usual \textsf{journaltitle} field, but this arrangement isn't compatible with standard \textsf{biblatex}.) The \textsf{note} field is where you place something like \enquote{special issue} or \enquote{supplement} (with the small \enquote{s} enabling the automatic capitalization routines), whether you are citing one article or the whole issue (14.178--79; conley:fifthgrade, good:wholeissue). Indeed, this is a somewhat specialized use of \textsf{note}, and if you have other sorts of information you need to include in an \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entry, then you shouldn't put it in the \textsf{note} field, but rather in \textsf{titleaddon} or perhaps \textsf{addendum} (brown:bremer). \mylittlespace Seventh, if you wish to cite certain kinds of television or radio broadcast, most notably interviews but perhaps also news segments or other \enquote{journalistic} material, then the \textsf{article} type, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine} is the place for it. The name of the program as a whole would go in \textsf{journaltitle}, with the name of the episode or segment in \textsf{title}, and the network's name in the \textsf{usera} field. Of course, if the piece you are citing has only a generic name (an interview, for example), then the \textsf{review} type would be the best place for it (8.189, 14.213; see bundy:macneil for an example of how this all might look in a .bib file.) Other sorts of broadcast, usually accessible through commercial recordings, would need one of the audiovisual entry types, probably \textsf{audio} (danforth:podcast) or \textsf{video} (friends:leia), while recordings from archives fit best either into \textsf{online} or into \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype} (coolidge:speech, roosevelt:speech). \mylittlespace Eighth, the \emph{Manual} (14.208) specifies that blogs and other, similar online material should be presented like \textsf{articles}, with \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype} (ellis:blog), and needn't appear in a bibliography. The title of the specific entry goes in \textsf{title}, the general title of the blog goes in \textsf{journaltitle}, and the word \enquote{\texttt{blog}} in the \textsf{location} field (though you could just use special formatting in the \textsf{journaltitle} field itself, which may sometimes be necessary). The 17th \colmarginpar{New!} edition specifies that \enquote{blogs that are part of a larger publication should include the name of that publication.} This usually involves a newspaper or magazine which also publishes various blogs on its website, and it means that such entries need a more general title than the \textsf{journaltitle}. It's not standard \textsf{biblatex} or anything, but you can now put such information in \textsf{maintitle} (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and \textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed), but only in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype} (amlen:hoot). To cite a whole blog, you'll need the \textsf{periodical} entry type, with a \textsf{title} instead of a \textsf{journaltitle}, along with a (possible) \textsf{maintitle}. Comments on blogs, with generic titles like \enquote{comment on} or \enquote{reply to,} need a \textsf{review} entry with the same \textsf{entrysubtype}. Such comments make particular use of the \textsf{eventdate} and of the \textsf{nameaddon} fields; please see the documentation of \textbf{review}, below, and also of the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} in section~\ref{sec:related}. \mylittlespace Ninth, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for all the details on how this works. \mylittlespace Finally, \colmarginpar{New!} the 17th edition (14.191) specifies that, for news sites carrying \enquote{stories as they unfold, it may be appropriate to include a time stamp for an article that includes one.} You can provide this by using the standard \textsf{biblatex} time stamp format inside the \textsf{date} field, e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. Since the \emph{Manual} prefers the standard time zone initialisms, a separate \textsf{timezone} field would be required if you want to provide one. \mylittlespace If you're still with me, allow me to recommend that you browse through \textsf{notes-test.bib} to get a feel for just how many of the \emph{Manual}'s complexities the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} (and, indeed, \textsf{periodical}) types attempt to address. It may be that in future releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} I'll be able to simplify these procedures somewhat, but in the meantime it might be of some comfort that I have found in my own research that the unusual and/or limit cases are really rather rare, and that the vast majority of sources won't require any knowledge of these onerous details. \mybigspace Arne \colmarginpar{\textbf{artwork}} Kjell Vikhagen pointed out to me that none of the standard entry types were straightforwardly adaptable when referring to visual artworks. It's unclear that the \emph{Manual} (14.235) believes it necessary to include them in the bibliographical apparatus at all, but it's easy all the same to conceive of contexts in which a list of artworks studied might be desirable, and \textsf{biblatex} includes entry types for just this purpose, though the standard styles leave them undefined. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} defines both \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image}, which are in fact now clones of each other, so you can use either of them indifferently, the distinction existing only for historical reasons. \mylittlespace Constructing an entry is fairly straightforward. As one might expect, the artist goes in \textsf{author} and the name of the work in \textsf{title}. The \textsf{type} field is intended for the medium --- e.g., oil on canvas, charcoal on paper, albumen print --- and the \textsf{version} field might contain the state of an etching. You can place the dimensions of the work in \textsf{note}, and the current location in \textsf{organization}, \textsf{institution}, and/or \textsf{location}, in ascending order of generality. The \textsf{type} field, as in several other entry types, uses \textsf{biblatex's} automatic capitalization routines, so if the first word only needs a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, use lowercase in the .bib file and let \textsf{biblatex} handle it for you. (See \emph{Manual} 3.22, 8.198; leo:madonna, bedford:photo.) \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{New!} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} has included new information in some of its examples, so I have added 4 new fields to the drivers. Alongside the usual \textsf{date} for the creation of a work, you may also want to include the printing date of a particular exemplar of a photograph or a print. The system I have designed uses the \emph{earlier} of the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate} to be the date of creation, and the \emph{later} to be the printing date. The style will automatically prefix the printing date with the localized \cmd{bibstring} \mycolor{\texttt{printed}}, so if that's the wrong string entirely then you can define \textsf{userd} any way you like to change it. If only \emph{one} of those two dates is available, it will always serve as a creation date. \mylittlespace One of the \emph{Manual's} examples is of a photograph published in a periodical, and information about this publication appears late in the entry, after the \textsf{type}. I have included the \textsf{howpublished} field so that you can give information about the periodical (meaning that you'll have to format the title yourself with \cmd{mkbibemph}), and the \textsf{eventdate} field for you to provide the date of publication (mccurry:afghangirl). \mylittlespace As a final complication, the \emph{Manual} (8.198) says that \enquote{the names of works of antiquity \ldots\,are usually set in roman.} If you should need to include such a work in the reference apparatus, you can either define an \textsf{entrysubtype} for an \textsf{artwork} entry --- anything will do --- or you could use the \textsf{misc} entry type with an \textsf{entrysubtype}. Assuming the complicated date handling I've just outlined isn't required for such a work, in this instance the other fields in a \textsf{misc} entry function pretty much as in \textsf{artwork}. \mybigspace Following \colmarginpar{\textbf{audio}} the request of Johan Nordstrom, I have included three entry types, all undefined by the standard styles, designed to allow users to present audiovisual sources in accordance with the Chicago specifications. The \emph{Manual's} presentation of such sources (14.261--68), though admirably brief, seems to me somewhat inconsistent, though perhaps I'm merely unable to spot the important regularities. The proliferation of online sources has made the task yet more complex, requiring the inclusion of the \textbf{article}, the \textbf{online}, and even the \textbf{misc} entry types, which see, under the audiovisual rubric. I shall attempt to delineate the main differences here, and though there are likely to be occasions when your choice of entry type is not obvious, at the very least \textsf{biblatex-chicago} should help you maintain consistency. \mylittlespace The \textbf{music} type is intended for all musical recordings that do not have a video component. This means, for example, digital media (whether on CD or hard drive), vinyl records, and tapes. The \textbf{video} type includes most visual media, whether it be films, TV shows, tapes and DVDs of the preceding or of any sort of performance (including music), or online multimedia. The \emph{Manual's} treatment (14.267) of the latter suggests that online video excerpts, short pieces, and interviews should generally use the \textbf{online} type (horowitz:youtube, pollan:plant) or the \textbf{article} type (harwood:biden, kessler:nyt), depending on whether the pieces originate from an identifiably \enquote{journalistic} outlet. The \textbf{audio} type, our current concern, fills gaps in the others, and presents its sources in a more \enquote{book-like} manner. Published musical scores need this type --- unpublished ones would use \textsf{misc} with an \textsf{entrysubtype} (shapey:partita) --- as do \mycolor{podcasts} and such favorite educational formats as the slideshow and the filmstrip (danforth:podcast, greek:film\-strip, schubert:muellerin, verdi:corsaro). The \emph{Manual} (14.264) sometimes uses a similar format for audio books (twain:audio), though, depending on the sorts of publication facts you wish to present, this sort of material may fall under \textsf{music} (auden:reading). Dated audio recordings that are part of an archive, online or no, may be presented either in an \textbf{online} or in a \textbf{misc} entry with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, the difference mainly being in just how closely associated the \textsf{date} will be with the \textsf{title} (coolidge:speech, roosevelt:speech). Actual radio broadcasts (as opposed to podcasts) pose something of a conundrum. Interviews and other sorts of \enquote{journalistic} material fit well into \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries (14.213), but other sorts of broadcast are not well represented in the \emph{Manual's} examples (8.189), and what little there is suggests that, counter-intuitively, the \textsf{video} type is the best fit, as it is well equipped to present broadcasts of any sort. \mylittlespace Once you've accepted the analogy of composer to \textsf{author}, constructing an \textsf{audio} entry should be fairly straightforward, since many of the fields function just as they do in \textsf{book} or \textsf{inbook} entries. Indeed, please note that I compare it to both these other types as, in common with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{audio} has to do double duty as an analogue for both books and collections, so while there will normally be an \textsf{author}, a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{publisher}, a \textsf{date}, and a \textsf{location}, there may also be a \textsf{booktitle} and/or a \textsf{maintitle} --- see schubert:muellerin for an entry that uses all three in citing one song from a cycle. (As with the \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} types, you can cite an individual piece separate from any large collection by using the \textsf{title} field and by defining an \textsf{entrysubtype}, which will stop \textsf{biblatex-chicago} italicizing your \textsf{title} in the absence of a \textsf{booktitle}.) If the medium in question needs specifying, the \textsf{type} field is the place for it. Please note, also, that while the \textsf{titleaddon} field can still specify creative or editorial functions for which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides no automated, localized handling, you can also now provide the string you need in an \textsf{editor[abc]type} field, e.g., \enquote{\texttt{libretto by}} (verdi:corsaro). \mylittlespace For \colmarginpar{New!} podcasts, newly covered by the 17th edition (14.267), the \textsf{audio} type provides the nearest analogue I could find, and in general most of the data should fit comfortably into the fields already discussed above, the episode name in \textsf{title} and the name of the podcast in \textsf{booktitle}, for starters. Two details, however, need mentioning: first, the \textsf{note} field as the place to specify that it is a podcast, and the \textsf{eventdate} field for the date of publication of the specific episode (\textsf{title}) cited, which appears in close association with that \textsf{title}. Indeed, the \textsf{eventdate} field helps \textsf{biblatex-chicago} know that the \textsf{audio} entry is a podcast episode, and helps it construct the entry appropriately (danforth:podcast). \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{book}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, and the package can automatically provide abbreviated references in notes and bibliography when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. Cf.\ harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for how this might look. The \textsf{book} type is useful also to present multimedia app content, the added fields \textsf{version} and \textsf{type} providing information about the app's version and about the system on which it runs (14.268; angry:birds). \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookinbook}} type provides the means of referring to parts of books that are considered, in other contexts, themselves to be books, rather than chapters, essays, or articles. Such an entry can have a \textsf{title} and a \textsf{booktitle}, but it can also contain a \textsf{maintitle}, all three of which will be italicized when printed. In general usage it is, therefore, rather like the traditional \textsf{inbook} type, only with its \textsf{title} in italics rather than in quotation marks. As with the \textsf{book} type, you can automatically enable abbreviated references in notes and bibliography, though this isn't the default. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. (Cf.\ \emph{Manual} 14.109, 14.122, 14.124; bernhard:boris, bernhard:ritter, and bernhard:themacher for the abbreviating functionality; also euripides:orestes [treated differently in 14.122 and 14.124], plato:republic:gr.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{booklet}} is the first of two entry types --- the other being \textsf{manual}, on which see below --- which are traditional in \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ styles, but which the \emph{Manual} (14.220) suggests may well be treated basically as books. In the interests of backward compatibility, \textsf{biblatex-chica\-go-notes} will so format such an entry, which uses the \textsf{howpublished} field instead of a standard \textsf{publisher}, though of course if you do decide just to use a \textsf{book} entry then any information you might have given in a \textsf{howpublished} field should instead go in \textsf{publisher}. (See clark:mesopot.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{collection}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} entry type, but the package can automatically provide abbreviated references in notes and bibliography when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the new \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. See harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for how this might look. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{customc}} entry type allows you to include alphabetized cross-references to other, separate entries in the bibliography, particularly to other names or pseudonyms, as recommen\-ded by the \emph{Manual}. (This is different from the \textsf{crossref}, \textsf{xref}, \textsf{userf} and \textsf{related} mechanisms, all primarily designed to include cross-references to other works. Cf.\ 14.81--82). The lecarre:cornwell entry, for example, would allow your readers to find the more-commonly-used pseudonym \enquote{John Le Carré} even if they were, for some reason, looking under his real name \enquote{David John Moore Cornwell.}\ As I read the specification, these cross-references are particularly encouraged, bordering on required, when \enquote{a bibliography includes two or more works published by the same author but under different pseudonyms.}\ The following entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib} show one way of addressing this: creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:york:death, creasey:morton:hide, ashe:creasey, york:creasey and morton:creasey. \mylittlespace In these latter cases, you would need merely to place the pseudonym in the \textsf{author} field, and the author's real name, under which their works are presented in the bibliography, in the \textsf{title} field. To make sure the cross-reference also appears in the bibliography, you can either manually include the entry key in a \cmd{nocite} command, or you can put that entry key in the \textbf{userc} field in the work's main .bib entry, in which case \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print the cross-reference if and only if you cite the main work. (Cf.\ \textsf{userc}, below.) \mylittlespace Under ordinary circumstances, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will connect the two parts of the cross-reference with the word \enquote{\emph{See}} --- or its equivalent in the document's language --- in italics. If you wish to present it differently, you can put the connecting word(s) into the \textsf{nameaddon} field. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{dataset}} entry type, new in \textsf{biblatex} 3.13, allows you to cite scientific databases, for which the \emph{Manual} (14.257) presents some rather specific, if brief, instructions. To construct your entry, you can put the name of the database into \textsf{author}, a \enquote{descriptive phrase or record locator} in the \textsf{title} field, and if there's a specific accession number needed beyond the record locator you can put it into the \textsf{number} field, with the \textsf{type} field reserved to help explain what sort of \textsf{number} is involved. The \textsf{howpublished} field can also be used to provide extra descriptive detail about the \textsf{number}, if needed. More generally, a \textsf{url} will locate the database as a whole and a \textsf{urldate} will specify the date you accessed it. If, for some reason, an additional date is relevant, then the \textsf{date} field is available, while the \textsf{pubstate} field will appear before the \textsf{date} in case you need to modify the latter. (See 14.257; genbank:db, nasa:db.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{image}} entry type is now a clone of the \textsf{artwork} type, which see. I retain it here for historical reasons (See 3.22, 8.198; bedford:photo.) \mybigspace These \mymarginpar{\textbf{inbook}\\\textbf{incollection}} two standard \textsf{biblatex} types have very nearly identical formatting requirements as far as the Chicago specification is concerned, but I have retained both of them for compatibility. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} (§~2.1.1) intends the first for \enquote{a part of a book which forms a self-contained unit with its own title,} while the second would hold \enquote{a contribution to a collection which forms a self-contained unit with a distinct author and its own title.} The \textsf{title} of both sorts will be placed within quotation marks, and in general you can use either type for most material falling into these categories. I have, in both types, implemented the \emph{Manual's} recommendations for space-saving abbreviations in notes and bibliography when you cite multiple pieces from the same \textsf{collection}. These abbreviations are activated by default when you use the \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field in \textsf{incollection} entries and in \textsf{inbook} entries, because although the \emph{Manual} (14.108) here specifies a \enquote{multiauthor book,} I believe the distinction between the two is fine enough to encourage similar treatments. (For more on this mechanism see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below, and the new option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. Please note that it is also active by default in \textsf{letter} and \textsf{inproceedings} entries.) If the part of a book to which you are referring has had a separate publishing history as a book in its own right, then you may wish to use the \textsf{bookinbook} type, instead, on which see above. (See \emph{Manual} 14.106--9; \textsf{inbook}: ashbrook:brain, phibbs:diary, will:cohere; \textsf{incollection}: centinel:letters, contrib:contrib, sirosh:visualcortex; ellet:galena, keating:dearborn, and lippincott:chicago [and the \textsf{collection} entry prairie:state] demonstrate the use of the \textsf{crossref} field with its attendant abbreviations in notes and bibliography.) \mylittlespace \textbf{NB}: The \emph{Manual} suggests that, when referring to a chapter, one use either a chapter number or the inclusive page numbers, not both. If, however, you wish to refer in a footnote to a specific page within the chapter, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will always print the optional, postnote argument of a \cmd{cite} command --- the page number, say --- instead of any inclusive page numbers given in the .bib file \textsf{incollection} entry. This mechanism is quite general, that is, any specific page reference given in any sort of \cmd{cite} command overrides the contents of a \textsf{pages} field in a .bib file entry. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type works pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Indeed, the main differences between it and \textsf{incollection} are the lack of an \textsf{edition} field and the possibility that an \textsf{organization} may be cited alongside the \textsf{publisher}, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't specify its use (14.217). Please note, also, that the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} mechanism for shortening citations of multiple pieces from the same \textsf{proceedings} is operative here, just as it is in \textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook} entries. See \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and the option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset} for more details. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{inreference}} entry type is aliased to \textsf{incollection} in the standard styles, but the \emph{Manual} has particular requirements, so if you are citing \enquote{[w]ell-known reference books, such as major dictionaries and encyclopedias,} then this type should simplify the task of conforming to the specifications (14.232--34). The main thing to keep in mind is that I have designed this entry type for \enquote{alphabetically arranged} works, which you shouldn't cite by page, but rather by the name(s) of the article(s). Because of the formatting required by the \emph{Manual}, we need one of \textsf{biblatex's} list fields for this purpose, and in order to keep all this out of the way of the standard styles, I have chosen the \textsf{lista} field. You should present these article names just as they appear in the work, separated by the keyword \enquote{\texttt{and}} if there is more than one, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will provide the appropriate prefatory string (\texttt{s.v.}, plural \texttt{s.vv.}), and enclose each in its own set of quotation marks (ency:britannica). In a typical \textsf{inreference} entry very few other fields are needed, but \enquote{if a physical edition is cited, not only the edition number (if not the first) but also the date the volume or set was issued must be specified.} In practice, this means a \textsf{title}, \textsf{date}, and possibly an \textsf{edition} field. \mylittlespace There are quite a few other peculiarities to explain here. First of all, you should present any well-known works \emph{only} in notes, not in a bibliography, as your readers are assumed to know where to go for such a reference. You can use the \texttt{skipbib} option to achieve this. For such works, and given how little information will be present even in a full note, you may wish to use \cmd{fullcite} or \cmd{footfullcite} in place of the short form, especially if, for example, you are citing different versions of an article appearing in different editions. \mylittlespace If the work is slightly less well known, it may be that full publication details are appropriate (times:guide). Also, you can put an article name in the \textsf{postnote} field of \textsf{inreference} entries and have it properly formatted for you, and this holds for both long and short notes, which could allow you to refer separately to many different articles from the same reference work using only one .bib entry. (In a long note, any \textsf{postnote} field stops the printing of the contents of \textsf{lista}.) The only limitation on this system is that the \textsf{postnote} field, unlike \textsf{lista}, is not a \textsf{biblatex} list, and therefore for the formatting to work correctly you can only put one article name in it. Despite this limitation, I hope that the system might simplify things for users who cite numerous works of reference. \mylittlespace If it seems appropriate to include such a work in the bibliography, be aware that the contents of the \textsf{lista} field will also be presented there, which may not be what you want. A separate \textsf{reference} entry might well solve this problem. (The sorting issues with \textsf{inreference}, \textsf{mvreference}, and \textsf{reference} entries should no longer exist, as they should now always sort by \textsf{title} rather than by any \textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, or \textsf{namec} that might also be present. If the \textsf{title} starts with a definite or indefinite article then a \textsf{sortkey} may still be necessary.) \mylittlespace Speaking of the \textsf{author}, this field holds the author of the specific entry (in \textsf{lista}), not the author of the \textsf{title} as a whole. This name will be printed after the entry's name (grove:sibelius). If you wish to refer to a reference work by author or indeed by editor, having either appear at the head of the note (long or short) or bibliography entry, then you'll need to use a \textsf{book} entry instead (cf.\ schellinger:novel), where the \textsf{lista} mechanism will also work in the bibliography, but which in every other way will be treated as a normal book, often a good choice for unfamiliar or non-standard reference works. \mylittlespace Finally, all of these rules apply to online reference works, along with a few more. The \colmarginpar{New!} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} now allows, \enquote{subject to editorial discretion,} the alternative treatment of an online reference work which \enquote{does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart} (14.206, 14.233). In effect this means that it can be treated more like an \textsf{online} entry than a \textsf{book}, its \textsf{title} therefore in plain roman rather than in italics. You can achieve this in \textsf{inreference} entries by providing an \textsf{entrysubtype} in the entry. Online reference works need not only a \textsf{url} but also, always, a \textsf{urldate} (instead of a \textsf{date)}, as these sources are in constant flux. When that flux is of a particularly high frequency, as with Wikipedia, then a time stamp may also be needed. You can provide this in the \textsf{urldate} field itself, using the standard \textsf{biblatex} format, e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. It is \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp=true}} possible to turn off the printing of the \textsf{urltime} with the new \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} option, which is set to \texttt{true} by default, but which can be changed in your preamble for the whole document, for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of specific entries (wikiped:bibtex, grove:sibelius). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{jurisdiction}\\\textbf{legal}\\\textbf{legislation}} document these three types in section~\ref{sec:legal} below, both because they all follow the specifications of the \emph{Bluebook} instead of the \emph{Manual}, and also because they are the only entry types treated identically by the notes \&\ bibliography style and the author-date styles. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{letter}} is the entry type to use for citing letters, memoranda, or similar texts, but \emph{only} when they appear in a published collection. (Unpublished material of this nature needs a \textsf{misc} entry, for which see below.) Depending on what sort of information you need to present in a citation, you may simply be able to get away with a standard \textsf{book} entry, which may then be cited by page number (see 14.104; meredith:letters, adorno:benj). If, however, for whatever reason, you need to give full details of a specific letter, then you'll need to use the \textsf{letter} entry type, which attempts to simplify for you the \emph{Manual}'s rather complicated rules for formatting such references. (See 14.111; jackson:paulina:letter, white:ross:memo, white:russ [a completely fictitious entry to show the \textsf{crossref} mechanism], white:total [a \textsf{book} entry, for the bibliography]). \mylittlespace To start, the name of the letter writer goes in the \textsf{author} field, while the \textsf{title} field contains both the name of the writer and that of the recipient, in the form \texttt{Author to Recipient}. The \textsf{titleaddon} field contains, optionally, the type of correspondence involved. If it's a letter, the type needn't be given, but if it's a memorandum or report or the like, then this is the place to specify that fact. Also, because the \textsf{origdate} field only accepts numbers, if you want to use the abbreviation \enquote{n.d.} (or \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+) for undated letters, then this is where you should put it. If you need to specify where a letter was written, then you can also use this field, and, if both are present, remember to separate the location from the type with a comma, like so: \texttt{memorandum, London}. Alternatively, you can put the place of writing into the \textsf{origlocation} field. Most importantly, the date of the letter itself goes in the \textsf{origdate} field (\texttt{year-month-day}), which allows a full date specification, while the publishing date of the whole collection goes in the \textsf{date} field. As in other entry types, then, the \textsf{date} field has its ordinary meaning of \enquote{date of publication.} (You may have noticed that the presentation of the \textsf{origdate} in this sort of reference uses the day-month-year format, unlike the month-day-year format seen elsewhere. This follows a suggestion that material with \enquote{many references to specific dates} may use this format [6.38, 9.35, 14.224]. I should, I guess, make this configurable.) Another difficulty arises when producing the short footnote form, which requires you to provide a \textsf{shorttitle} field of the form \enquote{\texttt{to Recipient},} the latter name as short as possible while avoiding ambiguity. The \cmd{letterdatelong} command can be used in the \textsf{postnote} field of the citation to print the \textsf{origdate}, a possible aid to disambiguation. The remaining fields are fairly self explanatory, but do remember that the title of the published collection belongs in \textsf{booktitle} rather than in \textsf{title}. \mylittlespace Finally, the \emph{Manual} specifies that if you cite more than one letter from a given published collection, then the bibliography should contain only a reference to said collection, rather than to each individual letter, while the form of footnotes would remain the same. This should be possible using \textsc{Bib}\TeX's and \textsf{biblatex's} standard \textsf{crossref} field, with each \textsf{letter} entry pointing to a \textsf{collection} or \textsf{book} entry, for example. (If you are using \textsf{Biber}, then \textsf{letter} entries correctly inherit fields from \textsf{book} and \textsf{collection} entries, and also from the \textsf{mvbook} and \textsf{mvcollection} types --- \textsf{titles} from the former provide a \textsf{booktitle} and from the latter a \textsf{maintitle}.) I shall discuss cross references at length later (see esp.\ \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below), but I should mention here that \textsf{letter} is one of the entry types in which a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field automatically results in special shortened forms in notes and bibliography if more than one piece from a single collection is cited. (The other entry types are \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, and \textsf{inproceedings}; see 14.108 for the \emph{Manual}'s specification.) This ordinarily won't be an issue for \textsf{letter} entries in the bibliography, as individual letters aren't included there, but it is operative in notes, where you can disable it by setting the \texttt{longcrossref=true} option, on which see section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. To stop individual letters turning up in the bibliography, you can use the \texttt{skipbib} option in the \textsf{options} field. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{manual}} is the second of two traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry types that the \emph{Manual} suggests formatting as books, the other being \textsf{booklet}. As with this latter, I have retained it in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} for backward compatibility, its main peculiarity being that, in the absence of a named author, the \textsf{organization} producing the manual will be printed both as author and as publisher. If you are using \textsf{Biber} you no longer need a \textsf{sortkey} field to aid \textsf{biblatex's} alphabetization routines, as the style takes care of this for you (cf.\ section~\ref{sec:formatopts}, below). You also don't need to provide a \textsf{shortauthor} field, as the style will automatically use \textsf{organization} in the absence of anything else. Of course, if you were to use a \textsf{book} entry for such a reference, then you would need to define both \textsf{author} and \textsf{publisher} using the name you here might have put in \textsf{organization}. (See 14.84; chicago:manual, dyna:browser, natrecoff:camera. Cp.\ also the new \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} entry type.) \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{misc}} its name suggests, the \textsf{misc} entry type was designed as a hold-all for citations that didn't quite fit into other categories. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, I have somewhat extended its applicability, while retaining its traditional use. Put simply, with no \textsf{entrysubtype} field, a \textsf{misc} entry will retain backward compatibility with the standard styles, so the usual \textsf{howpublished}, \textsf{version}, and \textsf{type} fields are all available for specifying an otherwise unclassifiable text, and the \textsf{title} will be italicized. (The \emph{Manual}, you may wish to note, doesn't give specific instructions on how such citations should be formatted, so when using the Chicago style I would recommend you have recourse to this traditional entry type as sparingly as possible.) \mylittlespace If you do provide an \textsf{entrysubtype} field, the \textsf{misc} type provides a means for citing unpublished letters, memoranda, private contracts, wills, interviews, and the like, making it something of an unpublished analogue to the \textsf{letter}, \textsf{article}, and \textsf{review} entry types (which see). It also works well for presenting online audio pieces, particularly dated ones, like speeches. Typically, such an entry will cite part of an archive, and equally typically the text cited won't have a specific title, but only a generic one, whereas an \textsf{unpublished} entry will ordinarily have a specific author and title, and won't come from a named archive. The \textsf{misc} type with an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined is the least formatted of all those specified by the \emph{Manual}, so titles are in plain text, and any location details take no parentheses in full footnotes. (It is quite possible, though somewhat unusual, for archival material to have a specific title, rather than a generic one. In these cases, you will need to enclose the title inside a \cmd{mkbibquote} command manually. Cf.\ roosevelt:speech, shapey:partita.) \mylittlespace If you are presenting part of an unpublished archive, then constructing most of your \,.bib entry is fairly straightforward. \enquote{Letter-like} \textsf{misc} entries follow many of the same conventions as \textsf{letter} entries presenting published material. Titles are of the form \texttt{Author to Recipient}, and further information can be given in the \textsf{titleaddon} field, including the abbreviation \enquote{\texttt{n.d.}}\ (or \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+) for undated examples. The place where a letter was written can go in \textsf{origlocation}, while the \textsf{note}, \textsf{organization}, \textsf{institution}, and \textsf{location} fields (in ascending order of generality) allow the specification of which manuscript collection now holds the letter, though the \emph{Manual} specifies (14.227) that well-known depositories don't usually need a city, state or country specified. (The traditional \textsf{misc} fields are all still available, also.) Both the long and short note forms can use the same \textsf{title}, but in both cases you may need to use the \cmd{headlesscite} command to avoid the awkward repetition of the author's name, though that name will always appear in the bibliography (creel:house). If the \textsf{misc} entry isn't a letter, remember that, as in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries, words like \texttt{interview} or \texttt{memorandum} needn't be capitalized unless they follow a period --- the automatic capitalization routines (with the \textsf{title} field starting with a lowercase letter [see dinkel:agassiz, spock:interview, and \texttt{\textbackslash autocap}]) will ensure correctness. Also, please note that you can give additional information about the \textsf{author} in such entries by using the \textsf{nameaddon} field, providing your own square brackets if you're indicating that the \textsf{author} is pseudonymous, or parentheses if it's another sort of information of interest to your readers. \mylittlespace Now for the subtleties. First, the \emph{Manual} (14.224) allows in these entries, as it does in documentation generally \enquote{if numerous dates occur} (9.35), for a more streamlined presentation of dates using the day-month-year form, different from the standard American month-day-year. In \textsf{letter} entries you use the \textsf{origdate} field to give the date of individual letters, and it is always presented in the more streamlined form. Here, the same field will do exactly the same thing, though with the added wrinkle that if you'd prefer to use the standard day-month-year form you can, simply by putting the date into the \textsf{date} field instead. (Please choose one only in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype} --- in \textsf{letter} entries the \textsf{date} refers to the published collection.) Again just as in \textsf{letter} entries, if you want to include the day-month-year in a short note, I have provided the \cmd{letterdatelong} command for inclusion in the postnote field of the citation command. (The standard \textsf{biblatex} command \cmd{printdate} will work if you prefer the standard date form.) \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace Second, some material (roosevelt:speech) includes a venue for the event recorded in the archive, so I have added the \mycolor{\textsf{venue}} field, which prints \emph{before} the date, with the \textsf{origlocation} appearing after it. Somewhat confusingly, in published letters the \textsf{origlocation} itself prints before the date, rather than after, so if the inconsistency between published and unpublished letters bothers you then you could conceivably use \textsf{venue} instead of \textsf{origlocation} for that purpose here. \mylittlespace Finally, a few further notes. First, please be aware that defining an \textsf{entrysubtype} activates the automatic capitalization mechanism in the \textsf{title} field of \textsf{misc} entries, on which see\,\texttt{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands} below. Second, and again as with \textsf{letter} entries, the \emph{Manual} (14.222) suggests that bibliography entries contain only the name of the manuscript collection, unless only one item from that collection is cited. The \textsf{crossref} field can be used, as well as the \texttt{skipbib} option, for preventing the individual items from turning up in the bibliography. Obviously, this is a matter for your discretion, and if you're using only short notes (see the \texttt{short} option, section~\ref{sec:useropts} below), you may feel the need to include more information in the note if the bibliography doesn't contain a full reference to an individual item. Third, the \emph{Manual} offers several examples of specific location information for pieces from an archive, some of which appears \emph{before} the main archive name, and some of which appears \emph{after} it. I assume this may depend on the exact nature of the archive itself, but in any case you can try the \textsf{type} or \textsf{howpublished} fields for the first case and the \textsf{number} field for the second. Last, in all this class of archived material, the \emph{Manual} (14.221) quite specifically requires more consistency within your own work than conformity to some external standard, so it is the former which you should pursue. I hope that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} proves helpful in this regard. (See 14.211, 14.219, 14.221-231, 14.256, 14.264; creel:house, dinkel:agassiz, roosevelt:speech, shapey:partita, spock:interview.) \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{music}} is one of three audiovisual entry types, and is intended primarily to aid in the presentation of musical recordings that do not have a video component, though it can also include audio books (auden:reading). A DVD or VHS of an opera or other performance, by contrast, should use the \textbf{video} type instead, while an online music video will probably need an \textbf{online} entry. (Cf.\ \textsf{online} and \textsf{video}; handel:messiah, horowitz:youtube.) Because \textsf{biblatex} --- and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ before it --- were designed primarily for citing book-like objects, some choices needed to be made in assigning the various roles found on the back of a CD to the fields in a typical .bib entry. I have also implemented several bibstrings to help in identifying these roles within entries. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} once again revised its recommendations for this type, but fortunately the changes are additive, i.e., you can re-use 16th-edition citations but are encouraged to peruse the following guidelines to see if there's any information you might think of adding to bring your citations more into line with the spec. \mylittlespace These guidelines, in summary form, are: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\qquad\textsf{#1}} \begin{description} \item[author:] composer, songwriter, or performer(s), they will be closely associated with the \textsf{title}, either before it at the head of the entry or, at your discretion, just after it (holiday:fool). \item[bookauthor:] Somewhat like an \textsf{author}, but it will hold the name associated with a whole album rather than an individual piece, should both be present, and will therefore appear in close association with the \textsf{booktitle}, rather than the \textsf{title} (rihanna:umbrella). \item[editor, editora, editorb:] conductor, director or performer(s). These will ordinarily follow the \textsf{title} of the work, though the usual \texttt{useauthor} and \texttt{useeditor} options can alter the presentation within an entry. Because these are non-standard roles, you will need to identify them using the following: \item[\mycolor{editortype, editoratype, editorbtype:}] The most common roles, all associated with specific bibstrings (or their absence), will be \texttt{conductor}, \texttt{director}, \texttt{producer}, and, oddly, \texttt{none}. The last is particularly useful when identifying the group performing a piece, as it usually doesn't need further specifying and this role prevents \textsf{biblatex} from falling back on the default \texttt{editor} bibstring. The 17th edition (14.263) also seems to favor, in some circumstances, using strings to identify individual performers, e.g., \enquote{vocalist} or \enquote{pianist,} so even though there's no \cmd{bibstring} associated with these types you can now provide them, or anything else you need, in whatever form (\enquote{vocalist} or \enquote{sung by}) suits your citation. \item[note:] This field can also hold contributors, perhaps collaborators or featured artists (holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \item[\mycolor{title, booktitle, maintitle:}] As with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{music} serves as an analogue both to books and to collections, so the title will either be, e.g., the album title or a song title, in which latter case the album title would go into \textsf{booktitle}. If you wish to cite a song that, as may happen, isn't part of any larger collection, your entry will in such a case have only a \textsf{title}, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as an album title. You \colmarginpar{New!} can now define an \textsf{entrysubtype} to let it know that the lone \textsf{title} is in fact a song (cf.\ naraya). The \textsf{maintitle} might be necessary for something like a box set of \emph{Complete Symphonies}. \item[\mycolor{chapter:}] The 17th edition seems more keen on having track numbers for individual pieces, whether on a traditional format or on a streaming service. The \colmarginpar{New!} \textsf{chapter} field is the place for this information, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically prepend the localized string \texttt{track} (cf.\ holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \item[publisher, series, number:] These three closely-associated fields are intended for presenting the catalog information provided by the music publisher. The 17th edition generally only requires the \textsf{series} and \textsf{number} fields (nytrumpet:art), which hold the record label and catalog number, respectively. Alternatively, \textsf{publisher} would function as a synonym for \textsf{series} (holiday:fool), but there may be cases when you need or want to specify a publisher in addition to a label, as perhaps when a single publisher oversees more than one label. You can certainly put all of this information into one of the above fields, but separating it may help make the .bib entry more readable. \item[pubstate:] The \textsf{pubstate} field in \textsf{music} entries mainly has the usual meaning it has in other entry types, for which see the documentation of the field in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below. If the field contains \texttt{reprint}, however, this has a special meaning in \textsf{music} entries, where it will transform the \textsf{origdate} from a recording date for an entire album into an original release date for that album, notice of which will be printed towards the end of a note or bibliography entry. No \texttt{reprint} \cmd{bibstring} will be printed, as only the syntax of the reference will have been altered. \item[date, eventdate, origdate:] The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual}, like the 16th, considers \textsf{music} citations without a date to be \enquote{generally unacceptable} (14.263). Finding a date may take some research, but they will basically fall into two types, i.e., the date(s) of the recording or the copyright / publishing date(s). Recording dates go either in \textsf{origdate} (for complete albums) or \textsf{eventdate} (for individual tracks). The copyright or publishing dates go either in the \textsf{date} field (which applies to the current medium you are citing) or in the \textsf{origdate} field (which refers to the original release date). You may have noticed that the \textsf{origdate} has two slightly different uses --- you can tell \textsf{biblatex-chicago} which sort you intend by using the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, which transforms the \textsf{origdate} from a recording date into an original release date. The style will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{recorded} to the \textsf{eventdate} or, in the absence of this \textsf{pubstate} mechanism, to the \textsf{origdate}, or even to both, but you can modify what is printed there using the \textsf{userd} field, which acts as a sort of date type modifier. In \textsf{music} entries, \textsf{userd} will be prepended to an \textsf{eventdate} if there is one, barring that to the \textsf{origdate}, barring that to a \textsf{urldate}, and absent those three to the \textsf{date}. (See floyd:atom, holiday:fool, nytrumpet:art.) \item[type, \mycolor{howpublished}:] As in all the audiovisual entry types, the \textsf{type} field holds the medium of the recording, e.g., vinyl, 33 rpm, 8-track tape, cassette, compact disc, mp3, ogg vorbis. The \colmarginpar {New!} \mycolor{\textsf{howpublished}} field, newly included for the 17th edition, can hold similar information \enquote{for streaming audio formats and downloads} (14.263). It can also, alternatively, hold the name of the streaming service, e.g., Spotify (cf.\ rihanna:umbrella). \end{description}} The entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib} should at least give you a good idea of how this all works, and that file also contains an example of an audio book presented in a \textsf{music} entry. If you browse the examples in the \emph{Manual} you will see the sheer variety of possibilities for presenting these sources, my intention being that judicious manipulation of\ .bib entries should allow you to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago} do what you want. Please let me know if I've ignored something you need. (Cf. 14.263--64; \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{userd}; auden:reading, beethoven:sonata29, bernstein:shostakovich, floyd:atom, holiday:fool, nytrumpet:art, rubinstein:chopin.) \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{mvbook}\\\textbf{mvcollection}% \\\textbf{mvproceedings}\\\textbf{mvreference}} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} has deployed, in at least two contexts, a notable syntactic change in the presentation of works that form part of other, larger works. Generally, the order of presentation, in \textsf{biblatex} terms, has always been \textsf{title} -- \textsf{booktitle} -- \textsf{maintitle}, in increasing order of generality. In the vast majority of cases this order still holds, but in TV episodes, for one example, the recommendation now is to present the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) \emph{before} the name of the episode (\textsf{title}). The \textbf{video} type (14.265) provides this by using a new \textsf{entrysubtype}, \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}}, which reverses the order for you in both long and short notes, and in the bibliography. The other context in which this reversal occurs is multi-volume works (14.116--22). Here, the preferred format, at least for notes, appears to be \textsf{maintitle} -- \textsf{[book]title} or, when all three titles are present, \textsf{title} -- \textsf{maintitle} -- \textsf{booktitle}. The \emph{Manual} doesn't carry this reordering through with absolute consistency, but I think it important at least to offer it as a possibility to users of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. Reluctant as I am simply to change the data model and provide non-standard entry types, the least invasive method seemed, and seems, to me to be to modify the \textbf{mv*} entry types while maintaining backward compatibility with users' current deployments of these types. \mylittlespace So, while these types are no longer aliased to the entry type that results from removing the \enquote{mv} from their names, any\ .bib entries using them should, without modification, continue to function as they always have. Should you wish to ignore the new syntax of presentation, and there are still examples in the \emph{Manual} which do just that, then no changes are necessary. These entries will still function, assuming you are using \textsf{Biber}, as the target of cross-references from other entries, the \textsf{title} of the \textbf{mv*} entry \emph{always} providing a \textsf{maintitle} for the entry referencing it. (If you want to provide a \textsf{booktitle} for the referencing entry, please use another entry type, e.g., \textbf{collection} for \textbf{incollection} or \textbf{book} for \textbf{inbook}. These distinctions are particularly important to the correct functioning of the abbreviated references that \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, in various circumstances, provides. Please see the documentation of the \textbf{crossref} field in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below.) \mylittlespace Also unchanged is the requirement, when multi-volume works are presented in the reference apparatus, that any dates should be appropriate to the specific nature of the citation. This means that a date range that is right for the presentation of a multi-volume work in its entirety isn't right for citing, e.g., a single volume of that work which appeared in one of the years contained in the date range. Because child entries will by default inherit all the date fields from their parent (including the \textsf{endyear} of a date range), I have turned off the inheritance of \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields from all of the \textbf{mv*} entry types to any other entry type. When the dates of the parent and of the child in such a situation are exactly the same, then this unfortunately requires an extra field in the child's .bib entry. When they're not the same, as will, I believe, often be the case, this arrangement saves a lot of annoying work in the child entry to suppress wrongly-inherited fields. Other sorts of parent entries aren't affected by this, and of course you must be using \textsf{Biber} for the settings to apply. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace Should you wish to employ the new, \textsf{maintitle}-first syntax, then you'll \colmarginpar{\texttt{maintitle}} need to use the new \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}} \textsf{relatedtype}. In its simplest usage, to document one volume of a multi-volume set, you would have, e.g., an \textsf{mvcollection} entry with \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{maintitle}, and a \textsf{related} field pointing to a \textsf{collection} entry. When you cite the \textsf{mvcollection} entry itself, you'll get a long note like \emph{MVCollTitle}, vol.\ 1, \emph{CollTitle}, and a short note like \emph{MVCollTitle}, vol.\ 1., or, with a \textsf{postnote} field, \emph{MVCollTitle}, 1:12, as the specification requires. If you wanted to cite one essay in the \textsf{collection}, then you would, additionally, need an \textsf{incollection} entry with the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype} and a \textsf{related} field pointing to the \textsf{mvcollection} entry already mentioned, so you're creating a chain of three different related entries but presenting them in one reference. It's important to keep in mind here that, in effect, you're \emph{not} actually citing the \textsf{mvcollection} entry, but the one volume of it represented by the \textsf{collection} entry, or indeed an essay in that one volume. Please consult the \emph{Manual} (14.116--22), and also see harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for the \enquote{old style} presentation with abbreviated cross references using the \textsf{crossref} field, harleymt:ancient:cart, harleymt:cartography and harleymt:hoc for the new presentation using the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype}, and also plato:timaeus:gr for an example of a three-work \texttt{maintitle} chain starting with a \textsf{bookinbook} entry. \mylittlespace The documentation of the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:related} contains all the details, but there are several things I should like to mention here. First, while you can happily mix these two methods of presentation in your documents, please don't mix them within individual entries, which means that if you are using a \textsf{crossref} field to an \textsf{mvcollection} entry in a \textsf{collection} entry, say, and the \textsf{collection} entry is itself the target of the \textsf{mvcollection} entry's \textsf{related} field, please be careful not to cite that \textsf{collection} entry independently, as it can lead to unexpected results. (If things don't look right to you, try eliminating the use of \textsf{crossref} entirely from these \textsf{related} chains and see if that helps, then send me a bug report if it does.) This restriction also means that, although the \emph{Manual} prefers the \textsf{maintitle}-first format in notes and allows either syntax in the bibliography, nonetheless with \textsf{biblatex-chicago} whichever syntax you choose for the notes will also appear in the bibliography. Second, if you want to use a three-work chain to cite one part of one volume, then this is possible only by using the following entry types: \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter}. All two-work chains must start with one of the \textsf{mv*} types. Third, as might be apparent from the previous list, \textsf{mvreference} entries are special, in that their \textsf{related} field should point to an \textsf{inreference} entry if you want to cite an entry in an \enquote{alphabetically arranged work}, or to a \textsf{reference} entry otherwise. \mylittlespace Fourth, please remember that, as these are citations not of an \textsf{mv*} entry but rather of that entry's \textsf{related} field, any \textsf{volumes} field in the former won't be printed by default. You can change this by setting the \texttt{hidevolumes} option to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of the entry referenced by the \textsf{mv*} entry's \textsf{related} field. Finally, if you look at the \enquote{mt} variants of the harley* entries mentioned above, you'll see that harleymt:hoc has both subsidiary volumes included in its \textsf{related} field. You can create a separate \textsf{mv*} entry pointing to each of it's subsidiary volumes, or you can list all of those volumes in one \textsf{mv*} entry's \textsf{related} field and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will create separate clones for each volume listed, clones with a standardized entry key looking like \enquote{\texttt{mventrykey-singlevolumeentrykey},} which you should then use for your citations. The original \texttt{mventrykey}, in this case, refers merely to the original \textsf{mv*} entry, as though it had never had a \textsf{related} field, though you do need to cite (or \cmd{nocite}) it somewhere in your document to make the single-volume clones available in your reference apparatus. The mechanism's designed to save you some typing in common scenarios; please see all of the (multifarious) details in section~\ref{sec:related}, below. \paragraph*{\protect\colmarginpar{\textbf{online}}} \label{sec:online} One of the features of the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} is the considerably extended, but still scattered, treatment of online materials (8.189--92, 14.6--18, 14.159--63, 14.175--76, 14.187, 14.189, 14.205--10, 14.233). The principles of that treatment have changed somewhat, as the \emph{Manual} now places greater emphasis on the \emph{location} of a source, which can in many cases outweigh, as far as choosing an entry type goes, the \emph{nature} of the source. Working out the correspondences between online sources and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} entry types can, therefore, be tricky, so I have included table~\ref{tab:online:types} summarizing the increasingly detailed instructions in the \emph{Manual}, along with some further annotations here that might help to clarify it. \afterpage{\clearpage \begin{table}[h!] \caption[\hspace{-1em}\mycolor{Online Entry Types - Notes \&\ Bibliography}]% {Online materials and notes \&\ bibliography entry types} \label{tab:online:types} \centering\small\sffamily \hspace*{-6em} \begin{tabularx}{160mm}{@{}>{\raggedright}p{25mm}>{\raggedright}p{20mm}p{15mm}p{26mm}X@{}} \toprule Online Material & Entry Type & CMS Ref. & Sample Entry & Notes \\ \cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule(l){2-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3}\cmidrule(l){4-4} \cmidrule(l){5-5} Online edition of trad.\ publ.\ matter. &&&& Use the same entry type as you would choose were you citing it from a printed source.\\\addlinespace[.8mm] & @Book & 14.161-62 & james:ambassadors & CMS prefers (scanned) original page numbers to reflowable text. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] & @Article @Review & 14.175 & black:infectious & If no \enquote{suitable URL} is available, e.g., if it points to a generic portal page rather than to an abstract, use the name of the commercial database in an \textsf{addendum} field instead. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] Blogs&& 14.208 &&\\\addlinespace[1.5mm] \hspace{.5em} Entire & @Periodical & & amlen:wordplay & The \textsf{maintitle} field holds the larger publication of which the blog is a part. \\ \hspace{.5em} Single post & @Article & & amlen:hoot & \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Comment & @Review & & viv:amlen & You can also use the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} for this. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] Social Media & @Online &&& This includes anything --- posts, photos, videos --- on these and similar sites. In other words, the \emph{location} of the material defines its treatment. \\\addlinespace[2mm] \hspace{.5em} Mailing list or \hspace*{.5em} forum post & & 14.210 & powell:email & Posts on private lists are to be treated as \enquote{personal communications,} using @Misc w/ \textsf{entrysubtype}.\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Facebook&& 14.209 & diaz:surprise &\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Twitter&&& obrien:recycle &\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Instagram&&& souza:obama &\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Comments / \hspace*{.5em} replies & & 14.210 & braun:reply & The \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} is \emph{required} for this, and for the next entry, too.\\\addlinespace[.8mm] && 14.209 & licis:diazcomment &\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] Online Multimedia &&&&\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Online video & @Online & 14.267 & pollan:plant & This category includes TED talks and most informal videos on YouTube and similar sites. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Online video, \hspace*{.5em} from a trad.\ \hspace*{.5em} journal & @Article && kessler:nyt & You can use @Online, but this requires special formatting in the \textsf{note} or \textsf{titleaddon} field. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Published films in \hspace*{.5em} an archive & @Video && weed:flatiron &\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Podcasts & @Audio && danforth:podcast & Note the eventdate of the individual episode.\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace{.5em} Archival audio & @Misc w/ \textsf{entrysubtype} & 14.264 & roosevelt:speech & Can have both a venue and an origlocation. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] Streaming Media&&&& \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace*{.5em} TV / Film & @Video & 14.265 & mayberry:brady & The streaming service is supplied by the URL. The \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} entrysubtype is new in the 17th edition. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace*{.5em} Music & @Music & 14.263 & rihanna:umbrella & The streaming service is supplied by the howpublished field. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace*{.5em} News / Interviews & @Article @Review & 14.213 & bundy:macneil & Network information goes in the usera field. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] Websites & @Online & 14.206-7 & evanston:library stenger:privacy & An online source \enquote{analogous to a traditionally printed work but [which] does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart} may now use an @Online entry, at your discretion. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace*{.5em} Reference works, \hspace*{.5em} cited by alpha- \hspace*{.5em} betized entry & @InReference w/ entrysub-\par type & 14.233 & wikiped:bibtex & As above, you can choose the @Online treatment of the title, but it's best achieved using an @InReference entry w/ entrysubtype. \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \hspace*{.5em} Scientific data- \hspace*{.5em} bases & \mycolor{@Dataset} & 14.257 & genbank:db & New in this release.\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table}} \mylittlespace The basic principle, as I've cited in the penultimate entry of table~\ref{tab:online:types}, is that \enquote{the title of a website that is analogous to a traditionally printed work but does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart can be treated like the titles of other websites, subject to editorial discretion} (14.206). This means that an intrinsically online entry like stenger:privacy (citing CNN.com) need no longer be an \textsf{article} but can be presented in an \textsf{online} entry. (The same principle applies to wikiped:bibtex, but because of the code facilitating presentation of alphabetized entries in reference works, it's best in this case to keep the \textsf{inreference} entry but add an \textsf{entrysubtype} so that the \textsf{title} is presented as it would be in an \textsf{online} entry.) The corollary of the principle, as the first entry in table~\ref{tab:online:types} suggests, is that an online edition of a printed work will generally require the same entry type as that printed work itself would. Blogs are, therefore, somewhat anomalous in requiring the various periodical types, though the \emph{Manual} does specify that if you're not sure whether a website is a blog, then it probably requires the \textsf{online} type (14.206). Social media, on the other hand, are very much subject to the first principle, requiring \textsf{online} entries no matter whether the citation is of text, a photo, or a video. Without pretending that all of the correspondences flow deductively from the basic principles, I hope that the table might simplify most of your choices. If something remains unclear, please let me know and I'll see if I can improve it. \mylittlespace A few more notes are in order. I designed the \colmarginpar{New!} new \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} to facilitate citation of online comments, though it works slightly differently in the two entry types in which it is available, \textsf{online} and \textsf{review}. In both types it allows you to mimic thread structure by citing a chain of replies to comments on posts, etc., all in a single entry, while also simplifying your\ .bib entries. This simplification works differently depending on whether the comment itself has no specific title, as always in \textsf{review} entries, or does have such a title, as especially in \textsf{online} social media entries. In the former case, the \textsf{related} apparatus allows you not to provide a \textsf{title} at all, but in the latter you still need a \textsf{title}, which will be followed by the \textsf{relatedstring}. In these latter entries, the \emph{only way to cite such comments} is by using the \texttt{commenton} \textsf{relatedtype} (licis:diazcomment). If, in \textsf{online} entries, you decided \emph{not} to use \textsf{commenton} in an entry like braun:reply, and simply use a specially-crafted \textsf{titleaddon} field, you lose the possibility of having two dates in the entry, one for the comment and one for the original post, though to be fair it does end up looking like the example in 14.210, where it is ambiguous to which part of the citation the date applies. \mylittlespace As for the thread structure, I've not tested how far down the rabbit hole you can go, but a series of entries linked one to the next by this \textsf{relatedtype} will all turn up if you cite the first in the chain, though of course you can use the technique merely as a convenient way to structure and simplify your\ .bib file, without creating chains longer than 2 entries. The default connecting string is the localized \texttt{commenton}, but you can use \textsf{relatedstring} to change it to \enquote{\texttt{reply to}} or whatever else you need. Please see the documentation of this \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:related}, and also diaz:surprise and licis:diazcomment. \mylittlespace In general, constructing an \textsf{online}\ .bib file entry is much the same as in \textsf{biblatex}. The \textsf{title} field would contain the title of the page, the \textsf{organization} field could hold the title or owner of the whole site. If there is no specific title for a page, but only a generic one, then such a title should go in \textsf{titleaddon}, not forgetting to begin that field with a lowercase letter so that capitalization will work out correctly. It is worth remarking here, too, that the \emph{Manual} (14.12--13) prefers, if they're available, revision dates to access dates when documenting online material. Indeed, given how rapidly online sources may change (14.191, 14.209, 14.233), a time stamp may often be necessary further to specify a revision date (\textsf{urldate}) or the date of a comment or reply (\textsf{date}). This time specification should be added to the date field using \textsf{biblatex's} standard format, i.e., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. If a time zone is needed, then a separate \textsf{timezone} or \textsf{urltimezone} field is the best way, as it allows you to provide the initialisms that the \emph{Manual} prefers (10.41, 14.191). See \textsf{date}, \textsf{timezone}, \textsf{urldate}, and \textsf{userd} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{patent}} \emph{Manual} is very brief on this subject (14.258), but very clear about which information it wants you to present, so such entries may not work well with other \textsf{biblatex} styles. The important date, as far as Chicago is concerned, is the filing date. If a patent has been filed but not yet granted, then you can place the filing date in either the \textsf{date} field or the \textsf{origdate} field, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{patentfiled} to it. If the patent has been granted, then you put the filing date in the \textsf{origdate} field, and you put the date it was issued in the \textsf{date} field, to which the bibstring \texttt{patentissued} will automatically be prepended. You can place additional information in the \textsf{addendum} field if desired, and it will be printed in close association with the dates. The patent number goes in the \textsf{number} field, and you should use the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibstrings in the \textsf{type} field. Though it isn't mentioned by the \emph{Manual}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will print the \textsf{holder} after the \textsf{author}, if you provide one. Finally, the style automatically capitalizes \textsf{patent} titles sentence-style, so if you need to keep a word capitalized then you should wrap it in curly braces. See petroff:impurity. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{performance}} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} includes a new section (14.266) on citing live performances, and even though such references can usually be limited to the main text it may sometimes be useful to include them in notes. Since \textsf{biblatex} provides the \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} type, albeit without using it in its standard styles, I though it might be useful to define it for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, particularly as the other option for such material is the \textsf{misc} entry without any \textsf{entrysubtype}, and that entry type is already somewhat overloaded, though you can still use it if you wish. \mylittlespace Such entries will generally have a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{venue}, a \textsf{location} for the venue, and a \textsf{date} for the performance, along with a possible plethora of authorial and/or editorial roles depending on which sorts of contributor(s) you wish to emphasize in the citation. The \textsf{editor[abc]} and \textsf{editor[abc]type} fields should be most helpful here. I have included strings for \mycolor{\texttt{choreographer}} in all localization files, but for others you may need to provide them in the \textsf{editor[abc]type} fields as you wish them printed --- \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically capitalize any that start with a lowercase letter. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{periodical}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} entry type for presenting an entire issue of a periodical, rather than one article within it. It has the same function in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, and in the main uses the same fields, though in keeping with the system established in the \textsf{article} entry type (which see) you'll need to provide \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine} if the periodical you are citing is a \enquote{newspaper} or \enquote{magazine} instead of a \enquote{journal.} Also, remember that the \textsf{note} field is the place for identifying strings like \enquote{special issue,} with its initial lowercase letter to activate the automatic capitalization routines. (See \emph{Manual} 14.178; good:wholeissue.) \mylittlespace It is worth noting a couple of things. First, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Because the \textsf{periodical} type uses the \textsf{title} field instead of \textsf{journaltitle}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle} field, if one is present, into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for all the details on how this works. Second, the \textsf{periodical} type is the place for citing whole blogs, rather than individual blog posts, which require either an \textsf{article} or a \textsf{review} entry. In \colmarginpar{New!} such citations the 17th edition (14.208) recommends that you include the name of any larger (usually periodical) publication of which the blog is a part. The \textsf{maintitle} field (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and \textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed) is the place for it. Cf.\ amlen:wordplay. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, but the package can automatically provide abbreviated references in notes and bibliography when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{reference}} entry type is aliased to \textsf{collection} by the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles, but I intend it to be used in cases where you need to cite a reference work but not an alphabetized entry or entries in that work. This could be because it doesn't contain such entries, or perhaps because you intend the citation to appear in a bibliography rather than in notes. Indeed, the only differences between it and \textsf{inreference} are the lack of a \textsf{lista} field to present an alphabetized entry, and the fact that any \textsf{postnote} field will be printed verbatim, rather than formatted as an alphabetized entry. (See mla:style for an example of a reference work that uses numbered sections rather than alphabetized entries, and that appears in the bibliography as well.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{report}} entry type is a \textsf{biblatex} generalization of the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ type \textsf{techreport}. Instructions for such entries are rather thin on the ground in the \emph{Manual} (8.186, 14.220), so I have followed the generic advice about formatting it like a book, and hope that the results conform to the specification. At least one user has indicated a need, now filled, for an \texttt{unpublished} \textsf{entrysubtype}, which prints the \textsf{title} inside quotation marks instead of in italics, but affects nothing else. This detail aside, the type's main peculiarities are the \textsf{institution} field in place of a \textsf{publisher}, the \textsf{type} field for identifying the kind of report in question, the \textsf{number} field closely associated with the \textsf{type}, and the \textsf{isrn} field containing the International Standard Technical Report Number of a technical report. As in standard \textsf{biblatex}, if you use a \textsf{techreport} entry, then the \textsf{type} field automatically defaults to \verb+\bibstring{techreport}+. As with \textsf{booklet} and \textsf{manual}, you can also use a \textsf{book} entry, putting the report type in \textsf{note} and the \textsf{institution} in \textsf{publisher}. (See herwign:office.) \mybigspace As \colmarginpar{\textbf{review}} its name suggests, the \textsf{review} entry type was designed for reviews published in periodicals, and if you've already read the \textsf{article} instructions above --- if you haven't, I recommend doing so now --- you'll know that \textsf{review} serves as well for citing other sorts of material with generic titles, like letters to the editor, obituaries, interviews, online comments and the like. The primary rule is that any piece that has only a generic title, like \enquote{review of \ldots,} \enquote{interview with \ldots,} or \enquote{obituary of \ldots,} calls for the \textsf{review} type. Any piece that also has a specific title, e.g., \enquote{\enquote{Lost in \textsc{Bib}\TeX,} an interview with \ldots,} requires an \textsf{article} entry. (This assumes the text is found in a periodical of some sort. Were it found in a book, then the \textsf{incollection} type would serve your needs, and you could use \textsf{title} and \textsf{titleaddon} there. While we're on the topic of exceptions, the \emph{Manual} includes an example (14.213) where the \enquote{Interview} part of the title is considered a subtitle rather than a titleaddon, said part therefore being included inside the quotation marks and capitalized accordingly. Not having the journal in front of me I'm not sure what prompted that decision, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would obviously have no difficulty coping with such a situation.) \mylittlespace Once you've decided to use \textsf{review}, then you need to determine which sort of periodical you are citing, the rules for which are the same as for an \textsf{article} entry. If it is a \enquote{magazine} or a \enquote{newspaper}, then you need an \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, or the synonymous \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{newspaper}. The generic title goes in \textsf{title} and the other fields work just as as they do in an \textsf{article} entry with the same \textsf{entrysubtype}, including the substitution of the \textsf{journaltitle} for the \textsf{author} if the latter is missing. (See 14.190--91, 14.195--96, 14.201--4, 14.213; barcott:review, bundy:macneil, Clemens:letter, gourmet:052006, kozinn:review, nyt:obittrevor, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke, wallraff:word.) If, on the other hand, the piece comes from a \enquote{journal,} then you don't need an \textsf{entrysubtype}. The generic title goes in \textsf{title}, and the remaining fields work just as they do in a plain \textsf{article} entry. (See 14.202; ratliff:review.) \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also, at the behest of Bertold Schweitzer, supports the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reviewof}, which allows you to use the \textsf{related} mechanism to provide information about the work being reviewed, thereby simplifying how much information you need to provide in the reviewing entry. In particular, it relieves you of the need to construct \textsf{title} or \textsf{titleaddon} fields like: \verb+review of \mkbibemph{Book Title} by Author+, as the \textsf{related} entry's \textsf{title} automatically provides the \textsf{title} in the \textsf{review} type and the \textsf{titleaddon} in the \textsf{article} type, with the \textsf{related} mechanism providing the connecting string. This may be particularly helpful if you need to cite multiple reviews of the same work; please see section \ref{sec:related} for further information. \mylittlespace Most of the onerous details are the same as I described them in the \textbf{article} section above, but I'll repeat some of them briefly here. If anything in the \textsf{title} needs formatting, you need to provide those instructions yourself, as the default is completely plain. (As just mentioned, the \textsf{related} mechanism provides this automatically.) \textsf{Author}-less reviews are treated just like similar newspaper articles --- in short notes and in the bibliography the \textsf{journaltitle} replaces the author and heads the entry, while in long notes the \textsf{title} comes first. The sorting of such entries is an issue, solved if you use \textsf{Biber} as your backend, and otherwise requiring manual intervention with a \textsf{sortkey} or the like (14.204; gourmet:052006, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke, and see \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:formatopts}, below.). As in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, words like \enquote{interview,} \enquote{review,} and \enquote{letter} only need capitalization after a full stop, i.e., ordinarily in a bibliography and not a note, so \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} automatically deals with this problem itself if you start the \textsf{title} field with a lowercase letter. The file \textsf{notes-test.bib} and the documentation of \cmd{autocap} will provide guidance here. \mylittlespace One \colmarginpar{New!} detail of the \textsf{review} type is fairly new, and in particular has changed between the 16th and 17th editions of the \emph{Manual}. As I mentioned above, blogs are best treated as \textsf{articles} with \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, whereas comments on those blogs --- or replies to those comments, etc.\ --- need the \textsf{review} type with the same \textsf{entrysubtype}. (Neither need appear in the bibliography.) What they also need is a date closely associated with the comment (14.208; ac:comment), so I have included the \textsf{eventdate} in \textsf{review} entries for just this purpose. It will be printed just after the \textsf{author} and before the \textsf{title}. If you need a time stamp in addition, as may frequently be the case with multiple contributions by the same author to a single thread, then you should now use the standard \textsf{biblatex} time-stamp format (e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}) in the \textsf{eventdate} field itself, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will format and print appropriately. Please see the documentation concerning time stamps in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, s.v.\ \mycolor{\textsf{date}}. This change allows the \textsf{nameaddon} field to revert to its primary use, which is to provide extra information about the \textsf{author}. In blog comments, this could include the commenter's geographical location, which you need to enclose in parentheses, as I've removed the automatic square brackets from this field to allow it this more general usefulness. You can, of course, still provide your own square brackets in \textsf{review} entries to indicate pseudonymous authorship, which is the standard function of \textsf{nameaddon} in most entry types. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{New!} this context I should mention a small change to the default behavior of \textsf{review} entries when they utilize a \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field, as is really only useful when the entry is a blog comment, as otherwise there won't generally be any fields worth inheriting from the reviewed entry. Assuming the default values of the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \texttt{longcrossref}, the driver now explicitly tests if the reviewed entry has already been cited, and accordingly shortens the reviewing citation, as the \emph{Manual} (14.208) suggests (viv:amlen). (This would be incorrect for, say, a book review, so you should either not use a \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field there, or change the state of the \texttt{longcrossref} option --- cf.\ the documentation starting on page~\pageref{sec:crossref}, below.) You \colmarginpar{\texttt{blogurl}} can, if you wish, and while we're on this subject, set the new preamble option \mycolor{\texttt{blogurl}} to allow your child comments to inherit the URL from the parent blog. \mylittlespace Also \colmarginpar{New!} new in this release is the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, which allows you to simplify your\ .bib entries in much the same way as the \texttt{reviewof} \textsf{relatedtype} does, i.e., it constructs your \textsf{title} field for you (which the \textsf{crossref} mechanism doesn't do). It further allows you to mimic thread structure by citing a chain of replies to comments on blogs, etc., all in a single entry, while also simplifying your\ .bib entries. I've not tested how far down the rabbit hole you can go, but a series of entries linked one to the next by this \textsf{relatedtype} will all turn up if you cite the first in the chain, though of course you can use the technique merely as a convenient way to structure and simplify your\ .bib file, without creating chains longer than 2 entries. The default connecting string is the localized \texttt{commenton}, but you can use \textsf{relatedstring} to change it to \enquote{\texttt{reply to}} or whatever else you need. Please see the documentation of this \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:related}, and also ellis:blog, ac:comment, and the (fictional) ellis:reply. Note also that this way of structuring your\ .bib file is by no means required in \textsf{review} entries, though if you want to cite replies and comments to social media threads, where you need the \textsf{online} entry type, you will need to use this \textsf{relatedtype}. \mylittlespace Two more notes. For the reasons I explained in the \textsf{article} docs above, I have brought the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entry types into line with most of the other types in allowing the use of the \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} fields in order to associate an editor or a translator specifically with the \textsf{title}. The \textsf{editor} and \textsf{translator} fields, in strict homology with other entry types, are associated with the \textsf{issuetitle} if one is present, and with the \textsf{title} otherwise. The usual string concatenation rules still apply --- cf.\ \textsf{editor} and \textsf{editortype} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below. \mylittlespace Finally, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{review} entries, as well as in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entries, and it facilitates the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for all the details on how this works. \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{standard}} older releases it was fairly straightforward to present published national or international standards using a \textsf{book} entry, but with some additional specifications now included in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (14.259) I think it might be helpful to provide a separate entry type. The \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} type has long existed in \textsf{biblatex}, though none of its included styles use it. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} constructing such an entry is mostly straightforward. The organization responsible for the standard goes in \textsf{organization}, the title in \textsf{title}, and the \textsf{series} and \textsf{number} fields provide the ID of the standard. The \textsf{date} field generally provides the publication date, though for some standards there may also be a later reaffirmation date (or similar), for which you can use the \textsf{eventdate}. \mylittlespace Now, for the peculiarities. In the bibliography, the \textsf{organization} will appear at the head of the entry, and will be reprinted as the publisher. If you wish to provide a shortened version for the second appearance, then the \textsf{publisher} field is the place for it. In long notes, the entry starts with the \textsf{title}, so there the code prefers the \textsf{organization} as publisher, because its shortened version may not be immediately recognizable. In short notes, only the \textsf{title} will appear (along with any \textsf{pre} or \textsf{postnote} fields, obviously). You can use the \textsf{author} field in addition to the \textsf{organization}, but this is unnecessary. If you absolutely must have the \textsf{organization} or \textsf{author} appear at the head of long and short notes, then providing any \textsf{entrysubtype} whatsoever will accomplish this. Any named \textsf{editor} or \textsf{namec} will, as per the specification, \emph{not} appear at the head of entries. You can really only alter this by using a \textsf{book} entry, instead. (Cf.\ w3c:xml.) \mylittlespace Finally, it is distinctly possible that an entry with two dates will need somehow to specify just what sort of dates are involved. The usual \textsf{biblatex-chicago} method is the \textsf{userd} field, and here that field will act as a date-type for the \textsf{date} field itself. For the \textsf{eventdate}, you'll need to use \textsf{howpublished}, which I have commandeered for this purpose in a few other entry types, as well. (Cf.\ niso:bibref and \textbf{howpublished} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, below.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppbook}} is the entry type to use if the main focus of a reference is supplemental material in a book or in a collection, e.g., an introduction, afterword, or forward, either by the same or a different author. In previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} these three just-mentioned types of material, and only these three types, could be referenced using the \textsf{introduction}, \textsf{afterword}, or \textsf{foreword} fields, a system that required you simply to define one of them in any way and leave the others undefined. The macros don't use the text provided by such an entry, they merely check to see if one of them is defined, in order to decide which sort of pre- or post-matter is at stake, and to print the appropriate string before the \textsf{title} in long notes, short notes, list of shorthands, and bibliography. I have retained this mechanism both for backward compatibility and because it works without modification across multiple languages, but have also added functionality which allows you to cite any sort of supplemental material whatever, using the \textsf{type} field. Under this system, simply put the nature of the material, including the relevant preposition, in that field, beginning with a lowercase letter so \textsf{biblatex} can decide whether it needs capitalization depending on the context. Examples might be \enquote{\texttt{preface to}} or \enquote{\texttt{colophon of}.} (Please note, however, that unless you use a \cmd{bibstring} command in the \textsf{type} field, the resultant entry will not be portable across languages.) \mylittlespace There are a few other rules for constructing your .bib entry. The \textsf{author} field refers to the author of the introduction or afterword, while \textsf{bookauthor} refers to the author of the main text of the work, if the two differ. The \emph{Manual} requires the inclusion of the page range of the part in question, though \emph{only} in the bibliography. I have followed this advice literally, so the \textsf{pages} field of a \textsf{suppbook} entry won't automatically appear in a long note. If you wish to include those pages in a note, then you'll need to repeat them in the \textsf{postnote} field of the citation command. \mylittlespace Finally, if the focus of the reference is the main text of the book, but you want to mention the name of the writer of an introduction or afterword for bibliographical completeness, then the normal \textsf{biblatex} rules apply, and you can just put their name in the appropriate field of a \textsf{book} entry, that is, in the \textsf{foreword}, \textsf{afterword}, or \textsf{introduction} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.110; polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppcollection}} fulfills a function analogous to \textsf{suppbook}. Indeed, I believe the \textbf{suppbook} type can serve to present supplemental material in both types of work, so this entry type is an alias to \textsf{suppbook}, which see. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppperiodical}} type is intended to allow reference to generically-titled works in periodicals, such as regular columns or letters to the editor. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-notes} provides the \textsf{review} type for this purpose, and you can use either of these, as I've added \textsf{suppperiodical} as an alias of \textsf{review}. Please see above under \textbf{review} for the full instructions on how to construct a .bib entry for such a reference. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{unpublished}} \textsf{unpublished} entry type works largely as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}, though it's worth remembering that you should use a lowercase letter at the start of your \textsf{note} field (or perhaps an\ \cmd{autocap} command in the somewhat contradictory \textsf{howpublished}, if you have one) for material that wouldn't ordinarily be capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence. Thanks to a bug report by Henry D. Hollithron, such entries will print information about any \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{compiler}, etc., that you include in the .bib file. Also, conforming to the indications of the \emph{Manual}, and thanks to the prompting of Jan David Hauck, you can use the \textsf{venue}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, and \textsf{eventtitleaddon} fields further to specify unpublished conference papers and the like (14.216--18; nass:address). \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{video}} is the last of the three audiovisual entry types, and as its name suggests it is intended for citing visual media, be it films of any sort or TV shows, whether broadcast, on the Net, on VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray, though it will serve as well, I think, for radio broadcasts of plays or drama serials. As with the \textsf{music} type discussed above, certain choices had to be made when associating the production roles found, e.g., on a DVD, to those bookish ones provided by \textsf{biblatex}. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} once again revised its recommendations for this type, but fortunately the changes are additive, i.e., you can re-use 16th-edition citations but are encouraged to peruse the following guidelines to see if there's any information you might think of adding to bring your citations more into line with the spec. Here are the main guidelines: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\qquad\textsf{#1}} \begin{description} \item[author:] This will not infrequently be left undefined, as the director of a film should be identified as such and therefore placed in the \textsf{editor} field with the appropriate \textsf{editortype} (see below). You will need it, however, to identify the composer of, e.g., an oratorio on VHS (handel:messiah), or perhaps the provider of commentaries or other extras on a film DVD (cleese:holygrail). \item[editor, editora, editorb =] director or producer, or possibly the performer or conductor in recorded musical performances. These will ordinarily follow the \textsf{title} of the work, though the usual \texttt{useauthor} and \texttt{useeditor} options can alter the presentation within an entry. Because these are non-standard roles, you will need to identify them using the following: \item[\mycolor{editortype, editoratype, editorbtype:}] The most common roles, all associated with specific bibstrings (or their absence), will likely be \texttt{director}, \texttt{producer}, and, oddly, \texttt{none}. The last is particularly useful if you want to identify performers, as they usually don't need further specifying and this role prevents \textsf{biblatex} from falling back on the default \texttt{editor} bibstring. Any other roles you want to emphasize, even if there is no pre-defined \cmd{bibstring}, can be provided here, and will be printed as-is, contextually capitalized. (Cf.\ hitchcock:nbynw.) \item[title, titleaddon, booktitle, booktitleaddon, maintitle:] As with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{video} serves as an analogue both to books and to collections, so the \textsf{title} may be of a whole film DVD or of a TV series, or it may identify one episode in a series or one scene in a film. In the latter cases, the title of the whole would go in \textsf{booktitle}. The \textsf{booktitleaddon} field is the place for specifying the season and/or episode number of a TV series, while the \textsf{titleaddon} is for any information that needs to come between the \textsf{title} and the \textsf{booktitle} (american:crime, cleese:holygrail, friends:\break leia, handel:messiah, hitchcock:nbynw, mayberry:brady). As in the \textsf{music} type, a \textsf{maintitle} may be necessary for a boxed set or something similar. \item[\mycolor{entrysubtype:}] If, for some reason, you want to cite an individual episode or scene without reference to any larger unit, then your entry will contain only a \textsf{title}, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as the title of a complete film or TV series. In such a case, you'll need to define an \textsf{entrysubtype} to let it know that the lone \textsf{title} is such a sub-unit. In quite a different syntactic transformation, the 17th edition (14.265) now recommends that, when presenting episodes from a TV series, the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) comes before the episode name (\textsf{title}). The exact string \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} in the \textsf{entrysubtype} field achieves this reversal, which includes using the \textsf{booktitle} as a \textsf{sorttitle} in the bibliography and also as the \textsf{labeltitle} in short notes. \item[\mycolor{usera:}] When citing recordings of TV shows, the 17th edition now wants you to include the TV network for the original broadcast, and the \mycolor{\textsf{usera}} field is the place for it. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} has long used this field for this same purpose in \textsf{article, periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, so its inclusion here can at least hope to benefit from that prior acquaintance. It will appear after the broadcast date, i.e., the \textsf{eventdate}, and will be separated from it by the \cmd{bibstring} \enquote{\texttt{on.}} \item[date, eventdate, origdate:] As with \textsf{music} entries, in order to follow the specifications of the \emph{Manual}, I have had to provide three separate date fields for citing \textsf{video} sources, but their uses differ somewhat between the two types. In both, the \textsf{date} will generally provide the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. The \textsf{eventdate} will most commonly present either the broadcast date of a particular TV program, or the recording/performance date of, for example, an opera on DVD. The style will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{broadcast} to such a date, though you can use the \textsf{userd} field to change the string printed there. (Absent an \textsf{eventdate}, the \textsf{userd} field in \textsf{video} entries will modify the \textsf{urldate}, and absent those two it will modify the \textsf{date}.) The \textsf{origdate} has more or less the same function, and appears in the same places, as it does in standard book-like entries, providing the date of first release of a film, though there isn't any \texttt{reprint} string associated with it in this entry type. Cf.\ friends:leia, handel:messiah, hitchcock:nbynw. \item[type:] As in all the audiovisual entry types, the \textsf{type} field holds the medium of the \textsf{title}, e.g., 8 mm, VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, MPEG. \end{description}} As with the \textsf{music} type, entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib} should at least give you a good idea of how all this works. (Cf.\ 14.265, 14.267; loc:city, weed:flatiron.) \subsection{Entry Fields} \label{sec:entryfields} The following discussion presents, in alphabetical order, a complete list of the entry fields you will need to use \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}. As in section \ref{sec:entrytypes}, I shall include references to the numbered paragraphs of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}, and also to the entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib}. Many fields are most easily understood with reference to other, related fields. In such cases, cross references should allow you to find the information you need. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{addendum}} in standard \textsf{biblatex}, this field allows you to add miscellaneous information to the end of an entry, after publication data but before any \textsf{url} or \textsf{doi} field. In the \textsf{patent} entry type (which see), it will be printed in close association with the filing and issue dates. In all other entry types this information will come \emph{after} any \textsf{pages} or \textsf{postnote} references present in long notes, allowing you in particular to use the field to identify a particular type of book-like publication when such data won't fit well in another part of an entry. In any entry type, if your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and the style will take care of the rest. Cf.\ \textsf{note}. (See \emph{Manual} 14.114, 14.159--63; davenport:attention, natrecoff:camera.) \mybigspace In most \mymarginpar{\textbf{afterword}} circumstances, this field will function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}, i.e., you should include here the author(s) of an afterword to a given work. The \emph{Manual} suggests that, as a general rule, the afterword would need to be of significant importance in its own right to require mentioning in the reference apparatus, but this is clearly a matter for the user's judgment. As in \textsf{biblatex}, if the name given here exactly matches that of an editor and/or a translator, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will concatenate these fields in the formatted references. \mylittlespace As noted above, however, this field has a special meaning in the \textsf{suppbook} entry type, used to make an afterword, foreword, or introduction the main focus of a citation. If it's an afterword at issue, simply define \textsf{afterword} any way you please, leave \textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction} undefined, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will do the rest. Cf.\ \textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction}. (See \emph{Manual} 14.105, 14.110; polakow:afterw.) \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{annotation}}} \label{sec:annote} At the request of Emil Salim, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} provides a package option (see \texttt{annotation} below, section \ref{sec:useropts}) to allow you to produce annotated bibliographies. The formatting of such a bibliography is currently fairly basic, though it conforms with the \emph{Manual's} minimal guidelines (14.64). The default in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx} is to define \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{annotation}{\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1}+; if ne\-cessary you can alter it by re-declaring the format in your preamble. The page-breaking algorithms don't always give perfect results here, but the default formatting looks, to my eyes, fairly decent. In addition to tweaking the field formatting you can also insert \cmd{par} (or even \verb+\vadjust{\eject}+) commands into the text of your annotations to improve the appearance. Please consider the \texttt{annotation} option a work in progress, but it is usable now. (N.B.: The old \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{annote} serves as an alias for this.) \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotator}} have implemented this \textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{commentator}. \mybigspace For \mymarginpar{\textbf{author}} the most part, I have implemented this field in a completely standard fashion. Remember that corporate or organizational authors need to have an extra set of curly braces around them (e.g., \texttt{\{\{Associated Press\}\}}\,) to prevent \textsf{biber} from treating one part of the name as a surname (14.84, 14.200; assocpress:gun, chicago:manual). If there is no \textsf{author}, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will, in the bibliography and long notes, look in sequence, for a \textsf{namea}, an \textsf{editor}, a \textsf{nameb}, a \textsf{translator}, or a \textsf{namec} (i.e., a compiler) and use that name (or those names) instead, followed by the appropriate identifying string (esp.\ 14.103, also 14.76, 14.121, 14.126, 14.180; boxer:china, brown:bre\-mer, harley:cartography, schellinger:novel, sechzer:women, silver:gawain, soltes:geor\-gia). \textsf{Biblatex's} sorting algorithms will use the first of those names found, which should ensure correct alphabetization in the bibliography. (See \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:formatopts}, below.) In short notes, where the \textsf{labelname} is used, the order searched is somewhat augmented: \textsf{shortauthor, author, shorteditor, namea, editor, nameb, translator, namec}. (See \cmd{DeclareLabelname} in section~\ref{sec:formatopts}.) \mylittlespace In the rare cases when this substitution mechanism isn't appropriate, you have (at least) two options: either you can (chaucer:liferecords) put all the information into a \textsf{note} field rather than individual fields, or you can use the \textsf{biblatex} options \texttt{useauthor=false}, \texttt{usenamea=false}, \texttt{useeditor=false}, \texttt{usenameb=false}, \texttt{usetranslator=false}, and \texttt{usenamec=false} in the \textsf{options} field (chaucer:alt). If you look at the chaucer:alt entry in \textsf{notes-test.bib}, you'll notice that you only need to turn off the fields that are present in the entry, but please remember to use the new option \texttt{usenamec} instead of the old \texttt{usecompiler}, as the latter doesn't work as smoothly and completely as \textsf{biblatex's} own name toggles. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace This system of options, then, can turn off \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}'s mechanism for finding a name to place at the head of an entry, but it also very usefully adds the possibility of citing a work with an \textsf{author} by its editor, compiler or translator instead (14.104; eliot:pound), something that wasn't possible before. For full details of how this works, see the \textsf{editortype} documentation below. (Of course, in \textsf{collection}, \textsf{periodical} and \textsf{proceedings} entries, an \textsf{author} isn't expected, so there the chain of substitutions starts with \textsf{namea} and \textsf{editor}. Also, in \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries with \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, the absence of an \textsf{author} triggers the use of the \textsf{journaltitle} in its stead. See those entry types for further details.) \mylittlespace \textbf{NB}: The \emph{Manual} provides specific instructions for formatting the names of both anonymous and pseudonymous authors (14.79--82). In the former case, if no author is known or guessed at, then it may simply be omitted (virginia:plantation). The use of \enquote{Anonymous} as the name is \enquote{generally to be avoided,} but may in some cases be useful \enquote{in a bibliography in which several anonymous works need to be grouped.} If, on the other hand, \enquote{the authorship is known or guessed at but was omitted on the title page,} then you need to use the \textsf{authortype} field to let \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} know this fact. If the author is known (horsley:prosodies), then put \texttt{anon} in the \textsf{authortype} field, if guessed at (cook:sotweed) put \texttt{anon?}\ there. (In both cases, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} tests for these \emph{exact} strings, so check your typing if it doesn't work.) This will have the effect of enclosing the name in square brackets, with or without the question mark indicating doubt. As long as you have the right string in the \textsf{authortype} field, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will also do the right thing automatically in the short note form. \mylittlespace In most entry types (except \textsf{customc}), the \textsf{nameaddon} field furnishes the means to cope with the case of pseudonymous authorship. If the author's real name isn't known, simply put \texttt{pseud.}\,(or \verb+\bibstring{pseudonym}+) in that field (centinel:letters). If you wish to give a pseudonymous author's real name, simply include it there, formatted as you wish it to appear, as the contents of this field won't be manipulated as a name by \textsf{biblatex} (lecarre:quest). If you have given the author's real name in the \textsf{author} field, then the pseudonym goes in \textsf{nameaddon}, in the form \texttt{Firstname Lastname,\,pseud.}\ (creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death). This latter method will allow you to keep references to one author's work under different pseudonyms grouped together in the bibliography, as recommended by the \emph{Manual}, though it is now recommended that, whichever system you employ, you include a cross-reference from one name to the other in the bibliography. You can do this using a \textsf{customc} entry (ashe:creasey, morton:creasey, york:creasey). Please see also the entry on \textbf{nameaddon}, below, for circumstances where you may need to provide your own square brackets when presenting a pseudonym. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{authortype}} \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, this field serves a function very much in keeping with the spirit of standard \textsf{biblatex}, if not with its letter. Instead of allowing you to change the string used to identify an author, the field allows you to indicate when an author is anonymous, that is, when their name doesn't appear on the title page of the work you are citing. As I've just detailed under \textsf{author}, the \emph{Manual} generally discourages the use of \enquote{Anonymous} as an author, preferring that you simply omit it. If, however, the name of the author is known or guessed at, then you're supposed to enclose that name within square brackets, which is exactly what \textsf{biblatex-chicago} does for you when you put either \texttt{anon} (author known) or \texttt{anon?} (author guessed at) in the \textsf{authortype} field. (Putting the square brackets in yourself doesn't work right, hence this mechanism.) The macros test for these \emph{exact} strings, so check your typing if you don't see the brackets. Assuming the strings are correct, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will also automatically do the right thing in the short note form. Cf.\ \textsf{author}. (See 14.79--80; cook:sotweed, horsley:prosodies.) \mybigspace For \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookauthor}} the most part, as in \textsf{biblatex}, a \textsf{bookauthor} is the author of a \textsf{booktitle}, so that, for example, if one chapter in a book has different authorship from the book as a whole, you can include that fact in a reference (will:cohere). Keep in mind, however, that the entry type for introductions, forewords and afterwords (\textsf{suppbook}) uses \textsf{bookauthor} as the author of \textsf{title} (polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mybigspace This, \mymarginpar{\vspace{-8pt}\textbf{bookpagination}} a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, allows you automatically to prefix the appropriate string to information you provide in a \textsf{pages} field. If you leave it blank, the default is to print no identifying string (the equivalent of setting it to \texttt{none}), as this is the practice the \emph{Manual} recommends for nearly all page numbers. Even if the numbers you cite aren't pages, but it is otherwise clear from the context what they represent, you can still leave this blank. If, however, you specifically need to identify what sort of unit the \textsf{pages} field represents, then you can either hand-format that field yourself, or use one of the provided bibstrings in the \textsf{bookpagination} field. These bibstrings currently are \texttt{column,} \texttt{line,} \texttt{paragraph,} \texttt{page,} \texttt{section,} and \texttt{verse}, all of which are used by \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles. \mylittlespace There are two points that may need explaining here. First, all the bibstrings I have just listed follow the Chicago specification, which may be confusing if they don't produce the strings you expect. Second, remember that \textsf{bookpagination} applies only to the \textsf{pages} field --- if you need to format a citation's \textsf{postnote} field, then you must use \textsf{pagination}, which see (10.42--43, 14.147--56). \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{booksubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{booktitle}. See the next entry for further information. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{booktitle}} the \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter} entry types, the \textsf{booktitle} field holds the title of the larger volume in which the \textsf{title} itself is contained as one part. It is important not to confuse this with the \textsf{maintitle}, which holds the more general title of multiple volumes, e.g., \emph{Collected Works}. It is perfectly possible for one .bib file entry to contain all three sorts of title (euripides:orestes, plato:republic:gr). You may also find a \textsf{booktitle} in other sorts of entries (e.g., \textsf{book} or \textsf{collection}), but there it will almost invariably be providing information for the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ cross-referencing apparatus, which I discuss below (\textbf{crossref}). This provision is now unnecessary, assuming you are using \textsf{biber}. \mybigspace An \mymarginpar{\textbf{booktitleaddon}} annex to the \textsf{booktitle}. It will be printed in the main text font, without quotation marks. If your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{booktitleaddon} field. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{chapter}} field holds the chapter number, mainly useful only in an \textsf{inbook} or an \textsf{incollection} entry where you wish to cite a specific chapter of a book (ashbrook:brain). It now also holds the track number of individual pieces of \textsf{music}, whether on a traditional format or on a streaming service (holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{commentator}} have implemented this \textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{annotator}. \paragraph*{\protect\colmarginpar{\textbf{crossref}}} \label{sec:crossref} This field is the standard \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ cross-referencing mechanism, and \textsf{biblatex} has adopted it while also introducing a modified one of its own (\textsf{xref}). If you have used \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ (or \textsf{bibtex8)} the \textsf{crossref} field works much the same as it always has, while \textsf{xref} attempts to remedy some of the deficiencies of the usual mechanism by ensuring that child entries will inherit no data at all from their parents. Section~2.4.1 of \textsf{biblatex.pdf} contains useful notes on managing cross-referenced entries, and section~3.15 explains some of the limitations of the traditional backends, which offer only a small subset of \textsf{Biber's} features. The functionality, discussed below, for abbreviating references in \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, and for using the \textsf{mv*} entry types to do so, will prove extremely difficult to replicate with the older backends, so if you plan on lots of cross-referencing in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} then I strongly recommend you use \textsf{Biber}. \mylittlespace (One reason for this is that when \textsf{Biber} is the backend, \textsf{biblatex} defines a series of inheritance rules for the \textsf{crossref} field which make it much more convenient to use. Appendix B of \textsf{biblatex.pdf} explains the defaults, to which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has added several that I should mention here: \textsf{incollection} entries can now inherit from \textsf{book} and \textsf{mvbook} just as they do from \textsf{collection} and \textsf{mvcollection} entries; \textsf{letter} entries now inherit from \textsf{book}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{mvbook}, and \textsf{mvcollection} entries the same way an \textsf{inbook} or an \textsf{incollection} entry would; the \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{sortname}, \textsf{sorttitle}, and \textsf{sortyear} fields, all highly single-entry specific, are no longer inheritable; and \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields are not inheritable from any of the new \textbf{mv*} entry types.) \mylittlespace Turning now to the provision of abbreviated references in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, the \emph{Manual} (14.108) specifies that if you cite several contributions to the same collection, all (including the collection itself) may be listed separately in the bibliography, which the package does automatically, using the default inclusion threshold of 2 in the case both of \textsf{crossref}'ed and \textsf{xref}'ed entries. (The familiar \cmd{nocite} command may also help in some circumstances.) In footnotes the specification suggests that, after a citation of any one contribution to the collection, all subsequent contributions may, even in the first, long footnote, be cited using a slightly shortened form, thus \enquote{avoiding clutter.} In the bibliography the abbreviated form is appropriate for all the child entries. The \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} package has always implemented these instructions, but only if you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field, and only in \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, or \textsf{letter} entries (on the last named, see just below). Recent releases have considerably extended this functionality. \mylittlespace First, I added five entry types --- \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{inbook}, \textbf{proceedings}, and \mycolor{\textbf{review}} --- to the list of those which use shortened cross references, and I added two options --- \texttt{longcrossref} and \texttt{booklongxref}, on which more below --- which you can use in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of an entry to enable or disable the automatic provision of abbreviated references. (The \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field are still necessary for this provision, but they are no longer sufficient on their own.) The \textsf{inbook} and \mycolor{\textsf{review}} types work exactly like \textsf{incollection} or \textsf{inproceedings}; in previous releases, you could use \textsf{inbook} instead of \textsf{incollection} to avoid the automatic abbreviation, the two types being otherwise identical. Now that you can use an option to turn off abbreviated references even in the presence of a \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field, I have thought it sensible to include this entry type alongside the others. (Cf.\ ellet:galena, keating:dearborn, lippincott:chicago, and prairie:state to see this mechanism in action in both notes and bibliography.) In the \mycolor{\textsf{review}} type the mechanism is aimed primarily at blog comments, assuming you don't want to use the more convenient \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}, which absolves you even of the need to provide a \textsf{title} field for such entries. See the documentation of the \textsf{review} type above for the details. \mylittlespace The inclusion of \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{collection}, and \textbf{proceedings} entries fulfills a request made by Kenneth L. Pearce, and allows you to obtain shortened references to, for example, separate volumes within a multi-volume work, or to different book-length works collected inside a single volume. Such references are not an explicit part of the \emph{Manual's} specification, but they are a logical extension of it, so the system of options for turning on this functionality behaves differently for these four entry types than for the other 4 (see below). In \textsf{notes-test.bib} you can get a feel for how this works by looking at bernhard:boris, bernhard:ritter, bernhard:themacher, harley:ancient:cart, harley:carto\-graphy, and harley:hoc. \mylittlespace Before discussing the new package options, I should say a little about some subtleties involved in this mechanism. First, and especially for \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, it is much simpler if your backend is \textsf{Biber}, which allows you to provide \textsf{maintitles} by cross-referencing an \textbf{mv*} entry, and \textsf{booktitles} by cross-referencing \textsf{book} or \textsf{collection} entries. Second, where and when to print \textsf{volume} information in these references is extremely complex, and I confess that I designed the tests primarily with \textsf{Biber} in mind. Third, Andrew Goldstone long ago identified some other difficulties in the package's treatment of abbreviated citations, both in notes and bibliography, difficulties exacerbated now by the extension of the mechanism to book-like entries. If you refer separately to chapters in a single-author \textsf{book}, then the shortened part of the reference, to the whole book, won't repeat the author's name before the title of the whole. If, however, you refer separately to parts of a \textsf{collection} or \textsf{proceedings}, even when the \textsf{editor} of the \textsf{collection} is the same as the \textsf{author} of an essay in the collection, you will see the name repeated before the abbreviated part referencing the whole parent volume. \mylittlespace Shortened references to book-like entries require, I believe, a somewhat different treatment. Here, repeated \textsf{editors} are avoided if the abbreviated reference is to a \textsf{collection} or \textsf{proceedings} entry, or to either of their \textsf{mv*} versions, while for other entry types repeated \textsf{authors} are avoided. Because the code in these situations tests for entry type, there may be corner cases where careful choice of the parent entry type gets you what you want. Likewise, judicious use of the \textsf{editor} and \textsf{editortype} fields may also help, in some circumstances, to clear names that are repeated unnecessarily. Also, because of the way dates are handled by the \textsf{mv*} entry types, and by child entries cross-referenced to such entry types, I thought it might help in these abbreviated book-like entries to provide a date for the \textsf{title} when it's part of a \textsf{maintitle}, though not when it's only part of a \textsf{booktitle}. If dates appear in shortened references where you'd rather not have them, I have provided the \texttt{omitxrefdate} option to turn them off, either in the preamble for the document as a whole or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. There is also an \texttt{xrefurl} option available to control the printing of \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} fields in abbreviated references where such information might otherwise never appear. See \textbf{mvbook} in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, and both \texttt{omitxrefdate} and \texttt{xrefurl} in section~\ref{sec:useropts}. \mylittlespace Finally, a published collection of letters also requires different treatment (14.111). If you cite more than one letter from the same collection, then the \emph{Manual} specifies that only the collection itself should appear in the bibliography. In footnotes, you can use the \textsf{letter} entry type, documented above, for each individual letter, while the collection as a whole may well require a \textsf{book} entry. I have, after some consideration, implemented the system of shortened references in \textsf{letter} entries, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't explicitly require it. (See white:ross:memo, white:russ, and white:total, for examples of the \textsf{crossref} field in action in this way, and please note that the second of these entries is entirely fictitious, provided merely for the sake of example.) How then to keep the individual letters from appearing in the bibliography? The simplest mechanism is probably just to use \enquote{\texttt{skipbib}} in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace Returning, \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref}} then, to the package options which control whether and where the abbreviated references may appear, they function, by default, asymmetrically. The first, \texttt{longcrossref}, generally controls the settings for the entry types more-or-less authorized by the \emph{Manual}: \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{letter}, and \mycolor{\textsf{review}}. \begin{description} \item[\qquad false:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in the four mentioned entry types, you'll get the abbreviated references in both notes and bibliography. \item[\qquad true:] You'll get no abbreviated references in these entry types, either in notes or in the bibliography. \item[\qquad notes:] The abbreviated references will not appear in notes, but only in the bibliography. \item[\qquad bib:] The abbreviated references will not appear in the bibliography, but only in notes. \item[\qquad none:] This switch is special, allowing you with one setting to provide abbreviated references not just to the four entry types mentioned but also to \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, both in notes and in the bibliography. \end{description} The \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref}} second option, \texttt{booklongxref}, controls the settings for \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries: \begin{description} \item[\qquad true:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in these entry types, by default you will \emph{not} get any abbreviated references, either in notes or bibliography. \item[\qquad false:] You'll get abbreviated references in these entry types both in notes and in the bibliography. \item[\qquad notes:] The abbreviated references will not appear in notes, but only in the bibliography. \item[\qquad bib:] The abbreviated references will not appear in the bibliography, but only in notes. \end{description} Please note that you can set both of these options either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries, allowing you to change the settings on an entry-by-entry basis. \mylittlespace Please further note that in earlier releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} I recommended against using \textsf{shorthand}, \textsf{reprinttitle} and/or \textsf{userf} fields in combination with this abbreviated cross-referencing mechanism. I received, however, a request from Alexandre Roberts to allow the shorthand to appear in the place of the abbreviated cross-reference as an additional space-saving measure, and one from Kenneth Pearce to permit the combination of the other two fields with \textsf{crossref}, as well. The \textsf{userf} and \textsf{reprinttitle} fields should just work automatically in such circumstances, but \mymarginpar{\texttt{inheritshort\-hand}} the \textsf{shorthand} field in parent entries needs to be enabled by setting the \texttt{inheritshorthand} package option to \texttt{true}. There are, in addition, several other steps required to make this function smoothly --- please see the documentation of the \textbf{shorthand} field, below, for a full explanation. (In case it isn't clear, the combination of \textsf{userf}, \textsf{shorthand}, and \textsf{crossref} functionality in a single entry is now possible. If you come across any problems or inaccuracies, please report them.) \mybigspace With\colmarginpar{\textbf{date}} this release I have implemented all of the applicable parts of \textsf{biblatex's} elegant, and long standing, support for the \mycolor{\textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specification}, which means the package now provides greatly enhanced possibilities for presenting uncertain and unspecified dates and date ranges, along with date eras, seasons, and time stamps. I have also implemented the \emph{Manual's} (9.64) guidelines for compressing year ranges, as well as providing a few more extras to help with some of the other tricky corners of the \emph{Manual's} instructions. A combination of \textsf{biblatex} and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} package options allows you to define when, how, and where any of these extended specifications will appear in your documents. I have attempted to provide as compliant a set of defaults as possible in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, but you can alter any of them according to your needs. All are documented in section~\ref{sec:options}, below, but table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, located in the author-date section, purports to serve as a convenient reference guide to how this all works. \mylittlespace There are several more general remarks about the \textsf{date} field that may be helpful to users. First, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the extended date specifications, as in many cases they will greatly simplify the creation of your .bib databases. The new \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}} option (\texttt{true} by default), for example, takes a year range in a date field and handles the somewhat tricky Chicago compression rules for you, while also giving you a simple means of turning it off that doesn't involve combing your .bib file for all the \textsf{year} fields that contain your hand-formatted ranges. Clearly, situations may still arise when a specially-crafted \textsf{year} or \textsf{origyear} field may be necessary, but if you can use the enhanced specifications then I strongly advocate doing so. Second, the fine-grained specification of a time stamp is really only necessary for news stories that are frequently updated \enquote{as they unfold} (14.191), for online sources that change rapidly enough for a time stamp to be necessary (14.207, 14.233; wikiped:bibtex), or for online posts, particularly comments, that may need a time stamp for disambiguation (14.208--10). If you wish to specify the time zone, the \emph{Manual} (10.41) prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} or \enquote{PDT,} and these are most easily provided using the \textsf{timezone} field, where you can include your own parentheses if so desired (cp.\ 14.191). For the \textsf{date} field itself, a time stamp will only appear in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, and \textsf{online} entries, the first three only with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}. All types can print such a stamp from the \textsf{urldate} (controllable using the new\colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp}} \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} option), while only \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries will print this data from an \textsf{eventdate}. If you find a context in which a time stamp would be useful and which isn't included in this discussion, please let me know. \mylittlespace Third, an incomplete time specification will be ignored by \textsf{biber}, so include the seconds in it, as in table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, safe in the knowledge that they won't, by default, ever appear in your documents. Should you want that level of discrimination, the \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{seconds} set to \texttt{true} provides it. Fourth, in the \textsf{misc} entry type the \textsf{date} field can help to distinguish between two classes of archival material, letters and \enquote{letter-like} sources using \textsf{origdate} while others (interviews, wills, contracts) use \textsf{date}. (See \textsf{misc} in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes} for the details.) Fifth, you can in most entry types qualify a \textsf{date} with the \textsf{userd} field, assuming that the entry contains no \textsf{urldate}. For \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, there are several other requirements --- please see the documentation of \textsf{userd}, below. \mylittlespace Sixth, and finally, please note that the \textsf{nameaddon} field, which see, is no longer the place for time stamps, as it was in the 16th-edition styles. Any such data there should be moved into the corresponding date field (either the \textsf{date} or the \textsf{eventdate}, typically). On all these questions generally please cf.\ also \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{timezone}, and \textsf{year}, below; the \texttt{alldates}, \texttt{alltimes}, \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}}, \texttt{datecirca}, \texttt{dateera}, \texttt{dateeraauto}, \texttt{dateuncertain}, \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}}, \mycolor{\texttt{nodates}}, \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}}, \texttt{timezones}, \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}}, and \texttt{urltime} options in sections~\ref{sec:presetopts}, \ref{sec:chicpreset}, and \ref{sec:useropts}; and section~4.5.10 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace (Users of the Chicago author-date style who wish to minimize the labor needed to convert a .bib database for the notes \&\ bibliography style should be aware that the latter style includes compatibility code for the \texttt{cmsdate} (silently ignored) and \texttt{switchdates} options, along with the mechanism for reversing \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate}. This means that you can, in theory, leave all of this alone in your .bib file when making the conversion, though I'm retaining the right to revoke this if the code in question demonstrably interferes with the functioning of the notes \&\ bibliography style.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{day}} field, as of \textsf{biblatex} 0.9, is obsolete, and will be ignored if you use it in your .bib files. Use \textsf{date} instead. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{doi}} \textsf{biblatex} field, providing the Digital Object Identifier of the work. The \emph{Manual} specifies that, given their relative permanence compared to URLs, \enquote{authors should prefer a DOI- or Handle-based URL whenever one is available} (14.8). (14.175; friedman:learning). Cf.\ \textsf{url}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{edition}} \textsf{biblatex} field. If you enter a plain cardinal number, \textsf{biblatex} will convert it to an ordinal (chicago:manual), followed by the appropriate string. Any other sort of edition information will be printed as is, though if your data begins with a word (or abbreviation) that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word (or abbreviation) is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing (babb:peru, times:guide). In most situations, the \emph{Manual} generally recommends the use of abbreviations in both bibliography and notes, but there is room for the user's discretion in specific citations (emerson:nature). \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{editor}} far as possible, I have implemented this field as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, but the requirements specified by the \emph{Manual} present certain complications that need explaining. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} points out that the \textsf{editor} field will be associated with a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{booktitle}, or a \textsf{maintitle}, depending on the sort of entry. More specifically, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} associates the \textsf{editor} with the most comprehensive of those titles, that is, \textsf{maintitle} if there is one, otherwise \textsf{booktitle}, otherwise \textsf{title}, if the other two are lacking. In a large number of cases, this is exactly the correct behavior (adorno:benj, centinel:letters, plato:republic:gr, among others). Predictably, however, there are numerous cases that require, for example, an additional editor for one part of a collection or for one volume of a multi-volume work. For these cases I have provided the \textsf{namea} field. You should format names for this field as you would for \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor}, and these names will always be associated with the \textsf{title} (donne:var). \mylittlespace As you will see below, I have also provided a \textsf{nameb} field, which holds the translator of a given \textsf{title} (euripides:orestes). If \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} are the same, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will concatenate them, just as \textsf{biblatex} already does for \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (i.e., the compiler). Furthermore, it is conceivable that a given entry will need separate editors for each of the three sorts of title. For this, and for various other tricky situations, there is the \cmd{partedit} macro (and its siblings), designed to be used in a \textsf{note} field or in one of the \textsf{titleaddon} fields (chaucer:liferecords). (Because the strings identifying an editor differ in notes and bibliography, one can't simply write them out in such a field, hence the need for a macro, which I discuss further in the commands section below [\ref{sec:formatcommands}].) Please note that, when attempting to find a name for the head of a note or a bibliography entry, \textsf{namea} takes precedence over \textsf{editor}, and \textsf{nameb} over \textsf{translator}. Cf.\ \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{namec}, and \textsf{translator}. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{editora\\editorb\\editorc}} newer releases of \textsf{biblatex} provide these fields as a means to specify additional contributors to texts in a number of editorial roles. In the Chicago styles they seem most relevant for the audiovisual types, especially \textsf{music} and \textsf{video}, and now also the \mycolor{\textsf{performance}} type, in all of which they can help to identify conductors, directors, producers, and performers. To specify the role, use the fields \textsf{editoratype}, \textsf{editorbtype}, and \textsf{editorctype}, which see. (Cf.\ bernstein:shostakovich, hamilton:miranda, handel:messiah.) \mybigspace Normally, \colmarginpar{\textbf{editortype}} with the exception of the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} types, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically find a name to put at the head of an entry, starting with an \textsf{author}, and proceeding in order through \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (the compiler). If all six are missing, then the \textsf{title} will be placed at the head. (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, a missing author immediately prompts the use of \textsf{journaltitle} at the head of an entry. See above under \textsf{article} for details.) The \textsf{editortype} field provides even greater flexibility, giving you the ability to indicate any number of roles at the head of an entry. You can do this even though an author is named (eliot:pound shows this mechanism in action for a standard editor, rather than for an alternative role). Two things are necessary for this to happen. First, in the \textsf{options} field you need to set \texttt{useauthor=false}, then you need to put the name you wish to see at the head of your entry into the \textsf{editor} or the \textsf{namea} field. If the \enquote{editor} is in fact a compiler, then you need to put \texttt{compiler} into the \textsf{editortype} field, and \textsf{biblatex} will print the correct string after the name in both the bibliography and in the long note form. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{New!} previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} you could only use defined \cmd{bibstrings} in this field, at least if you wanted anything printed. N.~Andrew Walsh pointed out that the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles will just print the field as-is in this case, allowing them to handle a great many unforeseen editorial roles with comparative ease, so I've implemented this, too, making sure to capitalize the string if the context demands it. The string you choose will differ depending on whether it will be printed after a name at the head of an entry or before a name later on in the entry, e.g., \enquote{cartographer} or \enquote{maps created by.} A bit of trial and error should see you through. \mylittlespace There are a few more details of which you need to be aware. Because \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has added the \textsf{namea} field, which gives you the ability to identify the editor specifically of a \textsf{title} as opposed to a \textsf{maintitle} or a \textsf{booktitle}, the name-finding algorithm checks first to see whether a \textsf{namea} is defined. If it is, that name will be used at the head of the entry, if it isn't, or if you've set the option \texttt{usenamea=false}, the algorithm will go ahead and look for an \textsf{editor}. The \textsf{editortype} field applies only to the \textsf{editor}, but you can use \textsf{nameatype} to modify \textsf{namea}. Either of these names should be sorted properly in the bibliography, but please be aware that if you want a shortened form to appear in short notes then there's only the \textsf{shorteditor}, which you should ensure presents whichever of the two editors' names appears at the head of long notes or bibliography entries. \mylittlespace In \textsf{biblatex} 0.9 Lehman reworked the string concatenation mechanism, for reasons he outlined in his RELEASE file, and I have followed his lead. In short, if you define the \textsf{editortype} field, then concatenation is turned off, even if the name of the \textsf{editor} matches, for example, that of the \textsf{translator}. In the absence of an \textsf{editortype} (or \textsf{nameatype}), the usual mechanisms remain in place, that is, if the \textsf{editor} exactly matches a \textsf{translator} and/or a \textsf{namec}, or alternatively if \textsf{namea} exactly matches a \textsf{nameb} and/or a \textsf{namec}, then \textsf{biblatex} will print the appropriate strings. The \emph{Manual} specifically (14.32) recommends not using these identifying strings in the short note form, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} follows their recommendation. If you nevertheless need to provide such a string, you'll have to do it manually in the \textsf{shorteditor} field, or perhaps, in a different sort of entry, in a \textsf{shortauthor} field. \mylittlespace It may also be worth noting that because of certain requirements in the specification -- absence of an \textsf{author}, for example -- the \texttt{useauthor=false} mechanism is either unnecessary or won't work properly in the following entry types: \textsf{collection}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{proceedings}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{suppbook}, \textsf{suppcollection}, and \textsf{suppperiodical}. \mybigspace These \colmarginpar{\textbf{editoratype\\editorbtype\\editorctype}} fields identify the exact role of the person named in the corresponding \textsf{editor[a-c]} field, just as \textsf{editortype} (q.v.) does for the \textsf{editor}. Note that they are not part of the string concatenation mechanism. I have implemented them just as the standard styles do, that is, if the field isn't a pre-defined \cmd{bibstring} it will be printed as-is, contextually capitalized. They have found a use particularly in \textsf{music}, \mycolor{\textsf{performance}}, and \textsf{video} entries. Cf.\ bernstein:shostakovich, hamilton:miranda, handel:messiah. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{eid}} \textsf{biblatex} field, providing a string or number some journals use uniquely to identify a particular article. Only applicable to the \textsf{article} entry type, and only to those without a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} now specifies where to print this (14.174), and I have moved it in accordance with its specifications. It replaces the \textsf{pages} field in long notes and bibliography, and appears after any specific page cited in the \textsf{postnote} field of a long note. \paragraph*{\protect\colmarginpar{\textbf{entrysubtype}}} \label{sec:entrysub} Standard and very powerful \textsf{biblatex} field, left undefined by the standard styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} it has eight very specific uses, the first three of which I have designed in order to maintain, as much as possible, backward compatibility with the standard styles. First, in \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries, the field allows you to differentiate between scholarly \enquote{journals,} on the one hand, and \enquote{magazines} and \enquote{newspapers} on the other. Usage is fairly simple: you need to put the exact string \texttt{magazine} into the \textsf{entrysubtype} field if you are citing one of the latter two types of source, whereas if your source is a \enquote{journal,} then you need do nothing. \mylittlespace The second use involves references to works from classical antiquity and, according to the \emph{Manual}, from the Middle Ages, as well. When you cite such a work using the traditional divisions into books, sections, lines, etc., divisions which are presumed to be the same across all editions, then you need to put the exact string \texttt{classical} into the \textsf{entrysubtype} field. This has no effect in long notes or in the bibliography, but it does affect the formatting of short notes, where it suppresses some of the punctuation. Ordinarily, you will use this toggle in a \textsf{book} or a \textsf{bookinbook} entry, but it is possible that a journal might well also present an edition of such a work. Given the tradition of using italics for the titles of such works, this may require using a \textsf{titleaddon} field (with hand formatting) instead of a \textsf{title}. If you wish to reference a classical or medieval work by the page numbers of a particular, non-standard edition, then you shouldn't use the \textsf{entrysubtype} toggle. Also, and the specification is reasonably clear about this, works from the Renaissance and later, even if cited by the traditional divisions, have short notes formatted normally, and therefore don't need an \textsf{entrysubtype} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.242--54; aristotle:metaphy:gr, plato:republic:gr; euripides:orestes is an example of a translation cited by page number in a modern edition.) \mylittlespace The third use occurs in \textsf{misc} entries. If such an entry contains no \textsf{entrysubtype} field, then the citation will be treated just as the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles would, including the use of italics for the \textsf{title}. Any string at all in \textsf{entrysubtype} tells \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} to treat the source as part of an unpublished archive. A \textsf{misc} entry with an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined is the least formatted of all those specified by the \emph{Manual} --- see section~\ref{sec:entrytypes} above under \textbf{misc} for all the details on how these citations work. \mylittlespace Fourth, the field can be defined in the \textsf{artwork} entry type in order to refer to a work from antiquity whose title you do not wish to be italicized. Please see the documentation of \textbf{artwork} above for the details. Fifth, you can define it in a \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} entry, q.v., to change the appearance of both long and short notes. Sixth, you can define it in an \textbf{audio}, \textbf{music}, or \textbf{video} entry if such an entry refers to an individual unit that isn't part of any larger collection, the entry therefore having only a \textsf{title} and not a \textsf{booktitle}, a \textsf{title} that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as the title of a larger unit (and therefore italicize). Seventh, and sticking with the \textbf{video} type, though enacting quite a different syntactic transformation, the 17th edition (14.265) now recommends that, when presenting episodes from a TV series, the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) comes before the episode name (\textsf{title}). The exact string \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} in the \textsf{entrysubtype} field achieves this reversal, which includes using the \textsf{booktitle} as a \textsf{sorttitle} in the bibliography and also as the \textsf{labeltitle} in short notes. \mylittlespace Eighth, and finally, you can use any \textsf{entrysubtype} whatever in \textsf{inreference} entries in order to treat them as inherently online works rather than standard published works. See the documentation of \textbf{online} and \textbf{inreference} entries in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above, and also 14.233 and wikiped:bibtex. \mybigspace Kazuo \mymarginpar{\textbf{eprint}\\\textbf{eprintclass}\\\textbf{eprinttype}} Teramoto suggested adding \textsf{biblatex's} excellent \textsf{eprint} handling to \textsf{biblatex-chica\-go}, and he sent me a patch implementing it. I have applied it, with minor alterations, so these three fields now work more or less as they do in standard \textsf{biblatex}. They may prove helpful in providing more abbreviated references to online content than conventional URLs, though I can find no specific reference to them in the \emph{Manual}. \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip} \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field which has gradually accumulated functions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It can now play a role in \mycolor{\textsf{artwork}}, \mycolor{\textsf{audio}}, \mycolor{\textsf{image}}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, \textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries it identifies the publication date of, most frequently, a photograph, in association with the \textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical or other medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In \textsf{standard} entries it will also usually be associated with a \textsf{howpublished} field, allowing you to specify a later renewal or reaffirmation of a standard (niso:bibref). In \textsf{audio} entries, it specifies the release date of a single episode of a podcast (danforth:podcast). In \textsf{music} entries, it identifies the recording or performance date of a particular song (rather than of a whole disc, for which you would use \textsf{origdate}), whereas in \textsf{video} entries it identifies either the original broadcast date of a particular episode of a TV series or the date of a filmed musical performance. In both these cases \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically prepend a bibstring --- \texttt{recorded} and \texttt{aired}, respectively --- to the date, but you can change this string using the \textsf{userd} field, something you'll definitely want to do for filmed musical performances (friends:leia, handel:messiah, holiday:fool). \mylittlespace In \textsf{unpublished} entries it identifies the date of an event at which an unpublished work was presented, though in truth the \textsf{date} will do as well here (nass:address). The field's use in \textsf{review} entries, finally, includes a possible time stamp. In this context, an \textsf{eventdate} helps to identify a particular comment on, or reply to another comment on, a blog post. Given that many such posts by a single \textsf{author} could appear on the same day, you can distinguish them by putting a time specification in the \textsf{eventdate} field itself (ac:comment). Please see the \textbf{review} type, above, for the details of how to cite these materials, possibly with the help of the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}. See also the \textsf{date} field docs, in particular table~\ref{ad:date:extras} (located in the author-date section), for\colmarginpar{New!} details on how the \mycolor{\textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specifications} offered by \textsf{biblatex}, including time stamps and much else besides, have been implemented in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{eventdate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{foreword}} with the \textsf{afterword} field above, \textsf{foreword} will in general function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Like \textsf{afterword} (and \textsf{introduction}), however, it has a special meaning in a \textsf{suppbook} entry, where you simply need to define it somehow (and leave \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{introduction} undefined) to make a foreword the focus of a citation. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{holder}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field for identifying a \textsf{patent}'s holder(s), if they differ from the \textsf{author}. The \emph{Manual} has nothing to say on the subject, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} prints it (them), in parentheses, just after the author(s). \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{howpublished}} \textsf{biblatex} field which, like the \textsf{eventdate} field, is gradually accumulating functions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. In the \textsf{booklet} type it retains something of its traditional usage, replacing the \textsf{publisher}, and has a similar (somewhat paradoxical) place in \textsf{unpublished} entries. In the \textsf{misc} and \mycolor{\textsf{performance}} types it works almost as a second \textsf{note} field, bringing in extra information about a work in close association with the \textsf{type} and \textsf{version} fields, while in \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entries its information will be associated with both those fields and also with the \textsf{number} field. 17th-edition \textsf{music} entries require a field to provide the medium of downloaded music and/or the name of the streaming service, so \textsf{howpublished} works there as an online double of \textsf{type} and of \textsf{publisher}. Finally, in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{image}, and \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries it serves to qualify or modify an \textsf{eventdate}, almost as a \textsf{userd} field modifies a \textsf{date} or \textsf{urldate}. Please see the docs of those entry types for more information, and also bedford:photo, clark:mesopot, mccurry:afghangirl, niso:bibref, rihanna:umbrella. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{institution}} \textsf{biblatex} field. In the \textsf{thesis} entry type, it will usually identify the university for which the thesis was written, while in a \textsf{report} entry it may identify any sort of institution issuing the report. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{introduction}} with the \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{foreword} fields above, \textsf{introduction} will in general function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Like those fields, however, it has a special meaning in a \textsf{suppbook} entry, where you simply need to define it somehow (and leave \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{foreword} undefined) to make an introduction the focus of a citation. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{isbn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Book Number of a publication. Not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{isrn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Technical Report Number of a report. Only relevant to the \textsf{report} entry type, and not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Serial Number of a periodical in an \textsf{article} or a \textsf{periodical} entry. Not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issue}} \textsf{biblatex} field, designed for \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entries identified by something like \enquote{Spring} or \enquote{Summer} rather than by the usual \textsf{month} or \textsf{number} fields (brown:bremer). \textsf{Biblatex's} enhanced date handling allows you to specify a season in the \textsf{date} field, with the \enquote{months} 21--24 used for Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, respectively. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, below. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{issuesubtitle}} subtitle for an \textsf{issuetitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issuetitle}} \textsf{biblatex} field, intended to contain the title of a special issue of any sort of periodical. If the reference is to one article within the special issue, then this field should be used in an \textsf{article} entry (conley:fifthgrade), whereas if you are citing the entire issue as a whole, then it would go in a \textsf{periodical} entry, instead (good:wholeissue). The \textsf{note} field is the proper place to identify the type of issue, e.g.,\ \texttt{special issue}, with the initial letter lower-cased to enable automatic contextual capitalization. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{journalsubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{journaltitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{journaltitle}} \textsf{biblatex} field, replacing the standard \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{journal}, which, however, still works as an alias. It contains the name of any sort of periodical publication, and is found in the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entry types. In the case where a piece in an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} (\textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}) doesn't have an author, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} provides for this field to be used as the author. See above (section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}) under \textbf{article} for details. The lakeforester:pushcarts and nyt:trevorobit entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib} will give you some idea of how this works. Please note there is a \textsf{shortjournal} field which you can use to abbreviate the \textsf{journaltitle} in notes and/or in the bibliography, and you can also use it to print a list of journal abbreviations. Cf.\ the \textsf{shortjournal} documentation below. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{keywords}} field is \textsf{biblatex}'s powerful and flexible technique for filtering bibliography entries, allowing you to subdivide a bibliography according to just about any criteria you care to invent, or indeed to prevent entries in notes from appearing in the bibliography, as the \emph{Manual} sometimes recommends. See \textsf{biblatex.pdf} (3.7) for thorough documentation. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{language}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, designed to allow you to specify the language(s) in which a work is written. As a general rule, the Chicago style doesn't require you to provide this information, though it may well be useful for clarifying the nature of certain works, such as bilingual editions, for example. There is at least one situation, however, when the \emph{Manual} does specify this data, and that is when the title of a work is given in translation, even though no translation of the work has been published, something that might happen when a title is in a language deemed to be unparseable by a majority of your expected readership (14.99; pirumova, rozner:liberation). In such a case, you should provide the language(s) involved using this field, connecting multiple languages using the keyword \texttt{and}. (I have retained \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{bibstring} mechanism here, which means that you can use the standard bibstrings or, if one doesn't exist for the language you need, just give the name of the language, capitalized as it should appear in your text. You can also mix these two modes inside one entry without apparent harm.) \mylittlespace An alternative arrangement suggested by the \emph{Manual} is to retain the original title of a piece but then to provide its translation, as well. If you choose this option, you'll need to make use of the \textbf{usere} field, on which see below. In effect, you'll probably only ever need to use one of these two fields in any given entry, and in fact \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will only print one of them if both are present, preferring \textsf{usere} over \textsf{language} for this purpose (see kern and weresz). Note also that both of these fields are universally associated with the \textsf{title} of a work, rather than with a \textsf{booktitle} or a \textsf{maintitle}. If you need to attach a language or a translation to either of the latter two, you could probably manage it with special formatting inside those fields themselves. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{lista}} intend this field specifically for presenting citations from reference works that are arranged alphabetically, where the name of the item rather than a page or volume number should be given. The field is a \textsf{biblatex} list, which means you should separate multiple items with the keyword \texttt{and}. Each item receives its own set of quotation marks, and the whole list will be prefixed by the appropriate string (\enquote{s.v.,} \emph{sub verbo}, pl.\ \enquote{s.vv.}). \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-notes} will only print such a field in a \textsf{book} or an \textsf{inreference} entry, and you should look at the documentation of these entry types for further details. (See \emph{Manual} 14.232--33; ency:britannica, grove:sibelius, times:guide, wikiped:bibtex.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{location}} is \textsf{biblatex}'s version of the usual \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{address}, though the latter is accepted as an alias if that simplifies the modification of older .bib files. According to the \emph{Manual} (14.129), a citation usually need only provide the first city listed on any title page, though a list of cities separated by the keyword \enquote{\texttt{and}} will be formatted appropriately. If the place of publication is unknown, you can use \verb+\autocap{n}.p.+\ instead (14.132). For all cities, you should use the common English version of the name, if such exists (14.131). \mylittlespace Three more details need explanation here. In \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries, there is usually no need for a \textsf{location} field, but \enquote{if a journal might be confused with another with a similar title, or if it might not be known to the users of a bibliography,} then this field can present the place or institution where it is published (14.182, 14.191, 14.193--94; lakeforester:pushcarts, kimluu:diethyl, and garrett). For blogs cited using \textsf{article} entries, this is a good place to identify the nature of the source --- i.e., the word \enquote{blog} --- letting the style automatically provide the parentheses (14.208; ellis:blog). Less predictably, it is in the vicinity of the \textsf{location} that the \emph{Manual} indicates that a particular book is a reprint edition (14.114), so in such a case you can use the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} macro \cmd{reprint}, followed by a comma, a space, and the location. Somewhat more cleanly and simply, and more in keeping with standard \textsf{biblatex} usage, you can just put the string \texttt{reprint} into the \textsf{pubstate} field to achieve the same result. See the \textsf{pubstate} documentation below (aristotle:metaphy:gr, schweitzer:bach). The \textsf{origdate} field may be used to give the original date of publication, and of course more complicated situations should usually be amenable to inclusion in the \textsf{note} field (emerson:nature). \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{mainsubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{maintitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{maintitle}} main title for a multi-volume work, e.g., \enquote{Opera} or \enquote{Collected Works.} (See donne:\hfill var, euripides:orestes, harley:cartography, lach:asia, pelikan:christian, and plato:repub\-lic:gr.) When using a \textsf{crossref} field and \textsf{Biber}, the \textsf{title} of \textbf{mv*} entry types always becomes a \textsf{maintitle} in the child entry. See also the documentation of the new \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}} \textsf{relatedtype} in the \textbf{mvbook} docs in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above, and in section~\ref{sec:related}, below. \mylittlespace Because \colmarginpar{New!} the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} recommends that you present not only the names of blogs but also the names of their parent (usually periodical) publications, I have added this field to \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries for just this purpose. See the documentation of those entry types in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above, and also table~\ref{tab:online:types} (14.208; amlen:hoot). \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace An \mymarginpar{\textbf{maintitleaddon}} annex to the \textsf{maintitle}, for which see previous entry. Such an annex would be printed in the main text font. If your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{maintitleaddon} field (schubert:muellerin). \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{month}} \textsf{biblatex} field, containing the month of publication. This should be an integer, i.e., \texttt{month=\{3\}} not \texttt{month=\{March\}}. See \textsf{date} for more information. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{namea}} is one of the fields \textsf{biblatex} provides for style writers to use, but which it leaves undefined itself. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} it contains the name(s) of the editor(s) of a \textsf{title}, if the entry has a \textsf{booktitle} and/or a \textsf{maintitle}, in which situation the \textsf{editor} would be associated with one of these latter fields (donne:var). (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries, \textsf{namea} applies to the \textsf{title} instead of the \textsf{issuetitle}, should the latter be present.) You should present names in the field exactly as you would those in an \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor} field, and the package will concatenate this field with \textsf{nameb} if they are identical. When choosing a name to head a note or a bibliography entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} gives precedence to \textsf{namea} over \textsf{editor}. See under \textbf{editor} above for the full details. Please note that, as the field is highly single-entry specific, if you are using \textsf{Biber} \textsf{namea} isn't inherited from a \textsf{crossref}'ed parent entry. Please note, also, that you can use the \textsf{nameatype} field to redefine this role just as you can with \textsf{editortype}, which see. Cf.\ also \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{namec}, \textsf{translator}, and the macros \cmd{partedit},\,\cmd{parttrans},\,\cmd{parteditandtrans}, \cmd{partcomp},\,\cmd{parteditandcomp}, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransandcomp}, for which see section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided by \textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, it allows you, in most entry types, to specify that an author's name is a pseudo\-nym, or to provide either the real name or the pseudonym itself, if the other is being provided in the \textsf{author} field. The abbreviation \enquote{\texttt{pseud}.}\ (always lowercase in English) is specified, either on its own or after the pseudonym (centinel:letters, creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death, and lecarre:quest); \verb+\bibstring{pseudonym}+ does the work for you. See under \textbf{author} above for the full details. \mylittlespace In \textsf{online, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well as in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, I have removed the automatic provision of square brackets from the field, allowing it to be used in at least two ways. First, if you provide your own square brackets, then it can have its standard function, as above. Second you can, within parentheses, provide a screen name for online social media, or merely additional specifics about an author in a piece from an unpublished archive. (The 16th edition of the \emph{Manual} recommended specifying comments to blogs and other online content using a time stamp in parentheses after the \textsf{author}, but the 17th edition \colmarginpar{New!} handles time stamps both differently and more widely, so in this case you would now put time data into the \textsf{date} or \textsf{eventdate} field, particularly when the date itself is too coarse a specification to identify a comment unambiguously. Cf.\ ac:comment, obrien:recycle.) \mylittlespace In the \textsf{customc} entry type, finally, which is used to create alphabetized cross-references to other bibliography entries, the \textsf{nameaddon} field allows you to change the default string linking the two parts of the cross-reference. The code automatically tests for a known bibstring, which it will italicize. Otherwise, it prints the string as is. \mybigspace You \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameatype}} can use this field to change the role of a \textsf{namea} just as you can use \textsf{editortype} to change the role of an \textsf{editor}. As with the \textsf{editortype}, using this field prevents string concatenation with identical \textsf{nameb} or \textsf{namec} fields. Please see \textbf{editortype}, above, for the details. \mybigspace Like \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameb}} \textsf{namea}, above, this is a field left undefined by the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, it contains the name(s) of the translator(s) of a \textsf{title}, if the entry has a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}, or both, in which situation the \textsf{translator} would be associated with one of these latter fields (euripides:orestes). (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries, \textsf{nameb} applies to the \textsf{title} instead of the \textsf{issuetitle}, should the latter be present.) You should present names in this field exactly as you would those in an \textsf{author} or \textsf{translator} field, and the package will concatenate this field with \textsf{namea} if they are identical. See under the \textbf{translator} field below for the full details. Please note that, as the field is highly single-entry specific, if you are using \textsf{Biber} \textsf{nameb} isn't inherited from a \textsf{crossref}'ed parent entry. Please note, also, that in \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} name-finding algorithms \textsf{nameb} takes precedence over \textsf{translator}. Cf.\ \textsf{namea}, \textsf{namec}, \textsf{origlanguage} (section~\ref{sec:related}), \textsf{translator}, \textsf{userf} (section~\ref{sec:related}), and the macros \cmd{partedit}, \cmd{parttrans}, \cmd{parteditandtrans},\,\, \cmd{partcomp},\,\, \cmd{parteditandcomp},\,\, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransand-\break comp} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{namec}} \emph{Manual} (14.103) specifies that works without an author may be listed under an editor, translator, or compiler, assuming that one is available, and it also specifies the strings to be used with the name(s) of compiler(s). All this suggests that the \emph{Manual} considers this to be standard information that should be made available in a bibliographic reference, so I have added that possibility to the many that \textsf{biblatex} already provides, such as the \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{commentator}, \textsf{annotator}, and \textsf{redactor}, along with writers of an \textsf{introduction}, \textsf{foreword}, or \textsf{afterword}. Since \textsf{biblatex} doesn't offer a \textsf{compiler} field, I have adopted for this purpose the otherwise unused field \textsf{namec}. It is important to understand that, despite the analogous name, this field does not function like \textsf{namea} or \textsf{nameb}, but rather like \textsf{editor} or \textsf{translator}, and therefore if used will be associated with whichever title field these latter two would be were they present in the same entry. Identical fields among these three will be concatenated by the package, and concatenated too with the (usually) unnecessary commentator, annotator and the rest. Also please note that I've arranged the concatenation algorithms to include \textsf{namec} in the same test as \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb}, so in this particular circumstance you can, if needed, make \textsf{namec} analogous to these two latter, \textsf{title}-only fields. (See above under \textbf{editortype} for details of how you may, in certain circumstances, use that field, or the \textsf{nameatype} field, to identify a compiler.) \mylittlespace It might conceivably be necessary at some point to identify the compiler(s) of a \textsf{title} separate from the compiler(s) of a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}, but for the moment I've run out of available \textsf{name} fields, so you'll have to fall back on the \cmd{partcomp} macro or the related \cmd{parteditandcomp}, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransandcomp}, on which see Commands (section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}) below. (Future releases may be able to remedy this.) It may be as well to mention here too that of the names that can be substituted for the missing \textsf{author} at the head of an entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will choose a \textsf{namea} if present, then an \textsf{editor}, a \textsf{nameb}, or a \textsf{translator}, with \textsf{namec} coming last, assuming that the fields aren't identical, and therefore to be concatenated. The alphabetization routines should work properly for any of these names, but do please remember that if you want the package to skip over any names you can employ the \texttt{use=false} options. Indeed, \textsf{biblatex's} \texttt{usenamec} has replaced the old Chicago-specific \texttt{usecompiler}, which is deprecated. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{note}} in standard \textsf{biblatex}, this field allows you to provide bibliographic data that doesn't easily fit into any other field. In this sense, it's very like \textsf{addendum}, but the information provided here will be printed just before the publication data. (See chaucer:alt, chaucer:liferecords, cook:sotweed, emerson:nature, and rodman:walk for examples of this usage in action.) It also has a specialized use in all the periodical types (\textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review}), where it holds supplemental information about a \textsf{journaltitle}, such as \enquote{special issue} (conley:fifthgrade, good:wholeissue). In all uses, if your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing. Cf.\ \textsf{addendum}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{number}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, steadily accumulating uses in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It may contain the number of a \textsf{journaltitle} in an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entry, the number of a \textsf{title} in a \textsf{periodical} entry, the volume/number of a book (or musical recording) in a \textsf{series}, the (generally numerical) specifier of the \textsf{type} in a \textsf{report} entry, the archive location (or database accession number) of a \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entry, and the number of a national or international standard in a \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entry. Generally, in an \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entry, this will be a plain cardinal number, but in such entries \textsf{biblatex-chicago} now does the right thing if you have a list or range of numbers (unsigned:ranke). In any \textsf{book}-like entry the field may well contain considerably more information, including even a reference to \enquote{2nd ser.,} for example, while the \textsf{series} field in such an entry will contain the name of the series, rather than a number. This field is also the place for the patent number in a \textsf{patent} entry. Cf.\ \textsf{issue} and \textsf{series}. (Cf.\ 14.123--25 and boxer:china, palmatary:pottery, wauchope:ceramics; 14.171 and beattie:crime, conley:fifthgrade, friedman:learning, garrett, gibbard, hlatky:hrt, mcmillen:antebellum, rozner:liberation, and warr:ellison; 14.257 and genbank:db; 14.259 and niso:bibref; 14.263 and holiday:fool.) \mylittlespace \textbf{NB}: This may be an opportune place to point out that the \emph{Manual} (14.147) prefers arabic to roman numerals in most circumstances (chapters, volumes, series numbers, etc.), even when such numbers might be roman in the work cited. The obvious exception is page numbers, in which roman numerals indicate that the citation came from the front matter, and should therefore be retained. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{options}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, for setting certain options on a per-entry basis rather than globally. Information about some of the more common options may be found above under \textsf{author} and below in section~\ref{sec:options}. See chaucer:alt, eliot:pound, herwign:office, lecarre:quest, and mla:style for examples of the field in use. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{organization}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, retained mainly for use in the \textsf{misc}, \textsf{online}, and \textsf{manual} entry types, where it may be of use to specify a publishing body that might not easily fit in other categories. In \textsf{biblatex}, it is also used to identify the organization sponsoring a conference in a \textsf{proceedings} or \textsf{inproceedings} entry, and I have retained this as a possibility, though the \emph{Manual} is silent on the matter. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{origdate}} \textsf{biblatex} field allows you to provide more than one full date specification for those references which need it. As with the analogous \textsf{date} field, you provide the date (or range of dates) in \textsc{iso}8601 format, i.e., \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}. (You can also provide a time stamp in the field, after an uppercase \enquote{\texttt{T}}, but I foresee this being very rarely needed in the notes \&\ bibliography style. See table~\ref{ad:date:extras} for \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} implementation of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications.) In most entry types, you would use \textsf{origdate} to provide the date of first publication of a work, most usually needed only in the case of reprint editions, but also recommended by the \emph{Manual} for electronic editions of older works (14.114, 14.162; aristotle:metaphy:gr, emerson:nature, james:ambassadors, schweitzer:bach). In the \textsf{letter} and \textsf{misc} (with \textsf{entrysubtype}) entry types, the \textsf{origdate} identifies when a letter (or similar) was written. In such \textsf{misc} entries, you can choose between an \textsf{origdate} and a \textsf{date} field for this purpose, depending on how you want the date formatted (day-month-year or month-day-year, respectively), while in \textsf{letter} entries the \textsf{date} applies to the publication of the whole collection. If such a published collection were itself a reprint, improvisation in the \textsf{location} field might be able to rescue the situation. (See jackson:paulina:letter, white:ross:memo, white:russ, and white:total for how \textsf{letter} entries usually work; creel:house shows the field in action in a \textsf{misc} entry, while spock:interview uses \textsf{date}.) \mylittlespace In \textsf{music} entries, you can use the \textsf{origdate} in two separate but related ways. First, it can identify the recording date of an entire disc, rather than of one track on that disc, which would go in \textsf{eventdate}. (Compare holiday:fool with nytrumpet:art.) The style will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{recorded} to the date, but you can change it with the \textsf{userd} field. Be aware, however, that if an entry also has an \textsf{eventdate}, then \textsf{userd} will apply to that, instead, and you'll be forced to accept the default string. Second, the \textsf{origdate} can provide the original release date of an album. For this to happen, you need to put the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, which is a standard mechanism across many other entry types for identifying a reprinted work. (See floyd:atom.) \mylittlespace A couple of further notes are in order. First, \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries (which see) have their own scheme. Here, the style uses the earlier of two dates as the creation date of the work while the later is the printing date of, e.g., a particular exemplar of a photograph or of an etching. In such an entry, the \textsf{origdate} may well be a creation date. Second, because the \textsf{origdate} field only accepts numbers, some improvisation may be needed if you wish to include \enquote{n.d.}\ (\verb+\bibstring{nodate}+) in an entry. In \textsf{letter} and \textsf{misc}, this information can be placed in \textsf{titleaddon}, but in other entry types you may need to use the \textsf{location} field. (The \textsf{origyear} field usually works, too.) \mybigspace See \vspace{-14.2pt} \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlanguage}\\ \textbf{origlocation}\\\textbf{origpublisher}} section~\ref{sec:related}, below. \vspace{18pt} \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{origtimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{origdate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{pages}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} field for providing page references. In many \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries you'll find this contains something other than a page number, e.g. a section name or edition specification (14.191; kozinn:review, nyt:obittrevor, nyt:trevorobit). Of course, the same may be true of almost any sort of entry, though perhaps with less frequency. Curious readers may wish to look at brown:bremer (14.180) for an example of a \textsf{pages} field used to facilitate reference to a two-part journal article. Cf.\ \textsf{number} for more information on the \emph{Manual}'s preferences regarding the formatting of numerals; \textsf{bookpagination} and \textsf{pagination} provide details about \textsf{biblatex's} mechanisms for specifying what sort of division a given \textsf{pages} field contains; and \textsf{usera} discusses a different way to present the section information pertaining to a newspaper article. \mylittlespace David Gohlke brought to my attention a discussion that took place a couple of years ago on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44492/biblatex-chicago-style-page-ranges}{Stackexchange} regarding the automatic compression of page ranges, e.g., 101-{-}109 in the .bib file or in the \textsf{postnote} field would become 101--9 in the document. \textsf{Biblatex} has long had the facilities for providing this, and though the \emph{Manual's} rules (9.61) are fairly complicated, Audrey Boruvka fortunately provided in that discussion code that implements the specifications. As some users may well be accustomed to compressing page ranges themselves in their .bib files, and in their \textsf{postnote} fields, I have made the activation of this code a package option, so setting \texttt{compresspages=true} when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} should automatically give you the Chicago-recommended page ranges. \textbf{NB}: the code now resides in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you don't load that package then you'll need to copy the code into your preamble for the option to have the desired effect. \mybigspace This, \mymarginpar{\textbf{pagination}} a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, allows you automatically to prefix the appropriate identifying string to information you provide in the \textsf{postnote} field of a citation command, whereas \textsf{bookpagination} allows you to prefix a string to the \textsf{pages} field. Please see \textbf{bookpagination} above for all the details on this functionality, as aside from the difference just mentioned the two fields are equivalent. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{part}} \textsf{biblatex} field, which identifies physical parts of a single logical volume in \textsf{book}-like entries, not in periodicals. It has the same purpose in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, but because the \emph{Manual} (14.121) calls such a thing a \enquote{book} and not a \enquote{part,} the string printed in notes and bibliography will, at least in English, be \enquote{\texttt{bk.}\hspace{-2pt}}\ instead of the plain dot between volume number and part number (harley:cartography, lach:asia). If the field contains something other than a number, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print it as is, capitalizing it if necessary, rather than supplying the usual bibstring, so this provides a mechanism for altering the string to your liking. The field will be printed in the same place in any entry as would a \textsf{volume} number, and although it will most usually be associated with such a number, it can also function independently, allowing you to identify parts of works that don't fit into the standard scheme. If you need to identify \enquote{parts} or \enquote{books} that are part of a published \textsf{series}, for example, then you'll need to use a different field, (which in this case would be \textsf{number} [palmatary:pottery]). Cf.\ \textsf{volume}. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{publisher}} \textsf{biblatex} field. Remember that \enquote{\texttt{and}} is a keyword for connecting multiple publishers, so if a publisher's name contains \enquote{and,} then you should either use the ampersand (\&) or enclose the whole name in additional braces. (See \emph{Manual} 14.133--41; aristotle:metaphy:gr, cohen:schiff, creasey:ashe:blast, dunn:revolutions.) \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace There are, as one might expect, a few further subtleties involved here. If you give two publishers in the field they will both be printed, separated by a forward slash in both notes and bibliography (14.90; sereny:cries). The 17th edition generally is rather keener than the 16th on using just one, particularly so in the case when the parent company of an imprint is also listed on a title page, in which case only the imprint need be included in your apparatus (14.138). If an academic publisher issues \enquote{certain books through a special publishing division or under a special imprint or as part of a publishing consortium (or joint imprint),} this arrangement may be specified in the \textsf{publisher} field (14.139; cohen:schiff). If a book has two co-publishers \enquote{in different countries} (14.140), then the simplest thing to do is to choose one, probably the nearest one geographically. If you feel it necessary to include both, then levistrauss:savage demonstrates one way of doing so, using a combination of the \textsf{publisher} and \textsf{location} fields. If the work is self-published, you can specify this in the \textsf{pubstate} field (see below), and any commercial self-publishing platform would go in \textsf{publisher} (14.137). Books published before 1900 can, at your discretion, include only the place (if known) and the date (14.128). If for some reason you need to indicate the absence of a publisher, the abbreviation given by the \emph{Manual} is \texttt{n.p.}, though this can also stand for \enquote{no place.} The \emph{Manual} also mentions {s.n.}\,(= \emph{sine nomine}) to specify the lack of a publisher (10.42). \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{pubstate}} response to new specifications in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (esp.\ 14.137), I have tried to generalize the functioning of the \textsf{pubstate} field in all entry types. The \texttt{reprint} string still has a special status there, being ignored in \textsf{video} entries and provoking a syntactic change in the presentation of dates in \textsf{music} entries, while in other types allowing the presentation of reprinted titles. Other strings are divided into two types: those which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print as the \textsf{year}, which currently means \emph{only} those for which \textsf{biblatex} contains bibstrings indicating works soon to be published, i.e., \texttt{forthcoming}, \texttt{inpreparation}, \texttt{inpress}, and \texttt{submitted}; and those, i.e., everything else, which will be printed before, and in close association with, other information about the publisher of a work. The four in the first category will always be localized, as will \texttt{reprint} and \mycolor{\texttt{selfpublished}} (and anything else that \textsf{biblatex} finds to be a \cmd{bibstring}) from the second category. All other strings will be printed as-is, capitalized if needed, just before the publisher (author:forthcoming, contrib:contrib, schweitzer:bach). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{redactor}} have implemented this field just as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{annotator} and \textsf{commentator}. \mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{reprinttitle}} section~\ref{sec:related}, below. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{series}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, usually just a number in an \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entry, almost always the name of a publication series in \textsf{book}-like entries, and providing similar identifying information associated with a \textsf{number} in \textsf{music} and \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries. If you need to attach further information to the \textsf{series} name in a \textsf{book}-like entry, then the \textsf{number} field is again the place for it, whether it be a volume, a number, or even something like \enquote{2nd ser.} or \enquote{\cmd{bibstring\{oldseries\}}.} Of course, you can also use \cmd{bibstring\{oldseries\}} or \cmd{bibstring\{newseries\}} in an \textsf{article} entry, but there you would place it in the \textsf{series} field itself. (In fact, the \textsf{series} field in \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries is one of the places where \textsf{biblatex} allows you just to use the plain bibstring \texttt{oldseries}, for example, rather than making you type \verb+\bibstring{oldseries}+. The \textsf{type} field in \textsf{manual}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, and \textsf{thesis} entries also has this auto-detection mechanism in place; see the discussion of \cmd{bibstring} below for details.) In whatever entry type, these bibstrings produce the required abbreviation, which thankfully is the same in both notes and bibliography. (For books and similar entries, see 14.123--26; boxer:china, browning:aurora, palmatary:pottery, plato:republic:gr, wauchope:ceramics; for periodicals, see 14.184; garaud:gatine, sewall:letter; also niso:bibref, nytrumpet:art) Cf.\ \textsf{number} for more information on the \emph{Manual}'s preferences regarding the formatting of numerals. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{shortauthor}}} \label{sec:shortauthor} This is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} makes considerably grea\-ter use of it than the standard styles. For the purposes of the Chicago style, the field provides the name to be used in the short form of a footnote. In the vast majority of cases, you don't need to specify it, because the \textsf{biblatex} system selects the author's last name from the \textsf{author} field and uses it in such a reference, and if there is no \textsf{author} it will search \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec}, in that order. In an author-less \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entry (\textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}), where \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will use the \textsf{journaltitle} as the author, you can use the \textsf{shortjournal} field instead, but you'll need to set up the \texttt{journalabbrev} option to make sure it's actually printed. (See \textsf{shortjournal}, below.) In author-less \textsf{manual} entries, where the \textsf{organization} will be so used, the style automatically uses any \textsf{shortauthor} in the short note form, though it will sort by the \textsf{organization} in the bibliography (dyna:browser, gourmet:052006, lakeforester:pushcarts, nyt:trevorobit). \mylittlespace As mentioned under \textsf{editortype}, the \emph{Manual} (14.32) recommends against providing the identifying string (e.g., ed.\ or trans.)\ in the short note form, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} follows their recommendation. If you need to provide these strings in such a citation, then you'll have to do so by hand in the \textsf{shortauthor} field, or in the \textsf{shorteditor} field, whichever you are using. \mybigspace Like \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorteditor}} \textsf{shortauthor}, a field to provide a name for a short footnote, in this case for, e.g., a \textsf{collection} entry that typically lacks an author. The \textsf{shortauthor} field works just as well in most situations, but if you have set \texttt{useauthor=false} (and not \texttt{useeditor=false}) in an entry's \textsf{options} field, then only \textsf{shorteditor} will be recognized. It may be worth pointing out that, because \textsf{biblatex-chicago} also provides a \textsf{namea} field for the editor of a \textsf{title} as opposed to a \textsf{main-} or \textsf{booktitle}, and because in standard use the \textsf{namea}, if present, will be chosen to head a bibliography entry before the \textsf{editor}, you should present the shortened \textsf{namea} here instead of a shortened \textsf{editor} in such cases. Cf.\ \textsf{editortype}, above. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorthand}} is \textsf{biblatex}'s mechanism for using abbreviations in place of the usual short note form, and in previous releases I left it effectively unmodified in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, apart from a few formatting tweaks. At the request of Kenneth Pearce, and following some hints in the \emph{Manual}, I have made the system considerably more flexible, which I hope might be useful for those with specialized formatting needs. In the default configuration, any entry which contains a \textsf{shorthand} field will produce a normal first note, either long or short according to your package options, informing the reader that the work will hereafter be cited by this abbreviation. As in \textsf{biblatex}, the \cmd{printshorthands} command, now for \textsf{Biber} users at least an alias for \verb+\printbiblist{shorthand}+, will produce a formatted list of abbreviations for reference purposes, a list which the \emph{Manual} suggests should be placed either in the front matter (when using footnotes) or before the endnotes, in case these are used. \mylittlespace I have provided three options to alter these defaults. First, there is a new citation command, \cmd{shorthandcite}, which will print the \textsf{shorthand} even at the first citation. I have only provided the most general form of this command, so you'll need to put it inside parentheses or in a \cmd{footnote} command yourself. Second, I have included two \texttt{bibenvironments} for use with the \texttt{env} option to the \cmd{printshorthands} command: \texttt{losnotes} is designed to allow a list of shorthands to appear inside footnotes, while \texttt{losendnotes} does the same for endnotes. Their main effect is to change the font size, and in the latter case to clear up some spurious punctuation and white space that I see on my system when using endnotes. (You'll probably also want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} in order to get rid of the [oversized] default, providing your own within the \cmd{footnote} command.) Third, I have provided a package option, \texttt{shorthandfull}, which prints entries in the list of shorthands which contain full bibliographical information, effectively allowing you to eschew the bibliography in favor of a fortified shorthand list. (See 13.67, 14.59--60, and also \textsf{biblatex.pdf} for more information.) \mylittlespace Alexandre Roberts suggested a further refinement to \textsf{shorthand} behavior, which allows for it to appear in the place of the usual abbreviated citation of parent entries cross-referenced by several different child entries. In such a case, instead of the usual \enquote{\ldots\,in Author, \emph{Title}, 24--38,} you would see instead \enquote{\ldots\,in \emph{ShrtHd}, 24--38.} There are several steps required for enabling this behavior. First, you need to set the package option \texttt{inheritshorthand} to \texttt{true}, which allows child entries to inherit the necessary fields from their cross-referenced parents. Second, you'll probably want to use the \textsf{shorthandintro} field somehow to clarify that the \textsf{shorthand} applies to the \emph{parent} rather than to the \emph{child}, as otherwise the reference will be ambiguous. Third, you'll need to put \texttt{skipbiblist}, formerly \texttt{skiplos}, in the \textsf{options} field of the child entries so that the \textsf{shorthand} itself appears in the list of shorthands \emph{only} next to the parent entry, and not also next to all of its children. \mylittlespace As I mentioned above under \textbf{crossref}, I formerly recommended against using shorthands with cross-references, but this extension of their use makes sense as an extra space-saving measure. I'm not certain that I've identified all the possible drawbacks to enabling the \texttt{inheritshorthand} option, so care is still needed, at least in the current state of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}. Please report any problems you might have with this functionality to the email address at the head of this documentation. \mybigspace When \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorthandintro}} you include a \textsf{shorthand} in an entry, it will ordinarily appear the first time you cite the work, at the end of a long note, surrounded by parentheses and prefaced by the phrase \enquote{hereafter cited as.} With this standard \textsf{biblatex} field, you can change that formatting and that phrase to suit your needs. Please note, first, that you need to include the shorthand in this field as you intend it to appear and, second, that you still need the \textsf{shorthand} field present in order to ensure the appropriate presentation of that shorthand in later citations and in the list of shorthands. Finally, I've tried to allow for as many different styles of notification as possible, so by default the only punctuation that will appear between the rest of the citation and the \textsf{shorthandintro} is a space. You can change this punctuation, either in the preamble for the whole document or in individual entries, using the \texttt{shorthandpunct} option, documented in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. If the available option keys aren't adequate, you can use \texttt{none} and then provide custom punctuation inside the \textsf{shorthandintro} field itself. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{shortjournal}} special \textsf{biblatex} field, used both to provide an abbreviated form of a \textsf{journaltitle} in notes and/or bibliography and to facilitate the creation of a list of journal abbreviations rather in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. As requested by user BenVB, you can now utilize this functionality in your documents, but there are several steps to take in order to do so. First, you'll need to provide both \textsf{shortjournal} and \textsf{journaltitle} fields in the entry types that use them, i.e., mainly \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries. In \textsf{periodical} entries the \textsf{title} field presents what would be the \textsf{journaltitle} in the previous two, so in such entries you can provide the standard \textsf{shorttitle} field to accompany the \textsf{title}, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically copy the \textsf{shorttitle} into a \textsf{shortjournal}. \mylittlespace Having done this, you need to set the \texttt{journalabbrev} option either when loading \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago} or in the \textsf{options} field of individual .bib entries. By default, this option is not set, so your \textsf{shortjournal} fields will be silently ignored. There are three other settings:\ \texttt{true} prints the shortened fields both in notes and bibliography, \texttt{notes} only in notes, and \texttt{bib} only in the bibliography. Should you wish to present a list of these abbreviations with their expansions, then you need to use the \verb+\printbiblist{shortjournal}+ command, perhaps with a \texttt{title} option to differentiate the list from any \textsf{shorthand} list. As with \textsf{shorthand} lists, I have provided two \texttt{bibenvironments} for printing this list in foot- or endnotes (\texttt{sjnotes} and \texttt{sjendnotes}, respectively), to be used with the \texttt{env} option to \cmd{printbiblist}. Again as with \textsf{shorthands}, you'll probably want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} when using these environments, just to turn off the (oversized) default, and perhaps provide your own title within the \cmd{footnote} command. Finally, if you don't like the default formatting of the abbreviations in the list (bold italic), you can roll your own using \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{shortjournalwidth}+ --- you can see its default definition at the top of \textsf{chicago-notes.bbx}. \mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{shortseries}} special \textsf{biblatex} field, used both to provide an abbreviated form of a (book) \textsf{series} in notes and/or bibliography and to facilitate the creation of a list of such abbreviations rather in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. As with the \textsf{shortjournal} field, its inclusion in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} was requested by user BenVB, and it is now available in entry types which have book-like series titles rather than journal-like numbers in the \textsf{series} field, to wit: \textsf{audio, book, bookinbook, collection, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, inreference, letter, manual, music, mvbook, mvcollection, mvproceedings, mvreference, reference, report, standard, suppbook,} and \textsf{video}. There are several steps to take in order to use the field. First, you'll need to provide both \textsf{shortseries} and \textsf{series} fields in the entry, then you'll need to set the \mycolor{\texttt{seriesabbrev}} option either when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual .bib entries. By default, this option is not set, so your \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} fields will be silently ignored. There are three other settings:\ \texttt{true} prints the shortened fields both in notes and bibliography, \texttt{notes} only in notes, and \texttt{bib} only in the bibliography. Should you wish to present a list of these abbreviations with their expansions, then you need to use the \verb+\printbiblist{shortseries}+ command, perhaps with a \texttt{title} option to differentiate the list from any \textsf{shorthand} list. As with \textsf{shorthand} lists, I have provided two \texttt{bibenvironments} for printing this list in foot- or endnotes (\mycolor{\texttt{shsernotes}} and \mycolor{\texttt{shserendnotes}}, respectively), to be used with the \texttt{env} option to \cmd{printbiblist}. Again as with \textsf{shorthands}, you'll probably want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} when using these environments, just to turn off the (oversized) default, and perhaps provide your own title within the \cmd{footnote} command. Finally, if you don't like the default formatting of the abbreviations in the list (plain roman), you can roll your own using \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{shortserieswidth}+ --- you can see its default definition at the top of \textsf{chicago-notes.bbx}. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorttitle}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, primarily used to provide an abbreviated title for short notes. (It is also the way to hook \textsf{periodical} entries into the \textsf{shortjournal} mechanism, on which see the previous entry.) In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, you need to take particular care with \textsf{letter} entries, where, as explained above, the \emph{Manual} requires a special format (\enquote{\texttt{to Recipient}}). (See 14.111; jackson:paulina:letter, white:ross:memo, white:russ.) Some \textsf{misc} entries (with an \textsf{entrysubtype}) also need special attention. (See creel:house, where the full \textsf{title} is used as the \textsf{shortauthor} + \textsf{shorttitle} by using \cmd{headlesscite} commands.) Remember, also, that the generic titles in \textsf{review} and \textsf{misc} entries may not want capitalization in all contexts, so, as with the \textsf{title} field, if you begin a \textsf{shorttitle} with a lowercase letter the style will do the right thing (barcott:review, bundy:macneil, Clemens:letter, kozinn:review, ratliff:review, unsigned:ranke). \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{sortkey} \\\textbf{sortname} \\\textbf{sorttitle} \\\textbf{sortyear}} \textsf{biblatex} fields, designed to allow you to specify how you want an entry alphabetized in a bibliography. The \textsf{sortkey} field trumps all other sorting information, while the others offer more fine-grained control. In general, if an entry doesn't turn up where you expect or want it, these fields should provide the solution. Entries with a corporate author can now omit the definite or indefinite article, which should help (14.70, 14.84; cotton:manufacture, nytrumpet:art). \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also includes the three supplemental name fields (\textsf{name[a-c]}) in the sorting algorithm, so once again you should find that a \textsf{sortkey} is needed less than before. Still, some entries without a name field of any sort, particularly those with a definite or indefinite article beginning the \textsf{title}, may require assistance (greek:filmstrip, grove:sibelius, nyt:obittrevor, virginia:plantation). Please consult \textsf{biblatex.pdf} and the remarks on \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:formatopts}, below. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{subtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{title} --- see next entry. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{timezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{date}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{title}} the vast majority of cases, this field works just as it always has in \textsc{Bib}\TeX, and just as it does in \textsf{biblatex}. Nearly every entry will have one, the most likely exceptions being \textsf{incollection} or \textsf{online} entries with a merely generic title, instead of a specific one (centinel:letters, powell:email). The main source of difficulties flows from the \emph{Manual}'s rules for formatting \textsf{titles}, rules which also hold for \textsf{booktitles} and \textsf{maintitles}. The whole point of using a \textsf{biblatex}-based system is for it to do the formatting for you, and in most cases \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} does just that, surrounding titles with quotation marks, italicizing them, or occasionally just leaving them alone. When, however, a title is quoted within a title, then you need to know some of the rules. A summary here should serve to clarify them, and help you to understand when \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} might need your help in order to comply with them. \mylittlespace The internal rules of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} are as follows: \begin{description} \item[\qquad Italics:] \textsf{booktitle}, \textsf{maintitle}, and \textsf{journaltitle} in all entry types; \textsf{title} of \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{booklet}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{manual}, \textsf{misc} (with no \textsf{entrysubtype}), \mycolor{\textsf{performance}}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{proceedings}, \textsf{report}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppbook}, and \textsf{suppcollection} entry types. \item[\qquad Quotation Marks:] \textsf{title} of \textsf{article}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{online}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{thesis}, and \textsf{unpublished} entry types, \textsf{issuetitle} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entry types. \item[\qquad Sentence cased:] \textsf{title} in \textsf{patent} entries. \item[\qquad Unformatted:] \textsf{booktitleaddon}, \textsf{maintitleaddon}, and \textsf{titleaddon} in all entry types, \textsf{title} of \textsf{customc}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{misc} (with an \textsf{entrysubtype}), \textsf{review}, and \textsf{suppperiodical} entry types. \item[\qquad Italics or Quotation Marks:] All of the audiovisual entry types --- \textsf{audio}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{video} --- have to serve as analogues both to \textsf{book} and to \textsf{inbook}. Therefore, if there is both a \textsf{title} and a \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be in quotation marks. If there is no \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be italicized, unless you provide an \textsf{entrysubtype}. \end{description} Now, the rules for which entry type to use for which sort of work tend to be fairly straightforward, but in cases of doubt you can consult section \ref{sec:entrytypes} above, the examples in \textsf{notes-test.bib}, or go to the \emph{Manual} itself, 8.156--201. Assuming, then, that you want to present a title within a title, and you know what sort of formatting each of the two would, on its own, require, then the following rules apply: \begin{enumerate} \item Inside an italicized title, all other titles are enclosed in quotation marks and italicized, so in such cases all you need to do is provide the quotation marks using \cmd{mkbibquote}, which will take care of any following punctuation that needs to be brought within the closing quotation mark(s) (14.94; donne:var, mchugh:wake). \item Inside a quoted title, you should present another title as it would appear if it were on its own, so in such cases you'll need to do the formatting yourself. Within the double quotes of the title another quoted title would take single quotes --- the \cmd{mkbibquote} command does this for you automatically, and also, I repeat, takes care of any following punctuation that needs to be brought within the closing quotation mark(s). (See 14.94--95; garrett, loften:hamlet, murphy:silent, white:cal\-limachus.) \item Inside a plain title (most likely in a \textsf{review} entry or a \textsf{titleaddon} field), you should present another title as it would appear on its own, once again formatting it yourself using \cmd{mkbibemph} or \cmd{mkbibquote}. (barcott:review, gibbard, osborne:poi\-son, ratliff:review, unsigned:ranke). \end{enumerate} The \emph{Manual} provides a few more rules, as well. A word normally italicized in text should also be italicized in a quoted or plain-text title, but should be in roman (\enquote{reverse italics}) in an italicized title. A quotation used as a (whole) title (with or without a subtitle) retains, according to the 16th edition, its quotation marks in an italicized title if it appears that way in the source, but I can't find similar instructions in the 17th. Such a quotation always retains its quotation marks when the surrounding title is quoted or plain (14.94; lewis). A word or phrase in quotation marks, but that isn't a quotation, retains those marks in all title types (kimluu:diethyl). \mylittlespace Finally, please note that in all \textsf{review} (and \textsf{suppperiodical}) entries, and in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, and only in those entries, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically capitalize the first word of the \textsf{title} after sentence-ending punctuation, assuming that such a \textsf{title} begins with a lowercase letter in your .bib database. See\,\textbf{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands} below for more details. \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip} \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}} \textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses it in just this way, with the additional wrinkle that it can, if needed, replace the \textsf{title} entirely, and this in, effectively, any entry type, providing a fairly powerful, if somewhat complicated, tool for getting \textsf{biblatex} to do what you want (cf.\ centinel:letters, powell:email). This field will always be unformatted, that is, neither italicized nor placed within quotation marks, so any formatting you may need within it you'll need to provide manually yourself. The single exception to this rule is when your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, in which case you need then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will automatically do the right thing. See\,\textbf{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}, below. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. (Cf.\ brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and white:ross:memo for examples where the field starts with a lowercase letter; morgenson:market provides an example where the \textsf{titleaddon} field, holding the name of a regular column in a newspaper, is capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would expect; coolidge:speech shows both entry options for controlling the punctuation.) \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{translator}} far as possible, I have implemented this field as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, but the requirements specified by the \emph{Manual} present certain complications that need explaining. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} points out that the \textsf{translator} field will be associated with a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{booktitle}, or a \textsf{maintitle}, depending on the sort of entry. More specifically, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} associates the \textsf{translator} with the most comprehensive of those titles, that is, \textsf{maintitle} if there is one, otherwise \textsf{booktitle}, otherwise \textsf{title}, if the other two are lacking. In a large number of cases, this is exactly the correct behavior (adorno:benj, centinel:letters, plato:republic:gr, among others). Predictably, however, there are numerous cases that require, for example, an additional translator for one part of a collection or for one volume of a multi-volume work. For these cases I have provided the \textsf{nameb} field. You should format names for this field as you would for \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor}, and these names will always be associated with the \textsf{title} (euripides:orestes) In the algorithm for finding a name for the head of notes and bibliography entries, \textsf{nameb} takes precedence over \textsf{translator}. \mylittlespace I have also provided a \textsf{namea} field, which holds the editor of a given \textsf{title} (euripides:ores\-tes). If \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} are the same, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will concatenate them, just as \textsf{biblatex} already does for \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (i.e., the compiler). Furthermore, it is conceivable that a given entry will need separate translators for each of the three sorts of title. For this, and for various other tricky situations, there is the \cmd{parttrans} macro (and its siblings), designed to be used in a \textsf{note} field or in one of the \textsf{titleaddon} fields (ratliff:review). (Because the strings identifying a translator differ in notes and bibliography, one can't simply write them out in such a field, hence the need for a macro, which I discuss further in the commands section below [\ref{sec:formatcommands}].) \mylittlespace Finally, as I detailed above under \textbf{author}, in the absence of an \textsf{author}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, and \textsf{nameb}, the \textsf{translator} will be used at the head of an entry (silver:gawain), and the bibliography entry alphabetized by the translator's name, behavior that can be controlled with the \texttt{use} switches in the \textsf{options} field. Cf.\ \textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, and \textsf{namec}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{type}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, and in its normal usage serves to identify the type of a \textsf{manual}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, or \textsf{thesis} entry. \textsf{Biblatex} 0.7 introduced the ability, in some circumstances, to use a bibstring without inserting it in a \cmd{bibstring} command, and in some entry types (\textsf{audio, manual, music, patent, report, suppbook, suppcollection, thesis,} and \textsf{video}) the \textsf{type} field works this way, allowing you simply to input, e.g., \texttt{patentus} rather than \verb+\bibstring{patentus}+, though both will work. (See petroff:impurity; herwign:office, murphy:silent, and ross:thesis all demonstrate how the \textsf{type} field may sometimes be automatically set in such entries by using one of the standard entry-type aliases). In other entry types (\textsf{artwork, image, book, online, article, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical}) \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will merely capitalize the contents according to context. \mylittlespace In the \textsf{suppbook} entry type, and in its alias \textsf{suppcollection}, you can use the \textsf{type} field to specify what sort of supplemental material you are citing, e.g., \enquote{\texttt{preface to}} or \enquote{\texttt{post\-script to}.} Cf.\ \textsf{suppbook} above for the details. (See \emph{Manual} 14.110; polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mylittlespace You can use the \textsf{type} field in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{video} entries to identify the medium of the work, e.g., \texttt{oil on canvas}, \texttt{albumen print}, \texttt{compact disc} or \texttt{MPEG}. In \textsf{book} entries it will normally hold system information about multimedia app content (14.268), while in \textsf{online, article,} and \textsf{review} entries it will hold the medium of online multimedia (14.267). Cf.\ under these entry types in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above, for more details. (See auden:reading, bedford:photo, cleese:holygrail, leo:madonna, nytrumpet:art.) \mybigspace A standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{url}} \textsf{biblatex} field, it holds the url of an online publication, though you can provide one for all entry types. The \emph{Manual} expresses a strong preference for DOIs over URLs if the former is available --- cf.\ \textsf{doi} above, and also \textsf{urldate} just below. The required \LaTeX\ package \textsf{url} will ensure that your documents format such references properly, in the text and in the reference apparatus. It may be worth noting that child entries generally won't inherit \textsf{url} fields from their parents --- the information seems entry-specific enough to warrant a little bit of extra typing if you need to present the same locator in several entries. You \colmarginpar{\texttt{blogurl}} can, however, set the new preamble option \mycolor{\texttt{blogurl}} to allow your child comments (\textsf{review}) to inherit the URL from the parent blog (\textsf{article}). \mybigspace A standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{urldate}} \textsf{biblatex} field, it identifies exactly when you accessed a given url, and is given in \textsc{iso}8601 format. The \emph{Manual} prefers DOIs to URLs; in the latter case it allows the use of access dates, particularly in contexts that require it, but prefers that you use revision dates, if these are available. To enable you to specify which date is at stake, I have provided the \textbf{userd} field, documented below. If an entry doesn't have a \textsf{userd}, then the \textsf{urldate} will be treated as an access date (14.8, 14.12--13, 14.207; evanston:library, grove:sibelius, hlatky:hrt, osborne:poison, sirosh:visualcortex, wikiped:bibtex). You can \colmarginpar{New!} also use the field to specify a time stamp, should the date alone not be specific enough. The time stamp follows the date, separated by an uppercase \enquote{T}, like so: \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd\textbf{T}hh:mm:ss}. If you wish to specify the time zone, the \emph{Manual} (10.41) prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} or \enquote{PDT,} and these are most easily provided using the \mycolor{\texttt{urltimezone}} field, where you can provide your own parentheses if so desired (cp.\ 14.191). Following the examples in the \emph{Manual}, any \textsf{urldate} will by default be printed in 24-hour format, though other time stamps use 12-hour format. The \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{urltime}, discussed in section~\ref{sec:presetopts}, allows you to change this in your preamble. \mylittlespace A \textsf{urldate} time stamp (and \mycolor{\texttt{urltimezone}}) can appear in any entry whatsoever, if you judge the online source to be the sort that changes rapidly enough for a time stamp to be necessary (14.207, 14.233; wikiped:bibtex). You can stop it printing by setting the new \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp}} \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} option to \texttt{false} in your preamble for the whole document or for specified entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. Please see the documentation of \textbf{date}, above, and also table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, below, for more details about time stamps and other parts of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications. Table~\ref{tab:online:types} contains a summary of the current state of \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} handling of online materials. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{urltimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{urldate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{usera}} supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field which in certain contexts in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will identify the broadcast network when you cite a radio or television program. In \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries with \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, it acts almost as a \enquote{\textsf{journaltitleaddon}} field, and its contents will be placed, unformatted and between commas, after the \textsf{journaltitle} and before the \textsf{date}. In \textsf{video} entries it comes after the \textsf{eventdate}, i.e., the date of first broadcast, and is separated from that date by the \cmd{bibstring} \enquote{\texttt{on}} (14.213, 14.265; american:crime, bundy:macneil, friends:leia, mayberry:brady). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{userc}} have implemented this supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field as part of Chicago's name cross-referencing system. (The \enquote{c} part is meant as a sort of mnemonic for this function, though it's perfectly possible to use the field in other contexts.) If you use the \textbf{customc} entry type to include alphabetized cross-references to other, separate entries in a bibliography, it is unlikely that you will cite the \textsf{customc} entry in the body of your text. Therefore, in order for it to appear in the bibliography, you have two choices. You can either include the entry key of the \textsf{customc} entry in a \cmd{nocite} command inside your document, or you can place that entry key in the \textsf{userc} field of another .bib entry that you will be citing. In the latter case, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will call \cmd{nocite} for you, and this method should ensure that there will be at least one entry in the bibliography to which the cross-reference will point. (See 14.81--82; creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death, lecarre:quest.) \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{userd}} \textsf{userd} field acts as a sort of \enquote{\textsf{datetype}} field, allowing you in most entry types to identify whether a \textsf{urldate} is an access date or a revision date. The general usage is fairly simple. If this field is absent, then a \textsf{urldate} will be treated as an access date, as has long been the default in \textsf{biblatex} and in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. If you need to identify it in any other way, what you include in \textsf{userd} will be printed \emph{before} the \textsf{urldate}, so phrases like \enquote{\texttt{last modified}} or \enquote{\texttt{last revised}} are what the field will typically contain (14.12--13; wikiped:bibtex). In the absence of a \textsf{urldate} you can, in most entry types, include a \textsf{userd} field to qualify a \textsf{date} in the same way it would have modified a \textsf{urldate}. \mylittlespace Because of the rather specialized needs of some audio-visual references, this basic sche\-ma changes for \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{music} entries where an \textsf{eventdate} is present, \textsf{userd} will modify that date instead of any \textsf{urldate} that may also be present, and it will modify an \textsf{origdate} if it is present and there is no \textsf{eventdate}. It will modify a \textsf{date} only in the absence of the other three. In \textsf{video} entries it will modify an \textsf{eventdate} if it is present, and in its absence the \textsf{urldate}. In the absence of those two, it can modify a \textsf{date}. Please see the documentation of the \textbf{music} and \textbf{video} entry types, and especially of the \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, and \textsf{urldate} fields, above (14.263--65; nytrumpet:art). \mylittlespace In all cases, you can start the \textsf{userd} field with a lowercase letter, and \textsf{biblatex} will take care of automatic contextual capitalization for you. \mybigspace Another \mymarginpar{\textbf{usere}} supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} uses specifically to provide a translated \textsf{title} of a work, something that may be needed if you deem the original language unparseable by a significant portion of your likely readership. The \emph{Manual} offers two alternatives in such a situation: either you can translate the title and use that translation in your \textsf{title} field, providing the original language in \textsf{language}, or you can give the original title in \textsf{title} and the translation in \textsf{usere}. If you choose the latter, you may need to provide a \textsf{shorttitle} so that the short note form is also parseable. Cf.\ \textbf{language}, above. (See 14.99; kern, weresz.) \mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}} section~\ref{sec:related}, below. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex} offers this field for use in \textsf{proceedings} and \textsf{inproceedings} entries, but I haven't yet implemented it there, mainly because the \emph{Manual} has nothing to say about it. Perhaps the \textsf{organization} field could be used, for the moment, instead. I have implemented the field in the \textbf{misc} entry type, both with and without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, in the new \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} type, and in the \textbf{unpublished} type. In all uses it will normally present the actual venue of an event, as opposed, e.g., to the \textsf{origlocation}, which might present where a letter was written or where an earlier edition was printed. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{version}} \textsf{biblatex} field, formerly only available in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{misc}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{pa\-tent} entries in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, but now also in \textbf{book} and \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} entries. In most entry types it prints a localized \enquote{\texttt{version}} string, but there may be specialist needs in \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries, so there you'll need to specify the type of data inside the field itself. In the \textsf{book} type it is particularly needed for presenting multimedia app content (14.268). \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{volume}} \textsf{biblatex} field. It holds the volume of a \textsf{journaltitle} in \textsf{article} (and some \textsf{review}) entries, and also the volume of a multi-volume work in many other sorts of entry. The treatment and placement of \textsf{volume} information in \textsf{book}-like entries is rather complicated in the \emph{Manual} (14.116--22). In bibliography entries, the \textsf{volume} appears either before the \textsf{maintitle} or before the publication information. In long notes, the same applies, but with the additional possibility of this information appearing \emph{after} the publication data, just before page numbers. In the past, if you wanted the volume information to appear here, you had to leave that information out of your .bib entry and give it in the \textsf{pages} or \textsf{postnote} field. Now, you can use the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \texttt{delayvolume} \mymarginpar{\texttt{delayvolume}} in your preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of an entry to ensure that any \textsf{volume} information that would normally have appeared just before the publication data in a long note appears after it. \mylittlespace The \textsf{volume} information in both books and periodicals, and in both the bibliography and long notes, can appear \emph{immediately before} the page number(s). In such a case, the \emph{Manual} prescribes the same treatment for both sorts of sources, that is, that \enquote{a colon separates the volume number from the page number with no intervening space.} I have implemented this, but at the request of Clea~F.\ Rees I have made this punctuation customizable, using the command \cmd{postvolpunct}.\ \mymarginpar{\cmd{postvolpunct}} By default it prints \cmd{addcolon}, but you can use \verb+\renewcommand{\postvolpunct}{...}+ in your preamble to redefine it. Cf.\ \textsf{part}, and the command documentation in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{volumes}} \textsf{biblatex} field. It holds the total number of volumes of a multi-volume work (meredith:letters). If both a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{volumes} field are present, as may occur particularly in cross-referenced entries or in entries using the new \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}} \textsf{relatedtype}, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will ordinarily suppress the \textsf{volumes} field in your references, except in some instances when a \textsf{maintitle} is present. If the \textsf{volume} appears before the \textsf{maintitle}, the option \texttt{hidevolumes}, \mymarginpar{\texttt{hidevolumes}} set to \texttt{true} by default, controls whether to print the \textsf{volumes} field after that title or not. If it appears after the \textsf{maintitle}, as with the new \textsf{relatedtype} just mentioned, the same option controls whether to print the \textsf{volumes} field in close association with the \textsf{volume}. Set the option to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of your entry to have the \textsf{volumes} appear in these circumstances. Cf.\ the option's documentation in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{xref}} modified \textsf{crossref} field provided by \textsf{biblatex}, which prevents inheritance of any data from the parent entry. See \textbf{crossref}, above. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{year}} \textsf{biblatex} field. It usually identifies the year of publication, though unlike the \textsf{date} field it allows non-numeric input, so you can put \enquote{n.d.}\ (or, to be language agnostic, \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+) here if required, or indeed any other sort of non-numerical date information. For many kinds of uncertain and unspecified dates it is now much simpler to make use of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications in the \textsf{date} field, instead. Please see table~\ref{ad:date:extras} for a summary of how \textsf{biblatex-chicago} implements these enhancements. Cf.\ bedford:photo, clark:mesopot, leo:madonna, ross:thesis. \subsubsection{Fields for Related Entries} \label{sec:related} As \textsf{biblatex.pdf} puts it (§~3.4), \enquote{Almost all bibliography styles require authors to specify certain types of relationship between entries such as \enquote{Reprint of}, \enquote{Reprinted in,} etc. It is impossible to provide data fields to cover all of these relationships and so \textsf{biblatex} provides a general mechanism for this using the entry fields \textsf{related}, \textsf{relatedtype} and \textsf{relatedstring}.} Before this mechanism was available \textsf{biblatex-chicago} attempted to provide a similar but much more limited set of inter-entry relationships using the \textsf{biblatex} fields \textsf{origlanguage}, \textsf{origlocation}, \textsf{origpublisher}, \textsf{pubstate}, \textsf{reprinttitle}, and \textsf{userf}. All of these still work just as they always have or, I hope, somewhat better than they always have after many recent bug fixes, but the more general and more powerful \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{related} mechanism is also available. It can provide much of what the older system provided and a great deal that it couldn't. What follows is a field-by-field discussion of the options now available. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlanguage}} keeping with the \emph{Manual}'s specifications, I have fairly thoroughly redefined \textsf{biblatex}'s facilities for treating translations. The \textsf{origtitle} field isn't used, while the \textsf{language} and \textsf{origdate} fields have been press-ganged for other duties. The \textsf{origlanguage} field, for its part, retains a dual role in presenting translations in a bibliography. The details of the \emph{Manual}'s suggested treatment when both a translation and an original are cited may be found below under \textbf{userf}. Here, however, I simply note that the introductory string used to connect the translation's citation with the original's is \enquote{Originally published as,} which I suggest may well be inaccurate in a great many cases, as for instance when citing a work from classical antiquity, which will most certainly not \enquote{originally} have been published in the Loeb Classical Library. Although not, strictly speaking, authorized by the \emph{Manual}, I have provided another way to introduce the original text, using the \textsf{origlanguage} field, which must be provided \emph{in the entry for the translation, not the original text} (aristotle:metaphy:trans). If you put one of the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibstrings there (enumerated below), then the entry will work properly across multiple languages. Otherwise, just put the name of the language there, localized as necessary, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will eschew \enquote{Originally published as} in favor of, e.g., \enquote{Greek edition:} or \enquote{French edition:}. This has no effect in notes, where only the work cited --- original or translation --- will be printed, but it may help to make the \emph{Manual}'s suggestions for the bibliography more palatable. \textbf{NB:} You can use the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubas} with a customized \textsf{relatedstring} field to achieve the same ends. \mylittlespace That was the first usage, in keeping at least with the spirit of the \emph{Manual}. I have also, perhaps less in keeping with that specification, retained some of \textsf{biblatex}'s functionality for this field. If an entry doesn't have a \textsf{userf} field, and therefore won't be combining a text and its translation in the bibliography, you can also use \textsf{origlanguage} as the standard styles use it, so that instead of saying, e.g., \enquote{translated by X,} the entry will read \enquote{translated from the German by X.} The \emph{Manual} doesn't mention this, but it may conceivably help avoid certain ambiguities in some citations. As in \textsf{biblatex}, if you wish to use this functionality, you have to provide \emph{not} the name of the language, but rather a bibliography string, which may, at the time of writing, be one of \texttt{american}, \texttt{brazilian}, \texttt{danish}, \texttt{dutch}, \texttt{english}, \texttt{french}, \texttt{german}, \texttt{greek}, \texttt{italian}, \texttt{latin}, \texttt{norwegian}, \texttt{portuguese}, \texttt{spanish}, or \texttt{swedish}, to which I've added \texttt{russian}. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlocation}} field mainly serves to help document reprint editions and their corresponding originals (14.114). In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} you can provide both an \textsf{origlocation} and an \textsf{origpublisher} to go along with the \textsf{origdate}, should you so wish, and all of this information will be printed in long notes and bibliography. You can also use this field in a \textsf{letter} or \textsf{misc} (with \textsf{entrysubtype}) entry to give the place where a published or unpublished letter was written (14.111, 14.229). (Jonathan Robinson has suggested that the \textsf{origlocation} may in some circumstances actually be necessary for disambiguation, his example being early printed editions of the same material printed in the same year but in different cities. The new functionality should make this simple to achieve. Cf.\ \textsf{origdate} (section~\ref{sec:entryfields}), \textsf{origpublisher} and \textsf{pubstate}; schweitzer:bach.) \textbf{NB:} It is impossible to present this same information, as here, \emph{inside} a single entry using a \textsf{related} field, though the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubin} presents much the same information \emph{after} the entry, using data extracted from a separate entry. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{origpublisher}} with the \textsf{origlocation} field just above, this field mainly serves to help document reprint editions and their corresponding originals (14.114). You can provide an \textsf{origpublisher} and/or an \textsf{origlocation} in addition to the \textsf{origdate}, and all will be presented in long notes and bibliography. (Cf.\ \textsf{origdate} (section~\ref{sec:entryfields}), \textsf{origlocation}, and \textsf{pubstate}; schweitzer:bach.) \textbf{NB:} It is impossible to present this same information, as here, \emph{inside} a single entry using a \textsf{related} field, though the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubin} presents much the same information \emph{after} the entry, using data extracted from a separate entry. \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{pubstate}} response to new specifications in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (esp.\ 14.137), I have tried to generalize the functioning of the \textsf{pubstate} field in all entry types. The \texttt{reprint} string still has a special status there, being ignored in \textsf{video} entries and provoking a syntactic change in the presentation of dates in \textsf{music} entries (14.263; floyd:atom), while in other types allowing the presentation of reprinted titles. Other strings are divided into two types: those which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print as the \textsf{year}, which currently means \emph{only} those for which \textsf{biblatex} contains bibstrings indicating works soon to be published, i.e., \texttt{forthcoming}, \texttt{inpreparation}, \texttt{inpress}, and \texttt{submitted}; and those, i.e., everything else, which will be printed before, and in close association with, other information about the publisher of a work. The four in the first category will always be localized, as will \texttt{reprint} and \mycolor{\texttt{selfpublished}} (and anything else that \textsf{biblatex} finds to be a \cmd{bibstring}) from the second category. All other strings will be printed as-is, capitalized if needed, just before the publisher (author:forthcoming, contrib:contrib, schweitzer:bach). \textbf{NB:} The \textsf{pubstate} functionality currently has no equivalent using the \textsf{related} field. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{related}} field is required to use \textsf{biblatex's} \textsf{related} functionality, and it should contain the entry key or keys from which \textsf{biblatex} should extract data for presentation not on its own, but rather in the bibliography entry (or long note) which contains the \textsf{related} field itself. Indeed, unless you change the defaults using the \textsf{relatedoptions} field this data will only appear in such entries, never on its own. Without a \textsf{relatedtype} field, this will print the default type, equivalent to a long note citation \emph{immediately after} the bibliography entry containing the \textsf{related} field, with no intervening string. You can specify a string using the \textsf{relatedstring} field, so in effect this presents a powerful mechanism for presenting full references to related material of any sort whatsoever. \mylittlespace By \mymarginpar{\texttt{related=bib}} default, the package option \texttt{related} is set to print \textsf{related} entries only in the bibliography. If you would like them to appear only in long notes, in both notes and bibliography, or indeed in neither, you can set this option, either in your preamble (globally or for specific entry types) or in the \textsf{options} field of the relevant entry, to \texttt{notes}, \texttt{true}, or \texttt{false}, respectively (coolidge:speech and weed:flatiron). For the three \textsf{relatedtypes} that construct a single entry using data extracted from related entries --- \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, \mycolor{\textsf{maintitle}}, and \texttt{reviewof} --- \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically set it to \texttt{true} for you entry by entry, as this is required to get properly-formatted citations in notes and bibliography. See below for the details. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedoptions}} field will, I should expect, only be needed very rarely. If you want to set entry-level options for a \textsf{related} entry this is where you can do it, though please remember one important detail. By default, \textsf{Biber} sets this option to \texttt{dataonly}, which among other things prevents the \textsf{related} entry from appearing separately in the bibliography. If you use the field yourself, then you'll need to include \texttt{dataonly} as one of the options therein to maintain this effect. Of course, it may be you don't want all the effects of \texttt{dataonly}, so you can tailor it however you wish. See \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~3.4. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedstring}} procedure for choosing a string to connect the main entry with its related entry/ies is straightforward, the default being a \texttt{bibstring}, if any, with the same name as the \textsf{relatedtype}, or alternately a string or strings defined within the driver for that \textsf{relatedtype}, as happens with the types \texttt{origpubin} and \texttt{bytranslator}. Failing these, you can supply your own in the \textsf{relatedstring} field, either in the form of the name of a pre-defined \texttt{bibstring} or as any text you choose, and anything in this field always takes precedence over the automatic choices. If your non-\texttt{bibstring} starts with a lowercase letter then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will capitalize it automatically for you depending on context (weed:flatiron). I have not altered the standard \textsf{relatedtype} strings, and have indeed changed the \textsf{reprinttitle} mechanism to use the \texttt{reprintfrom} string, which works better syntactically in this context. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{relatedtype}} standard \textsf{biblatex} styles define six \textsf{relatedtypes}, and I have either simply adopted them wholesale or adapted them to the needs of the Chicago style, retaining the basic syntax as much as possible. I have also added three to these six (see below). First, the standard types: \begin{description} \item[\qquad bytranslator:] This prints a full citation of a translation, starting with the (localized) string \enquote{Translated by \textsf{translator} as \textsf{Title}, \ldots} The reference is fuller in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} than in the standard styles, and for the first time allows users to choose the \emph{Manual's} alternate method for presenting original + translation (14.99; furet:related). The old \textsf{userf} mechanism provides the other, as does the \texttt{origpubas} \textsf{relatedtype} (see below). \item[\qquad default:] This is the macro used when no \textsf{relatedtype} is defined. It prints, as in the standard styles, and with no intervening string, a full citation of \textsf{related} entries. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, the citation is in long note form, rather than bibliography form, as this is the usual practice in the \emph{Manual}. \item[\qquad multivolume:] This briefly lists the individual volumes in a multi-volume work, and works much as in the standard styles. The \emph{Manual}, as far as I can see, has little to say on the matter. \item[\qquad origpubas:] This type can, if you want, replace the old \textsf{userf} mechanism, described below, for presenting an original with its translation. It's quite similar to the \texttt{default} type, but with a \texttt{bibstring} automatically connecting the entry with its \textsf{related} entries. You can identify other sorts of relationships if you change the introductory string using \textsf{relatedstring}. \item[\qquad origpubin:] I haven't altered this from the \textsf{biblatex} default at all, and it presents reprint information \emph{after} the main entry rather than within it. The \emph{Manual} seems to prefer the latter for the notes \& bibliography style and, in some circumstances, the former for author-date. \item[\qquad reprintfrom:] This type provides a replacement for the old \textsf{reprinttitle} mechanism described below. As in the standard styles, it presents a fuller reference to the reprinted material than does \texttt{origpubin}, and is designed particularly for presenting pieces formerly printed in other collections or perhaps essays collected from various periodicals. (In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} it contains some kludges to cope with possible \textsf{babel} language environments, so if you find it behaving oddly please let me know, including whether you are using \textsf{babel} [which I've tested] or \textsf{polyglossia} [which I haven't].) \end{description} Now, the Chicago-specific types: \begin{description} \item[\qquad \mycolor{commenton:}] I designed this new \textsf{relatedtype} to facilitate citation of online comments, though it works slightly differently in the two entry types in which it is available, \textsf{online} and \textsf{review} (with its clone \textsf{suppperiodical}) (14.208--10). In both types it allows you to mimic thread structure by citing a chain of replies to comments on posts, etc., all in a single entry, while also simplifying your\ .bib entries. This simplification works differently depending on whether the comment itself has no specific title, as always in \textsf{review} entries, or does have such a title, as especially in \textsf{online} social media entries. In the former case, as you can see from ac:comment, the \textsf{related} apparatus allows you, and indeed encourages you, not to provide a \textsf{title} at all, as contrasted with the old system, still available of course, where your \textsf{title} field contained special formatting for the title of the blog on which this entry is a comment. Note also here the \textsf{eventdate} field, a requirement, with its optional time stamp, which helps to differentiate multiple comments by the same author posted on the same day. The \textsf{options} field can be used to prevent the entry appearing in the bibliography, and you can also provide a \textsf{url} specific to the comment, though this is by no means necessary. In social media threads comments and replies may well have their own title, so in such a case you still need a \textsf{title} field, which will be followed by the \textsf{relatedstring}. In such \mymarginpar{NB!} \textsf{online} entries, the \emph{only way to cite these comments} is by using the \texttt{commenton} \textsf{relatedtype} (licis:diazcomment). Note that, unlike \textsf{review} entries, the date, and possible time stamp, of a comment should appear in the \textsf{date} field, not \textsf{eventdate}. (Other fields, like \textsf{url} and \textsf{options}, have much the same uses as in \textsf{review} entries.) If, in other \textsf{online} entries, you decided \emph{not} to use \textsf{commenton} in an entry like braun:reply, and simply use a specially-crafted \textsf{titleaddon} field, you lose the possibility of having two dates in the entry, one for the comment and one for the original post, though to be fair it does end up looking like the example in 14.210, where it is ambiguous to which part of the citation the date applies. As for the thread structure, I've not tested how far down the rabbit hole you can go, but a series of entries linked one to the next by this \textsf{relatedtype} will all turn up if you cite the first in the chain, though of course you can use the technique merely as a convenient way to structure and simplify your\ .bib file, without creating chains longer than 2 entries. The default connecting string is the localized \texttt{commenton}, but you can use \textsf{relatedstring} to change it to \enquote{\texttt{reply to}} or whatever else you need. I've tried to follow the rules for abbreviating parts of the various works included in the one reference, though in truth the \emph{Manual} provides no examples. Depending on whether the various parts have already been cited or not your references can take on quite varied appearances. Let me know if something looks wrong to you. Cf.\ ac:comment, diaz:surprise, ellis:blog, and licis:diazcomment for the use of the new \textsf{relatedtype}; amlen:hoot, amlen:wordplay, and viv:amlen for blogs and comments without the \textsf{related} mechanism. There are a few other things to remember. As with the next two \textsf{relatedtypes}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically set the \texttt{related} option to \texttt{true} entry-by-entry to ensure that the full data appears both in notes and in the bibliography. If your parent entry has no \textsf{title} of its own, then, as with the \texttt{reviewof} \textsf{relatedtype}, it will use the \textsf{related} functionality also in short notes, which means that if you want to provide a \textsf{shorttitle} for them then it goes in the \emph{child} entry rather than the parent. Finally, the \textsf{title}-less comments are prime candidates for the \texttt{shortextrafield} option, which prints a disambiguating field after short notes when they would otherwise be indistinguishable. So endemic is this situation in this context that I've set a default means of disambiguating them, which is the \textsf{date} and \textsf{time} in \textsf{online} entries or the \textsf{eventdate} and \textsf{eventtime} in \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical}, though you can of course override these defaults by setting the \texttt{shortextra} options yourself. See their documentation in section~\ref{sec:useropts}, below. \item[\qquad \mycolor{maintitle:}] The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} has deployed, in at least two contexts, a notable syntactic change in the presentation of works that form part of other, larger works. Generally, the order of presentation, in \textsf{biblatex} terms, has always been \textsf{title} -- \textsf{booktitle} -- \textsf{maintitle}, in increasing order of generality. In the vast majority of cases this order still holds, but in TV episodes, for one example, the recommendation now is to present the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) \emph{before} the name of the episode (\textsf{title}). (See the \textbf{video} type in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above). The other context in which this reversal occurs is multi-volume works (14.116--22). Here, the preferred format, at least for notes, appears to be \textsf{maintitle} -- \textsf{[book]title} or, when all three titles are present, \textsf{title} -- \textsf{maintitle} -- \textsf{booktitle}. The \emph{Manual} doesn't carry this reordering through with absolute consistency, but I think it important at least to offer it as a possibility to users of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, hence the new \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}} \textsf{relatedtype}, which is currently the only way to achieve this reversal in this context. In its simplest usage, to document one volume of a multi-volume set, you would have, e.g., an \textsf{mvcollection} entry with \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{maintitle}, and a \textsf{related} field pointing to a \textsf{collection} entry. When you cite the \textsf{mvcollection} entry itself, you'll get a long note like \emph{MVCollTitle}, vol.\ 1, \emph{CollTitle}, and a short note like \emph{MVCollTitle}, vol.\ 1., or, with a \textsf{postnote} field, \emph{MVCollTitle}, 1:12, as the specification requires. If you wanted to cite one essay in the \textsf{collection}, then you would, additionally, need an \textsf{incollection} entry with the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype} and a \textsf{related} field pointing to the \textsf{mvcollection} entry already mentioned, so you're creating a chain of three different related entries but presenting them in one reference, i.e., (long form) \enquote{InCollTitle,} in \emph{MVCollTitle}, vol.\ 1, \emph{CollTitle}, and (short form) \enquote{InCollTitle.} It's important to keep in mind here that, in effect, you're \emph{not} actually citing the \textsf{mvcollection} entry, but the one volume of it represented by the \textsf{collection} entry, or indeed an essay in that one volume. Now, for the details, which are many. First, any \textsf{mv*} entry without the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype} should behave just as it always has, and can still happily be used as the target of \textsf{crossref} fields to supply a \textsf{maintitle} to other entries. The abbreviated references created when you have several, e.g., \textsf{books crossref'd} to the same \textsf{mvbook} are still available, assuming you enable them with the \texttt{booklongxref} option. You can happily mix the new and the old methods of presentation in your documents, but please don't mix them within individual entries, which means that if you are using a \textsf{crossref} field to an \textsf{mvcollection} entry in a \textsf{collection} entry, say, and the \textsf{collection} entry is itself the target of the \textsf{mvcollection} entry's \textsf{related} field, please be careful not to cite that \textsf{collection} entry independently, as it can lead to unexpected results. (If things don't look right to you, try eliminating the use of \textsf{crossref} entirely from these \textsf{related} chains and see if that helps, then send me a bug report if it does.) This restriction also means that, although the \emph{Manual} prefers the \textsf{maintitle}-first format in notes and allows either syntax in the bibliography, nonetheless with \textsf{biblatex-chicago} whichever syntax you choose for the notes will also appear in the bibliography. As for automatically abbreviating references using the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype}, this works differently depending on whether the \textsf{related} chain consists of 2 or 3 works. In 2-work chains (\emph{MVCollTitle}, \emph{CollTitle}), it's actually the first that needs abbreviating, and this didn't look right, so these entries will always print in full. (You can still regulate how much information appears in the references to individual volumes by regulating how much information appears in the .bib entries for those volumes. In the harleymt:* entries I've used as examples below, the individual volumes have a \textsf{crossref} field to the multi-volume work, so they inherit the \textsf{publisher} and \textsf{location}, for example. If you were to omit the \textsf{crossref} field you would always get an abbreviated reference which, were it to appear \emph{after} a reference to the whole multi-volume work, would let that reference give the complete publication details and itself behave like a normal abbreviated cross reference to it.) In 3-work chains, when you've cited more than one \enquote{InCollTitle} from a given \emph{CollTitle}, you can choose for the short note version of the second and third titles (with just volume number rather than full \emph{CollTitle}) to appear in the bibliography and in long notes after the first one. This is controlled using the same \texttt{booklongxref} option as you would use to control the old automatic abbreviation mechanism. See under that option in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, below. As with the other two \textsf{relatedtypes} I've added to \textsf{biblatex's} standard six, the \texttt{maintitle} type is somewhat restricted in its relevance. If you want to use a three-work chain to cite one part of one volume, then this is possible only by starting with the following entry types: \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter}. All two-work chains must start with one of the \textsf{mv*} types. As might be apparent from the previous list, \textsf{mvreference} entries are special, in that their \textsf{related} field should point to an \textsf{inreference} entry if you want to cite an entry in an \enquote{alphabetically arranged work}, or to a \textsf{reference} entry otherwise. In other words, \textsf{mvreference} entries should only ever be used in 2-work chains. It's possible it may have occurred to you that this \textsf{relatedtype} could, given the presence of a many-volumed collection, require rather a lot of extra entries in your\ .bib files, i.e., one extra \textsf{mv*} entry for every volume of the collection you wish to cite. Borrowing an idea from the \texttt{multivolume} \textsf{relatedtype}, you can put the entry keys of \emph{all} the individual volumes into a single \textsf{related} field in a single \textsf{mv*} entry, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will still allow you to cite each volume independently, and for each to appear independently in the bibliography, too, unlike the \texttt{multivolume} mechanism. Here's how it works. When \textsf{Biber} detects more than one entrykey in an \textsf{mv*} entry with \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype}, it produces a series of clones of the \textsf{mv*} entry, each with the same \textsf{relatedtype} and a \textsf{related} field containing exactly \emph{one} of the entrykeys from the original \textsf{related} field. It gives each of these clones its own entrykey, of the form \texttt{mventrykey-singlevolumeentrykey}, and it is these virtual, cloned entries that you should cite. Such entries don't exist in your\ .bib file, but you can see them in your\ .bbl file, assuming you've actually cited any of them. The original \texttt{mventrykey}, in this case, refers merely to the original \textsf{mv*} entry, as though it had never had a \textsf{related} field, so it's available for citing the multi-volume set as a whole, should that be necessary. Indeed, to make the virtual clones available to \textsf{Biber} (and \textsf{biblatex}) in the first place, you do need to cite (or \cmd{nocite}) the original \textsf{mv*} entry somewhere in your document. As an example of how this might look, consider the three entries from \textsf{notes-test.bib}: harleymt:hoc, harleymt:ancient:cart, and harleymt:cartography. The first, an \textsf{mvcollection} entry, has a \textsf{related} field containing both of the others (\textsf{collec\-tion} entries), and in \textsf{cms-notes-sample.tex} you'll see citations of harleymt:hoc, harleymt:hoc-harleymt:ancient:cart, and harleymt:hoc-harleymt:cartography,\break which are themselves \textsf{mvcollection} entries. The latter two don't exist in the\ .bib file, only in the\ .bbl file, where you'd see that each has a \textsf{related} field pointing to the entrykey that forms the second half of its own hyphenated key. If I hadn't somewhere cited harleymt:hoc then \textsf{Biber} would give up entirely because it wouldn't know where to find the two hyphenated keys. A similar problem arises when you create a three-work chain in which the first, e.g., \textsf{incollection}, entry contains a \textsf{related} field pointing to just such a virtual, cloned entry. In this case, if you haven't already cited (or \cmd{nocite}'d) the cloned entry, \textsf{Biber} really gets, understandably, confused. As a convenience feature for this situation, I have included a very slightly modified version of the \texttt{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype}, called \colmarginpar{\texttt{maintitlenc}} \mycolor{\texttt{maintitlenc}}, the \enquote{nc} standing for \cmd{nocite}. As you might have guessed, every clone produced by an \textsf{mv*} entry with multiple entrykeys in its \textsf{related} field and \texttt{maintitlenc} as its \textsf{relatedtype} will automatically be \cmd{nocite}'d, and will then be available for inclusion in another entry's \textsf{related} field. The \texttt{maintitlenc} type differs in no other way whatever from the \texttt{maintitle} type. In general, the \textsf{maintitle} \textsf{relatedtype} attempts to follow the Chicago specification with as little intervention needed from the user as possible. To that end, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically sets the \texttt{related} option to \texttt{true} entry-by-entry to ensure that the full data appears both in notes and in the bibliography. It also attempts to spot duplicate \textsf{authors} or \textsf{editors} and to print them only when needed, and in its short-note version uses the \textsf{volume} and \textsf{part} information from the \textsf{related} \textsf{collection} entry, say, to specify the \textsf{labeltitle} which comes from the \textsf{mvcollection}. If you want the \textsf{mv*} entry's \textsf{volumes} data to appear in notes and bibliography, you can do so by setting the \texttt{hidevolumes} option to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of the entry referenced by the \textsf{mv*} entry's \textsf{related} field (cf.\ harleymt:cartography). Another, trickier intervention involves the problem of sorting entries in the bibliography. The \emph{Manual's} rules are, basically, to sort by name, then title, then year, and as every \textsf{mv*} entry citing the same multi-volume work will basically have identical values for all three, the sorting order in the bibliography will fall back on the order in which such works are cited, which may not be what you want. If the pertinent \textsf{related} fields in your\ .bib file only contain one entrykey, then you can use a series of \textsf{sortkey}, \textsf{sorttitle}, or \textsf{sortyear} fields to arrange the volumes as you wish. If you are using \textsf{Biber's} cloning facilities, however, any such fields in the \textsf{mv*} entry will be copied into all of its clones, so you'll be back to square one. My current solution to this dilemma \mymarginpar{\textsf{sorttitle}} is to treat the \textsf{sorttitle} field as special, so that in \textsf{mv*} entries with \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{maintitle} or \texttt{maintitlenc} and a \textsf{related} field containing more than one entrykey any \textsf{sorttitle} field is indeed copied to all of the clones, but it is also modified by appending the contents of the clone's \textsf{related} field to the end of it. (If there is no \textsf{sorttitle} field, then the clones will have none, either.) In effect, the alphabetical order of the entrykeys in the \textsf{mv*} entry's \textsf{related} field determines the sorting order of the clones each of which contains a \textsf{related} field holding one of those keys. (In the examples from \textsf{notes-test.bib}, harleymt:hoc retains its original \textsf{sorttitle} field, and sorts first, then harleymt:hoc-harleymt:ancient:cart sorts before harleymt:hoc-harleymt:cartography --- the second half of the key, after the hyphen, is the relevant part, and is what appears appended to the original \textsf{sorttitle} field.) It is rather onerous, I know, to be required to choose entrykeys that sort properly; if I come up with something better I'll include it in a later release. Finally, although I've tested this functionality extensively, it's new and rather complicated. If something doesn't work right please let me know at the email address at the head of this documentation. \item[\qquad reviewof:] Philip Kime's \textsf{biblatex-apa} package includes this type, and user Bertold Schweitzer suggested it might be a useful addition to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, so I've added it to the standard six detailed above. It differs from all of them, and resembles \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} and \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}}, in that it prints the \textsf{relatedstring} (by default \verb+\bibstring{reviewof}+) and the data from the \textsf{related} entry in the middle of the parent entry, rather than at the end. It differs from \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} in that it's not possible to create a chain of such entries to mimic online thread structures. Finally, it differs from all other \textsf{relatedtypes} in being available only in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries (along with the latter's clone, \textsf{suppperiodical}). In \textsf{article} entries it replaces the \textsf{titleaddon} with the \textsf{relatedstring} followed by the \textsf{title} of the child entry, and in \textsf{review} entries it replaces the \textsf{title} with the same two components. In both types these components will optionally be followed by the \textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, etc.,\ of the reviewed item, and then any child \textsf{titleaddon} may optionally appear at the end, allowing maximum flexibility when presenting, for example, reviews of live performances. This mechanism automates both the provision of the localized \cmd{bibstring} and also the formatting of the \textsf{title} of the reviewed work, and it also obviates the need to use any of the \cmd{partedit} macros in this context. Further, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically sets the \texttt{related} option to \texttt{true} entry-by-entry to ensure that the full data appears both in notes and in the bibliography. Finally, this \textsf{relatedtype} has the further peculiarity that, in \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries only, it uses the \textsf{related} functionality also in short notes, which means that if you want to provide a \textsf{shorttitle} for short notes then it goes in the \emph{child} entry rather than the parent. Please remember, too, that the standard way of presenting reviewed works is still available if the mechanism doesn't work for you in a particular context. \end{description} \mybigspace \textbf{NB:} \mymarginpar{\textbf{reprinttitle}} \textbf{If you have been using this feature, you may want to have a look at the} \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reprintfrom}, \textbf{documented above, for a better solution to this problem, one that also allows you to change the introductory string using the} \textsf{relatedstring} \textbf{field. The} \textsf{reprinttitle} \textbf{field will continue to work as before, however.} At the request of Will Small, I have included a means of providing the original publication details of an essay or a chapter that you are citing from a subsequent reprint, e.g., a \emph{Collected Essays} volume. In such a case, at least according to the \emph{Manual} (14.181), such details needn't be provided in notes, only in the bibliography, and then only if these details are \enquote{of specific interest.} The data would follow an introductory phrase like \enquote{originally published as,} making the problem strictly parallel to that of including details of a work in the original language alongside the details of its translation. I have addressed the latter problem with the \textsf{userf} field, which provides a sort of cross-referencing method for this purpose, and \textsf{reprinttitle} works in \emph{exactly} the same way. In the .bib entry for the reprint you include a cross-reference to the cite key of the original location using the \textsf{reprinttitle} field (which it may help mnemonically to think of as a \enquote{reprinted title} field). The main difference between the two forms is that \textsf{userf} prints all but the \textsf{author} of the original work, whereas \textsf{reprinttitle} suppresses both the \textsf{author} and the \textsf{title} of the original, giving only the more general details, beginning with, e.g., the \textsf{journaltitle} or \textsf{booktitle} and continuing from there. The string prefacing this information will be \enquote{Reprinted from.} Please see the documentation on \textbf{userf} below for all the details on how to create .bib entries for presenting your data. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}} is one of the supplemental fields which \textsf{biblatex} provides, and is used by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} for a very specific purpose. When you cite both a translation and its original, the \emph{Manual} (14.99) recommends that, in the bibliography at least, you combine references to both texts in one entry, though the presentation in notes is pretty much up to you. In order to follow this specification, I have provided a third cross-referencing system (the others being \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref}), and have chosen the name \textsf{userf} because it might act as a mnemonic for its function. \mylittlespace In order to use this system, you should start by entering both the original and its translation into your .bib file, just as you normally would. The mechanism works for any entry type, and the two entries need not be of the same type. In the entry for the \emph{translation}, you put the cite key of the original into the \textsf{userf} field. In the \emph{original's} entry, you need to include something that will prevent the entry from being printed separately in the bibliography --- \texttt{skipbib} in the \textsf{options} field will work, as would something in the \textsf{keywords} field in conjunction with a \texttt{notkeyword=} switch in the \cmd{printbibliography} command. In this standard case, the data for the translation will be printed first, followed by the string \texttt{originally published as}, followed by the original, author omitted, in what amounts to the same format that the \emph{Manual} uses for long footnotes (furet:passing:eng, furet:passing:fr). As explained above (\textbf{origlanguage}), I have also included a way to modify the string printed before the original. In the entry for the \emph{translation}, you put the original's language in \textsf{origlanguage}, and instead of \texttt{originally published as}, you'll get \texttt{French edition:} or \texttt{Latin edition:}, etc.\ (aristotle:metaphy:gr, aristotle:metaphy:trans). \textbf{NB:} You can use the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubas} to replicate the \textsf{userf} functionality, and you can also customize the \textsf{relatedstring} field to achieve the same result as with \textsf{origlanguage}. \subsection{Commands} \label{sec:commands} In this section I shall attempt to document all those commands you may need when using \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} that I have either altered with respect to the standard provided by \textsf{biblatex} or that I have provided myself. Some of these, unfortunately, will make your .bib file incompatible with other \textsf{biblatex} styles, but I've been unable to avoid this. Any ideas for more elegant, and more compatible, solutions will be warmly welcomed. \subsubsection{Formatting Commands} \label{sec:formatcommands} These commands allow you to fine-tune the presentation of your references in both notes and bibliography. You can find many examples of their usage in \textsf{notes-test.bib}, and I shall try to point you toward a few such entries in what follows. \textbf{NB:} \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{mkbibquote} command is mandatory in some situations. See its entry below. \mybigspace Version \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash autocap}} 0.8 of \textsf{biblatex} introduced the \cmd{autocap} command, which capitalizes a word inside a note or bibliography entry if that word follows sentence-ending punctuation, and leaves it lowercase otherwise. As this command is both more powerful and more elegant than the kludge I designed for a previous version of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} (see\ \textbf{\textbackslash bibstring} below), you should be aware that the use of the single-letter \cmd{bibstring} commands in your .bib file is obsolete. \mylittlespace In order somewhat to reduce the burden on users even further, I have, following \textsf{biblatex's} example, implemented a system which automatically tracks the capitalization of certain fields in your .bib file. I chose these fields after a non-scientific survey of entries in my own databases, so of course if you have ideas for the extension of this facility I would be most interested to hear them. In order to take advantage of this functionality, all you need do is begin the data in the appropriate field with a lowercase letter, e.g.,\ \texttt{note = \{with the assistance of X\}}. If the data begins with a capital letter --- and this is not infrequent --- that capital will always be retained. (cf., e.g., creel:house, morgenson:market.) If, on the other hand, you for some reason need such a field always to start with a lowercase letter, then you can try putting an empty set of curly braces\ \{\}\ at the start, which turns off the mechanism without printing anything itself. Here, then, is the complete list of fields where this functionality is active: \begin{enumerate} \setlength{\parskip}{-4pt} \item The \textbf{addendum} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{booktitleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{edition} field in all entry types. (Numerals work as you expect them to here.) \item The \textbf{maintitleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{note} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{part} field in entry types that use it. \item The \textbf{prenote} field prefixed to citation commands. \item The \textbf{relatedstring} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{shorttitle} field in the \textsf{review} (\textsf{suppperiodical}) entry type and in the \textsf{misc} type, in the latter case, however, only when there is an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined, indicating that the work cited is from an archive. \item The \textbf{title} field in the \textsf{review} (\textsf{suppperiodical}) entry type and in the \textsf{misc} type, in the latter case, however, only when there is an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined, indicating that the work cited is from an archive. \item The \textbf{titleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{type} field in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{suppbook}, \textsf{suppcollection}, and \textsf{video} entry types. \end{enumerate} In any other cases --- and there are only two examples of this in \textsf{notes-test.bib} (centinel:letters, powell:email) --- you'll need to provide the \cmd{autocap} command yourself. Indeed, if you accidentally do so in one of the above fields, it shouldn't matter at all, and you'll still get what you want, but taking advantage of the automatic provisions should at least save some typing. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash bibstring}} is a very powerful mechanism to allow \textsf{biblatex} automatically to provide a localized version of a string, and to determine whether that string needs capitalization, depending on where it falls in an entry. \textsf{Biblatex 0.7} introduced functionality which sometimes allows you simply to input, for example, \texttt{newseries} instead of \verb+\bibstring{newseries}+, the package auto-detecting when a bibstring is involved and doing the right thing, though in all such cases either form will work. This functionality is available in the \textsf{series} field of \textsf{article}, \textsf{jurisdiction}, \textsf{legislation}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries; in the \textsf{type} field of \textsf{audio}, \textsf{manual}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, \textsf{suppbook}, \textsf{suppcollection}, \textsf{thesis}, and \textsf{video} entries; in the \textsf{location} field of \textsf{patent} entries; in the \textsf{language} field in all entry types; in the \textsf{nameaddon} field in \textsf{customc} entries; and in the \textsf{editor[abc]type} and \textsf{nameatype} fields in all entry types. There may be other places where \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles support this feature, and I shall add them when they come to my attention. \mybigspace These \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash foottextcite\\\textbackslash foottextcites}} two commands look like citation commands, but are in fact wrappers for customizing the behavior of the \cmd{textcite} and \cmd{textcites} citation commands when they are used inside a foot- or an endnote. By default, in such a context these commands print the name of the \textsf{author(s)} followed by the \emph{short} citation or citations, i.e., usually \textsf{title} only, enclosed within parentheses. You can change the way the citation part is presented by using \cmd{renewcommand} in your preamble. The default definitions are: \texttt{\{\textbackslash addspace\textbackslash headlessparenshortcite\}} and \texttt{\{\textbackslash addspace\textbackslash headlessparenshortcites\}}. If you wanted to return to the default behavior of previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, for example, you could change the first to: \texttt{\{\textbackslash newcunit\textbackslash bibstring\{in\}\textbackslash addspace\break\textbackslash headlesscite\}}, and the second similarly, only using \cmd{headlesscites}. (There is also, by the way, a \cmd{headlessparencite(s)} command if you want to retain the long citations inside the parentheses.) \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash letterdatelong}} have provided this macro mainly for use in the optional postnote field of the various citation commands. When citing a letter (published or unpublished, \textsf{letter} or \textsf{misc}), it may be useful to append the date to the usual short note form in order to disambiguate references. This macro simply prints the date of a letter, or indeed of any other sort of correspondence, in day-month-year order, as recommended by the \emph{Manual} (14.224). (If your main document language isn't American, it's better just to use the standard \textsf{biblatex} command \cmd{printorigdate}.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash mkbibquote}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} command, which requires attention here because it is a crucial part of the mechanism for the \enquote{American} punctuation system. If you look in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx} you'll see that the quoted fields, e.g., an \textsf{article} or \textsf{incollection title}, have this command in their formatting, which does most of the work for you. If, however, you need to provide additional quotation marks in a field --- a quoted title within a title, for example --- then you may need to use this command so that any following period or comma will be brought within the closing quotation marks. Its use is \emph{required} when the quoted material comes at the end of a field, and I recommend always using it in your .bib database, as it does no harm even when that condition is not fulfilled. A few examples from \textsf{notes-test.bib} should help to clarify this. \mylittlespace In an \textsf{article} entry, the \textsf{title} contains a quoted phrase: \begin{verbatim} title = {Diethylstilbestrol and Media Coverage of the \mkbibquote{Morning After} Pill} \end{verbatim} Here, because the quoted text doesn't come at the end of title, and no punctuation will ever need to be drawn within the closing quotation mark, you could instead use \texttt{\cmd{enquote}\{Morning After\}} or even \texttt{`Morning After'}. (Note the single quotation marks here --- the other two methods have the virtue of taking care of nesting for you.) All of these will produce the formatted \enquote{Diethylstilbestrol and Media Coverage of the \enquote{Morning After} Pill.} Here, by contrast, is a \textsf{book title}: \begin{verbatim} title = {Annotations to \mkbibquote{Finnegans Wake}} \end{verbatim} Because the quoted title within the title comes at the end of the field, and because this bibliographical unit will be separated from what follows by a period in the bibliography, then the \cmd{mkbibquote} command is necessary to bring that period within the final quotation marks, like so: \emph{Annotations to \enquote{Finnegans Wake.}} \mylittlespace Let me also add that this command interacts well with Lehman's \textsf{csquotes} package, which I highly recommend, though the latter isn't strictly necessary in texts using an American style, to which \textsf{biblatex} defaults when \textsf{csquotes} isn't loaded. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash postvolpunct}} \emph{Manual} (14.116) unequivocally prescribes that when a \textsf{volume} number appears immediately before a page number, \enquote{the abbreviation \emph{vol.}\ is omitted and a colon separates the volume number from the page number with no intervening space.} The treatment is basically the same whether the citation is of a book or of a periodical, and it appears to be a surprising and unwelcome feature for many users, conflicting as it may do with established typographic traditions in a number of contexts. Clea~ F.\ Rees requested a way to customize this, so I have provided the \cmd{postvolpunct} command, which prints the punctuation between a \textsf{volume} number and a page number. It is set to \cmd{addcolon} by default, except when the current language of the entry is French, in which case it defaults to \verb+\addcolon\addspace+. You can use \verb+\renewcommand{\postvolpunct}{...}+ in your preamble to redefine it, but please note that the command only applies in this limited context, not more generally to the punctuation that appears between, e.g., a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{part} field. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash reprint}} and the following 7 macros all help \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} cope with the fact that many bibstrings in the Chicago system differ between notes and bibliography, the former sometimes using abbreviated forms when the latter prints them in full. In the current case, if a book is a reprint, then the macro \cmd{reprint}, followed by a comma, could go in the \textsf{location} field before the city of publication. Simply putting \enquote{\texttt{reprint}} into the \textsf{pubstate} field is a simpler way to achieve the same result (aristotle:metaphy:gr, schweitzer:bach). See \textsf{location} and \textsf{pubstate} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. \mylittlespace \textbf{NB:} The rules for employing abbreviated or full bibstrings in the \emph{Manual} are remarkably complex, but I have attempted to make them as transparent for users as possible. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, if you don't see it mentioned in this section, then in theory you should always provide an abbreviated version, using the \cmd{bibstring} mechanism, if necessary (babb:peru). The standard \textsf{biblatex} bibstrings should also work (palmatary:pottery), and any that won't should be covered by the series of macros beginning here with \cmd{reprint} and ending below with \cmd{parttransandcomp}. \mybigspace Since \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partcomp}} the \emph{Manual} specifies that the strings \texttt{editor}, \texttt{translator}, and \texttt{compiler} all require different forms in notes and bibliography, and since it mentions these three apart from all the others \textsf{biblatex} provides (\textsf{annotator}, \textsf{commentator}, et al.), and further since it may indeed happen that the available fields (\textsf{editor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{nameb}, and \textsf{namec}) aren't adequate for presenting some entries, I have provided 7 macros to allow you to print the correct strings for these functions in both notes and bibliography. Their names all begin with \cmd{part}, as originally I intended them for use when a particular name applied only to a specific \textsf{title}, rather than to a \textsf{maintitle} or \textsf{booktitle} (cf.\ \textbf{namea} and \textbf{nameb}, above). \mylittlespace In the present instance, you can use \cmd{partcomp} to identify a compiler when \textsf{namec} won't do, e.g., in a \textsf{note} field or the like. In such a case, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will print the appropriate string in your references. \mybigspace Use \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit}} this macro when identifying an editor whose name doesn't conveniently fit into the usual fields (\textsf{editor} or \textsf{namea}). (N.B.: If you are writing in French then you no longer need to add either \texttt{de} or \texttt{d'} after this command in your .bib files. The new version of the command should take care of this automatically for you.) See chaucer:liferecords. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\andcomp}} before, but for use when an editor is also a compiler. \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\andtrans}} before, but for when when an editor is also a translator (ratliff:review). \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\transandcomp}} before, but for when an editor is also a translator and a compiler. \vspace{1.4\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash parttrans-\\andcomp}} before, but for when a translator is also a compiler. \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash parttrans}} before, but for use when identifying a translator whose name doesn't conveniently fit into the usual fields (\textsf{translator} and \textsf{nameb}). \mylittlespace Unlike \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash suppress-\\bibfield[]\{\}}} the other commands presented here, this should be used in your document preamble rather than in your bibliographical apparatus. Also unlike them, it has two arguments, the first of which is optional, the second required. Jan David Hauck suggested that, in addition to the field-exclusion package options provided by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} (see section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}), I might also provide a general-purpose macro to clear fields from selected entry types when the package options aren't quite right for a user's particular needs. The \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command does this, so that \verb+\suppressbibfield{note}+ clears the \textsf{note} field from \emph{all} entries, while \verb+\suppressbibfield[report]{note}+ clears it only from \textsf{report} entries. Both arguments take comma-separated lists, so to suppress \textsf{titleaddon} and \textsf{volumes} fields from \textsf{report} and \textsf{manual} entries, your preamble could contain \verb+\suppressbibfield[report,manual]{titleaddon,volumes}+. \mylittlespace A few usage notes are in order. First, you can use as many calls to the command in your preamble as you wish. Second, the command is a very basic user interface to \textsf{biblatex's} source mapping functionality (\textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~4.5.3), so what it does is modify what \textsf{biber} takes from your .bib file in order to produce the .bbl file that \textsf{biblatex} actually reads. As far as \textsf{biblatex} is concerned, the fields simply aren't there in the data source, so they can't appear anywhere in the bibliographical apparatus, whether in notes, bibliography or shorthand lists. Third, because source mapping is involved, you'll need a complete cycle of \LaTeX-\textsf{biber}-\LaTeX\ runs to make the commands take effect. Fourth, source mapping occurs at a very early stage in \textsf{biber's} operation, so if your field names or entry types are standard aliases, the command will only work on the names as they appear in your .bib file, not as they are aliased in the .bbl file. If you have a \textsf{techreport} entry, for example, it won't be affected by a command that alters \textsf{report} entries, and a \textsf{date} field won't be affected by a command that suppresses the \textsf{year}. Fifth, the code for the command resides in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the styles without loading that package it won't be available to you. Sixth and finally, the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command is new and relatively untested, so please report any untoward behavior to me. \subsubsection{Citation Commands} \label{sec:citecommands} The \textsf{biblatex} package is particularly rich in citation commands, some of which (e.g., \cmd{supercite(s)}, \cmd{citeyear}) provide functionality that isn't really needed by the Chicago notes and bibliography style offered here. If you are getting unexpected behavior when using them please have a look in your .log file --- there may be warnings there that alert you to undefined citation commands. Other \textsf{biblatex}-provided commands, though I haven't tested them extensively, should pretty much work out of the box. What remains are the commands I have found most useful and necessary for following the \emph{Manual}'s specifications, and I document in this section any alterations I have made to these. As always, if there are standard commands that don't work for you, or new commands that would be useful, please let me know, and it should be possible to fix or add them. \mylittlespace A number of users have run into a problem that appears when they've used a command like \cmd{cite} inside a \cmd{footnote} macro. In this situation, the automatic capitalization routines will not be in operation at the start of the footnote, so instead of \enquote{Ibid.,} for example, you'll see \enquote{ibid.} If you need to use the \cmd{cite} command within a \cmd{footnote} command, the solution is to use \cmd{Cite} instead. Alternatively, don't use a \cmd{footnote} macro at all, rather try \cmd{footcite} or \cmd{autocite} with the optional prenote and postnote arguments. Cf.\ \cmd{Citetitle} below, and also section~3.8 of \textsf{biblatex.pdf}. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash autocite}} haven't adapted this in the slightest, but I thought it worth pointing out that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} sets this command to use \cmd{footcite} as the default option. It is, in my experience, much the most common citation command you will use, and also works fine in its multicite form, \textbf{\textbackslash autocites}. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace While \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash cite*}} the \cmd{cite} command works just as you would expect it to, I have also provided a starred version for the rare situations when you might need to turn off the ibidem tracking mechanism. \textsf{Biblatex} provides very sophisticated algorithms for this mechanism, so in general you won't find a need for this command, but in case you'd prefer a longer citation where you might automatically find the shortest one, I've provided this. Of course, you'll need to put it inside a \cmd{footnote} command manually. (See also section \ref{sec:useropts}, below.) \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citeauthor}} have adapted this standard \textsf{biblatex} command only very slightly to bring it into line with \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} needs. Its main usage will probably be for references to works from classical antiquity, when an \textsf{author's} name (abbreviated or not) sometimes suffices in the absence of a \textsf{title}, e.g., Thuc.\ 2.40.2--3 (14.244). You'll need to put it inside a \cmd{footnote} command manually. (Cf.\ also \textsf{entrysubtype} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citejournal}} command provides an alternative short form when citing journal \textsf{articles}, giving the \textsf{journaltitle} and \textsf{volume} number instead of the article \textsf{title} after the \textsf{author's} name. The \emph{Manual} suggests that this format might be helpful \enquote{in the absence of a full bibliography} (14.185). It may also prove useful when you want to provide parenthetical references to newspaper articles within the text rather than in the bibliography, a style endorsed by the \emph{Manual} (14.198). In such a case, an article's author, if there is one, could form part of the running text. As usual with these general citation commands, if you want the reference to appear in a footnote you need to put it inside a \cmd{footnote} command manually. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash Citetitle}} simply prepends \cmd{bibsentence} to the usual \cmd{citetitle} command. Some titles may need this for the automatic contextual capitalization facility to work correctly. (Included as standard from \textsf{biblatex} 0.8d.) \mybigspace Joseph \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash citetitles}} Reagle noticed that, because of the way \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} formats titles in quotation marks, using the \cmd{citetitle} command will often get you punctuation you don't want, especially when presenting a list of titles. I've included this multicite command to enable you to present such a list, if the need arises. Remember that you'll have to put it inside a \cmd{footnote} command manually. \mybigspace Another \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash footfullcite}} standard \textsf{biblatex} command, modified to work properly with \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, and provided in case you find yourself in a situation where you really need the full citation in a footnote, but where \cmd{autocite} would print a short note or even engage the ibidem mechanism. This may be particularly useful if you've chosen to use all short notes by setting the \texttt{short} option in the arguments to \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex\}}, yet still feel the need for the occasional full citation. \mybigspace This, \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash fullcite}} too, is a standard command, and it too provides a full citation, but unlike the previous command it doesn't automatically place it in a footnote. It may be useful within long textual notes. \mybigspace Arne \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash gentextcite}} Skjærholt requested, for the author-date styles, a variant of the \cmd{textcite} command that presented the author's name in the genitive case in running text, thereby simplifying certain syntactic constructions. As a convenience for users, I've also ported this to the notes \& bibliography style. In most respects it behaves exactly like \cmd{textcite}, on which see below. The difference is that I've added a new optional field to the front of the command to allow you to choose which declensional ending to add to the name. If you don't specify this field, you'll get the standard English \enquote{\,'s\,}. If you want something different, then you'll need to present a third option to the command, like so: \cmd{gentextcite[][][]\{entry:key\}}. You must include the two further sets of square brackets, because with only one set it will, as with other citation commands, be interpreted as a \textsf{postnote}, and with two a \textsf{prenote} and a \textsf{postnote}. There is a \cmd{gentextcites} command as well, and for it you may need to specify \cmd{gentextcites[]()()[][]\\\{entry:key1\}\{entry:key2\}}, though if you don't have a \textsf{pre-} or \textsf{postnote} to the first citation you can make do with \cmd{gentextcites[]()\{entry:key1\}\{entry:key2\}}. \mylittlespace The syntax of multiple authors' names in running text is unpredictable. There is currently no way to add the genitival ending to all the names attached to a single citation key, so it will only appear at the end of a group of names in such a case. (This is in keeping with the usual syntax when referring to a multi-author work, at least in English.) When using \cmd{gentextcites}, however, you can control whether the ending appears after the name(s) attached to each citation key, or whether it only appears after the names attached to the last key. By default, it only appears after the last, but the \texttt{genallnames} preamble and/or entry option set to \texttt{true} will attach the ending to each key's name(s). \mybigspace Matthew \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash headlesscite}\\\textbf{\textbackslash headlesscites}\\\mycolor{\textbf{\textbackslash Headlesscite}}} Lundin requested a more generalized \cmd{headlesscite} macro, suppressing the author's name in specific contexts while allowing users not to worry about whether a particular citation needs the long or short form, a responsibility thereby handed over to \textsf{biblatex's} tracking mechanisms. These citation commands attempt to fulfill this request. The (new) capitalized command, as usual, will ensure capitalization of, e.g., \enquote{ibid.}\ at the beginning of notes, and was made necessary by fixes to a bug identified by David Purton. Please note that, in the short form, the result will be rather like a \cmd{citetitle} command, which may or may not be what you want. Note, also, that as I have provided only the most flexible form of the command, you'll have to wrap it in a \cmd{footnote} yourself. Please see the next entry for further discussion of some of the needs this command might help address. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash headless-\\fullcite}\\\mycolor{\textbf{\textbackslash headless-\\fullcites}}} have provided these commands in case you want to print a full citation without the author's name. The \emph{Manual} (14.78, 14.104) suggests this for brevity's sake in cases where that name is already obvious enough from the title, and where repetition might seem awkward (creel:house, feydeau:farces, meredith:letters, and sewall:letter). \textsf{Letter} entries and \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries (where the \textsf{author} is usually the publishing \textsf{organization}) --- and only these entries --- do this for you automatically, and of course the repetition is tolerated in bibliographies for the sake of alphabetization, but in notes for other entry types this command may help achieve greater elegance, even if it isn't strictly necessary. As I've provided only the most flexible form of the command, you'll have to wrap it in a \cmd{footnote} yourself. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shortcite}} have provided this command in case, for any reason, you specifically require the short form of a note, and \textsf{biblatex} thinks you want something else. Again, I've provided only the most flexible form of the command, so you'll have to wrap it in a \cmd{footnote} manually. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shortcite*}} starred version of the command turns off page and citation tracking for a short note, designed particularly to prevent a \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} back reference from appearing, should you and the code have a disagreement over just when such back references might be necessary. \mybigspace At \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shorthandcite}} the request of Kenneth Pearce, I have included this command which always prints the \textsf{shorthand}, even at the first citation of a given work. Again, I've only provided the most flexible form of the command, so you'll need to place it inside parentheses or wrap it in a \cmd{footnote} manually. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shorthandcite*}} starred version of the command turns off page and citation tracking for a \textsf{shorthand} note, designed particularly to prevent a \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} back reference from appearing, should you and the code have a disagreement over just when such back references might be necessary. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shorthand-\\refcite}} command, like the next, forces the printing of a back reference when you are using the new package option \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}}, only it prints a \textsf{shorthand} note rather than a short note. It's the opposite of \mycolor{\cmd{shorthandcite*}}. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash shortrefcite}} new package option \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} provides for the printing of back references from short notes to their corresponding long notes. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} provides several options to help you control when such back references should appear, but as there may well be occasions when you and the code disagree, this command forces the printing of a short note with a back reference. It's the opposite, then, of \mycolor{\cmd{shortcite*}}, which prevents such a back reference from appearing. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash surnamecite}} command is analogous to \cmd{headlesscite}, but whereas the latter allows you to omit an \textsf{author's} name when that name is obvious from the \textsf{title} of a work, \cmd{surnamecite} allows you to shorten a full note citation in contexts where the full name(s) of the \textsf{author} have already been provided in the text. In short notes this falls back to the standard format, but in long notes it simply omits the given names of the \textsf{author} and provides only the surname, along with the full data of the entry (cf.\ 14.57). \mybigspace Norman \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash textcite}} Gray started a discussion on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/67837/citations-as-nouns-in-biblatex-chicago}{Stackexchange} which established both that \textsf{biblatex} had begun including a \cmd{textcite} command in its verbose styles and that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} hadn't kept up. In that thread Audrey Boruvka provided some code, adapted from \textsf{verbose.cbx}, to provide such a command for the Chicago notes \&\ bibliography style. More recently, Rasmus Pank Rouland pointed out some changes in \textsf{biblatex} that made the \cmd{textcites} command fit more elegantly into the flow of text. I've adapted this solution in this release. I'm still not entirely certain how best to accommodate this request within the package, but there are now at least commands (\cmd{textcite} and \cmd{textcites}) for users to test. Their functionality is a little complicated. In the main text, they will provide an \textsf{author's} name(s), followed immediately by a foot- or endnote which contains the full (or short) reference, following the usual rules. If you use \cmd{textcite} inside a foot- or endnote, then the default behavior, for both \cmd{textcite} and \cmd{textcites}, specifies that you'll get the \textsf{author's} name(s) followed by a headless \emph{short} citation (or citations) placed within parentheses. Such parentheses are generally discouraged by the \emph{Manual} (14.38), but are nonetheless somewhat better than other solutions for smoothing the syntax of sentences that include such a citation. I have made the citation short, i.e., \textsf{title} only, because this again seems likely to be the least awkward solution syntactically. If you want to configure this behavior for either citation command, please see \cmd{foottextcite} and \cmd{foottextcites} in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}. \mylittlespace If you look at \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, you'll see a number of other citation commands, but those are intended for internal use only, mainly in cross-references of various sorts. Use at your own risk. \subsection{Package Options} \label{sec:options} \subsubsection{Pre-Set \textsf{biblatex} Options} \label{sec:presetopts} Although a quick glance through \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} will tell you which \textsf{biblatex} options the package sets for you, I thought I might gather them here also for your perusal. These settings are, I believe, consistent with the specification, but you can alter them in the options to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in your preamble or by loading the package via \verb+\usepackage[style=chicago-notes]{biblatex}+, which gives you the \textsf{biblatex} defaults unless you redefine them yourself inside the square brackets. \mylittlespace By \mymarginpar{\texttt{abbreviate=\\false}} default, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} prints the longer bibstrings, mainly for use in the bibliography, but since notes require the shorter forms of many of them, I've had to define many new strings for use there. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-notes} \mymarginpar{\texttt{autocite=\\footnote}} places references in footnotes by default. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{citetracker=\\true}} citetracker for the \cmd{ifciteseen} test is enabled globally. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{alldates=comp}} specification calls for the long format when presenting dates, slightly shortened when presenting date ranges. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{alltimes=12h}} entries which print time stamps, they will, when the stamp is part of a \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, or \textsf{origdate}, appear in 12-hour format, i.e., \enquote{4:45 p.m.} Stamps that are part of a \textsf{urldate} are, by default, controlled by the \mycolor{\texttt{urltime}} option, which is set to \mycolor{\texttt{24h}}. See that option below, and table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{dateabbrev=\\false}} \emph{Manual} prefers to use full month names in the notes \&\ bibliography style. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datecirca=true}} option enables \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced \enquote{circa} date specification, which given a \textsf{date} like \verb+1989~+ will print [ca.\ 1989]. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{dateuncertain=\\true}} option enables \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced \enquote{uncertain} date specification, which given a \textsf{date} like \verb+1989?+ will print [1989?]. A field like \verb+1989%+ is both \enquote{circa} \emph{and} \enquote{uncertain,} like so: [ca.\ 1989?]. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datezeros=false}} ensures that leading zeros don't appear in date specifications. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{ibidtracker=\\constrict}} enables the use of the ibidem mechanism in notes, but only in the most strictly-defined circumstances. Whenever there might be any ambiguity, \textsf{biblatex} should default to printing a more informative reference. Remember also that you can use the \cmd{cite*} command to disable this functionality in any given reference, or indeed one of the \texttt{fullcite} commands if you need the long note form for any reason. Please see section~\ref{sec:useropts} for options (\texttt{noibid} and \mycolor{\texttt{useibid}}) managing how \textsf{biblatex-chicago} presents ibidem references, as the defaults have changed in the 17th edition (14.34). \mylittlespace Roger \mymarginpar{\texttt{idemtracker=\\false}} Hart suggested that it might be helpful, despite the \emph{Manual's} objections (14.35), to be able to turn on \textsf{biblatex's} \texttt{idemtracker}. This replaces, in notes only, authors' names with the string \enquote{Idem} when a work by the same author follows a different work by that author, two consecutive references to the same work by the same author generating, of course, \enquote{Ibid.} Indeed, if you are going to use the \texttt{idemtracker}, you should also set the package option \mycolor{\texttt{useibid}} to \texttt{true}, so that you don't get a mix of \enquote{Idem} and the new 17th-edition ibidem behavior which doesn't print \enquote{Ibid.} You can turn this all on when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} by setting \texttt{idemtracker=constrict,useibid=true}. It works very much like the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles which include this option, so that you never get \enquote{Idem} in long notes, but only in short ones, and (ideally) never when the repeated name might be somewhat ambiguous. Also, if you wish the localized string to be appropriately gendered, you need to employ the \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{gender}, on which see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~2.3.3. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{labeltitle=\\true}} option enables \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} to disambiguate shortened citations to different sources which might otherwise be confusingly identical. Though I've set it in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, you'll need to set the \texttt{shortextrafield} option yourself in order for it to have any visible effect. See the documentation of that option in section~\ref{sec:useropts}, below. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{loccittracker\\=constrict}} allows the package to determine whether two consecutive citations of the same source also cite the same page of that source. In such a case, \texttt{Ibid} alone will be printed, without the page reference, following the specification (14.29). \mylittlespace These \mymarginpar{\textsf{\texttt{maxbibnames\\=10\\ minbibnames\\=7}}} two options control the number of names printed in the bibliography when that number exceeds 10. These numbers follow the recommendations of the \emph{Manual} (14.76), and they are different from those for use in notes. With \textsf{biblatex} 1.6 you can no longer redefine \texttt{maxnames} and \texttt{minnames} in the \cmd{printbibliography} command at the bottom of your document, so \textsf{biblatex-chicago} now does this automatically for you, though of course you can change them in your document preamble. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{pagetracker=\\true}} enables page tracking for the \cmd{iffirstonpage} and \cmd{ifsamepage} commands for controlling, among other things, the printing of \enquote{Ibid.} It tracks individual pages if \LaTeX\ is in oneside mode, or whole spreads in twoside mode. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{related=bib}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibliography option, but I have given it some extra settings and also added entry and type options as well. By default it enables the use of \textsf{related} functionality in the bibliography only, not in long notes. You can set it either in the preamble or in individual entries to enable the functionality in long notes only (\texttt{notes}), in both notes and bibliography (\texttt{true}), or in neither (\texttt{false}). When you use the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}}, or \texttt{reviewof} \textsf{relatedtypes}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically sets this option to \texttt{true} on an entry-by-entry basis, as these \textsf{relatedtypes} require this for proper functioning. Cf.\ coolidge:speech, weed:flatiron. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{sortcase=\\false}} turns off the sorting of uppercase and lowercase letters separately, a practice which the \emph{Manual} doesn't appear to recommend. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{sorting=\\}\cmd{cms@choose}} new setting tests whether you are using \textsf{Biber} as your backend, and if so enables a custom \textsf{biblatex-chicago} sorting scheme for the bibliography (\texttt{cms}). If you are using any other backend, it reverts to the \textsf{biblatex} default (\texttt{nty}). Please see the discussion of \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} just below. \mylittlespace If \colmarginpar{\texttt{timezones=true}} you provide a timezone for a time stamp, usually using one of the \textsf{timezone} fields, this option ensures it will be printed. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{urltime=24h}} entries with \textsf{urldate} fields containing time stamps, that stamp will by default appear in 24-hour format, i.e., \enquote{16:45.} Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{alltimes}}, above, \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset} below, and table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{[standard]\\useeditor=false\\usenamec=false}} \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries any editors' or compilers' names appear after the title, according to 14.259, so these entry-type-specific options encode this. You can, of course, override these defaults in your preamble, should you deem it necessary. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{usetranslator\\=true}} enables automatic use of the \textsf{translator} at the head of entries in the absence of an \textsf{author} or an \textsf{editor}. In the bibliography, the entry will be alphabetized by the translator's surname. You can disable this functionality on a per-entry basis by setting \texttt{use\-translator=false} in the \textsf{options} field. Cf.\ silver:gawain. \subsubsection*{Other \textsf{biblatex} Formatting Options} \label{sec:formatopts} I've chosen defaults for many of the general formatting commands provided by \textsf{biblatex}, including the vertical space between bibliography items and between items in the list of shorthands (\cmd{bibitemsep} and \cmd{lositemsep}). I define many of these in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and of course you may want to redefine them to your own needs and tastes. It may be as well you know that the \emph{Manual} does state a preference for two of the formatting options I've implemented by default: the 3-em dash as a replacement for repeated names in the bibliography (14.67--71, and just below); and the formatting of note numbers, both in the main text and at the bottom of the page / end of the essay (superscript in the text, in-line in the notes; 14.24). The code for this last formatting is also in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and I've wrapped it in a test that disables it if you are using the \textsf{memoir} class, which I believe has its own commands for defining these parameters. You can also disable it by using the \texttt{footmarkoff} package option, on which see below. \mylittlespace Gildas Hamel pointed out that my default definition, in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, of \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{bibnamedash} didn't work well with many fonts, leaving a line of three dashes separated by gaps. He suggested an alternative, which I've adopted, with a minor tweak to make the dash thicker, though you can toy with all the parameters to find what looks right with your chosen font. The default definition is:\\ \verb+\renewcommand*{bibnamedash}{\rule[.4ex]{3em}{.6pt}}+. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{losnotes} \&\\\texttt{losendnotes}} the request of Kenneth Pearce, I have added two \texttt{bibenvironments} to \textsf{chicago-notes\break .bbx}, for use with the \texttt{env} option to the \cmd{printshorthands} command. The first, \texttt{losnotes}, is designed to allow a list of shorthands to appear inside footnotes, while \texttt{losendnotes} does the same for endnotes. Their main effect is to change the font size, and in the latter case to clear up some spurious punctuation and white space that I see on my system when using endnotes. (You'll probably also want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} in order to get rid of the [oversized] default, providing your own within the \cmd{footnote} command.) If you use a command like \verb+\printbiblist{shortjournal}+ to print a list of journal abbreviations, you can use the \texttt{sjnotes} and \texttt{sjendnotes} \texttt{bibenvironments} in exactly the same way. Please see the documentation of \textsf{shorthand} and \textsf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} above for further options available to you for presenting and formatting these two types of \texttt{biblist}. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace Formerly \mymarginpar{\cmd{Declare-}\\\texttt{Labelname}} available only to those using \textsf{Biber}, but since version 3.0 handled by \textsf{biblatex} itself, \cmd{DeclareLabelname} allows you to add name fields for consideration when \textsf{biblatex} is attempting to find a shortened name for short notes. This, for example, allows a compiler (=\textsf{namec}) to appear at the head of short notes without any other intervention from the user, rather than requiring a \textsf{shortauthor} field as previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} did. The default search order for the Chicago styles is \textsf{shortauthor}, \textsf{author}, \textsf{shorteditor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{namec}. You can set the option \texttt{use=false} in entries or when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to exclude individual fields from appearing in short notes, or indeed at the head of long notes and bibliography entries. See the documentation of those name types in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} for further details. \mylittlespace I \mymarginpar{\cmd{Declare-}\\\texttt{Sorting-}\\\texttt{Template}} have provided, using this declaration, a custom sorting algorithm for the bibliography. The idea is that \textsf{biblatex} can use any field whatsoever for sorting, so that a great many more entries will be sorted correctly automatically rather than requiring manual intervention in the form of a \textsf{sortkey} field or the like. Code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} loads the custom scheme \enquote{\texttt{cms},} a Chicago-specific variant of the default \texttt{nty}. (You can find its definition in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}.) The advantages of this scheme are, specifically, that any entry headed by one of the supplemental name fields (\textsf{name[a-c]}), a \textsf{manual} or a \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entry headed by an \textsf{organization}, or an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entry headed by a \textsf{journaltitle} won't need a \textsf{sortkey} set. Further, the \texttt{use=false} options will remove any name field from the sorting order, again reducing the need for user intervention. \subsubsection{{Pre-Set \textsf{chicago} Options}} \label{sec:chicpreset} At \mymarginpar{\texttt{bookpages=\\true}} the request of Scot Becker, I have included this rather specialized option, which controls the printing of the \textsf{pages} field in \textsf{book} entries. Some bibliographic managers, apparently, place the total page count in that field by default, and this option allows you to stop the printing of this information in notes and bibliography. It defaults to true, which means the field is printed, but it can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field (though rather than use this latter method it would make sense to eliminate the \textsf{pages} field from the affected entries). \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{doi} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in notes and bibliography. At the request of Daniel Possenriede, and keeping in mind the \emph{Manual's} preference for this field instead of a \textsf{url} (14.6), I have added a third switch, \texttt{only}, which prints the \textsf{doi} if it is present and the \textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. The package default remains the same, however --- it defaults to true, which will print both \textsf{doi} and \textsf{url} if both are present. The option can be set to \texttt{only} or to \texttt{false} either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be printed, but the \texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any \textsf{url}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{eprint=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{eprint} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in notes and bibliography. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{eprint} field will always be printed. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{isbn=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{isan}, \textsf{isbn}, \textsf{ismn}, \textsf{isrn}, \textsf{issn}, and \textsf{iswc} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in notes and bibliography. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace Once \mymarginpar{\texttt{numbermonth\\=true}} again at the request of Scot Becker, I have included this option, which controls the printing of the \textsf{month} field in all the periodical-type entries when a \textsf{number} field is also present. Some bibliographic software, apparently, always includes the month of publication even when a \textsf{number} is present. When all this information is available the \emph{Manual} (14.180, 14.185) prints everything, so this option defaults to true, which means the field is printed, but it can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{url=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{url} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in notes and bibliography. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. Please note that, as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, the \textsf{url} field is always printed in \textsf{online} entries, regardless of the state of this option. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{urltime} fields, included as part of the \textsf{urldate}, will be printed in notes and bibliography. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. Please note that, unlike the \texttt{url} option, this option \emph{does} control what is printed in \textsf{online} entries. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{includeall=\\true}} is the one option that rules the seven preceding, either printing all the fields under consideration --- the default --- or excluding all of them. It is set to \texttt{true} in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, but you can change it either in the preamble for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. The seven individual options above are similarly available in the same places, for finer-grained control. The rationale for all of these options is the availability of bibliographic managers that helpfully present as much data as possible, in every entry, some of which may not be felt to be entirely necessary. Setting \texttt{includeall} to \texttt{true} probably works just fine for those compiling their .bib databases by hand, but others may find that some automatic pruning helps clear things up, at least to a first approximation. Some per-type or per-entry work afterward may then polish up the details. If you find that you need control over fields that aren't included among these options, I have provided the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command for your preamble, as suggested by Jan David Hauck. It is in fact a user interface to the source mapping feature of \textsf{biblatex}, and it is something of a nuclear option, preventing fields from even appearing in the .bbl file generated by \textsf{biber} from your .bib database. See the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands} and the source mapping docs in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~4.5.3. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{addendum=\\true}} the request of Roger Hart, I have included this option, which controls the printing of the \textsf{addendum} field, but \emph{only} in long notes. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace According \mymarginpar{\texttt{bookseries=\\true}} to the \emph{Manual} (14.123), the \textsf{series} field in book-like entries \enquote{may be omitted to save space (especially in a footnote).} This option allows you to control the printing of that field in long notes. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. Several entry types don't use this field, so the option will have no effect in them, and it is also ignored in \textsf{article}, \textsf{misc}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries. \mylittlespace As \mymarginpar{\texttt{notefield=\\true}} with the previous two options, Roger Hart requested an option to control the printing of the \textsf{note} field in long notes. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. The option will be ignored in \textsf{article}, \textsf{misc}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} fields. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\vspace{-1\baselineskip}\texttt{completenotes=}% \\\texttt{true}} is the one option that rules the three preceding, either printing all the fields under consideration --- the default --- or excluding all of them from long notes. It is set to \texttt{true} in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, but you can change it either in the preamble for the whole document or, for specific fields, in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref=\\true}} the request of Bertold Schweitzer, I have included two options for controlling whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated references when you cite more than one part of a given collection or series. This option controls whether multiple \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries which are part of the same collection will appear in this space-saving format. The parent collection itself will usually be presented in, e.g., a \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{mvbook}, \textsf{mvcollection}, or \textsf{mvproceedings} entry, and using \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} in the child entries will allow such presentation depending on the value of the option: \begin{description} \item[\qquad true:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in these entry types, by default you will \emph{not} get any abbreviated references, either in notes or bibliography. \item[\qquad false:] You'll get abbreviated references in these entry types both in notes and in the bibliography. \item[\qquad notes:] The abbreviated references will not appear in notes, but only in the bibliography. \item[\qquad bib:] The abbreviated references will not appear in the bibliography, but only in notes. \end{description} This option can be set either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For controlling the behavior of \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter} entries, please see \texttt{longcrossref}, below, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}. \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{compressyears\\=true}} \emph{Manual} has long recommended (9.64, 14.117, 14.144), as a space-saving measure, the compression of year ranges when presenting dates. I have, finally, implemented this in the current release, and have made it the default, which you can change in your document preamble. Please note that the rules for compressing years are different from those for compressing other numbers (e.g., page numbers), and also that the compression code is in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, which will have to be loaded for this option to make any difference. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace Roger \mymarginpar{\texttt{ctitleaddon=\\comma\\ptitleaddon=\\period}} Hart requested a way to control the punctuation printed before the \textsf{titleaddon}, \textsf{booktitleaddon}, and \textsf{maintitleaddon} fields. By default, this is \verb+\addcomma\addspace+ (\textsf{ctitleaddon}) for all occurrences in notes and for nearly all \textsf{book-} and \textsf{maintitleaddons} in the bibliography, while \verb+\addperiod\addspace+ (\textsf{ptitleaddon}) is the default before most \textsf{titleaddons} in the bibliography. If the punctuation printed isn't correct for your needs, you can set the relevant option either in the preamble or in individual entries. (Cf.\ coolidge:speech and schubert:muellerin.) The accepted option keys are: \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-4pt} \item[\qquad none] = no punctuation at all \item[\qquad space] = \cmd{addspace} \item[\qquad comma] = \verb+\addcomma\addspace+ \item[\qquad period] = \verb+\addperiod\addspace+ \item[\qquad colon] = \verb+\addcolon\addspace+ \item[\qquad semicolon] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+ \end{description} If you need something a little more exotic, you can directly \cmd{renewcommand} either \cmd{ctitleaddonpunct} or \cmd{ptitleaddonpunct} (or both) in your preamble, but it's worth remembering that the redefinition will hold for all instances, unless you use the \textsf{options} field in your other entries with a \textsf{titleaddon} field. A simpler solution might be to set the relevant option to \texttt{none} in your entry and then include the punctuation in the \textsf{titleaddon} field itself. \mylittlespace Constanza Cordoni \colmarginpar{\texttt{dashed=true}} has requested a way to turn off the 3-em dash for replacing repeated names in the bibliography, and the \emph{Manual} admits that some publishers prefer this, as the dash can carry with it certain inconveniences, especially for electronic formats (14.67). Some of \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles have a \texttt{dashed} option, so for compatibility purposes I've provided the same. By default, I have set it to print the name dash, but you can set \mycolor{\texttt{dashed=false}} in your preamble to repeat names instead throughout your document. \mylittlespace If \mymarginpar{\texttt{hidevolumes=\\true}} both a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{volumes} field are present, as may occur particularly in cross-referenced entries, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will ordinarily suppress the \textsf{volumes} field. In some instances, when a \textsf{maintitle} is present, this may not be the desired result. In this latter case, if the \textsf{volume} appears before the \textsf{maintitle}, this new option, set to \texttt{true} by default, controls whether to print the \textsf{volumes} field after that title or not. Set it to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of your entry to have it appear after the \textsf{maintitle}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref=\\false}} is the second option, requested by Bertold Schweitzer, for controlling whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated references when you cite more than one part of a given collection or series. It controls the settings for the entry types more-or-less authorized by the \emph{Manual}, i.e., \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{letter}, and \mycolor{\textsf{review}}. The mechanism itself is enabled by multiple \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} references to the same parent, whether that be, e.g., a \textsf{collection}, an \textsf{mvcollection}, a \textsf{proceedings}, or an \textsf{mvproceedings} entry. Given these multiple cross references, the presentation in the reference apparatus will be governed by the following options: \begin{description} \item[\qquad false:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in the four mentioned entry types, you'll get the abbreviated references in both notes and bibliography. \item[\qquad true:] You'll get no abbreviated references in these entry types, either in notes or in the bibliography. \item[\qquad notes:] The abbreviated references will not appear in notes, but only in the bibliography. \item[\qquad bib:] The abbreviated references will not appear in the bibliography, but only in notes. \item[\qquad none:] This switch is special, allowing you with one setting to provide abbreviated references not just to the four entry types mentioned but also to \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, both in notes and in the bibliography. \end{description} This option can be set either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For controlling the behavior of \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, please see \texttt{booklongxref}, above, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{nodates=true}} option means that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically provides \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ in any \enquote{circa} or \enquote{uncertain} date specification where the user has also turned off the printing of brackets around the date using the \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}} or \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}} options (section~\ref{sec:useropts}; 14.145). If you set \texttt{nodates=false} either in your preamble (for global coverage or for specific entry types) or in individual entries then the package will simply print the unbracketed date specification in this context. See table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, below. (The bibstring expands to \enquote{\texttt{n.d.}} in English; please note that this option works quite differently in the author-date styles.) \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthand\\punct\\=space}} option controls the punctuation that appears before the first introduction of a \textsf{shorthand} field, including the \textsf{shorthandintro}, in long notes. The default is \cmd{addspace}, but if this isn't correct for your needs, especially if you change the \textsf{shorthandintro} or don't want the whole phrase inside parentheses, then you can change it in the preamble or in individual entries. The accepted option keys are: \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-4pt} \item[\qquad none] = no punctuation at all \item[\qquad space] = \cmd{addspace} \item[\qquad comma] = \verb+\addcomma\addspace+ \item[\qquad period] = \verb+\addperiod\addspace+ \item[\qquad colon] = \verb+\addcolon\addspace+ \item[\qquad semicolon] = \verb+\addsemicolon\addspace+ \item[\qquad emdash] = \verb+\addthinspace\textemdash\addthinspace+ \item[\qquad endash] = \verb+\addspace\textendash\addspace+ \end{description} You can, in emergencies, directly \verb+\renewcommand{\shorthandpunct}+ in the pream\-ble, but it might be easier to use the \texttt{none} option to \texttt{shorthandpunct} and hand-craft solutions inside the \textsf{shorthandintro} fields of individual entries. \subsubsection{Style Options -- Preamble} \label{sec:useropts} These are parts of the specification that not everyone will wish to enable. All except the fifth and eighth can be used even if you load the package in the old way via a call to \textsf{biblatex}, but most users can just place the appropriate string(s) in the options to the \cmd{usepackage} \texttt{\{biblatex-chicago\}} call in your preamble. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} \colmarginpar{\texttt{alwaysrange}} now implements \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications, one part of which is the presentation of decades and centuries not as year ranges but as localized strings like \enquote{19th c.} or \enquote{1970s.} The \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}} option set to \texttt{true}, either in your preamble or in individual entries, simply tells the package to present the year range instead. This allows you to use the efficient enhanced notations in the \textsf{date} field (\verb+{18XX}+ or \verb+{197X}+) without the localized strings appearing, should you require it. The two options \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange}} and \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange}} limit the same effect to centuries and decades, respectively. Please see table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of Emil Salim, I included in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} the ability to produce annotated bibliographies. If you turn this option on then the contents of your \textsf{annotation} (or \textsf{annote}) field will be printed after the bibliographical reference. (You can also use external files to store annotations -- please see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~3.13.8 for details on how to do this.) This functionality is currently in a beta state, so before you use it please have a look at the documentation for the \textsf{annotation} field, on page~\pageref{sec:annote} above. \mylittlespace As \colmarginpar{\texttt{blogurl}} a convenience feature, this option, available only in the preamble, allows \textsf{review} entries to inherit a \textsf{url} from \textsf{article} entries. The main use, as the name suggests, is when you want to provide the same \textsf{url} for a blog comment as you have for a blog post. You'll need an extra \LaTeX - \textsf{Biber} - \LaTeX\ run to make sure any changes to this option take effect. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{centuryrange}} option works just like \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, above, but only affects century presentation, not decade. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}} \emph{Manual} gives fairly specific instructions about breaking URLs across lines (14.18), so I have attempted to implement them by tweaking \textsf{biblatex's} default settings, which are found in \textsf{biblatex.def}. In truth, I haven't succeeded in getting \textsf{biblatex} flawlessly to follow all of the \emph{Manual's} instructions, nor do the changes I have made work well in all circumstances, being particularly unsightly if you happen to be using the \textsf{ragged2e} package. For these reasons, I have made my changes dependent on a package option, \mycolor{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}}, which you can set in your preamble. I have placed all of this code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead, then URL line breaking will revert to the \textsf{biblatex} defaults. See \href{file:cms-notes-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-notes-sample.pdf}} for a lot of examples of what URLs look like when the option is set, and also section~\ref{sec:loading}, below. \mylittlespace When \mymarginpar{\texttt{compresspages}} set to \texttt{true}, any page ranges in your .bib file or in the \textsf{postnote} field of your citation commands will be compressed in accordance with the \emph{Manual's} specifications (9.61). Something like 321-{-}328 in your .bib file would become 321--28 in your document. See the \textsf{pages} field in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. Please note that the code for this is in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead then you'll get the default \textsf{biblatex} compression style. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{decaderange}} option works just like \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, above, but only affects decade presentation, not century. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{delayvolume}} presentation of \textsf{volume} information in the notes \&\ bibliography style is complicated (\emph{Manual}, 14.116--22). Depending on entry type and on the presence or absence of a \textsf{booktitle} or a \textsf{maintitle}, \textsf{volume} data will be presented, in the bibliography, either before a \textsf{maintitle} or after a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}, that is, just before publication information. This, so far, is handled for you automatically by \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}. In long notes, the same options apply, but it is also sometimes better to place \textsf{volume} information \emph{after} the publication information and just before any page numbers, so I have included this option, which you can set either for the whole document or on a per-entry basis, to allow you to move \textsf{volume} data to the end of a long note. Please note that this doesn't affect any \textsf{volume} data printed \emph{before} a \textsf{maintitle}, but only data that would, without this option, be printed \emph{after} a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}. Cf.\ also \cmd{postvolpunct}, below. \mylittlespace Although \mymarginpar{\texttt{footmarkoff}} the \emph{Manual} (14.24) recommends specific formatting for footnote (and endnote) marks, i.e., superscript in the text and in-line in foot- or endnotes, Charles Schaum has brought it to my attention that not all publishers follow this practice, even when requiring Chicago style. I have retained this formatting as the default setup, but if you include the \texttt{footmarkoff} option, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will not alter \LaTeX 's (or the \textsf{endnote} package's) defaults in any way, leaving you free to follow the specifications of your publisher. I have placed all of this code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead, then once again footnote marks will revert to the \LaTeX\ default, but of course you also lose a fair amount of other formatting, as well. See section~\ref{sec:loading}, below. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{genallnames}} option affects the choice of which names to present in the genitive case when using the \cmd{gentextcites} command. Please see the documentation of that command in section~\ref{sec:citecommands}, above. \mylittlespace Setting \mymarginpar{\texttt{inheritshort\-hand}} this option to \texttt{true} allows child entries to inherit the \textsf{shorthand} and \textsf{shorthandintro} fields from cross-referenced parent entries. This in turn allows abbreviated references to the parent entry to use the \textsf{shorthand} instead of the usual and merely short citation, thus allowing for extra space savings. There are several other steps required to make this all function smoothly, so please see the documentation of the \textbf{shorthand} field in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{journalabbrev}} option controls the printing of the \textsf{shortjournal} field in place of the \textsf{journaltitle} field in notes and bibliography. It is \texttt{false} by default, so as shipped \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will silently ignore such fields, but you can set it, either in the preamble or in individual entries, to one of three other values: \texttt{true} prints the abbreviated form in notes and bibliography, \texttt{notes} in notes only, and \texttt{bib} in the bibliography only. Please note that in \textsf{periodical} entries the \textsf{title} and \textsf{shorttitle} fields behave in exactly the same manner. For more details, see the documentation of \textsf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{juniorcomma}} \emph{Manual} (6.43) states that \enquote{commas are not required with \emph{Jr.}\ and \emph{Sr.},} so by default \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has followed standard \textsf{biblatex} in using a simple space in names like \enquote{John Doe Jr.} Charles Schaum has pointed out that traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ practice was to include the comma, and since the \emph{Manual} has no objections to this, I have provided an option which allows you to turn this behavior back on, either for the whole document or on a per-entry basis. Please note, first, that numerical suffixes (John Doe III) never take the comma. The code tests for this situation, and detects cardinal numbers well, but if you are using ordinals you may need to set this to \texttt{false} in the \textsf{options} field of some entries. Second, I have fixed a bug in older releases which always printed the \enquote{Jr.}\ part of the name immediately after the surname, even when the surname came before the given names (as in a bibliography). The package now correctly puts the \enquote{Jr.}\ part at the end, after the given names, and in this position it always takes a comma, the presence of which is unaffected by this option. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{natbib}} may look like the standard \textsf{biblatex} option, but to keep the coding of \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} simpler for the moment I have reimplemented it there, from whence it is merely passed on to \textsf{biblatex}. If you load the Chicago style with \verb+\usepackage{biblatex-chicago}+, then the option should simply read \texttt{natbib}, rather than \texttt{natbib=true}. The shorter form also works if you load the style using \cmd{usepackage[style=chicago-notes]\\\{biblatex\}}, so I hope this requirement isn't too onerous. \mylittlespace When \colmarginpar{\texttt{nodatebrackets}\\ \texttt{noyearbrackets}} you use \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications to present an uncertain date (\verb+{1956?}+), a \enquote{circa} date (\verb+{1956~}+), or one that is both at the same time (\verb+{1956%}+), the date that by default will appear in your documents will have square brackets around it. This accords with the \emph{Manual's} instructions concerning such dates (14.145), but that section also includes an alternative form, where the guessed at date appears, without brackets, after the \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+, e.g., \enquote{\texttt{n.d., ca.\ 1750.}} These two package options, which may appear in the preamble either for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in individual entries, allow you to control when these brackets will appear, while the \mycolor{\texttt{nodates}} option, set to \texttt{true} by default, decides whether to print \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ before the date. In truth, users of the notes \&\ bibliography style will probably only ever need \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}}, which controls most of the dates that will appear in your documents, with the exception of dates in some \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, which are governed by \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}}. (The distribution is different in the author-date styles, so it's impossible to do without both options.) Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace At \colmarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an early tester, I have included this option to allow you globally to turn off the \emph{ibidem} mechanism that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} uses by default. Some publishers, it would appear, require this. Setting this option will mean that instead of the \emph{ibidem} mechanism you'll get the short note form. Please note that the 17th edition no longer recommends the use of \enquote{\emph{ibid.}}\ at all (14.34), so depending on the state of the \mycolor{\texttt{useibid}} option, below, what you'll be turning off may well no longer be the appearance of \emph{ibid.}\ itself. For more fine-grained control of individual citations you'll probably want to use specialized citation commands, instead. See section \ref{sec:citecommands}. \mylittlespace As \mymarginpar{\texttt{omitxrefdate}} part of the abbreviated cross-referencing functionality for \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, I have thought it helpful to include, in the abbreviated references only, a date for any \textsf{title} that's part of a \textsf{maintitle}, though not for those that are only part of \textsf{booktitle}. If these dates annoy you, you can use this option to turn them off, either in the preamble for the document as a whole or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. Cf.\ harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc; and \textsf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{ordinalgb}} option, which only affects users of the \texttt{british} language, restores the previous package defaults, printing the \textsf{day} part of a \textsf{date} specification as an ordinal number: 26th March 2017. The new package default prints 26 March 2017, which is more in keeping both with standard British usage and with the recommendations of the \emph{Manual} (6.38). The option is available only in the preamble. \mylittlespace Several \mymarginpar{\texttt{postnotepunct}\\(experimental)} users, most recently David Gohlke, have requested a way to alter the punctuation that appears just before the \textsf{postnote} argument of citation commands, usually, but perhaps not always, to allow citations to fit better into the flow of text. This punctuation is a complex issue in the \emph{Manual}, and I've attempted to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago} follow the specifications closely. Still, as a first stab at enabling the greater flexibility in punctuation that some have requested, I have introduced the \texttt{postnotepunct} package option. Set to \texttt{true}, it allows you to start the \textsf{postnote} field with a punctuation mark (.\,,\,;\,:) and have it appear as the \cmd{postnotedelim} in place of whatever the package might otherwise automatically have chosen. Please note that this functionality relies on a very nifty macro by Philipp Lehman which I haven't extensively tested, so I'm labeling this option experimental. Note also that the option only affects the \textsf{postnote} field of citation commands, not the \textsf{pages} field in your .bib file. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{seriesabbrev}} option controls the printing of the \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} field in place of the \textsf{series} field in book-like entries in notes and bibliography. It is \texttt{false} by default, so as shipped \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} will silently ignore such fields, but you can set it, either in the preamble for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in individual entries, to one of three other values: \texttt{true} prints the abbreviated form in notes and bibliography, \texttt{notes} in notes only, and \texttt{bib} in the bibliography only. For more details, see the documentation of \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, above. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{short}} option means that your text will only use the short note form, even in the first citation of a particular work. The \emph{Manual} (14.19) recommends this space-saving format only when you provide a \emph{full} bibliography, though even with such a bibliography you may feel it easier for your readers to present long first citations. If you do use the \texttt{short} option, remember that there are several citation commands which allow you to present the full reference in specific cases (see section \ref{sec:citecommands}). If your bibliography is not complete, then you should not use this option. \mylittlespace N.\ Andrew\mymarginpar{\texttt{shortextra-\\field\\shortextra-\\format\\shortextra-\\punct}} Walsh has remarked that it is quite possible for documents to cite works that, though perfectly distinguishable in their long form, end up looking identical in short notes; multiple performances of the same work by the same artist, for example, might end up producing such a situation. (In \textsf{online} and \textsf{review} entries using the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} this situation is so endemic that I've set a default method of disambiguating short notes there, though you can still override it with the following options. See section~\ref{sec:related}, above.) While the use of a \textsf{shorthand} field could provide some sort of remedy, he requested a way to disambiguate short notes by adding a user-configurable field to the note, thereby keeping it both short and unique without the need to consult a list of shorthands. The \emph{Manual} (15.29) itself provides just such a mechanism in the author-date specification, so I've added one to the notes \&\ bibliography style, as well. It consists of the standard \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{labeltitle}, now set to \texttt{true} by default, along with three package options for the user to configure. All three of these options are settable for the whole document, for individual entries, or for individual entry types. \mylittlespace The first is \texttt{shortextrafield}, which \emph{must} be set in order for the mechanism to print anything at all. You should set this option to the name of the field you wish to be printed in addition to the \textsf{author} and \textsf{labeltitle}. (Possibilities include, but are not limited to, the 4 \textsf{*date} fields and the 4 \textsf{*time} fields, the latter of which will print the appropriate \textsf{*date} and the \textsf{*time}.) By default, it will be printed after the latter, separated from it by a comma. You can manually define this punctuation by setting the \texttt{shortextrapunct} option to one of \texttt{none, space, comma, period, colon,} or \texttt{semicolon}. You can also enclose the extra field in parentheses or square brackets by setting the \texttt{shortextraformat} option to \texttt{parens} or \texttt{brackets}. \mylittlespace User \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthand-\\first}} laudecir requested a simpler way to print the \textsf{shorthand} even in the first citation of a source, simpler, that is, than remembering to use the \cmd{shorthandcite} command. You can set this option to \texttt{true} either in the preamble or in individual entries. \mylittlespace Kenneth Pearce \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthandfull}} has suggested that, in some fields of study, a list of shorthands providing full bibliographical information may replace the bibliography itself. This option prints this full information in the list of shorthands, though of course you should remember that any .bib entry not containing a \textsf{shorthand} field won't appear in such a list. Please see the documentation of the \textbf{shorthand} field in section~\ref{sec:entryfields} above for information on further options available to you for presenting and formatting the list of shorthands. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace Chris Sparks \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthandibid}} pointed out that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} would never use \emph{ibid.}\ in the case of entries containing a \textsf{shorthand} field, but rather that consecutive references to such an entry continued to provide the shorthand, instead. The \emph{Manual} isn't, as far as I can tell, completely clear on this question. In 14.244, discussing references to works from classical antiquity, it states that \enquote{when abbreviations are used, these rather than \emph{ibid.}\ should be used in succeeding references to the same work,} but I can't make out whether this rule is specific to classical references or has more general scope. Given this ambiguity, I don't think it unreasonable to provide an option to allow printing of \emph{ibid.}\ instead of the shorthand in such circumstances, though the default behavior remains the same as it always has. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{strict}} still-experimental option attempts to follow the \emph{Manual}'s recommendations (14.41) for formatting footnotes on the page, using no rule between them and the main text unless there is a run-on note, in which case a short rule intervenes to emphasize this continuation. I haven't tested this code very thoroughly, and it's possible that frequent use of floats might interfere with it. Let me know if it causes problems. \mylittlespace Stefan \mymarginpar{\texttt{urlnotes}} Björk, for specialized reasons, requested a way to turn off the printing of \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} information in notes but not in the bibliography. As it's possible this might be of more general usefulness, I've provided a new option. You can set it to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in individual entries, but please note that it does not apply to \textsf{online} entries. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{useibid}} a change to previous recommendations, the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} \enquote{discourages the use of \emph{ibid.,}}\ preferring instead a shortened reference with only the author's name (14.34). \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} now implements these recommendations by default, including the repetition of page references even when they're exactly the same as the previous note. If you prefer to continue using \emph{ibid.}, then set \mycolor{\texttt{useibid=true}} in your document preamble and you'll get the traditional behavior. \mylittlespace Stefan \mymarginpar{\texttt{xrefurl}} Björk pointed out that when, using the \texttt{longcrossref} or \texttt{booklongxref} options, you turn on the automatic abbreviation of multiple entries in the same (e.g.) \textsf{collection} or \textsf{mvcollection}, you could entirely lose a \textsf{url} that might be helpful for locating a source, as the abbreviated forms in notes and in the bibliography wouldn't include this information. Setting this option to \textsf{true} either in the preamble or in individual entries will allow the \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, or \textsf{eprint} field to appear even in these abbreviated references. \subsubsection{Back References: The \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} Option} \label{sec:noteref} \textsf{Biblatex} has always provided the \texttt{backref} option, which prints, in the bibliography, those pages on which individual works have been cited. The \emph{Manual} (14.31) recommends another, related system, which involves, at the end of short notes, cross-referen\-ces to the note where the reader can find the full, long citation of the same source, \enquote{especially in the absence of a full bibliography.} The general idea is that, where a short note is \enquote{far} from the long citation, a back reference to that long note may prove \enquote{helpful.} The recommended format is something like this: \texttt{(see chap.\ 1, n.\ 4)}. The previous release of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provided something similar only for certain subsets of material from the \emph{Bluebook} guidelines for legal citations. That provision is very basic and has a different rationale, so it remains both unaltered and entirely separate. With this release, in the notes \&\ bibliography style only, I have provided Chicago-style back references for all other entry types, enabled through the new \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} preamble option. (Cf.\ \href{file:cms-noteref-demo.pdf}{\textsf{cms-noteref-demo.pdf}} for a brief introduction.) \mylittlespace Before embarking on a description of this new option, and its many sub-options, I would like to point out that \textsf{biblatex} provides a number of mechanisms designed to help readers navigate long documents. I have made many improvements to the \textsf{biblatex-chicago hyperref} interface, so electronic documents can, at your discretion, contain clickable links from short notes to long notes or, in a document with all short notes, from such notes to bibliography entries. (The \mycolor{\textsf{noteref}} mechanism cooperates well with \textsf{hyperref}, and therefore can add another layer of links to those already available.) \textsf{Biblatex} also offers the \texttt{refsection} and \texttt{citereset} preamble options, which allow you to choose how its citation trackers behave. Using these you can, for example, always have a long note appear for a given source at its first appearance in a chapter or a section, something which the \emph{Manual} recommends in any case, and which may mean that your short notes are never too \enquote{far} from a longer citation. (See \textsf{biblatex.pdf, \S~}.) \mylittlespace All \colmarginpar{\texttt{noteref}} the same, sometimes chapters or sections can get rather long, or a too-frequent reappearance of the long form may not be optimal for your work, so in such situations the \texttt{noteref} option may well prove useful. Its general principle is this: if a short note appears on the same page as its corresponding long note, or on the same double-page spread for \texttt{twoside} mode, then nothing will appear. Similarly, if a short note appears on the same page or double-page spread as a previous short citation of the same source which \emph{does} have a \texttt{noteref}, then this subsequent short citation will once again \emph{not} present any \texttt{noteref}. (This behavior is configurable --- please see below.) If a back reference is to be printed, then the value of the \texttt{noteref} option determines what it will look like. Its six possible values are: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\qquad\mycolor{\texttt{#1}}} \begin{description} \item[none:] This is the default, and will always produce a back reference like this: (see n.~1). It may well be useful when you are using the \texttt{citereset} or \texttt{refsection} options and know that any short note will always be in the same chapter or section of the text as the full reference to which it points. \item[page:] This will always produce a back reference like this: (see p.\ 1, n.\ 1). It can be a tidy way of directing the reader, as page numbers are usually simpler to track than sections or chapters. It's also a good setting if you've set the \LaTeX\ \texttt{secnumdepth} counter so that sections aren't numbered. \item[chapter:] This is the example provided by the \emph{Manual}, and as implemented here it produces two different sorts of back reference. If the short note is in the \emph{same} chapter as the long note to which it points, then by default it will only mention the note number, as with the \texttt{none} switch, above. If the long reference is in a different chapter, then it prints like so: (see chap.\ 1, n.\ 4). All of the options that name an organizing division of the text work the same way in footnotes, i.e., only when the short note and the long note to which it refers are in different \texttt{parts, chapters, sections, or subsections} will the actual division type appear in the \texttt{noteref}. If you want the longer form in \emph{all} of your \texttt{noterefs}, you can set \colmarginpar{\texttt{fullnoterefs}} the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \mycolor{\texttt{fullnoterefs}} to \texttt{true} when loading the package. In endnotes, depending on which options you've chosen for presenting them, you may well never get the short version of the back reference. Please see the details starting on page~\pageref{sec:endnoterefs}, below. \item[section:] This key is particularly intended for documents, like the standard \LaTeX\ \textsf{article} class, which don't offer chapters, but rather start their divisions at the section level, but it's perfectly usable even in a document that also uses chapters. Assuming the short note and its long antecedent are in different sections, the \texttt{noteref} will look like so: w/o chapter (see \S~2, n.\ 6), w/\ chapter (see \S~1.2, n.\ 6). \item[subsection:] I'm not sure there's any need for this key, but I include it for the sake of completeness. It's usable in documents both with and without chapter divisions, and assuming the short note and its long antecedent are in different subsections the \textsf{noteref} will look like so: w/o chapter (see \S~3.2, n.\ 5), w/\ chapter (see \S~2.3.2, n.\ 5). \item[part:] This is, I suspect, even less likely to be useful than \texttt{subsection}, but assuming the short note and its long antecedent are in different parts the back reference will look like so: (see pt.\ I, n.\ 4). You'll need to be careful that note numbering is continuous across chapters for this to work correctly, otherwise the plain note number might well be ambiguous. Also, if you'd like the part number not to be roman, you can try putting this in your preamble: \verb+\let\cmsnrpart\relax+. \end{description}} Several comments are in order, before moving on to the onerous details. In case it's not already clear, the \texttt{noteref} option is only relevant if your document includes full notes, that is, if you aren't using the \texttt{short} option. Even in documents that use long notes, it can occasionally happen that the \texttt{noteref} code won't be able to find a full citation of a particular source. In this case, no back reference will appear, and you will find a warning in your\ .log file informing you about it. (If you combine \texttt{short} and \texttt{noteref}, you'll see a lot of such warnings.) It can happen that even the first citation of a particular source appears in a somewhat abbreviated form, as when multiple contributions to the same \textsf{collection} are present in your reference apparatus. The \texttt{noteref} will point to this abbreviated first citation all the same, given that it is at least somewhat more informative than a short note. Similarly, a \texttt{noteref} from a \textsf{collection} may well point to the long citation of an essay from that collection, as that long citation will contain all the details of the collection, too. I hope this doesn't prove too surprising. I should also clarify that all of the strings in the \texttt{noterefs} as printed above are localized, so should adapt to your document language reasonably smoothly, if not entirely idiomatically. Finally, the code assumes that the standard \LaTeX\ counters for parts, chapters, and sections are available, which I believe is almost universally the case even for classes and styles that redefine a lot of the relevant functionality, but I confess I haven't tested \texttt{noteref} at all extensively against the possibilities offered by CTAN, so please do let me know if something breaks for you. \mylittlespace I \colmarginpar{\texttt{noterefinterval}} mentioned above that the gap between appearances of a \texttt{noteref} for a given source was configurable. What I had in mind was this option, along with four new citation commands which I discuss below. The \mycolor{\texttt{noterefinterval}} preamble option allows you to define the number of references that must have intervened since the last \texttt{noteref} before another to the same source will appear. If you judge that your readers don't need a pointer on every new page but only after a certain number of other citations have passed, you can set this to a number higher than zero (the default). You can't, currently, use this mechanism to make new pointers appear on the same page as previous ones, but you can spread them out if they appear too frequently for your tastes. Also, the counter that this option uses is \texttt{instcount}, which will be incremented not only by new references but also, e.g., by uses of the \textsf{related} functionality to extract data from other entries. A value of \texttt{15} may not delay a reappearance for exactly that many notes, so you will need to experiment a little to find a value that suits your document. \mylittlespace If \colmarginpar{\cmd{shortrefcite}\\ \cmd{shorthand-}\\\texttt{refcite}\\ \cmd{shortcite*}\\ \cmd{shorthandcite*}} you require more fine-grained control over the spacing between \texttt{noterefs}, or indeed if you want them to appear more frequently than the previous mechanisms allow, then these new citation commands will allow you to do so, though perhaps without maximum convenience. The first two commands present, respectively, short notes and \textsf{shorthand} notes where the \texttt{noteref} will absolutely be printed (unless, of course, no full citation can be found). The second two commands prevent the printing of the \texttt{noteref}, no matter where the resulting note appears. All of them will need enclosing in a \cmd{footnote} command if you want them to appear in one, as I've provided only the most general form of each. I suppose, finally, that it would be safest to introduce these commands into your documents at quite a late stage in their preparation. \subsubsection*{Zero Sections} \label{sec:zero} The \LaTeX\ sectioning counters all start from zero, so if you put a note into material occurring \emph{before} the first \cmd{part}, \cmd{chapter}, \cmd{section}, or \cmd{subsection} command then any back reference to this citation will, by default, present that zero (or zeros). This may, in fact, be exactly what you want, in which case you can ignore the following options. If you don't want a zero to appear in your \texttt{noterefs}, you can either make sure no citations occur in contexts that will produce them, or you can use a combination of the next three options to hide them. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{noterefintro}} option is special in that it handles only zeros that occur in the \emph{first} position in a sectioning identifier, e.g., \S~0.x.x or chap.~0. It's possible that this zero represents some sort of introductory material before, e.g., the numbered chapters appear. If you say \texttt{noterefintro=introduction}, then instead of (see chap.~0, n.~1), you'll have (see intro., n.~1). If the value of the option is a \cmd{bibstring} known to \textsf{biblatex}, then it will appear in localized, and possibly abbreviated, form, as above. If the section title you want isn't a known \cmd{bibstring}, you can either define a new one for your language in your preamble, or you can just set the option to whatever it is you want to appear in such \texttt{noterefs}. Both will work, particularly because you don't need to worry too much about capitalization because the word always appears after the \verb+\bibstring{see}+. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace Now, it's perfectly possible for an introduction to have numbered sections of its own, so a citation there may produce a back reference like \S~0.1 or \S~0.1.0. The rules are: 1.\ any back reference which is all zeros will just print the \texttt{noterefintro} string alone, assuming you've provided one; 2.\ any back reference that has the zero \emph{only} in the first place will print something like (see intro., \S~1, n.~1); 3.\ a back reference of the form 0.x.0 or 0.0.x --- this can only occur if \texttt{noteref=subsection} and the document class provides a \cmd{chapter} command --- such a reference will either print the zero after the \texttt{noterefintro} string, or you can use the \texttt{pagezeros} option, to which I turn. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{pagezeros}} boolean option deals with the problem of zero sections by changing such back references, and only such back references, to behave as though \texttt{noteref=page}. In the absence of a \textsf{noterefintro} \emph{all} such zero citations will be so treated, but if both options are set then zero sections with the zero in the first position of the identifier will fall first under the jurisdiction of the \texttt{noterefintro} option, only then turning to \texttt{pagezeros} if there's a zero remaining that hasn't yet been eliminated by the first option's rules. Some examples: \begin{verse} \textbf{Without noterefintro:}\\ Any zero ---> (see p.~3, n.~1)\\ No zero ---> (see \S~1.2.3, n.~1) \textbf{With noterefintro:}\\ 1.2.3 ---> (see \S~1.2.3, n.~1)\\ 0.0.0 ---> (see intro., n.~1)\\ 1.1.0 ---> (see p.~24, n.1)\\ 0.1.0 ---> (see intro., p.~2, n.~1) \end{verse} As you see, this produces a mixed system of back references, so you'll need to decide whether you and your readers might still find it acceptable. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{hidezeros}} boolean option attempts, with varying degrees of success, to disguise the zeros in section identifiers without mixing different sorts of back reference in one document. Unlike \texttt{pagezeros}, it will never modify identifiers where the first number is zero. It leaves all such identifiers to the \texttt{noterefintro} option, so if your identifier looks like 0.1.0, the second zero will still appear. The only thing you can do about it is to move the citation so that it isn't in a zero section. The rationale is that \texttt{hidezeros} places a string --- by default \enquote{pref.} --- \emph{inside} the section identifier so that a reader knows that the citation occurred in the prefatory material to a particular section. Combining this with another string for the prefatory material to a whole work is unattractive, and I've avoided it. Here are some examples of how it looks: \begin{verse} 1.1.1 ---> (see \S~1.1.1, n.~1)\\ 1.0.1 ---> (see \S~1.pref.1, n.~1); should this even be possible?\\ 1.1.0 ---> (see \S~1.1.1 [pref.], n.~1)\\ 1.0.0 ---> (see \S~1.1 [pref.], n.~1)\\ 1.0 ---> (see \S~1.1 [pref.], n.~1) \end{verse} The \colmarginpar{\cmd{cmspref}} brackets and placement of the identifying string are hard coded, but you can change the string itself with a line something like this in your preamble:\\ \verb+\renewrobustcmd{\cmspref}{\emph{pref.\@}}+ <--- \textbf{NB} the \verb+\@+ after the dot\\ The \texttt{hidezeros} method at least produces more uniform back references, though it perhaps sacrifices something in immediate readability in order to do so. I would be glad to entertain suggestions for other solutions. \mylittlespace If your documentation uses footnotes, then the guide to the \texttt{noteref} option(s) concludes here. I have, however, been determined, at least in this context, to provide for endnote users the same features as for footnote users, mainly because the \emph{Manual} caters equally to both. Unfortunately, because footnotes are a core part of \LaTeX\ formats and endnotes are provided by means of extra packages, users of the latter will face some additional complications if they wish to provide Chicago-style back references. I document these forthwith. \subsubsection*{Endnotes and \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}}} \label{sec:endnoterefs} The traditional way to provide endnotes instead of footnotes in a document is to use the \textsf{endnotes} package by John Lavagnino, and \textsf{biblatex} provides a reliable interface to that package, making it relatively simple to use and control (cf.\ esp.\ the \texttt{notetype} option in \textsf{biblatex.pdf, \S~}). The package does have its limitations --- on which see more below --- so I did have a look at its next-generation replacement, Clemens Niederberger's \textsf{enotez}. This adds all the needed functionality, I think, and is also more future proof, relying as it does on the work of the \LaTeX 3 project. The downside is that my \TeX nical abilities fell short of being able to make it work with the \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} option, so I have instead created a new package \colmarginpar{\small\texttt{\textbf{cmsendnotes.sty}}} which combines functionality from \textsf{endnotes}, from Ulrich Dirr's \textsf{hyperendnotes}, and from \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. If you need some functionality that \textsf{endnotes} doesn't provide, then you can load \mycolor{\textsf{cmsendnotes}} instead. (I haven't tested any of this with the \textsf{memoir} class, which has its own endnote mechanism, so please let me know if it doesn't work and I'll try to have a look.) The documentation that follows should clarify when you might want to load the new package, and also the options available to get \textsf{cmsendnotes} to do what you want. \mylittlespace Before we begin, I should just point out that, as usual with \textsf{biblatex}, you can mix foot- and endnotes in the same document, but if \texttt{noterefs} are going to appear in both sorts of note --- surely this situation is highly unlikely --- then you need to be careful that they refer back \emph{only} to long references in the \emph{same} sort of note. A \texttt{noteref} from an endnote to a long citation in a footnote will be inaccurate, and vice versa, so careful use of the \cmd{citereset} command (as in \href{file:cms-noteref-demo.pdf}{\textsf{cms-noteref-demo.pdf}}) or perhaps of the \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{citereset} option should allow you to keep the two sorts of note distinct. \mylittlespace The principle to keep in mind is that back references to full endnotes point not to the place in the main text where you've cited a source, but rather to the place where that citation is actually printed, which may well be in another division of your document altogether. If you are providing endnotes at the end of each chapter, or (less likely) at the end of each section of a long article, then this means that an endnote to a later chapter or section will point to the earlier chapter or section after which the full citation was printed. This interacts very well with the \textsf{endnotes} package's \cmd{theendnotes} command, which prints, and then clears, all the endnotes created up to the point at which you call it. Subsequent calls to \cmd{theendnotes} do the same, and short notes will always have a reasonably accurate sense of where their antecedent long note has appeared, i.e., in the endnotes to a particular chapter or section. (This even has the side effect of making the zero section problem somewhat more tractable, as the back reference doesn't mind that the \cmd{endnote} command occurs in section 1.0, but rather that the citation appears in the notes to section 1.1.) \mylittlespace Similarly, if your endnotes appear all together at the end of an article, then you can just use the \texttt{page} option to \texttt{noteref}, or no option at all, and the back references will be both accurate and usable (assuming the notes are all numbered consecutively, I suppose, which seems a safe assumption). The upshot is that, if you are providing endnotes in either of these scenarios, both of them envisaged by the \emph{Manual} (14.46), and \emph{either} if you don't need the \textsf{hyperref} functionality, \emph{or} if the somewhat restricted functionality available through the \textsf{endnotes} package is good enough, then you can happily ignore the new \textsf{cmsendnotes} package entirely. \mylittlespace If back references are, in the scenarios discussed above, basically working for you, but you want more elaborate \textsf{hyperref} functionality, then you can load the \textsf{cmsendnotes} package without any options instead of the \textsf{endnotes} package. Please be aware, however, that \mymarginpar{\small\textbf{NB}} you must load \textsf{cmsendnotes} \emph{after} \textsf{biblatex-chicago} for it to work properly. What you'll then get by default, assuming you've loaded \textsf{hyperref}, are links from endnote numbers in the main text to the corresponding numbers in the endnotes section itself, and vice versa, along with more accurate links from the back references to particular endnotes in preceding sections or chapters. There are several options available for changing the default appearance of your endnotes, four of which are package options to \textsf{cmsendnotes} and two of which are commands that you can redefine to your liking. \mylittlespace Two \colmarginpar{\texttt{hyper}} package options control the \textsf{hyperref} behavior of endnote numbers. They are both set to \texttt{true} by default, if the \textsf{hyperref} package is loaded. If you set the first, \texttt{hyper}, to \textsf{false} when loading \textsf{cmsendnotes}, there will be no hyperlinking of endnote numbers at all. If you \colmarginpar{\texttt{enotelinks}} set the second, \texttt{enotelinks}, which I've borrowed from \textsf{hyperendnotes.sty}, to \texttt{false}, then only endnote numbers in the main text will function as links, the numbers in the endnote sections themselves ceasing to act as such. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{noheader}} package option, if set to \texttt{true}, stops the printing of the usual section header before the endnotes themselves, in case this might help to solve some formatting problems in your documents. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\cmd{enoteheading}} is the standard \textsf{endnotes} package command for defining exactly what is printed in the heading. I have slightly redefined it (for reasons I shall explain later), but you can redefine it in your preamble if you wish, and that will be respected by \textsf{cmsendnotes}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{blocknotes}} package option, if set to \texttt{true}, presents the text of each endnote as a flush-left block, i.e., without the first line being indented. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\cmd{enoteskip}} command, which was inspired by a similar provision in \textsf{hyperendnotes.sty}, sets the vertical space between individual endnotes. By default it doesn't change basic interline space, but you can define it in your preamble to something like \cmd{smallskip} or \cmd{medskip} in case you want a bit more light inside your endnote sections. \mylittlespace So far, then, I have discussed contexts where \textsf{cmsendnotes.sty} only brings cosmetic changes to functionality which basically already works using \textsf{endnotes.sty}. Indeed, if you are using either of these packages in the ways already outlined, then the setting of the main \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} option defines how your back references will look, and \colmarginpar{\texttt{fullnoterefs}} the \mycolor{\texttt{fullnoterefs}} option will still govern the \mycolor{\texttt{chapter}}, \mycolor{\texttt{section}}, \mycolor{\texttt{subsection}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{part}} values of the \texttt{noteref} option, just as in the general discussion above. In the methods discussed below, additional steps are required for defining how your back references will look, and the \texttt{fullnoterefs} option is irrelevant, as the back references will always appear in their fullest form. \mylittlespace The methods of endnote presentation to which I now turn involve, in the \emph{Manual's} words, when notes to \enquote{each chapter of a book are \ldots\ grouped in the end matter} (14.46). Here, you would want not only a main heading for the endnotes section but also \enquote{a subhead bearing the chapter number or title or both.} It is perfectly possible to achieve the subdivision and subheading of a long endnotes section by using \textsf{endnote's} \cmd{addtoendnotes} command in each chapter of your document, putting a sectioning command of some sort in its argument, for example. Using \texttt{noteref} back references in this context can be a little complicated, however, mainly because of the principle I explained above, i.e., that back references point to the place where the long note was printed, not to the section of the main document where the source was actually cited. For our purposes, this means that, unless you have set \texttt{noteref} to \texttt{page} or \texttt{none}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} actually has to extract data from the sectioning command you've included in \cmd{addtoendnotes} and, most frequently, modify that data to make it work inside a \texttt{noteref} back reference in way that is both consistent and useful. The \textsf{cmsendnotes} package tries to automate this process as much as possible so that with, in the best-case scenario, only one option given to the package the whole system can be made to work without further user intervention. Further package options can help with slightly more complicated scenarios, but if your requirements are more complex than the automatic system can provide, then there are two ways to handcraft a divided endnote section: one uses traditional \cmd{addtoendnotes} functionality from the \textsf{endnotes} package, and the other uses new commands available from \textsf{cmsendnotes}. I believe the second handcrafted option to be slightly more convenient than the first, but in any case I'll start by explaining the automatic provisions, then move on to the two handcrafted options, leaving you to judge which seems best suited to your needs. \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip} \mylittlespace For \colmarginpar{\texttt{\textbf{split}}} the automatic subdivision of an endnotes section I have borrowed a concept, if not its implementation, from \textsf{enotez}, and provided the \textsf{cmsendnotes} option \mycolor{\texttt{split}}, which has 4 possible values: \texttt{part}, \texttt{chapter}, \texttt{section} and \texttt{subsection}. (If you don't provide a key, it defaults to \texttt{chapter}.) With this option set, you need to use a new command for printing the endnotes, the ungainly \colmarginpar{\cmd{\textbf{theendnotes\-bypart}}} but I hope memorable \mycolor{\cmd{theendnotesbypart}}. When you do this, \textsf{cmsendnotes} does something in the background that's worth understanding. Ordinarily, in the standard \textsf{endnotes} package, any call to \cmd{theendnotes} produces an\ .ent file containing all of the endnote data in the document up to that point, and proceeds to print it. Another call to \cmd{theendnotes} gathers the endnote data occurring between it and the first call, overwriting the\ .ent file, and again printing it, and so on. Whenever you use any version of \cmd{theendnotesbypart}, \textsf{cmsendnotes} will write one\ .ent file per section named by the \texttt{split} option, assuming that said section actually contains any endnotes. The plain \cmd{theendnotesbypart} command, with no further options, proceeds to print, in sequence, \emph{all} the\ .ent files in numerical order. In the first instance, then, the value of the \texttt{split} option decides how your endnotes are distributed to different\ .ent files. These files are named after the main document suffixed with the number of the section, e.g., \textsf{jobname1.ent} for chapters or \textsf{jobname1.3.ent} for sections. \mylittlespace In the second instance, the \texttt{split} option governs what the subheaders of your endnotes section will contain. The main header is produced by a \cmd{section*} command, and by default it will read \texttt{\textbf{Notes}}. The subheaders are produced by \cmd{subsection*} commands, and will take their name from the \textsf{split} option and their number from the number of the\ .ent file currently being processed: \texttt{\textbf{Chapter 1}} \ldots\ \texttt{\textbf{Chapter 2}}. The headers are localized, assuming you're using a language supported by \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. Even if you're not using \texttt{noteref} back references in your document, this mechanism can still provide a convenient means of subdividing an endnotes section. \mylittlespace If you are using \textsf{noteref}, then the value of that option leads to two possible outcomes. If set to \texttt{page} or \texttt{none}, any back references will point to full notes by page plus note number or just by note number, as usual, bearing in mind that the page involved is where the full note was printed, not where it was cited in the main body of the text. If set to any of the other possible sections of your document, then the \texttt{split} option has a third function, which is to provide the (localized) string for the back reference itself --- (see chap.~1, n.~2) --- which will refer to a subsection of the endnotes section named \texttt{\textbf{Chapter~1}} rather than to the actual first chapter of the main document. This setup will usually involve setting \texttt{split} to the same value as the \texttt{noteref} option itself, but if they differ, and \texttt{noteref} isn't \texttt{page} or \texttt{none}, then \texttt{split} takes precedence and governs the appearance of the back reference. \mylittlespace Let's say, then, that your document is in English and you've set the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \texttt{noteref=chapter}, and the \textsf{cmsendnotes} option \texttt{split}, then what you can expect to see, when you use \cmd{theendnotesbypart}, is something like this, subject to the usual rules for the appearance or non-appearance of \texttt{noterefs}, and remembering that in this context, as noted above, all \texttt{noterefs} will appear in their long form: \begin{verse} \textbf{Notes}\\ \textbf{Chapter~1}\\ 1. Book.\\ 2. Article.\\ 3. InCollection.\\ \textbf{Chapter~2}\\ 1. InCollection (see chap.~1, n.~3).\\ 2. BookInBook.\\ 3. Article (see chap.~1, n.~2).\\ \textbf{Chapter~3}\\ 1. BookInBook (see chap.~2, n.~2).\\ 2. Book (see chap.~1, n.~1). \end{verse} It won't, unfortunately, always be this simple, but it may be a comfort to know that some of the complications are the same as those faced by users of \texttt{noteref} with footnotes, in particular \mymarginpar{\textbf{Zero Sections}} the zero section problem. To deal with this issue you use the same options to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} as you would for footnotes, with one difference. In the case of split endnotes, the code has to handle the zeros both in the \cmd{subsection*} names \emph{and} in the back references, which means that the \texttt{pagezeros} option is no longer relevant, as it can't do the right thing in section names. This leaves the \texttt{noterefintro} option for hiding zeros that start a section number, and the \texttt{hidezeros} option for zeros anywhere else. These \textsf{biblatex-chicago} options work here just as described in the footnote section above, but with one or two additional caveats. \mylittlespace First, I probably shouldn't have bothered trying to implement the combination of \texttt{note\-refintro} and \texttt{hidezeros}, as any sections of a zero chapter in your document will appear by default with zeros intact in the text itself, unless measures are taken. I did \colmarginpar{\cmd{cmsintrosec\-tion}} do this thing, however, and part of the implementation is a command \mycolor{\cmd{cmsintrosection}}, which provides the identifying string for subsections of the introduction. It is set by default to \S, and though you can redefine it in your preamble, please remember that it will appear as such in both \cmd{subsection*} names and \texttt{noterefs}. \mylittlespace Indeed, it is the need to cater for two quite distinct contexts that makes the automatic provision of \textsf{noteref} back references in a divided endnotes section surprisingly tricky. You need \colmarginpar{\cmd{introduction\-name}\\\cmd{forewordname}\\ \cmd{sectionname}\\ \cmd{subsection\-name}} one mechanism to take \texttt{chapter} and turn it into Chapter, and quite another to turn it into chap., bearing in mind that \cmd{bibstrings} don't work outside of the reference apparatus, and therefore not in \cmd{subsection*} names, though obviously they're perfect for the back references themselves. My solution is to borrow a principle from \textsf{babel}, which provides for its languages commands like \cmd{prefacename} and \cmd{chaptername}, which print the localized version of the term, usually capitalized. In the\ .lbx files that come with \textsf{biblatex-chicago} I have added \cmd{introductionname} and \cmd{forewordname}, along with \cmd{sectionname} and \cmd{subsectionname}, so at least the most common types of prefatory material, when provided to the \texttt{noterefintro} option, should work properly both in headings and in \texttt{noterefs}, and across languages. \mylittlespace So, another caveat. Should you wish to provide a \texttt{noterefintro} value that isn't a standard \cmd{bibstring} or doesn't have a corresponding \cmd{[value]name} command, then it may not work well for you in one or other of the two contexts in which it can appear. The code does test whether the bibstring and command exist, and it will capitalize anything in section headers, but otherwise you can just cunningly craft a string that's good in both contexts or you can define a \cmd{[value]name} command and a new \cmd{bibstring} for the value in your language, both in your preamble. \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{subheadername}} same caveat applies if you want to supply your own name for the \cmd{subsection*} commands that divide up the general endnotes \cmd{section*}. Let's say for some reason you want subsections called \textbf{Further Remarks} instead of \textbf{Chapter}. Strings of more than one word are difficult for the code to manage correctly, so instead you could include in your preamble lines looking approximately like this: \begin{verbatim} \NewBibliographyString{furthrem} \DefineBibliographyStrings{american}% {furthrem = {furth\adddotspace rem\adddot},} \def\furthremname{Further Remarks} \end{verbatim} Then you could set \texttt{subheadername=furthrem} in the options to \textsf{cmsendnotes} and you'll get what you want. It's not wildly convenient, but it's slightly less typing than the handcrafted options I discuss below, though for anything more complicated you'll probably need those options. \mylittlespace Before \colmarginpar{\texttt{headername}} I move on to the handcrafted methods, I should point out two more \textsf{cmsendnotes} options. The first, \mycolor{\texttt{headername}}, sets the name of the main \cmd{section*} command at the start of the endnotes section. It defaults to the usual \textsf{endnotes} package command \cmd{notesname}, which gives \textbf{Notes} in English. I have kept this separate from the standard \cmd{enoteheading} because it needs slightly different treatment in a divided endnotes section. If the definitions I have provided of \cmd{notesname} in the\ .lbx files that come with \textsf{biblatex-chicago} aren't to your liking, you can provide a string here instead, which is simpler to do because it shouldn't be turning up in any \texttt{noterefs}. If you'd like to redefine any of the \cmd{*name} commands, the best place to do so is very near to where you actually print the endnotes, where it can override the definitions in the\ .lbx files (or in \textsf{babel's} files). Remember, too, that you can use the \mycolor{\texttt{noheader}} option to turn off the printing of this header if you just want to provide your own sectioning command instead. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{runningname}} \textsf{cmsendnotes} option controls the text that appears in running headers in the endnotes section of your document, should you be providing them. I have followed the style of the \textsf{endnotes} package, so that the default reads something like: \emph{NOTES TO CHAPTER 1}. The section name and number are controlled by the other options already discussed, but the \enquote{Notes to} part is controlled by \mycolor{\texttt{runningname}}, so if your document isn't in English, and/or you're unhappy with the default string, you can change it when loading \textsf{cmsendnotes}. \mylittlespace Should \colmarginpar{\texttt{\textbf{endnotesplit}}} the options above not fulfil your needs, you can control more or less all parts of the subdivision of your endnotes section, of the running headers there, and of back references from short notes to full ones, by providing your own sectioning commands in your document. If you wish to use \texttt{noteref} back references in this context, you \mymarginpar{\textbf{NB}} must first set the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \mycolor{\texttt{endnotesplit}} to \texttt{true}, no matter which of the two possible implementation methods you choose. With the standard \textsf{endnotes} package you would then use the command \cmd{addtoendnotes}, while with \textsf{cmsendnotes} it involves variants of the endnote-printing command \cmd{theendnotesbypart}. (Please note, first, that \cmd{addtoendnotes} still works with \texttt{cmsendnotes}, in case that's useful to you; and second, that with any other endnote implementation, you'll have to consult its documentation to see if there's a compatible means of dividing the notes.) \mylittlespace First, \mymarginpar{Handcrafting w/\\\texttt{cmsendnotes}} I introduce the methods provided by \textsf{cmsendnotes}. The command \cmd{theendnotesbypart} has three variants. The first, \mycolor{\cmd{theendnotesbypart*}}, simply suppresses the printing of the \texttt{headername}, so it works more or less like setting \texttt{noheader} in the options to \textsf{cmsendnotes}. The other two involve an optional argument, \colmarginpar{\cmd{theendnotes\-bypart[]}} in square brackets, containing an individual section number, which prints the endnotes from that section. This command never prints the general endnote section header (as controlled by the \texttt{headername} option), but it will print the individual \colmarginpar{\cmd{theendnotes\-bypart*[]}} section's subheader, as controlled by the \texttt{subheadername} option. To turn that printing off you can either use the starred version of the command, i.e., \mycolor{\cmd{theendnotesbypart*[]}}, or you can set the \textsf{cmsendnotes} option \colmarginpar{\texttt{nosubheader}} \mycolor{\texttt{nosubheader}} to \texttt{true}. A sequence of commands, each with one section of the document inside square brackets, will give you a complete endnotes section wherever you decide to place it, while the starred forms or \texttt{nosubheader} option allow you to create your own subheaders before each subsection. \mylittlespace First, \mymarginpar{\textbf{NB}} please note that what you need to place inside the square brackets is the \emph{number that forms part of the name of the\ .ent file in your working directory.} In other words, it's the number \emph{before} any manipulations by the \textsf{cmsendnotes} package remove zeros from it. Depending on the setting of your \textsf{split} option your commands may look like: \begin{verbatim} Chapters Sections \theendnotesbypart*[0] \theendnotesbypart*[0.0] <-- "introname" \theendnotesbypart*[1] \theendnotesbypart*[1.1] \theendnotesbypart*[2] etc. \theendnotesbypart*[1.2] etc. \end{verbatim} When in doubt, have a look in your working directory for the\ .ent files produced for your document, and use the numbers from there. (If, for some reason, you decide to split by \texttt{part}, you'll probably have roman numerals there, for example, apart from the zero.) \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{Sectioning}} next step is to provide some sort of sectioning command for the subheaders and for the \texttt{noteref} back references. This is slightly complicated, but works the same whether you're using \textsf{cmsendnotes} or \textsf{endnotes}. The basic principle is that the main name of the section appears in the endnotes section, while the optional name provided for the table of contents [toc] appears in the \texttt{noteref}: \begin{verbatim} \subsubsection[chap. 1]{Chapter 1} --> Chapter 1 ... (see chap. 1, n.1) \end{verbatim} You'll notice that the sectioning command isn't starred, as only unstarred commands provide the optional [toc] argument. (The \cmd{addcontentsline} command can also be used with starred forms, but keeping the [toc] argument out of the actual table of contents remains an issue, so please read on.) The unusual form of the [toc] argument would merely pollute any table of contents you want to provide, and the actual header in your endnotes section shouldn't have a number in it provided by the standard \LaTeX\ methods, so you'll have to pick a section type that falls underneath the thresholds of the \LaTeX\ counters \texttt{tocdepth} and \texttt{secnumdepth}. By default, in the standard \texttt{book} and \texttt{report} classes, \cmd{subsubsection} works for this, while in the \texttt{article} class you may need \cmd{paragraph}. (You could, of course, also change the counters, should you wish.) \mylittlespace So, let's say you want to subdivide your endnotes section with subheaders containing both the chapter number and the chapter title, as envisaged by the \emph{Manual} (14.46). Your endnotes section might start like this: \begin{verbatim} \section*{Notes} \subsubsection[intro.]{Introduction: The History of the Problem} \theendnotesbypart*[0] \subsubsection[chap. 1]{Chapter 1: Renewing the Question} \theendnotesbypart*[1] (etc.) \end{verbatim} There remain a couple of formatting issues with this code. The \textsf{endnotes} package points out that the first endnote after such a sectioning command won't be indented properly, so it and \textsf{cmsendnotes} use \verb+\mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip+ after sectioning commands to prevent this. Additionally, both packages provide code for running headers using \cmd{@mkboth}, so if you use such headers you can either do the same inside \cmd{makeatletter} and \cmd{makeatother} commands or just use \cmd{markboth}. Taking all of this into account gives code looking something like this, perhaps: \begin{verbatim} \section*{Notes} \subsubsection[intro.]{Introduction: The History of the Problem \markboth{NOTES TO INTRODUCTION}% {NOTES TO INTRODUCTION}}% \mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip \theendnotesbypart*[0] \subsubsection[chap. 1]{Chapter 1: Renewing the Question \markboth{NOTES TO CHAPTER 1}% {NOTES TO CHAPTER 1}}% \mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip \theendnotesbypart*[1] (etc.) \end{verbatim} One of the, perhaps minor, advantages of using the \textsf{cmsendnotes} commands for this is that they will at least all typically be grouped together in one place in your document, rather than scattered throughout, as when you use \textsf{endnotes'} \cmd{addtoendnotes} command, to which we now turn. \mylittlespace To \mymarginpar{Handcrafting w/ \textsf{endnotes}} use the \textsf{endnotes} package with its main command \cmd{theendnotes} to produce a subdivided endnotes section, you must first remember to set the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} option \mycolor{\texttt{endnotesplit}} to \texttt{true}, that is, assuming you want to provide \texttt{noteref} back references. For splitting the endnotes, you \mymarginpar{\cmd{addtoendnotes}} need the \cmd{addtoendnotes} command, which you have to place in your document yourself. Ordinarily, you'll need one such command for each relevant division of your text, placed just after the sectioning command itself, so that any endnotes that occur in the section will appear grouped underneath the heading you provide. At the next section, another such command starts a new subsection of endnotes. \mylittlespace To provide the same endnotes section divided by chapter that we've already discussed above, your commands will look something like this: \begin{verbatim} \chapter*{Introduction: The History of the Problem} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction} \addtoendnotes{% \protect\subsubsection[intro.]{Introduction: The History of the% Problem% \protect\markboth{NOTES TO INTRODUCTION}% {NOTES TO INTRODUCTION}}% \mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip} ... \chapter{Renewing the Question} \addtoendnotes{% \protect\subsubsection[chap. 1]{Chapter 1: Renewing the Question% \protect\markboth{NOTES TO CHAPTER 1}% {NOTES TO CHAPTER 1}}% \mbox{}\par\vskip-\baselineskip} ... (etc.) \end{verbatim} The commands you use are the same as with \cmd{theendnotesbypart[]}, but in this context both the sectioning command \emph{and} the command for running headers need to be \cmd{protected}. I would also recommend redefining \cmd{enoteheading} in your preamble, as the default definition produces too much extra vertical space before the first subheading. Something like \verb+\def\enoteheading{\section*{Notes}}+ will do. Finally, remember that you can use \textsf{cmsendnotes} (without a \texttt{split} option) instead of \textsf{endnotes}, if the extra \textsf{hyperref} functionality is important to you. The command sequence above will continue to work in the same way. \mylittlespace There are tradeoffs for both systems. With \textsf{endnotes}, at least the single \cmd{theendnotes} command keeps things simple, but you still have to keep track of which sections have endnotes in them, else spurious subheaders will appear. Rooting around in your working directory to make sure you've printed all the\ .ent files is annoying, but at least those represented there will be those which contain endnotes in the first place. Both methods are, I think it's fair to say, a fair amount of labor, but they do give you complete control over how your endnotes section looks, and over how \texttt{noteref} back references within it look. As with all new functionality, \texttt{noteref} and \textsf{cmsendnotes} may well contain bugs, so if you find any please let me know, but do please also send along a minimum working example so I have a chance to identify what's a bug in the code and what's resulted from inadequate documentation. \subsection{General Usage Hints} \label{sec:hints} \subsubsection{Loading the Style} \label{sec:loading} With the addition of the author-date styles to the package, I have provided three keys for choosing which style to load, \texttt{notes}, \texttt{authordate}, and \textsf{authordate-trad}, one of which you put in the options to the \cmd{usepackage} command. The default way of loading the notes + bibliography style has therefore slightly changed. With early versions of \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago-notes}, the standard way of loading the package was via a call to \textsf{biblatex}, e.g.: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[style=chicago-notes,strict,backend=bibtex8,% babel=other,bibencoding=inputenc]{biblatex} \end{verbatim} Now, the default way to load the style, and one that will in the vast majority of standard cases produce the same results as the old invocation, will look like this: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[notes,strict,backend=biber,autolang=other,% bibencoding=inputenc]{biblatex-chicago} \end{verbatim} (In point of fact, the previous \textsf{biblatex-chicago} loading method without the \texttt{notes} option will still work, but only because I've made the notes \&\ bibliography style the default if no style is explicitly requested.) If you read through \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, you'll see that it sets a number of \textsf{biblatex} options aimed at following the Chicago specification, as well as setting a few formatting variables intended as reasonable defaults (see section~\ref{sec:presetopts}, above). Some parts of this specification, however, are plainly more \enquote{suggested} than \enquote{required,} and indeed many publishers, while adopting the main skeleton of the Chicago style in citations, nonetheless maintain their own house styles to which the defaults I have provided do not conform. \mylittlespace If you only need to change one or two parameters, this can easily be done by putting different options in the call to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} or redefining other formatting variables in the preamble, thereby overriding the package defaults. If, however, you wish more substantially to alter the output of the package, perhaps to use it as a base for constructing another style altogether, then you may want to revert to the old style of invocation above. You'll lose all the definitions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, including those to which I've already alluded and also the code that sets the note number in-line rather than superscript in endnotes or footnotes, the URL line-breaking code, and the Chicago-specific number- and date-range compression code. You'll need to load the required packages \textsf{xstring} and \textsf{nameref} yourself, as \textsf{biblatex} doesn't do it for you. Also, you'll lose the code that calls \textsf{cms-american.lbx}, which means that you'll lose all the Chicago-specific bibstrings I've defined unless you provide, in your preamble, a \cmd{DeclareLanguageMapping} command adapted for your setup, on which see section~\ref{sec:international} below and also §§~4.9.1 and 4.11.8 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}. \mylittlespace What you \emph{will not} lose is the ability to call the package options \texttt{annotation, strict, short,} and \texttt{noibid} (section~\ref{sec:useropts}, above), in case these continue to be useful to you when constructing your own modifications. There's very little code, therefore, actually in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, but I hope that even this minimal separation will make the package somewhat more adaptable. Any suggestions on this score are, of course, welcome. \subsubsection{Other Hints} \label{sec:otherhints} One useful rule, when you are having difficulty creating a .bib entry, is to ask yourself whether all the information you are providing is strictly necessary. The Chicago specification is a very full one, but the \emph{Manual} is actually, in many circumstances, fairly relaxed about how much of the data from a work's title page you need to fit into a reference. Authors of introductions and afterwords, multiple publishers in different countries, the real names of authors more commonly known under pseudonyms, all of these are candidates for exclusion if you aren't making specific reference to them, and if you judge that their inclusion won't be of particular interest to your readers. Of course, any data that may be of such interest, and especially any needed to identify and track down a reference, has to be present, but sometimes it pays to step back and reevaluate how much information you're providing. I've tried to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} robust enough to handle the most complex, data-rich citations, but there may be instances where you can save yourself some typing by keeping it simple. \mylittlespace Scot Becker pointed out to me that the inverse problem not only exists but may well become increasingly common, to wit, .bib database entries generated by bibliographic managers which helpfully provide as much information as is available, including fields that users may well wish not to have printed (ISBN, URL, DOI, \textsf{pagetotal}, inter alia). The standard \textsf{biblatex} styles contain a series of options, detailed in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §, for controlling the printing of some of these fields, and I have implemented the ones that are relevant to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, along with a couple that Scot requested and that may be of more general usefulness. There is also a general option to excise with one command all the fields under consideration -- please see section~\ref{sec:chicpreset} above. \mylittlespace If you are having problems with the interaction of punctuation and quotation marks in notes or bibliography, first please check that you've used \cmd{mkbibquote} in the relevant part of your .bib file. If you are still getting errors, please let me know, as it may well be a bug. \mylittlespace For the \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} style, I have fully adopted \textsf{biblatex's} system for providing punctuation at the end of entries. Several users noted insufficiencies in previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, sometimes related to the semicolon between multiple citations, sometimes to ineradicable periods after long notes, bugs that were byproducts of my attempt to fix other end-of-entry errors. One of the side effects of this older code was (wrongly) to put a period after a long note produced, e.g., by a command like \verb+\footnote{\headlessfullcite}+, whereas only the \enquote{foot} cite commands (including \cmd{autocite} in the default \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} set up) should do so. If you came to rely on this side effect, please note now that you'll have to put the period in yourself when explicitly calling \cmd{footnote}, like so: \verb+\footnote{\headlessfullcite{key}.}+ \mylittlespace When you use abbreviations at the ends of fields in your .bib file (e.g., \enquote{\texttt{n.d.}} or \enquote{\texttt{Inc.},}) \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} should deal automatically with adding (or suppressing) appropriate punctuation after the final dot. This includes retaining periods after such dots when a closing parenthesis intervenes, as in (n.d.). Merely entering the abbreviation without informing \textsf{biblatex} that the final dot is a dot and not a period should always work, though you do have to provide manual formatting in those rare cases when you need a comma after the author's initials in a bibliography, usually in a \textsf{misc} entry (see house:papers). If you find you need to provide such formatting elsewhere, please let me know. \mylittlespace Finally, allow me to re-emphasize that, in its current form, the notes \&\ bibliography style \emph{requires} the use of \textsf{biber} as your backend --- variants of \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ simply cannot produce accurate output anymore, given how many features now depend on the more modern backend. \section{The Specification: Author-Date} \label{sec:authdate} The \textsf{biblatex-chicago} package contains two different author-date styles. The first, \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago-authordate}, implements the specifications of the 17th edition of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}. Numbers in parentheses refer to sections of the \emph{Manual}, though many of these references will in fact be to the chapter on the notes \&\ bibliography style (chapter 14), which chapter is, by design, considerably more detailed than that devoted to the author-date style, and which \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} always modifies according to the guidelines in chapter 15. The second author-date style, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad}, implements the same specification but with a markedly different style of title presentation, including sentence-style capitalization and an absence of quotation marks around the (plain-text) titles of \textsf{article} or \textsf{incollection} entries, \emph{inter alia}. The \textsf{trad} style is so named because older versions of the \emph{Manual}, up to and including the 15th edition, recommended this plainer style for author-date titles, and the 17th edition itself suggests the possibility, when needed, of retaining such title presentation in combination with its own recommendations for other parts of the reference apparatus (15.38). In practice, the differences between the two styles necessitate separate discussions of the \textsf{title} field and one extra package option (\texttt{headline}), and that's about it. \mylittlespace Generally, then, the following documentation covers both Chicago author-date styles, and attempts to explain all the parts of the specification that might be considered somehow \enquote{non standard,} at least with respect to the styles included with \textsf{biblatex} itself. In the section on entry fields I admit I have also duplicated a lot of the information in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}, which I hope won't badly annoy expert users of the system. As usual, headings in \mycolor{green} \colmarginpar{\textsf{New in this release}} indicate either material new to this release or old material that has undergone significant revision. The file \textsf{dates-test.bib} contains many examples from the \emph{Manual} which, when processed using \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}, should produce the same output as you see in the \emph{Manual} itself, or at least compliant output, where the specifications are vague or open to interpretation, a state of affairs which does sometimes occur. If you are using \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad} the same basically holds, but you'd have to keep one eye on the 15th edition of the \emph{Manual} (chap.\ 17) for the titles. I have provided \href{file:cms-dates-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf}} and \href{file:cms-trad-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-trad-sample.pdf}}, which show how my system processes \textsf{dates-test.bib}, and I have also included the reference keys from the latter file below in parentheses. \subsection{Entry Types} \label{sec:types:authdate} The complete list of entry types currently available in \textsf{authordate} and \textsf{authordate-trad}, minus the odd \textsf{biblatex} alias, is as follows: \textbf{article}, \mycolor{\textbf{artwork}}, \textbf{audio}, \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{booklet}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{customc}, \mycolor{\textbf{dataset}}, \textbf{image}, \textbf{inbook}, \textbf{incollection}, \textbf{inproceedings}, \textbf{inreference}, \textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal}, \textbf{legislation}, \textbf{letter}, \textbf{manual}, \textbf{misc}, \textbf{music}, \textbf{mvbook}, \textbf{mvcollection}, \textbf{mvproceedings}, \textbf{mvreference}, \textbf{online} (with its alias \textbf{www}), \textbf{patent}, \mycolor{\textbf{performance}}, \textbf{periodical}, \textbf{proceedings}, \textbf{reference}, \textbf{report} (with its alias \textbf{techreport}), \textbf{review}, \mycolor{\textbf{standard}}, \textbf{suppbook}, \textbf{suppcollection}, \textbf{suppperiodical}, \textbf{thesis} (with its aliases \textbf{mastersthesis} and \textbf{phdthesis}), \textbf{unpublished}, and \textbf{video}. \mylittlespace What follows is an attempt to specify all the differences between these types and the standard provided by \textsf{biblatex}. If an entry type isn't discussed here, then it is safe to assume that it works as it does in the standard styles. In general, I have attempted not to discuss specific entry fields here, unless such a field is crucial to the overall operation of a given entry type. As a general and important rule, most entry types require very few fields when you use \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}, so it seemed to me better to gather information pertaining to fields in the next section. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{article}}} \label{sec:ad:article} The \emph{Chicago Manual of Style} (14.164) recognizes three different sorts of periodical publication, \enquote{journals,} \enquote{magazines,} and \enquote{newspapers.} The first (14.166) is \enquote{a scholarly or professional periodical available mainly by subscription,} while the second refers to \enquote{weekly or monthly (or sometimes daily)} publications that are \enquote{available in individual issues at libraries or bookstores or newsstands or offered online, with or without a subscription.} \enquote{Magazines} will tend to be \enquote{more accessible to general readers,} and typically won't have a volume number. The following paragraphs detail how to construct your .bib entries for all these sorts of periodical publication. \mylittlespace For articles in \enquote{journals} you can simply use the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ --- and indeed \textsf{biblatex} --- \textsf{article} entry type, which will work as expected and set off the page numbers with a colon in the list of references, as required by the \emph{Manual}. If, however, you wish to cite a \enquote{magazine} or a \enquote{newspaper}, then you need to add an \textsf{entrysubtype} field containing the exact string \texttt{magazine} or, now, its synonym \texttt{newspaper}. The main formatting differences between a \texttt{magazine/newspaper} and a plain \textsf{article} are that time specifications (month, day, season) aren't placed within parentheses, and that page numbers are set off by a comma rather than a colon. Otherwise, the two sorts of reference have much in common. (For \textsf{article}, see \emph{Manual} 14.168--87, 15.9, 15.46--49; batson, beattie:crime, chu:panda, connell:chronic, conway:evolution, friedman:learning, garaud:gatine, garrett, hlatky:hrt, kern, lewis, loften:hamlet, loomis:structure, rozner:liberation, schneider:mittelpleistozaene, terborgh:preservation, wall:radio, warr:ellison, white:callima\-chus. For \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{maga\-zine}, cf.\ 14.171, 14.188--200, 15.49; assocpress:gun, lakeforester:pushcarts, morgenson:market, reaves:rosen, stenger:privacy.) \mylittlespace The \emph{Manual} suggests that, no matter which citation style you are using, it is \enquote{usually sufficient to cite newspaper and magazine articles entirely within the text} (15.49). This involves giving the title of the journal and the full date of publication in a parenthetical reference, including any other information in the main text (14.198), thereby obviating the need to present such an entry in the list of references. To utilize this method in the author-date styles, in addition to a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, you'll need to place \texttt{cmsdate=full} into the \textsf{options} field, including \texttt{skipbib} there as well to stop the entry printing in the list of references. If the entry only contains a \textsf{date} and \textsf{journaltitle} that's enough, but if it's a fuller entry also containing an \textsf{author} then you'll also need \texttt{useauthor=false} in the \textsf{options} field. Other surplus fields will be ignored. (See osborne:poison.) \mylittlespace If you are familiar with the notes \&\ bibliography style, you'll know that the \emph{Manual} treats reviews (of books, plays, performances, etc.) as a sort of recognizable subset of \enquote{journals,} \enquote{magazines,} and \enquote{newspapers,} distinguished mainly by the way one formats the title of the review itself. The key rule is this: if a review has a separate, non-generic title (gibbard; osborne:poison) in addition to something that reads like \enquote{review of \ldots,} then you need an \textsf{article} entry, with or without the \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, depending on the sort of publication containing the review. If the only title is the generic \enquote{review of \ldots,} for example, then you'll need the \textsf{review} entry type, with or without this same \textsf{entrysubtype} toggle using \texttt{magazine}. On \textsf{review} entries, see below. \mylittlespace In the case of a review with a specific as well as a generic title, the former goes in the \textsf{title} field, and the latter in the \textsf{titleaddon} field. Standard \textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} uses it in just this way, with the additional wrinkle that it can, if needed, replace the \textsf{title} entirely, and this in, effectively, any entry type, providing a fairly powerful, if somewhat complicated, tool for getting \textsf{biblatex} to do what you want. Here, however, if all you need is a generic title like \enquote{review of \ldots,} then you want to switch to the \textsf{review} type, where you can simply use the \textsf{title} field for it. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also, at the behest of Bertold Schweitzer, supports the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reviewof}, which allows you to use the \textsf{related} mechanism to provide information about the work being reviewed. In particular, it relieves you of the need to construct \textsf{titleaddon} or \textsf{title} fields like: \texttt{review of \textbackslash mkbibemph\{Book Title\} by Author Name}, as the \textsf{related} entry's \textsf{title} automatically provides the \textsf{titleaddon} in the \textsf{article} type and the \textsf{title} in the \textsf{review} type, with the \textsf{related} mechanism providing the connecting string. This may be particularly helpful if you need to cite multiple reviews of the same work; please see section \ref{sec:authrelated} for further details. \mylittlespace No less than ten more things need explication under this heading. First, since the \emph{Manual} specifies that what goes into the \textsf{titleaddon} field of \textsf{article} entries stays unformatted --- no italics, no quotation marks --- this plain style is the default for such text, which means that you'll have to format any titles within \textsf{titleaddon} yourself, e.g., with \cmd{mkbibemph\{\}}. Second, the \emph{Manual} specifies a similar plain style for the titles of other sorts of material found in \enquote{magazines} and \enquote{newspapers,} e.g., obituaries, letters to the editor, interviews, the names of regular columns, and the like. References may contain both the title of an individual article and the name of the regular column, in which case the former should go, as usual, in a \textsf{title} field, and the latter in \textsf{titleaddon}. As with reviews proper, if there is only the generic title, then you want the \textsf{review} entry type. (See 14.191, 14.195--96; morgenson:market, reaves:rosen.) \mylittlespace Third, the \emph{Manual} suggests that \enquote{unsigned newspaper articles or features are best dealt with in text \ldots} (14.199). As with newspaper or magazine articles in general, you can place \texttt{cmsdate=full} and \texttt{skipbib} into the \textsf{options} field to produce an augmented in-text citation whilst keeping this material out of the reference list. If you do use the reference list, then the standard shorter citation will be sufficient, and in both cases the name of the periodical (in the \textsf{journaltitle} field) will be used in place of the missing author. Just to clarify: in \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, a missing \textsf{author} field results in the name of the periodical (in the \textsf{journaltitle} field) being used as the missing author. Without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, and assuming that no name whatsoever can be found to put at the head of the entry, the \textsf{title} will be used, not the \textsf{journaltitle}, or so I interpret the \emph{Manual} (14.168). The default sorting scheme in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} considers the \textsf{journaltitle} before the \textsf{title}, so if the latter heads an entry you'll need a \textsf{sortkey}, just as you will if you retain the definite or indefinite article at the beginning of the \textsf{journaltitle} in author-less entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}. If you want to abbreviate the \textsf{journaltitle} for use in citations, but give the full name in the list of references, then the \textsf{shortjournal} field is the place for it. A shortened \textsf{title} should go, as usual, in \textsf{shorttitle}. (See section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, below; lakeforester:pushcarts, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke.) \mylittlespace Fourth, Bertold Schweitzer has pointed out, following the \emph{Manual} (14.183), that while an \textsf{issuetitle} often has an \textsf{editor}, it is not too unusual for a \textsf{title} to have, e.g., an \textsf{editor} and/or a \textsf{translator}. In order to allow as many permutations as possible on this theme, I have brought the \textsf{article} entry type into line with most of the other types in allowing the use of the \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} fields in order to associate an editor or a translator specifically with the \textsf{title}. The \textsf{editor} and \textsf{translator} fields, in strict homology with other entry types, are associated with the \textsf{issuetitle} if one is present, and with the \textsf{title} otherwise. The usual string concatenation rules still apply --- cf.\ \textsf{editor} and \textsf{editortype} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below. \mylittlespace Fifth, in certain fields, just beginning your data with a lowercase letter activates the mechanism for capitalizing that letter depending on its context within a reference list entry. This is less important in the author-date styles, where this information only turns up in the reference list and not in citations, but you can consult\,\textbf{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} below for all the details. Both the \textsf{titleaddon} and \textsf{note} fields are among those treating their data this way, and since both appear regularly in \textsf{article} entries, I thought the problem merited a preliminary mention here. \mylittlespace Sixth, if you need to cite an entire issue of any sort of periodical, rather than one article in an issue, then the \textsf{periodical} entry type, once again with or without the \texttt{magazine} toggle in \textsf{entrysubtype,} is what you'll need. (You can also use the \textsf{article} type, placing what would normally be the \textsf{issuetitle} in the \textsf{title} field and retaining the usual \textsf{journaltitle} field, but this arrangement isn't compatible with standard \textsf{biblatex}.) The \textsf{note} field is where you place something like \enquote{special issue} (with the small \enquote{s} enabling the automatic capitalization routines), whether you are citing one article or the whole issue (conley:fifthgrade, good:wholeissue). Indeed, this is a somewhat specialized use of \textsf{note}, and if you have other sorts of information you need to include in an \textsf{article} or \textsf{periodical} entry, then you shouldn't put it in the \textsf{note} field, but rather in \textsf{titleaddon} or perhaps \textsf{addendum} (brown:bremer). \mylittlespace Seventh, I would suggest that if you wish to cite certain kinds of television or radio broadcast, most notably interviews but perhaps also news segments or other \enquote{journalistic} material, then the \textsf{article} type, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine} is the place for it. The name of the program as a whole would go in \textsf{journaltitle}, with the name of the episode in \textsf{title}. The network's name goes into the \textsf{usera} field. Of course, if the piece you are citing has only a generic name (an interview, for example), then the \textsf{review} type would be the best place for it (8.189, 14.213; see bundy:macneil for an example of how this all might look in a .bib file.) Other sorts of broadcast, usually accessible through commercial recordings, would need one of the audiovisual entry types, probably \textsf{audio} (danforth:podcast) or \textsf{video} (friends:leia), while recordings from archives fit best either into \textsf{online} or into \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype} (coolidge:speech, roosevelt:speech). \mylittlespace Eighth, the \emph{Manual} (14.208, 15.51) specifies that blogs and other, similar online material should be presented like \textsf{articles}, with \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype} (ellis:blog), and needn't appear in a reference list at all, if you'd prefer to provide relevant details in the text. I've attempted, however, to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} as useful as possible when managing references to such sources, so I'll outline these facilities here. The title of the specific entry goes in \textsf{title}, the general title of the blog goes in \textsf{journaltitle}, and the word \enquote{\texttt{blog}} in the \textsf{location} field (though you could just use special formatting in the \textsf{journaltitle} field itself, which may sometimes be necessary). The 17th \colmarginpar{New!} edition specifies that \enquote{blogs that are part of a larger publication should include the name of that publication.} This usually involves a newspaper or magazine which also publishes various blogs on its website, and it means that such entries need a more general title than the \textsf{journaltitle}. It's not standard \textsf{biblatex} or anything, but you can now put such information in \textsf{maintitle} (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and \textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed), but only in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype} (amlen:hoot). \mylittlespace The \emph{Manual} (15.51) is even more emphatic about whole blogs (rather than individual posts) and comments on blogs not appearing in reference lists, but I've kept as many options open as possible, including fairly simple ways you can provide all the information needed in text citations alone. To cite a whole blog, you'll need the \textsf{periodical} entry type, with a \textsf{title} instead of a \textsf{journaltitle}, along with a (possible) \textsf{maintitle} (amlen:wordplay). Comments on blogs, with generic titles like \enquote{comment on} or \enquote{reply to,} need a \textsf{review} entry with the same \textsf{entrysubtype} (viv:amlen). Such comments make particular use of the \textsf{eventdate} and \textsf{nameaddon} fields, and also of specialized \textbf{customc} entries for adding comments to in-text citations. Please see the documentation of \textbf{customc}, \textbf{periodical}, and \textbf{review}, the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, and the general discussion of online sources in the \textbf{online} documentation. \mylittlespace Ninth, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for all the details on how this works. \mylittlespace Finally, \colmarginpar{New!} the 17th edition (14.191) specifies that, for news sites carrying \enquote{stories as they unfold, it may be appropriate to include a time stamp for an article that includes one.} You can provide this by using the standard \textsf{biblatex} time stamp format inside the \textsf{date} field, e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. Since the \emph{Manual} prefers the standard time zone initialisms, a separate \textsf{timezone} field would be required if you want to provide one. \mylittlespace If you're still with me, allow me to recommend that you browse through \textsf{dates-test.bib} to get a feel for just how many of the \emph{Manual}'s complexities the \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} types attempt to address. It may be that in future releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} I'll be able to simplify these procedures somewhat, but with any luck the vast majority of sources won't require knowledge of these onerous details. \mybigspace Arne \colmarginpar{\textbf{artwork}} Kjell Vikhagen pointed out to me that none of the standard entry types were straightforwardly adaptable when referring to visual artworks. It's unclear that the \emph{Manual} (14.235) believes it necessary to include them in the reference apparatus at all, but it's easy to conceive of contexts in which a list of artworks studied might be desirable, and \textsf{biblatex} includes entry types for just this purpose, though the standard styles leave them undefined. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} defines both \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image}, which are in fact now clones of each other, so you can use either of them indifferently, the distinction existing only for historical reasons. \mylittlespace As one might expect, the artist goes in \textsf{author} and the name of the work in \textsf{title}. The \textsf{type} field is intended for the medium --- e.g., oil on canvas, charcoal on paper --- and the \textsf{version} field might contain the state of an etching. You can place the dimensions of the work in \textsf{note}, and the current location in \textsf{organization}, \textsf{institution}, and/or \textsf{location}, in ascending order of generality. The \textsf{type} field, as in several other entry types, uses \textsf{biblatex's} automatic capitalization routines, so if the first word only needs a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, use lowercase in the .bib file and let \textsf{biblatex} handle it for you. (See \emph{Manual} 3.22, 8.198; leo:madonna, bedford:photo.) \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{New!} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} has included new information in some of its examples, so I have added 4 new fields to the driver. Alongside the usual \textsf{date} for the creation of a work, you may also want to include the printing date of a particular exemplar of a photograph or a print. The system I have designed uses the \emph{earlier} of the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate} to be the date of creation, and the \emph{later} to be the printing date. The style will automatically prefix the printing date with the localized \cmd{bibstring} \mycolor{\texttt{printed}}, so if that's the wrong string entirely then you can define \textsf{userd} any way you like to change it. If only \emph{one} of those two dates is available, it will always serve as a creation date. Any date specification provided will always appear in full somewhere in the reference list entry, though sometimes that could be the plain year at the head of the entry. This system, which is unlike other entry types, helps to avoid ambiguities in some situations. \mylittlespace One of the \emph{Manual's} examples is of a photograph published in a periodical, and information about this publication appears late in the entry, after the \textsf{type}. I have included the \textsf{howpublished} field so that you can give information about the periodical (meaning that you'll have to format the title yourself with \cmd{mkbibemph}), and the \textsf{eventdate} field for you to provide the date of publication (mccurry:afghangirl). \mylittlespace Depending on the presence or absence of these three date fields, and also on how you've set the \texttt{cmsdate} option, any of the three can appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries, allowing you to order entries by creation date, printing date, or publication date. See the documentation of \textbf{date} on page~\pageref{sec:ad:date}, below, for all the complicated details. Please note, when choosing your date presentation, that these new fields ostensibly replace most of the possible uses of the \textsf{pubstate} field in \textsf{artwork} entries, though this field continues to function here more or less as before, should you still require it. \mylittlespace As a final complication, the \emph{Manual} (8.198) says that \enquote{the names of works of antiquity \ldots\,are usually set in roman.} If you should need to include such a work in the reference apparatus, you can either define an \textsf{entrysubtype} for an \textsf{artwork} entry --- anything will do --- or you could try the \textsf{misc} entry type with an \textsf{entrysubtype}. Assuming the complicated date handling I've just outlined isn't required for such a work, in this instance the other fields in a \textsf{misc} entry function pretty much as in \textsf{artwork}. \mybigspace Following \colmarginpar{\textbf{audio}} the request of Johan Nordstrom, I have included three entry types, all undefined by the standard styles, designed to allow users to present audiovisual sources in accordance with the Chicago specifications. The \emph{Manual's} presentation of such sources (14.261--68, 15.57), though admirably brief, seems to me somewhat inconsistent, though perhaps I'm merely unable to spot the important regularities. The proliferation of online sources has made the task yet more complex, requiring the inclusion of the \textbf{article}, the \textbf{online}, and even the \textbf{misc} entry types, which see, under the audiovisual rubric. I shall attempt to delineate the main differences here, and though there are likely to be occasions when your choice of entry type is not obvious, at the very least \textsf{biblatex-chicago} should help you maintain consistency. \mylittlespace For users of the author-date styles, the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} continues to emphasize the need to provide dating information for audiovisual materials (14.263), meaning that nearly all such entries will have some such information and will therefore fit better, stylistically, with other author-date references. In particular, it continues to recommend that \enquote{the date of the original recording should be privileged in the citation} (15.57). Guidance for supplying dates for this class of material will be found below under the different entry types in use, though it will also be worthwhile to look at the documentation of \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, and \textsf{urldate}, in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below. The \emph{Manual} continues to suggest, also, that \enquote{it is often more appropriate to list such materials in running text and group them in a separate section or discography.} \mylittlespace The \textbf{music} type is intended for all musical recordings that do not have a video component. This means, for example, digital media (whether on CD or hard drive), vinyl records, and tapes. The \textbf{video} type includes most visual media, whether it be films, TV shows, tapes and DVDs of the preceding or of any sort of performance (including music), or online multimedia. The \emph{Manual's} treatment (14.267) of the latter suggests that online video excerpts, short pieces, and interviews should generally use the \textbf{online} type (horowitz:youtube, pollan:plant) or the \textbf{article} type (harwood:biden, kessler:nyt), depending on whether the pieces originate from an identifiably \enquote{journalistic} outlet. The \textbf{audio} type, our current concern, fills gaps in the others, and presents its sources in a more \enquote{book-like} manner. Published musical scores need this type --- unpublished ones would use \textsf{misc} with an \textsf{entrysubtype} (shapey:partita) --- as do \mycolor{podcasts} and such favorite educational formats as the slideshow and the filmstrip (danforth:podcast, greek:film\-strip, schubert:muellerin, verdi:corsaro). The \emph{Manual} (14.264) sometimes uses a similar format for audio books (twain:audio), though, depending on the sorts of publication facts you wish to present, this sort of material may fall under \textsf{music} (auden:reading). Dated audio recordings that are part of an archive, online or no, may be presented either in an \textbf{online} or in a \textbf{misc} entry with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, the difference mainly being in just how closely associated the \textsf{date} will be with the \textsf{title} (coolidge:speech, roosevelt:speech). Actual radio broadcasts (as opposed to podcasts) pose something of a conundrum. Interviews and other sorts of \enquote{journalistic} material fit well into \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries (14.213), but other sorts of broadcast are not well represented in the \emph{Manual's} examples (8.189), and what little there is suggests that, counter-intuitively, the \textsf{video} type is the best fit, as it is well equipped to present broadcasts of any sort. \mylittlespace Once you've accepted the analogy of composer to \textsf{author}, constructing an \textsf{audio} entry should be fairly straightforward, since many of the fields function just as they do in \textsf{book} or \textsf{inbook} entries. Indeed, please note that I compare it to both these other types as, in common with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{audio} has to do double duty as an analogue for both books and collections, so while there will normally be an \textsf{author}, a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{publisher}, a \textsf{date}, and a \textsf{location}, there may also be a \textsf{booktitle} and/or a \textsf{maintitle} --- see schubert:muellerin for an entry that uses all three in citing one song from a cycle. (As with the \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} types, you can cite an individual piece separate from any large collection by using the \textsf{title} field and by defining an \textsf{entrysubtype}, which will stop \textsf{biblatex-chicago} italicizing your \textsf{title} in the absence of a \textsf{booktitle}.) If the medium in question needs specifying, the \textsf{type} field is the place for it. Please note, also, that while the \textsf{titleaddon} field can still specify creative or editorial functions for which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides no automated, localized handling, you can also now provide the string you need in an \textsf{editor[abc]type} field, e.g., \enquote{\texttt{libretto by}} (verdi:corsaro). \mylittlespace For \colmarginpar{New!} podcasts, newly covered by the 17th edition (14.267), the \textsf{audio} type provides the nearest analogue I could find, and in general most of the data should fit comfortably into the fields already discussed above, the episode name in \textsf{title} and the name of the podcast in \textsf{booktitle}, for starters. Two details, however, need mentioning: first, the \textsf{note} field as the place to specify that it is a podcast, and the \textsf{eventdate} field for the date of publication of the specific episode (\textsf{title}) cited, which appears in close association with that \textsf{title}. Indeed, the \textsf{eventdate} field helps \textsf{biblatex-chicago} know that the \textsf{audio} entry is a podcast episode, and helps it construct the entry appropriately (danforth:podcast). \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{book}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, but the package can automatically provide abbreviated references in the reference list when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. Also, cf.\ harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for how this might look. The \textsf{book} type is useful also to present multimedia app content, the added fields \textsf{version} and \textsf{type} providing information about the app's version and about the system on which it runs (14.268, 15.57; angry:birds). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookinbook}} type provides the means of referring to parts of books that are considered, in other contexts, themselves to be books, rather than chapters, essays, or articles. Such an entry can have a \textsf{title} and a \textsf{maintitle}, but it can also contain a \textsf{booktitle}, all three of which will be italicized in the reference matter. In general usage it is, therefore, rather like the traditional \textsf{inbook} type, only with its \textsf{title} in italics rather than in quotation marks. As with the \textsf{book} type, you can enable automatically abbreviated references in the reference list, though this isn't the default. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:preset:authdate}, below. (Cf.\ \emph{Manual} 14.109, 14.122, 14.124; bernhard:boris, bernhard:ritter, and bernhard:themacher for the abbreviating functionality; also euripides:orestes [treated differently in 14.122 and 14.124], plato:republic:gr.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{booklet}} is the first of two entry types --- the other being \textsf{manual}, on which see below --- which are traditional in \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ styles, but which the \emph{Manual} (14.220) suggests may well be treated basically as books. In the interests of backward compatibility, \textsf{biblatex-chica\-go-authordate} will so format such an entry, which uses the \textsf{howpublished} field instead of a standard \textsf{publisher}, though of course if you do decide just to use a \textsf{book} entry then any information you might have given in a \textsf{howpublished} field should instead go in \textsf{publisher}. (See clark:mesopot.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{collection}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} entry type, but the package can provide automatically abbreviated references in the reference list when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. See harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for how this might look. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{customc}} entry type allows you to include alphabetized cross-references to other, separate entries in the bibliography, particularly to other names or pseudonyms, as recommen\-ded by the \emph{Manual}. (This is different from the usual \textsf{crossref}, \textsf{xref}, \textsf{userf}, and \textsf{related} mechanisms, all primarily designed to include cross-references to other works. Cf.\ 14.81--82, 15.35). I should add immediately that, as I read the specification, the alphabetized cross-references provided by \textsf{customc} are particularly encouraged, bordering on required, when a reference list \enquote{includes two or more works published by the same author but under different pseudonyms.} The following entries in \textsf{dates-test.bib} show one way of addressing this: creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:york:death, creasey:morton:hide, ashe:creasey, york:creasey and morton:creasey. In these latter cases, you would need merely to place the pseudonym in the \textsf{author} field, and the author's real name, under which his or her works are presented in the bibliography, in the \textsf{title} field. To make sure the cross-reference also appears in the bibliography, you can either manually include the entry key in a \cmd{nocite} command, or you can put that entry key in the \textbf{userc} field in the work's main .bib entry, in which case \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print the cross-reference if and only if you cite the main work. (Cf.\ \textsf{userc}, below.) \mylittlespace Under ordinary circumstances, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will connect the two parts of the cross-reference with the word \enquote{\emph{See}} --- or its equivalent in the document's language --- in italics. If you wish to present it differently, you can put the connecting word(s) into the \textsf{nameaddon} field. \mylittlespace Finally, you may need to use this entry type if you wish to include a comment inside the parentheses of a citation, as specified by the \emph{Manual} (15.24). If you have a \textsf{postnote}, then you can manually provide the punctuation and comment there, e.g., \cmd{autocite[4; the unrevised trans.]\{stendhal:parma\}}. Without a \textsf{postnote}, you have two solutions. You can enable the \texttt{postnotepunct} option, which allows you simply to type \cmd{autocite[; the unrevised trans.]\{stendhal:parma\}}, or you can use a separate \textsf{customc} entry containing just the text of the comment in the \textsf{title} field, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{classical}, and \textsf{options} \texttt{skipbib}. An \cmd{autocites} command calling both the main text and the comment then does the trick, e.g., \cmd{autocites\{chicago:manual\}\{chicago:comment\}}. Cf.\ \texttt{postnotepunct} in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, below. \mylittlespace For \colmarginpar{New!} its 17th edition, the \emph{Manual} has provided a more detailed treatment of online comments, whether on blogs, mailing lists, or social media posts (15.50--52). Such comments \enquote{are cited only in the text, in reference to the related post,} an arrangement most easily created using \textsf{customc} entries referencing the main post. The new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \texttt{relatedtype} in \textsf{online} and \textsf{review} entries attempts to automate this for you, creating a separate \textsf{customc} entry to be used in an \cmd{autocites} command together with the comment's own entry. Please see the details of this in the \textbf{online} and \textbf{review} entry types, below, and in the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} docs in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}. Cf.\ also ac:comment, diaz:surprise, ellis:blog, licis:diazcomment, and the associated automatically-created entries ellis:blog-customc and diaz:surprise-customc. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{dataset}} entry type, new in \textsf{biblatex} 3.13, allows you to cite scientific databases, for which the \emph{Manual} (14.257) presents some rather specific, if brief, instructions. To construct your entry, you can put the name of the database into \textsf{author}, a \enquote{descriptive phrase or record locator} in the \textsf{title} field, and if there's a specific accession number needed beyond the record locator you can put it into the \textsf{number} field, with the \textsf{type} field reserved to help explain what sort of \textsf{number} is involved. The \textsf{howpublished} field can also be used to provide extra descriptive detail about the \textsf{number}, if needed. More generally, a \textsf{url} will locate the database as a whole and a \textsf{urldate} will specify the date you accessed it. If, for some reason, an additional date is relevant, then the \textsf{date} field is available, while the \textsf{pubstate} field will appear before the \textsf{date} in case you need to modify the latter. (See 14.257; genbank:db, nasa:db.) Given that usually the only relevant date in such entries is the access date, which means that they would usually have \enquote{n.d.}\ at the head of reference-list entries and in citations, I have thought it sensible to treat \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entries by default as author-title instead of author-date in citations, and to stop the printing of \enquote{n.d.}\ in reference lists just as in \textsf{misc} entries. You can shorten the component parts of the author-title citation using the usual \textsf{shortauthor}, \textsf{shorthand}, and/or \textsf{shorttitle} fields, and you can also restore author-date formatting to these entries by setting the \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} option to \texttt{false} either in individual entries or in the preamble for all examples of the entry type. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{image}} entry type is now a clone of the \textsf{artwork} type, which see. I retain it here for historical reasons (See 3.22, 8.198; bedford:photo.) \mybigspace These \mymarginpar{\textbf{inbook}\\\textbf{incollection}} two standard \textsf{biblatex} types have very nearly identical formatting requirements as far as the Chicago specification is concerned, but I have retained both of them for compatibility. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} (§~2.1.1) intends the first for \enquote{a part of a book which forms a self-contained unit with its own title,} while the second would hold \enquote{a contribution to a collection which forms a self-contained unit with a distinct author and its own title.} The \textsf{title} of both sorts will be placed within quotation marks, and in general you can use either type for most material falling into these categories. I have, in both types, implemented the \emph{Manual's} recommendations for space-saving abbreviations in the reference list when you cite multiple pieces from the same \textsf{collection}. These abbreviations are activated by default when you use the \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field in \textsf{incollection} entries \emph{and} in \textsf{inbook} entries, because although the \emph{Manual} (15.42) here specifies a \enquote{multiauthor book,} I believe the distinction between the two is fine enough, and the discussion general enough, to encourage similar treatments. (For more on this mechanism see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below, and the option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. Please note that it is also active by default in \textsf{letter} and \textsf{inproceedings} entries.) If the part of a book to which you are referring has had a separate publishing history as a book in its own right, then you may wish to use the \textsf{bookinbook} type, instead, on which see above. (See \emph{Manual} 14.106--9, 15.42; \textsf{inbook}:\,ashbrook:brain, phibbs:diary, will:cohere; \textsf{incollection}:\,centi\-nel:letters, contrib:contrib, sirosh:visualcortex; ellet:galena, keating:dearborn, and lippincott:chicago [and the \textsf{collection} entry prairie:state] demonstrate the use of the \textsf{crossref} field with its attendant abbreviations in the list of references.) \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace \textbf{NB}: The \emph{Manual} suggests that, when referring to a chapter, one use either a chapter number or the inclusive page numbers, not both. In-text citations, of course, require any \textsf{postnote} field to specify if it is a whole chapter to which you are referring. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{inproceedings}} entry type works pretty much as in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Indeed, the main differences between it and \textsf{incollection} are the lack of an \textsf{edition} field and the possibility that an \textsf{organization} may be cited alongside the \textsf{publisher}, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't specify its use (14.217). Please note, also, that the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} mechanism for shortening citations of multiple pieces from the same \textsf{proceedings} is operative here, just as it is in \textsf{incollection} and \textsf{inbook} entries. See \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and the option \texttt{longcrossref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below, for more details. \paragraph*{\protect\colmarginpar{\textbf{inreference}}} \label{sec:ad:inreference} This entry type is aliased to \textsf{incollection} in the standard styles, but the \emph{Manual's} requirements prompted a thoroughgoing revision. Instructions for the author-date style are not copious, so what follows is my best guess at following the specification (14.232--34). \mylittlespace Please first note that if your reference work can easily or conveniently be presented like a regular author-date book, that is, with an author or editor, a year of publication, and a title, and if you will be citing it by page or section number, then you should almost certainly simply choose the \textsf{book} entry type for your .bib entry. (Cf.\ mla:style, schellinger:novel, times:guide. The latter was presented as an \textsf{inreference} entry for the notes \&\ bibliography style, but because the \textsf{book} entry type can also present references to alphabetized headings [see below], at least in the list of references, then it seemed better just to choose a \textsf{book} entry for the author-date styles.) \mylittlespace If your source simply doesn't fit the standard author-date template for a \textsf{book}, most especially if it is a \enquote{well-known} reference work, then you may need to use the \textsf{inreference} type, the main feature of which is the \textsf{lista} field, which you use to present citations from \enquote{alphabetically arranged} works by named article rather than by page number. You should present these article names just as they appear in the work, separated by the keyword \enquote{\texttt{and}} if there is more than one, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will provide the appropriate prefatory string (\texttt{s.v.}, plural \texttt{s.vv.}), and enclose each in its own set of quotation marks (times:guide). More relevant to the author-date styles is the fact that the \textsf{postnote} field works the same way in \textsf{inreference} entries, the only limitation on this system being that this field, unlike \textsf{lista}, is not a list, and therefore for the formatting to work correctly you can only put one article name in it. In the case of \enquote{[w]ell-known reference books, such as major dictionaries and encyclopedias,} you are encouraged not to include them in the list of references, so the \textsf{lista} field actually may be of less use than this special formatting of \textsf{postnote}. You may want to look at ency:britannica, where only a (carefully-formatted) \textsf{shorttitle}, a \textsf{year}, and an \textsf{options} field are necessary to allow you to produce in-text citations that look like (\emph{Ency.\ Brit.}, 15th ed. 1985, s.v. \enquote{Article}). \mylittlespace If it seems appropriate to include such a work in the list of references, perhaps because the work is not so well known that a short citation will be parseable by your readers, or perhaps because it is an online work, which requires you to provide a \textsf{urldate} (see below), be aware that the contents of the \textsf{lista} field will also be presented there, which may not be what you want. A separate \textsf{inreference} or \textsf{reference} entry might well solve this problem. In a typical \textsf{inreference} entry very few fields are needed, but \enquote{if a physical edition is cited, not only the edition number (if not the first) but also the date the volume or set was issued must be specified.} In practice, this means a \textsf{title}, \textsf{date}, and possibly an \textsf{edition} field. The \textsf{author} field holds the author of the specific article (in \textsf{lista}), not the author of the \textsf{title} as a whole. This name will be printed in parentheses after the alphabetized entry's title (grove:sibelius). \mylittlespace Finally, all of these rules apply to online reference works, along with a few more. The \colmarginpar{New!} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} now allows, \enquote{subject to editorial discretion,} the alternative treatment of an online reference work which \enquote{does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart} (14.206, 14.233). In effect this means that it can be treated more like an \textsf{online} entry than a \textsf{book}, its \textsf{title} therefore in plain roman rather than in italics. You can achieve this in \textsf{inreference} entries by providing an \textsf{entrysubtype} in the entry. Online reference works need not only a \textsf{url} but also, always, a \textsf{urldate} (instead of a \textsf{date)}, as these sources are in constant flux. When that flux is of a particularly high frequency, as with Wikipedia, then a time stamp may also be needed. You can provide this in the \textsf{urldate} field itself, using the standard \textsf{biblatex} format, e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. It is \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp=true}} possible to turn off the printing of the \textsf{urltime} with the new \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} option, which is set to \texttt{true} by default, but which can be changed in your preamble for the whole document, for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of specific entries (wikiped:bibtex, grove:sibelius). In keeping with the rules of the 17th edition, changed since the 16th, any \textsf{inreference} entry with no date, or with only an access date, as opposed to a revision date or another, more traditional publishing date, will use the \texttt{nodate} abbreviation at the head of the entry and in citations (15.44, 15.50). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{jurisdiction}\\\textbf{legal}\\\textbf{legislation}} document these three types in section~\ref{sec:legal} below, both because they all follow the specifications of the \emph{Bluebook} instead of the \emph{Manual}, and also because they are the only entry types treated identically by the notes \&\ bibliography style and the author-date styles. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{letter}} entry type was designed to be used for citing letters, memoranda, or similar texts, but \emph{only} when they appear in a published collection. (Unpublished material of this nature needs a \textsf{misc} entry, for which see below.) The author-date specification (15.43), however, recommends against individual letters appearing in a list of references, suggesting instead that you put the whole published collection in a \textsf{book} entry and use a notice in the text to specify the letter (white:total). \mylittlespace If you absolutely must include individual letters in the list of references, for whatever reason, then please consult the instructions above for the notes \&\ bibliography style in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, s.v.\ \enquote{\textsf{letter,}} which cover all the details. There are a few wrinkles, related to date specifications, that I shall attempt to clarify here. If you look at white:ross:memo and white:russ, you'll see two letters from the same published collection, both written in the same year. You can simply use the \textsf{origdate} field in both of them, because in the absence of a \textsf{date} (or an \textsf{eventdate}) \textsf{Biber} and \textsf{biblatex} will use the \textsf{origyear} as the \textsf{labelyear}, putting it at the head of the entry and in the citation, and also ensuring that the letters \texttt{a,b,c} are appended to disambiguate the two sources. In this case, it works because we are using the \textsf{xref} mechanism to refer to the whole published collection (white:total), so a separate citation of that entry provides the \textsf{date} for the shortened cross-reference included in the list of references, and the \textsf{letter} entry never sees that \textsf{date} at all. (Cf.\ also the documentation of the \textsf{date} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} below.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{manual}} is the second of two traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry types that the \emph{Manual} suggests formatting as books, the other being \textsf{booklet}. As with this latter, I have retained it in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} for backward compatibility, its main peculiarity being that, in the absence of a named author, the \textsf{organization} producing the manual will be provided both as author and as publisher. (You can give a shortened form of the \textsf{organization} in the \textsf{shortauthor} field for text citations, if needed, or use the \textsf{shorthand} field.) Of course, if you were to use a \textsf{book} entry for such a reference, then you would need to define both \textsf{author} and \textsf{publisher} using the name you here might have put in \textsf{organization}. (See 14.84; chicago:manual, dyna:browser, natrecoff:camera. Cp.\ also the new \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} entry type.) \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{misc}}} \label{sec:ad:misc} As its name suggests, the \textsf{misc} entry type was designed as a hold-all for citations that didn't quite fit into other categories. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, I have somewhat extended its applicability, while retaining its traditional use. Put simply, with no \textsf{entrysubtype} field, a \textsf{misc} entry will retain backward compatibility with the standard styles, so the usual \textsf{howpublished}, \textsf{version}, and \textsf{type} fields are all available for specifying an otherwise unclassifiable text, and the \textsf{title} will be italicized. (The \emph{Manual}, you may wish to note, doesn't give specific instructions on how such citations should be formatted, so when using the Chicago style I would recommend you have recourse to this traditional entry type as sparingly as possible.) \mylittlespace If you do provide an \textsf{entrysubtype} field, the \textsf{misc} type provides a means for citing unpublished letters, memoranda, private contracts, wills, interviews, and the like, making it something of an unpublished analogue to the \textsf{letter}, \textsf{article}, and \textsf{review} entry types (which see). It also works well for presenting online audio pieces, particularly dated ones, like speeches. Typically, such an entry will cite part of an archive, and equally typically the text cited won't have a specific title, but only a generic one, whereas an \textsf{unpublished} entry will ordinarily have a specific author and title, and won't come from a named archive. The \textsf{misc} type with an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined is the least formatted of all those specified by the \emph{Manual}, so titles are in plain text by default. (It is quite possible, though somewhat unusual, for archival material to have a specific title, rather than a generic one. In these cases, you will need to enclose the title inside a \cmd{mkbibquote} command manually. Cf.\ roosevelt:speech, shapey:partita.) \mylittlespace If you are presenting part of an unpublished archive, then it's worth remembering that, as with the \textsf{letter} type, the \emph{Manual} (15.54) suggests that the list of references will usually contain only the name of the whole archived collection, with more specific information about individual items provided in the text, outside the parentheses. If, on the other hand, \enquote{only one item from a collection has been mentioned in text, the entry may begin with the writer's name (if known).} (See 14.211--12, 14.219, 14.221--31; house:papers cites a whole archive, while creel:house, dinkel:agassiz, and spock:interview cite individual pieces.) \mylittlespace As far as constructing your .bib entry goes, you should first know that the absence of any date will not result in the \enquote{n.d.}\ abbreviation automatically being provided. Indeed, no date at all will be required for entries referring to entire archival collections. In such entries, you may wish to use the word \enquote{\texttt{classical}} as your \textsf{entrysubtype}, which will have no effect on the list of references but will change the look of the in-text citations (house:papers). Instead of any date, the citation will include the \textsf{title}, separated from the \textsf{author's} name by a space, e.g., (House Papers). This same arrangement, happily, allows you easily to cite individual books of the Bible, and also certain other sacred texts (14.238--41; genesis). Please see under \textsf{entrysubtype} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} below for all the details of the \texttt{classical} toggle. \mylittlespace As for presenting the date of individual items, the \emph{Manual} (14.224) allows in these entries, as it does in documentation generally \enquote{if numerous dates occur} (9.35), for a more streamlined presentation of dates using the day-month-year form, different from the standard American month-day-year. In \textsf{letter} entries you use the \textsf{origdate} field to give the date of individual letters, and it is always presented in the more streamlined form. Here, the same field will do exactly the same thing, though with the added wrinkle that if you'd prefer to use the standard day-month-year form you can, simply by putting the date into the \textsf{date} field instead. (Please choose one only in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype} --- in \textsf{letter} entries the \textsf{date} refers to the published collection.) As with the \textsf{letter} type, if the only date present is an \textsf{origdate}, you don't need to set the \texttt{cmsdate} option in your .bib entry to make sure that that year appears at the head of the entry (and in citations) --- this happens automatically. (Cf.\ particularly the documentation in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} below, s.v.\ \enquote{date}, and also the \textsf{letter} type above for some of the date-related complications that can arise, and how you can address them with judicious use of the \textsf{options}, \textsf{date}, and \textsf{origdate} fields.) \mylittlespace As in \textsf{letter} entries, the titles of unpublished letters are of the form \texttt{Author to Recipi\-ent}, further information can be given in the \textsf{titleaddon} field, while the \textsf{origlocation} field can hold the place where the letter was written. Interviews or similar pieces will have a different sort of title, but all types will use the \textsf{note}, \textsf{organization}, \textsf{institution}, and \textsf{location} fields (in ascending order of generality) to identify the archive, though the \emph{Manual} specifies (14.227) that well-known depositories don't usually need a city, state or country specified. (The traditional \textsf{misc} fields are all still available, also.) \mylittlespace There are a few more subtleties involved here. Some material (roosevelt:speech) includes a venue for the event recorded in the archive, so I have added the \mycolor{\textsf{venue}} field, which prints \emph{before} the date, with the \textsf{origlocation} appearing after it. Somewhat confusingly, in published letters the \textsf{origlocation} itself prints before the date, rather than after, so if the inconsistency between published and unpublished letters bothers you then you could conceivably use \textsf{venue} instead of \textsf{origlocation} for that purpose here. Also, the \emph{Manual} offers several examples of specific location information \emph{within} an archive, some of which appears \emph{before} the main archive name, and some of which appears \emph{after} it. I assume this may depend on the exact nature of the archive itself, but in any case you can try the \textsf{type} or \textsf{howpublished} fields for the first case and the \textsf{number} field for the second. \mylittlespace In all this class of archived material, the \emph{Manual} (14.221) quite specifically requires more consistency within your own work than conformity to some external standard, so it is the former which you should pursue. I hope that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} proves helpful in this regard. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{music}} is one of three audiovisual entry types, and is intended primarily to aid in the presentation of musical recordings that do not have a video component, though it can also include audio books (auden:reading). A DVD or VHS of an opera or other performance, by contrast, should use the \textbf{video} type instead, while an online music video will probably need an \textbf{online} entry. (Cf.\ \textsf{online} and \textsf{video}; handel:messiah, horowitz:youtube.) Because \textsf{biblatex} --- and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ before it --- were designed primarily for citing book-like objects, some choices needed to be made in assigning the various roles found on the back of a CD to the fields in a typical .bib entry. I have also implemented several bibstrings to help in identifying these roles within entries. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} once again revised its recommendations for this type, but fortunately the changes are additive, i.e., you can re-use 16th-edition citations but are encouraged to peruse the following guidelines to see if there's any information you might think of adding to bring your citations more into line with the spec. \mylittlespace These guidelines, in summary form, are: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\qquad\textsf{#1}} \begin{description} \item[author =] composer, songwriter, or performer(s), depending on whom you wish to emphasize by placing them at the head of the entry. \item[bookauthor:] Somewhat like an \textsf{author}, but it will hold the name associated with a whole album rather than an individual piece, should both be present, and will therefore appear in close association with the \textsf{booktitle} rather than at the head of the entry. \item[editor, editora, editorb =] conductor, director or performer(s). These will ordinarily follow the \textsf{title} of the work, though the usual \texttt{useauthor} and \texttt{useeditor} options can alter the presentation within an entry. Because these are non-standard roles, you will need to identify them using the following: \item[\mycolor{editortype, editoratype, editorbtype:}] The most common roles, all associated with specific bibstrings (or their absence), will be \texttt{conductor}, \texttt{director}, \texttt{producer}, and, oddly, \texttt{none}. The last is particularly useful when identifying the group performing a piece, as it usually doesn't need further specifying and this role prevents \textsf{biblatex} from falling back on the default \texttt{editor} bibstring. The 17th edition (15.57) also seems to favor, in some circumstances, using strings to identify individual performers, e.g., \enquote{vocalist} or \enquote{pianist,} so even though there's no \cmd{bibstring} associated with these types you can now provide them, or anything else you need, in whatever form (\enquote{vocalist} or \enquote{sung by}) suits your citation. \item[note:] This field can also hold contributors, perhaps collaborators or featured artists (holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \item[\mycolor{title, booktitle, maintitle:}] As with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{music} serves as an analogue both to books and to collections, so the title will either be, e.g., the album title or a song title, in which latter case the album title would go into \textsf{booktitle}. If you wish to cite a song that, as may happen, isn't part of any larger collection, your entry will in such a case have only a \textsf{title}, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as an album title. You \colmarginpar{New!} can now define an \textsf{entrysubtype} to let it know that the lone \textsf{title} is in fact a song (cf.\ naraya). The \textsf{maintitle} might be necessary for something like a box set of \emph{Complete Symphonies}. \item[\mycolor{chapter:}] The 17th edition seems more keen on having track numbers for individual pieces, whether on a traditional format or on a streaming service. The \colmarginpar{New!} \textsf{chapter} field is the place for this information, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically prepend the localized string \texttt{track} (cf.\ holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \item[publisher, series, number:] These three closely-associated fields are intended for presenting the catalog information provided by the music publisher. The 17th edition generally only requires the \textsf{series} and \textsf{number} fields (nytrumpet:art), which hold the record label and catalog number, respectively. Alternatively, \textsf{publisher} would function as a synonym for \textsf{series} (holiday:fool), but there may be cases when you need or want to specify a publisher in addition to a label, as perhaps when a single publisher oversees more than one label. You can certainly put all of this information into one of the above fields, but separating it may help make the .bib entry more readable. \item[pubstate:] The \textsf{pubstate} field in \textsf{music} entries mainly has the usual meaning it has in other entry types, for which see the documentation of the field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below. If the field contains \texttt{reprint}, however, this has a special meaning in \textsf{music} entries, where it will transform the \textsf{origdate} from a recording date for an entire album into an original release date for that album, notice of which will be printed towards the end of a reference list entry, always assuming that the \textsf{origdate} hasn't already appeared at the head of the entry and in citations. No \texttt{reprint} \cmd{bibstring} will be printed, as only the syntax of the reference will have been altered. \item[date, eventdate, origdate:] The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual}, like the 16th, considers \textsf{music} citations without a date to be \enquote{generally unacceptable} (14.263), while if there is more than one date \enquote{the date of the original recording should be privileged} (15.57). Finding these dates may take some research, but they will basically fall into two types, i.e., the date of the recording or the copyright / publishing date. Recording dates go either in \textsf{origdate} (for complete albums) or \textsf{eventdate} (for individual tracks). The current copyright or publishing date goes in the \textsf{date} field, while the original release date goes in \textsf{origdate}. You may have noticed that the \textsf{origdate} has two slightly different uses --- you can tell \textsf{biblatex-chicago} which sort you intend by using the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, which transforms the \textsf{origdate} from a recording date into an original release date. The style will automatically use the \textsf{eventdate} or the \textsf{origdate} in citations and at the head of the list of references, falling back on a \textsf{date} or even a \textsf{urldate} in their absence. It will also prepend the bibstring \texttt{recorded} to any part of the \textsf{eventdate} that doesn't appear at the head of the list of references or, in the absence of the \textsf{pubstate} mechanism, to the \textsf{origdate}, or indeed to both. You can modify what is printed here using the \textsf{userd} field, which acts as a sort of date type modifier. In \textsf{music} entries, \textsf{userd} will be prepended to an \textsf{eventdate} if there is one, barring that to the \textsf{origdate}, barring that to a \textsf{urldate}, and absent those three to a \textsf{date}. (See floyd:atom, holiday:fool, nytrumpet:art.) \item[type, \mycolor{howpublished}:] As in all the audiovisual entry types, the \textsf{type} field holds the medium of the recording, e.g., vinyl, 33 rpm, 8-track tape, cassette, compact disc, mp3, ogg vorbis. The \colmarginpar {New!} \mycolor{\textsf{howpublished}} field, newly included for the 17th edition, can hold similar information \enquote{for streaming audio formats and downloads} (14.263, 15.57). It can also, alternatively, hold the name of the streaming service, e.g., Spotify (cf.\ rihanna:umbrella). \end{description}} The entries in \textsf{notes-test.bib} should at least give you a good idea of how this all works, and that file also contains an example of an audio book presented in a \textsf{music} entry. If you browse the examples in the \emph{Manual} you will see the sheer variety of possibilities for presenting these sources, my intention being that judicious manipulation of\ .bib entries should allow you to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago} do what you want. Please let me know if I've ignored something you need. (Cf. 14.263--64, 15.57; \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{userd}; \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts} and \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}; auden:reading, beethoven:sonata29, bernstein:shostakovich, floyd:atom, holiday:fool, nytrumpet:art, rubinstein:chopin.) \mybigspace All \mymarginpar{\textbf{mvbook}\\\textbf{mvcollection}% \\\textbf{mvproceedings}\\\textbf{mvreference}} four of these entry types function more or less as in standard \textsf{biblatex}. I would like, however, to emphasize a couple of things. First, each is aliased to the entry type that results from removing the \enquote{\textbf{mv}} from their names. Second, each has an important role as the target of cross-references from other entries, the \textsf{title} of the \textbf{mv*} entry \emph{always} providing a \textsf{maintitle} for the entry referencing it. If you want to provide a \textsf{booktitle} for the referencing entry, please use another entry type, e.g., \textbf{collection} for \textbf{incollection} or \textbf{book} for \textbf{inbook}. (These distinctions are particularly important to the correct functioning of the abbreviated references that \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, in various circumstances, provides. Please see the documentation of the \textbf{crossref} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below.) \mylittlespace On the same subject, when multi-volume works are presented in the reference apparatus, the \emph{Manual} (14.116--22, 15.41) requires that any dates presented should be appropriate to the specific nature of the citation. In short, this means that a date range that is right for the presentation of a multi-volume work in its entirety isn't right for citing, e.g., a single volume of that work which appeared in one of the years contained in the date range. Because child entries will by default inherit all the date fields from their parent (including the \textsf{endyear} of a date range), I have turned off the inheritance of \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields from all of the \textbf{mv*} entry types to any other entry type. When the dates of the parent and of the child in such a situation are exactly the same, then this unfortunately requires an extra field in the child's .bib entry. When they're not the same, as will, I believe, often be the case, this arrangement saves a lot of annoying work in the child entry to suppress wrongly-inherited fields. Other sorts of parent entries aren't affected by this. See harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartography, and harley:hoc for how this might look. \mylittlespace Finally, in order to cope with parts of the notes \&\ bibliography specification I have fairly thoroughly revised the \textbf{mv*} types there for the 17th edition. The author-date specification is, as I read it, simpler, so I haven't revised these types here. If you should happen to leave a stray \texttt{maintitle relatedtype} in an entry when switching specifications that entry will use the \texttt{multivolume relatedtype} instead, which will very likely not be what you want. \mybigspace One \colmarginpar{\textbf{online}} of the features of the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} is the considerably extended, but still scattered, treatment of online materials (8.189--92, 14.6--18, 14.159--63, 14.175--76, 14.187, 14.189, 14.205--10, 14.233, 15.4, 15.9, 15.49--52, 15.57). The principles of that treatment have changed somewhat, as the \emph{Manual} now places greater emphasis on the \emph{location} of a source, which can in many cases outweigh, as far as choosing an entry type goes, the \emph{nature} of the source. Working out the correspondences between online sources and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} entry types can, therefore, be tricky, so I have included table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes} summarizing the increasingly detailed instructions in the \emph{Manual}, along with some further annotations here that might help to clarify it. \afterpage{\clearpage \begin{table}[h!] \caption[\hspace{-1em}\mycolor{Online Entry Types - Author-Date}]% {Online materials and author-date entry types} \label{tab:online:adtypes} \centering\small\sffamily \hspace*{-6em} \begin{tabularx}{160mm}{@{}>{\raggedright}p{25mm}>{\raggedright}p{20mm}p{15mm}p{26mm}X@{}} \toprule Online Material & Entry Type & CMS Ref. & Sample Entry & Notes \\ \cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule(l){2-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3}\cmidrule(l){4-4} \cmidrule(l){5-5} Online edition of trad.\ publ.\ matter. &&&& Use the same entry type as you would choose were you citing it from a printed source.\\\addlinespace[.6mm] & @Book & 14.161-62 & james:ambassadors & CMS prefers (scanned) original page nos. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] & @Article @Review & 14.175 15.47-49 & black:infectious & If no \enquote{suitable URL} is available, e.g., if it points to a generic portal page rather than to an abstract, use the name of the commercial database in an addendum field instead. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.6mm] Blogs&& 15.51 &&\\\addlinespace[1.5mm] \hspace{.5em} Single post & @Article & & amlen:hoot & The \textsf{maintitle} field holds the larger publication of which the blog is a part.\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Whole Blog & @Periodical & & amlen:wordplay & This \&\ the next usually not in the ref.\ list. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Comment & @Review & & viv:amlen & The \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} helps manage these, in or out of the reference list. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.6mm] Social Media & @Online & 15.52 && This includes anything --- posts, photos, videos --- on these and similar sites; the \emph{location} of the material defines its treatment. \\\addlinespace[2mm] \hspace{.5em} Mailing list or \hspace*{.5em} forum post & & 14.210 & powell:email & Posts on private lists are to be treated as \enquote{personal communications,} using @Misc w/ \textsf{entrysubtype}.\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Facebook&& 14.209 & diaz:surprise &\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Twitter&&& obrien:recycle &\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Instagram&&& souza:obama &\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Comments / \hspace*{.5em} replies & & 14.210 & braun:reply &This and the next are usually not included in the reference list. The \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} helps manage them, in or out of that list. \\ && 14.209 & licis:diazcomment &\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.6mm] Online Multimedia && 15.57 &&\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Online video & @Online & 14.267 & pollan:plant & This category includes TED talks and most informal videos on YouTube and similar sites. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Online video, \hspace*{.5em} from a trad.\ \hspace*{.5em} journal & @Article && kessler:nyt & You can use @Online, but this requires special formatting in the \textsf{note} or \textsf{titleaddon} field. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Published films in \hspace*{.5em} an archive & @Video && weed:flatiron &\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Podcasts & @Audio && danforth:podcast & Note the eventdate of the individual episode.\\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace{.5em} Archival audio & @Misc w/ \textsf{entrysubtype} & 14.264 & roosevelt:speech & Can have both a venue and an origlocation. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.6mm] Streaming Media&&&& \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace*{.5em} TV / Film & @Video & 14.265 & mayberry:brady & The streaming service is supplied by the URL. The \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} entrysubtype is new in the 17th edition. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace*{.5em} Music & @Music & 14.263 & rihanna:umbrella & The streaming service is supplied by the howpublished field. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace*{.5em} News / Interviews & @Article @Review & 14.213 & bundy:macneil & Network information goes in the usera field. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.6mm] Websites & @Online & 14.206-7 15.50 & evanston:library stenger:privacy & An online source \enquote{analogous to a traditionally printed work but [which] does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart} may now use an @Online entry, at your discretion. If you only have an access date, \enquote{n.d.}\ will appear as the publication date. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace*{.5em} Reference works, \hspace*{.5em} cited by alpha- \hspace*{.5em} betized entry & @InReference w/ entrysub-\par type & 14.233 & wikiped:bibtex & As above, you can choose the @Online treatment of the title, but it's best achieved using an @InReference entry w/ entrysubtype. \\\addlinespace[.6mm] \hspace*{.5em} Scientific data- \hspace*{.5em} bases & \mycolor{@Dataset} & 14.257 & genbank:db & Treated as author-title by default.\\\addlinespace[.6 mm] \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{table}} \mylittlespace The basic principle, as I've cited in the penultimate entry of table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes}, is that \enquote{the title of a website that is analogous to a traditionally printed work but does not have (and never had) a printed counterpart can be treated like the titles of other websites, subject to editorial discretion} (14.206). This means that an intrinsically online entry like stenger:privacy (citing CNN.com) need no longer be an \textsf{article} but can be presented in an \textsf{online} entry. (The same principle applies to wikiped:bibtex, but because of the code facilitating presentation of alphabetized entries in reference works, it's best in this case to keep the \textsf{inreference} entry but add an \textsf{entrysubtype} so that the \textsf{title} is presented as it would be in an \textsf{online} entry.) The corollary of the principle, as the first entry in table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes} suggests, is that an online edition of a printed work will generally require the same entry type as that printed work itself would. Blogs are, therefore, somewhat anomalous in requiring the various periodical types, though the \emph{Manual} does specify that if you're not sure whether a website is a blog, then it probably requires the \textsf{online} type (14.206). Social media, on the other hand, are very much subject to the first principle, requiring \textsf{online} entries no matter whether the citation is of text, a photo, or a video. Without pretending that all of the correspondences flow deductively from the basic principles, I hope that the table might simplify most of your choices. If something remains unclear, please let me know and I'll see if I can improve it. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace A few more notes are in order. I designed the \colmarginpar{New!} new \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} to facilitate citation of online comments, and it is available in two entry types, \textsf{online} and \textsf{review}. In both types the \emph{Manual} (15.51--52) recommends that such material appear \emph{only} in the text and not in the reference list, but I have attempted to simplify the presentation of such material wherever you want it to appear. Following the specifications, then, the default when you use \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} is for \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} to modify how your .bib entry appears in the .bbl file by setting both \texttt{skipbib} and \texttt{cmsdate=full} in the \textsf{options} field, so that nothing appears in the reference list and citations present the full date and possibly also a time stamp (see below). Further, the style sets the \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field so that these entries don't interfere with the provision of extra date letters --- the full date and time should be enough to individuate separate comments. Finally, the style creates a new \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file which you can cite after your initial \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} entry using \cmd{autocites} and which will, as a comment to your initial entry, say whether it's a comment or a reply or what have you, and then giving the short citation of that upon which it is a comment. \mylittlespace As an example, take the Facebook post diaz:surprise, which does appear in the reference list. The entry licis:diazcomment presents a comment on this post using the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, so \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} creates a new entry, diaz:surprise-customc, which won't appear in your .bib file (which is never altered) but in the .bbl file that \textsf{biber} produces to supply \textsf{biblatex} with the data for its citations. A command like \verb+\autocites{licis:diazcomment}{diaz:surprise-customc}+ will produce a citation like (Licis, February 24, 2016; comment on D\'iaz 2016). You can alter the string connecting the two citations (by default \verb+\bibstring{commenton}+) by using the \textsf{relatedstring} field in the first of them (cf.\ powell:comment). (Note how minimal the .bib entry of a comment using this system can be --- \textsf{author}, \textsf{related}, \textsf{relatedtype}, and \textsf{date} are pretty much the only fields required.) \mylittlespace Those who want \textsf{online} comments to appear in the reference list can still use the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}, and the same citation of the commented piece will appear there, connected by the same string that the \textsf{customc} entry provides. Here, though, you can also provide a separate \textsf{title} for the comment, and/or a separate \textsf{url} for it, should they exist, which will be printed before/after the citation of the commented piece, respectively. (In \textsf{review} entries, which use the same \textsf{relatedtype}, only the generic title is available, as is always the case with such entries.) If you manually set either (or both) of the \texttt{cmsdate} or the \texttt{skipbib} options in your entry then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will assume you want to hand-craft that entry without its intervention, though it will still provide the virtual \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file, as that may still prove convenient. Note also that any \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field you provide will never be altered by the package. \mylittlespace In general, constructing an \textsf{online}\ .bib file entry is much the same as in \textsf{biblatex}. The \textsf{title} field would contain the title of the page, the \textsf{organization} field could hold the title or owner of the whole site. If there is no specific title for a page, but only a generic one, then such a title should go in \textsf{titleaddon}, not forgetting to begin that field with a lowercase letter so that capitalization will work out correctly. It is worth remarking here, too, that the \emph{Manual} (15.50) strongly prefers, if they're available, revision dates to access dates when documenting online material. If there is only a \textsf{urldate} in an entry, and that date is an access date (i.e., there's no \textsf{userd} field), then \enquote{n.d.} will appear in citations and at the head of the entry in the reference list. Moreover, given how rapidly online sources can change (14.191, 14.209, 14.233), a time stamp may often be necessary further to specify a revision date (\textsf{urldate}) or the date of a comment or reply (\textsf{date}). This time specification should be added to the date field using \textsf{biblatex's} standard format, i.e., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}. If a time zone is needed, then a separate \textsf{timezone} or \textsf{urltimezone} field is the best way, as it allows you to provide the initialisms that the \emph{Manual} prefers (10.41, 14.191). On all of this please see \textsf{date}, \mycolor{\textsf{timezone}}, \textsf{urldate}, \textsf{userd}, and \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below. Cf.\ also the documentation of the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{patent}} \emph{Manual} is very brief on the subject of patents (15.55), but very clear about which information it wants you to present, so such entries may not work well with other \textsf{biblatex} styles. Chicago's author-date style prefers the \emph{later} of the two possible dates to appear in citations and at the head of the entry in the list of references. If a patent has been filed but not yet granted, then you can place the filing date in either the \textsf{date} field or the \textsf{origdate} field, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{patentfiled} to it. If the patent has been granted, then you put the filing date in the \textsf{origdate} field, and you put the date it was issued in the \textsf{date} field, to which the bibstring \texttt{patentissued} will automatically be prepended, and it is this later date that will head the entry and appear in citations. The patent number goes in the \textsf{number} field, and you should use the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibstrings in the \textsf{type} field. Though it isn't mentioned by the \emph{Manual}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will print the \textsf{holder} after the \textsf{author}, if you provide one. Finally, the style capitalizes the \textsf{title} sentence-style, which seems to be the generally-accepted convention across all Chicago specifications. If you need to keep a word capitalized then you should wrap it in curly braces. See petroff:impurity. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{performance}} 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} includes a new section (14.266) on citing live performances, and even though such references can usually be limited to the main text (cf.\ 15.57) it may sometimes be useful to include them in a reference list. Since \textsf{biblatex} provides the \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} type, albeit without using it in its standard styles, I though it might be useful to define it for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, particularly as the other option for such material is the \textsf{misc} entry without any \textsf{entrysubtype}, and that entry type is already somewhat overloaded, though you can still use it if you wish. \mylittlespace Such entries will generally have a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{venue}, a \textsf{location} for the venue, and a \textsf{date} for the performance, along with a possible plethora of authorial and/or editorial roles depending on which sorts of contributor(s) you wish to emphasize in the citation. The \textsf{editor[abc]} and \textsf{editor[abc]type} fields should be most helpful here. I have included strings for \mycolor{\texttt{choreographer}} in all localization files, but for others you may need to provide them in the \textsf{editor[abc]type} fields as you wish them printed --- \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically capitalize any that start with a lowercase letter. For the author-date styles it will probably be convenient to allow one of these names to appear at the head of the entry and in citations, as this will facilitate the appearance of the \textsf{extradate} to distinguish, e.g., multiple performances of the same work or performances of different works by the same producer or choreographer. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{periodical}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} entry type for presenting an entire issue of a periodical, rather than one article within it. It has the same function in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, and in the main uses the same fields, though in keeping with the system established in the \textsf{article} entry type (which see) you'll need to provide \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine} if the periodical you are citing is a \enquote{newspaper} or \enquote{magazine} instead of a \enquote{journal.} Also, remember that the \textsf{note} field is the place for identifying strings like \enquote{special issue,} with its initial lowercase letter to activate the automatic capitalization routines, though this isn't strictly necessary in the author-date styles. (See \emph{Manual} 14.187; good:wholeissue.) \mylittlespace It is worth noting two things. First, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{periodical} entries, as well as facilitating the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Because the \textsf{periodical} type uses the \textsf{title} field instead of \textsf{journaltitle}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically copies any \textsf{shorttitle} field, if one is present, into \textsf{shortjournal}. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for all the details on how this works. Second, although the 17th edition recommends that references to whole blogs, as opposed to individual blog posts, need appear only in the text (15.51), using the \textsf{periodical} type for such material can help with this, in or out of the reference list. The \colmarginpar{New!} new \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} entry option will ensure the presence of the name of the blog (as opposed to the non-existent date) in citations, and you could also use a \cmd{citeurl} command to give the URL in the text (or a note). Alternately, you could let the entry appear in the reference list and cite it in the usual way. In that list the \emph{Manual} (14.208) recommends that you include the name of any larger (usually periodical) publication of which the blog is a part. The \textsf{maintitle} field (with \textsf{mainsubtitle} and \textsf{maintitleaddon}, if needed) is the place for it. Cf.\ amlen:wordplay. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{proceedings}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} and \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ entry type, but the package can provide automatically abbreviated references in the reference list when you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field. The functionality is not enabled by default, but you can enable it in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field using the \texttt{booklongxref} option. Please see \textbf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} and \texttt{booklongxref} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{reference}} entry type is aliased to \textsf{collection} by the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles, but I intend it to be used in cases where you need to cite a reference work but not an alphabetized article or articles in that work. This could be because it doesn't contain such articles, and yet you still want the entry in the list of references to start with the \textsf{title}. Indeed, the only differences between it and \textsf{inreference} are the lack of a \textsf{lista} field to present an alphabetized entry, and the fact that any \textsf{postnote} field will be printed verbatim, rather than formatted as an alphabetized entry. (Cf.\ \textsf{inreference}, above.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{report}} entry type is a \textsf{biblatex} generalization of the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ type \textsf{techreport}. Instructions for such entries are rather thin on the ground in the \emph{Manual} (8.186, 14.220), so I have followed the generic advice about formatting it like a book, and hope that the results conform to the specification. At least one user has indicated a need, now filled, for an \texttt{unpublished} \textsf{entrysubtype}, which prints the \textsf{title} inside quotation marks (or, in \textsf{authordate-trad}, in plain roman) instead of in italics, but affects nothing else. This detail aside, the type's main peculiarities are the \textsf{institution} field in place of a \textsf{publisher}, the \textsf{type} field for identifying the kind of report in question, and the \textsf{isrn} field containing the International Standard Technical Report Number of a technical report. As in standard \textsf{biblatex}, if you use a \textsf{techreport} entry, then the \textsf{type} field automatically defaults to \verb+\bibstring{techreport}+. As with \textsf{booklet} and \textsf{manual}, you can also use a \textsf{book} entry, putting the report type in \textsf{note} and the \textsf{institution} in \textsf{publisher}. (See herwign:office.) \mybigspace As \colmarginpar{\textbf{review}} its name suggests, the \textsf{review} entry type was designed for reviews published in periodicals, and if you've already read the \textsf{article} instructions above --- if you haven't, I recommend doing so now --- you'll know that \textsf{review} serves as well for citing other sorts of material with generic titles, like letters to the editor, obituaries, interviews, online comments and the like. The primary rule is that any piece that has only a generic title, like \enquote{review of \ldots,} \enquote{interview with \ldots,} or \enquote{obituary of \ldots,} calls for the \textsf{review} type. Any piece that also has a specific title, e.g., \enquote{\enquote{Lost in \textsc{Bib}\TeX,} an interview with \ldots,} requires an \textsf{article} entry. (This assumes the text is found in a periodical of some sort. Were it found in a book, then the \textsf{incollection} type would serve your needs, and you could use \textsf{title} and \textsf{titleaddon} there. While we're on the topic of exceptions, the \emph{Manual} includes an example --- 14.213 --- where the \enquote{Interview} part of the title is considered a subtitle rather than a titleaddon, said part therefore being included inside the quotation marks and capitalized accordingly. Not having the journal in front of me I'm not sure what prompted that decision, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would obviously have no difficulty coping with such a situation.) \mylittlespace Once you've decided to use \textsf{review}, then you need to determine which sort of periodical you are citing, the rules for which are the same as for an \textsf{article} entry. If it is a \enquote{magazine} or a \enquote{newspaper}, then you need an \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, or the synonymous \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{newspaper}. The generic title goes in \textsf{title} and the other fields work just as as they do in an \textsf{article} entry with the same \textsf{entrysubtype}, including the substitution of the \textsf{journaltitle} for the \textsf{author} if the latter is missing. (See 14.190--91, 14.195--96, 14.201--4, 14.213, 15.49; barcott:review, bundy:macneil, Clemens:letter, gourmet:052006, kozinn:review, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke, wallraff:word.) If, on the other hand, the piece comes from a \enquote{journal,} then you don't need an \textsf{entrysubtype}. The generic title goes in \textsf{title}, and the remaining fields work just as they do in a plain \textsf{article} entry. (See 14.202; ratliff:review.) \mylittlespace The \emph{Manual} now suggests that, no matter which citation style you are using, it is \enquote{usually sufficient to cite newspaper and magazine articles entirely within the text} (15.47). This involves giving the title of the journal and the full date of publication in a parenthetical reference, including any other information in the main text (14.206), thereby obviating the need to present such an entry in the list of references. To utilize this method in the author-date styles, in addition to a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, you'll need to place \texttt{cmsdate=full} into the \textsf{options} field, including \texttt{skipbib} there as well to stop the entry printing in the list of references. If the entry only contains a \textsf{date} and \textsf{journaltitle} that's enough, but if it's a fuller entry also containing an \textsf{author} then you'll also need \texttt{useauthor=false} in the \textsf{options} field. Other surplus fields will be ignored. (See osborne:poison.) \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} also, at the behest of Bertold Schweitzer, supports the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reviewof}, which allows you to use the \textsf{related} mechanism to provide information about the work being reviewed, thereby simplifying how much information you need to provide in the reviewing entry. In particular, it relieves you of the need to construct \textsf{title} or \textsf{titleaddon} fields like: \verb+review of \mkbibemph{Book Title} by Author+, as the \textsf{related} entry's \textsf{title} automatically provides the \textsf{title} in the \textsf{review} type and the \textsf{titleaddon} in the \textsf{article} type, with the \textsf{related} mechanism providing the connecting string. This may be particularly helpful if you need to cite multiple reviews of the same work. Please see section \ref{sec:authrelated} for further information. \mylittlespace Most of the onerous details are the same as I described them in the \textbf{article} section above, but I'll repeat some of them briefly here. If anything in the \textsf{title} needs formatting, you need to provide those instructions yourself, as the default is completely plain. \textsf{Author}-less \textsf{reviews} are treated just like similar \textsf{articles} --- with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, the \textsf{journaltitle} replaces the author in citations and heads the entry in the list of references, without an \textsf{entrysubtype} the \textsf{title} does the same. In the former case, \textsf{Biber} handles the sorting for you, but in the latter you'll need a \textsf{sortkey} because \textsf{journaltitle} comes before \textsf{title} in the sorting scheme. (14.204; gourmet:052006, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke, and see \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, below.). As in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, words like \enquote{interview,} \enquote{review,} and \enquote{letter} only need capitalization after a full stop, so you can start the \textsf{title} field with a lowercase letter and let the automatic field formatting with \cmd{autocap} do its work, though this isn't strictly necessary with \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}. \mylittlespace A \colmarginpar{New!} few details of the \textsf{review} type are fairly new, and in particular have changed between the 16th and 17th editions of the \emph{Manual}. As I mentioned above, blogs are best treated as \textsf{articles} with \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, whereas comments on those blogs --- or replies to those comments, etc.\ --- need the \textsf{review} type with the same \textsf{entrysubtype}. The 17th edition recommends that blog comments appear only in the text, and not in the reference list (15.51), so just as with comments in social media threads, for which see the \textbf{online} type above, I have provided the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \texttt{relatedtype} to simplify the presentation of such material wherever you want it to appear. Following the specifications, then, the default when you use \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} is for \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} to modify how your .bib entry appears in the .bbl file by setting both \texttt{skipbib} and \texttt{cmsdate=full} in the \textsf{options} field, so that nothing appears in the reference list and citations present the full date and possibly also a time stamp (see below). Further, the style sets the \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field so that these entries don't interfere with the provision of extra date letters --- the full date and time should be enough to individuate separate comments. Finally, the style creates a new \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file which you can cite after your initial \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} entry using \cmd{autocites} and which will, as a comment to your initial entry, say whether it's a comment or a reply or what have you, and then giving the short citation of that upon which it is a comment. \mylittlespace As an example, take the blog ellis:blog, which does appear in the reference list. The entry ac:comment presents a comment on this post using the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, so \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} creates a new entry, ellis:blog-customc, which won't appear in your .bib file (which is never altered) but in the .bbl file that \textsf{biber} produces to supply \textsf{biblatex} with the data for its citations. A command in your document like \verb+\autocites{ac:comment}{ellis:blog-customc}+ will produce a citation like (AC, July 1, 2008, 10:18 a.m.; comment on Ellis 2008). You can alter the string connecting the two citations (by default \verb+\bibstring{commenton}+) by using the \textsf{relatedstring} field in the first of them. (Note how minimal the .bib entry of a comment using this system can be --- \textsf{author}, \textsf{entrysubtype}, \textsf{related}, \textsf{relatedtype}, and \textsf{eventdate} are pretty much the only fields required.) \mylittlespace Those who want \textsf{online} comments to appear in the reference list can still use the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}, and the same citation of the commented piece will appear there, connected by the same string that the \textsf{customc} entry provides. Here, though, you can also provide a separate \textsf{url} for the comment, should it exist, which will be printed after the citation of the commented piece. (In \textsf{online} entries, which use the same \textsf{relatedtype}, you can also provide a separate title for the comment.) If you manually set either (or both) of the \texttt{cmsdate} or the \texttt{skipbib} options in your entry then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will assume you want to hand-craft that entry without its intervention, though it will still provide the virtual \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file, as that may still prove convenient. Note also that any \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field you provide will never be altered by the package. (Please see the documentation of this \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, that of \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, and also the information about online materials in table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes}.) \mylittlespace The new edition of the \emph{Manual} retains the requirement for a date closely associated with the comment (14.208, 15.51), so in such entries you now have a choice. If you are using the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}, you can use the \textsf{date} or \textsf{eventdate} indifferently, as even when you print the entry in the reference list the reference to the main blog provides its own date. If, in 16th-edition style, you print a fuller entry in the reference list, then you'll need the \textsf{eventdate} for the comment, as the \textsf{date} applies to the main blog post. If you need a time stamp in addition, as may frequently be the case with multiple contributions by the same author to a single thread, then you should now use the standard \textsf{biblatex} time-stamp format (e.g., \texttt{2008-07-01T10:18:00}) in whichever of the two date fields you're using, and not, as previously, in the \textsf{nameaddon} field. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} will format and print it appropriately. This change allows the \textsf{nameaddon} field to revert to its primary use, which is to provide extra information about the \textsf{author}. In blog comments, this could include the commenter's geographical location, which you need to enclose in parentheses, as I've removed the automatic square brackets from this field to allow it this more general usefulness. You can, of course, still provide your own square brackets in \textsf{review} entries to indicate pseudonymous authorship, which is the standard function of \textsf{nameaddon} in most entry types. Please see the documentation of \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, and \textsf{timezone} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, and \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. \mylittlespace For the reasons I explained in the \textsf{article} docs above, I have brought the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entry types into line with most of the other types in allowing the use of the \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} fields in order to associate an editor or a translator specifically with the \textsf{title}. The \textsf{editor} and \textsf{translator} fields, in strict homology with other entry types, are associated with the \textsf{issuetitle} if one is present, and with the \textsf{title} otherwise. The usual string concatenation rules still apply --- cf.\ \textsf{editor} and \textsf{editortype} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below. \mylittlespace Finally, the special \textsf{biblatex} field \textsf{shortjournal} allows you to present shortened \textsf{journaltitles} in \textsf{review} entries, as well as in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entries, and it facilitates the creation of lists of journal abbreviations in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. Please see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for all the details on how this works. \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{standard}} older releases it was fairly straightforward to present published national or international standards using a \textsf{book} entry, but with some additional specifications now included in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (14.259, 15.37) I think it might be helpful to provide a separate entry type. The \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} type has long existed in \textsf{biblatex}, though none of its included styles use it. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} constructing such an entry is mostly straightforward. The organization responsible for the standard goes in \textsf{organization}, the title in \textsf{title}, and the \textsf{series} and \textsf{number} fields provide the ID of the standard. The \textsf{date} field generally provides the publication date, though for some standards there may also be a later reaffirmation date (or similar), for which you can use the \textsf{eventdate}. To choose which year appears in citations, the \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} type follows, by default, the same ordering as \textsf{review} and \textsf{music} entries, so that the \textsf{eventdate} will, if present, provide the year. (Cf.\ \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below.) \mylittlespace Now, for the peculiarities. In the reference list, the \textsf{organization} will appear at the head of the entry, and will be reprinted as the publisher. If you wish to provide a shortened version for the second appearance, then the \textsf{publisher} field is the place for it. You can also use an \textsf{author} instead of an \textsf{organization}, but in such a case you'll have to provide a \textsf{publisher}, and no matter which field you choose to appear at the head of the entry you'll usually have to think about providing some sort of abbreviated form for citations. A \textsf{shortauthor} will appear only in citations, while a \textsf{shorthand} can also appear at the head of the entry in the list of references. (If you provide the latter, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically sort entries by it.) Any named \textsf{editor} or \textsf{namec} will, as per the specification, \emph{not} appear at the head of entries. You can really only alter this by using a \textsf{book} entry, instead. (Cf.\ w3c:xml, and the \textsf{shorthand} docs on page~\pageref{sec:ad:shorthand}, below.) \mylittlespace Finally, it is distinctly possible that an entry with two dates will need somehow to specify just what sort of dates are involved. The usual \textsf{biblatex-chicago} method is the \textsf{userd} field, and here that field will act as a date-type for the \textsf{date} field itself, assuming as usual that there is no \textsf{urldate}. For the \textsf{eventdate}, you'll need to use \textsf{howpublished}, which I have commandeered for this purpose in a few other entry types, as well. (Cf.\ niso:bibref and \textbf{howpublished} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, below.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppbook}} is the entry type to use if the main focus of a reference is supplemental material in a book or in a collection, e.g., an introduction, afterword, or forward, either by the same or by a different author. There are two mechanisms in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} for producing such a citation. First, these three just-mentioned types of material, and only these three types, can be referenced using the \textsf{introduction}, \textsf{afterword}, or \textsf{foreword} fields, a system that requires you simply to define one of them in any way and leave the others undefined. The macros don't use the text provided by such an entry, they merely check to see if one of them is defined, in order to decide which sort of pre- or post-matter is at stake, and to print the appropriate string before the \textsf{title} in the list of references, and possibly also in the list of shorthands. This mechanism works without modification across multiple languages, but I have also provided functionality which allows you to cite any sort of supplemental material whatever, using the \textsf{type} field. Under this second system, simply put the nature of the material, including the relevant preposition, in that field, beginning with a lowercase letter so \textsf{biblatex} can decide whether it needs capitalization depending on the context. Examples might be \enquote{\texttt{preface to}} or \enquote{\texttt{colophon of}.} (Please note, however, that unless you use a \cmd{bibstring} command in the \textsf{type} field, the resultant entry will not be portable across languages.) \mylittlespace The other rules for constructing your .bib entry remain the same. The \textsf{author} field refers to the author of the introduction or afterword, while \textsf{bookauthor} refers to the author of the main text of the work, if the two differ. Recent editions of the \emph{Manual} requires that you include the page range for the cited part in the list of references. As ever, if the focus of the reference is the main text of the book, but you want to mention the name of the writer of an introduction or afterword for completeness, then the normal \textsf{biblatex} rules apply, and you can just put their name in the appropriate field of a \textsf{book} entry, that is, in the \textsf{foreword}, \textsf{afterword}, or \textsf{introduction} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.110; friedman:intro, polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppcollection}} fulfills a function analogous to \textsf{suppbook}. Indeed, I believe the \textbf{suppbook} type can serve to present supplemental material in both types of work, so this entry type is an alias to \textsf{suppbook}, which see. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{suppperiodical}} type is intended to allow reference to generically-titled works in periodicals, such as regular columns or letters to the editor. \textsf{Biblatex} also provides the \textsf{review} type for this purpose, so in both Chicago styles \textsf{suppperiodical} is an alias of \textsf{review}. Please see above under \textbf{review} for the full instructions on how to construct a .bib entry for such a reference. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{unpublished}} \textsf{unpublished} entry type works largely as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}, though it's worth remembering that you should use a lowercase letter at the start of your \textsf{note} field (or perhaps an\ \cmd{autocap} command in the somewhat contradictory \textsf{howpublished}, if you have one) for material that wouldn't ordinarily be capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence. Thanks to a bug report by Henry D. Hollithron, such entries will print information about any \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{compiler}, etc., that you include in the .bib file. Also, conforming to the indications of the \emph{Manual}, and thanks to the prompting of Jan David Hauck, you can use the \textsf{venue}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, and \textsf{eventtitleaddon} fields further to specify unpublished conference papers and the like (14.216--18; nass:address). \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{video}} is the last of the three audiovisual entry types, and as its name suggests it is intended for citing visual media, be it films of any sort or TV shows, broadcast, on the Net, on VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray, though it will serve as well, I think, for radio broadcasts of plays or drama serials. As with the \textsf{music} type discussed above, certain choices had to be made when associating the production roles found, e.g., on a DVD, to those bookish ones provided by \textsf{biblatex}. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} once again revised its recommendations for this type, but fortunately the changes are additive, i.e., you can re-use 16th-edition citations but are encouraged to peruse the following guidelines to see if there's any information you might think of adding to bring your citations more into line with the spec. Here are the main guidelines: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\qquad\textsf{#1}} \begin{description} \item[author:] This will not infrequently be left undefined, as the director of a film should be identified as such and therefore placed in the \textsf{editor} field with the appropriate \textsf{editortype} (see below). You will need it, however, to identify the composer of, e.g., an oratorio on VHS (handel:messiah), or perhaps the provider of commentaries or other extras on a film DVD (cleese:holygrail). \item[editor, editora, editorb:] The director or producer, or possibly the performer or conductor in recorded musical performances. These will ordinarily follow the \textsf{title} of the work, though the usual \texttt{useauthor} and \texttt{useeditor} options can alter the presentation within an entry. Because these are non-standard roles, you will need to identify them using the following: \item[editortype, editoratype, editorbtype:] The most common roles, all associated with specific bibstrings (or their absence), will likely be \texttt{director}, \texttt{producer}, and, oddly, \texttt{none}. The last is particularly useful if you want to identify performers, as they usually don't need further specifying and this role prevents \textsf{biblatex} from falling back on the default \texttt{editor} bibstring. Any other roles you want to emphasize, even if there is no pre-defined \cmd{bibstring}, can be provided here, and will be printed as-is, contextually capitalized. (Cf.\ hitchcock:nbynw.) \item[title, titleaddon, booktitle, booktitleaddon, maintitle:] As with the other audiovisual types, \textsf{video} serves as an analogue both to books and to collections, so the \textsf{title} may be of a whole film DVD or of a TV series, or it may identify one episode in a series or one scene in a film. In the latter cases, the title of the whole would go in \textsf{booktitle}. The \textsf{booktitleaddon} field is the place for specifying the season and/or episode number of a TV series, while the \textsf{titleaddon} is for any information that needs to come between the \textsf{title} and the \textsf{booktitle} (american:crime, cleese:holygrail, friends:\break leia, handel:messiah, hitchcock:nbynw, mayberry:brady). As in the \textsf{music} type, \textsf{maintitle} may be necessary for a boxed set or something similar. \item[\mycolor{entrysubtype:}] If, for some reason, you want to cite an individual episode or scene without reference to any larger unit, then your entry will contain only a \textsf{title}, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as the title of a complete film or TV series. In such a case, you'll need to define an \textsf{entrysubtype} to let it know that the lone \textsf{title} is such a sub-unit. In quite a different syntactic transformation, the 17th edition (14.265) now recommends that, when presenting episodes from a TV series, the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) comes before the episode name (\textsf{title}). The exact string \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} in the \textsf{entrysubtype} field achieves this reversal, which includes using the \textsf{booktitle} as a \textsf{sorttitle} in the reference list and also as the \textsf{labeltitle} in short notes. \item[date, eventdate, origdate, pubstate:] The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} continues to encourage writers to find some way of dating audiovisual materials, while if there is more than one date \enquote{the date of the original recording should be privileged} (15.57). As with \textsf{music} entries, in order to follow these specifications I have had to provide three separate date fields for citing \textsf{video} sources, but their uses differ somewhat between the two types. In both, the \textsf{date} will generally provide the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. More specific to this entry type, the \textsf{origdate} will generally hold the date of the original theatrical release of a film, while the \textsf{eventdate} will most commonly present either the broadcast date of a particular TV program, or the recording/performance date of, for example, an opera on DVD. The style will automatically prepend the bibstring \texttt{broadcast} to such a date, though you can use the \textsf{userd} field to change the string printed there. (Absent an \textsf{eventdate}, the \textsf{userd} field in \textsf{video} entries will modify the \textsf{urldate}, and absent those two it will modify the \textsf{date}.) Typically, any given \textsf{video} entry will only need an \textsf{eventdate} \emph{or} an \textsf{origdate}, and it is this date that will appear in citations and at the head of the entry in the reference list. It's conceivable that you may need all three dates, in which case you can also use the standard \textsf{pubstate} field with \texttt{reprint} in it to control the printing of the \textsf{origdate} at the end of the entry, though I have altered the string that is printed there. Cf.\ friends:leia, handel:messiah, hitchcock:nbynw; \textsf{pubstate}, below. \item[type:] As in all the audiovisual entry types, the \textsf{type} field holds the medium of the \textsf{title}, e.g., 8 mm, VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, MPEG. \end{description}} As with the \textsf{music} type, entries in \textsf{dates-test.bib} should at least give you a good idea of how all this works. (Cf.\ 14.265, 14.267; \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{userd}; \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, and \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}; cleese:holygrail, friends:leia, handel:messiah, hitchcock:nbynw, loc:city, weed:flatiron.) \subsection{Entry Fields} \label{sec:fields:authdate} The following discussion presents, in alphabetical order, a complete list of the entry fields you will need to use \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}. As in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, I shall include references to the numbered paragraphs of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}, and also to the entries in \textsf{dates-test.bib}. Many fields are most easily understood with reference to other, related fields. In such cases, cross references should allow you to find the information you need. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{addendum}} in standard \textsf{biblatex}, this field allows you to add miscellaneous information to the end of an entry, after publication data but before any \textsf{url} or \textsf{doi} field. In the \textsf{patent} entry type (which see), it will be printed in close association with the filing and issue dates. In any entry type, if your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and the style will take care of the rest. Cf.\ \textsf{note}. (See \emph{Manual} 14.114, 14.159--63; davenport:attention, natrecoff:camera.) \mybigspace In most \mymarginpar{\textbf{afterword}} circumstances, this field will function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}, i.e., you should include here the author(s) of an afterword to a given work. The \emph{Manual} suggests that, as a general rule, the afterword would need to be of significant importance in its own right to require mentioning in the reference apparatus, but this is clearly a matter for the user's judgment. As in \textsf{biblatex}, if the name given here exactly matches that of an editor and/or a translator, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will concatenate these fields in the formatted references. \mylittlespace As noted above, however, this field has a special meaning in the \textsf{suppbook} entry type, used to make an afterword, foreword, or introduction the main focus of a citation. If it's an afterword at issue, simply define \textsf{afterword} any way you please, leave \textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction} undefined, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will do the rest. Cf.\ \textsf{foreword} and \textsf{introduction}. (See \emph{Manual} 14.105, 14.110; polakow:afterw.) \mybigspace At \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotation}} the request of Emil Salim, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides a package option (see \texttt{annotation} below, section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}) to allow you to produce annotated lists of references. The formatting of such a list is currently fairly basic, though it conforms with the \emph{Manual's} minimal guidelines (14.64). The default in \textsf{chicago-dates-common.cbx} is to define \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{annotation}+ using \verb+\par\nobreak\vskip\bibitemsep #1+, though you can alter it by re-declaring the format in your preamble. The page-breaking algorithms don't always give perfect results here, but the default formatting looks, to my eyes, fairly decent. In addition to tweaking the field formatting you can also insert \cmd{par} (or even \verb+\vadjust{\eject}+) commands into the text of your annotations to improve the appearance. Please consider the \texttt{annotation} option a work in progress, but it is usable now. (N.B.: The old \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{annote} serves as an alias for this.) \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{annotator}} have implemented this \textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{commentator}. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{author}}} \label{sec:ad:author} For the most part, I have implemented this field in a completely standard fashion. Remember that corporate or organizational authors need to have an extra set of curly braces around them (e.g., \texttt{\{\{Associated Press\}\}}\,) to prevent \textsf{biber} from treating one part of the name as a surname (14.84, 14.200, 15.37; assocpress:gun, chicago:manual). If there is no \textsf{author}, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will look, in sequence, for a \textsf{namea}, an \textsf{editor}, a \textsf{nameb}, a \textsf{translator}, or a \textsf{namec} (i.e., a compiler) and use that name (or those names) instead, followed by the appropriate identifying string (esp.\ 15.36, also 14.76, 14.103, 14.121, 14.126, 14.180; boxer:china, brown:bremer, harley:cartography, schellin\-ger:novel, sechzer:women, silver:gawain, soltes:georgia). \textsf{Biber} and \textsf{biblatex} take care of alphabetizing entries no matter which name appears at their head. In citations, where the \textsf{labelname} is used, the order searched is somewhat augmented: \textsf{shortauthor}, \textsf{author}, \textsf{shorteditor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec}. \mylittlespace If you wish to emphasize the activity of an editor, a translator, or a compiler (14.104; eliot:pound), you can use the \textsf{biblatex} options \texttt{useauthor=false}, \texttt{usenamea=false}, \texttt{use\-editor=false}, \texttt{usenameb=false}, \texttt{usetranslator=false}, and \texttt{usenamec=false} in the \textsf{options} field to choose which name appears at the head of an entry and in the citation. You only need to turn off any fields that are present in the entry, but please remember to use the new option \texttt{usenamec} instead of the old \texttt{usecompiler} (which I've deprecated), as the latter doesn't work as smoothly and completely as \textsf{biblatex's} own name toggles. See \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, and the \textsf{editortype} documentation, below. \mylittlespace Of course, in \textsf{collection} and \textsf{proceedings} entry types, an \textsf{author} isn't expected, so there the chain of substitutions begins with \textsf{namea} and \textsf{editor}. Also, in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, the absence of an \textsf{author} triggers the use of the \textsf{journaltitle} in its stead. Without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, the \textsf{title} will be used. See the discussion a few paragraphs down, and those entry types, for further details. \mylittlespace Recommendations concerning anonymous authors in other kinds of references (15.34) emphasize using the \textsf{title} in citations and at the head of reference list entries, rather than \enquote{Anonymous.} The latter may still in some cases be useful \enquote{in a bibliography in which several anonymous works need to be grouped} (14.79), but even with a source like virginia:plantation, \enquote{the reference list entry should normally begin with the title\ldots\ Text citations may refer to a short form of the title but must include the first word (other than an initial article)} (15.34). The \textsf{shorttitle} field is the place for the short form, and you'll also need a \textsf{sortkey} of some sort if the full title begins with an article that is to be ignored when alphabetizing. \mylittlespace If \enquote{the authorship is known or guessed at but was omitted on the title page,} then you need to use the \textsf{authortype} field to let \textsf{biblatex-chicago} know this fact (15.34). If the author is known (horsley:prosodies), then put \texttt{anon} in the \textsf{authortype} field, if guessed at (cook:sotweed) put \texttt{anon?}\ there. (In both cases, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} tests for these \emph{exact} strings, so check your typing if it doesn't work.) This will have the effect of enclosing the name in square brackets, with or without the question mark indicating doubt. As long as you have the right string in the \textsf{authortype} field, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will also do the right thing automatically in text citations. \mylittlespace In most entry types (except \textsf{customc}) the \textsf{nameaddon} field furnishes the means to cope with the case of pseudonymous authorship. If the author's real name isn't known, simply put \texttt{pseud.}\ (or \verb+\bibstring{pseudonym}+) in that field (centinel:letters). If you wish to give a pseudonymous author's real name, simply include it there, formatted as you wish it to appear, as the contents of this field won't be manipulated as a name by \textsf{biblatex} (lecarre:quest, stendhal:parma). If you have given the author's real name in the \textsf{author} field, then the pseudonym goes in \textsf{nameaddon}, in the form \texttt{Firstname Lastname,\,pseud.}\ (creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death). This latter method will allow you to keep all references to one author's work under different pseudonyms grouped together in the list of references, a method recommended by the \emph{Manual}. The \emph{Manual} (14.82) recommends using cross-references from author to pseudonym or vice versa, so in these latter examples I have included such references from the various pseudonyms back to the author's name, using the \textsf{customc} entry type, which see (ashe:creasey, morton:creasey, york:creasey). Please see also the entry on \textbf{nameaddon}, below, for circumstances where you may need to provide your own square brackets when presenting a pseudonym. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace As its name suggests, the author-date style very much wants to have a name of some sort present both for the entries in the list of references and for the in-text citations. The \emph{Manual} is nothing if not flexible, however, so with unsigned articles or encyclopedia entries the \textsf{journaltitle} or \textsf{title} may take the place of the \textsf{author} (gourmet:052006, lakeforester:pushcarts, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke, wikipedia:bibtex). Even in such entries, however, it may be advantageous to provide either a standard \textsf{shorttitle} or, for abbreviating a \textsf{journaltitle}, a \textsf{shortjournal} field, thereby keeping the in-text citations to a reasonable length, though not at the expense of making it hard to find the relevant entries in the reference list. An institutional author's name can also be rather too long for in-text citations. In unsigned:ranke I placed an abbreviated form of the \textsf{journaltitle} into \textsf{shortjournal}, adapting for a periodical the practice recommended for books in 15.37. In iso:electrodoc, I provided a \textsf{shorthand} field, which by default in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will appear both in text citations and at the head of the entry in the list of references, followed, within the entry, by its expansion, this latter placed within parentheses. Please see under \textbf{shorthand} below for the details. (You can utilize the list of shorthands to clarify the abbreviation, if you wish, and you can also provide a separate list of journal abbreviations using the \cmd{printbiblist\{shortjournal\}} command. Please cf.\ the \textbf{shortjournal} documentation, below, and the \texttt{journalabbrev} option in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}.) \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{authortype}} \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, this field serves a function very much in keeping with the spirit of standard \textsf{biblatex}, if not with its letter. Instead of allowing you to change the string used to identify an author, the field allows you to indicate when an author is anonymous, that is, when their name doesn't appear on the title page of the work you are citing. As I've just detailed under \textsf{author}, the \emph{Manual} generally discourages the use of \enquote{Anonymous} (or \enquote{Anon.} as an author, though in some cases it may well be your best option. If, however, the name of the author is known or guessed at, then you're supposed to enclose that name within square brackets, which is exactly what \textsf{biblatex-chicago} does for you when you put either \texttt{anon} (author known) or \texttt{anon?} (author guessed at) in the \textsf{authortype} field. (Putting the square brackets in yourself doesn't work right, hence this mechanism.) The macros test for these \emph{exact} strings, so check your typing if you don't see the brackets. Assuming the strings are correct, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will also automatically do the right thing in citations. (See the \textsf{author} docs just above. Also \emph{Manual} 15.34; cook:sotweed, horsley:prosodies.) \mybigspace For \mymarginpar{\textbf{bookauthor}} the most part, as in \textsf{biblatex}, a \textsf{bookauthor} is the author of a \textsf{booktitle}, so that, for example, if one chapter in a book has different authorship from the book as a whole, you can include that fact in a reference (will:cohere). Keep in mind, however, that the entry type for introductions, forewords and afterwords (\textsf{suppbook}) uses \textsf{bookauthor} as the author of \textsf{title} (polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mybigspace This, \mymarginpar{\vspace{-8pt}\textbf{bookpagination}} a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, allows you automatically to prefix the appropriate string to information you provide in a \textsf{pages} field. If you leave it blank, the default is to print no identifying string (the equivalent of setting it to \texttt{none}), as this is the practice the \emph{Manual} recommends for nearly all page numbers. Even if the numbers you cite aren't pages, but it is otherwise clear from the context what they represent, you can still leave this blank. If, however, you specifically need to identify what sort of unit the \textsf{pages} field represents, then you can either hand-format that field yourself, or use one of the provided bibstrings in the \textsf{bookpagination} field. These bibstrings currently are \texttt{column,} \texttt{line,} \texttt{paragraph,} \texttt{page,} \texttt{section,} and \texttt{verse}, all of which are used by \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles. \mylittlespace There are two points that may need explaining here. First, all the bibstrings I have just listed follow the Chicago specification, which may be confusing if they don't produce the strings you expect. Second, remember that \textsf{bookpagination} applies only to the \textsf{pages} field --- if you need to format a citation's \textsf{postnote} field, then you must use \textsf{pagination}, which see (10.42--43, 14.147--56). \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{booksubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{booktitle}. See the next entry for further information. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{booktitle}} the \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter} entry types, the \textsf{booktitle} field holds the title of the larger volume in which the \textsf{title} itself is contained as one part. It is important not to confuse this with the \textsf{maintitle}, which holds the more general title of multiple volumes, e.g., \emph{Collected Works}. It is perfectly possible for one .bib file entry to contain all three sorts of title (euripides:orestes, plato:republic:gr). You may also find a \textsf{booktitle} in other sorts of entries (e.g., \textsf{book} or \textsf{collection}), but there it will almost invariably be providing information for the traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ cross-referencing apparatus (prairie:state), which I discuss below (\textbf{crossref}). Such provision is now unnecessary, assuming you are using \textsf{biber}. The \textsf{booktitle} no longer takes sentence-style capitalization in \textsf{authordate}, though it does in \textsf{authordate-trad}. \mybigspace An \mymarginpar{\textbf{booktitleaddon}} annex to the \textsf{booktitle}. It will be printed in the main text font, without quotation marks. If your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically do the right thing. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:authpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{booktitleaddon} field. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{chapter}} field holds the chapter number, mainly useful only in an \textsf{inbook} or an \textsf{incollection} entry where you wish to cite a specific chapter of a book (ashbrook:brain). It now also holds the track number of individual pieces of \textsf{music}, whether on a traditional format or on a streaming service (holiday:fool, rihanna:umbrella). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{commentator}} have implemented this \textsf{biblatex} field pretty much as that package's standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{annotator}. \mybigspace \textsf{Biblatex} \mymarginpar{\textbf{crossref}} uses the standard \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ cross-referencing mechanism, and has also introduced a modified one of its own (\textsf{xref}). The latter works as it always has, attempting to remedy some of the deficiencies of the traditional mechanism by ensuring that child entries will inherit no data at all from their parents. Section~2.4.1 of \textsf{biblatex.pdf} contains useful notes on managing cross-referenced entries, and section~3.15 explains some of the limitations of the traditional backends, which offer only a small subset of \textsf{Biber's} features. For the \textsf{crossref} field, when \textsf{Biber} is the backend, \textsf{biblatex} defines a series of inheritance rules which make it much more convenient to use. Appendix B of \textsf{biblatex.pdf} explains the defaults, to which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has added several that I should mention here: \textsf{incollection} entries can inherit from \textsf{book} and \textsf{mvbook} just as they do from \textsf{mvcollection} entries; \textsf{letter} entries inherit from \textsf{book}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{mvbook}, and \textsf{mvcollection} entries the same way an \textsf{inbook} or an \textsf{incollection} entry would; the \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{sortname}, \textsf{sorttitle}, and \textsf{sortyear} fields, all highly single-entry specific, are no longer inheritable; and \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields are not inheritable from any of the \textbf{mv*} entry types. \mylittlespace Aside from these inheritance questions, the other main function of the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} fields in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} is as a trigger for the provision of abbreviated entries in the list of references. The \emph{Manual} (15.42) specifies that if you cite several contributions to the same collection, all (including the collection itself) may be listed separately in the list, which the package does automatically, using the default inclusion threshold of 2 in the case both of \textsf{crossref}'ed and \textsf{xref}'ed entries. (The familiar \cmd{nocite} command may also help in some circumstances.) In the reference list an abbreviated form will be appropriate for all the child entries. The \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} package has always implemented these instructions, but only if you use a \textsf{crossref} or an \textsf{xref} field, and only in \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, or \textsf{letter} entries (on the last named, see just below). Recent releases have considerably extended this functionality. \mylittlespace First, I added five entry types --- \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{inbook}, and \textbf{proceedings} --- to the list of those which use shortened cross references, and I provided two options --- \texttt{longcrossref} and \texttt{booklongxref}, on which more below --- which you can use in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of an entry to enable or disable the automatic provision of abbreviated references. (The \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field are still necessary for this provision, but they are no longer sufficient on their own.) The \textsf{inbook} type works exactly like \textsf{incollection} or \textsf{inproceedings}; in previous releases, you could use \textsf{inbook} instead of \textsf{incollection} to avoid the automatic abbreviation, the two types being otherwise identical. Now that you can use an option to turn off abbreviated references even in the presence of a \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field, I have thought it sensible to include this entry type alongside the others. (Cf.\ ellet:galena, keating:dearborn, lippincott:chicago, and prairie:state to see this mechanism in action in the reference list.) \mylittlespace The inclusion of \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{collection}, and \textbf{proceedings} entries fulfills a request made by Kenneth L. Pearce, and allows you to obtain shortened references to, for example, separate volumes within a multi-volume work, or to different book-length works collected inside a single volume. Such references are not part of the \emph{Manual's} specification, but they are a logical extension of it, so the system of options for turning on this functionality behaves differently for these four entry types than for the other 4 (see below). In \textsf{dates-test.bib} you can get a feel for how this works by looking at bernhard:boris, bernhard:ritter, bernhard:themacher, harley:ancient:cart, harley:cartogra\-phy, and harley:hoc. \mylittlespace A published collection of letters requires a somewhat different treatment (15.40). In the author-date style, the \emph{Manual} discourages individual letters from appearing in the list of references at all, preferring that the \enquote{dates of individual correspondence should be woven into the text.} If you have special reason to do so, however, you can still present individual published letters there (using the \textsf{letter} entry type), and they too can use the system of shortened references just outlined, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't explicitly require it. As with \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, the use of a \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} field will activate this mechanism, assuming the preamble and entry options are set to enable it. (See white:ross:memo, white:russ, and white:total, for examples of the \textsf{xref} field in action in this way, and please note that the second of these entries is entirely fictitious, provided merely for the sake of example.) \mylittlespace These \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref}} options function, by default, asymmetrically. The first, \texttt{longcrossref}, generally controls the settings for the entry types more-or-less authorized by the \emph{Manual}: \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter}. \begin{description} \item[\qquad false:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in the four mentioned entry types, you'll get the abbreviated entries in the reference list. \item[\qquad true:] You'll get no abbreviated citations of these entry types in the reference list. \item[\qquad none:] This switch is special, allowing you with one setting to provide abbreviated citations not just of the four entry types mentioned but also of \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries. \item[\qquad notes, bib:] These two options are carried over from the notes \&\ bibliography style; here they are synonymous with \texttt{false} and \textsf{true}, respectively. \end{description} The \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref}} second option, \texttt{booklongxref}, controls the settings for \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries: \begin{description} \item[\qquad true:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in these entry types, by default you will \emph{not} get any abbreviated citations in the reference list. \item[\qquad false:] You'll get abbreviated citations in these entry types in the reference list. \item[\qquad notes, bib:] These two options are carried over from the notes \&\ bibliography style; here they are synonymous with \texttt{false} and \textsf{true}, respectively. \end{description} Please note that you can set both of these options either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries, allowing you to change the settings on an entry-by-entry basis. \mylittlespace Please further note that in previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} I recommended against using \textsf{shorthand}, \textsf{reprinttitle} and/or \textsf{userf} fields in combination with this abbreviated cross-referencing mechanism. I received, however a request from Alexandre Roberts to allow the shorthand to appear in the place of the abbreviated cross-reference as an additional space-saving measure, and one from Kenneth Pearce to permit the combination of the other two fields with \textsf{crossref}, as well. All three of these fields, in any combination, should just work in such circumstances in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}, though if you are using a list of shorthands then you may need to include \texttt{skipbiblist} in the \textsf{options} field of some entries to avoid duplicates. If you come across any problems or inaccuracies, please report them. \mylittlespace Finally, there is also an \texttt{xrefurl} option available to control the printing of \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} fields in abbreviated references where such information might otherwise never appear. See \texttt{xrefurl} in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}. \paragraph*{\protect\colmarginpar{\textbf{date}}} \label{sec:ad:date} Predictably, this is one of the key fields for the author-date styles, and one which, as a general rule, every .bib entry designed for this system ought to contain. So important is it, that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will, in most entry types, supply a missing \cmd{bibstring\{nodate\}} if there is no date otherwise provided (15.44), or if there is only a \textsf{urldate}, and that date is an access\colmarginpar{New!} date, i.e., there's no \textsf{userd} field (15.50). Citations will look like (Author, n.d.), and entries in the list of references will begin: Author, Firstname.\ n.d. This seems simple enough, but there are a surprising number of complications which require attention. \mylittlespace To start, in each entry, \textsf{Biber} attempts to find something which it can designate a \textsf{labeldate}, which will, in general and ideally, be the year printed both in citations and at the head of the entry in the list of references. The search for the \textsf{labeldate} is governed by instances of the declaration \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, which cannot be set on an entry-by-entry basis, but rather only in a document preamble (or in files used by \textsf{biblatex} or its styles, like \textsf{biblatex-chicago}). The declaration can set a different search order according to entry type, but other differentiations are not currently possible. In all cases, guided by the instructions given by the \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} instances, \textsf{Biber} will search each entry in the declared order, and the first match will provide the \textsf{labeldate}. Only when it finds no match at all will it fall back on \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+. (In the \textsf{misc} and \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} types this automatic provision is turned off, as such material may not be expected in many standard cases to have a usable date provided.) You can prevent the appearance of \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ throughout your document in all entry types with the option \texttt{nodates=false} when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in your preamble, or you can set it in the options field of individual entries. (See section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below.) \mylittlespace The thing to keep in mind is that \emph{only} for a \textsf{labelyear} will \textsf{biblatex} provide what it calls the \textsf{extradate} field, which means the alphabetical suffix (1978\textbf{a}) to differentiate entries with the same author and year. A style can print any year it wants in a citation, but only the \textsf{labelyear} comes equipped with an \textsf{extradate}. (It is also, by the way, the field that the sorting algorithm will use for ordering the list of references.) So the challenge, in a style wherein entries can contain more than one date, is to allow different dates to appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries, but to ensure that, as often as is possible, that date \emph{is} the \textsf{labeldate}. This sounds simple, but in practice it requires a series of options for date presentation, and multiple iterations of the \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} command. There are \emph{two} standard search orders set up by default: in \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, and \textsf{video} entries, the default order is \textsf{eventdate, origdate, date, urldate}, while in all other entry types the default is \textsf{date, eventdate, origdate, urldate}. I believe that these defaults work well for most reference lists, especially those that contain relatively few entries with multiple dates, but if they don't work for you then the following options can help. \mylittlespace In the case of \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, and \textsf{video} entries, the \texttt{avdate} (i.e., audio-visual date) option, set to \texttt{true} by default, can be set to \texttt{false} in your preamble to return these entry types to the general defaults. Please see the documentation of the entry types in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate} above for the details of how multiple dates will be treated in such entries, and also see \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. If you don't alter the \texttt{avdate} settings, the other settings I am about to describe won't apply to such entries. For the entry types not covered by the \texttt{avdate} option, the \emph{Manual} (15.40) presents a fairly simple scheme for when a particular entry has more than one date, but I have been unable to make its implementation quite as straightforward. If a reprinted book, say, has both a \textsf{date} of publication for the reprint edition and an \textsf{origdate} for the original edition, then by default \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will use the \textsf{date} in citations and at the head of the entry in the reference list. If you inform \textsf{biblatex-chicago} that the book is a reprint by putting the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, then a notice will be printed at the end of the entry saying \enquote{First published 1898.} With no \textsf{pubstate} field (and no \texttt{cmsdate} option), the algorithms will ignore the \textsf{origdate}. \mylittlespace If, \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}\\\emph{in entry}} for any reason, you wish the \textsf{origdate} to appear at the head of the entry, then your first option is to use the \texttt{cmsdate} toggle in the \textsf{options} field of the entry itself. This has 3 possible states relevant to this context, though there is a fourth state (\texttt{full}) which I shall discuss below: \begin{enumerate} \item \texttt{cmsdate=both} prints both the \textsf{origdate} and the \textsf{date}, using the \emph{Manual's}\ standard format: (Author [1898] 1952) in parenthetical citations, Author (1898) 1952 outside parentheses, e.g., in the reference list. \item \texttt{cmsdate=off} is the default, discussed above: (Author 1952). \item \texttt{cmsdate=on} prints the \textsf{origdate} at the head of the entry in the list of references and in citations: (Author 1898). NB: The \emph{Manual} no longer includes this among the approved options. If you want to present the \textsf{origdate} at the head of an entry, then generally speaking you should probably use \texttt{cmsdate=both}. I have nevertheless retained this option for certain cases where it has proved useful. The obsolete options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} work like \texttt{both}. \end{enumerate} In the first and third cases, if you put the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, then the publication data in the list of references will include a notice, formatted according to the specifications, that the modern edition is a reprint. In the third case, since the \textsf{date} hasn't yet been printed, this publication data will also include the date of the modern reprint. \mylittlespace Let us imagine, however, that your list of references contains another book by the same author, also a reprint edition: (Author [1896] 1974). How will these two works be ordered in the list of references? By the \textsf{labelyear}, in this case the \textsf{year} field, which appears first in the default definition (\textsf{date, eventdate, origdate, urldate}) of \cmd{DeclareLabel\-date}, and which in this case will be wrong, because the entries should always be ordered by the \emph{first} date to appear there, in this case the contents of \textsf{origdate}. In this example, the solution can be as simple as a \textsf{sortyear} field set to something earlier than the date of the other work, e.g., \texttt{1951}. \mylittlespace And if the reprint dates --- in the \textsf{date} field --- of the two works were the same? Just as when it is ordering entries, \textsf{biblatex} will always first process the contents of the \textsf{labelyear} field when it is deciding whether to add the \textsf{extradate} alphabetical suffix (\texttt{a,b,c} etc.)\ to the year to distinguish different works by the same author published in the same year. Our current hypothetical examples would look like this: ([1896] 1974a) and ([1898] 1974b), with the suffixes unnecessary, strictly-speaking, either for ordering or for disambiguating the entries. If the original publication dates --- in the \textsf{origdate} field --- are the same, and the reprint dates different, you may prefer citations of the two works to read, e.g., (Author [1898a] 1952) and (Author [1898b] 1974), when they in fact read (Author [1898] 1952) and (Author [1898] 1974). These latter forms aren't ambiguous, and even if the reprints themselves appeared in the same year then the alphabetical suffix would appear attached to the \textsf{date} --- (Author [1898] 1974a) and (Author [1898] 1974b) --- again avoiding ambiguity. \mylittlespace The \emph{Manual} doesn't give clear instructions for how to cope with these situations, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} provides help. You can't manually put the alphabetical suffix on an \textsf{origdate} yourself because that field only accepts numerical data. Instead, we can choose between two solutions. The old way \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}\\\emph{in entry} \\+ \texttt{switchdates}} is an unusual expedient, which amounts to switching the two date fields, placing the earlier date in \textsf{date} and the later one in \textsf{origdate}. The style tests for this condition using a simple arithmetical comparison between the two years, then prints the two dates according to the state of the \texttt{cmsdate} toggle. The three relevant states of this toggle are the same as before, but there are only two possible outcomes, as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item \texttt{cmsdate=off} (the default) and \texttt{cmsdate=on} \emph{both} print the \textsf{date} at the head of the entry in the list of references and in citations: (Author 1898a), (Author 1898b). As noted above, this style is no longer recommended by the \emph{Manual}, but may still be useful in some cases. \item \texttt{cmsdate=both} prints both the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate}, using the \emph{Manual's}\ preferred format: (Author [1898a] 1952), (Author [1898b] 1974). The obsolete options \texttt{old} and \texttt{new} are synonyms for this. \end{enumerate} If, for some reason, the automatic switching of the dates cannot be achieved, perhaps in crossref'd \textsf{letter} entries that you really want to have in your list of references (white:ross:\break memo, white:russ), or perhaps in a reprint edition that hasn't yet appeared in print (preventing the comparison between a year and the word \enquote{forthcoming}), then you can use the per-entry option \texttt{switchdates} in the \textsf{options} field to achieve the required effects. \mylittlespace The more \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}\\\emph{in preamble}} drastic method of simplifying the creation of databases with a great many multi-date entries is to use the \texttt{cmsdate} option \emph{in the preamble}. Despite warnings in previous releases, users had plainly already been setting this option in their preambles, so I thought I might at least attempt to make it work as \enquote{correctly} as I can. The switches for this option are the same as for the entry-only option, that is: \begin{enumerate} \item \texttt{cmsdate=off} is the default: (Author 1952). \item \texttt{cmsdate=both} prints both the \textsf{origdate} and the \textsf{date}, using the \emph{Manual's}\ standard format: (Author [1898] 1952) in parenthetical citations, Author (1898) 1952 outside parentheses, e.g., in the reference list. \item \texttt{cmsdate=on} prints the \textsf{origdate} at the head of the entry in the list of references and in citations: (Author 1898). NB: The \emph{Manual} no longer includes this among the approved options. If you want to present the \textsf{origdate} at the head of an entry, then generally speaking you should probably use \texttt{cmsdate=both}. I have nevertheless retained this option for certain cases where it might proved useful. The obsolete options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} work like \texttt{both}. \end{enumerate} The important change for the user is that, when you set this option in your preamble to \texttt{on} or \texttt{both} (or to the obsolete synonyms for the latter, \texttt{new} or \texttt{old}), then \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will change the default \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} definition so that the \textsf{labelyear} search order will be \textsf{origdate, date, eventdate, urldate}. This means that for entry types not covered by the \texttt{avdate} option, and for those types as well if you turn off that option, the \textsf{labelyear} will, in any entry containing an \textsf{origdate}, be that very date. If you want \emph{every} such entry to present its \textsf{origdate} in citations and at the head of reference list entries, then setting the option this way makes sense, as you should automatically get the proper \textsf{extradate} and the correct sorting, without having to switch dates around counter-intuitively in your .bib file. A few clarifications may yet be in order. \mylittlespace Obviously, any entry with only a \textsf{date} should behave as usual. Also, since \textsf{patent} entries have fairly specialized needs, I have exempted them from this change to \cmd{DeclareLa\-beldate}. Third, the per-entry \texttt{cmsdate} options will still affect which dates are printed in citations and at the head of reference list entries, but they cannot change the search order for the \textsf{labeldate}. This will be fixed by the preamble option. Fourth, if you have been used to switching the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate} to get the correct results, then you should be aware that this mechanism may actually still be useful when using the \texttt{on} switch to \texttt{cmsdate} in the preamble, but it produces incorrect results when the \texttt{cmsdate} option is \texttt{both} in the preamble and the individual entry. The preamble option is designed to make the need for this switching as rare as possible, so some editing of existing databases may be necessary. \mylittlespace Finally, Bertold Schweitzer has brought to my attention certain difficult corner cases involving cross-referenced works with more than one date. In order to facilitate the accurate presentation of such sources, I made a slight change to the way the entry-only \texttt{cmsdate=on} and \texttt{cmsdate=both} work. If, and only if, a work has only one date, and there is no \texttt{switchdates} in the \textsf{options} field, then \texttt{cmsdate=on} and \texttt{cmsdate=both} will both result in the suppression of the \textsf{extradate} field in that entry, that is, the year will no longer be printed with its following lowercase letter used to distinguish works by the same \textsf{author} published in the same year. Obviously, if the same options are set in the preamble, this behavior is turned off, so that single-date entries will still work properly without manual intervention. \mylittlespace Up\colmarginpar{\textsc{iso}8601-2\\Extended\\Format} to this point, the discussion of the \textsf{date} field has in fact presented no substantive alterations to the way it behaved in previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago.} With this release, however, I have implemented all of the applicable parts of \textsf{biblatex's} elegant, and long standing, support for the \textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specification, which means the package now provides greatly enhanced possibilities for presenting uncertain and unspecified dates and date ranges, along with date eras, seasons, and time stamps. I have also implemented the \emph{Manual's} (9.64) guidelines for compressing year ranges, as well as providing a few more extras to help with some of the other tricky corners of the \emph{Manual's} instructions. A combination of \textsf{biblatex} and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} package options allows you to define when, how, and where any of these extended specifications will appear in your documents. I have attempted to provide as compliant a set of defaults as possible in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, but you can alter any of them according to your needs. All are documented in section~\ref{sec:opts:authdate}, below, but table~\ref{ad:date:extras} purports to serve as a convenient reference guide to how this all works. \afterpage{\clearpage \begin{table}[h!] \hspace*{-2.5em} \begin{threeparttable} \caption[\hspace{-1em}\mycolor{Enhanced Date Specifications}] {Enhanced Date Specifications in biblatex-chicago} \begin{tabularx}{140mm}{@{}>{\ttfamily}llX@{}} \toprule \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Date Specification} & \multicolumn{2}{H}{Formatted Date (Examples use \texttt{american} localization)\tnote{\textmd{a}}} \\ \cmidrule(l){2-3} & \multicolumn{1}{H}{Output Format} & \multicolumn{1}{H}{Output Format Notes} \\ \cmidrule{1-1}\cmidrule(l){2-2}\cmidrule(l){3-3} 1723? & [1723?]\tnote{b} & \texttt{dateuncertain=true} set by default\\ 1723\textasciitilde & [ca. 1723]\tnote{b} & \texttt{datecirca=true} set by default\\ 1723\% & [ca. 1723?]\tnote{b} & Both \textsf{biblatex} options \texttt{true} by default, as above\\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] 2016-05-24T15:34:00 & May 2, 2016, 3:34 p.m.\tnote{c} & \texttt{alltimes=12h} set by default \\ 2016-05-24T15:34:00 & May 2, 2016, 15:34\tnote{c} & \texttt{urltime=24h} set by default \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] -0876 & 877 BC & \texttt{dateera=christian} set in your preamble\\ -0876/-0866 & 877--867 BC & \\ 0876 & AD 876\tnote{d} & \texttt{dateeraauto=1000} also in preamble\\ -0876/0866 & 877 BC--AD 866 & \\ 0866/0876 & AD 866--76 & Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}}, below\\ 0343-02-03 & February 3, AD 343 & \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] -0876 & 877 BCE & \texttt{dateera=secular}, \texttt{dateeraauto=1000}\\ -0876/-0866 & 877--867 BCE & \\ 0876 & 876 CE & \\ -0876/0866 & 877 BCE--866 CE & \\ 0866/0876 & 866--76 CE & Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}}, below\\ 0343-02-03 & February 3, 343 CE & \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] 195X & 1950s\tnote{e,f} & Chicago option \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange=true}} gets you 1950--59 \\ 19XX & 20th c.\tnote{f} & Chicago option \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange=true}} gets you 1900--1999; \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange=true}} does the same for this and the previous entry \\\addlinespace[.8mm] \cmidrule(r{2em}){1-1}\addlinespace[.8mm] 2004-22 & Summer 2004 & \\ 1908/1912 & 1908--12\tnote{g} & Chicago option \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears=true}} set by default \\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \def\TPTnoteSettings{% \setlength\leftmargin{1.5em}% \setlength\labelwidth{.5em}% \setlength\labelsep{.2em}% \footnotesize \rightskip\tabcolsep \leftskip\tabcolsep}% \begin{tablenotes} \item[a] In other languages both the strings and their placement with respect to the year can and will differ. \item[b] The two Chicago options \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}} and \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}} can remove the brackets around the year in this context, though please note that they work quite differently in the notes \&\ bibliography and author-date styles. Please see their documentation in sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:authuseropts}, respectively. \item[c] Any time stamp that is part of a \textsf{urldate} will appear in any entry type, though you can prevent this by setting \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp=false}}. Time stamps in \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields will appear only in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, as well as in all \textsf{online}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries. Such data in \textsf{eventdate} fields will appear only in \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries. For timezones the four \textsf{timezone} fields allow you to present Chicago's preferred initialisms (\enquote{PST}). The \texttt{timezones} option is \texttt{true} by default. By contrast, the \texttt{seconds} option is not set by default, though you still need to include the seconds, as above, for \textsf{biber} to process the time stamp. \item[d] The \texttt{annodomini} string appears before the year \emph{only} in documents in some variant of English. \item[e] When the decade string would be ambiguous --- \enquote{1900s} --- the style prints \enquote{1900--1909} instead. \item[f] For decades and centuries, the current state of the \textsf{biber} code cannot process dates BCE / BC. \item[g] The Chicago rules for year-range compression differ from its rules for page-range compression (9.61 \&\ 9.64). Dates BCE~/ BC are never compressed. You must have loaded \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} for the compression code to be available. \end{tablenotes} \vspace*{2em} \label{ad:date:extras} \end{threeparttable} \end{table}} \mylittlespace There are several more general remarks about the \textsf{date} field that may be helpful to users of the author-date styles. First, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the extended date specifications, as in many cases they will greatly simplify the creation of your .bib databases. A \textsf{date} field like \verb+{1957?}+ in clark:mesopot not only lets the package provide the appropriate square brackets for you, it also means that the \textsf{year} field in the .bbl file sorts just as it should, and can be tested numerically for its relation to other date years in the entry. A \textsf{year} field like \verb+{[1957?]}+ in the .bib database produces a field in the .bbl that neither sorts nor can be numerically tested. The same holds for a compressed year range, as in tillich:system. With \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}} set to \texttt{true} by default, a \textsf{date} field like \verb+{1951/1963}+ lets the package decide what compression is correct, and provides \textsf{year} and \textsf{endyear} fields that sort and compare numerically for both \textsf{switchdates} and \textsf{extradate} tests. Clearly, situations may still arise when a specially-crafted \textsf{year} or \textsf{origyear} field may be necessary, but if you can use the enhanced specifications then I strongly advocate doing so. \mylittlespace One\colmarginpar{\textsf{verbc}} possible drawback is that using these facilities makes a great many more dates available to the \textsf{extradate} mechanism which, it turns out, is something of a mixed blessing. The \emph{Manual} isn't entirely forthcoming about what to do in the (vanishingly rare) case that two works by the same \textsf{author} have the same uncertain \textsf{date}. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} will print the \textsf{extradate} in such situations, so that you could have \texttt{[1957?]a} followed by \texttt{[ca.~1957]b}, which may not be exactly right, nor exactly what you want. Here, the new \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field can help --- giving the two entries different values of this field will prevent the \textsf{extradate} from appearing. Please see the documentation of the \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field below for all the details. \mylittlespace Second, for most entry types, only a year is really necessary, and in most situations only the year --- or year range --- will be printed in text citations and at the head of entries in the list of references. More specific \textsf{date} fields are often present, however, in an unpredictably broad range of entries. In a change to previous practice, a \textsf{date} with a year, month, and day will, even if the year appears at the head of the entry, be repeated in full later in the entry, while if there's only a month (or a season) and a year the month (or season) alone will follow. Also new is the presentation of time stamps, which you can easily provide in your \textsf{date} fields (see examples and usage notes in table~\ref{ad:date:extras}). These finer-grained specifications are really only necessary for news stories that are frequently updated \enquote{as they unfold} (14.191), or for online posts, particularly comments, that may need a time stamp for disambiguation. If you wish to specify the time zone, the \emph{Manual} (10.41) prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} or \enquote{PDT,} and these are most easily provided using the \mycolor{\texttt{timezone}} field, where you can include your own parentheses if so desired (cp.\ 14.191). If you follow the recommendations of the \emph{Manual} and present newspaper and magazine articles \enquote{entirely within the text} (15.49), then the citations need to contain the complete \textsf{date} (and possible time stamp) along with the \textsf{journaltitle}. Placing \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate=full}} \texttt{cmsdate=full} (and \texttt{skipbib}) in the \textsf{options} field of an \textsf{article} or a \textsf{review} entry, alongside a possible \texttt{useauthor=false}, should allow you to achieve this. For online comments in \textsf{online} or \textsf{review} entries this presentation is the default when you use the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}. (See the documentation of those two types in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, as well as \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}.) While we're on this subject, the \emph{Manual} is flexible (in both specifications) on abbreviating the names of months (14.171). By default, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} uses the full names, which you can change by setting the option \texttt{dateabbrev=true} in the preamble. (Cf.\ ac:comment, assocpress:gun, barcott:review, batson, creel:house, friends:leia, holiday:fool, nass:address, petroff:impurity, powell:e\-mail.) \mylittlespace Third, in the \textsf{misc} entry type the \textsf{date} field can help to distinguish between two classes of archival material, letters and \enquote{letter-like} sources using \textsf{origdate} while others (interviews, wills, contracts) use \textsf{date}. (See \textsf{misc} in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate} for the details.) If such an entry, as may well occur, contains only an \textsf{origdate}, as can also be the case in \textsf{letter} entries, then \textsf{Biber} and either \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} definition will make it work without further intervention. Fourth, you can in most entry types qualify a \textsf{date} with the \textsf{userd} field, assuming that the entry contains no \textsf{urldate}. For \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, there are several other requirements --- please see the documentation of \textsf{userd}, below. Fifth, and finally, please note that the \textsf{nameaddon} field, which see, is no longer the place for time stamps, as it was in the 16th-edition styles. Any such data there should be moved into the corresponding date field (either the \textsf{date} or the \textsf{eventdate}, typically). \mylittlespace I recommend that you have a look through \textsf{dates-test.bib} to see how all these complications will affect the construction of your .bib database, especially at the following entries: aristotle:metaphy:gr, creel:house, emerson:nature, james:ambassadors, maitland:canon, maitland:equity, schweitzer:bach, spock:interview, white:ross:memo, and white:russ. Cf.\ also \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{timezone}, \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}}, and \textsf{year}, below; the \texttt{alldates}, \texttt{alltimes}, \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange}}, \texttt{cmsdate}, \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}}, \texttt{datecirca}, \texttt{dateera}, \texttt{dateera\-auto}, \texttt{dateuncertain}, \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}}, \texttt{nodates}, \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}},\break \texttt{switchdates}, \texttt{timezones}, \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}}, and \texttt{urltime} options in sections~\ref{sec:preset:authdate}, \ref{sec:authuseropts}, and \ref{sec:authentryopts}; and section~4.5.10 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}, and section \ref{sec:authformopts}, below, for the \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} command. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{day}} field, as of \textsf{biblatex} 0.9, is obsolete, and will be ignored if you use it in your .bib files. Use \textsf{date} instead. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{doi}} \textsf{biblatex} field, providing the Digital Object Identifier of the work. The \emph{Manual} specifies that, given their relative permanence compared to URLs, \enquote{authors should prefer a DOI- or Handle-based URL whenever one is available} (14.8). (14.175; friedman:learning). Cf.\ \textsf{url}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{edition}} \textsf{biblatex} field. If you enter a plain cardinal number, \textsf{biblatex} will convert it to an ordinal (chicago:manual), followed by the appropriate string. Any other sort of edition information will be printed as is, though if your data begins with a word (or abbreviation) that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word (or abbreviation) is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically do the right thing (babb:peru, times:guide). In most situations, the \emph{Manual} generally recommends the use of abbreviations in the list of references, but there is room for the user's discretion in specific citations (emerson:nature). \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{editor}} far as possible, I have implemented this field as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, but the requirements specified by the \emph{Manual} present certain complications that need explaining. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} points out that the \textsf{editor} field will be associated with a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{booktitle}, or a \textsf{maintitle}, depending on the sort of entry. More specifically, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} associates the \textsf{editor} with the most comprehensive of those titles, that is, \textsf{maintitle} if there is one, otherwise \textsf{booktitle}, otherwise \textsf{title}, if the other two are lacking. In a large number of cases, this is exactly the correct behavior (adorno:benj, centinel:letters, plato:republic:gr, among others). Predictably, however, there are numerous cases that require, for example, an additional editor for one part of a collection or for one volume of a multi-volume work. For these cases I have provided the \textsf{namea} field. You should format names for this field as you would for \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor}, and these names will always be associated with the \textsf{title} (donne:var). \mylittlespace As you will see below, I have also provided a \textsf{nameb} field, which holds the translator of a given \textsf{title} (euripides:orestes). If \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} are the same, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will concatenate them, just as \textsf{biblatex} already does for \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (i.e., the compiler). Furthermore, it is conceivable that a given entry will need separate editors for each of the three sorts of title. For this, and for various other tricky situations, there is the \cmd{partedit} macro (and its siblings), designed to be used in a \textsf{note} field, in one of the \textsf{titleaddon} fields, or even in a \textsf{number} field (howell:marriage). (Because the strings identifying an editor differ in notes and bibliography, one can't simply write them out in such a field when using the notes \&\ bibliography style, but you can certainly do so in the author-date styles, if you wish. Using the macros will make your .bib file more portable across both Chicago specifications, and also across multiple languages, but they are otherwise unnecessary. Cf. section~\ref{sec:international}, and also \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{namec}, and \textsf{translator}.) \mybigspace \textsf{Biblatex} \mymarginpar{\textbf{editora\\editorb\\editorc}} provides these fields as a means to specify additional contributors to texts in a number of editorial roles. In the Chicago styles they seem most relevant for the audiovisual types, especially \textsf{music} and \textsf{video}, and now also the \mycolor{\textsf{performance}} type, in all of which they help to identify conductors, directors, producers, and performers. To specify the role, use the fields \textsf{editoratype}, \textsf{editorbtype}, and \textsf{editorctype}, which see. (Cf.\ bernstein:shostakovich, hamilton:miranda, handel:messiah.) \mybigspace Normally, \colmarginpar{\textbf{editortype}} with the exception of the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} types with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically find a name to put at the head of an entry, starting with an \textsf{author}, and proceeding in order through \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (the compiler). If all six are missing, then the \textsf{title} will be placed at the head. (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, a missing \textsf{author} immediately prompts the use of \textsf{journaltitle} at the head of an entry. See above under \textsf{article} for details.) The \textsf{editortype} field provides even greater flexibility, allowing you to choose from a variety of editorial roles while only using the \textsf{editor} field. You can do this even though an author is named (eliot:pound shows this mechanism in action for a standard editor, rather than for some other role). Two things are necessary for this to happen. First, in the \textsf{options} field you need to set \texttt{useauthor=false} (if there is an \textsf{author}), then you need to put the name you wish to see at the head of your entry into the \textsf{editor} or the \textsf{namea} field. If the \enquote{\textsf{editor}} is in fact, e.g., a compiler, then you need to put \texttt{compiler} into the \textsf{editortype} field, and \textsf{biblatex} will print the correct string after the name in the list of references. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{New!} previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} you could only use defined \cmd{bibstrings} in this field, at least if you wanted anything printed. N.~Andrew Walsh pointed out that the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles will just print the field as-is in this case, allowing them to handle a great many unforeseen editorial roles with comparative ease, so I've implemented this, too, making sure to capitalize the string if the context demands it. The string you choose will differ depending on whether it will be printed after a name at the head of an entry or before a name later on in the entry, e.g., \enquote{cartographer} or \enquote{maps created by.} A bit of trial and error should see you through. \mylittlespace There are a few details of which you need to be aware. Because \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has added the \textsf{namea} field, which gives you the ability to identify the editor specifically of a \textsf{title} as opposed to a \textsf{maintitle} or a \textsf{booktitle}, the \textsf{editortype} mechanism checks first to see whether a \textsf{namea} is defined. If it is, that name will be used at the head of the entry, if it isn't , or if you've set the option \texttt{usenamea=false}, it will go ahead and look for an \textsf{editor}. The \textsf{editortype} field applies only to the \textsf{editor}, but you can use \textsf{nameatype} to modify \textsf{namea}. \textsf{Biblatex}'s sorting algorithms, and also its \textsf{labelname} mechanism, should both work properly no matter sort of name you provide, thanks to \textsf{Biber} and the (default) Chicago-specific definitions of \cmd{DeclareLabelname} and \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate}. (Cf.\ section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, below). Please be aware that if you want a shortened form to appear in citations then there's only the \textsf{shorteditor}, which you should ensure presents whichever of the two editors' names (\textsf{namea} or \textsf{editor}) appears at the head of the reference-list entry. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace In \textsf{biblatex} 0.9 Lehman reworked the string concatenation mechanism, for reasons he outlines in his RELEASE file, and I have followed his lead. In short, if you define the \textsf{editortype} field, then concatenation is turned off, even if the name of the \textsf{editor} matches, for example, that of the \textsf{translator}. In the absence of an \textsf{editortype} (or \textsf{nameatype}), the usual mechanisms remain in place, that is, if the \textsf{editor} exactly matches a \textsf{translator} and/or a \textsf{namec}, or alternatively if \textsf{namea} exactly matches a \textsf{nameb} and/or a \textsf{namec}, then \textsf{biblatex} will print the appropriate strings. The \emph{Manual} specifically (15.7) recommends not using these identifying strings in citations, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} follows that recommendation. If you nevertheless need to provide such a string, you'll have to do it manually in the \textsf{shorteditor} field, or perhaps, in a different sort of entry, in a \textsf{shortauthor} field. \mylittlespace It may also be worth noting that because of certain requirements in the specification -- absence of an \textsf{author}, for example -- the \texttt{useauthor=false} mechanism is either unnecessary or won't work properly in the following entry types: \textsf{collection}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{proceedings}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{suppbook}, \textsf{suppcollection}, and \textsf{suppperiodical}. \mybigspace These \colmarginpar{\textbf{editoratype\\editorbtype\\editorctype}} fields identify the exact role of the person named in the corresponding \textsf{editor[a-c]} field, just as \textsf{editortype} (q.v.) does for the \textsf{editor}. Note that they are not part of the string concatenation mechanism. I have implemented them just as the standard styles do, that is, if the field isn't a pre-defined \cmd{bibstring} it will be printed as-is, contextually capitalized. They have found a use particularly in \textsf{music}, \mycolor{\textsf{performance}}, and \textsf{video} entries. Cf.\ bernstein:shostakovich, hamilton:miranda, and handel:messiah. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{eid}} \textsf{biblatex} field, providing a string or number some journals use uniquely to identify a particular article. Only applicable to the \textsf{article} entry type, and only to those without a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}. The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} now specifies where to print this (14.174), and I have moved it in accordance with its specifications. It replaces the \textsf{pages} field in the list of references. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{entrysubtype}}} \label{sec:ad:entrysubtype} Standard and very powerful \textsf{biblatex} field, left undefined by the standard styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} it has seven very specific uses, the first three of which I have designed in order to maintain, as much as possible, backward compatibility with the standard styles. First, in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entries, the field allows you to differentiate between scholarly \enquote{journals,} on the one hand, and \enquote{magazines} and \enquote{newspapers} on the other. Usage is fairly simple: you need to put the exact string \texttt{magazine} into the \textsf{entrysubtype} field if you are citing one of the latter two types of source, whereas if your source is a \enquote{journal,} then you need do nothing. \mylittlespace The second use involves references to works from classical antiquity and, according to the \emph{Manual}, from the Middle Ages, as well. When you cite such a work using the traditional divisions into books, sections, lines, etc., divisions which are presumed to be the same across all editions, then you need to put the exact string \texttt{classical} into the \textsf{entrysubtype} field. This has no effect in the list of references, which will still present the particular edition you are using, but it does affect the formatting of in-text citations, in two ways. First, it suppresses some of the punctuation. Second, and more importantly, it suppresses the \textsf{date} field in favor of the \textsf{title}, so that citations look like (Aristotle \emph{Metaphysics} 3.2.996b5--8) instead of (Aristotle 1997, 3.2.996b5--8). This mechanism may also prove useful in \textsf{misc} entries for citations from the Bible or other sacred texts (cf.\ genesis), and for citing archival collections (house:papers), where it produces citations of the form (House Papers). (Cf.\ the next but one paragraph.) \mylittlespace If you wish to reference a classical or medieval work by the page numbers of a particular, non-standard edition, then you shouldn't use the \texttt{classical} \textsf{entrysubtype} toggle. Also, and the specification is reasonably clear about this, works from the Renaissance and later, even if cited by the traditional divisions, seem to have citations formatted normally, and therefore don't need an \textsf{entrysubtype} field. (See \emph{Manual} 14.242--54; aristotle:metaphy:gr, plato:republic:gr; euripides:orestes is an example of a translation cited by page number in a modern edition.) \mylittlespace The third use of the \textsf{entrysubtype} field occurs in \textsf{misc} entries. If such an entry contains no such field, then the citation will be treated just as the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles would, including the use of italics for the \textsf{title}. Any string at all in \textsf{entrysubtype} tells \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to treat the source as part of an unpublished archive. Please see section~\ref{sec:types:authdate} above under \textbf{misc} for all the details on how these citations work. \mylittlespace Fourth, the field can be defined in the \textsf{artwork} entry type in order to refer to a work from antiquity whose title you do not wish to be italicized. Please see the documentation of \textsf{artwork} above for the details. Fifth, you can define it in an \textbf{audio}, \textbf{music}, or \textbf{video} entry if such an entry refers to an individual unit that isn't part of any larger collection, the entry therefore having only a \textsf{title} and not a \textsf{booktitle}, a \textsf{title} that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} would normally interpret as the title of a larger unit (and therefore italicize). Sixth, and sticking with the \textbf{video} type, though enacting quite a different syntactic transformation, the 17th edition (14.265) now recommends that, when presenting episodes from a TV series, the name of the series (\textsf{booktitle}) comes before the episode name (\textsf{title}). The exact string \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} in the \textsf{entrysubtype} field achieves this reversal, which includes using the \textsf{booktitle} as a \textsf{sorttitle} in the list of references. \mylittlespace Seventh, and finally, you can use any \textsf{entrysubtype} whatever in \textsf{inreference} entries in order to treat them as inherently online works rather than standard published works. See the documentation of \textbf{online} and \textbf{inreference} entries in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above, and also 14.233 and wikiped:bibtex. \mybigspace Kazuo \mymarginpar{\textbf{eprint}\\\textbf{eprintclass}\\\textbf{eprinttype}} Teramoto suggested adding \textsf{biblatex's} excellent \textsf{eprint} handling to \textsf{biblatex-chica\-go}, and he sent me a patch implementing it. I have applied it, with minor alterations, so these three fields work more or less as they do in standard \textsf{biblatex}. They may prove helpful in providing more abbreviated references to online content than conventional URLs, though I can find no specific reference to them in the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventdate}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field which has gradually accumulated functions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It can now play a role in \mycolor{\textsf{artwork}}, \mycolor{\textsf{audio}}, \mycolor{\textsf{image}}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, \textsf{unpublished}, and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries it identifies the publication date of, most frequently, a photograph, in association with the \textsf{howpublished} field which identifies the periodical or other medium in which it was published (mccurry:afghangirl). In \textsf{standard} entries it will also usually be associated with a \textsf{howpublished} field, allowing you to specify a later renewal or reaffirmation of a standard (niso:bibref). In \textsf{audio} entries, it specifies the release date of a single episode of a podcast (danforth:podcast). In \textsf{music} entries, it identifies the recording or performance date of a particular song (rather than of a whole disc, for which you would use \textsf{origdate}), whereas in \textsf{video} entries it identifies either the original broadcast date of a particular episode of a TV series or the date of a filmed musical performance. In both these cases \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically prepend a bibstring --- \texttt{recorded} and \texttt{aired}, respectively --- to the date, but you can change this string using the \textsf{userd} field, something you'll definitely want to do for filmed musical performances (friends:leia, handel:messiah, holiday:fool). \mylittlespace In \textsf{unpublished} entries it identifies the date of an event at which an unpublished work was presented, though in truth the \textsf{date} will do as well here (nass:address). The field's use in \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, finally, includes a possible time stamp. In this context, an \textsf{eventdate} helps to identify a particular comment on, or reply to another comment on, a blog post. Given that many such posts by a single \textsf{author} could appear on the same day, you can distinguish them by putting a time specification in the \textsf{eventdate} field itself (ac:comment). Please see the \textbf{review} type, above, for the details of how to cite these materials, possibly with the help of the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}. See also the \textsf{date} field docs above, in particular table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, for\colmarginpar{New!} details on how the \mycolor{\textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specifications} offered by \textsf{biblatex}, including time stamps and much else besides, have been implemented in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. \mylittlespace In the default configuration of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, dates for citations and for the head of reference list entries are searched for in the order \textsf{date, eventdate, origdate, urldate}. This suits the Chicago author-date styles very well, except for \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries the general rule is to emphasize the earliest date, whether that be, for example, the recording date or original release date (15.57). The other three types have special requirements that once again necessitate putting the \textsf{eventdate} at the head of the queue. For these five entry types, then, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} uses the order \textsf{eventdate, origdate, date, urldate}. (See the \texttt{avdate} option in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below.) \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{eventtimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{eventdate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{foreword}} with the \textsf{afterword} field above, \textsf{foreword} will in general function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Like \textsf{afterword} (and \textsf{introduction}), however, it has a special meaning in a \textsf{suppbook} entry, where you simply need to define it somehow (and leave \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{introduction} undefined) to make a foreword the focus of a citation. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{holder}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field for identifying a \textsf{patent}'s holder(s), if they differ from the \textsf{author}. The \emph{Manual} has nothing to say on the subject, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago} prints it (them), in parentheses, just after the author(s). \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{howpublished}} \textsf{biblatex} field which, like the \textsf{eventdate} field, is gradually accumulating functions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. In the \textsf{booklet} type it retains something of its traditional usage, replacing the \textsf{publisher}, and has a similar (somewhat paradoxical) place in \textsf{unpublished} entries. In the \textsf{misc} and \mycolor{\textsf{performance}} types it works almost as a second \textsf{note} field, bringing in extra information about a work in close association with the \textsf{type} and \textsf{version} fields, while the \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entry type associates it both with those two fields and with the \textsf{number} field. 17th-edition \textsf{music} entries require a field to provide the medium of downloaded music and/or the name of the streaming service, so \textsf{howpublished} works there as an online double of \textsf{type} and of \textsf{publisher}. Finally, in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{image}, and \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries it serves to qualify or modify an \textsf{eventdate}, almost as a \textsf{userd} field modifies a \textsf{date} or \textsf{urldate}. Please see the docs of those entry types for more information, and also bedford:photo, clark:mesopot, mccurry:afghangirl, niso:bibref, rihanna:umbrella. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{institution}} \textsf{biblatex} field. In the \textsf{thesis} entry type, it will usually identify the university for which the thesis was written, while in a \textsf{report} entry it may identify any sort of institution issuing the report. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{introduction}} with the \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{foreword} fields above, \textsf{introduction} will in general function as it does in standard \textsf{biblatex}. Like those fields, however, it has a special meaning in a \textsf{suppbook} entry, where you simply need to define it somehow (and leave \textsf{afterword} and \textsf{foreword} undefined) to make an introduction the focus of a citation. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{isbn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Book Number of a publication. Not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{isrn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Technical Report Number of a report. Only relevant to the \textsf{report} entry type, and not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issn}} \textsf{biblatex} field, for providing the International Standard Serial Number of a periodical in an \textsf{article} or a \textsf{periodical} entry. Not typically required by the \emph{Manual}. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issue}} \textsf{biblatex} field, designed for \textsf{article} or \textsf{periodical} entries identified by something like \enquote{Spring} or \enquote{Summer} rather than by the usual \textsf{month} or \textsf{number} fields (brown:bre\-mer). \textsf{Biblatex's} enhanced date handling allows you to specify a season in the \textsf{date} field, with the \enquote{months} 21--24 used for Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, respectively. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, above. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{issuesubtitle}} subtitle for an \textsf{issuetitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{issuetitle}} \textsf{biblatex} field, intended to contain the title of a special issue of any sort of periodical. If the reference is to one article within the special issue, then this field should be used in an \textsf{article} entry (conley:fifthgrade), whereas if you are citing the entire issue as a whole, then it would go in a \textsf{periodical} entry, instead (good:wholeissue). The \textsf{note} field is the proper place to identify the type of issue, e.g.,\ \texttt{special issue}, with the initial letter lower-cased to enable automatic contextual capitalization. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{journalsubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{journaltitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{journaltitle}} \textsf{biblatex} field, replacing the standard \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{journal}, which, however, still works as an alias. It contains the name of any sort of periodical publication, and is found in the \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entry types. In the case where a piece in an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} (\textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}) doesn't have an author, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides for this field to be used as the author. See above (section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}) under \textbf{article} for details. The lakeforester:pushcarts and nyt:trevorobit entries in \textsf{dates-test.bib} will give you some idea of how this works. Please note there is a \textsf{shortjournal} field which you can use to abbreviate the \textsf{journaltitle} in citations and/or in the reference list, and you can also use it to print a list of journal abbreviations. Cf.\ the \textsf{shortjournal} documentation below. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{keywords}} field is \textsf{biblatex}'s powerful and flexible technique for filtering entries in a list of references, allowing you to subdivide it according to just about any criteria you care to invent, or indeed to prevent entries in citations from appearing in reference list, as the \emph{Manual} sometimes recommends. See \textsf{biblatex.pdf} (3.7) for thorough documentation. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{language}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, designed to allow you to specify the language(s) in which a work is written. As a general rule, the Chicago style doesn't require you to provide this information, though it may well be useful for clarifying the nature of certain works, such as bilingual editions, for example. There is at least one situation, however, when the \emph{Manual} does specify this data, and that is when the title of a work is given in translation, even though no translation of the work has been published, something that might happen when a title is in a language deemed to be unparseable by a majority of your expected readership (14.99; chu:panda, pirumova, rozner:liberation). In such a case, you should provide the language(s) involved using this field, connecting multiple languages using the keyword \texttt{and}. (I have retained \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{bibstring} mechanism here, which means that you can use the standard bibstrings or, if one doesn't exist for the language you need, just give the name of the language, capitalized as it should appear in your text. You can also mix these two modes inside one entry without apparent harm.) \mylittlespace An alternative arrangement suggested by the \emph{Manual} is to retain the original title of a piece but then to provide its translation, as well. If you choose this option, you'll need to make use of the \textbf{usere} field, on which see below. In effect, you'll probably only ever need to use one of these two fields in any given entry, and in fact \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will only print one of them if both are present, preferring \textsf{usere} over \textsf{language} for this purpose (see kern, pirumova:russian, and weresz). Note also that both of these fields are universally associated with the \textsf{title} of a work, rather than with a \textsf{booktitle} or a \textsf{maintitle}. If you need to attach a language or a translation to either of the latter two, you could probably manage it with special formatting inside those fields themselves. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{lista}} intend this field specifically for presenting citations from reference works that are arranged alphabetically, where the name of the article rather than a page or volume number should be given. The field is a \textsf{biblatex} list, which means you should separate multiple items with the keyword \texttt{and}. Each item receives its own set of quotation marks, and the whole list will be prefixed by the appropriate string (\enquote{s.v.,} \emph{sub verbo}, pl.\ \enquote{s.vv.}). \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} will only print such a field in a \textsf{book} or an \textsf{inreference} entry, and you should look at the documentation of these entry types for further details. (See \emph{Manual} 14.232--33; grove:sibelius, times:guide, wikiped:bibtex.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{location}} is \textsf{biblatex}'s version of the usual \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ field \textsf{address}, though the latter is accepted as an alias if that simplifies the modification of older .bib files. According to the \emph{Manual} (14.129), a citation usually need only provide the first city listed on any title page, though a list of cities separated by the keyword \enquote{\texttt{and}} will be formatted appropriately. If the place of publication is unknown, you can use \verb+\autocap{n}.p.+\ instead (14.132). For all cities, you should use the common English version of the name, if such exists (14.131). \mylittlespace Two other uses need explanation here. In \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries, there is usually no need for a \textsf{location} field, but \enquote{if a journal might be confused with another with a similar title, or if it might not be known to the users of a bibliography,} then this field can present the place or institution where it is published (14.182, 14.191, 14.193--94; garrett, kimluu:diethyl, and lakeforester:pushcarts). For blogs cited using \textsf{article} entries, this is a good place to identify the nature of the source --- i.e., the word \enquote{blog} --- letting the style automatically provide the parentheses (15.51; ellis:blog). \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{mainsubtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{maintitle} --- see next entry. \mybigspace The \colmarginpar{\textbf{maintitle}} main title for a multi-volume work, e.g., \enquote{Opera} or \enquote{Collected Works.} It no longer takes sentence-style capitalization in \textsf{authordate}, though it does in \textsf{authordate-trad}. In cross references produced using the \textsf{crossref} field, the \textsf{title} of \textbf{mv*} entry types always becomes a \textsf{maintitle} in the child entry. (See donne:var, euripides:orestes, harley:carto\-graphy, lach:asia, pelikan:christian, and plato:republic:gr.) \mylittlespace Because \colmarginpar{New!} the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} recommends that you present not only the names of blogs but also the names of their parent (usually periodical) publications, I have added this field to \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries for just this purpose. See the documentation of those entry types in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above, and also table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes} (15.51; amlen:hoot). \mybigspace An \mymarginpar{\textbf{maintitleaddon}} annex to the \textsf{maintitle}, for which see previous entry. Such an annex would be printed in the main text font. If your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically do the right thing. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:authpreset}) allow you to customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{maintitleaddon} field (schubert:muellerin). \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{month}} \textsf{biblatex} field, containing the month of publication. This should be an integer, i.e., \texttt{month=\{3\}} not \texttt{month=\{March\}}. See \textsf{date} for more information. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{namea}} is one of the fields \textsf{biblatex} provides for style writers to use, but which it leaves undefined itself. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} it contains the name(s) of the editor(s) of a \textsf{title}, if the entry has a \textsf{booktitle} and/or a \textsf{maintitle}, in which situation the \textsf{editor} would be associated with one of these latter fields (donne:var). (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries, \textsf{namea} applies to the \textsf{title} instead of the \textsf{issuetitle}, should the latter be present.) You should present names in this field exactly as you would those in an \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor} field, and the package will concatenate this field with \textsf{nameb} if they are identical. When choosing a name for a citation or to head a reference-list entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} gives precedence to \textsf{namea} over \textsf{editor}. See under \textbf{editor} and \textbf{editortype} above for the full details. Please note that, as the field is highly single-entry specific, \textsf{namea} isn't inherited from a \textsf{crossref}'ed parent entry. Please note, also, that you can use the \textsf{nameatype} field to redefine this role just as you can with \textsf{editortype}, which see. Cf.\ also \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{namec}, \textsf{translator}, and the macros \cmd{partedit}, \cmd{parttrans}, \cmd{parteditandtrans}, \cmd{partcomp}, \cmd{parteditandcomp}, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransandcomp}, for which see section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{nameaddon}} field is provided by \textsf{biblatex}, though not used by the standard styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, it allows you to specify that an author's name is a pseudonym, or to provide either the real name or the pseudonym itself, if the other is being provided in the \textsf{author} field. The abbreviation \enquote{\texttt{pseud.}\hspace{-2pt}}\ (always lowercase in English) is specified, either on its own or after the pseudonym (centinel:letters, creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death, and lecarre:quest); \verb+\bibstring{pseudonym}+ does the work for you. See under \textbf{author} above for the full details. \mylittlespace In \textsf{online, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, as well as in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, I have removed the automatic provision of square brackets from the field, allowing it to be used in at least two ways. First, if you provide your own square brackets, then it can have its standard function, as above. Second you can, within parentheses, provide a screen name for online social media, or merely additional specifics about an author in a piece from an unpublished archive. (The 16th edition of the \emph{Manual} recommended specifying comments to blogs and other online content using a time stamp in parentheses after the \textsf{author}, but the 17th edition \colmarginpar{New!} handles time stamps differently. In this case the \emph{Manual} (15.52) now specifies that comments should appear \enquote{only in the text, in reference to the related post,} so I've provided some new functionality to enable this. Please see the \textbf{online} and \textbf{review} types, above, especially table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes}, for the details of how to cite these materials, possibly with the help of the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} and a separate \textbf{customc} entry. See also the \textsf{date} field docs above, in particular table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, for details on how the \mycolor{\textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format specifications} offered by \textsf{biblatex}, including time stamps and much else besides, have been implemented in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. Cf.\ ellis:blog, obrien:recycle.) \mylittlespace In the \textsf{customc} entry type, finally, which is used to create alphabetized cross-references to other entries in the reference list, the \textsf{nameaddon} field allows you to change the default string linking the two parts of the cross-reference. The code automatically tests for a known bibstring, which it will italicize. Otherwise, it prints the string as is. \mybigspace You \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameatype}} can use this field to change the role of a \textsf{namea} just as you can use \textsf{editortype} to change the role of an \textsf{editor}. As with the \textsf{editortype}, using this field prevents string concatenation with identical \textsf{nameb} or \textsf{namec} fields. Please see \textbf{editortype}, above, for the details. \mybigspace Like \mymarginpar{\textbf{nameb}} \textsf{namea}, above, this is a field left undefined by the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, it contains the name(s) of the translator(s) of a \textsf{title}, if the entry has a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}, or both, in which situation the \textsf{translator} would be associated with one of these latter fields (euripides:orestes). (In \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries, \textsf{nameb} applies to the \textsf{title} instead of the \textsf{issuetitle}, should the latter be present.) You should present names in this field exactly as you would those in an \textsf{author} or \textsf{translator} field, and the package will concatenate this field with \textsf{namea} if they are identical. See under the \textbf{translator} field below for the full details. Please note that, as the field is highly single-entry specific, \textsf{nameb} isn't inherited from a \textsf{crossref}'ed parent entry. Please note, also, that in \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} name-finding algorithms \textsf{nameb} takes precedence over \textsf{translator}. Cf.\ also \textsf{namea}, \textsf{namec}, \textsf{origlanguage}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{userf} and the macros \cmd{partedit}, \cmd{parttrans}, \cmd{parteditandtrans}, \cmd{partcomp}, \cmd{parteditandcomp}, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransandcomp} in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate}. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{namec}} \emph{Manual} (15.36) specifies that works without an author may be listed under an editor, translator, or compiler, assuming that one is available, and it also specifies the strings to be used with the name(s) of compiler(s). All this suggests that the \emph{Manual} considers this to be standard information that should be made available in a bibliographic reference, so I have added that possibility to the many that \textsf{biblatex} already provides, such as the \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{commentator}, \textsf{annotator}, and \textsf{redactor}, along with writers of an \textsf{introduction}, \textsf{foreword}, or \textsf{afterword}. Since \textsf{biblatex} doesn't offer a \textsf{compiler} field, I have adopted for this purpose the otherwise unused field \textsf{namec}. It is important to understand that, despite the analogous name, this field does not function like \textsf{namea} or \textsf{nameb}, but rather like \textsf{editor} or \textsf{translator}, and therefore if used will be associated with whichever title field these latter two would be were they present in the same entry. Identical fields among these three will be concatenated by the package, and concatenated too with the (usually) unnecessary commentator, annotator and the rest. Also please note that I've arranged the concatenation algorithms to include \textsf{namec} in the same test as \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb}, so in this particular circumstance you can, if needed, make \textsf{namec} analogous to these two latter, \textsf{title}-only fields. (See above under \textbf{editortype} for details of how you can use that field, or the \textsf{nameatype} field, to identify a compiler.) \mylittlespace It might conceivably be necessary at some point to identify the compiler(s) of a \textsf{title} separate from the compiler(s) of a \textsf{booktitle} or \textsf{maintitle}, but for the moment I've run out of available \textsf{name} fields, so you'll have to fall back on the \cmd{partcomp} macro or the related \cmd{parteditandcomp}, \cmd{parttransandcomp}, and \cmd{partedittransandcomp}, on which see Commands (section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate}) below. (Future releases may be able to remedy this.) It may be as well to mention here too that of the three names that can be substituted for the missing \textsf{author} at the head of an entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will choose a \textsf{namea} if present, then an \textsf{editor}, a \textsf{nameb}, or a \textsf{translator}, with \textsf{namec} coming last, assuming that the fields aren't identical, and therefore to be concatenated. \textsf{Biblatex}'s sorting algorithms, and also its \textsf{labelname} mechanism, should both work properly no matter what sort of name you provide, but do please remember that if you want the package to skip over any names you can employ the \texttt{use=false} options. Indeed, \textsf{biblatex's} \texttt{usenamec} has replaced the old Chicago-specific \texttt{usecompiler}, which is deprecated. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{note}} in standard \textsf{biblatex}, this field allows you to provide bibliographic data that doesn't easily fit into any other field. In this sense, it's very like \textsf{addendum}, but the information provided here will be printed just before the publication data. (See chaucer:alt, cook:sotweed, emerson:nature, and rodman:walk for examples of this usage in action.) It also has a specialized use in the periodical types (\textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review}), where it holds supplemental information about a \textsf{journaltitle}, such as \enquote{special issue} (conley:fifthgrade, good:wholeissue). In all uses, if your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically do the right thing. Cf.\ \textsf{addendum}. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{number}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, steadily accumulating uses in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. It may contain the number of a \textsf{journaltitle} in an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entry, the number of a \textsf{title} in a \textsf{periodical} entry, the volume/number of a book (or musical recording) in a \textsf{series}, the (generally numerical) specifier of the \textsf{type} in a \textsf{report} entry, the archive location (or database accession number) of a \textsf{dataset} entry, and the number of a national or international standard in a \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entry. Generally, in an \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entry, this will be a plain cardinal number, but in such entries \textsf{biblatex-chicago} does the right thing if you have a list or range of numbers (unsigned:ranke). In any \textsf{book}-like entry it may well contain considerably more information, including even a reference to \enquote{2nd ser.,} for example, while the \textsf{series} field in such an entry will contain the name of the series, rather than a number. This field is also the place for the patent number in a \textsf{patent} entry. Cf.\ \textsf{issue} and \textsf{series}. (See 14.123--25 and boxer:china, palmatary:pottery, wauchope:ceramics; 14.171 and beattie:crime, conley:fifthgrade, friedman:learning, garrett, gibbard, hlatky:hrt, mcmillen:antebellum, rozner:liberation, warr:ellison; 14.257 and genbank:db; 14.259 and niso:bibref; 14.263 and holiday:fool.) \mylittlespace \textbf{NB}: This may be an opportune place to point out that the \emph{Manual} (14.147) prefers arabic to roman numerals in most circumstances (chapters, volumes, series numbers, etc.), even when such numbers might be roman in the work cited. The obvious exception is page numbers, in which roman numerals indicate that the citation came from the front matter, and should therefore be retained. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{options}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, for setting certain options on a per-entry basis rather than globally. Information about some of the more common options may be found above under \textsf{author} and \textsf{date}, and below in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}. See creel:house, eliot:pound, emerson:nature, ency:britannica, herwign:office, lecarre:quest, and maitland:canon for examples of the field in use. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{organization}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, retained mainly for use in the \textsf{misc}, \textsf{online}, and \textsf{manual} entry types, where it may be of use to specify a publishing body that might not easily fit in other categories. In \textsf{biblatex}, it is also used to identify the organization sponsoring a conference in a \textsf{proceedings} or \textsf{inproceedings} entry, and I have retained this as a possibility, though the \emph{Manual} is silent on the matter. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{origdate}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field which allows more than one full date specification for those references which need it. (You can also provide a time stamp in the field, after an uppercase \enquote{\texttt{T}}, but I foresee this being very rarely needed in the author-date styles. See table~\ref{ad:date:extras} for \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} implementation of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications.) As with the analogous \textsf{date} field, you provide the date (or range of dates) in \textsc{iso}8601 format, i.e., \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}. In most entry types, you would use \textsf{origdate} to provide the date of first publication of a work, most usually needed only in the case of reprint editions, but also recommended by the \emph{Manual} for electronic editions of older works (15.40, 14.114, 14.162; aristotle:metaphy:gr, emerson:nature, james:ambassadors, schweitzer:bach). In both the \textsf{letter} and \textsf{misc} (with \textsf{entrysubtype)} entry types, the \textsf{origdate} identifies when a letter (or similar) was written. In such \textsf{misc} entries, some \enquote{non-letter-like} materials (like interviews) need the \textsf{date} field for this purpose, while in \textsf{letter} entries the \textsf{date} applies to the publication of the whole collection. If such a published collection were itself a reprint, judicious use of the \textsf{pubstate} field or perhaps improvisation in the \textsf{location} field might be able to rescue the situation. (See white:ross:memo, white:russ, and white:total for how \textsf{letter} entries can work; creel:house shows the field in action in a \textsf{misc} entry, while spock:interview uses \textsf{date} instead.) \mylittlespace Because of the importance of date specifications in the author-date styles, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} and \textsf{authordate-trad} provide options and automated behaviors that allow you to emphasize the \textsf{origdate} in citations and at the head of entries in the list of references. In entries which have \emph{only} an \textsf{origdate} --- usually \textsf{misc} with an \textsf{entrysubtype} --- \textsf{Biber} and the default \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} configuration make it possible to do without a \texttt{cmsdate} option, as the \textsf{origdate} will automatically appear where and as it should. In \textsf{book}-like entries with both a \textsf{date} and an \textsf{origdate}, the \emph{Manual} recommends that you present, in citations and at the head of reference list entries, only the \textsf{date} or both dates together. The latter is accomplished using the \texttt{cmsdate} entry option. In some cases it may even be necessary to reverse the two date fields, putting the earlier year in \textsf{date} and the later in \textsf{origdate}. If your reference apparatus contains many such instances, it may well be convenient for you instead to use the \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}\\\emph{in preamble}} \texttt{cmsdate} preamble option, which I have designed in an attempt to reduce the amount of manual intervention needed to present lots of entries with multiple dates. In short, setting \texttt{cmsdate} to \texttt{both} or \texttt{on} in the preamble promotes the \textsf{origdate} to the top of the search for a \textsf{labeldate} to use in citations and at the head of entries in the reference list. This can solve many problems with the \textsf{extradate} field --- 1978\textbf{a} --- and also with sorting in the reference list. Please see above under \textbf{date} for all the details on how these options interact. \mylittlespace In the default configuration of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, dates for citations and for the head of reference list entries are searched for in the order \textsf{date, eventdate, origdate, urldate}. If you set the \texttt{cmsdate} preamble options I've just mentioned, this changes to \textsf{origdate, date, eventdate, urldate}. These generally cover the needs of the Chicago author-date styles well, except for \textsf{music}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, and \textsf{video} entries, and, exceptionally, some \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries. Here the general rule is to emphasize the earliest date. For these five entry types, then, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} uses the order \textsf{eventdate, origdate, date, urldate}. In \textsf{music} entries, you can use the \textsf{origdate} in two separate but related ways. First, it can identify the recording date of an entire disc, rather than of one track on that disc, which would go in \textsf{eventdate}. (Compare holiday:fool with nytrumpet:art.) Second, the \textsf{origdate} can provide the original release date of an album. For this to happen, you need to put the string \texttt{reprint} in the \textsf{pubstate} field, which is the standard mechanism across many other entry types for identifying a reprinted work. (See floyd:atom.) In \textsf{video} entries, the \textsf{origdate} is intended for the original release date of a film, whereas the \textsf{eventdate} would hold the original broadcast date of, e.g., an episode of a TV series. In both these two entry types, the style will, depending on the context, automatically prepend appropriate bibstrings to the \textsf{origdate}. You can, assuming you've not activated the \textsf{pubstate} mechanism in a \textsf{music} entry, choose a different string using the \textsf{userd} field, but please be aware that if an entry also has an \textsf{eventdate}, then \textsf{userd} will apply to that, instead, and you'll be forced to accept the default string. (Compare friends:leia with hitchcock:nbynw; 15.57, 14.263--65; Cf.\ \texttt{cmsdate} in sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and \ref{sec:authentryopts}, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, and \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}.) \mylittlespace A couple of further notes are in order. First, \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries (which see) have their own scheme, and are not governed by the \texttt{avdate} option. Here, the style uses the earlier of two dates as the creation date of the work while the later is the printing date of, e.g., a particular exemplar of a photograph or of an etching. Depending on how you want this information presented in an entry, you can distribute these dates between the \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields as you wish. Second, because the \textsf{origdate} field only accepts numbers, some improvisation may be needed if you wish to include \enquote{n.d.}\ (\verb+\bibstring{nodate}+) in an entry. In \textsf{letter} and \textsf{misc}, this information can be placed in \textsf{titleaddon}, but in other entry types you may need to use the \textsf{location} field. (The \textsf{origyear} field usually works, too.) \mybigspace See \vspace{-14.2pt} \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlanguage}\\ \textbf{origlocation}\\\textbf{origpublisher}} section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, below. \vspace{18pt} \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{origtimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{origdate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{pages}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} field for providing page references. In many \textsf{article} entries you'll find this contains something other than a page number, e.g. a section name or edition specification (14.191; kozinn:review, nyt:trevorobit). Of course, the same may be true of almost any sort of entry, though perhaps with less frequency. Curious readers may wish to look at brown:bremer (14.180) for an example of a \textsf{pages} field used to facilitate reference to a two-part journal article. Cf.\ \textsf{number} for more information on the \emph{Manual}'s preferences regarding the formatting of numerals; \textsf{bookpagination} and \textsf{pagination} provide details about \textsf{biblatex's} mechanisms for specifying what sort of division a given \textsf{pages} field contains; and \textsf{usera} discusses a different way to present the section information pertaining to a newspaper article. \mylittlespace David Gohlke brought to my attention a discussion that took place a couple of years ago on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44492/biblatex-chicago-style-page-ranges}{Stackexchange} regarding the automatic compression of page ranges, e.g., 101-{-}109 in the .bib file or in the \textsf{postnote} field would become 101--9 in the document. \textsf{Biblatex} has long had the facilities for providing this, and though the \emph{Manual's} rules (9.61) are fairly complicated, Audrey Boruvka fortunately provided in that discussion code that implements the specifications. As some users may well be accustomed to compressing page ranges themselves in their .bib files, and in their \textsf{postnote} fields, I have made the activation of this code a package option, so setting \texttt{compresspages=true} when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} should automatically give you the Chicago-recommended page ranges. \textbf{NB}: the code now resides in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you don't load that package then you'll need to copy the code into your preamble for the option to have the desired effect. \mybigspace This, \mymarginpar{\textbf{pagination}} a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, allows you automatically to prefix the appropriate identifying string to information you provide in the \textsf{postnote} field of a citation command, whereas \textsf{bookpagination} allows you to prefix a string to the \textsf{pages} field. Please see \textbf{bookpagination} above for all the details on this functionality, as aside from the difference just mentioned the two fields are equivalent. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{part}} \textsf{biblatex} field, which identifies physical parts of a single logical volume in \textsf{book}-like entries, not in periodicals. It has the same purpose in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, but because the \emph{Manual} (14.121) calls such a thing a \enquote{book} and not a \enquote{part,} the string printed in the list of references will, at least in English, be \enquote{\texttt{bk.}\hspace{-2pt}}\ instead of the plain dot between volume number and part number (harley:cartography, lach:asia). If the field contains something other than a number, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print it as is, capitalizing it if necessary, rather than supplying the usual bibstring, so this provides a mechanism for altering the string to your liking. The field will be printed in the same place in any entry as would a \textsf{volume} number, and although it will most usually be associated with such a number, it can also function independently, allowing you to identify parts of works that don't fit into the standard scheme. If you need to identify \enquote{parts} or \enquote{books} that are part of a published \textsf{series}, for example, then you'll need to use a different field, (which in the case of a series would be \textsf{number} [palmatary:pottery]). Cf.\ \textsf{volume}; iso:electrodoc. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{publisher}} \textsf{biblatex} field. Remember that \enquote{\texttt{and}} is a keyword for connecting multiple publishers, so if a publisher's name contains \enquote{and,} then you should either use the ampersand (\&) or enclose the whole name in additional braces. (See \emph{Manual} 14.133--41; aristotle:metaphy:gr, cohen:schiff, creasey:ashe:blast, dunn:revolutions.) \mylittlespace There are, as one might expect, a few further subtleties involved here. If you give two publishers in the field they will both be printed, separated by a forward slash in both notes and bibliography (14.90; sereny:cries). The 17th edition generally is rather keener than the 16th on using just one, particularly so in the case when the parent company of an imprint is also listed on a title page, in which case only the imprint need be included in your apparatus (14.138). If an academic publisher issues \enquote{certain books through a special publishing division or under a special imprint or as part of a publishing consortium (or joint imprint),} this arrangement may be specified in the \textsf{publisher} field (14.139; cohen:schiff). If a book has two co-publishers \enquote{in different countries} (14.140), then the simplest thing to do is to choose one, probably the nearest one geographically. If you feel it necessary to include both, then levistrauss:savage demonstrates one way of doing so, using a combination of the \textsf{publisher} and \textsf{location} fields. If the work is self-published, you can specify this in the \textsf{pubstate} field (see below), and any commercial self-publishing platform would go in \textsf{publisher} (14.137). Books published before 1900 can, at your discretion, include only the place (if known) and the date (14.128). If for some reason you need to indicate the absence of a publisher, the abbreviation given by the \emph{Manual} is \texttt{n.p.}, though this can also stand for \enquote{no place.} The \emph{Manual} also mentions {s.n.}\,(= \emph{sine nomine}) to specify the lack of a publisher (10.42). \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{pubstate}} response to new specifications in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (esp.\ 14.137), I have tried to generalize the functioning of the \textsf{pubstate} field in all entry types. Because the author-date style has fairly complicated rules about presenting reprinted editions (15.40), the \texttt{reprint} string still has a special status. Depending on which date(s) you have chosen to appear at the head of the entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will either print the (localized) string \texttt{reprint} in the proper place or otherwise provide a notice at the end of the entry detailing the original publication date. See under \textbf{date} above for the available permutations. (Cf.\ aristotle:metaphy:gr, maitland:canon, maitland:equity, schweitzer:bach.) \mylittlespace Other strings are divided into two types: those which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print as the \textsf{year}, which currently means \emph{only} those for which \textsf{biblatex} contains bibstrings indicating works soon to be published, i.e., \texttt{forthcoming}, \texttt{inpreparation}, \texttt{inpress}, and \texttt{submitted}; and those, i.e., everything else, which will be printed before, and in close association with, other information about the publisher of a work. (This \colmarginpar{\textbf{NB}} is a change from previous behavior, where non-\texttt{reprint} strings were printed \emph{after} the publication information, as in the standard styles. You can still use the \textsf{addendum} field to present information here, of course.) The four strings that replace the \textsf{year} will always be localized, as will \texttt{reprint} and \mycolor{\texttt{selfpublished}} (and anything else that \textsf{biblatex} finds to be a \cmd{bibstring}) from the second category. All other strings will be printed as-is, capitalized if needed, just before the publisher (author:forthcoming, contrib:contrib, schweitzer:bach). \mylittlespace There is one further subtlety of which you ought to be aware. In \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, the \texttt{reprint} string in \textsf{pubstate} will only make a difference to your entries when the date which it modifies --- the \textsf{origdate}, typically --- \emph{doesn't} appear in citations and at the head of reference-list entries. In this case the date is treated as an original release date, and it will be printed, preceded by the appropriate string, near the end of the entry. Other strings don't show this special behavior in these entries. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{redactor}} have implemented this field just as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, even though the \emph{Manual} doesn't actually mention it. It may be useful for some purposes. Cf.\ \textsf{annotator} and \textsf{commentator}. \mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{reprinttitle}} section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, below. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{series}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, usually just a number in an \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, or \textsf{review} entry, almost always the name of a publication series in \textsf{book}-like entries, and providing similar identifying information associated with a \textsf{number} in \textsf{music} and \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries. If you need to attach further information to the \textsf{series} name in a \textsf{book}-like entry, then the \textsf{number} field is the place for it, whether it be a volume, a number, or even something like \enquote{2nd ser.} or \enquote{\cmd{bibstring\{oldseries\}}.} Of course, you can also use \cmd{bibstring\{oldseries\}} or \cmd{bibstring\{newseries\}} in an \textsf{article} entry, but there you would place it in the \textsf{series} field itself. (In fact, the \textsf{series} field in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entries is one of the places where \textsf{biblatex} allows you just to use the plain bibstring \texttt{oldseries}, for example, rather than making you type \verb+\bibstring{oldseries}+. The \textsf{type} field in \textsf{manual}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, and \textsf{thesis} entries also has this auto-detection mechanism in place; see the discussion of \cmd{bibstring} below for details.) In whatever entry type, these bibstrings produce the required abbreviation. (For books and similar entries, see \emph{Manual} 14.123--26; boxer:china, browning:aurora, palmatary:pottery, plato:republic:gr, wauchope:ceramics; for periodicals, see 14.184; garaud:gatine, sewall:letter.) Cf.\ \textsf{number} for more information on the \emph{Manual}'s preferences regarding the formatting of numerals. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{shortauthor}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, but \textsf{biblatex-chicago} makes considerably greater use of it than the standard styles. For the purposes of the author-date specification, the field provides the name to be used in text citations. In the vast majority of cases, you don't need to specify it, because the \textsf{biblatex} system selects the author's last name from the \textsf{author} field and uses it in such a reference, and if there is no \textsf{author} it will search \textsf{namea}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec}, in that order. The current versions of \textsf{biblatex} and \textsf{Biber} will automatically alphabetize by any of these names if they appear at the head of an entry. If, in an author-less \textsf{article} entry (\textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}), you allow \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to use the \textsf{journaltitle} as the author --- the default behavior --- and you have been accustomed to using the \textsf{shortauthor} field to abbreviate it, it may be simpler now to use the \textsf{shortjournal} field instead, which does all of the formatting for you, and additionally adds the possibility of printing a list of journal abbreviations. See just below for the details. (Cf.\ gourmet:052006, lakeforester:pushcarts, nyt:trevorobit, unsigned:ranke). With long, institutional authors, a shortened version in \textsf{shortauthor} may save space in the running text (evanston:library), but see under \textbf{shorthand} for another method of saving space. \mylittlespace As mentioned under \textsf{editortype}, the \emph{Manual} (15.36) recommends against providing the identifying string (e.g., ed.\ or trans.)\ in text citations, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} follows their recommendation. If you need to provide these strings in such a citation, then you'll have to do so by hand in the \textsf{shortauthor} field, or in the \textsf{shorteditor} field, whichever you are using. \mybigspace Like \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorteditor}} \textsf{shortauthor}, a field to provide a name for a text citation, in this case for, e.g., a \textsf{collection} entry that typically lacks an author. The \textsf{shortauthor} field works just as well in most situations, but if you have set \texttt{useauthor=false} (and not \texttt{useeditor=false}) in an entry's \textsf{options} field, then only \textsf{shorteditor} will be recognized. It may be worth pointing out that, because \textsf{biblatex-chicago} also provides a \textsf{namea} field for the editor of a \textsf{title} as opposed to a \textsf{main-} or \textsf{booktitle}, and because in standard use the \textsf{namea}, if present, will be chosen to head a reference list entry before the \textsf{editor}, you should present the shortened \textsf{namea} here instead of a shortened \textsf{editor} in such cases.Cf.\ \textsf{editortype}, above. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\textbf{shorthand}}} \label{sec:ad:shorthand} This is \textsf{biblatex}'s mechanism for using abbreviations in citations. For \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} I have modified it somewhat to conform to the needs of the specification, though there is a package option to revert the behavior to something closer to the \textsf{biblatex} standard --- see below and under \texttt{cmslos} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. The main problem when presenting readers with an abbreviation is to ensure that they know how to expand it. In the notes \&\ bibliography style this is accomplished with a notice in the first footnote citing a given work, which explains that henceforth the abbreviation will be used instead, and also, if needed, with a list of shorthands that summarizes all the abbreviations used in a particular text. The first part of this system isn't available in the author-date style of citation, and indeed these citations are in themselves already highly-abbreviated keys to the fuller information to be found in the list of references. There are cases, however, particularly when institutions or \textsf{journaltitles} appear as authors, when you may feel the need to provide a shortened version for citations. I have already discussed two options available to you just above (cf.\ \textbf{shortauthor} and \textbf{shortjournal}). For the former to work the abbreviation must either be instantly recognizable to your readership or at least easily parseable by them, while with the latter you can either rely on the conventions of your field or, alternately, provide a list of journal abbreviations using \cmd{printbiblist\{shortjournal\}}. \enlargethispage{-\baselineskip} \mylittlespace For long institutional names the \emph{Manual's} recommendation (15.37) involves using an abbreviation which will appear not only in citations but also at the head of the entry in the list of references. Such an entry should therefore be alphabetized by the abbreviation, with its expansion placed (inside parentheses) between the abbreviation and the date. This formatting can be produced in one of two ways: either you can provide a specially-formatted \textsf{author} field (for the reference list, and including both the abbreviation and the parenthesized expansion) + a \textsf{shortauthor} (for the citations), or you can use a normal \textsf{author} field + a \textsf{shorthand}, in which case \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically use the \textsf{shorthand} in text citations and also place it at the head of the reference list entry, followed by the \textsf{author} within parentheses. This method is simpler and more compatible with other styles, and will also produce a list that is correctly sorted by the \textsf{shorthand}. (Cf.\ niso:bibref, bsi:abbreviation, iso:electrodoc.) \mylittlespace I should clarify here that this automatic placement of the \textsf{shorthand} at the head of the entry will \emph{not} occur if you set the package option \texttt{cmslos=false} in your preamble. This allows you to implement other systems of shorthand expansion using either a list of shorthands (via \cmd{printshorthands}, which is always available no matter what the state of \texttt{cmslos}) or cross-references (via \textsf{customc}) within the reference list itself. You can place \texttt{skiplos} in the \textsf{options} field to exclude a particular entry from the list of shorthands if you do decide to print that list, giving maximum flexibility. \mylittlespace Indeed, I have provided two options to add to this flexibility. First, I have included two \texttt{bibenvironments} for use with the \texttt{env} option to the \cmd{printshorthands} command: \texttt{losnotes} is designed to allow a list of shorthands to appear inside footnotes, while \texttt{losendnotes} does the same for endnotes. Their main effect is to change the font size, and in the latter case to clear up some spurious punctuation and white space that I see on my system when using endnotes. (You'll probably also want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} in order to get rid of the [oversized] default, providing your own within the \cmd{footnote} command.) Second, I have provided a package option, \texttt{shorthandfull}, which prints entries in the list of shorthands which contain full bibliographical information, effectively allowing you to eschew the list of references in favor of a fortified shorthand list. This option will only work if used in tandem with \texttt{cmslos=false}, as otherwise the shorthand will be printed twice. (See 15.37, 13.67, 14.59--60, and also \textsf{biblatex.pdf} for more information.) \mylittlespace As I mentioned above under \textbf{crossref}, I believe it is safe to use shorthands in parent entries, as this, in the standard configuration, gives you the shorthand itself in the child entry's abbreviated cross-reference, which may well save space in the list of references. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{shortjournal}} special \textsf{biblatex} field, used to provide both an abbreviated form of a \textsf{journaltitle} in citations and/or the reference list and to facilitate the creation of a list of journal abbreviations, should this be needed, rather in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. As requested by user BenVB, you can now utilize this functionality in your documents, but there are a few details worth mentioning here. First, users in some fields may well already be accustomed to using a set of standard journal abbreviations (15.46), in which case the \textsf{journaltitle} field may well already contain the abbreviation, which will appear wherever that field is printed. In such cases, it usually isn't necessary to provide a list of abbreviations in individual publications, but were you to require such a thing, you'd have to move the abbreviation from the \textsf{journaltitle} to the \textsf{shortjournal} field, placing the full title in the former. In \textsf{periodical} entries the \textsf{title} field presents what would be the \textsf{journaltitle} in the \textsf{articles} or \textsf{reviews}, so in such entries you can provide the standard \textsf{shorttitle} field to accompany the \textsf{title}, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically copy the \textsf{shorttitle} into a \textsf{shortjournal}. \mylittlespace Having done this, you then need to choose where to print the \textsf{shortjournal}, which is controlled by the \texttt{journalabbrev} option either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual .bib entries. By default, and taking account of the space-saving features of the author-date styles, this option is set to \texttt{notes}, so your \textsf{shortjournal} fields will be printed only in those citations where they appear in place of an \textsf{author}. There are three other settings: \texttt{true} prints the shortened fields both in citations and in the reference list, \texttt{bib} prints them only in the reference list, and \texttt{false} ignores them. Should you wish to present a list of these abbreviations with their expansions, then you need to use the \verb+\printbiblist{shortjournal}+ command, perhaps with a \texttt{title} option to differentiate the list from any \textsf{shorthand} list. As with \textsf{shorthand} lists, I have provided two \texttt{bibenvironments} for printing this list in foot- or endnotes (\texttt{sjnotes} and \texttt{sjendnotes}, respectively), to be used with the \texttt{env} option to \cmd{printbiblist}. Again as with \textsf{shorthands}, you'll probably want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} when using these environments, just to turn off the (oversized) default, and perhaps provide your own title within the \cmd{footnote} command. Finally, if you don't like the default formatting of the abbreviations in the list (bold italic), you can change it with \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{shortjournal-width}+ --- you can see its default definition at the top of \textsf{chicago-authordate.bbx}. \mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{shortseries}} special \textsf{biblatex} field, used both to provide an abbreviated form of a (book) \textsf{series} in a reference list and to facilitate the creation of a list of such abbreviations rather in the manner of a \textsf{shorthand} list. As with the \textsf{shortjournal} field, its inclusion in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} was requested by user BenVB, and it is now available in entry types which have book-like series titles rather than journal-like numbers in the \textsf{series} field, to wit: \textsf{audio, book, bookinbook, collection, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, inreference, letter, manual, music, mvbook, mvcollection, mvproceedings, mvreference, reference, report, standard, suppbook,} and \textsf{video}. There are several steps to take in order to use the field. First, you'll need to provide both \textsf{shortseries} and \textsf{series} fields in the entry, then you'll need to set the \mycolor{\texttt{seriesabbrev}} option either when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual .bib entries. By default, this option is not set, so your \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} fields will be silently ignored. Setting it to \texttt{true} prints the shortened fields in the reference list. Should you wish to present a list of these abbreviations with their expansions, then you need to use the \verb+\printbiblist{shortseries}+ command, perhaps with a \texttt{title} option to differentiate the list from any \textsf{shorthand} list. As with \textsf{shorthand} lists, I have provided two \texttt{bibenvironments} for printing this list in foot- or endnotes (\mycolor{\texttt{shsernotes}} and \mycolor{\texttt{shserendnotes}}, respectively), to be used with the \texttt{env} option to \cmd{printbiblist}. Again as with \textsf{shorthands}, you'll probably want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} when using these environments, just to turn off the (oversized) default, and perhaps provide your own title within the \cmd{footnote} command. Finally, if you don't like the default formatting of the abbreviations in the list (plain roman), you can roll your own using \verb+\DeclareFieldFormat{shortserieswidth}+ --- you can see its default definition at the top of \textsf{chicago-authordate.bbx}. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{shorttitle}} standard \textsf{biblatex} field, primarily used to provide an abbreviated title for citation styles that need one. (It is also the way to hook \textsf{periodical} entries into the \textsf{shortjournal} mechanism, on which see the previous entry.) In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} such a field will be necessary only very rarely (unlike in the notes \&\ bibliography style), and is most likely to turn up in \textsf{inreference} or \textsf{reference} entries (where the \textsf{title} takes the place of the \textsf{author}), in \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entries, or in any sort of entry with a \texttt{classical} \textsf{entrysubtype} or with \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} set in its \textsf{options} field. These latter three contexts make citations use \textsf{author} and \textsf{title} instead of \textsf{author} and \textsf{year}, and if an abbreviated version of that title would save space in your running text this is the field where you can provide it. (Cf.\ ency:britannica, grove:sibelius, aristotle:metaphy:gr.) \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{sortkey} \\\textbf{sortname} \\\textbf{sorttitle} \\\textbf{sortyear}} \textsf{biblatex} fields, designed to allow you to specify how you want an entry alphabetized in a list of references. The \textsf{sortkey} field trumps all other sorting information, while the others offer more fine-grained control. In general, if an entry doesn't turn up where you expect or want it, one of these fields should provide the solution. Entries with a corporate author can omit the definite or indefinite article, which should help (14.70, 14.84; cotton:manufacture, nytrumpet:art). The default settings of \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} include the three supplemental name fields (\textsf{name[a-c]}) and also the \textsf{journaltitle} in the sorting algorithm, so once again you should find those algorithms needing less help than before. Entries headed by a \textsf{title} beginning with the definite or indefinite article may well still require such assistance (grove:sibelius). There may be circumstances --- several reprinted books by the same author, for example --- when the \textsf{sortyear} field is the best choice. Please consult \textsf{biblatex.pdf} for the details. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{subtitle}} subtitle for a \textsf{title} --- see next entry. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{timezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{date}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} \mymarginpar{\textbf{title}} includes the \textsf{authordate-trad} style, designed as a kind of hybrid style according to indications contained in the \emph{Manual} (15.38). This \textsf{trad} style differs \emph{only} in the way it treats the \textsf{title} and related fields, which retain the forms they have traditionally had in the Chicago author-date specifications prior to the 16th edition. Where newer editions use headline-style capitalization, the older editions used sentence-style; where newer editions place \textsf{article} or \textsf{incollection} \textsf{titles} within quotation marks, the older editions presented them in plain text. I include below, under a separate rubric, full documentation of \textsf{trad} \textsf{title} fields for those needing or wishing to use them. First, though, I document the same field(s) for the standard author-date style. \mylittlespace In the vast majority of cases, this field works just as it always has in \textsc{Bib}\TeX, and just as it does in \textsf{biblatex}. The \emph{Manual} recommends that \textsf{titles} be treated more or less identically across both its systems of documentation (15.3, 15.6, 15.13). This means that users of the author-date style don't need to worry about sentence-style capitalization when compiling their .bib databases, and so can eschew the extra curly braces needed to preserve uppercase letters in this context. These rules, however, mean that a few complications familiar to users of the notes \&\ bibliography style do arise. First, although nearly every entry will have a \textsf{title}, there are some exceptions, particularly \textsf{incollection} or \textsf{online} entries with a merely generic title, instead of a specific one (centinel:letters, powell:email). Second, the \emph{Manual}'s rules for formatting \textsf{titles}, which also hold for \textsf{booktitles} and \textsf{maintitles}, require additional attention. The whole point of using a \textsf{biblatex}-based system is for it to do the formatting for you, and in most cases \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} does just that, surrounding titles with quotation marks, italicizing them, or occasionally just leaving them alone. When, however, a title is quoted within a title, then you need to know some of the rules. A summary here should serve to clarify them, and help you to understand when \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} might need your help in order to comply with them. \mylittlespace The internal rules of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} are as follows: \begin{description} \item[\qquad Italics:] \textsf{booktitle}, \textsf{maintitle}, and \textsf{journaltitle} in all entry types; \textsf{title} of \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{booklet}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{manual}, \textsf{misc} (with no \textsf{entrysubtype}), \mycolor{\textsf{performance}}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{proceedings}, \textsf{report}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppbook}, and \textsf{suppcollection} entry types. \item[\qquad Quotation Marks:] \textsf{title} of \textsf{article}, \textsf{inbook} \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{online}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{thesis}, and \textsf{unpublished} entry types, \textsf{issuetitle} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entry types. \item[\qquad Unformatted:] \textsf{booktitleaddon}, \textsf{maintitleaddon}, and \textsf{titleaddon} in all entry types, \textsf{title} of \textsf{customc}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{misc} (with an \textsf{entrysubtype}), \textsf{patent}, \textsf{review}, and \textsf{suppperiodical} entry types. \item[\qquad Italics or Quotation Marks:] All of the audiovisual entry types --- \textsf{audio}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{video} --- have to serve as analogues both to \textsf{book} and to \textsf{inbook}. Therefore, if there is both a \textsf{title} and a \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be in quotation marks. If there is no \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be italicized, unless you provide an \textsf{entrysubtype}. \end{description} Now, the rules for which entry type to use for which sort of work tend to be fairly straightforward, but in cases of doubt you can consult section~\ref{sec:types:authdate} above, the examples in \textsf{dates-test.bib}, or go to the \emph{Manual} itself, 8.156--201. Assuming, then, that you want to present a title within a title, and you know what sort of formatting each of the two would, on its own, require, then the following rules apply: \begin{enumerate} \item Inside an italicized title, all other titles are enclosed in quotation marks and italicized, so in such cases all you need to do is provide the quotation marks using \cmd{mkbibquote}, which will take care of any following punctuation that needs to be brought within the closing quotation mark(s) (14.94; donne:var, mchugh:wake). \item Inside a quoted title, you should present another title as it would appear if it were on its own, so in such cases you'll need to do the formatting yourself. Within the double quotes of the title another quoted title would take single quotes --- the \cmd{mkbibquote} command does this for you automatically, and also, I repeat, takes care of any following punctuation that needs to be brought within the closing quotation mark(s). (See 14.94--95; garrett, loften:hamlet, murphy:silent, white:cal\-limachus.) \item Inside a plain title (most likely in a \textsf{review} entry or a \textsf{titleaddon} field), you should present another title as it would appear on its own, once again formatting it yourself using \cmd{mkbibemph} or \cmd{mkbibquote}. (barcott:review, gibbard, osborne:poi\-son, ratliff:review, unsigned:ranke). \end{enumerate} The \emph{Manual} provides a few more rules, as well. A word normally italicized in text should also be italicized in a quoted or plain-text title, but should be in roman (\enquote{reverse italics}) in an italicized title. A quotation used as a (whole) title (with or without a subtitle) retains, according to the 16th edition, its quotation marks in an italicized title if it appears that way in the source, but I can't find similar instructions in the 17th. Such a quotation always retains its quotation marks when the surrounding title is quoted or plain (14.94; lewis). A word or phrase in quotation marks, but that isn't a quotation, retains those marks in all title types (kimluu:diethyl). \mylittlespace Finally, please note that in all \textsf{review} (and \textsf{suppperiodical}) entries, and in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}, and only in those entries, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically capitalize the first word of the \textsf{title} after sentence-ending punctuation, assuming that such a \textsf{title} begins with a lowercase letter in your .bib database. See\,\textbf{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} below for more details. \mybigspace When \mymarginpar{\textbf{title (trad)}} you choose the \textsf{authordate-trad} style, your \textsf{title} and related fields will need extra care, familiar to users of the 15th-edition author-date style. The whole point of using a \textsf{biblatex}-based system is for it to do the formatting for you, and in most cases \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad} does just that, capitalizing titles sentence-style, italicizing them, and sometimes both. There are two situations that require user intervention. First, in titles that take sentence-style capitalization, you need, as always in traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX, to assist the algorithms by placing anything that needs to remain capitalized within an extra pair of curly braces. Second, when a title is quoted within a title, you need to know some of the rules of the Chicago style. A summary here should serve to clarify them, and help you to understand when \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad} might need your help in order to comply with them. \mylittlespace With regard to sentence-style capitalization, the rules of the Chicago \textsf{authordate-trad} style are fairly simple: \begin{description} \item[\qquad Headline Style:] \textsf{journaltitle} in all types, \textsf{series} in all \textsf{book}-like entries (i.e., not in \textsf{articles}), and \textsf{title} in \textsf{periodical} entries. \item[\qquad Sentence Style:] every other \textsf{title}, \emph{except} in \textsf{letter} entries, \textsf{review} and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, and in \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}. Also, the \textsf{booktitle}, \textsf{issuetitle}, and \textsf{maintitle} in all entry types use sentence style. \item[\qquad Contextual Capitalization of First Word:] \textsf{titleaddon}, \textsf{booktitleaddon}, \textsf{maintitle\-addon} in all entry types, also the \textsf{title} of \textsf{review} entries, of \textsf{suppperiodical} entries, and of \textsf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype}. \item[\qquad Plain:] \textsf{title} in \textsf{letter} entries. \end{description} What this means in practice is that to get a title like \emph{The Chicago manual of style}, your .bib entry needs to have a field that looks something like this: \begin{quote} \texttt{title = \{The \{Chicago\} Manual of Style\}} \end{quote} This is completely straightforward, but remember that if an \textsf{article} has a title like: Review of \emph{The Chicago manual of style}, then the curly braces enclosing material to be formatted in italics will cause the capitalization algorithm to stop and leave all of that material as it is, so your .bib entry would need to have a field something like this: \begin{quote} \texttt{title = \{}\cmd{bibstring\{reviewof\}} \cmd{mkbibemph\{The Chicago manual of style\}\}} \end{quote} (As an aside, the use of the \texttt{reviewof} bibstring isn't strictly necessary here, but it helps with portability across languages and across the two Chicago styles. If you've noticed a lot of lowercase letters starting fields in \textsf{dates-test.bib}, they're present because in the notes \&\ bibliography style capitalization is complicated by notes using commas where the bibliography uses periods, and words like \enquote{review} start in uppercase only if the context demands it. There's considerably less of this in the author-date styles [note the \textsf{*titleaddon} fields], but it still pays to be aware of the issue.) \mylittlespace With regard to italics, the rules of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate-trad} are as follows: \begin{description} \item[\qquad Italics:] \textsf{booktitle}, \textsf{maintitle}, and \textsf{journaltitle} in all entry types; \textsf{title} of \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{booklet}, \textsf{collection}, \textsf{manual}, \textsf{misc} (w/o \textsf{entrysubtype}), \mycolor{\textsf{performance}}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{proceedings}, \textsf{report}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, \textsf{suppbook}, and \textsf{suppcollection} types. \item[\qquad Main Text Font (Roman):] \textsf{title} of \textsf{article}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{misc} (with an \textsf{entrysubtype}), \textsf{online}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{periodical}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{suppperiodical}, \textsf{thesis}, and \textsf{unpublished} entry types, \textsf{issuetitle} in \textsf{article} and \textsf{periodical} entry types. \textsf{booktitleaddon}, \textsf{maintitleaddon}, and \textsf{titleaddon} in all entry types. \item[\qquad Italics or Roman:] All of the audiovisual entry types --- \textsf{audio}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{video} --- have to serve as analogues both to \textsf{book} and to \textsf{inbook}. Therefore, if there is both a \textsf{title} and a \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be in the main text font. If there is no \textsf{booktitle}, then the \textsf{title} will be italicized, unless you provide an \textsf{entrysubtype}. \end{description} Now, the rules for which entry type to use for which sort of work tend to be fairly straightforward, but in cases of doubt you can consult section~\ref{sec:types:authdate} above, the examples in \textsf{dates-test.bib}, or go to the \emph{Manual} itself, 8.156--201. Assuming, then, that you want to present a title within a title, and you know what sort of formatting each of the two would, on its own, require, then the following rules apply: \begin{enumerate} \item Inside an italicized title, all other titles are enclosed in quotation marks and italicized, so in such cases all you need to do is provide the quotation marks using \cmd{mkbibquote}, which will take care of any following punctuation that needs to be brought within the closing quotation mark(s) (14.94; donne:var, mchugh:wake). \item Inside a plain-text title, you should set off other plain-text titles with quotation marks, while italicized titles should appear as they would if they were on their own. In such cases you'll need to do the formatting yourself, using \cmd{mkbibemph} or \cmd{mkbibquote}. (See barcott:review, garrett, gibbard, loften:hamlet, loomis:structure, murphy:silent, osborne:poison, ratliff:review, unsigned:ranke, white:callimachus.) \end{enumerate} The \emph{Manual} provides a few more rules, as well. A word normally italicized in text should also be italicized in a plain-text title, but should be in roman (\enquote{reverse italics}) in an italicized title. A quotation used as a (whole) title (with or without a subtitle) retains, according to the 16th edition, its quotation marks in an italicized title if it appears that way in the source, but I can't find similar instructions in the 17th. Such a quotation always retains its quotation marks when the surrounding title is quoted or plain (14.94; lewis). A word or phrase in quotation marks, but that isn't a quotation, retains those marks in all title types (kimluu:diethyl). \mylittlespace Finally, please note that there is also a preamble option --- \texttt{headline} --- that disables the automatic sentence-style capitalization routines in \textsf{authordate-trad}. If you set this option, the word case in your title fields will not be changed in any way, that is, this doesn't automatically transform your titles into headline-style, but rather allows the .bib file to determine capitalization. It works by redefining the command \cmd{MakeSentenceCase}, so in the unlikely event you are using the latter anywhere in your document please be aware that it will also be turned off there. See section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, below. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{titleaddon}} \textsf{biblatex} intends this field for use with additions to titles that may need to be formatted differently from the titles themselves, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} uses it in just this way, with the additional wrinkle that it can, if needed, replace the \textsf{title} entirely, and this in, effectively, any entry type, providing a fairly powerful, if somewhat complicated, tool for getting \textsf{biblatex} to do what you want (cf.\ centinel:letters). This field will always be unformatted, that is, neither italicized nor placed within quotation marks, so any formatting you may need within it you'll need to provide manually yourself. The single exception to this rule is when your data begins with a word that would ordinarily only be capitalized at the beginning of a sentence, in which case you need then simply ensure that that word is in lowercase, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically do the right thing. See\,\textbf{\textbackslash autocap} in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} below. The package and entry options \texttt{ptitleaddon} and \texttt{ctitleaddon} (section~\ref{sec:authpreset}) can help you customize the punctuation that appears before the \textsf{titleaddon} field. (Cf.\ brown:bremer, osborne:poison, reaves:rosen, and white:ross:memo for examples where the field starts with a lowercase letter; morgenson:market provides an example where the \textsf{titleaddon} field, holding the name of a regular column in a newspaper, is capitalized, a situation that is handled as you would expect; coolidge:speech shows an entry option for controlling the punctuation.) \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{translator}} far as possible, I have implemented this field as \textsf{biblatex}'s standard styles do, but the requirements specified by the \emph{Manual} present certain complications that need explaining. \textsf{Biblatex.pdf} points out that the \textsf{translator} field will be associated with a \textsf{title}, a \textsf{booktitle}, or a \textsf{maintitle}, depending on the sort of entry. More specifically, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} associates the \textsf{translator} with the most comprehensive of those titles, that is, \textsf{maintitle} if there is one, otherwise \textsf{booktitle}, otherwise \textsf{title}, if the other two are lacking. In a large number of cases, this is exactly the correct behavior (adorno:benj, centinel:letters, plato:republic:gr, among others). Predictably, however, there are numerous cases that require, for example, an additional translator for one part of a collection or for one volume of a multi-volume work. For these cases I have provided the \textsf{nameb} field. You should format names for this field as you would for \textsf{author} or \textsf{editor}, and these names will always be associated with the \textsf{title} (euripides:orestes). In the algorithm for finding a name for the head of a reference list entry or for a citation, \textsf{nameb} takes precedence over \textsf{translator}. \mylittlespace I have also provided a \textsf{namea} field, which holds the editor of a given \textsf{title} (euripides:ores\-tes). If \textsf{namea} and \textsf{nameb} are the same, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will concatenate them, just as \textsf{biblatex} already does for \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, and \textsf{namec} (i.e., the compiler). Furthermore, it is conceivable that a given entry will need separate translators for each of the three sorts of title. For this, and for various other tricky situations, there is the \cmd{parttrans} macro (and its siblings), designed to be used in a \textsf{note} field or in one of the \textsf{titleaddon} fields (ratliff:review). (Because the strings identifying a translator differ in notes and bibliography, one can't simply write them out in such a field when using the notes \&\ bibliography style, but you can certainly do so in the author-date styles, if you wish. Using the macros will make your .bib file more portable across both Chicago specifications, and also across multiple languages, but they are otherwise unnecessary. [See section~\ref{sec:international}].) \mylittlespace Finally, as I detailed above under \textbf{author}, in the absence of an \textsf{author}, a \textsf{namea}, an \textsf{editor}, and a \textsf{nameb}, the \textsf{translator} will be used at the head of an entry (silver:gawain), and the reference list entry alphabetized by the translator's name, behavior that can be controlled with the \texttt{use} switches in the \textsf{options} field. Cf.\ \textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, and \textsf{namec}. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{type}} is a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, and in its normal usage serves to identify the type of a \textsf{manual}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, or \textsf{thesis} entry. \textsf{Biblatex} implements the possibility, in some circumstances, to use a bibstring without inserting it in a \cmd{bibstring} command, and in some entry types (\textsf{audio, manual, music, patent, report, suppbook, suppcollection, thesis,} and \textsf{video}) the \textsf{type} field works this way, allowing you simply to input, e.g., \texttt{patentus} rather than \verb+\bibstring{patentus}+, though both will work. (See petroff:impurity; herwign:office, murphy:silent, and ross:thesis all demonstrate how the \textsf{type} field may sometimes be automatically set in such entries by using one of the standard entry-type aliases). In other entry types (\textsf{artwork, image, book, online, article, review,} and \textsf{suppperiodical}) \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will merely capitalize the contents according to context. \mylittlespace Another use for the field is to generalize the functioning of the \textsf{suppbook} entry type, and of its alias \textsf{suppcollection}. In such entries, the \textsf{type} field can specify what sort of supplemental material you are citing, e.g., \enquote{\texttt{preface to}} or \enquote{\texttt{postscript to}.} Cf.\ \textsf{suppbook} above for the details. (See \emph{Manual} 14.110; polakow:afterw, prose:intro). \mylittlespace You can use the \textsf{type} field in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{video} entries to identify the medium of the work, e.g., \texttt{oil on canvas}, \texttt{albumen print}, \texttt{compact disc} or \texttt{MPEG}. In \textsf{book} entries it will normally hold system information about multimedia app content, while in \textsf{online, article,} and \textsf{review} entries it will hold the medium of online multimedia (15.57, 14.267--68). Cf.\ under these entry types in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above, for more details. (See auden:reading, bedford:photo, cleese:holygrail, leo:madonna, nytrumpet:art.) \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{url}} \textsf{biblatex} field, it holds the url of an online publication, though you can provide one for all entry types. The \emph{Manual} expresses a strong preference for DOIs over URLs if the former is available --- cf.\ \textsf{doi} above, and also \textsf{urldate} just below. The required \LaTeX\ package \textsf{url} will ensure that your documents format such references properly, in the text and in the reference apparatus. It may be worth noting that child entries no longer inherit \textsf{url} fields from their parents --- the information seems entry-specific enough to warrant a little bit of extra typing if you need to present the same locator in several entries. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{urldate}} \textsf{biblatex} field, it identifies exactly when you accessed a given url. The \emph{Manual} prefers DOIs to URLs; in the latter case it allows the use of access dates, particularly in contexts that require it, but prefers that you use revision dates, if these are available. To enable you to specify which date is at stake, I have provided the \textbf{userd} field, documented below. If an entry doesn't have a \textsf{userd}, then the \textsf{urldate} will be treated as an access date (14.8, 14.12--13, 15.50; evanston:library, grove:sibelius, hlatky:hrt, osborne:poison, sirosh:visualcortex, wikiped:bibtex). In the default setting of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, any entry without a \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, or \textsf{origdate} will use the \textsf{urldate} to find a year for citations and the list of references (grove:sibelius, wikiped:bibtex), but \colmarginpar{New!} \emph{only} if the \textsf{urldate} isn't an access date, that is, only if a \textsf{userd} field is present. If the only date available is an online access date, then the entry is considered to have no date, and \enquote{n.d.} will appear instead, though of course the access date will still be printed later in the reference list entry. (If you were to put the string \texttt{accessed} into the \textsf{userd} field, you could work around this prohibition.) \mylittlespace You can \colmarginpar{New!} also use the \textsf{urldate} field to specify a time stamp, should the date alone not be specific enough. The time stamp follows the date, separated by an uppercase \enquote{T}, like so: \texttt{yyyy-mm-dd\textbf{T}hh:mm:ss}. If you wish to specify the time zone, the \emph{Manual} (10.41) prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} or \enquote{PDT,} and these are most easily provided using the \mycolor{\texttt{urltimezone}} field, where you can provide your own parentheses if so desired (cp.\ 14.191). Following the examples in the \emph{Manual}, any \textsf{urldate} will by default be printed in 24-hour format, though other time stamps use 12-hour format. The \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{urltime}, discussed in section~\ref{sec:preset:authdate}, allows you to change this in your preamble. \mylittlespace A \textsf{urldate} time stamp (and \mycolor{\texttt{urltimezone}}) can appear in any entry whatsoever, if you judge the online source to be the sort that changes rapidly enough for a time stamp to be necessary (14.207, 14.233; wikiped:bibtex). You can stop it printing by setting the new \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp}} \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} option to \texttt{false} in your preamble for the whole document or for specified entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. Please see the documentation of \textbf{date} and also table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, above, for more details about time stamps and other parts of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications. Table~\ref{tab:online:adtypes} contains a summary of the current state of \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} handling of online materials. \mybigspace This \colmarginpar{\textbf{urltimezone}} field can, if necessary, specify the time zone associated with a time stamp given as part of an \textsf{urldate}. The \emph{Manual} prefers initialisms like \enquote{EST} for this purpose, and you can provide parentheses around it at your discretion (cp.\ 10.41 and 14.191). \mybigspace A \colmarginpar{\textbf{usera}} supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field which in certain contexts in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will identify the broadcast network when you cite a radio or television program. In \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries with \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, it acts almost as a \enquote{\textsf{journaltitleaddon}} field, and its contents will be placed, unformatted and between commas, after the \textsf{journaltitle} and before the \textsf{date}. In \textsf{video} entries it comes after the \textsf{eventdate}, i.e., the date of first broadcast, and is separated from that date by the \cmd{bibstring} \enquote{\texttt{on}} (14.213, 14.265; american:crime, bundy:macneil, friends:leia, mayberry:brady). \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{userc}} have implemented this supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field as part of the Chicago author-date style's handling of cross-references within the list of references. (The \enquote{c} part is meant as a sort of mnemonic for this latter function.) In recent editions of the \emph{Manual} you no longer need to use the \textbf{customc} entry type to include alphabetized expansions of \textsf{shorthands} in the reference list, but you may still need to provide cross-references of some sort to separate entries in that list, perhaps when a single author uses multiple pseudonyms. In such a case it is unlikely that you will cite the \textsf{customc} entry itself in the body of your text. Therefore, in order for it to appear in the reference list, you have two choices. You can either include the entry key of the \textsf{customc} entry in a \cmd{nocite} command inside your document, or you can place that entry key in the \textsf{userc} field of the .bib entry that actually contains one of the full citations. In the latter case, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will call \cmd{nocite} for you when you cite the main entry. (See 14.81--82; creasey:ashe:blast, creasey:morton:hide, creasey:york:death, lecarre:quest.) \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{userd}} \textsf{userd} field acts as a sort of \enquote{\textsf{datetype}} field, allowing you in most entry types to identify whether a \textsf{urldate} is an access date or a revision date. The general usage is fairly simple. If this field is absent, then a \textsf{urldate} will be treated as an access date, as has long been the default in \textsf{biblatex} and in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. If you need to identify it in any other way, what you include in \textsf{userd} will be printed \emph{before} the \textsf{urldate}, so phrases like \enquote{\texttt{last modified}} or \enquote{\texttt{last revised}} are what the field will typically contain (14.12--13; wikiped:bibtex). In the absence of a \textsf{urldate}, you can in most entry types include a \textsf{userd} field to qualify a \textsf{date} in the same way it would have modified a \textsf{urldate}. If an entry contains \emph{only} a \textsf{urldate} and no other sort of date, and has no \textsf{userd} field, that entry will now \colmarginpar{New!} be treated as though it had no date, and \enquote{n.d.} will appear in citations and at the head of entries in the reference list (15.50). \mylittlespace Because of the rather specialized needs of some audio-visual references, this basic sche\-ma changes for \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries. In \textsf{music} entries where an \textsf{eventdate} is present, \textsf{userd} will modify that date instead of any \textsf{urldate} that may also be present, and it will modify an \textsf{origdate} if it is present and there is no \textsf{eventdate}. It will modify a \textsf{date} only in the absence of the other three. In \textsf{video} entries it will modify an \textsf{eventdate} if it is present, and in its absence the \textsf{urldate}. Given the absence of those two, it can modify a \textsf{date}. In all these cases, \textsf{userd} will modify what remains of any date, i.e., the month and the day, if that date's year has been printed at the head of the entry. Please see the documentation of the \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entry types, and especially of the \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, and \textsf{urldate} fields, above (14.276--279, 15.53; nytrumpet:art). \mylittlespace In all cases, you can start the \textsf{userd} field with a lowercase letter, and \textsf{biblatex} will take care of automatic contextual capitalization for you. \mybigspace Another \mymarginpar{\textbf{usere}} supplemental \textsf{biblatex} field, which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} uses specifically to provide a translated \textsf{title} of a work, something that may be needed if you deem the original language unparseable by a significant portion of your likely readership. The \emph{Manual} offers two alternatives in such a situation: either you can translate the title and use that translation in your \textsf{title} field, providing the original language in \textsf{language}, or you can give the original title in \textsf{title} and the translation in \textsf{usere}. Cf.\ \textbf{language}, above. (See 14.99; kern, pirumova:russian, weresz.) \mybigspace See \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}} section~\ref{sec:authrelated}, below. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{venue}} \textsf{biblatex} offers this field for use in \textsf{proceedings} and \textsf{inproceedings} entries, but I haven't yet implemented it there, mainly because the \emph{Manual} has nothing to say about it. Perhaps the \textsf{organization} field could be used, for the moment, instead. I have implemented the field in the \textbf{misc} entry type, both with and without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, in the new \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} type, and in the \textbf{unpublished} type. In all uses it will normally present the actual venue of an event, as opposed, e.g., to the \textsf{origlocation}, which might present where a letter was written or where an earlier edition was printed. \mybigspace Author-date \colmarginpar{\textbf{verbc}} styles in \textsf{biblatex} use the \textsf{extradate} field, automatically provided by \textsf{biber}, to distinguish citations of different works by the same \textsf{author} that were published in the same year, e.g., (Surname 1978\textbf{a}). The Chicago author-date styles recommend that some sorts of material --- online comments, newspaper articles, and live performances, \emph{inter alia} --- needn't appear in reference lists, but only in the text, often accompanied by a full date reference (\texttt{cmsdate=full}) rather than by the rather less informative year on its own. In most circumstances a simple \texttt{skipbib} in the \textsf{options} field will suffice, but, especially with online materials, it is possible, even probable, that users will have .bib databases containing different works by the same \textsf{author} from the same \textsf{year}, only \emph{some} of which need to appear in the reference list. \textsf{Biber} will provide \textsf{extradate} fields for all these entries, however, so it is easy to get an extradate letter in a reference even when only one work by that \textsf{author} appears in the list, or perhaps a series of letters with some missing from the sequence. \mylittlespace The \mycolor{\textbf{verbc}} field allows you manually to intervene to control these side effects. (It's a standard \textsf{biblatex} field, but isn't used in the standard styles.) Putting anything in the field prevents that entry from interfering in the \textsf{extradate} provision of entries that don't contain such a field, and in more complicated scenarios you could group entries by identical \textsf{verbc} field to prevent them from interfering both with entries not having any \textsf{verbc} field \emph{and} with entries having a different value for that field. By default, the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} for \textbf{online} and \textbf{review} entries adds a \textsf{verbc} field to its entry, but you can in all cases control this and provide your own in any circumstances and in any entry type you wish. Please see the documentation of those two entry types in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, and of the \textsf{commenton} \textsf{relatedtype} in section~\ref{sec:authrelated}. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{version}} \textsf{biblatex} field, formerly only available in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{misc}, \textsf{music}, and \textsf{pa\-tent} entries in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}, but now also in \textbf{book} and \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} entries. In most entry types it prints a localized \enquote{\texttt{version}} string, but there may be specialist needs in \textsf{artwork} and \textsf{image} entries, so there you'll need to specify the type of data inside the field itself. In the \textsf{book} type it is particularly needed for presenting multimedia app content (15.57, 14.268). \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{volume}} \textsf{biblatex} field. It holds the volume of a \textsf{journaltitle} in \textsf{article} entries, and also the volume of a multi-volume work in many other sorts of entry. The treatment and placement of \textsf{volume} information in \textsf{book}-like entries is rather complicated in the \emph{Manual} (14.116--22, 15.41). In the reference list, the \textsf{volume} appears either before the \textsf{maintitle} or before the publication information, while in citations you may need to provide it in the \textsf{postnote} field --- see the \textsf{volumes} field, just below. In a number of these contexts, and in both books and periodicals, \textsf{volume} information can appear \emph{immediately before} the page number(s). In such a case, the \emph{Manual} (14.116) prescribes the same treatment for both sorts of sources, that is, that \enquote{a colon separates the volume number from the page number with no intervening space.} I have implemented this, but at the request of Clea~F.\ Rees \mymarginpar{\cmd{postvolpunct}} I have made this punctuation customizable, using the command \cmd{postvolpunct}. By default it prints \cmd{addcolon}, so use \verb+\renewcommand{\postvolpunct}{...}+ in your preamble to redefine it. Cf.\ \textsf{part}, and the command documentation in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate}; conway:evolution shows how sometimes this field may hold series information, as well. \mybigspace Standard \mymarginpar{\textbf{volumes}} \textsf{biblatex} field. It holds the total number of volumes of a multi-volume work, and in such references you should provide the volume and page numbers in the \textsf{postnote} field of the relevant \cmd{cite} command, e.g.: \begin{verbatim} \autocite[3:25]{bibfile:key}. \end{verbatim} Cf.\ 15.22; meredith:letters, tillich:system, weber:saugetiere, wright:evolution. The entry wright:theory presents one volume of such a multi-volume work, so you would no longer need to give the volume in any \textsf{postnote} field when citing it. If both a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{volumes} field are present, as may occur particularly in cross-referenced entries, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will ordinarily suppress the \textsf{volumes} field, except in some cases when a \textsf{maintitle} is present. In this latter case, if the \textsf{volume} appears before the \textsf{maintitle}, the option \texttt{hidevolumes}, \mymarginpar{\texttt{hidevolumes}} set to \texttt{true} by default, controls whether to print the \textsf{volumes} field after that title or not. Set it to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of your entry to have it appear after the \textsf{maintitle}. See the option's documentation in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, below. \mybigspace A \mymarginpar{\textbf{xref}} modified \textsf{crossref} field provided by \textsf{biblatex}, which prevents inheritance of any data from the parent entry. See \textbf{crossref}, above. \mybigspace Standard \colmarginpar{\textbf{year}} \textsf{biblatex} field, especially important for the author-date specification. Please see all the details under \textbf{date} above. Unlike the \textsf{date} field \textsf{year} allows non-numeric input, so you can put \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ here if required, or indeed any other sort of non-numerical date information. For many kinds of uncertain and unspecified dates it is now much simpler to make use of \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications in the \textsf{date} field, instead. Please see table~\ref{ad:date:extras} for a summary of how \textsf{biblatex-chicago} implements these enhancements. Cf.\ bedford:photo, clark:mesopot, leo:madonna, ross:thesis. \subsubsection{Fields for Related Entries} \label{sec:authrelated} As \textsf{biblatex.pdf} puts it (§~3.4), \enquote{Almost all bibliography styles require authors to specify certain types of relationship between entries such as \enquote{Reprint of}, \enquote{Reprinted in,} etc. It is impossible to provide data fields to cover all of these relationships and so \textsf{biblatex} provides a general mechanism for this using the entry fields \textsf{related}, \textsf{relatedtype} and \textsf{relatedstring}.} Before this mechanism was available \textsf{biblatex-chicago} attempted to provide a similar but much more limited set of inter-entry relationships using the \textsf{biblatex} fields \textsf{origlanguage}, \textsf{origlocation}, \textsf{origpublisher}, \textsf{pubstate}, \textsf{reprinttitle}, and \textsf{userf}. All of these still work just as they always have or, I hope, somewhat better than they always have after many recent bug fixes, but the more general and more powerful \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{related} mechanism is also available. It can provide much of what the older system provided and a great deal that it couldn't. What follows is a field-by-field discussion of the options now available. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlanguage}} keeping with the \emph{Manual}'s specifications, I have fairly thoroughly redefined \textsf{biblatex}'s facilities for treating translations. The \textsf{origtitle} field isn't used, while the \textsf{language} and \textsf{origdate} fields have been press-ganged for other duties. The \textsf{origlanguage} field, for its part, retains a dual role in presenting translations in a list of references. The details of the \emph{Manual}'s suggested treatment when both a translation and an original are cited may be found below under \textbf{userf}. Here, however, I simply note that the introductory string used to connect the translation's citation with the original's is \enquote{Originally published as,} which I suggest may well be inaccurate in a great many cases, as for instance when citing a work from classical antiquity, which will most certainly not \enquote{originally} have been published in the Loeb Classical Library. Although not, strictly speaking, authorized by the \emph{Manual}, I have provided another way to introduce the original text, using the \textsf{origlanguage} field, which must be provided \emph{in the entry for the translation, not the original text} (aristotle:metaphy:trans). If you put one of the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibstrings there (enumerated below), then the entry will work properly across multiple languages. Otherwise, just put the name of the language there, localized as necessary, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will eschew \enquote{Originally published as} in favor of, e.g., \enquote{Greek edition:} or \enquote{French edition:}. This has no effect in citations, where only the work cited --- original or translation --- will be printed, but it may help to make the \emph{Manual}'s suggestions for the list of references more palatable. \textbf{NB:} You can use the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubas} with a customized \textsf{relatedstring} field to achieve the same ends. \mylittlespace That was the first usage, in keeping at least with the spirit of the \emph{Manual}. I have also, perhaps less in keeping with that specification, retained some of \textsf{biblatex}'s functionality for this field. If an entry doesn't have a \textsf{userf} field, and therefore won't be combining a text and its translation in the list of references, you can also use \textsf{origlanguage} as \textsf{biblatex} intended it, so that instead of saying, e.g., \enquote{translated by X,} the entry will read \enquote{translated from the German by X.} The \emph{Manual} doesn't mention this, but it may conceivably help avoid certain ambiguities in some citations. As in \textsf{biblatex}, if you wish to use this functionality, you have to provide \emph{not} the name of the language, but rather a bibstring, which may, at the time of writing, be one of \texttt{american}, \texttt{brazilian}, \texttt{danish}, \texttt{dutch}, \texttt{english}, \texttt{french}, \texttt{german}, \texttt{greek}, \texttt{italian}, \texttt{latin}, \texttt{norwegian}, \texttt{portuguese}, \texttt{spanish}, or \texttt{swedish}, to which I've added \texttt{russian}. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{origlocation}} field mainly serves to help document reprint editions and their corresponding originals (14.114, 15.40). In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} you can provide both an \textsf{origlocation} and an \textsf{origpublisher} to go along with the \textsf{origdate}, should you so wish, and all of this information will be printed in the reference list. You can also use this field in a \textsf{letter} or \textsf{misc} (with \textsf{entrysubtype}) entry to give the place where a published or unpublished letter was written (14.111, 14.229). (Jonathan Robinson has suggested that the \textsf{origlocation} may in some circumstances actually be helpful for disambiguation, his example being early printed editions of the same material printed in the same year but in different cities. The new functionality should make this simple to achieve. Cf.\ \textsf{origdate} [section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}], \textsf{origpublisher} and \textsf{pubstate}; schweitzer:bach.) \textbf{NB:} It is impossible to present this same information, as here, \emph{inside} a single entry using a \texttt{related} field, though the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubin} presents much the same information \emph{after} the entry, using data extracted from a separate entry. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{origpublisher}} with the \textsf{origlocation} field just above, this field mainly serves to help document reprint editions and their corresponding originals (14.114, 15.40). You can provide an \textsf{origpublisher} and/or an \textsf{origlocation} in addition to the \textsf{origdate}, and all will be presented in the reference list. (Cf.\ \textsf{origdate} [section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}], \textsf{origlocation}, and \textsf{pubstate}; schweitzer:\break bach.) \textbf{NB:} It is impossible to present this same information, as here, \emph{inside} a single entry using a \texttt{related} field, though the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubin} presents much the same information \emph{after} the entry, using data extracted from a separate entry. \mybigspace In \colmarginpar{\textbf{pubstate}} response to new specifications in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} (esp.\ 14.137), I have tried to generalize the functioning of the \textsf{pubstate} field in all entry types. Because the author-date style has fairly complicated rules about presenting reprinted editions (15.40), the \texttt{reprint} string still has a special status. Depending on which date(s) you have chosen to appear at the head of the entry, \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will either print the (localized) string \texttt{reprint} in the proper place or otherwise provide a notice at the end of the entry detailing the original publication date. See under \textbf{date} above for the available permutations. (Cf.\ aristotle:metaphy:gr, maitland:canon, maitland:equity, schweitzer:bach.) \mylittlespace Other strings are divided into two types: those which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print as the \textsf{year}, which currently means \emph{only} those for which \textsf{biblatex} contains bibstrings indicating works soon to be published, i.e., \texttt{forthcoming}, \texttt{inpreparation}, \texttt{inpress}, and \texttt{submitted}; and those, i.e., everything else, which will be printed before, and in close association with, other information about the publisher of a work. (This \colmarginpar{\textbf{NB}} is a change from previous behavior, where non-\texttt{reprint} strings were printed \emph{after} the publication information, as in the standard styles. You can still use the \textsf{addendum} field to present information here, of course.) The four strings that replace the \textsf{year} will always be localized, as will \texttt{reprint} and \mycolor{\texttt{selfpublished}} (and anything else that \textsf{biblatex} finds to be a \cmd{bibstring}) from the second category. All other strings will be printed as-is, capitalized if needed, just before the publisher (author:forthcoming, contrib:contrib, schweitzer:bach). \mylittlespace There is one further subtlety of which you ought to be aware. In \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, the \texttt{reprint} string in \textsf{pubstate} will only make a difference to your entries when the date which it modifies --- the \textsf{origdate}, typically --- \emph{doesn't} appear in citations and at the head of reference-list entries. In this case the date is treated as an original release date, and it will be printed, preceded by the appropriate string, near the end of the entry. Other strings don't show this special behavior in these entries. \textbf{NB:} For those uses of the \textsf{pubstate} field that print a notice at the end of the entry, the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubin} provides much the same information, using data extracted from a different entry. If the information appears inside the entry then there is no equivalent \textsf{related} functionality. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{related}} field is required to use \textsf{biblatex's} \textsf{related} functionality, and it should contain the entry key or keys from which \textsf{biblatex} should extract data for presentation not on its own, but rather in the reference list entry which contains the \textsf{related} field itself. Indeed, unless you change the defaults using the \textsf{relatedoptions} field this data will only appear in such entries, never on its own and never in citations. Without a \textsf{relatedtype} field, this will print the default type, equivalent to a full reference list entry \emph{immediately after} the entry containing the \textsf{related} field, with no intervening string. You can specify a string using the \textsf{relatedstring} field, so in effect this presents a powerful mechanism for presenting full references to related material of any sort whatsoever. \mylittlespace By \mymarginpar{\texttt{related=true}} default, the package option \texttt{related} is set to print \textsf{related} entries in the list of references. If you would like to turn this off you can set this option, either in your preamble or in the \textsf{options} or \textsf{relatedoptions} field of the relevant entry, to \texttt{false}. For the two \textsf{relatedtypes} that construct a single entry using data extracted from related entries --- \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} and \texttt{reviewof} --- you'll need to make sure this is \texttt{true} to get properly-formatted citations in the reference list. See below for the details. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedoptions}} field will, I should expect, only be needed very rarely. If you want to set entry-level options for a \textsf{related} entry this is where you can do it, though please remember one important detail. By default, \textsf{Biber} sets this option to \texttt{dataonly}, which among other things prevents the \textsf{related} entry from appearing separately in the list of references, assuming you don't specifically cite it elsewhere. If you use the field yourself, then you'll need to include \texttt{dataonly} as one of the options therein to maintain this effect. Of course, it may be you don't want all the effects of \texttt{dataonly}, so you can tailor it however you wish. See \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~3.4. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedstring}} procedure for choosing a string to connect the main entry with its related entry/ies is straightforward, the default being a \texttt{bibstring}, if any, with the same name as the \textsf{relatedtype}, or alternately a string or strings defined within the driver for that \textsf{relatedtype}, as happens with the types \texttt{origpubin} and \texttt{bytranslator}. Failing these, you can supply your own in the \textsf{relatedstring} field, either in the form of the name of a pre-defined \texttt{bibstring} or as any text you choose, and anything in this field always takes precedence over the automatic choices. If your non-\texttt{bibstring} starts with a lowercase letter then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will capitalize it automatically for you depending on context (coolidge:speech, weed:flatiron). I have not altered the standard \textsf{relatedtype} strings, and have in fact modified the \textsf{reprinttitle} mechanism to use the \texttt{reprintfrom} string, which works better syntactically in this context, and modified the \textsf{pubstate} mechanism to use the \texttt{origpubin} string, which brings it into line with the notes \&\ bibliography style. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{relatedtype}} standard \textsf{biblatex} styles define six \textsf{relatedtypes}, and I have either simply adopted them wholesale or adapted them to the needs of the Chicago style, retaining the basic syntax as much as possible. I have also added two to these six (see below): \begin{description} \item[\qquad bytranslator:] This prints a full reference to a translation, starting with the (localized) string \enquote{Translated by \textsf{translator} as \textsf{Title}, \ldots} The reference is fuller in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} than in the standard styles, and for the first time allows users to choose the \emph{Manual's} alternate method for presenting original + translation (14.99; furet:passing:fr). The old \textsf{userf} mechanism provides the other, as does the \texttt{origpubas} \textsf{relatedtype} (see below). \item[\qquad default:] This is the macro used when no \textsf{relatedtype} is defined. It prints, as in the standard styles, and with no intervening string, full references to the \textsf{related} entries. \item[\qquad multivolume:] This briefly lists the individual volumes in a multi-volume work, and works much as in the standard styles. The \emph{Manual}, as far as I can see, has little to say on the matter. \item[\qquad origpubas:] This type can, if you want, replace the old \textsf{userf} mechanism, described below, for presenting an original with its translation. It's quite similar to the \texttt{default} type, but with a \texttt{bibstring} automatically connecting the entry with its \textsf{related} entries. You can identify other sorts of relationships if you change the introductory string using \textsf{relatedstring}. \item[\qquad origpubin:] I have barely altered this from the \textsf{biblatex} default, and it will present reprint information \emph{after} the main entry rather than within it. The \emph{Manual} seems to prefer the latter for the notes \& bibliography style and, in some circumstances, the former for author-date. \item[\qquad reprintfrom:] This type provides a replacement for the old \textsf{reprinttitle} mechanism described below. As in the standard styles, it presents a fuller reference to the reprinted material than does \texttt{origpubin}, and is designed particularly for presenting pieces formerly printed in other collections or perhaps essays collected from various periodicals. (In \textsf{biblatex-chicago} it contains some kludges to cope with possible \textsf{babel} language environments, so if you find it behaving oddly please let me know, including whether you are using \textsf{babel} [which I've tested] or \textsf{polyglossia} [which I haven't].) \end{description} Now, the Chicago-specific types: \begin{description} \item[\qquad \mycolor{commenton:}] I designed the new \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} to facilitate citation of online comments, and it is available in two entry types, \textsf{online} and \textsf{review} (with its clone \textsf{suppperiodical}). In both types the \emph{Manual} (15.51--52) recommends that such material appear \emph{only} in the text and not in the reference list, but I have attempted to simplify the presentation of such material wherever you want it to appear. Following the specifications, then, the default when you use \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} is for \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} to modify how your .bib entry appears in the .bbl file by setting both \texttt{skipbib} and \texttt{cmsdate=full} in the \textsf{options} field, so that nothing appears in the reference list and citations present the full date and possibly also a time stamp (see below). Further, the style sets the \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field so that these entries don't interfere with the provision of extra date letters --- the full date and time should be enough to individuate separate comments. Finally, the style creates a new \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file which you can cite after your initial \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} entry using \cmd{autocites} and which will, as a comment to your initial entry, say whether it's a comment or a reply or what have you, and then giving the short citation of that upon which it is a comment. (Just to be clear: your .bib file will itself never be altered, only the .bbl file, which is produced by \textsf{biber} and which provides the data from which \textsf{biblatex} actually typesets citations.) As an example, take the Facebook post diaz:surprise, which does appear in the reference list. The entry licis:diazcomment presents a comment on this post using the \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}}, so \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} creates a new entry, diaz:surprise-customc. When you cite the comment in your document a command like \verb+\autocites{licis:diazcomment}{diaz:surprise-customc}+ will produce a citation like (Licis, February 24, 2016; comment on D\'iaz 2016). You can alter the string connecting the two citations (by default \verb+\bibstring{commenton}+) by using the \textsf{relatedstring} field in the first of them (cf.\ powell:comment). (Note how minimal the .bib entry of a comment using this system can be --- \textsf{author}, \textsf{related}, \textsf{relatedtype}, and \textsf{date} are pretty much the only fields required.) Those who want \textsf{online} comments to appear in the reference list can still use the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}, and the same citation of the commented piece will appear there, connected by the same string that the \textsf{customc} entry provides. Here, though, you can also provide a separate \textsf{title} for the comment, and/or a separate \textsf{url} for it, should they exist, which will be printed before/after the citation of the commented piece, respectively. (In \textsf{review} entries, which use the same \textsf{relatedtype}, only the generic title is available, as is always the case with such entries.) If you manually set either (or both) of the \texttt{cmsdate} or the \texttt{skipbib} options in your entry then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will assume you want to hand-craft that entry without its intervention, so it won't alter the \textsf{options} field or indeed provide any \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field, though it will still provide the virtual \textsf{customc} entry in your .bbl file, as that may still prove convenient. Note also that any \mycolor{\textsf{verbc}} field you provide will never be altered by the package. \item[\qquad reviewof:] Philip Kime's \textsf{biblatex-apa} package includes this type, and user Bertold Schweitzer suggested it might be a useful addition to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, so I've added it to the standard six detailed above. It differs from all of them in that it prints the \textsf{relatedstring} (by default \cmd{bibstring\{reviewof\}}) and the data from the \textsf{related} entry in the middle of the parent entry, rather than at the end. It also differs from them in being available only in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries (along with the latter's clone, \textsf{suppperiodical}). In \textsf{article} entries it replaces the \textsf{titleaddon} with the \textsf{relatedstring} followed by the \textsf{title} of the child entry, and in \textsf{review} entries it replaces the \textsf{title} with the same two components. In both types these components will optionally be followed by the \textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, etc.,\ of the reviewed item, and then any child \textsf{titleaddon} may optionally appear at the end, allowing maximum flexibility when presenting, for example, reviews of live performances. This mechanism automates both the provision of the localized \cmd{bibstring} and also the formatting of the \textsf{title} of the reviewed work, and it also obviates the need to use any of the \cmd{partedit} macros in this context. If you've changed the default setting of the \texttt{related} option in the preamble, then you'll need to ensure that it is set to \texttt{true} in the individual entries where you use this \textsf{relatedtype} to ensure that the entry's full data appears in the list of references. Also, if the mechanism doesn't work for you in a particular context, remember that the standard way of presenting reviewed works is still available. \end{description} \mybigspace \textbf{NB:} \mymarginpar{\textbf{reprinttitle}} \textbf{If you have been using this feature, you may want to have a look at the} \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{reprintfrom}, \textbf{documented above, for a better solution to this problem, one that also allows you to change the introductory string using the} \textsf{relatedstring} \textbf{field. The} \textsf{reprinttitle} \textbf{field will continue to work as before, however.} At the request of Will Small, I have included a means of providing the original publication details of an essay or a chapter that you are citing from a subsequent reprint, e.g., a \emph{Collected Essays} volume. In such a case, at least according to the \emph{Manual} (14.181), these details would only appear in the reference list, and then only if these details are \enquote{of particular interest.} The data would follow an introductory phrase like \enquote{originally published as,} making the problem strictly parallel to that of including details of a work in the original language alongside the details of its translation. I have addressed the latter problem with the \textsf{userf} field, which provides a sort of cross-referencing method for this purpose, and \textsf{reprinttitle} works in \emph{exactly} the same way. In the .bib entry for the reprint you include a cross-reference to the cite key of the original location using the \textsf{reprinttitle} field (which it may help mnemonically to think of as a \enquote{reprinted title} field). The main difference between the two forms is that \textsf{userf} prints all but the \textsf{author} of the original work, whereas \textsf{reprinttitle} suppresses both the \textsf{author} and the \textsf{title} of the original, giving only the more general details, beginning with, e.g., the \textsf{journaltitle} or \textsf{booktitle} and continuing from there. The string prefacing this information will be \enquote{Originally published in.} Please see the documentation on \textsf{userf} below for all the details on how to create .bib entries for presenting your data. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{userf}} is one of the supplemental fields which \textsf{biblatex} provides, and is used by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} for a very specific purpose. When you cite both a translation and its original, the \emph{Manual} (14.99) recommends that, in a reference list at least, you combine references to both texts in one entry. Lacking specific instructions about the author-date style, I have nonetheless chosen to implement this possibility also for a list of references, though in-text citations will still only refer to individual works. In order to follow this specification, I have provided a third cross-referencing system (the others being \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref}), and have chosen the name \textsf{userf} because it might act as a mnemonic for its function. \mylittlespace In order to use this system, you should start by entering both the original and its translation into your .bib file, just as you normally would. The mechanism works for any entry type, and the two entries need not be of the same type. In the entry for the \emph{translation}, you put the cite key of the original into the \textsf{userf} field. In the \emph{original's} entry, you need to include some means of preventing it appearing separately in the list of references, either a toggle in the \textsf{keywords} field or perhaps \texttt{skipbib} in the \textsf{options} field. In this standard case, the data for the translation will be printed first, followed by the string \texttt{orig. pub. as}, followed by the original, author omitted. As explained above (\textbf{origlanguage}), I have also included a way to modify the string printed before the original. In the entry for the \emph{translation}, you put the original's language in \textsf{origlanguage}, and instead of \texttt{originally published as}, you'll get \texttt{French edition:} or \texttt{Latin edition:}, etc.\ (aristotle:metaphy:gr, aristotle:metaphy:trans). \textbf{NB:} You can use the \textsf{relatedtype} \texttt{origpubas} to replicate the \textsf{userf} functionality, and you can also customize the \textsf{relatedstring} field to achieve the same result as with \textsf{origlanguage}. \subsection{Commands} \label{sec:commands:authdate} In this section I shall attempt to document all those commands you may need when using \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} that I have either altered with respect to the standard provided by \textsf{biblatex} or that I have provided myself. Some of these, unfortunately, will make your .bib file incompatible with other \textsf{biblatex} styles, but I've been unable to avoid this. Any ideas for more elegant, and more compatible, solutions will be warmly welcomed. \subsubsection{Formatting Commands} \label{sec:formatting:authdate} These commands allow you to fine-tune the presentation of your references in both citations and list of references. You can find many examples of their usage in \textsf{dates-test.bib}, and I shall try to point you toward a few such entries in what follows. \textbf{NB:} \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{mkbibquote} command is mandatory in some situations. See its entry below. \mybigspace Version \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash autocap}} 0.8 of \textsf{biblatex} introduced the \cmd{autocap} command, which capitalizes a word inside a citation or list of references entry if that word follows sentence-ending punctuation, and leaves it lowercase otherwise. The whole question of capitalization is considerably more complicated in the notes \&\ bibliography style, where the former uses commas and the latter (often) periods to separate blocks of information, whereas the more streamlined author-date specification has few such issues. In \textsf{dates-test.bib} there are only two places where the \cmd{autocap} macro is necessary, and they both involve the string \texttt{forthcoming} in the \textsf{year} field (author:forthcoming, contrib:contrib), though you can now avoid even this necessity by placing \texttt{forthcoming} in the \textsf{pubstate} field. \mylittlespace I have nonetheless retained the system developed, following \textsf{biblatex's} example, for the notes \&\ bibliography style, which automatically tracks the capitalization of certain fields in your .bib file. I chose these fields after a non-scientific survey of entries in my own databases, so of course if you have ideas for the extension of this facility I would be most interested to hear them. In order to take advantage of this functionality, all you need do is begin the data in the appropriate field with a lowercase letter, e.g.,\ \texttt{note = \{with the assistance of X\}}. If the data begins with a capital letter --- and this is not infrequent --- that capital will always be retained. (cf., e.g., creel:house, morgenson:market.) If, on the other hand, you for some reason need such a field always to start with a lowercase letter, then you can try putting an empty set of curly braces\ \{\}\ at the start, which turns off the mechanism without printing anything itself. Here, then, for reference purposes, is the complete list of fields where this functionality is active: \begin{enumerate} \setlength{\parskip}{-4pt} \item The \textbf{addendum} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{booktitleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{edition} field in all entry types. (Numerals work as you expect them to here.) \item The \textbf{maintitleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{note} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{part} field in entry types that use it. \item The \textbf{prenote} field prefixed to citation commands. \item The \textbf{relatedstring} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{shorttitle} field in the \textsf{review} (\textsf{suppperiodical}) entry type and in the \textsf{misc} type, in the latter case, however, only when there is an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined, indicating that the work cited is from an archive. \item The \textbf{title} field in the \textsf{review} (\textsf{suppperiodical}) entry type and in the \textsf{misc} type, in the latter case, however, only when there is an \textsf{entrysubtype} defined, indicating that the work cited is from an archive. \item The \textbf{titleaddon} field in all entry types. \item The \textbf{type} field in \textsf{artwork}, \textsf{audio}, \textsf{image}, \textsf{music}, \textsf{suppbook}, \textsf{suppcollection}, and \textsf{video} entry types. \end{enumerate} If you accidentally use the \cmd{autocap} macro in one of the above fields, it really shouldn't matter at all, and you'll still get what you want, but taking advantage of the automatic provisions should at least save some typing. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash bibstring}} is a very powerful mechanism to allow \textsf{biblatex} automatically to provide a localized version of a string, and to determine whether that string needs capitalization, depending on where it falls in an entry. \textsf{Biblatex} also provides functionality which allows you sometimes simply to input, for example, \texttt{newseries} instead of \verb+\bibstring{newseries}+, the package auto-detecting when a bibstring is involved and doing the right thing, though in all such cases either form will work. This functionality is available in the \textsf{series} field of \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries; in the \textsf{type} field of \textsf{manual}, \textsf{patent}, \textsf{report}, and \textsf{thesis} entries; in the \textsf{location} field of \textsf{patent} entries; in the \textsf{language} field in all entry types; and in the \textsf{nameaddon} field in \textsf{customc} entries. These are the places, as far as I can make out, where \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles support this feature, though I have added the last, style-specific, one. If the \textsf{biblatex} authors generalize it still further in a future release, I shall do the same, if possible. \mybigspace I \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash letterdatelong}} have provided this macro mainly for use in the optional postnote field of the various citation commands. When citing a letter (published or unpublished, \textsf{letter} or \textsf{misc}), it may be useful to include the date in the citation in order to disambiguate references. This macro simply prints the date of a letter, or indeed of any other sort of correspondence, in day-month-year order, as recommended by the \emph{Manual} (14.224). (If your main document language isn't American, it's better just to use the standard \textsf{biblatex} command \cmd{printorigdate}.) \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash mkbibquote}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} command, which requires attention here because it is a crucial part of the mechanism of that package's \enquote{American} punctuation system. Quotation marks around the \textsf{title} field in various entry types are automatically provided by \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, but titles-within-titles frequently also require them, so it is best to get accustomed to using this command to make sure any periods or commas appearing in the neighborhood of the closing quotes will appear inside them automatically. A few examples from \textsf{dates-test.bib} should help to clarify this. \mylittlespace In an \textsf{article} entry, the \textsf{title} contains a quoted phrase: \begin{quotation} \noindent\texttt{title = \{Diethylstilbestrol and Media Coverage of the \\ \indent\cmd{mkbibquote}\{Morning After\} Pill\}} \end{quotation} Here, because the quoted text doesn't come at the end of title, and no punctuation will ever need to be drawn within the closing quotation mark, you could instead use \texttt{\cmd{enquote}\{Morning After\}} or even \texttt{`Morning After'}. (Note the single quotation marks here --- the other two methods have the virtue of taking care of nesting for you.) All of these will produce the formatted: \enquote{Diethylstilbestrol and Media Coverage of the \enquote{Morning After} Pill.} \mylittlespace Here, by contrast, is a \textsf{book title}: \begin{quotation} \noindent \texttt{title = \{Annotations to \cmd{mkbibquote}\{Finnegans Wake\}\}} \end{quotation} Because the quoted title within the title comes at the end of the field, and because this reference unit will be separated from what follows by a period in the list of references, then the \cmd{mkbibquote} command is necessary to bring that period within the final quotation marks, like so: \emph{Annotations to \enquote{Finnegans Wake.}} \mylittlespace Note in both cases that you only need to be careful with the capitalization inside the curly brackets if you are using \textsf{authordate-trad}, as recent editions of the \emph{Manual} have unified the title formatting for the two remaining styles, which means that, for them, all lower- and uppercase letters remain as they are typed in your .bib file. \mylittlespace Let me also add that this command interacts well with Lehman's \textsf{csquotes} package, which I highly recommend, though the latter isn't strictly necessary in texts using an American style, to which \textsf{biblatex} defaults when \textsf{csquotes} isn't loaded. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash postvolpunct}} \emph{Manual} (14.116) unequivocally prescribes that when a \textsf{volume} number appears immediately before a page number, \enquote{the abbreviation \emph{vol.}\ is omitted and a colon separates the volume number from the page number with no intervening space.} The treatment is basically the same whether the citation is of a book or of a periodical, and it appears to be a surprising and unwelcome feature for many users, conflicting as it may do with established typographic traditions in a number of contexts. Clea~F.\ Rees has requested a way to customize this, so I have provided the \cmd{postvolpunct} command, which prints the punctuation between a \textsf{volume} number and a page number. It is set to \cmd{addcolon} by default, except when the current language of the entry is French, in which case it defaults to \cmd{addcolon\textbackslash addspace}. You can use \cmd{renewcommand\{\textbackslash postvolpunct\}\{\ldots\}} in your preamble to redefine it, but please note that the command only applies in this limited context, not more generally to the punctuation that appears between, e.g., a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{part} field. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partcomp}} and the following 6 macros were all designed to help \textsf{biblatex-chicago} cope with the fact that many bibstrings in the notes \&\ bibliography style differ between notes and bibliography, the former sometimes using abbreviated forms when the latter prints them in full. These problems do not arise in the author-date styles, but using these macros will make your .bib database more portable across languages and across both Chicago styles, and may be slightly easier to remember than the strings themselves. On the other hand, of course, they will make your .bib file less portable across multiple \textsf{biblatex} styles. \mylittlespace These macros allow you to provide an \texttt{editor}, a \texttt{translator}, and/or a \texttt{compiler} in situations where the available fields (\textsf{editor}, \textsf{namea}, \textsf{translator}, \textsf{nameb}, and \textsf{namec}) aren't adequate. Their names all begin with \cmd{part}, as originally I intended them for use when a particular name applied only to a specific \textsf{title}, rather than to a \textsf{maintitle} or \textsf{booktitle} (cf.\ \textbf{namea} and \textbf{nameb}, above). \mylittlespace In the present instance, you can use \cmd{partcomp} to identify a compiler when \textsf{namec} (or \textsf{editortype}) won't do, e.g., in a \textsf{note} field or the like. In such a case, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print the appropriate string in your references. \mybigspace Use \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit}} this macro when identifying an editor whose name doesn't conveniently fit into the usual fields (\textsf{editor} or \textsf{namea}). (N.B.: If you are writing in French then you no longer need to add either \texttt{de} or \texttt{d'} after this command in your .bib files. The new version of the command should take care of this automatically for you.) See howell:marriage. \mybigspace As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\andcomp}} before, but for use when an editor is also a compiler. \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\andtrans}} before, but for when when an editor is also a translator (ratliff:review). \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash partedit-\\transandcomp}} before, but for when an editor is also a translator and a compiler. \vspace{1.4\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash parttrans-\\andcomp}} before, but for when a translator is also a compiler. \vspace{1.3\baselineskip} As \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash parttrans}} before, but for use when identifying a translator whose name doesn't conveniently fit into the usual fields (\textsf{translator} and \textsf{nameb}). \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash reprint}} is equivalent to \verb+\bibstring{reprint}+. It is useful in the notes \&\ bibliography style, and I include it in the author-date styles for compatibility. \mylittlespace Unlike \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash suppress-\\bibfield[]\{\}}} the other commands presented here, this should be used in your document preamble rather than in your bibliographical apparatus. Also unlike them, it has two arguments, the first of which is optional, the second required. Jan David Hauck suggested that, in addition to the field-exclusion package options provided by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} (see section~\ref{sec:authpreset}), I might also provide a general-purpose macro to clear fields from selected entry types when the package options aren't quite right for a user's particular needs. The \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command does this, so that \verb+\suppressbibfield{note}+ clears the \textsf{note} field from \emph{all} entries, while \verb+\suppressbibfield[report]{note}+ clears it only from \textsf{report} entries. Both arguments take comma-separated lists, so to suppress \textsf{titleaddon} and \textsf{volumes} fields from \textsf{report} and \textsf{manual} entries, your preamble could contain \verb+\suppressbibfield[report,manual]{titleaddon,volumes}+. \mylittlespace A few usage notes are in order. First, you can use as many calls to the command in your preamble as you wish. Second, the command is a very basic user interface to \textsf{biblatex's} source mapping functionality (\textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~4.5.3), so what it does is modify what \textsf{biber} takes from your .bib file in order to produce the .bbl file that \textsf{biblatex} actually reads. As far as \textsf{biblatex} is concerned, the fields simply aren't there in the data source, so they can't appear anywhere in the bibliographical apparatus, whether in citations, reference lists, or shorthand lists. Third, because source mapping is involved, you'll need a complete cycle of \LaTeX-\textsf{biber}-\LaTeX\ runs to make the commands take effect. Fourth, source mapping occurs at a very early stage in \textsf{biber's} operation, so if your field names or entry types are standard aliases, the command will only work on the names as they appear in your .bib file, not as they are aliased in the .bbl file. If you have a \textsf{techreport} entry, for example, it won't be affected by a command that alters \textsf{report} entries, and a \textsf{date} field won't be affected by a command that suppresses the \textsf{year}. Fifth, the code for the command resides in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the styles without loading that package it won't be available to you. Sixth and finally, the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command is new and relatively untested, so please report any untoward behavior to me. \subsubsection{Citation Commands} \label{sec:cite:authordate} The \textsf{biblatex} package is particularly rich in citation commands, most of which, in \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago-authordate} and \textsf{authordate-trad}, function as they do in the standard author-date styles. If you are getting unexpected behavior when using them please have a look in your .log file. A command like \cmd{supercite}, listed in §~3.6.2 of the \textsf{biblatex} manual but not defined by \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} or by core \textsf{biblatex}, defaults to \cmd{cite}, and leaves a warning in the .log. The following commands may require some minimal explanation, but if there are standard commands that don't work for you, or new commands that would be useful, please let me know, and it should be possible to fix or add them. \mybigspace These \colmarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash atcite \\\textbackslash atpcite}} two new citation commands allow you quickly and easily to provide an author-title citation of any entry, instead of an author-date citation. The \texttt{classical} \textsf{entrysubtype} field does this, but it also changes punctuation in the citation, so I've provided other means to achieve the same end. The first of these new citation commands presents the plain citation, the second includes it in parentheses for inclusion in running text. The new \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} type and entry option (section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}) has the same effect when using the standard citation commands, but it's possible that using these new commands instead may give added flexibility. \mybigspace I \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash autocite}} haven't adapted this in the slightest, but I thought it worth pointing out that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} sets this command to use \cmd{parencite} as the default option. It is, in my experience, much the most common citation command you will use, and also works fine in its multicite form, \textbf{\textbackslash autocites}. \mybigspace Arne \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash gentextcite}} Skjærholt requested, for the author-date styles, a variant of the \cmd{textcite} command that presented the author's name in the genitive case in running text, thereby simplifying certain syntactic constructions (15.25). The \cmd{gentextcite} command, in effect, provides a way to include almost anything in between the name and the parenthesized date in a \cmd{textcite}, so its use may well not be limited to the possessive. In most respects it behaves exactly like \cmd{textcite}, on which see below. The difference is that I've added a new optional field to the front of the command to allow you to choose which declensional ending to add to the name. If you don't specify this field, you'll get the standard English \enquote{\,'s\,}. If you want something different, you'll need to present a third option to the command, like so:\ \cmd{gentextcite[][][]\{entry:key\}}. You must include the two further sets of square brackets, because with only one set it will, as with other citation commands, be interpreted as a \textsf{postnote}, and with two a \textsf{prenote} and a \textsf{postnote}. There is a \cmd{gentextcites} command as well, though currently you can only specify one genitival ending for all keys, like so:\ \cmd{gentextcites[]()()[][]\{entry:key1\}\{en\-try:key2\}}, though if you don't have a \textsf{pre-} or \textsf{postnote} to the first citation you can make do with \cmd{gentextcites[]()\{entry:key1\}\{entry:key2\}}. \mylittlespace The syntax of multiple authors' names in running text is unpredictable. There is currently no way to add the genitival ending to all the names attached to a single citation key, so it will only appear at the end of a group of names in such a case. (This is in keeping with the usual syntax when referring to a multi-author work, at least in English.) When using \cmd{gentextcites}, however, you can control whether the ending appears after the name(s) attached to each citation key, or whether it only appears after the names attached to the last key. By default, it only appears after the last, but the \texttt{genallnames} preamble and/or entry option set to \texttt{true} will attach the ending to each key's name(s). When using one citation command to cite more than one work by the same author, it is the \emph{first} occurrence of the name which \textsf{biblatex} prints, eliding subsequent ones. In order to get the possessive ending on that name you'll need to set \texttt{genallnames} to \texttt{true}. \mybigspace In \mymarginpar{\textbf{\textbackslash textcite}} standard \textsf{biblatex} this command searches first for a \textsf{labelname}, usually taken from the \textsf{author} or \textsf{shortauthor} field, then uses the \textsf{shorthand} field if the former doesn't exist. Because of the way the Chicago author-date specification recommends handling abbreviations, I have switched this around, and the command searches for a \textsf{shorthand} first. This holds also for the multicite form \textbf{\textbackslash textcites}, though both commands revert to their standard \textsf{biblatex} behavior when you give the \texttt{cmslos=false} option in the preamble. \subsection{Package Options} \label{sec:opts:authdate} \subsubsection{Pre-set \textsf{biblatex} Options} \label{sec:preset:authdate} Although a quick glance through \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} will tell you which \textsf{biblatex} options the package sets for you, I thought I might gather them here also for your perusal. These settings are, I believe, consistent with the specification, but you can alter them in the options to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in your preamble or by loading the package using \cmd{usepackage[style=chicago-authordate]\{biblatex\}}, which gives you the \textsf{biblatex} defaults unless you redefine them yourself inside the square brackets. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-authordate} \mymarginpar{\texttt{autocite=\\inline}} and \textsf{authordate-trad} place references in parentheses by default. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{citetracker=\\true}} citetracker for the \cmd{ifciteseen} test is enabled globally. \mybigspace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{alldates=comp}} specification calls for the long format when presenting dates, slightly shortened when presenting date ranges. The new style option \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}}, enabled by default, means that year ranges are now compressed automatically according to the \emph{Manual's} instructions (9.64; section~\ref{sec:authpreset}). \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{alltimes=12h}} entries which print time stamps, they will, when the stamp is part of a \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, or \textsf{origdate}, appear in 12-hour format, i.e., \enquote{4:45 p.m.} Stamps that are part of a \textsf{urldate} are, by default, controlled by the \mycolor{\texttt{urltime}} option, which is set to \mycolor{\texttt{24h}}. See that option below, and table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datecirca=true}} option enables \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced \enquote{circa} date specification, which given a \textsf{date} like \verb+1989~+ will print [ca.\ 1989]. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{dateuncertain=\\true}} option enables \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced \enquote{uncertain} date specification, which given a \textsf{date} like \verb+1989?+ will print [1989?]. A field like \verb+1989%+ is both \enquote{circa} \emph{and} \enquote{uncertain,} like so: [ca.\ 1989?]. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{datezeros=false}} ensures that leading zeros don't appear in date specifications. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{ibidtracker=\\constrict}} enables an \emph{ibidem} mechanism in citations, but only in the most strictly-defined circumstances. The Chicago author-date style doesn't print \enquote{Ibid} in citations, but in general a repeated citation on the same page will print only the page reference. Technically, this should only occur when a source is cited \enquote{more than once in one paragraph} (15.27), so you can use the \cmd{citereset} command from \textsf{biblatex} to achieve the greatest compliance, as the package only offers automatic resetting on part, chapter, section, and subsection boundaries, while \textsf{biblatex-chicago} automatically resets the tracker at page breaks. (Cf.\ \textsf{biblatex.pdf} § Whenever there might be any ambiguity, \textsf{biblatex} should default to printing a more informative reference. \mylittlespace If you are going to repeat a source, make sure that the cite command provides a postnote --- you'll no longer get any annoying empty parentheses, but you will get another standard citation, which may add too much clutter. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{labeldateparts\\=true}} option tells \textsf{biblatex} to provide the special \textsf{labelyear} and \textsf{extradate} fields for author-date styles. (This is the option formerly known as \texttt{labelyear} and then \texttt{labeldate}, both of which are obsolete.) \mylittlespace These \mymarginpar{\textsf{\texttt{maxbibnames\\=10\\ minbibnames\\=7}}} two options control the number of names printed in the list of references when that number exceeds 10. These numbers follow the recommendations of the \emph{Manual} (14.76, 15.9), and they are different from those for use in citations. Please see section~\ref{sec:otherhints:auth} below (and the file \href{file:cms-dates-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}}) for hints on dealing with entries with more than three authors. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{pagetracker=\\true}} enables page tracking for the \cmd{iffirstonpage} and \cmd{ifsamepage} commands for controlling, among other things, the \emph{ibidem} mechanism. It tracks individual pages if \LaTeX\ is in oneside mode, or whole spreads in twoside mode. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{punctfont=\\true}} fixes a minor problem with punctuation in titles, ensuring that the colon between a title and a subtitle appears in the correct, matching font. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{related=true}} is the standard \textsf{biblatex} bibliography option, and it enables the use of \textsf{related} functionality in the list of references. I have added an entry option, as well, so if you set this to \texttt{false} in your preamble, in the \textsf{options} field, or in the \textsf{relatedoptions} field, you can make the package ignore the \textsf{related} fields. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{sortcase=\\false}} turns off the sorting of uppercase and lowercase letters separately, a practice which the \emph{Manual} doesn't appear to recommend. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{sorting=cms}} setting takes advantage of the \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} command provided by \textsf{biblatex} and \textsf{Biber}, in effect implementing a default sorting order in the list of references tailored to comply with the Chicago author-date specification. Please see the documentation of \cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}, below. \mylittlespace If \colmarginpar{\texttt{timezones=true}} you provide a timezone for a time stamp, usually using one of the \textsf{timezone} fields, this option ensures it will be printed. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{uniquelist=\\minyear}} option enables \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} to disambiguate entries which have more than three \textsf{authors}, but which differ \emph{after} the first name in the list. This will only occur when two such entries have the same \textsf{year} (15.29). The option is \textsf{Biber}-only, like the following, which means that this next-generation \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ replacement is required for the author-date styles. Please see \href{file:cms-dates-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}} and section~\ref{sec:otherhints:auth}, below, for further details. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{uniquename=\\minfull}} enables the package to distinguish different authors who share a surname, using initials in the first instance, and whole names if initials aren't enough (15.22). The option is \textsf{Biber}-only, like the previous one. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{urltime=24h}} entries with \textsf{urldate} fields containing time stamps, that stamp will by default appear in 24-hour format, i.e., \enquote{16:45.} Cf.\ \mycolor{\texttt{alltimes}}, above, \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset} below, and table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{[standard]\\useeditor=false\\usenamec=false}} \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries any editors' or compilers' names appear after the title, according to 14.259, so these entry-type-specific options encode this. You can, of course, override these defaults in your preamble, should you deem it necessary. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{usetranslator\\=true}} enables automatic use of the \textsf{translator} at the head of entries in the absence of an \textsf{author} or an \textsf{editor}. In the list of references, the entry will be alphabetized by the translator's surname. You can disable this functionality on a per-entry basis by setting \texttt{usetranslator=false} in the \textsf{options} field. Cf.\ silver:gawain. \subsubsection*{Other \textsf{biblatex} Formatting Options} \label{sec:authformopts} I've chosen defaults for many of the general formatting commands provided by \textsf{biblatex}, including the vertical space between items in the list of references and between items in the list of shorthands (\cmd{bibitemsep} and \cmd{lositemsep}). I define many of these in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and of course you may want to redefine them to your own needs and tastes. It may be as well you know that the \emph{Manual} does state a preference for two of the formatting options I've implemented by default: the 3-em dash as a replacement for repeated names in the list of references (15.17--19, and just below); and the formatting of note numbers, both in the main text and at the bottom of the page / end of the essay (superscript in the text, in-line in the notes; 14.24). The code for this last formatting is also in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, and I've wrapped it in a test that disables it if you are using the \textsf{memoir} class, which I believe has its own commands for defining these parameters. You can also disable it by using the \texttt{footmarkoff} package option, on which see below. \mylittlespace Gildas Hamel pointed out that my default definition, in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, of \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{bibnamedash} didn't work well with many fonts, leaving a line of three dashes separated by gaps. He suggested an alternative, which I've adopted, with a minor tweak to make the dash thicker, though you can toy with all the parameters to find what looks right with your chosen font. The default definition is: \cmd{renewcommand*\{\textbackslash bibname\-dash\}\{\textbackslash rule[.4ex]\{3em\}\{.6pt\}\}}. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{losnotes} \&\\\texttt{losendnotes}} the request of Kenneth Pearce, I have added two \texttt{bibenvironments} to \textsf{chicago-author\-date.bbx}, for use with the \texttt{env} option to the \cmd{printshorthands} command. The first, \texttt{losnotes}, is designed to allow a list of shorthands to appear inside footnotes, while \texttt{losendnotes} does the same for endnotes. Their main effect is to change the font size, and in the latter case to clear up some spurious punctuation and white space that I see on my system when using endnotes. (You'll probably also want to use the option \texttt{heading=none} in order to get rid of the [oversized] default, providing your own within the \cmd{footnote} command.) If you use a command like \verb+\printbiblist{shortjournal}+ to print a list of journal abbreviations, you can use the \texttt{sjnotes} and \texttt{sjendnotes} \texttt{bibenvironments} in exactly the same way. Please see the documentation of \textsf{shorthand} and \textsf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} above for further options available to you for presenting and formatting these two types of \texttt{biblist}. \mylittlespace The next-generation backend \textsf{Biber} and \textsf{biblatex} offer enhanced functionality in many areas, including the next three declarations. If the default definitions don't work well for you, you can redefine all of them in your document preamble --- see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §§4.5.6 and 4.5.10. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\cmd{Declare-}\\\texttt{Labelname}} option allows you to add name fields for consideration when \textsf{biblatex} is attempting to find a shortened name for in-text citations. This, for example, allows a compiler (=\textsf{namec}) to appear in citations without any other intervention from the user, rather than requiring a \textsf{shortauthor} field as previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} did. The default definition currently is \texttt{\{shortauthor,author,\\shorteditor,namea,editor,nameb,% translator,namec\}}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\cmd{Declare-}\\\texttt{Labeldate}} option allows you to alter the order in which \textsf{Biber} and \textsf{biblatex} search for the year to use both in citations and at the head of entries in the list of references. This will also be the year to which an alphabetical suffix will be appended when an author has published more than one work in the same year, and the year by which works will be sorted in the list of references. In the default configuration, a year will be searched for in the order \textsf{date, eventdate, origdate, urldate}. This generally suits the Chicago author-date styles well, except for two situations. First, when a reference apparatus contains many entries with multiple dates, it may be simplest to promote the \textsf{origdate} to the head of the list, which you can do using the \texttt{cmsdate} preamble option. This changes the order to \textsf{origdate, date, eventdate, urldate}. Second, in \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, and, exceptionally, some \textsf{review} entries, the general rule is to emphasize the earliest date. For these three entry types, then, \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} uses the order \textsf{eventdate, origdate, date, urldate}. See \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}, \texttt{cmsdate} in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, and the \textbf{date} docs in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\cmd{Declare-}\\\texttt{Sorting-}\\\texttt{Template}} third \textsf{Biber} enhancement I have implemented allows you to include almost any field whatsoever in \textsf{biblatex's} sorting algorithms for the list of references, so that a great many more entries will be sorted correctly automatically rather than requiring manual intervention in the form of a \textsf{sortkey} field or the like. Code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} sets the \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{sorting=cms}, which is a custom scheme, basically a Chicago-specific variant of the default \texttt{nyt}. You can find its definition in \textsf{chicago-authordate.cbx}. (Please note that it uses the \textsf{labelyear} as its main year component, which should help improve the automatic sorting of entries by the same \textsf{author}.) \mylittlespace The advantages of this scheme are, specifically, that any entry headed by one of the supplemental name fields (\textsf{name[a-c]}), a \textsf{manual} or a \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entry headed by an \textsf{organization}, or an \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entry with an \textsf{entrysubtype} and headed by a \textsf{journaltitle} will no longer need a \textsf{sortkey} set. Further, the \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{use=false} options will remove any name field from the sorting order, again reducing the need for user intervention. The main disadvantage should only occur very rarely. In \textsf{author}-less \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries without an \textsf{entrysubtype}, the \textsf{title} will appear instead of the \textsf{journaltitle}, and since the latter appears before the former in the sorting scheme, you'll need a \textsf{sortkey} for proper alphabetization. \subsubsection{{Pre-set \textsf{chicago} Options}} \label{sec:authpreset} At \mymarginpar{\texttt{bookpages=\\true}} the request of Scot Becker, I have included this rather specialized option, which controls the printing of the \textsf{pages} field in \textsf{book} entries. Some bibliographic managers, apparently, place the total page count in that field by default, and this option allows you to stop the printing of this information in the reference list. It defaults to true, which means the field is printed, but it can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field (though rather than use this latter method it would make sense to eliminate the \textsf{pages} field from the affected entries). \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{doi=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{doi} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in the reference list. At the request of Daniel Possenriede, and keeping in mind the \emph{Manual's} preference for this field instead of a \textsf{url} (14.7--8), I have added a third switch, \texttt{only}, which prints the \textsf{doi} if it is present and the \textsf{url} only if there is no \textsf{doi}. The package default remains the same, however --- it defaults to true, which will print both \textsf{doi} and \textsf{url} if both are present. The option can be set to \texttt{only} or to \texttt{false} either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{doi} field will always be printed, but the \texttt{only} switch will still eliminate any \textsf{url}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{eprint=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{eprint} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in the list of references. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. In \textsf{online} entries, the \textsf{eprint} field will always be printed. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{isbn=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{isan}, \textsf{isbn}, \textsf{ismn}, \textsf{isrn}, \textsf{issn}, and \textsf{iswc} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in the list of references. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace Once \mymarginpar{\texttt{numbermonth\\=true}} again at the request of Scot Becker, I have included this option, which controls the printing of the \textsf{month} field in all the periodical-type entries when a \textsf{number} field is also present. Some bibliographic software, apparently, always includes the month of publication even when a \textsf{number} is present. When all this information is available the \emph{Manual} (14.171) prints everything, so this option defaults to true, which means the field is printed, but it can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{url=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{url} fields present in the .bib file will be printed in the reference list. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis, in the \textsf{options} field. Please note that, as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, the \textsf{url} field is always printed in \textsf{online} entries, regardless of the state of this option. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{urlstamp=true}} option controls whether any \textsf{urltime} fields, included as part of the \textsf{urldate}, will be printed in citations and reference list. It defaults to true, and can be set to false either in the preamble, for the whole document or for specific entry types, or on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. Please note that, unlike the \texttt{url} option, this option \emph{does} control what is printed in \textsf{online} entries. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{includeall=\\true}} is the one option that rules the seven preceding, either printing all the fields under consideration --- the default --- or excluding all of them. It is set to \texttt{true} in \textsf{chicago-authordate.cbx}, but you can change it either in the preamble for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. The seven individual options above are similarly available in the same places, for finer-grained control. The rationale for all of these options is the availability of bibliographic managers that helpfully present as much data as possible, in every entry, some of which may not be felt to be entirely necessary. Setting \texttt{includeall} to \texttt{true} probably works just fine for those compiling their .bib databases by hand, but others may find that some automatic pruning helps clear things up, at least to a first approximation. Some per-type or per-entry work afterward may then polish up the details. If you find that you need control over fields that aren't included among these options, I have provided the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command for your preamble, as suggested by Jan David Hauck. It is in fact a user interface to the source mapping feature of \textsf{biblatex}, and it is something of a nuclear option, preventing fields from even appearing in the .bbl file generated by \textsf{biber} from your .bib database. See the \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}} command in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} and the source mapping docs in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} \S~4.5.3. \paragraph*{\protect\mymarginpar{\texttt{avdate=true}}} \label{sec:ad:avdate}\vspace{-.5\baselineskip} For \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries, the \emph{Manual} (14.263, 15.57) strongly recommends both that you provide a recording, release, or broadcast date for your references and also that this earlier date should appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. In the default setting of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, \textsf{biblatex} searches for dates in the following order: \textsf{year, eventyear, origyear, urlyear}. This option changes the default ordering in \textsf{music} and \textsf{video} entries to the following: \textsf{eventyear, origyear, year, urlyear}. \textsf{Review} entries presenting on-line comments have similar needs, as do \mycolor{\textsf{standard}} entries, so the same reordering applies to those entry types, too. If you simply want to apply the defaults to these four entry types, you can use \texttt{avdate=false} in the options when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. If, however, you want to tailor the algorithm to your own needs, then you can use \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} commands in your preamble. Please be aware, however, that some parts of the style hard-code the search syntax, and although they take account of the \texttt{avdate} setting, if you use your own definitions of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} the results may, in some corner cases, surprise. Please see \textsf{music}, \textsf{review}, \mycolor{\textsf{standard}}, and \textsf{video} in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}; \textsf{date}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{origdate}, and \textsf{urldate} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}; and \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} in section~\ref{sec:authformopts}. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{booklongxref=\\true}} the request of Bertold Schweitzer, I have included two options for controlling whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated references when you cite more than one part of a given collection or series. This option controls whether multiple \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries which are part of the same collection will appear in this space-saving format. The parent collection itself will usually be presented in, e.g., a \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{mvbook}, \textsf{mvcollection}, or \textsf{mvproceedings} entry, and using \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} in the child entries will allow such presentation depending on the value of the option: \begin{description} \item[\qquad true:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in these entry types, by default you will \emph{not} get any abbreviated citations in the reference list. \item[\qquad false:] You'll get abbreviated citations in these entry types in the reference list. \item[\qquad notes, bib:] These two options are carried over from the notes \&\ bibliography style; here they are synonymous with \texttt{false} and \textsf{true}, respectively. \end{description} This option can be set either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For controlling the behavior of \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter} entries, please see \texttt{longcrossref}, below, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmslos=true}} option alters \textsf{biblatex's} standard behavior when processing the \textsf{shorthand} field. Chicago's author-date style only seems to recommend the use of shorthands as abbreviations for long authors' names, particularly institutional names, which means the shorthand will replace only the name part in citations rather than the whole citation (15.37; bsi:abbreviation, iso:electrodoc). Recent editions suggest placing the abbreviation at the head of the entry, followed by its expansion inside parentheses, an arrangement automatically provided by \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} when you use the \textsf{shorthand} field, assuming you retain the default setting of this option. Please note that you can still print a list of shorthands if you wish, and you can also get back something approaching the \enquote{standard} behavior of shorthands if you give the \texttt{cmslos=false} option to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in your document preamble. Cf.\ section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, s.v. \enquote{\textbf{shorthand}} above, and also \href{file:cms-dates-intro.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}}. \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{compressyears\\=true}} \emph{Manual} has long recommended (9.64, 15.41), as a space-saving measure, the compression of year ranges when presenting dates. I have, finally, implemented this in the current release, and have made it the default, which you can change in your document preamble. Please note that the rules for compressing years are different from those for compressing other numbers (e.g., page numbers), and also that the compression code is in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, which will have to be loaded for this option to make any difference. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace Roger \mymarginpar{\texttt{ctitleaddon=\\comma\\ptitleaddon=\\period}} Hart requested a way to control the punctuation printed before the \textsf{titleaddon}, \textsf{booktitleaddon}, and \textsf{maintitleaddon} fields. By default, this is \cmd{addcomma\cmd{addspace}} (\textsf{ctitleaddon}) for nearly all \textsf{book-} and \textsf{maintitleaddons} in the list of references, while \cmd{addperiod\cmd{addspace}} (\textsf{ptitleaddon}) is the default before most \textsf{titleaddons} there. If the punctuation printed isn't correct for your needs, you can set the relevant option either in the preamble or in individual entries. (Cf.\ coolidge:speech and schubert:muellerin.) The accepted option keys are: \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-4pt} \item[\qquad none] = no punctuation at all \item[\qquad space] = \cmd{addspace} \item[\qquad comma] = \cmd{addcomma\cmd{addspace}} \item[\qquad period] = \cmd{addperiod\cmd{addspace}} \item[\qquad colon] = \cmd{addcolon\cmd{addspace}} \item[\qquad semicolon] = \cmd{addsemicolon\cmd{addspace}} \end{description} If you need something a little more exotic, you can directly \cmd{renewcommand} either \cmd{ctitleaddonpunct} or \cmd{ptitleaddonpunct} (or both) in your preamble, but it's worth remembering that the redefinition will hold for all instances, unless you use the \textsf{options} field in your other entries with a \textsf{titleaddon} field. A simpler solution might be to set the relevant option to \texttt{none} in your entry and then include the punctuation in the \textsf{titleaddon} field itself. \mylittlespace Constanza Cordoni \colmarginpar{\texttt{dashed=true}} has requested a way to turn off the 3-em dash for replacing repeated names in the reference list, and the \emph{Manual} admits that some publishers prefer this, as the dash can carry with it certain inconveniences, especially for electronic formats (15.17). Some of \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles have a \texttt{dashed} option, so for compatibility purposes I've provided the same. By default, I have set it to print the name dash, but you can set \mycolor{\texttt{dashed=false}} in your preamble to repeat names instead throughout your document. \mylittlespace If \mymarginpar{\texttt{hidevolumes=\\true}} both a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{volumes} field are present, as may occur particularly in cross-referenced entries, then \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will ordinarily suppress the \textsf{volumes} field. In some instances, when a \textsf{maintitle} is present, this may not be the desired result. In this latter case, if the \textsf{volume} appears before the \textsf{maintitle}, this option, set to \texttt{true} by default, controls whether to print the \textsf{volumes} field after that title or not. Set it to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of your entry to have it appear after the \textsf{maintitle}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{journalabbrev\\=notes}} option controls the printing of the \textsf{shortjournal} field in place of the \textsf{journaltitle} field in citations and reference lists. It is set to \texttt{notes} by default, so as shipped \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will print such fields only in citations, but you can set it, either in the preamble or in individual entries, to one of three other values: \texttt{true} prints the abbreviated form both in citations and reference lists, \texttt{bib} in the reference list only, and \texttt{false} in neither. Please note that in \textsf{periodical} entries the \textsf{title} and \textsf{shorttitle} fields behave in exactly the same manner. For more details, see the documentation of \textbf{shortjournal} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{longcrossref=\\false}} is the second option, requested by Bertold Schweitzer, for controlling whether and where \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print abbreviated references when you cite more than one part of a given collection or series. It controls the settings for the entry types more-or-less authorized by the \emph{Manual}, i.e., \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter}. The mechanism itself is enabled by multiple \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} references to the same parent, whether that be, e.g., a \textsf{collection}, an \textsf{mvcollection}, a \textsf{proceedings}, or an \textsf{mvproceedings} entry. Given these multiple cross references, the presentation in the reference apparatus will be governed by the following options: \begin{description} \item[\qquad false:] This is the default. If you use \textsf{crossref} or \textsf{xref} fields in the four mentioned entry types, you'll get the abbreviated entries in the reference list. \item[\qquad true:] You'll get no abbreviated citations of these entry types in the reference list. \item[\qquad none:] This switch is special, allowing you with one setting to provide abbreviated citations not just of the four entry types mentioned but also of \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries. \item[\qquad notes, bib:] These two options are carried over from the notes \&\ bibliography style; here they are synonymous with \texttt{false} and \textsf{true}, respectively. \end{description} This option can be set either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. For controlling the behavior of \textsf{book}, \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{collection}, and \textsf{proceedings} entries, please see \texttt{booklongxref}, above, and also the documentation of \textsf{crossref} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{nodates=true}} option means that for all entry types except \textsf{misc} and \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will automatically provide \verb+\bibstring{nodate}+ for any entry that doesn't otherwise provide a date for citations and for the heads of entries in the list of references. If you set \texttt{nodates=false} either in your preamble (for global coverage) or in individual entries then the package won't perform this substitution. (The bibstring expands to \enquote{\texttt{n.d.}} in English.) \subsubsection{Style Options -- Preamble} \label{sec:authuseropts} These are parts of the specification that not everyone will wish to enable. All except the sixth and eighth can be used even if you load the package in the old way via a call to \textsf{biblatex}, but most users can just place the appropriate string(s) in the options to the \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex-chicago\}} call in your preamble. \mylittlespace \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} \colmarginpar{\texttt{alwaysrange}} now implements \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications, one part of which is the presentation of decades and centuries not as year ranges but as localized strings like \enquote{19th c.} or \enquote{1970s.} The \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}} option set to \texttt{true}, either in your preamble or in individual entries, simply tells the package to present the year range instead. This allows you to use the efficient enhanced notations in the \textsf{date} field (\verb+{18XX}+ or \verb+{197X}+) without the localized strings appearing, should you require it. The two options \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange}} and \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange}} limit the same effect to centuries and decades, respectively. Please see table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{annotation}} the request of Emil Salim, I have added to this version of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} the ability to produce annotated reference lists. If you turn this option on then the contents of your \textsf{annotation} (or \textsf{annote}) field will be printed after the reference. (You can also use external files to store annotations -- please see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~3.13.8 for details on how to do this.) This functionality is currently in a beta state, so before you use it please have a look at the documentation for the \textsf{annotation} field, in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} above. \mylittlespace In \colmarginpar{\texttt{authortitle}} a few contexts --- classical references, some archival material, perhaps scientific data\-bases --- the provision of a date for citations may well be impossible, irrelevant, or both. The \textsf{entrysubtype} value \texttt{classical} results in author-title citations for the entry containing it, but it modifies punctuation in those citations in a way that might be wrong for some sources, and it's also possible that you may need the \textsf{entrysubtype} field for some other purpose yet still wish to present author-title citations. You can set \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} to \texttt{true} either for a specific entry type in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries to achieve this. You can also use the citation commands \mycolor{\cmd{atcite}} and \mycolor{\cmd{atpcite}}, instead, if that's more convenient. The \textsf{shorttitle} field provides a way to abbreviate long titles in this context. Please note that \textsf{biblatex-chicago} by default sets this to \texttt{true} for the new \mycolor{\textsf{dataset}} entry type, so you can set it to \texttt{false} if you want to present such entries differently. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{centuryrange}} option works just like \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, above, but only affects century presentation, not decade. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace The \colmarginpar{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}} \emph{Manual} gives fairly specific instructions about breaking URLs across lines (14.18), so I have attempted to implement them by tweaking \textsf{biblatex's} default settings, which are found in \textsf{biblatex.def}. In truth, I haven't succeeded in getting \textsf{biblatex} flawlessly to follow all of the \emph{Manual's} instructions, nor do the changes I have made work well in all circumstances, being particularly unsightly if you happen to be using the \textsf{ragged2e} package. For these reasons, I have made my changes dependent on a package option, \mycolor{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}}, which you can set in your preamble. I have placed all of this code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead, then URL line breaking will revert to the \textsf{biblatex} defaults. See \href{file:cms-dates-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf}} for a lot of examples of what URLs look like when the option is set, and also section~\ref{sec:loading:auth}, below. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}} option used \emph{in the preamble} provides a method for simplifying the creation of data\-bases with a great many multi-date entries. Despite warnings in previous releases, users have plainly already been setting this option in their preambles, so I thought I might at least attempt to make it work as \enquote{correctly} as I can. The switches for it are basically the same as for the entry-only option, that is, assuming an entry presents a reprinted edition of a work by Smith, first published in 1926 (the \textsf{origdate}) and reprinted in 1985 (the \textsf{date}): \begin{enumerate} \item \texttt{cmsdate=off} is the default: (Smith 1985). \item \texttt{cmsdate=both} prints both the \textsf{origdate} and the \textsf{date}, using the \emph{Manual's}\ standard format: (Author [1926] 1985) in parenthetical citations, Author (1926) 1985 outside parentheses, e.g., in the reference list. \item \texttt{cmsdate=on} prints the \textsf{origdate} at the head of the entry in the list of references and in citations: (Author 1926). NB: The \emph{Manual} no longer includes this among the approved options. If you want to present the \textsf{origdate} at the head of an entry, then generally speaking you should probably use \texttt{cmsdate=both}. I have nevertheless retained this option for certain cases where it has proved useful. The old options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} work like \texttt{both}. \end{enumerate} The important information for the user is that, when you set this option in your preamble to \texttt{on} or \texttt{both} (or to the old synonyms for the latter, \texttt{new} or \texttt{old}), then \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} (and \textsf{authordate-trad}) will change the default \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} definition so that the \textsf{labelyear} search order will be \textsf{origdate, date, eventdate, urldate}. This means that for entry types not covered by the \texttt{avdate} option, and for those types as well if you turn off that option, the \textsf{labelyear} will, in any entry containing an \textsf{origdate}, be that very date. If you want \emph{every} such entry to present its \textsf{origdate} in citations and at the head of reference list entries, then setting the option this way makes sense, as you should automatically get the proper \textsf{extradate} letter (1926\textbf{a}) and the correct sorting, without having to use the counter-intuitive .bib file date switching that sometimes accompanied the entry-only \texttt{cmsdate} option. A few clarifications may yet be in order. \mylittlespace Obviously, any entry with only a \textsf{date} should behave as usual. Also, since \textsf{patent} entries have fairly specialized needs, I have exempted them from this change to \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}. Third, the per-entry \texttt{cmsdate} options will still affect which dates are printed in citations and at the head of reference list entries, but they cannot change the search order for the \textsf{labeldate}. This will be fixed by the preamble option. Fourth, if you have been used to switching the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate} to get the correct results, then you should be aware that this mechanism may actually still be useful when using the \texttt{on} switch to \texttt{cmsdate} in the preamble, but it produces incorrect results when the \texttt{cmsdate} option is \texttt{both} in the preamble and the individual entry. The preamble option is designed to make the need for this switching as rare as possible, so some editing of existing databases may be necessary. Fifth, the entry-only option \texttt{full} has no effect at all when used in the preamble; you must set it in individual entries. Finally, please see the documentation of the \textbf{date} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} for the fullest discussion of date presentation in the \textsf{authordate} styles. \mylittlespace Although \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsorigdate}} I can't currently think of any reason why anyone would want to use it on its own, I should nonetheless mention that the \texttt{cmsorigdate} option in your preamble will change the default \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} settings to \textsf{origdate, date, eventdate, urldate}. Setting \texttt{cmsdate} to \texttt{on} or \texttt{both} in the preamble --- see the previous option --- sets this to true, but if for some reason you want to set it to true without any of the other effects of the \texttt{cmsdate} option, then you can. The effects may surprise. \mylittlespace When \mymarginpar{\texttt{compresspages}} set to \texttt{true}, any page ranges in your .bib file or in the \textsf{postnote} field of your citation commands will be compressed in accordance with the \emph{Manual's} specifications (9.61). Something like 321-{-}328 in your .bib file would become 321--28 in your document. See the \textsf{pages} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. Please note that the code for this is in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead then you'll get the default \textsf{biblatex} compression style. \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{decaderange}} option works just like \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, above, but only affects decade presentation, not century. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace Although \mymarginpar{\texttt{footmarkoff}} the \emph{Manual} (14.19) recommends specific formatting for footnote (and endnote) marks, i.e., superscript in the text and in-line in foot- or endnotes, Charles Schaum has brought it to my attention that not all publishers follow this practice, even when requiring Chicago style. I have retained this formatting as the default setup, but if you include the \texttt{footmarkoff} option, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will not alter \LaTeX 's (or the \textsf{endnote} package's) defaults in any way, leaving you free to follow the specifications of your publisher. I have placed all of this code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, so if you load the package with a call to \textsf{biblatex} instead, then once again footnote marks will revert to the \LaTeX\ default, but of course you also lose a fair amount of other formatting, as well. See section~\ref{sec:loading:auth}, below. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{genallnames}} option affects the choice of which names to present in the genitive case when using the \cmd{gentextcites} command. Please see the documentation of that command in section~\ref{sec:cite:authordate}, above. \mylittlespace Several \mymarginpar{\texttt{headline}\\\texttt{(trad only)}} users requested an option that turned off the automatic transformations that produce sentence-style capitalization in the title fields of the 15th-edition author-date style. I have, therefore, also included it in \textsf{authordate-trad}. If you set this option, the word case in your title fields will not be changed in any way, that is, this doesn't automatically transform your titles into headline-style, but rather allows the .bib file to determine capitalization. It works by redefining the command \cmd{MakeSentenceCase}, so in the unlikely event you are using the latter anywhere in your document please be aware that it will also be turned off there. \mylittlespace When \mymarginpar{\texttt{hypertitle}} you use the \textsf{hyperref} package with the author-date styles, the in-text citations will provide a hyperlink to the full information in the list of references. Timo Thoms rightly pointed out that, generally, one only wants one piece of the citation to provide the hyperlink, usually the \textsf{date} part. The author-date styles will instead link the \textsf{title} or the \textsf{shorthand} if there isn't a \textsf{date}, but if you set this option to \texttt{true} globally in your preamble then all \textsf{titles} and \textsf{shorthands} will link, regardless of whether a \textsf{date} is also present. You can also set \texttt{hypertitle} in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries, allowing you to provide a hyperlink in cases where the automatic mechanism gets it wrong (ency:britannica). \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\texttt{juniorcomma}} \emph{Manual} (6.43) states that \enquote{commas are not required around \emph{Jr.}\ and \emph{Sr.},} so by default \textsf{biblatex-chicago} has followed standard \textsf{biblatex} in using a simple space in names like \enquote{John Doe Jr.} Charles Schaum has pointed out that traditional \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ practice was to include the comma, and since the \emph{Manual} has no objections to this, I have provided an option which allows you to turn this behavior back on, either for the whole document or on a per-entry basis. Please note, first, that numerical suffixes (John Doe III) never take the comma. The code tests for this situation, and detects cardinal numbers well, but if you are using ordinals you may need to set this to \texttt{false} in the \textsf{options} field of some entries. Second, I have fixed a bug in older releases which always printed the \enquote{Jr.}\ part of the name immediately after the surname, even when the surname came before the given names (as in a reference list). The package now correctly puts the \enquote{Jr.}\ part at the end, after the given names, and in this position it always takes a comma, the presence of which is unaffected by this option. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{natbib}} may look like the standard \textsf{biblatex} option, but to keep the coding of \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} simpler for the moment I have reimplemented it there, from whence it is merely passed on to \textsf{biblatex}. If you load the Chicago style with \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex-chicago\}}, then the option should simply read \texttt{natbib}, rather than \texttt{natbib=true}. The shorter form also works if you use \cmd{usepackage} \texttt{[style=chicago-authordate]\{bibla\-tex\}}, so I hope this requirement isn't too onerous. \mylittlespace When \colmarginpar{\texttt{nodatebrackets}\\ \texttt{noyearbrackets}} you use \textsf{biblatex's} enhanced date specifications to present an uncertain date (\verb+{1956?}+), a \enquote{circa} date (\verb+{1956~}+), or one that is both at the same time (\verb+{1956%}+), the date that by default will appear in your documents will have square brackets around it. This accords with the \emph{Manual's} instructions concerning such dates (15.44), but may in some circumstances prove syntactically awkward, or may perhaps be out of step with a specific house style. These two options, which may appear in the preamble either for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in individual entries, allow you to control when these brackets will appear. The first controls, mainly, dates that appear in the body of an entry in the reference list, while the second controls dates in citations and at the head of entries in the reference list. Cf.\ table~\ref{ad:date:extras}. \mylittlespace At \mymarginpar{\texttt{noibid}} the request of an early tester, I have included this option to allow you globally to turn off the \texttt{ibidem} mechanism that \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} uses by default. This mechanism doesn't actually print \enquote{Ibid,} but rather includes only the \textsf{postnote} information in a citation, i.e., it will print (224) instead of (Author 2000, 224). Setting this option will mean that none of these shortened citations will appear automatically. For more fine-grained control of individual citations you'll probably want to use the \cmd{citereset} command, allied possibly with the \textsf{biblatex}\ \texttt{citereset} option, on which see \textsf{biblatex.pdf} § \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{ordinalgb}} option, which only affects users of the \texttt{british} language, restores the previous package defaults, printing the \textsf{day} part of a \textsf{date} specification as an ordinal number: 26th March 2017. The new package default prints 26 March 2017, which is more in keeping both with standard British usage and with the recommendations of the \emph{Manual} (9.35). The option is available only in the preamble. \mylittlespace Originally \mymarginpar{\texttt{postnotepunct}\\(experimental)} designed for the notes \&\ bibliography style, this option may in fact be more useful in the \textsf{authordate} styles. If set to \texttt{true}, it allows you to alter the punctuation that appears just before the \textsf{postnote} argument of citation commands, simplifying in particular the provision of comments within parenthetical citations. In previous releases, you either needed to include the comment after a page number, e.g., \cmd{autocite[16; some comment]\{citekey\}}, or provide a separate .bib entry using the \textsf{customc} entry type, e.g., \cmd{autocites\{chicago:manual\}\{chicago:comment\}}. With this option enabled, \cmd{autocite[;\,some\,comment]\{citekey\}} will do. More generally, the \texttt{postnotepunct} option allows you to start the \textsf{postnote} field with a punctuation mark (.\,,\,;\,:) and have it appear as the \cmd{postnotedelim} in place of whatever the package might otherwise automatically have chosen. Please note that this functionality relies on a very nifty macro by Philipp Lehman which I haven't extensively tested, so I'm labeling this option \enquote{experimental.} Note also that the option only affects the \textsf{postnote} field of citation commands, not the \textsf{pages} field in your .bib file. \enlargethispage{\baselineskip} \mylittlespace This \colmarginpar{\texttt{seriesabbrev}} option controls the printing, in the reference list, of the \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} field in place of the \textsf{series} field in book-like entries. It is \texttt{false} by default, so as shipped \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate} will silently ignore such fields, but you can set it to \texttt{true} either in the preamble for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in individual entries, and it will appear in the reference list. For more details, see the documentation of \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \mylittlespace Kenneth Pearce \mymarginpar{\texttt{shorthandfull}} has suggested that, in some fields of study, a list of shorthands providing full bibliographical information may replace the list of references itself. This option, which must be used in tandem with \texttt{cmslos=false}, prints this full information in the list of shorthands, though of course you should remember that any .bib entry not containing a \textsf{shorthand} field won't appear in such a list. Please see the documentation of the \textsf{shorthand} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} above for information on further options available to you for presenting and formatting the list of shorthands. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{\texttt{strict}} still-experimental option attempts to follow the \emph{Manual}'s recommendations (14.36) for formatting footnotes on the page, using no rule between them and the main text unless there is a run-on note, in which case a short rule intervenes to emphasize this continuation. I haven't tested this code very thoroughly, and it's possible that frequent use of floats might interfere with it. Let me know if it causes problems. \mylittlespace Stefan \mymarginpar{\texttt{xrefurl}} Björk pointed out that when, using the \texttt{longcrossref} or \texttt{booklongxref} options, you turn on the automatic abbreviation of multiple entries in the same (e.g.) \textsf{collection} or \textsf{mvcollection}, you could entirely lose a \textsf{url} that might be helpful for locating a source, as the abbreviated forms in the reference list wouldn't include this information. Setting this option to \textsf{true} either in the preamble or in individual entries will allow the \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, or \textsf{eprint} field to appear even in these abbreviated references. \subsubsection{Style Options -- Entry} \label{sec:authentryopts} These options are settable on a per-entry basis in the \textsf{options} field. \mylittlespace Recent \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}} editions of the \emph{Manual} have simplified the options for entries with more than one date (15.40). You can choose among them using the \texttt{cmsdate} entry option. It has 3 possible states relevant to this problem, alongside a fourth which I discuss below. An example should make this clearer. Let us assume that an entry presents a reprinted edition of a work by Smith, first published in 1926 (the \textsf{origdate}) and reprinted in 1985 (the \textsf{date}): \begin{description} \item[\qquad off:] This is the default. The citation will look like (Smith 1985). \item[\qquad both:] The citation will look like (Smith [1926] 1985). \item[\qquad on:] The citation will look like (Smith 1926). NB: The \emph{Manual} no longer includes this among the approved options. If you want to present the \textsf{origdate} at the head of an entry, then generally speaking you should probably use \texttt{cmsdate=both}. I have retained the option because in some cases it is still useful. The old options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} work like \texttt{both}. \end{description} As I explained in detail above in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, s.v.\ \enquote{\textbf{date},}\ because \textsf{biblatex's} sorting algorithms and automatic creation of the \textsf{extradate} field refer by default to the \textsf{date} before the \textsf{origdate} when both are present, there may be situations when you need to have the \emph{earlier} year in the \textsf{date} field, and the later one in \textsf{origdate}, e.g., if you have another reprinted work by the same author originally printed in the same year. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-authordate} will automatically detect this switch, and given the same reprinted work as above, the results will be as follows: \begin{description} \item[\qquad off:] This is the default. The citation will look like (Smith 1926a). This style is no longer recommended by the \emph{Manual}. \item[\qquad both:] The citation will look like (Smith [1926a] 1985). The old options \texttt{old} and \texttt{new} are synonyms for this. \item[\qquad on:] The citation will look like (Smith 1926a). As noted above, this style is no longer recommended by the \emph{Manual}. \end{description} If, \mymarginpar{\texttt{switchdates}} for any reason, simply switching the \textsf{date} and the \textsf{origdate} isn't possible in a given entry, then you can put \texttt{switchdates} in the \textsf{options} field to achieve the same result. Also, you can use the preamble version \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate}\\\emph{in preamble}} of \texttt{cmsdate} to change the default order of \cmd{DeclareLabeldate}, generally making this date-switching in your .bib file unnecessary. Please take a look at the full documentation of the \textbf{date} field to which I referred just above, at the preamble \texttt{cmsdate} documentation in section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, and also at \href{file:cms-dates-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf}} and \textsf{dates-test.bib} for examples of how all this works. \mylittlespace Bertold Schweitzer has brought to my attention certain difficult corner cases involving cross-referenced works with more than one date. In order to facilitate the accurate presentation of such sources, I made a slight change to the way \texttt{cmsdate=on} and \texttt{cmsdate=both} work. If, and only if, a work has only one date, and there is no \texttt{switchdates} in the \textsf{options} field, then \texttt{cmsdate=on} and \texttt{cmsdate=both} will both result in the suppression of the \textsf{extradate} field in that entry. Obviously, if the same options are set in the preamble, this behavior is turned off, so that single-date entries will still work properly without manual intervention. \mylittlespace Recent editions of the \emph{Manual} specify that it is \enquote{usually sufficient to cite newspaper and magazine articles entirely within the text} (15.49). This will apply mainly to \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries with \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine}, and involves a parenthetical citation giving the \textsf{journaltitle} and then the full \textsf{date}, not just the year, with any other relevant identifying information incorporated into running text. (Cf.\ 14.198.)\ In order to facilitate this, I have added a further switch to the \texttt{cmsdate} option \mymarginpar{\texttt{cmsdate=full}} --- \texttt{full} --- which \emph{only} affects the presentation of citations, and causes the printing of the full date specification there. You can use the standard \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{skipbib} option to keep such entries from appearing in the list of references, and you may, if your .bib entry is a complete one, also need \texttt{useauthor=false} in order to ensure that the \textsf{journaltitle} appears in the citations rather than the \textsf{author}. \subsection{General Usage Hints} \label{sec:hints:auth} \subsubsection{Loading the Styles} \label{sec:loading:auth} With the addition of the \textsf{authordate-trad} style to the package, there are now three keys for choosing which style to load, \texttt{notes}, \texttt{authordate}, and \textsf{authordate-trad}, one of which you put in the options to the \cmd{usepackage} command. With early versions of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, the standard way of loading the package was via a call to \textsf{biblatex}, e.g.: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[style=chicago-authordate,strict,backend=biber,% babel=other,bibencoding=inputenc]{biblatex} \end{verbatim} Now, the default way to load the style, and one that will in the vast majority of standard cases produce the same results as the old invocation, will look like this: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[authordate,strict,backend=biber,autolang=other,% bibencoding=inputenc]{biblatex-chicago} \end{verbatim} If you read through \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, you'll see that it sets a number of \textsf{biblatex} options aimed at following the Chicago specification, as well as setting a few formatting variables intended as reasonable defaults (see section~\ref{sec:preset:authdate}, above). Some parts of this specification, however, are plainly more \enquote{suggested} than \enquote{required,} and indeed many publishers, while adopting the main skeleton of the Chicago style in citations, nonetheless maintain their own house styles to which the defaults I have provided do not conform. \mylittlespace If you only need to change one or two parameters, this can easily be done by putting different options in the call to \textsf{biblatex-chicago} or redefining other formatting variables in the preamble, thereby overriding the package defaults. If, however, you wish more substantially to alter the output of the package, perhaps to use it as a base for constructing another style altogether, then you may want to revert to the old style of invocation above. You'll lose all the definitions in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, including those to which I've already alluded and also the code that sets the note number in-line rather than superscript in endnotes or footnotes, the URL line-breaking code, and the Chicago-specific number- and date-range compression code. You'll need to load the required packages \textsf{xstring} and \textsf{nameref} yourself, as \textsf{biblatex} doesn't do it for you. Also in this file is the code that calls all of the package's localization files, which means that you'll lose all the Chicago-specific bibstrings I've defined unless you provide, in your preamble, a \cmd{DeclareLanguageMapping} command, or several, adapted for your setup, on which see section~\ref{sec:international} below and also §§~4.9.1 and 4.11.8 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf}. \mylittlespace What you \emph{will not} lose is the ability to call the package options \texttt{annotation, strict, cmslos=false} and \texttt{noibid} (section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, above), in case these continue to be useful to you when constructing your own modifications. There's very little code, therefore, actually in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, but I hope that even this minimal separation will make the package somewhat more adaptable. Any suggestions on this score are, of course, welcome. \subsubsection{Other Hints} \label{sec:otherhints:auth} Starting with \textsf{biblatex} version 1.5, in order to adhere to the author-date specification you will need to use \textsf{Biber} to process your .bib files, as \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ (and its more recent variants) will no longer provide all the required features. This document assumes that you are using \textsf{Biber}; if you wish to continue using \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ then you need \textsf{biblatex} version 1.4c and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} 0.9.7a. \mylittlespace If your .bib file contains a large number of entries with more than three authors, then you may run into some limitations of the \textsf{biblatex-chicago} code. The default settings are \texttt{maxnames=3,minnames=1} in citations and \texttt{maxbibnames=10,minbibnames=7} in the list of references. In practice, this means that an entry like hlatky:hrt, with 5 authors, will present all of them in the list of references but will truncate to one in citations, like so: (Hlatky et al. 2002). For the vast majority of circumstances, these settings are exactly right for the Chicago author-date specification. However, if \enquote{a reference list includes another work of the same date that would also be abbreviated as [\enquote{Hlatky et al.}] but whose coauthors are different persons or listed in a different order, the text citations must distinguish between them} (15.29). The (\textsf{Biber}-only) \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{uniquelist}, set for you in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, will automatically handle many of these situations for you, but it is as well to understand that it does so by temporarily suspending the limits, listed above, on how many names to print in a citation. Without \texttt{uniquelist}, \textsf{biblatex} would present such a work as, e.g., (Hlatky et al. 2002b), while hlatky:hrt would be (Hlatky et al. 2002a). This does distinguish between them, but inaccurately, as it suggests that the two different author lists are exactly the same. With \texttt{uniquelist}, the two citations might look like (Hlatky, Boothroyd et al.\ 2002) and (Hlatky, Smith et al.\ 2002), which is what the specification requires. \mylittlespace If, however, the distinguishing name occurs further down the author list --- in fourth or fifth position in our examples --- then the default settings would produce citations with all 4 or 5 names printed, which can become awkwardly long. In such a situation, you can provide \textsf{shortauthor} fields that look like this: \{\{Hlatky et al., \textbackslash mkbibquote\{Quality of Life,\}\}\} and \{\{Hlatky et al., \textbackslash mkbibquote\{Depressive Symptoms,\}\}\}, using a shortened title to distinguish the references. This would produce (Hlatky et al., \enquote{Quality of Life,} 2002) and (Hlatky et al., \enquote{Depressive Symptoms,} 2002), again as the spec requires. There is, unfortunately, no simpler way that I know of to deal with this situation. \mylittlespace One useful rule, when you are having difficulty creating a .bib entry, is to ask yourself whether all the information you are providing is strictly necessary. The Chicago specification is a very full one, but the \emph{Manual} is actually, in many circumstances, fairly relaxed about how much of the data from a work's title page you need to fit into a reference. Authors of introductions and afterwords, multiple publishers in different countries, the real names of authors more commonly known under pseudonyms, all of these are candidates for exclusion if you aren't making specific reference to them, and if you judge that their inclusion won't be of particular interest to your readers. Of course, any data that may be of such interest, and especially any needed to identify and track down a reference, has to be present, but sometimes it pays to step back and reevaluate how much information you're providing. I've tried to make \textsf{biblatex-chicago} robust enough to handle the most complex, data-rich citations, but there may be instances where you can save yourself some typing by keeping it simple. \mylittlespace Scot Becker has pointed out to me that the inverse problem not only exists but may well become increasingly common, to wit, .bib database entries generated by bibliographic managers which helpfully provide as much information as is available, including fields that users may well wish not to have printed (ISBN, URL, DOI, \textsf{pagetotal}, inter alia). The standard \textsf{biblatex} styles contain a series of options, detailed in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §, for controlling the printing of some of these fields, and I have implemented others that are relevant to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, along with a couple that Scot requested and that may be of more general usefulness. There is also a general option to excise with one command all the fields under consideration -- please see section~\ref{sec:authpreset} above. \section{The \textsf{Jurisdiction}, \textsf{Legislation}, and \textsf{Legal} Entry Types} \label{sec:legal} I have received numerous requests over the years to include some means of referring to legal and public documents which, broadly speaking, don't fit easily into any of the standard \textsf{biblatex} entry types. The \emph{Manual} (14.269--305) recommends using the \emph{Bluebook} as a guide for formatting such references, while also suggesting certain modifications to this formatting to bring it more into line with Chicago's usual practices. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} now offers three entry types --- \textbf{jurisdiction}, \textbf{legal}, and \textbf{legislation} --- which allow you to present at least a substantial subset of what the \emph{Bluebook} offers. As the rules for your .bib entries are the same in the notes \&\ bibliography style and in the author-date styles, and as these rules mainly come from a source outside the \emph{Manual,} and additionally as these rules apparently require even the author-date styles to use a system of foot- or endnotes (15.58), I have documented these types in a section of their own, applicable to all the Chicago styles. (Some few changes needed when using the author-date styles, mainly to do with citation commands, will be outlined at the end.) You can also consult the example files \textsf{legal-test.bib} and \href{file:cms-legal-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}} to see how you might construct your database entries. \subsection{Types, Subtypes, and Fields} \label{sec:legal:types} Anyone who has used the \emph{Bluebook} will realize that it is hopeless to attempt to fit its labyrinthine complexities into three entry types, but with the addition of numerous \textsf{entrysubtypes} and some parsing by \textsf{Biber} under the hood, I hope to have covered the main sorts of material discussed by the \emph{Manual}. As a first approximation, all three types begin from a structure analogous to the standard \textsf{biblatex article} type, with a number of subtle differences that I have attempted to make consistent across the three. Standard practice is to present the references \emph{only} in notes, and not in a bibliography, so by default \textsf{biblatex-chicago} excludes these types from the latter, though you can control this using an option (see below). \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{jurisdiction}} type is for presenting legal cases and court decisions. A typical entry will contain the following fields: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\quad\textsf{#1}:} \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-2pt} \item[title] The case name as seen in the first, long note. \item[shorttitle] The case name for subsequent, short notes, ordinarily either the plaintiff or the nongovernmental party. \item[journaltitle \textrm{and/or} shortjournal] The reporter for the case, \emph{always} presented in a standard abbreviated form available in the \emph{Bluebook}. You can place the abbreviation either in the \textsf{journaltitle} or in the \textsf{shortjournal} field. If you wish to present your readers with a list of abbreviations with their expansions, then the expansion goes in \textsf{journaltitle} and the abbreviation in \textsf{shortjournal}. (Cf.\ \href{file:cms-legal-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}} to see how this might look.) \item[pages \emph{or} issue] When using a standard official reporter, this will contain the opening page of the decision in that reporter, while any \textsf{postnote} field will contain the specific page on which a particular citation appears (a \enquote{pincite}). When citing a commercial electronic database, on the other hand, you should give, instead of a \textsf{pages} field, the identifying number of the case using the \textsf{issue} field. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago} uses the presence of the \textsf{issue} field to provide the slightly different formatting required for citations from databases like Westlaw or LexisNexis. When an \textsf{issue} field is present, then both the \textsf{pages} field and the \textsf{postnote} field can provide a pincite. (Cf.\ federal:case and database:case.) \item[series] If you are citing an official reporter, then it may have a \textsf{series} number, which will be printed immediately after the name of the reporter. \item[volume] The volume number of the reporter. It will often be the same as the year when using a commercial electronic database, but you still need to provide it separately. \item[number] The docket number of the case, generally required when the reporter is a commercial database. \item[date] The date of the decision. \item[location] The abbreviated name of the court, if it isn't clear from the reporter cited. It will be associated with the \textsf{date} in American cases, but not in Canadian or UK case (see below). Being a list field, it can contain more than one item, in case you need a separate set of parentheses to identify a jurisdiction as well as a court name in Canadian or UK cases (cf.\ uk:case:square). \end{description}} These are, so to speak, the basic elements of a \textsf{jurisdiction} citation, which may, depending on specific circumstances, require supplementation by the following: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\quad\textsf{#1}:} \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-2pt} \item[entrysubtype\{square\} \textrm{or} \{round\}] The \emph{Manual} includes examples for citing cases in Canada and in the United Kingdom, and the \texttt{square} \textsf{entrysubtype} identifies the reporter either as Canadian or as a UK reporter for which the year is essential to locating the case, that is, when \enquote{there is either no volume number or the volumes for each year are numbered anew, not cumulatively} (14.298). The \texttt{round} subtype, by contrast, identifies a UK reporter where the volumes are numbered cumulatively, making the year inessential. (The names refer to the shapes of the brackets placed around the year in each case. Cf.\ canada:case, uk:case:round, and uk:case:square.) \item[origlocation \textrm{or} origpublisher] If you need to cite more than one reporter for a given case, then there are two possibilities. Either the second (and subsequent) reporter(s) use(s) the same pagination as the first (\textsf{origpublisher}) or the reporters use different pagination (\textsf{origlocation}). Since both are list fields, you can in theory provide several reporters, but please note that these fields are currently only provided for citations of American cases. (Cf.\ state:case:2reps.) \item[related] It may be necessary sometimes to indicate further action by another, higher court, such as the US Supreme Court's grant or denial of \emph{certiorari}. The usual \textsf{related} mechanism is useful in such situations, particularly with a tailored \textsf{relatedstring} field. (Cf.\ federal:lower:related.) \end{description}} This \mymarginpar{\textbf{legislation}} is the most complicated of the new entry types, with several \textsf{entrysubtypes} and a number of tricky corners, particularly with regard to the provision of subsequent short notes after the first full citation. It is intended to cope with constitutions and with legislative and executive documents of all kinds, with the exception of treaties, for which you can use the \textsf{legal} type, below. In effect, the type tries to cover federal, state, and municipal laws and ordinances, statutes, bills, resolutions, reports, debates, hearings, presidential and congressional documents, and constitutions, none of which it does with particular elegance, so consider it a work in progress. Many of the fields have close analogues in the \textsf{jurisdiction} type, so at least there is some bare minimum of consistency when dealing with public and legal material. {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\quad\textsf{#1}:} \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-2pt} \item[author] Some kinds of material, usually reports, may have an \textsf{author}, often an organizational one. (Cf.\ congress:report and uk:command.) \item[title] Reports, bills, hearings and the like frequently have a \textsf{title} which, please note, quite frequently will not turn up in short notes, depending on which other fields are present. \item[titleaddon] This field is considerably more important in \textsf{legislation} entries than the \textsf{shorttitle} field, mainly because it will turn up in many short notes where the \textsf{title} will not. It will frequently contain specifying information on legislative material, and will therefore often allow short notes to differentiate citations of sources that might have the same \textsf{title} but differ in other respects. (Cf.\ congress:publiclaw, congress:bill, and congress:report.) \item[number] Gives an identifying number to a \textsf{title} or a \textsf{titleaddon}, prefixed with \cmd{bib\-string\{number\}}. It too can appear in short notes. \item[note] This gives a section or other specifying information related to a \textsf{titleaddon} and \textsf{number}. (Cf.\ congress:publiclaw.) \item[journaltitle \textrm{and/or} shortjournal] There is usually a standard place for publishing various sorts of legislative material, and as in \textsf{jurisdiction} entries it is \emph{always} presented in a standard abbreviated form available in the \emph{Bluebook}. You can place the abbreviation either in the \textsf{journaltitle} or in the \textsf{shortjournal} field. If you wish to present your readers with a list of abbreviations with their expansions, then the expansion goes in \textsf{journaltitle} and the abbreviation in \textsf{shortjournal}. Like \textsf{titleaddon}, this field will often appear in short notes. (Cf.\ \href{file:cms-legal-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}} to see how this might look.) \item[volume] The volume number of the \textsf{shortjournal}. It can be a cardinal or an ordinal, depending on the \textsf{shortjournal}. (Cf.\ congress:publiclaw and congress:bill.) \item[series] In citations of American material, this will usually contain session information pertaining to a legislative publication. Elsewhere it will often contain just be a plain number, not unlike in \textsf{jurisdiction} entries. (Cf.\ congress:debate:globe, state:statute:okla, and uk:hansard.) \item[issue] This field can provide an identifying number in some circumstances, particularly when you don't want it prefixed by any bibstring --- cf.\ uk:command. \item[pages] Somewhat similar to its use in \textsf{jurisdiction} entries, this will usually contain the opening page, or sometimes the section number, of the material in the \textsf{shortjournal}, while any \textsf{postnote} field will contain the specific page on which a particular citation appears (a \enquote{pincite}). \item[part \textrm{or} chapter] Some sources use \textsf{part} or \textsf{chapter} numbers instead of \textsf{pages} or sections. (Cf.\ canada:statute and uk:statute.) \item[date] The date of publication of the material, usually just a \textsf{year}, though sometimes a full date, e.g., see executive:proclamation. \item[location] If it is not clear from the \textsf{title} or the \textsf{shortjournal}, this field can specify, in abbreviated form, the US state where the legislative material originates. It will be associated with the \textsf{date} in long notes, but will appear elsewhere in short notes. (Cf.\ state:statute:okla.) \item[usera] This specifies a particular edition, possibly from a commercial electronic data\-base, of a legislative publication. It will be associated with the \textsf{date} in long notes but won't appear in short ones. (Cf.\ congress:debate:new and state:statute:ky.) \item[addendum] You can use this field to specify the speaker at hearings or in debates, the Canadian or British jurisdiction of some laws if not otherwise clear from the citation, or possibly simply additional information about a source. (Cf.\ canada:statute, congress:debate:new, congress:hearing, state:statute:ky, and uk:statute.) \item[entrysubtype] The sheer variety of sources included under the \textsf{legislation} type, and the specialized rules for presenting them, have necessitated the introduction of a substantial network of \textsf{entrysubtypes}: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\quad\textsf{#1}:} \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-2pt} \item[canada] Identifies Canadian statutes (canada:statute). \item[constitution] For constitutions, be they federal, state, or local (constitution:ar\-kansas and constitution:federal). \textsf{Biber} will automatically detect if the \textsf{title} contains the string \texttt{Const} and provide the \textsf{entrysubtype} for you, but in other cases you'll have to provide it yourself. \item[hansard] Identifies UK parliamentary debates as published in \emph{Hansard}. (Cf.\ uk:\break hansard.) \item[hearing] For congressional hearings (congress:hearing). \item[uk] Identifies UK statutes and command papers. (Cf.\ uk:command, uk:statute, and uk:statute:regnal.) \item[un] For UN documents (un:resolution). \end{description}} \end{description}} A glance through the \textsf{legal-test.bib} file should help enormously when you're trying to work out how to present a particular source, and all suggestions for pruning the foliage will be welcome. \mybigspace This \mymarginpar{\textbf{legal}} type is intended as a catch-all for miscellaneous public documents not included in the previous two types, but for the moment the only sort of material for which it is required is international treaties (14.290; treaty). The usual fields for such material include: {\renewcommand{\descriptionlabel}[1]{\quad\textsf{#1}:} \begin{description} \setlength{\parskip}{-2pt} \item[title] The treaty name as seen in the first, long note. \item[shorttitle] The treaty name for subsequent, short notes. You can also use the \textsf{shorthand} field in such entries. \item[titleaddon] This contains the names of the countries involved in the treaty, in abbreviated form. \item[journaltitle \textrm{and/or} shortjournal] The standard publication containing the treaty, \emph{always} presented in an abbreviated form available in the \emph{Bluebook}. You can place the abbreviation either in the \textsf{journaltitle} or in the \textsf{shortjournal} field. If you wish to present your readers with a list of abbreviations with their expansions, then the expansion goes in \textsf{journaltitle} and the abbreviation in \textsf{shortjournal}. (Cf.\ \href{file:cms-legal-sample.pdf}{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}} to see how this might look.) \item[issue] This will contain the identifying number provided by the \textsf{shortjournal}. \item[volume] The volume number of the \textsf{shortjournal}. \item[date] The exact date of signing, as the year of publication can differ from it. \item[pages] This, or a \textsf{postnote} field, can contain a specific page reference (\enquote{pincite}). \end{description}} \subsection{Citation Commands} \label{sec:legal:citcommands} The \emph{Bluebook} style mandates footnotes without a bibliography, so it should be simple to include such references in the Chicago notes \&\ bibliography style, which uses foot- or endnotes as standard. The usual citation commands should work as you expect, though I wouldn't recommend the \cmd{textcite} commands, as they will produce surprising and unsatisfactory results. For users of the author-date styles, however, the \emph{Bluebook} more or less requires you to adopt a separate set of notes in addition to the standard author-year citations, which means that for these three legal entry types you'll have to remember to use new citation commands that I've provided: \cmd{fullcite}, \cmd{footfullcite}, and \cmd{parenfullcite}. The first prints the reference, the second does so in a footnote, and the third does so inside parentheses. For both styles, \colmarginpar{\cmd{runcite}} there is a new command that you should use if you are citing a \textsf{jurisdiction} entry in the running flow of text rather than as a stand-alone citation, whether that text is in a note or in the main body (14.276). This requires a different presentation of the \textsf{title} field, and using \mycolor{\cmd{runcite}} alerts \textsf{biblatex-chicago} to this circumstance. \subsection{Options} \label{sec:legal:options} Several new options allow you to control the presentation of legal notes in your document. The default settings are indicated in the margins. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{legalnotes=true} option prevents the printing of legal citations in a bibliography or reference list, as the \emph{Bluebook} recommends. You can change this to \texttt{false} in the preamble of your document, but you should be aware that the reference printed in the bibliography will be a clone of the long-note form, as the \emph{Bluebook} doesn't provide an alternative version. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{noneshort=false} option controls the availability of the short form of the note, intended for use in subsequent citations of entries already presented in full notes. By default, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} attempts to provide \emph{Bluebook}-authorized short versions of citations in this situation, and some of the many \textsf{entrysubtypes} are at least partially designed to cope with the complexities of the specification. The \emph{Manual}, for its part, suggests that \enquote{works that cite only a few legal documents may be better off using the full form for each citation} (14.275). In the author-date styles, you can set this option to \texttt{true} either in the preamble or in individual .bib entries to accomplish this. Assuming you've only used the \cmd{fullcite} commands for the \emph{Bluebook} entry types, the option will only apply to such entries. In the notes \&\ bibliography style the global option would apply to all entry types, but you can, in addition to the two methods available to author-date users, set this to \texttt{true} on a type-by-type basis in your preamble. It is designed mainly for use with \emph{Bluebook} entries, but it might perhaps be useful elsewhere. Please be aware that, even with this option on, the \emph{ibidem} mechanism remains in operation for repeated citations, and also that the option may give surprising results in the presence of \textsf{shorthand} fields and/or the \texttt{shorthandfirst} and \texttt{short} options. \mylittlespace I \mymarginpar{short=false} have ported this option, already present in the notes \&\ bibliography style, to the author-date styles to allow users to present short notes from the very first citation. I'm not certain what the use case might be for this, as it's intended for saving space in documents where short notes can point to references in a full bibliography. Still, if for any reason you need this you can set the option to \texttt{true} in the preamble. \mylittlespace This \mymarginpar{supranotes=\\true} is a \emph{Bluebook}-specific option, and it produces, for some entry types and subtypes, a back reference to the first, long note at the end of subsequent, short citations. It takes the form \enquote{\emph{supra} note \#,} and is available in all Chicago styles, though you'll only see it in certain sorts of citation, automatically controlled by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in accordance with the \emph{Bluebook} specification. If you prefer not to see such back references, you can set the option to \texttt{false} either in the preamble or in individual .bib entries. \section{Internationalization} \label{sec:international} Several users have requested that, in line with analogous provisions in other \enquote{American} \textsf{biblatex} styles (e.g., \textsf{biblatex-apa} and \textsf{biblatex-mla}), I include facilities for producing a Chicago-like style in other languages. I have supplied three lbx files, \textsf{cms-german.lbx}, its clone \textsf{cms-ngerman.lbx}, and \textsf{cms-french.lbx}, in at least partial fulfillment of this request. For this release Wouter Lancee has provided \textsf{cms-dutch.lbx}, thereby adding to the generous contributions of Gustavo Barros (\textsf{cms-brazilian.lbx}), Stefan Björk (\textsf{cms-swedish.lbx}), Antti-Juhani Kaijahano (\textsf{cms-finnish.lbx}), Baldur Kristinsson (\textsf{cms-icelandic.lbx}), and Håkon Malmedal (\textsf{cms-norsk.lbx}, \textsf{cms-norwegian.lbx}, and \textsf{cms-ny\-norsk.lbx}). I include \textsf{cms-british.lbx} in order to simplify and to improve the package's handling of non-American typographical conventions in English. This means that all --- or at least most --- of the Chicago-specific bibstrings are now available for documents and reference apparatuses written in these languages, with, as I intend, more languages to follow, limited mainly by my finite time and even-more-finite competence. (If you would like to provide bibstrings for a language in which you want to work, or indeed correct deficiencies in the lbx files contained in the package, please contact me.) \mylittlespace Using \mymarginpar{\textbf{babel}} these facilities is fairly simple. By default, and this functionality remains the same as it was in the previous release of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, calls to \cmd{DeclareLanguage\-Mapping} in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} will automatically load the American strings, and also \textsf{biblatex's} American-style punctuation tracking, when you: \begin{enumerate} \item Load \textsf{babel} with \texttt{american} as the main text language. \item Load \textsf{babel} with \texttt{english} as the main text language. \item[] \qquad \emph{or} \item Do not load \textsf{babel} at all. \end{enumerate} (This last is a change from the \textsf{biblatex} defaults --- cp.\ §~3.12.2 in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} --- but it seems to me reasonable, in an American citation style, to expect this arrangement to work well for the majority of users.) \mylittlespace If, for whatever reason, you wanted to use \textsf{biblatex-chicago} but retain British typographical conventions --- punctuation outside of quotation marks, outer quotes single rather than double, etc.\ --- then you no longer need to follow the complicated rules outlined in previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. Instead, simply load \textsf{babel} with the \texttt{british} option. \mylittlespace If you want to use Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Norwegian, or Swedish strings in the reference apparatus, then you can load \textsf{babel} with \texttt{brazilian}, \texttt{dutch}, \texttt{finnish}, \texttt{french}, \texttt{german}, \texttt{icelandic}, \texttt{ngerman}, \texttt{norsk}, \texttt{nynorsk}, or \texttt{swedish} as the main document language. You no longer need any calls to \cmd{DeclareLanguageMapping} in your document preamble, since \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} automatically provides these if you load the package in the standard way. \mylittlespace You can also define which bibstrings to use on an entry-by-entry basis by using the \textsf{hyphenation} field in your bib file, but you will have to make sure that all the languages you want to use in this way are included in the call to load \textsf{babel} in your preamble, even if not as the main text language. The \cmd{DeclareLanguageMapping} calls in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} should do the rest, assuming you've loaded the package that way. \mylittlespace Three other hints may be in order here. Please note, first, that I haven't altered the standard punctuation procedures used in any of the other available languages, so commas and full stops will appear outside of quotation marks, and those quotation marks themselves will be language-specific. If, for whatever reason, you wish to follow the Chicago specification and move punctuation inside quotation marks, then you'll need a declaration of this sort in your preamble: \begin{verbatim} \DefineBibliographyExtras{german}{% \DeclareQuotePunctuation{.,}} \end{verbatim} Second, depending on the nature of your bibliography database, it will only rarely be possible to process the same bib file in different languages and obtain completely satisfactory results. Fields like \textsf{note} and \textsf{addendum} will often contain language-specific information that won't be translated when you switch languages, so manual intervention will be necessary. If you suspect you may have a need to use the same bib file in different languages, you can minimize the amount of manual intervention required by using the bibstrings defined either by \textsf{biblatex} or by \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. Here, a quick read through \textsf{notes-test.bib} and/or \textsf{dates-test.bib} should give you an idea of what is available for this purpose --- see esp.\ the strings \texttt{by}, \texttt{nodate}, \texttt{newseries}, \texttt{number}, \texttt{numbers}, \texttt{oldseries}, \texttt{pseudonym}, \texttt{reviewof}, \texttt{revisededition}, and \texttt{volume}, and also section \ref{sec:formatcommands} above, esp.\ s.v.\ \enquote{\cmd{partedit}.} \mylittlespace Finally, the French and German bibstrings I have provided may well break with established bibliographical traditions in those languages, but my main concern when choosing them was to remain as close as possible to the quirks of the Chicago specification. I have entirely relied on the judgment of the creators of the Brazilian, Dutch, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish localizations in those instances. If you have strong objections to any of the strings, or indeed to any of my formatting decisions, please let me know. \section{One\,.bib Database, Two Chicago Styles} \label{sec:twostyles} I have, when designing this package, attempted to keep at least half an eye on the possibility that users might want to re-use a .bib database in documents using the two different Chicago styles. The extensive unification of the two styles in recent editions of the \emph{Manual} has simplified things, and though I have no idea whether this will even be a common concern, I still thought I might gather in this section the issues that a hypothetical user might face. The two possible conversion vectors are by no means symmetrical, so I provide two lists, items within the lists appearing in no particular order. These may well be incomplete, so any additions are welcome. \subsection{Notes -> Author-Date } \label{sec:conv:notesauth} This is, I believe, the simpler conversion, as most well-constructed .bib entries for the notes \&\ bibliography style will nearly \enquote{just work} in author-date, but here are a few caveats nonetheless: \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{NB:} Unless you are using \textsf{authordate-trad}, the formatting of titles in the two styles is now the same, which means you would no longer need to worry about extra curly brackets and their effects on capitalization. If you are using \textsf{authordate-trad}, please see the caveats in the documentation of the \textsf{title} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \item You may need to reevaluate your use of shorthands, given that by default the author-date styles use them in place of authors rather than in place of the whole citation. The preamble option \textsf{cmslos=false} may help, but this may leave your document out-of-spec. \item The potential problem with multiple author lists containing more than three names doesn't arise in the notes \&\ bibliography style, so the \textsf{shortauthor} fields in such entries may need alteration according to the instructions in section~\ref{sec:otherhints:auth} above. \item Date presentation is relatively simple in notes \&\ bibliography, so you'll need to contemplate the \texttt{cmsdate} options from sections~\ref{sec:authuseropts} and \ref{sec:authentryopts} when doing the conversion to author-date. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Author-Date -> Notes} \label{sec:conv:authnotes} It is my impression that an author-date .bib database is somewhat easier to construct in the first instance, but subsequently converting it to notes \&\ bibliography is a little more onerous. Here are some of the things you may need to address: \begin{enumerate} \item If you've decided against using the \cmd{partedit} macro and friends from section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} above, commands not strictly necessary for author-date, you'll need to insert them now. \item In general, you need to be more careful in notes \&\ bibliography about capitalization issues. Fields which only appear once in author-date --- in the list of references --- may appear in both long notes and in the bibliography, in different syntactic contexts, so a quick perusal of the documentation of the \cmd{autocap} macro in section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate} above may help. \item You also need to be more careful about the use of abbreviations, e.g., in journal names, where the author-date style is more liberal in their use than the notes \&\ bibliography style. (Cf.\ 14.170.) The bibstrings mechanism and package options sort much of this out automatically, but not all. \item The \textsf{shorttitle} field is used extensively in notes \&\ bibliography to keep short notes short, so you may find that you need to add a fair number of these to an author-date database. In general this field is ignored by the latter style, so this, too, will be a one-time conversion. \item You may need to add \textsf{letter} entries if you are citing just one letter from a published collection. See section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, s.v. \enquote{letter,} above. \item The default shorthand presentation differs from one style to the other. You may need to reconsider how you use this field when making the conversion. \item As I explained above in section~\ref{sec:entryfields}, s.v.\ \enquote{date,} I have included compatibility code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} for the \texttt{cmsdate} (silently ignored) and \texttt{switchdates} options, along with the automatic mechanism for reversing \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate}. This means that you can, in theory, leave all of this alone in your .bib file when making the conversion, though I'm retaining the right to revise this if the code in question demonstrably interferes with the functioning of the notes \&\ bibliography style. \end{enumerate} \section{Interaction with Other Packages} \label{sec:otherpacks} For \mymarginpar{\textbf{endnotes}} users of the \textsf{endnotes} package --- or of \textsf{pagenote} --- \textsf{biblatex} offers extensive compatibility options. Please read the documentation of the \texttt{notetype} option in \textsf{biblatex.pdf} §~ If you are using the \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} option with the notes \&\ bibliography style and \textsf{endnotes}, please read the documentation in section~\ref{sec:endnoterefs} for your options, which include the \mycolor{\textsf{cmsendnotes.sty}} package. \mylittlespace Another \mymarginpar{\textbf{memoir}} problem I have found occurs because the \textsf{memoir} class provides its own commands for the formatting of foot- and end-note marks. By default, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} uses superscript numbers in the text, and in-line numbers in foot- or end-notes, but I have turned this off when the \textsf{memoir} class is loaded, reasoning that users of that package may well have their own ideas about such formatting. \mylittlespace The \mymarginpar{\textbf{ragged2e}} footnote mark code I've just mentioned also causes problems for the \textsf{ragged2e} package, but in this case a simple workaround is to load \textsf{biblatex} \emph{after} you've loaded \textsf{ragged2e} in your document preamble. The URL line-breaking code activated by \mycolor{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}} doesn't play well with \textsf{ragged2e}, and so far I've not found a workaround. \section{TODO \&\ Known Bugs} \label{sec:bugs} This release implements the 17th edition of the \emph{Chicago Manual of Style}. It contains a version of the author-date style (\textsf{authordate-trad}) with traditional title formatting, alongside the \textsf{authordate} code which unifies the treatment of titles between itself and the notes \&\ bibliography style. I strongly encourage users to migrate to one of the styles implementing the most recent specification, as I am focusing all of my development and testing time there. \mylittlespace Regardless of which edition you are considering, there remain things I haven't implemented. The solution in brown:bremer to multi-part journal articles obviously isn't optimal, and I should investigate a way of making it simpler. If the kludge presented there doesn't appeal, you can always, for the time being, refer separately to the various parts. If you have other issues with particular sorts of citation, I'm of course happy to take them on board. The \emph{Manual} covers an enormous range of materials, but it seems to me that the available entry types could be pressed into service to address the vast majority of them. If this optimism proves misguided, please let me know. \mylittlespace Kenneth L. Pearce has reported a bug that appears when using multiple citation commands inside the \textsf{annotation} field of annotated bibliographies. If you run into this problem, he suggests placing all the citations together in parentheses at the end of the annotation, though on my machine this doesn't always work too well, either. \mylittlespace Roger Hart, Pierric Sans, and a number of other users have reported a bug in the formatting of title fields. This, as far as I can tell, has to do with the interaction between \cmd{MakeSentenceCase} and certain characters at the start of the title, particularly Unicode ones. If you are using \textsf{authordate-trad}, it may help for the moment to put an empty set of curly braces \{\}\ at the start of the field, but I shall look into this further. \mylittlespace This release fixes the formatting errors of which I am aware. There remain the larger issues I've discussed throughout this documentation, which mainly represent my inability to make all of \textsf{biblatex-chicago's} formatting functions transparent for the user, but thankfully \textsf{biblatex's} superb punctuation-tracking code preemptively fixed a great many small errors, some of which I hadn't even noticed before I began testing that functionality. That there are other micro-bugs seems certain --- if you report them I'll do my best to fix them. \section{Revision History} \label{sec:history} \textbf{2.0: Released \today} \mylittlespace Converting from the 16th to the 17th edition in your .bib files and \LaTeX\ documents:\label{deprec:obsol} \begin{itemize} \item The 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} no longer encourages use of \emph{ibid.}\ to replace repeated citations of the same work in the notes \&\ bibliography style, preferring instead to use the author's name alone, along with any page number(s). If you wish to continue using \emph{ibid.}\ in that style, you need to set the new option \mycolor{\texttt{useibid=true}} when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago} in your preamble. \item If you are loading the package the old-fashioned way, with \textsf{biblatex} and the \texttt{style=} option instead of with \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, please be aware that there are two standard packages required by \textsf{biblatex-chicago} that aren't automatically loaded by \textsf{biblatex}: \mycolor{\textsf{xstring}} and \mycolor{\textsf{refname}}. You'll need to load them in your preamble yourself. \item If you've been using the \textsf{year} field to present decades like \texttt{1950s}, this will no longer work accurately in author-date citations. The correct way to do so now is to use one of \textsf{biblatex's} \textsc{iso}8601-2 date specifications in the \textsf{date} field instead, to wit, \texttt{195X}. Generally, I've tried to make \textsf{year} fields like \texttt{[1957?]} or \texttt{[ca.\ 1850]} continue to work properly, but here too the best thing to do is to use the new \textsf{date} features and present them like \texttt{1957?} or \texttt{1850\textasciitilde}, respectively. This will ensure that both sorting and punctuation work out properly. See table~\ref{ad:date:extras}, and the \textsf{date} docs in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:ad:date}, above. \item If you have been using the \textsf{nameaddon} field to hold time stamps for online comments, then you should put the time stamp into the \textsf{date} or possibly \textsf{eventdate} field, instead, using the \textsc{iso}8601-2 format implemented by \textsf{biblatex}. See the \textsf{date} and \textsf{nameaddon} field docs in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}, along with tables~\ref{tab:online:types}, \ref{tab:online:adtypes}, and \ref{ad:date:extras}. \item Following on from the previous item, the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} includes more plentiful and more detailed instructions for presenting online materials than were available in previous editions. For users of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} this means that there is now guidance for many more sorts of material than before, so if you have been improvising citations of this sort of material in previous releases it will be worth checking to see whether there are now clearer instructions available. Tables~\ref{tab:online:types} and \ref{tab:online:adtypes} summarize the new specifications for the notes \&\ bibliography and author-date styles, respectively. Cf.\ in particular the new \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype} in sections~\ref{sec:related} and \ref{sec:authrelated}. Also, the \textbf{online} entry type now prints both \textsf{author} and \textsf{editor} (or other editorial role) if they exist, and I've moved the \textsf{addendum} field \emph{before} the \textsf{url}, which fits better with indications in the \emph{Manual}. If you've been using the \textsf{addendum} field to present citations of other entries (as in older versions of \textsf{biblatex-chicago}), please switch to the \textsf{related} mechanism, which works better anyway. \item On the same subject, if you are using the notes \&\ bibliography style and are retaining the \textsf{crossref} field (instead of using the \mycolor{\texttt{commenton}} \textsf{relatedtype}) in \textsf{review} entries as a means of presenting comments on blogs, such entries are now subject to the settings of the \texttt{longcrossref} option and will appear in abbreviated form in some full notes and in the bibliography, as has always occurred in \textsf{incollection} entries, for example. You can set \texttt{longcrossref} to \texttt{true} to get back the old behavior. \item The 17th edition generally encourages more strongly than the 16th the use of only one publisher in the \textsf{publisher} field. If you decide to retain more than one, and one of them is a part of an academic publishing consortium, it encourages you to specify this relationship rather than merely listing the two using the keyword \enquote{and} in the field. Please see the documentation of the field in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above, for the rather minor (and rare) changes this might mandate for your\ .bib files. \item The 17th-edition presentation of \textbf{music} entries has added a few pieces of information it seems to find desirable --- track number in \textsf{chapter} and specification of a lead performer's role in, e.g., \textsf{editortype} --- though the basic structure of a 16th-edition\ .bib entry remains unchanged. Please see the documentation of that entry type in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item The 17th edition has added a couple of wrinkles to the \textbf{video} type specifications. You can now put the broadcast network of a TV show in the \textsf{usera} field, and you can also supply the new \textsf{entrysubtype} \mycolor{\texttt{tvepisode}} to print the series title (\textsf{booktitle}) \emph{before} the episode title (\textsf{title}). Please see the documentation of the entry type in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item Both Chicago styles now sentence case the \textsf{title} field in \textbf{patent} entries, so you may need to put curly braces around words that shouldn't appear in lowercase. \item The \textsf{pubstate} field now has a more generalized functionality, while maintaining the specialized uses present in earlier releases. In particular, please note now that almost anything you put in the field will be printed somewhere in the entry, and in the case of the author-date styles may appear in a somewhat different part of the entry than that to which you may have become accustomed. If you wish to move this data back to the end of the entry in the author-date styles, then the \textsf{addendum} field might be of service. The documentation in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate} should help. \item \textsf{Biber} is now the \emph{required} backend for all Chicago styles, including the 16th-edition files still included in the package. If you have somehow been using some variant of \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ in the notes \&\ bibliography style up to now, I'm fairly confident it will no longer work. Please switch to \textsf{biber}. \end{itemize} Other new features common to the notes \&\ bibliography and author-date styles: \begin{itemize} \item Wouter Lancee has very generously provided a Dutch localization for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, called \mycolor{\textsf{cms-dutch.lbx}}. You can use it by including \enquote{\texttt{dutch}} when loading \textsf{babel}. Gustavo Barros has also very kindly provided a much-revised version of his \textsf{cms-brazilian.lbx}. \item As mentioned above, this release for the first time implements \textsf{biblatex's} elegant and long-standing support for the \textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format date specification, which means there are now greatly enhanced possibilities for presenting uncertain and unspecified dates and date ranges, along with date eras, seasons, time stamps, and time zones. Table~\ref{ad:date:extras} summarizes the implementation for all Chicago styles, but see also the \textsf{date} field in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}, along with the new package options \mycolor{\texttt{alwaysrange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{centuryrange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{decaderange}}, \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}}. \item I have also implemented year-range compression in all styles, governed by the new \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}} option, set to \texttt{true} by default. \item Constanza Cordoni requested a way to turn off the printing of the 3-em dash for repeated names in the bibliography or reference list, and the \emph{Manual} concedes that some publishers prefer this style. Some of \textsf{biblatex's} standard styles have a \mycolor{\texttt{dashed}} option, so for compatibility purposes I've provided the same. By default, I have set it to \texttt{true} to print the name dash, but you can set \mycolor{\texttt{dashed=false}} in your preamble to repeat names instead throughout your document. \item Jan David Hauck suggested I extend the field-exclusion functionality beyond the package options already provided (sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}) by \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. First, I made sure that all of those options could be set globally, per type, and per entry. Second, I added the command \mycolor{\cmd{suppressbibfield}}, designed to appear in the preamble, and which will look something like: \begin{verbatim} \suppressbibfield[entrytype,entrytype,...]{field,field,field,...} \end{verbatim} Please see sections~\ref{sec:formatcommands} and \ref{sec:formatting:authdate} for the details. \item After a request by user BenVB, I have added support for the \textsf{biblatex} \mycolor{\textbf{shortseries}} field, which allows you to present abbreviated \textsf{series} in book-like entries in all the styles. You can use the \mycolor{\texttt{seriesabbrev}} option to control where in your document these abbreviated forms will appear. By default, the field is ignored in all styles. You can also print a list of series abbreviations, rather in the manner of a list of shorthands, using a command like: \verb+\printbiblist{shortseries}+. Please see \mycolor{\textsf{shortseries}} in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \item I have added a new preamble option, \mycolor{\texttt{cmsbreakurl}}, which attempts to follow the \emph{Manual's} instructions for line-breaking inside URLs. It doesn't work 100\%\ accurately, and it doesn't play well with the \textsf{ragged2e} package, but in most circumstances it is at least closer to the Chicago ideal than the \textsf{biblatex} defaults. See sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:authuseropts}. \item The \emph{Manual} now specifies how to present \textsf{articles} with a unique numeric or alphanumeric ID, which you can place in the \textsf{eid} field. If you've been using this field in previous releases you'll notice that the ID has moved to a different place in long notes, bibliography, and list of references. \item In \textsf{jurisdiction} entries, the presentation of the \textsf{title} changes depending on whether it appears in a stand-alone citation or as part of the flow of running text, no matter whether the citation is in the main body or in a note. I have provided the \mycolor{\cmd{runcite}} command, in both Chicago styles, for \textsf{jurisdiction} citations that appear in running text. \item N.\ Andrew Walsh suggested that I allow editorial roles that aren't pre-defined \cmd{bibstrings} to appear as-is in entries, just as the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles do. I have followed this advice for the \textsf{editortype}, \textsf{editoratype}, \textsf{editorbtype}, \textsf{editorctype}, and \textsf{nameatype} fields, making sure to capitalize the string according to its context. \item I have added the \textsf{venue} field to \textbf{misc} entries, both with and without an \textsf{entrysubtype}. It also appears in the new \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} type. \item I have added the \textsf{version} and \textsf{type} fields to \textbf{book} entries to help with multimedia app content (14.268). This material fits quite well in such entries but needs extra fields to present information about the version of the app and also the system type on which it runs. I added the \textsf{type} field to \textbf{article}, \textbf{review}, and \textbf{online} entries for presenting medium information for online multimedia (14.267). \item I have added a new entry type, \mycolor{\textbf{dataset}}, to allow the citation of scientific databases. Cf.\ sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}. \item I have added the \textsf{number} field to \textbf{misc} entries with an \textsf{entrysubtype} to help cope with the varieties of location information in different archives. \item The new entry type \mycolor{\textbf{standard}} is now available to cite standards published by national or international standards organizations. If you have been using the \textsf{book} type for such material it might be worth switching to make sure your entries are more in line with the \emph{Manual's} specifications. See the docs in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate} for the details. \item The new entry type \mycolor{\textbf{performance}} is now available for citing live performances. You can sometimes also use a \textbf{misc} entry without an \textsf{entrysubtype}. \item I have added the \textsf{eventdate} field to the \textbf{audio} entry type to help it cope with the presentation of podcasts, which are new to the 17th edition. Please see the documentation of the entry type in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item I have added the \textsf{origdate}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{userd}, and \textsf{howpublished} fields to the \textbf{artwork} and \textbf{image} entry types, in response to additional information given in some of the \emph{Manual's} examples. Please see the documentation of \textbf{artwork} in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item I have added the \textsf{maintitle}, \textsf{mainsubtitle}, and \textsf{maintitleaddon} fields to the \textbf{article}, \textbf{periodical}, and \textbf{review} entry types, where it (they) will hold the the name of any larger (usually periodical) publication of which a blog is a part. This departs from standard \textsf{biblatex} usage, but the need for two italicized titles demanded something like it. \item I have added a new field-exclusion option, \mycolor{\texttt{urlstamp}}, set to \texttt{true} by default, which means that any time stamp associated with the \textsf{urldate} will always be printed. You can set it to \texttt{false} in the preamble either for the whole document or for specific entry types, or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. See the docs in sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}, above. \item The \textsf{howpublished} field has accumulated a series of new functions in various entry types, bringing it far from its origins in \textsf{booklet}, \textsf{misc}, and \textsf{unpublished} entries. Please see its documentation in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \item In \textsf{inreference}, \textsf{mvreference}, and \textsf{reference} entries \textsf{biblatex-chicago} no longer considers any of the name fields (\textsf{author}, \textsf{editor}, etc.) for sorting purposes in the bibliography or reference list, thus leaving the \textsf{title} as the first field to be considered. This may simplify the creation of .bib database entries. \end{itemize} New notes \&\ bibliography features: \begin{itemize} \item In keeping with indications in the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual}, I have provided a means for altering the syntax when presenting multi-volume works, i.e., for presenting the title of the whole series (\textsf{maintitle}) \emph{before} the title of individual volumes of that series (\textsf{title} or \textsf{booktitle}). This involves the use of the new \textsf{relatedtypes} \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}} and \mycolor{\texttt{maintitlenc}}, which may be used in \textsf{bookinbook}, \textsf{inbook}, \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{mvbook}, \textsf{mvcollection}, \textsf{mvproceedings}, and \textsf{mvreference} entries. Please see the detailed documentation of this feature in section~\ref{sec:related}, s.v.\ \textsf{relatedtype} \mycolor{\texttt{maintitle}}. \item I have implemented a new system of back references from short notes to long notes to help readers find fuller information about a source more quickly and conveniently, as envisaged by the \textsf{Manual}. The feature is enabled with the \mycolor{\texttt{noteref}} option, and there are several sub-options to control where and what is printed: \mycolor{\texttt{fullnoterefs}}, \mycolor{\texttt{noterefinterval}}, \mycolor{\texttt{noterefintro}}, \mycolor{\texttt{pagezeros}}, \mycolor{\texttt{hidezeros}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{endnotesplit}}. The dependent package \mycolor{\textsf{cmsendnotes.sty}} can assist if you use endnotes instead of footnotes in this context. It too has numerous options: \mycolor{\texttt{hyper}}, \mycolor{\texttt{enotelinks}}, \mycolor{\texttt{noheader}}, \mycolor{\texttt{blocknotes}}, \mycolor{\texttt{split}}, \mycolor{\texttt{subheadername}}, \mycolor{\texttt{headername}}, \mycolor{\texttt{runningname}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{nosubheader}}, alongside the new commands \mycolor{\cmd{theendnotesbypart}} and \mycolor{\cmd{cmsintrosection}}. Four new citation commands complete the provisions: \mycolor{\cmd{shortrefcite}}, \mycolor{\cmd{shorthandrefcite}}, \mycolor{\cmd{shortcite*}}, and \mycolor{\cmd{shorthandcite*}}. Please see section~\ref{sec:noteref} for all the details, and also \href{file:cms-noteref-demo.pdf}{\textsf{cms-noteref-demo.pdf}} for a brief example and explanation of some of the functionality. \item I have ported, with modifications, the author-date package option \mycolor{\texttt{nodates}} to the notes \&\ bibliography style. It is set to \texttt{true} by default. In conjunction with the \mycolor{\texttt{nodatebrackets}} and \mycolor{\texttt{noyearbrackets}} options it provides an alternative presentation of uncertain dates. See section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. \item Pursuant to a bug report by David Purton, I have recoded the various \cmd{headlesscite} commands and included a new one, \mycolor{\cmd{Headlesscite}}, which is the actually functional way to enforce capitalization at the start of such a citation, should you need to do so. \end{itemize} New author-date features: \begin{itemize} \item The \mycolor{\textbf{verbc}} field, which is standard but unused in the styles included in \textsf{biblatex}, allows the user fine-grained control over if and when an \textsf{extradate} letter (1976\textbf{a}) will appear after the year in citations and the list of references. See its documentation in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \item The new \mycolor{\texttt{authortitle}} type and entry option allows you to provide author-title citations in the text instead of author-date. The \textsf{entrysubtype} value \texttt{classical} does the same, but there may be cases where using such an \textsf{entrysubtype} is impossible. This is set to \texttt{true} by default for \mycolor{\textbf{dataset}} entries. \item On the same subject, you can also use the new citation commands \mycolor{\cmd{atcite}} and \mycolor{\cmd{atpcite}} to achieve the same end. The former prints a plain citation, the latter places it in parentheses. \item In the default configuration, when you use a \textsf{shorthand} field the style will now sort properly by that field, which is the first thing to appear in reference list entries. If you set \texttt{cmslos=false} in your preamble then this no longer applies, as the \textsf{shorthand} no longer appears in the reference list. \end{itemize} Note on the 16th-edition files: \begin{itemize} \item These have been updated for compatibility with the latest \textsf{biblatex} and \textsf{biber}, and there are also a number of bug fixes included, many of them already mentioned in changelog items above. The \mycolor{\texttt{compressyears}} option is available and turned on by default, and so is the \mycolor{\texttt{dashed}} option. Most of the new \textsc{iso}8601-2 Extended Format date specifications are available, also, though time stamps won't be printed, as that edition of the \emph{Manual} is mostly silent about them. \end{itemize} \textbf{1.0rc5: Released January 16, 2018} \begin{itemize} \item As Nikola Le\v{c}i\'c spotted, recent releases of \textsf{biblatex} have introduced some compatibility problems for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, particularly with regard to the handling of the \textsf{origlanguage} field (now a list), but also through the renaming of several other fields and declarations (e.g.\ \mycolor{\cmd{DeclareSortingTemplate}}). I have improved the handling of the \textsf{origlanguage} list by including many new bibstrings in the package's localization files, but other changes to formatting macros have made backward compatibility with older releases of \textsf{biblatex} difficult or impossible. Please upgrade to version 3.10 --- which has received the most testing --- to use these styles. \item As I mentioned in the Notice (section~\ref{sec:Notice}), the 17th edition of the \emph{Manual} has now appeared, and my development energies from this point will be devoted to upgrading all styles to conform to it. You can still file bug reports against the 16th edition, but the next major feature release will be based on the 17th. In preparation for these changes, I have removed all the 15th-edition files from the package. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item After fielding multiple requests over the years, I have added three new entry types --- \mycolor{\textbf{jurisdiction}}, \mycolor{\textbf{legal}}, and \mycolor{\textbf{legislation}} --- to allow the presentation of court cases, laws, treaties, congressional (parliamentary) debates and hearings, constitutions, and executive documents. The first (\mycolor{\texttt{round}} and \mycolor{\texttt{square}}) and last (\mycolor{\texttt{canada}}, \mycolor{\texttt{constitution}}, \mycolor{\texttt{hansard}}, \mycolor{\texttt{hearing}}, \mycolor{\texttt{uk}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{un}}) introduce a number of new \textsf{entrysubtypes} to help with formatting quirks, including the presentation of Canadian and UK materials for inclusion in an otherwise US context. There are also several new options (\mycolor{\texttt{legalnotes}}, \mycolor{\texttt{noneshort}}, \mycolor{\texttt{short}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{supranotes}}) for controlling the output. I have documented all of this in section~\ref{sec:legal} above, a separate section both because the specification really comes from the \emph{Bluebook} rather than the \emph{Manual}, and also because they are the only entry types treated identically by the notes \&\ bibliography style and the author-date styles (itself a formatting quirk). You can also look at the sample files \mycolor{\textsf{legal-test.bib}} and \mycolor{\textsf{cms-legal-sample.pdf}} to see how you might construct your database entries. Support for \emph{Bluebook} citations is in its infancy, so if you have ideas for sorting out its complexities more elegantly or spot any inaccuracies then I would be happy to hear about it. The implementation is intended mainly for American documents, but there is some rudimentary localization for the other languages supported by \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. The actual citations in such contexts would, let it be noted, fall outside of the \emph{Bluebook} spec. \item I am grateful to Gustavo Barros for providing a Brazilian Portuguese localization for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, contained in the \mycolor{\textsf{cms-brazilian.lbx}} file. \item Gustavo also pointed out a couple of instances where the package's \textsf{bibstrings} couldn't accommodate the needs of his localization, so with his help I've split the \texttt{recorded} string into \texttt{discrecorded} and \texttt{songrecorded}, then added it to all the .lbx files. I've also added two new \textsf{bibstrings} for the \textsf{lista} field format: \mycolor{\texttt{subverbo}} and \mycolor{\texttt{subverbis}}. I've added them to all the .lbx files, but only \mycolor{\textsf{cms-brazilian.lbx}} differs from the default. If other languages need this change please let me know. \item The same user also suggested a fix to \textbf{patent} entries: removing the comma from between the dates when the language doesn't use a comma in lists. \item Timo Thoms pointed out some annoying inconsistencies when using the \textsf{hyperref} package with the author-date styles, and I have attempted to rectify them. In citations, only the \textsf{date} portion should act as a link, if there is a \textsf{date}, otherwise a \textsf{title} or perhaps a \textsf{shorthand} will link to the entry in the list of references. If you have entries that you believe should present hyperlinks but don't, you can try setting the new \mycolor{\texttt{hypertitle}} option in their \textsf{options} fields. Alternately, you can set the option to \texttt{true} globally in the preamble and then \textsf{titles} and \textsf{shorthands} will serve as links whether there's a \textsf{date} or not. Cf.\ section~\ref{sec:authuseropts}, above. \item Bertold Schweitzer requested that the styles allow using the string \texttt{forthcoming} in the \textsf{pubstate} field to present sources that are yet to be published. This is now supported in all styles, and has the additional benefit of rendering recourse to the \cmd{autocap} command unnecessary, as the styles print \cmd{bibstring\{forthcoming\}} where the \textsf{year} would normally appear. Using the \textsf{year} field itself is, of course, still supported too. \item The same user requested that I allow \mycolor{\texttt{newspaper}} as an exact synonym of \texttt{magazine} in the \textsf{entrysubtype} field of \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{suppperiodical} entries. I have provided this in all styles, and wherever you see \texttt{magazine} in this documentation then \texttt{newspaper} will work in exactly the same way. \item Bertold also suggested that, following the example of Philip Kime's \textsf{biblatex-apa} package, I support the use of \textsf{related} functionality when presenting reviews, so that you can, for example, easily present multiple reviews of the same item. I have provided this functionality in all styles. To enable it you'll need to set the \textsf{relatedtype} field to \mycolor{\texttt{reviewof}} in \textsf{article}, \textsf{review}, or \textsf{suppperiodical} types. You should also read the documentation in section \ref{sec:related} or \ref{sec:authrelated}, above, as this \textsf{relatedtype} works somewhat differently from the others. The standard, manual way of citing such works remains, of course, available. \item Jan David Hauck suggested that there was a need for an \mycolor{\texttt{unpublished}} \textsf{entrysubtype} to the \textsf{report} type, which would present the \textsf{title} in quotation marks (or plain roman in \textsf{authordate-trad}) instead of italics. I can't quite tell if the \emph{Manual} agrees, but I have fulfilled this request in all styles. \item The same user pointed out that standard \textsf{biblatex} and the discussion in the \emph{Manual} both suggest providing \textsf{venue}, \textsf{eventdate}, \textsf{eventtitle}, and \textsf{eventtitleaddon} fields for the \textsf{unpublished} type, thereby allowing for the further specification of unpublished conference papers and the like. I have added these fields in all styles. \item At the request of N.\ Andrew Walsh, the notes \&\ bibliography style now offers a way to disambiguate references to different sources which would ordinarily produce identical short notes, that is, where the \textsf{author} and \textsf{labeltitle} are the same. \textsf{Biblatex's} \texttt{uniquework} option is now active by default, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} provides three new user options, one for choosing a disambiguating field, one for setting the punctuation between that field and the rest of the short note, and one for formatting the field using parentheses or square brackets --- \mycolor{\texttt{shortextrafield}}, \mycolor{\texttt{shortextrapunct}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{shortextraformat}}, respectively. Please see section~\ref{sec:useropts}, above, for the details, and note that \mycolor{\texttt{shortextrafield}} has to be set for the mechanism to print anything at all. \item User Pétùr spotted two long-standing bugs: first, that the \texttt{url=false} option didn't stop the printing of the \textsf{urldate}, and second that empty parentheses would appear in some circumstances around non-existent dates in the author-date styles. I have fixed both. \item Philipp Immel wondered whether I could address a long-standing bug when presenting a \textsf{subtitle} after a \textsf{title} that ends in an exclamation point or question mark. This bug has existed since the first release of the 16th-edition styles, and I think I've finally solved it now after the release of the \emph{Manual's} 17th edition. (Cf.\ batson.) \end{itemize} \textbf{1.0rc4: Released May 2, 2017} \mylittlespace Another bug-fix release. \begin{itemize} \item Marko Wenzel reported, and helped to fix, a fairly major problem with the date handling in the author-date styles, an issue I hadn't spotted when doing the date-related updates for 1.0rc2. \item I've also fixed a long-standing inaccuracy in the date-handling code of \textbf{patent} entries in the author-date styles. Such entries now behave as the documentation claims they do. \end{itemize} \textbf{1.0rc3: Released April 20, 2017} \mylittlespace This is a minor bug-fix release. \begin{itemize} \item Charles Schaum reported a whitespace bug that appeared when using multiple languages with \textsf{Babel}. This was introduced in the last release by some careless editing by me, and should be fixed now. \item Charles also pointed me to a discussion about a problem using \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ with \textsf{bibla\-tex-chicago}. Ulrike Fischer very kindly suggested an elegant solution, and I have integrated it into this release. \end{itemize} \textbf{1.0rc2: Released March 26, 2017} \mylittlespace This is an interim release designed mainly to fix a number of subtle issues, pointed out by several users, that appear when you use the newest version of \textsf{biblatex} (3.7). These were mostly concentrated in the date-handling code, which I believe now behaves correctly, and should do both with the newest \textsf{biblatex} and with somewhat older releases. A much larger set of new features is still pending, but I have fixed some other bugs and added a few new options: \begin{itemize} \item J.~P.~E.~Harper-Scott pointed out that, in ordinary British usage, day numbers are presented as plain cardinals rather than ordinals. The \emph{Manual} itself also prefers this format, not only for American-style dates but also for British ones, so I think the previous behavior of the package was a bug. I have in both styles set the default presentation of British day numerals to be plain cardinals, providing a new preamble option \mycolor{\texttt{ordinalgb}} restoring the previous default and printing ordinal dates when using the \texttt{british} language with \textsf{Babel}. \item I have, in both styles, attempted to provide an improved \cmd{partedit} macro, the old one being inconvenient for users writing in French. The new macro should work now without manual intervention to provide the correct form of the preposition (de or d'). If you are using the \texttt{french} option to \textsf{Babel}, please take care to remove any hand-formatting you might have provided in these contexts. \item Jan David Hauck has both reported a bug in the \cmd{gentextcite} code in the author-date styles and also pointed me to its solution, as provided by moewe on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/326472/gentextcites-multiple-books-same-author-biblatex-chicago/326628#326628}{Stackexchange}. It turned out there were other bugs in that code, now also fixed. \item User laudecir requested a way to present a \textsf{shorthand} even in the first citation of a given work. The new \mycolor{\texttt{shorthandfirst}} option in the notes \&\ bibliography style can be set to \texttt{true} either in the preamble or in individual entries, and should make this functionality simpler to activate than the \cmd{shorthandcite} command. \item Also in the notes \&\ bibliography style, Stefan Björk requested a way to turn off the printing of \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} information in notes but not in the bibliography. The new \mycolor{\texttt{urlnotes}} option, which you can set to \texttt{false} in the preamble or in individual entries, provides this. Please note that it does not apply to \textsf{online} entries. \item Several users pointed out the presence of warnings in .log files caused by deprecated grammar in the default Sorting Schemes of both styles. These should now be fixed. \end{itemize} \textbf{1.0rc1: Released June 7, 2016} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The 15th-edition styles are now obsolete, and have been moved to a new \mycolor{\texttt{obsolete}} subdirectory. You can still use them as they stand, but they won't compile against the newest \textsf{biblatex}, so you'll have to make sure that you have an older version (2.9a, perhaps). If you are still using them, I strongly urge you to consider switching to the the 16th-edition styles, which contain many new features and bug-fixes. \item The old Chicago-specific option \texttt{usecompiler} is deprecated, and has been replaced by the standard \textsf{biblatex} \mycolor{\texttt{usenamec}}. If you have been using the former in your preamble or in your .bib entries, please replace it with the latter, which works better across the board. \texttt{Usecompiler} still \enquote{works,} just not very well. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item Stefan Björk has very generously provided a Swedish localization file for the package --- \mycolor{\textsf{cms-swedish.lbx}} --- which can be loaded and used with \textsf{babel} just like the other localizations. \item I have added support for \mycolor{\textbf{related}} functionality to all the Chicago styles, including all the standard \textsf{biblatex} \mycolor{\textbf{relatedtypes}}. It is turned on by default in all styles, but you can turn it off, or alter where the information is printed, using the \mycolor{\texttt{related}} option in the preamble or in individual entries. In the notes \&\ bibliography style, \textsf{related} information is printed by default only in the bibliography, but you can change that by setting the option. In the author-date styles, it will only ever print in the list of references, depending on the option's setting. Please see sections~\ref{sec:related} and \ref{sec:authrelated} for the details. \item I have improved the name-handling code in all styles, regularizing the functioning of the \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, and \textsf{namec} fields with respect to the other, standard \textsf{biblatex} names. The former two in particular are newly available in the \textsf{collection} and \textsf{periodical} entry types, and \textsf{biblatex-chicago} now recognizes the standard \mycolor{\texttt{usenamea}}, \mycolor{\texttt{usenameb}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{usenamec}} toggles, the last replacing the deprecated \texttt{usecompiler} (as above). You can also now use the \mycolor{\textbf{nameatype}} field just as you would an \textsf{editortype}, extending the possibilities for identifying certain roles attached specifically to \textsf{titles} as opposed to \textsf{booktitles} or \textsf{maintitles}. \item After a request by user BenVB, I have added support for the \textsf{biblatex} \mycolor{\textbf{shortjournal}} field, which allows you to present abbreviated \textsf{journaltitles} in all the styles. You can use the \mycolor{\texttt{journalabbrev}} option to control where in your document these abbreviated forms will appear. By default, the field is ignored in the notes \&\ bibliography style, and appears only in citations in the author-date styles. You can also print a list of journal abbreviations, rather in the manner of a list of shorthands, using a command like: \cmd{printbiblist\{shortjournal\}}. Even though the \textsf{periodical} entry type uses the \textsf{title} and \textsf{shorttitle} fields in place of \textsf{journaltitle} and \textsf{shortjournal}, these entries are included in this functionality, and controlled by the same \texttt{journalabbrev} option. Please see s.v.\ \enquote{shortjournal} in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \item Following a request by Arne Skjærholt, and his generous provision of some code to get me started, I have implemented a new \mycolor{\cmd{gentextcite}} citation command in all styles. The \enquote{gen} part of the name refers to the genitive case, and it adds a possessive ending --- \textbf{'s} by default --- to the author's name in what is otherwise an ordinary \cmd{textcite}. You can change the added ending however you want, using a third optional field to the citation command, and you can control to which names the ending is added in a \mycolor{\cmd{gentextcites}} multicite command by using the \mycolor{\texttt{genallnames}} preamble and entry option. Please see sections~\ref{sec:citecommands} and \ref{sec:cite:authordate} for the details. \item Stefan Björk pointed out that \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} information could be totally ignored in some entries when you used the abbreviated cross-referencing functionality accessed through the \textsf{crossref} and \textsf{xref} fields. At his request, I have provided a new \mycolor{\texttt{xrefurl}} entry and preamble option for all the styles to control the printing of this information in abbreviated notes or bibliography (reference list) entries. Please see sections~\ref{sec:useropts} and \ref{sec:authuseropts} for the details. \item In a related change, I have stopped child entries inheriting \textsf{url}, \textsf{doi}, and \textsf{eprint} fields from their cross-ref'd parents, so if your documents rely on this behavior please note that you'll have to provide such fields manually in the child entries. \item Roger Hart long ago requested a way to control the punctuation before \textsf{book-}, \textsf{main-}, or plain \textsf{titleaddon} fields, and I have finally added it in this release in the form of two entry and preamble options, \mycolor{\texttt{ptitleaddon}} and \mycolor{\texttt{ctitleaddon}}, available in all styles. By default, the former prints \cmd{addperiod}\cmd{addspace}, hence its name, and the latter\,\cmd{addcomma}\cmd{addspace}, but you can change either or both depending on which field you are using and which sort of entry it appears in --- the default output can be your guide to which option(s) to change. Please see the available valid option keys in sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}. \item The same user also long ago requested that the notes \&\ bibliography style make it possible to use \emph{Idem} when two consecutive notes cite different works by the same author. You can now use the standard \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{idemtracker=constrict} in your preamble to activate this in your documents, but please be aware, first, that the \emph{Manual} doesn't exactly approve of this and, second, that you'll only see \emph{Idem} in short notes, never in full ones, which seems to be the standard (\textsf{biblatex}) way of implementing this. \item Also only in the notes \& bibliography style, I have added a \mycolor{\texttt{shorthandpunct}} option to control the punctuation that appears before the first appearance of a \textsf{shorthand} and/or a \textsf{shorthandintro} in a long note. The default is \cmd{addspace}, but you can change it in your preamble or in individual entries. Please see the available valid option keys in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}. \item After reading a discussion started by Ryo Furue at \href{https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/363}{github}, I have added, in the author-date styles only, a test to some spacing commands to prevent line breaks immediately after abbreviation dots. These tests apply only in running text, never in the list of references, where good line breaks are already hard enough to find. \item In addition to moving the 15th-edition styles into an \texttt{obsolete} subdirectory, I have also reorganized the author-date style files, adding \mycolor{\textsf{chicago-dates-common.cbx}} which contains the code that is common to the \texttt{trad} and the standard \texttt{authordate} styles. Nothing has changed in terms of loading the styles, the changes being designed primarily to ease maintenance. \item I have created two new documentation files (and an appendix) to provide short introductions to the Chicago styles, introductions which attempt to fill the gap between the Quickstart section (\ref{quickstart}) and the fuller documentation contained in sections~\ref{sec:Spec} and \ref{sec:authdate} of this file. Both \mycolor{\textsf{cms-notes-intro.pdf}} and \mycolor{\textsf{cms-dates-intro.pdf}} are fully hyperlinked so you can move easily from formatted citations and (annotated) references to .bib entries and back, with marginal references to the fuller discussions here. There is also a short \mycolor{\textsf{cms-trad-appendix.pdf}} file to discuss a few entries that would need special treatment for the \texttt{trad} style. The \textsf{sample} files for each style still exist, but I intend them mainly for testing purposes, while many more (annotated) entries are still available for consultation in \textsf{notes-test.bib} and \textsf{dates-test.bib}. \item I have made a number of other small enhancements to and fixed numerous bugs in all the styles, including some subtle inaccuracies in author-date citations spotted by Arne Skjærholt and some macros in \textsf{inproceedings} entries that had been missing for years. I have provided some default values for counters in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} that aid in breaking long \textsf{urls} across lines, but I make no pretense that these fully adhere to the \emph{Manual's} specifications. I have added a few \texttt{bibstrings}, currently missing in standard \textsf{biblatex}, to \textsf{cms-german.lbx} for use with the \mycolor{\textsf{related}} functionality. Recommendations for better ones would be gratefully received. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9i: Released May 16, 2016} \begin{itemize} \item This is another interim release, allowing the use of \textsf{biblatex} 3.4 for those who want to try it. I have also fixed one old formatting error when \enquote{n.d.} appears in author-date citations. A full feature-release based on 3.4 is imminent. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9h: Released March 22, 2016} \begin{itemize} \item This is an interim bug-fix release, updating the styles so that they will work with \textsf{biblatex} 3.3. The notes \&\ bibliography style, as pointed out by several users, wouldn't compile at all with the newest \textsf{biblatex} version, and all styles had inaccuracies in the presentation of names due to changes in the name-handling code in \textsf{biblatex}. I've done some testing against \textsf{biblatex} 3.3, and fixed all the errors I've spotted, but there may still be parts of my code that need updating to work well with the current version, so you can still downgrade to an earlier \textsf{biblatex} --- I recommend 2.9a --- if 3.3 doesn't work for you. The next release will be a feature release, so if you've made a request, it should be fulfilled then. \item I've also fixed a couple of long-standing bugs, one in the entry options controlling abbreviated cross-references and another in the formatting of the \textsf{prenote} field, the latter identified (ages ago) by Bernd Rellermeyer. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9g: Released August 21, 2014} \begin{itemize} \item Alexandre Roberts found a showstopper in the functionality related to the new \mycolor{\texttt{inheritshorthand}} option in the notes \&\ bibliography style, and I found an unpleasant bug in the formatting of abbreviated cross-references in the same style. This release, I hope, fixes both, but is in all other respects identical to 0.9.9f. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9f: Released August 15, 2014} \begin{itemize} \item I've made the alterations needed to bring the styles into line with the latest version of \textsf{biblatex} (2.9a). This is the version that has been tested most thoroughly with \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, so I strongly recommend using it. \item I fixed several inaccuracies in the presentation of abbreviated cross-referen\-ces in all the Chicago styles, and while I was working on that portion of the code it seemed an opportune moment to fulfill some feature requests bearing on the same area of functionality. \item First, following a request from Alexandre Roberts, I have added the \mycolor{\texttt{inheritshort\-hand}} option to the notes \&\ bibliography style, which allows child entries to inherit the \textsf{shorthand} field from their parents. This in turn allows the \textsf{shorthand} itself to appear in place of the usual abbreviated citation of parent entries cross-referenced by several different child entries, thereby saving some space. (This behavior was already available in the author-date styles, so the option is unnecessary there.) You'll need to use \texttt{skipbiblist} in the \textsf{options} field of child entries to make the list of shorthands work correctly. Please see the documentation of the \textsf{shorthand} field for the full explanation. \item Second, following a request from Kenneth Pearce, I have added to all Chicago styles the capacity to combine abbreviated cross-references with the presentation of the original text of translations (via the \textsf{userf} field) or of the original publication details of an essay or chapter you are citing from a subsequent reprint (via the \textsf{reprinttitle} field). See the documentation of those fields, and also of \textsf{crossref}, and note that you can now, taking certain precautions as outlined in the \textsf{shorthand} docs, combine the \textsf{userf}, \textsf{crossref}, and \textsf{shorthand} fields. This mechanism contains a great many moving parts, so please report any problems you might have with it. \item Third, and finally, following a bug report by Mark van Atten I have fixed all Chicago styles so that the \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{backref} mechanism works properly in \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, including in those entries that use abbreviated cross-references, and in those that use the \textsf{userf} or \textsf{reprinttitle} fields. I can't see any instructions concerning this in the \emph{Manual}, so I've left the formatting of \texttt{backref} lists in the hands of \textsf{biblatex} itself. If the default behavior doesn't match your needs, let me know, as it's possible I could add some further options for modifying it. \item I have added a new \mycolor{\texttt{compresspages}} option to all the Chicago styles. If set to \texttt{true} it automatically compresses page ranges in the \textsf{pages} and \textsf{postnote} fields, allowing you to type ranges naturally, e.g., 101-{-}109, and letting the package follow the \emph{Manual's} rules for you. (In this case, it would yield 101--9 in the document.) Thanks are due to David Gohlke who brought to my attention a discussion that took place a couple of years ago on \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/44492/biblatex-chicago-style-page-ranges}{Stackexchange} regarding the automatic compression of page ranges. \textsf{Biblatex} has long had the facilities for providing this, and though the \emph{Manual's} rules (9.60) are fairly complicated, Audrey Boruvka fortunately provided in that discussion code that implements the specifications. As some users may well be accustomed to compressing page ranges themselves in their .bib files, and in their \textsf{postnote} fields, I have made the activation of this code a package option. \item Several users, most recently David Gohlke, have requested a way to alter the punctuation that appears just before the \textsf{postnote} argument of citation commands. This allows, in the notes \&\ bibliography style, citations to fit better into the flow of text, while in the \textsf{authordate} styles it allows you very easily to insert comments, which follow a semi-colon, inside parenthetical text citations. This punctuation is a complex issue in the \emph{Manual}, but as a first stab at enabling this greater flexibility, I have introduced the \mycolor{\texttt{postnotepunct}} package option. Set to \texttt{true}, it allows you to start the \textsf{postnote} field with a punctuation mark (.\,,\,;\,:) and have it appear as the \cmd{postnotedelim} in place of whatever the package might otherwise automatically have chosen. Please note that this functionality relies on a very nifty macro by Philipp Lehman which I haven't extensively tested, so I'm labeling this option \mycolor{experimental}. Note also that the option only affects the \textsf{postnote} field of citation commands, not the \textsf{pages} field in your .bib file. Note, finally, that if you are using the new \mycolor{\texttt{compresspages}} option then any \textsf{postnote} field starting with a punctuation mark will require you to do the compression of page ranges yourself. \item I've added a new inheritance declaration so that \textbf{incollection} entries can inherit from \textbf{book} entries the same way they inherit from \textbf{mvbook}. \item I've fixed a fair number of other bugs, including two in the \emph{Ibidem} mechanism pointed out by Bernd Rellermeyer, one in the printing of dates, and one in the \cmd{textcite} command in the notes \&\ bibliography style, these last two pointed out by Kenneth Beesley. The presentation of all the periodical entry types (without an \textsf{entrysubtype}) has also been made more accurate. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9e: Released January 29, 2014} \begin{itemize} \item This minor release fixes a regression in the \emph{Ibidem} mechanism in the notes \&\ bibliography style, spotted by Harold Bellemare, and present in the package since version 0.9.9c. In all other respects this release is identical to 0.9.9d. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9d: Released October 30, 2013} \begin{itemize} \item Following requests by Kenneth~L.\ Pearce and Bertold Schweitzer, I have modified and extended the mechanism for creating abbreviated citations when several parts of the same collection are included in a reference apparatus. To the \textbf{incollection}, \textbf{inproceedings}, and \textbf{letter} entries of previous releases, I have added \textbf{inbook}, \textbf{book}, \textbf{bookinbook}, \textbf{collection}, and \textbf{proceedings} entries. Only \textbf{inbook} entries join the former three in having this functionality turned on by default --- if you don't want this, it will require intervention either in the preamble or in the \texttt{options} field of individual entries. This intervention will be via the new \mycolor{\texttt{longcrossref}} option, which controls the behavior of the four essay-like entry types and defaults to \texttt{false}, while the new \mycolor{\texttt{booklongxref}} option controls the four book-like types and defaults to \texttt{true}. The useful settings for the options differ slightly between the author-date and the notes \&\ bibliography specifications, so please see all the details in the docs of the \textsf{crossref} field in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \item On the same subject, in the notes \&\ bibliography style, I should mention that in the first, full citation of one part of a collection in a note, the code no longer uses a separate citation of the parent entry to supply parts of what you see printed. (This led to numerous inaccuracies.) If your setup uses a side-effect of the old code to print data that hasn't even been inherited by the child, you may find that you need to change some \textsf{xref} fields to \textsf{crossref} fields to make it work correctly now. This situation will, I imagine, be very rare, but you can look at white:ross:memo in \textsf{notes-test.bib} to see an example. \item In the author-date styles, several users have been frustrated by the lack of an approved way of setting the \texttt{cmsdate} option in the preambles of their documents, and Kenneth~L.\ Pearce requested that I attempt to ease the burden on users by looking at this again. With this release, you can now set \texttt{cmsdate} either to \texttt{both} or \texttt{on} in the preamble, and it will affect all entries (except \textbf{music}, \textbf{review}, and \textbf{video}) with multiple dates. You can still change this setting in the \texttt{options} field of individual entries, but what you won't be able to change there is the new call to \cmd{DeclareLabeldate} which puts the \textsf{origdate} first in the list of dates when \textsf{Biber} searches for a \textsf{labelyear} to use in citations and in the list of references. If you have been using the \texttt{switchdates} mechanism to get the \textsf{origdate} as the \textsf{labeldate}, your .bib files may need some editing in order to use the new preamble options. Please see the documentation of the \textsf{date} field in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate} above for all the (voluminous) details. \item Following a request by Rasmus Pank Rouland, I adapted new \textsf{biblatex} code in the \cmd{textcite(s)} commands in all styles to make them fit more elegantly in the flow of text. Upon reconsideration of the commands in the notes \&\ bibliography style, I slightly modified them, but \emph{only} when used inside a foot- or endnote. In this context, by default, for both \cmd{textcite} and \cmd{textcites}, you'll now get the \textsf{author's} name(s) followed by a headless \emph{short} citation (or citations) placed within parentheses. You can use \cmd{renewcommand} in the preamble of your document to redefine the new \mycolor{\cmd{foottextcite}} and \mycolor{\cmd{foottextcites}} commands to change this formatting. See section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}, above. \item This release includes support, in all styles, for \textsf{biblatex's} multi-volume entry types: \textbf{mvbook}, \textbf{mvcollection}, \textbf{mvproceedings}, and \textbf{mvreference}. See sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}. \item If you use \textsf{Biber}, I have added several new inheritance schemes to all styles to make cross-referenced entries work more smoothly: \textbf{incollection} entries can now inherit from \textbf{mvbook} just as they do from \textbf{mvcollection} entries; \textbf{letter} entries now inherit from \textbf{book}, \textbf{collection}, \textbf{mvbook}, and \textbf{mvcollection} entries the same way an \textbf{inbook} or an \textbf{incollection} entry would; the \textsf{namea}, \textsf{nameb}, \textsf{sortname}, \textsf{sorttitle}, and \textsf{sortyear} fields, all highly single-entry specific, are no longer inheritable; and the \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields of any \textbf{mv*} entry will \emph{not} be inherited by any other entry type. \item Following a bug report by Henry~D.\ Hollithron, I've added to \textbf{unpublished} entries in all styles the possibility of including an \textsf{editor}, \textsf{translator}, etc. \item Thanks to bug reports from Denis Maier and Bertold Schweitzer, I corrected inaccuracies and outright bugs in many entry types in all Chicago styles that appeared when there was a \textsf{booktitle} and not a \textsf{maintitle} or vice versa. This also involved another rewrite of the code handling the \textsf{volume} field and other related fields in all non-periodical entry types that use them. \item On the subject of the \textsf{volume} field, I added a new preamble and entry option, \mycolor{\texttt{delayvolume}}, to the notes \&\ bibliography style. In long notes where this data isn't printed before a \textsf{maintitle}, this option allows you to print it \emph{after} the publication information rather than \emph{before} it, as may sometimes help clarify things, according to the \emph{Manual}. This applies to the non-periodical entry types only. See section~\ref{sec:useropts}. \item On the same subject, in all styles, I have added a new preamble and entry option, \mycolor{\texttt{hidevolumes}}. This controls whether, in entries where a \textsf{volume} has been printed before a \textsf{maintitle}, any \textsf{volumes} field present will also be printed, in this case \emph{after} the \textsf{maintitle}. By default, this is set to \texttt{true}, so that the \textsf{volumes} field won't appear in such circumstances. See sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}. \item On the same subject, I have modified, in all styles, the field format for the \textbf{part} field, so that if the field contains something other than a number, \textsf{biblatex-chicago} will print it as is, capitalizing it if necessary, rather than supplying the usual bibstring, thus providing a mechanism for altering the string to your liking. I have also decoupled the \textsf{part} field from the \textsf{volume} field, allowing it to be printed even in the absence of the latter, thereby providing a means to refer to segments of a larger work that don't easily fit the established schemes. The iso:electrodoc entry in \textsf{dates-test.bib} shows an example of how this might work. \item There is a new \mycolor{\texttt{omitxrefdate}} preamble and entry option in the notes \&\ bibliography style. It turns off the printing of the child's \textsf{date} next to its \textsf{title} in abbreviated book-like entries \emph{only}, in both notes and bibliography. See section~\ref{sec:useropts}. \item Clea~F.\ Rees requested a way to customize the punctuation when a \textsf{volume} and a \textsf{page} number appear together like so: \enquote{2:204.} You can use \cmd{renewcommand} in your preamble to redefine the new \mycolor{\cmd{postvolpunct}} command to achieve this, in all styles. If your document language is French, \textsf{cms-french.lbx} redefines this already and prints something like \enquote{2 : 204.} See sections~\ref{sec:formatcommands} and \ref{sec:formatting:authdate}. \item I extended, in all styles, the functions of the \textsf{userd} field, allowing it to modify a \textsf{date} field if it hasn't already been captured by another date specification in the entry. See the documentation of the field in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}. \item A bug report from Mathias Legrand helped clear up inaccuracies in the presentation of ordinal numbers in all styles. \item For the author-date styles, another bug report by Kenneth Pearce resulted in the addition of the \textsf{labelyear} to the default \texttt{cms} sorting scheme so that more entries in the reference list are sorted properly without further user intervention. \item George Pigman found an odd punctuation-tracking bug in the author-date styles. This has been fixed. \item Marc Sommer found a bug in the presentation of the \textsf{prenote} field in the author-date styles. This has been fixed. \item In the notes \&\ bibliography style, I improved the behavior of abbreviated foot- and endnotes when using the \textsf{hyperref} package. \item I modified the date-presentation code in all the language files (\textsf{cms-*.lbx}) provided by the package. Now, if an entry contains a \textsf{(*)year} and an \textsf{(*)endyear} that are exactly the same, and there aren't any further month or day specifications, then the \textsf{year} alone will be printed. This allows for the clearing of spurious \textsf{endyears} inherited from parent entries. \item I discovered some unpleasant side effects of my arrangement of the \textsf{.lbx} files devoted to Norwegian, and reverted to the arrangement as originally provided by Håkon Malmedal. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9c: Released March 15, 2013} \begin{itemize} \item Antti-Juhani Kaijahano has very kindly provided a new Finnish localization for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, called \mycolor{\textsf{cms-finnish.lbx}}. As you will see if you look through it, it is still something of a work in progress. If you would like to fill some of its lacunae, please do let me know. \item Following a report by Bertold Schweitzer, I have added the \textbf{namea} and \textbf{nameb} fields to \textbf{article} and \textbf{review} entries in all three Chicago styles. As in all the book-like entry types, they allow you to associate an editor or a translator specifically with a \textsf{title}, rather than, in these cases, with an \textsf{issuetitle}. See the docs on these entry types in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item Thanks to another report by Bertold I have, in all three Chicago styles, corrected inaccuracies in the presentation of the \textbf{report} entry type. The \textsf{number} now appears immediately after the \textsf{type}, and the \textsf{type} itself is now capitalized properly depending on its context in an entry. \item A third report by Bertold, detailing inaccuracies in the treatment of the \textbf{volume} and \textbf{volumes} fields in certain contexts, has resulted in a complete rewrite of the presentation of these (and several related) fields in all non-periodical entry types in all three Chicago styles. This won't require any changes to your .bib files, but the output you see may, in some reasonably unusual situations, change. Please let me know if something doesn't look right to you. \item A fourth report by Bertold revealed some inadequacies with multiple \textsf{date} presentation in the two Chicago author-date styles, issues that particularly involved cross-referenced entries. In addition to some general fixes in the code, I have also slightly changed the functioning of the \texttt{cmsdate=both} and \texttt{cmsdate=on} switches. If, and only if, a work has only one date, and there is no \texttt{switchdates} in the \textsf{options} field, then \texttt{cmsdate=on} and \texttt{cmsdate=both} will both result in the suppression of the \textsf{extrayear} field in that entry. See the \textbf{date} field docs in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \item Following a report by Antti-Juhani Kaijahano, I have modified the presentation of author-less \textbf{article} and \textbf{review} entries in the reference list of both Chicago author-date styles. If such a source had a \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}, the styles would already use the \textsf{journaltitle} at the head of the entry in the list of references, but if there was no \textsf{entrysubtype} the entry would appear in the list \textsf{date} first. Now, in keeping with the \emph{Manual} (14.175), the \textsf{title} will appear first, in both reference lists and in-text citations. See especially under \textbf{article} in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item Several users have pointed out annoying formatting errors in the styles. Evan Cortens spotted two bugs in the notes \&\ bibliography style, one of which, under various circumstances, introduced extra spaces into long notes and the other of which affected the formatting of the \textsf{type} field in \textsf{thesis} entries. I have fixed both, also applying the latter fix to several other entry types that use the \textsf{type} field. Bertold Schweitzer pointed out a formatting bug with the \textsf{issuesubtitle} field in the author-date style, now fixed. Mark Sprevak reported some spurious spaces appearing in headers and footers when using the \textsf{titleps} package; the culprits were errors in the \textsf{cms-*.lbx} files, now cleaned up. \item I have rectified a number of other errors, in particular making the automatic provision of abbreviated cross-references more robust in \textsf{incollection}, \textsf{inproceedings}, and \textsf{letter} entries, improving the behavior of the \textsf{postnote} field in certain corner cases, fixing bugs in the handling of \textsf{pagination} and \textsf{bookpagination} fields, and slightly altering the placement of the \textsf{addendum} field in book-like entries to bring it closer to the \emph{Manual's} specification. A number of other, smaller improvements should also bring the styles into closer conformity with the specification. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9b: Released December 6, 2012} \begin{itemize} \item This release contains a new variant of the author-date style, available as the\break \mycolor{\texttt{authordate-trad}} option when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. This provides the traditional, plain, pre-16th-edition Chicago title handling --- sentence-style capitalization, absence of quotation marks in \textsf{article} titles and the like --- but in all other respects follows the 16th-edition specification, as suggested by the \emph{Manual} (15.45). Remember that the \texttt{headline} package option can be used to turn off the automatic sentence-style capitalization, meaning that titles will appear as presented in the .bib file, at least as far as capitalization is concerned. Please see especially the documentation of \textsf{\textbf{title}} in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above, for the details. \item I have updated calls to \cmd{DeclareLabelname} and \cmd{DeclareLabelyear} in several .cbx files so that the package works correctly with the most recent version (2.4) of \textsf{biblatex}. \item Following a request by Norman Gray, I have included a \cmd{textcite} (and a \cmd{textcites}) command in the notes \&\ bibliography style for the first time. Please see section~\ref{sec:citecommands}, above, for the details. \item Following a request by Daniel Possenriede, I have added in all three 16th-edition styles a new switch, \mycolor{\texttt{only}}, to the \texttt{doi} option, which prints the \textsf{doi} when present and the \textsf{url} only when there is no \textsf{doi}. The package default remains, however, \texttt{true}. \item I am grateful to Baldur Kristinsson for providing an Icelandic localization file for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, called \mycolor{\textsf{cms-icelandic.lbx}}. You'll see if you look through it that it is still something of a work in progress, but it should cover most needs in that language very well. If you would like to fill in some of the gaps please let me know. \item I am also grateful to Håkon Malmedal for providing Norwegian localizations for \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, contained in the files \mycolor{\textsf{cms-norsk.lbx}}, \mycolor{\textsf{cms-norwe\-gian.lbx}}, and \mycolor{\textsf{cms-nynorsk.lbx}}. \item I have added a new British localization (\mycolor{\textsf{cms-british.lbx}}) that should make it much simpler for users to produce documents adhering to that tradition. For further details on the usage of all these localizations please see section~\ref{sec:international}, above. \item Several users have reported a bug that resulted in doubled bibstrings in certain contexts. This happened only when using localizations for which \textsf{biblatex-chicago} didn't have explicit support, and it should now be fixed. \item I have changed the way the 16th-edition author-date styles handle the \emph{Ibidem} mechanism. In the absence of a \textsf{postnote} field you no longer get empty parentheses, but rather a standard in-text citation. If you do have a \textsf{postnote} field, then only that will appear. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9a: Released July 30, 2012} \begin{itemize} \item I have made a few changes to \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} to allow the package to work with the latest version (2.0) of \textsf{biblatex}. In all other respects this release is identical to 0.9.9. If you do use the package with \textsf{biblatex} 2.0, please let me know if there are issues I need to address. Thanks to Charles Schaum for alerting me to some of them. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.9: Released July 5, 2012} \mylittlespace Converting 15th-Edition .bib Files to Use the 16th Edition: \mylittlespace \textbf{Notes and Bibliography Style} \begin{itemize} \item The specification for \textbf{music} entries has been significantly altered for the new edition. You no longer need to worry about the \texttt{\textcircledP} and \texttt{\textcopyright} signs in the \textsf{howpublished} field, which will be silently ignored, and the \textsf{pubstate} field now reverts to its usual function of identifying reprints or, in this case, reissues. The spec really only requires a record label (\textsf{series}) and catalog number (\textsf{number}), though \textsf{publisher} is still available if you need it. There is a new emphasis, finally, on the dating of musical recordings, so that the \textsf{eventdate} gives the recording date of a particular song or other portion of a recording, the \textsf{origdate} the recording date of an entire album, and the \textsf{date} the publishing date of that album. Please see the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above. \item The specification for \textbf{video} entries has also been clarified. For television series, the episode and series numbers go in \textsf{booktitleaddon} instead of \textsf{titleaddon} and, as with \textsf{music} entries, the \textsf{eventdate} will hold the original broadcast date of such an episode, or perhaps the recording/performance date of, e.g., an opera on DVD. The \textsf{origdate} will still hold the original release date of a film, and the \textsf{date} the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. Please see the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:entrytypes}, above. \item You should add \textbf{customc} entries to provide bibliographical cross-references from multiple pseudonyms back to the author's name. \item In \textbf{suppbook} entries, the \emph{Manual} now requires you to provide the page range (in the \textsf{pages} field) for the specific part you are citing, e.g., an introduction, foreword, or afterword.%%\enlargethispage{-2\baselineskip} \item In \textbf{patent} entries, the \emph{Manual} now prefers sentence-style capitalization for titles, which you'll need to provide yourself by hand. \item When a descriptive phrase is used as an \textsf{author}, you can now omit an initial definite or indefinite article, which will help with alphabetization in the bibliography. \item A DOI is now preferred to a URL, if both are available. \item On the same subject, a revision date (or similar) is preferred to an access date for online material. You can use the new \textbf{userd} field to change the string introducing the \textsf{urldate}, which defaults to being an access date. \item Special imprints are now separated from their parent press by a forward slash rather than a comma, so can just be added to the \textsf{publisher} field with the usual keyword \texttt{and}. \item I have implemented a reasonable, less-flexible facsimile of the \textsf{Biber}-only command \mycolor{\cmd{DeclareLabelname}} which should work for those using any backend. It allows \textsf{biblatex} to find a name for short notes outside the standard name fields, including, notably, in the \textsf{name[a-c]} fields. This should reduce the instances where you need a \textsf{shortauthor} field to provide such a name. \item The Chicago-specific setting of another \textsf{Biber}-only command, \mycolor{\cmd{DeclareSorting\-Scheme=cms}}, allows non-standard fields to be considered by \textsf{biblatex's} sorting algorithms, which should reduce the instances where you need a \textsf{sortkey} or the like in your entries. If you aren't using \textsf{Biber}, the package reverts to the standard \texttt{nty} sorting scheme. \end{itemize} \textbf{Author-Date Style} \begin{itemize} \item All title fields now follow the rules for the notes \&\ bibliography style as far as punctuation, formatting, and capitalization are concerned. \textsf{Biblatex-chicago-\break authordate} will deal with most of this automatically, but if you have any hand formatting of lowercase letters within curly braces in your .bib file, you will need to restore the headline-style capitalization there. Also, you'll need to be more careful when you provide quotation marks inside titles, remembering to use \cmd{mkbibquote} so that punctuation can be brought inside nested quotation marks. These revisions will apply particularly to \textbf{title}, \textbf{booktitle}, and \textbf{maintitle} fields. \item The one exception to these rules is in \textbf{patent} entries, where sentence-style capitalization of the \textsf{title} is now specified. You'll have to provide this by hand yourself, as in the notes \&\ bibliography style. \item Because of these changes to title formatting, you'll need to observe the difference between \textbf{article} and \textbf{review} entries, where the latter contain generic, \enquote{Review of \ldots} titles and the former standard, specific titles. \item The presentation of \textbf{shorthand} fields has changed. You no longer need to use the \textbf{customc} entry type to include cross-references from shorthands to expansions in the list of references. Now, simply using a \textsf{shorthand} field in an entry places that \textsf{shorthand} in citations and at the head of the entry in the list of references, where it will be followed by its expansion within parentheses. The new system will require help with sorting in the reference list --- placing the \textsf{shorthand} also in a \textsf{sortkey} should do the trick. \item On the subject of \textbf{customc} entries, the \emph{Manual} now recommends using cross-references in several contexts, particularly when a single author uses more than one pseudonym. Adding \textsf{customc} entries makes this happen. \item There have been significant changes when presenting book-like entries with more than one date. If you are using the \texttt{cmsdate=on} option, or indeed simply placing the earlier date in the \textbf{date} field and the later one in \textbf{origdate}, the presentation will be the same as before, but you should understand that the \emph{Manual} no longer recommends this \textsf{origdate}-only style. It prefers, instead, to present either the \textsf{date} alone or both dates in citations and at the head of reference list entries. When presenting both dates, there is now no longer a choice between the \texttt{old} and \texttt{new} options for \texttt{cmsdate}, but only the \texttt{both} option. If you have \texttt{old} or \texttt{new} in your .bib files, they will be treated as synonyms of \texttt{both}. \item The specification for \textbf{music} entries has been significantly altered for the new edition. You no longer need to worry about the \texttt{\textcircledP} and \texttt{\textcopyright} signs in the \textsf{howpublished} field, which will be silently ignored, and the \textsf{pubstate} field reverts to its more usual function of identifying reprints or, in this case, reissues. The spec really only requires a record label (\textsf{series}) and catalog number (\textsf{number}), though \textsf{publisher} is still available if you need it. There is a new emphasis, finally, on the dating of musical recordings, which means that such entries will fit better with the author-date style. It also means that I have had to redefine the various date fields. The \textsf{eventdate} gives the recording date of a particular song or other portion of a recording, the \textsf{origdate} the recording date of an entire album, and the \textsf{date} the publishing date of that album. The earlier date is the one that will appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Please see the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item The specification for \textbf{video} entries has also been clarified. For television series, the episode and series numbers go in \textsf{booktitleaddon} instead of \textsf{titleaddon} and, as with \textsf{music} entries, the \textsf{eventdate} will hold the original broadcast date of such an episode, or perhaps the recording/performance date of, e.g., an opera on DVD. The \textsf{origdate} will still hold the original release date of a film, and the \textsf{date} the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. The earlier date, once again, is the one that will appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Please see the full documentation in section~\ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item In \textbf{suppbook} entries, the \emph{Manual} now requires you to provide the page range (in the \textsf{pages} field) for the specific part you are citing, e.g., an introduction, foreword, or afterword. \item The author-date style now prefers longer bibstrings in the list of references, bringing it into line with the notes \&\ bibliography style. Generally, the package will take care of this for you, but if you've been using abbreviated strings in \textsf{note} fields, for example, you may want to change them so that they conform with the strings the package provides. In some circumstances the \cmd{partedit} macro, and its relatives, may help. See section~\ref{sec:formatting:authdate}. \item When a descriptive phrase is used as an \textsf{author}, you can now omit an initial definite or indefinite article, which will help with alphabetization in the bibliography. \item A DOI is now preferred to a URL, if both are available. \item On the same subject, a revision date (or similar) is preferred to an access date for online material. You can use the new \textbf{userd} field to change the string introducing the \textsf{urldate}, which defaults to being an access date. \item Special imprints are now separated from their parent press by a forward slash rather than a comma, so can just be added to the \textsf{publisher} field with the usual keyword \texttt{and}. \item The 16th edition of the \emph{Manual} is less than enthusiastic about the use of \enquote{Anon.}\ as the \textsf{author}, preferring instead that the \textsf{title} or the \textsf{journaltitle} take its place. If you do decide to get rid of \enquote{Anon.,} new facilities provided by \textsf{Biber} --- see next entry --- should mean that \textsf{biblatex} no longer requires assistance when alphabetizing such author-less entries. \item The Chicago-specific setting of the \textsf{Biber}-only command, \mycolor{\cmd{DeclareSorting-\break Scheme=cms}}, allows non-standard fields to be considered by \textsf{biblatex's} sorting algorithms, which should reduce the instances where you need a \textsf{sortkey} or the like in your entries. \item The Chicago-specific setting of the \textsf{Biber}-only command \mycolor{\cmd{DeclareLabel\-name}} allows \textsf{biblatex} to find a name (\enquote{\textsf{label}}) for citations outside the standard name fields, including, notably, in the \textsf{name[a-c]} fields. This should reduce the instances where you need a \textsf{shortauthor} field to provide such a name. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item For reprinted books, you can now present more detailed publishing information about the original edition using the new \mycolor{\textbf{origlocation}} and \mycolor{\textbf{origpublisher}} fields. You can also use the \textsf{origlocation} in \textsf{letter} or \textsf{misc} (with \textsf{entrysubtype}) entries to identify where a published or unpublished letter was written. These uses apply to both Chicago styles. \item Thanks to a patch sent by Kazuo Teramoto, you can now take advantage of \textsf{biblatex's} facilities for citing \mycolor{\textbf{eprint}} resources. There is also a new \mycolor{\texttt{eprint}} option, set to \texttt{true} by default, which controls the printing of this field in both Chicago styles. You can set the option both in the preamble and in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. The field will always print in \textbf{online} entries. \item I have added a new citation command, \mycolor{\cmd{citejournal}}, to the notes \&\ bibliography style to allow you to present journal articles using an alternative short note form, which may be a clearer form of reference in certain circumstances. Such short notes will present the name of the \textsf{author}, the \textsf{journaltitle}, and the \textsf{volume} number. \item I have included a very slightly modified version of the standard \textsf{biblatex} \cmd{citeauthor} command, which may be useful for references to works from classical antiquity. \item I have added a new \texttt{cmsdate=\mycolor{full}} switch to the author-date style, which only affects citations in the text, and means that a full date specification will appear there, rather than just the year. If you follow the \emph{Manual's} recommendations concerning newspaper and magazine articles only appearing in running text and not in the reference list, this option will help. \item I have added a new \mycolor{\texttt{avdate}} option to the author-date style, set to \texttt{true} by default in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}. This alters the default setting of \cmd{Declare\-Labelyear} in \textbf{music}, \textbf{review}, and \textbf{video} entries to take account of specialized instructions in the \emph{Manual} for finding dates to appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Setting \texttt{avdate=false} in the options when you load \textsf{biblatex-chicago} restores the default settings for all entry types. See \texttt{avdate} in section~\ref{sec:authpreset}. \item The \emph{Manual} has added recommendations for citing blogs, which generally will need an \textbf{article} entry with \texttt{magazine} \textsf{entrysubtype}. You can identify a blog as such by placing \enquote{blog} in the \textsf{location} field. If you want to cite a comment to a blog or to other online material, the \textbf{review} entry type, \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{magazine} will serve. The \textbf{eventdate} dates the comment, and any time stamp that is required can go in \textsf{nameaddon}. These instructions work in both specifications. \item Photographs are no longer presented differently from other sorts of artworks so, in effect, in both styles, the \textbf{image} type is now a clone of \textbf{artwork}, though retained for backward compatibility. \item Following a request by Kenneth Pearce, I have added new facilities for presenting \textbf{shorthands} in both Chicago styles. In both, there are two new \texttt{bibenvironments} which you can set using the \texttt{env} option to the \cmd{printshorthands} command: \mycolor{\texttt{losnotes}} formats the list of shorthands so that it can be presented in a footnote, while \mycolor{\texttt{losendnotes}} does the same for endnotes. In both styles, there is a new preamble option, \mycolor{\texttt{shorthandfull}}, which prints the full bibliographical information of each entry inside the list of shorthands, allowing such a list effectively to replace a bibliography or list of references. In the author-date style, you need to set the \texttt{cmslos=false} option as well, in order for this to work. In the notes \&\ bibliography style, I have added a new citation command, \mycolor{\cmd{shorthandcite}}, which prints the \textsf{shorthand} even in the first citation of a given work. \item Following suggestions by Roger Hart, I have implemented three new field-exclu\-sion options in the notes \&\ bibliography style. In all three cases, the field in question will always appear in the bibliography, but not in long notes, which may help to save space. The fields at stake are \textsf{addendum}, \textsf{note}, and \textsf{series}, controlled respectively by the new \mycolor{\texttt{addendum}}, \mycolor{\texttt{notefield}}, and \mycolor{\texttt{bookseries}} options. All of these are set to \texttt{true} using the new \mycolor{\texttt{completenotes}} option in \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, but you can change the settings either in the preamble or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. Please see the documentation of these options in section~\ref{sec:chicpreset}, above, for details on which entry types are excluded from their scope. \item Thanks to a coding suggestion from Gildas Hamel, I have redefined the \cmd{bibnamedash} in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, which should now by default look a little better in a wider variety of fonts. \item At the request of Baldur Kristinsson, I have added \cmd{DeclareLanguageMap\-ping} commands to \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} for all the languages \textsf{biblatex-chicago} currently provides. If you load the style in the standard way, you no longer need to provide these mappings manually yourself. \item I have improved the date handling in both styles, particularly with regard to date ranges. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.8d: Released November 15, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Some minor fixes to both styles for compatibility with \textsf{biblatex} 1.7. \item Kenneth Pearce found an error in the formatting of \textsf{bookinbook} titles in the author-date style's list of shorthands. This should work properly now. \item Jonathan Robinson spotted some inconsistencies in the way the notes \&\ bibliography style interacts with the \textsf{hyperref} package. Following his suggestion, short notes now point to long notes when the latter are available, but to bibliography entries instead when you have set the \texttt{short} option. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.8c: Released October 12, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Emil Salim pointed out some rather basic errors in the presentation of \textsf{inproceedings} and \textsf{proceedings} entries, errors that have been present from the first release of the style(s). These should now, belatedly, have been put right. \item Minor improvements to coding and documentation. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.8b: Released September 29, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Bad Dates: Christian Boesch alerted me to some date-formatting errors produced when using the styles with the \texttt{german} option to \textsf{babel}. A little further investigation revealed similar problems with \texttt{french}, and before long it became clear that date handling in \textsf{biblatex-chicago} was generally, and significantly, sub-optimal. The whole system should now be more robust and more accurate. \item The new date-handling code shouldn't require any changes to your .bib files, but users of the author-date style may want to have a look at the documentation of the \textsf{letter} and \textsf{misc} entry types, and of the four date fields, for some information about how the changes could simplify the creation of their databases. \item Various other minor improvements. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.8a: Released September 21, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Fixed a series of unsightly errors in the author-date style, discovered while working on the pending update to the 16th edition. \item Fixed bugs uncovered in both the author-date and the notes \&\ bibliography styles thanks to Charles Schaum's adventurous use of the \textsf{origyear} field. \item Added two new bibstrings to the cms-*.lbx files to fix potential bugs in some of the audiovisual entry types. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.8: Released August 31, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Starting with \textsf{biblatex} version 1.5, in order to adhere to the author-date specification you will need to use \textsf{Biber} to process your .bib files, as \textsc{Bib}\TeX\ (and its more recent variants) will no longer provide all the required features. Unfortunately, however, the current release of \textsf{Biber} (0.9.5) contains bugs that make it tricky to use with \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. These bugs have been addressed in 0.9.6 beta, which is available for various operating systems in the \texttt{development} subdirectory of your SourceForge mirror, e.g., \href{http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/b/project/bi/biblatex-biber/biblatex-biber/development/binaries/}{UK mirror}. (If, by the time you read this, \textsf{Biber} 0.9.6 has already been released, then so much the better.) Please see the start of \textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf} for more details. \item The switch to \textsf{Biber} for the author-date specification means that \textsf{biblatex} now provides considerably enhanced handling of the various date fields. I have attempted to document the relevant changes in \textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf} and in the \textbf{date} discussion in section~\ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above, but in my testing the only alterations I've so far had to make to my .bib files involve adhering more closely to the instructions for specifying date ranges. \textsf{Biber} doesn't like \{\texttt{1968/75}\}, and will ignore it. Either use \{\texttt{1968/1975}\} or use \{\texttt{1968-{}-75}\} in the \textsf{year} field. \item In the notes \&\ bibliography style, and mainly in \textsf{article}, \textsf{letter}, \textsf{misc}, and \textsf{review} entries, previous releases of \textsf{biblatex-chicago} recommended using the \cmd{isdot} macro when you needed both to define a field and not have it appear in the printed output. This mechanism no longer works in \textsf{biblatex} 1.6, and while addressing the problem I realized that relying on it covered over some inconsistencies and bugs in my code, so from this release forward you will need to modify your .bib and .tex files to use other, more standard mechanisms to achieve the same ends, in particular the \cmd{headlesscite} commands and declaring \texttt{useauthor=false} in the \textsf{options} field. Please consult the documentation in section~\ref{sec:formatcommands}, s.v.\ \enquote{\cmd{isdot},} for a list of example entries where you can see these changes at work. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item Fixed the \cmd{smartcite} citation command in, and added a \cmd{smartcites} command to, \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx}, so that the notes \&\ bibliography style no longer prints parentheses around citations produced using \cmd{autocite(s)} commands inside\break \cmd{footnote} commands. Many thanks to Louis-Dominique Dubeau for pointing out this error. \item Rembrandt Wolpert and Aaron Lambert pointed out an issue with a command (\cmd{lbx@fromlang}) that \textsf{biblatex} no longer defines, and Charles Schaum very kindly suggested a temporary workaround in a newsgroup post, a workaround that should no longer be necessary. \item Version 1.6 of \textsf{biblatex} no longer allows you to redefine the \texttt{minnames} and \texttt{maxnames} options in the \cmd{printbibliography} command, so I've defined \texttt{minbibnames} and \texttt{maxbibnames} in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, instead. These parameters have been available since version 1.1, so this is now the earliest version of \textsf{biblatex} that will work with the Chicago styles. Of course, if the (Chicago-recommended) values of these options don't suit your needs, you can redefine them in your document preamble. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.7a: Released March 17, 2011} \begin{itemize} \item Added \cmd{smartcite} command to \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx} so that the notes \&\ bibliography style will work with \textsf{biblatex} 1.3. \item Added bibstrings \texttt{byconductor} and \texttt{cbyconductor} to the .lbx files, mistakenly omitted in version 0.9.7. \item Minor fixes to the docs. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.7: Released February 15, 2011} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{customa} and \textbf{customb} entry types are now obsolete. Any such entries will be ignored. Please change any that remain to \textbf{letter} and \textbf{bookinbook}, respectively. \item If you still have any \textbf{customc} entries containing introductions, prefaces, or the like, please change them to \textbf{suppbook}. I have recycled \textsf{customc} for another purpose, on which see below. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item At the request of Johan Nordstrom, I have added three new audiovisual entry types to both styles, \textbf{audio}, \textbf{music}, and \textbf{video}. The documentation of \textsf{audio} in sections~ \ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate} above contains an overview of the three, and the details for each type are to be found under their individual headings. \item I have transformed the \textbf{customc} entry type to enable alphabetized cross-referen\-ces --- the \enquote{c} is meant to be mnemonic --- to other, separate entries in a reference list or bibliography. In particular, this facilitates cross-references to other names in a list, rather than to other works. In author-date, in a procedure recommended by the \emph{Manual}, this now allows you to expand shorthands inside the reference list rather than in a list of shorthands. In both styles, you can now provide a pointer to the main entry if a reader is looking an author up under, e.g., a pseudonym or other alternative name. \item I have introduced the \textbf{userc} field, intended to simplify the printing of the cross-references provided by \textsf{customc} entries. The standard \cmd{nocite} command works as well, but the additional mechanism may be more convenient in some circumstances. \item You can now provide an \textbf{eventdate} in \textsf{music} entries to identify, e.g., a particular recording session. It will be printed just after the \textsf{title}. \item In the notes \&\ bibliography style, I have now implemented the \textbf{shorthandintro} field, which allows you to change the string introducing a shorthand in the first, long note. It works just as it does in the standard \textsf{biblatex} styles. \item At the request of Scot Becker, I have added six new field-exclusion options to both styles, all of which can be set both in the document preamble and/or in the \textsf{options} field of individual .bib entries. Three of these --- \texttt{doi}, \texttt{isbn}, and \texttt{url} --- are standard \textsf{biblatex} options, the others --- \texttt{bookpages}, \texttt{includeall}, and \texttt{numbermonth} --- are \textsf{chicago}-specific. See the docs in sections~\ref{sec:chicpreset} and \ref{sec:authpreset}, above. \item At the request of Charles Schaum, I've added the \texttt{juniorcomma} option to both styles, which can be set in the document preamble and/or in the \textsf{options} field of individual entries. It allows you to get the traditional comma between a surname and \enquote{Jr.} or \enquote{Sr.} \item Fixed an old inaccuracy in the presentation of \enquote{Jr.} and \enquote{Sr.,} so that they now appear at the end of names printed surname first in bibliographies and reference lists. \item Thanks to Andrew Goldstone, I fixed some old inaccuracies in the syntax of shortened notes and bibliography entries presenting multiple contributions to one multi-author (or single-author) volume. \item I've altered the directory structure of the archive containing this release. Files were multiplying, and look set to multiply still further, so I've copied the structure used by Lehman for \textsf{biblatex} itself. \item Fixed an old bug, which I'd guess was triggered quite rarely, in the formatting of publication information in long notes. \item Fixed another bug in author-date where the colon separating titles and subtitles was in the wrong font. The \textsf{biblatex} \texttt{punctfont} option solved this. \item Fixed a punctuation bug in \textsf{InReference} entries in the notes \&\ bibliography style. Also fixed \textsf{title} presentation in \textsf{Reference} entries in author-date. \item Fixed some inaccuracies in the tests establishing priority between \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields. These arose when date ranges were involved, and it's possible I haven't yet addressed all possible permutations of the problem. \item Added several new bibstrings to the \textsf{cms-*.lbx} files for the new audiovisual entry types. This means that the \textsf{editortype} fields can now be set to \texttt{director}, \texttt{producer}, or \texttt{conductor}, depending on your needs. You can also set the fields to \texttt{none}, which eliminates all identifying strings, and which is useful for identifying performers of various sorts. \item Minor improvements to documentation. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.5a: Released September 7, 2010} \begin{itemize} \item Quick fix for an elementary and show-stopping mistake in \textsf{biblatex-chica\-go.sty}, a mistake disguised if you load \textsf{csquotes}, which I do in all my test files. Mea culpa. Many thanks indeed to Israel Jacques and Emil Salim for pointing this out to me. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9.5: Released September 3, 2010} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item All the custom entry types --- \textbf{customa}, \textbf{customb}, and \textbf{customc} --- are now deprecated. They will still work for the time being, but please be aware that in the next major release they will no longer function, at least not as you might be expecting. Please change your .bib files to use \textbf{letter} (=\textbf{customa}), \textbf{bookinbook} (=\textbf{customb}), and \textbf{suppbook} (=\textbf{customc}) instead. \item If by some chance anyone is still using the old \cmd{custpunctc} macro, it is now obsolete. It really shouldn't be needed, but let me know if I'm wrong. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item The Chicago author-date style is now implemented in the package, and is fully documented in section~\ref{sec:authdate}, above. \item The default way of loading the style(s) has slightly changed. You should put either \texttt{notes} or \texttt{authordate} in the options to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}, e.g.: \begin{quote} \cmd{usepackage[authordate,more options% \,\ldots]\{biblatex-chicago\}} \end{quote} \item With the addition of the second Chicago style, I have thought it appropriate to alter both the name of the package and the names of the files it contains. The package is now \textsf{biblatex-chicago} instead of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df}, and the following files have been renamed: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{chicago-notes-df.cbx} is now \textsf{chicago-notes.cbx} \item \textsf{chicago-notes-df.bbx} is now \textsf{chicago-notes.bbx} \item \textsf{sample.tex} is now \textsf{cms-notes-sample.tex} \item \textsf{sample.pdf} is now \textsf{cms-notes-sample.pdf} \item \textsf{chicago-test.bib} is now \textsf{notes-test.bib} \item \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df.pdf} (this file) is now \textsf{biblatex-chicago.pdf} \end{itemize} The following files have been added: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{chicago-authordate.cbx} \item \textsf{chicago-authordate.bbx} \item \textsf{cms-dates-sample.tex} \item \textsf{cms-dates-sample.pdf} \item \textsf{dates-test.bib} \end{itemize} The following files have retained their old names: \begin{itemize} \item \textsf{cms-american.lbx} \item \textsf{cms-french.lbx} \item \textsf{cms-german.lbx} \item \textsf{cms-ngerman.lbx} \item \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} \end{itemize} \item I have implemented the \textsf{pubstate} field, slightly differently yet compatibly in the two styles, to provide a simpler mechanism for identifying a reprinted book. In the author-date style, it is highly recommended you use it, as it sorts out some complicated formatting questions automatically. In the notes \&\ bibliography style it isn't strictly necessary, but may be useful anyway and easier to remember than the old system. See the documentation under \textsf{pubstate} in sections~\ref{sec:entryfields} and \ref{sec:fields:authdate}, above. \item Users of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes} no longer need a \textsf{shortauthor} field in author-less \textsf{manual} entries, or in author-less \textsf{article} or \textsf{review} entries with a \texttt{maga\-zine} \textsf{entrysubtype}. The package will now automatically take an author for short notes from the \textsf{organization} field for \textsf{manual} entries and from the \textsf{journaltitle} field for the others. You can still use a \textsf{shortauthor} field if you want, but it's no longer necessary. (This also holds for \textsf{chicago-authordate}.) \item Date presentation in the \textsf{misc} entry type (with \textsf{entrysubtype}) has changed to fix an inaccuracy. You can now use the \textsf{date} and \textsf{origdate} fields to distinguish between two sorts of archival source: letters and \enquote{letter-like} sources use \textsf{origdate}, interviews and other non-letters use \textsf{date}. The only difference is in how the date is printed, so current .bib entries will continue to work fine, albeit with minor inaccuracies in the case of non-letter-like sources. See the docs on \textbf{misc} in sections~\ref{sec:entrytypes} and \ref{sec:types:authdate}, above. \item When only one date is presented in a \textsf{patent} entry --- either in the \textsf{date} or \textsf{origdate} field --- this will now always be used as the filing date. In \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}, this makes a change from the previous (incorrect) behavior. \item I have included the option \texttt{dateabbrev=false} in the default settings for \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes}. This ensures that the long month names are printed, as otherwise recent releases of \textsf{biblatex} print the abbreviated ones by default. \item The provision of punctuation in \textsf{entrysubtype} \texttt{classical} entries has been improved, allowing the comma to appear before certain kinds of location specifiers even when citing works by their traditional divisions. See \emph{Manual} 17.253. (This applies to both Chicago styles.) \item The \textsf{number} field in \textsf{article}, \textsf{periodical}, and \textsf{review} entries now allows you to include a series or range of numbers in the field, with the style automatically providing the correct bibstring (singular or plural). \item I have removed and altered bibstrings in the .lbx files to take advantage of the new \cmd{bibsstring} and \cmd{biblstring} commands in \textsf{biblatex}, and added one new string (\texttt{origpubyear}) needed by \textsf{biblatex-chicago-authordate}. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9a: Released March 20, 2010} \begin{itemize} \item Quick fixes for compatibility with \textsf{biblatex} 0.9a. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.9: Released March 18, 2010} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{userd} field is now obsolete. All information it used to hold should be placed in the \textsf{edition} field. \item The \textbf{origyear} field is now obsolete in \textsf{biblatex}. It has been replaced by \textbf{origdate}, and because the latter allows a full date specification, I have been able to make the operation of \textsf{customa} (=\,\textsf{letter}), \textsf{misc} (with an \textsf{entrysubtype}), and \textsf{patent} entries more intuitive. The RELEASE file contained in this package gives the short instructions on how to update your .bib files, and you can also consult the documentation of those entry types above. \item The modified \textsf{csquotes.cfg} file I provided in earlier releases is now obsolete, and has been removed from the package. Please upgrade to the latest version of \textsf{cs\-quotes} and, if you are still using my modified .cfg file, remove it from your \TeX\ search path, or at the very least excise the code I provided. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item Added the files \textsf{cms-german.lbx} (with its clone \textsf{cms-ngerman.lbx}) and \textsf{cms-french\break .lbx}, which allow the creation of Chicago-like references in those languages. See section \ref{sec:international} above for details on usage. \item Added the \texttt{annotation} package option to allow the creation of annotated bibliographies. This code is still not entirely polished yet, but it is usable. Please see page \pageref{sec:annote} above for instructions and hints. \item Added \textsf{biblatex's} new \textbf{bookinbook} entry type, which currently functions as an alias of the \textsf{customb} type. As \textsf{biblatex} now provides standard equivalents for all of the custom types I initially found it necessary to provide --- \textsf{letter}~= \textsf{customa}, \textsf{bookinbook}~= \textsf{customb}, and \textsf{suppbook} \& \textsf{suppcollection}~= \textsf{customc} --- it may soon be time to prune out the custom types to enhance compatibility with other \textsf{biblatex} styles. I shall give plenty of warning before I do so. \item In line with the new system adopted in \textsf{biblatex} 0.9, using the \textsf{editortype} field turns off the usual string concatenation mechanisms of the Chicago style. See Lehman's RELEASE file for a discussion of this. \item I have added support for the new \textsf{editor[a--c]} and \textsf{editor[a--c]type} fields, and they work just as in standard \textsf{biblatex}, though I'm uncertain how much use they'll get from users of the Chicago style. \item I have added many bibstrings to the .lbx files to help with internationalization. The new ones that you might want to use in your .bib files include: \texttt{pseudonym}, \texttt{nodate}, \texttt{revisededition}, \texttt{numbers}, and \texttt{reviewof}. Please see section~\ref{sec:international} for a fuller list. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.9d: Released February 17, 2010} \begin{itemize} \item Chris Sparks and Aaron Lambert both found formatting bugs in the 0.8.9c code. I've fixed these bugs, and am releasing this version now, the last in the 0.8.9 series. The next release of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df}, due as soon as possible, will contain many more significant changes, including those necessary for it to function properly with the recently-released \textsf{biblatex} version 0.9. In the meantime, at least version 0.8.9d should produce more accurate output. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.9c: Released November 4, 2009} \begin{itemize} \item Emil Salim noticed that the \emph{ibidem} mechanism wasn't working properly, printing the page number after \enquote{Ibid} even when the page reference of the preceding citation was identical. The fix for this involved setting \texttt{loccittracker=constrict} in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty}, something you'll have to do manually yourself if you're loading the package via a call to \textsf{biblatex} rather than to \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. \item Several users have reported unwanted behavior when repeated names in bibliographies are replaced with the \texttt{bibnamedash}. This release should fix both when the \texttt{bibnamedash} appears and what punctuation follows it. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.9b: Released September 9, 2009} \begin{itemize} \item Fixed a long-standing bug in formatting names in the bibliography. The package now correctly places a comma after the reversed name that begins the entry, using \textsf{biblatex's} \cmd{revsdnamedelim} command. Many thanks to Johanna Pink for catching my rather egregious error. \item While fixing some formatting errors that cropped up when using the newest version of \textsf{biblatex} (0.8h at time of writing), I also spotted some more venerable bugs in the code for using shortened cross-references for citing multiple entries in a collection of essays or letters. I believe this now works correctly, but please let me know if you discover differently. \item Joseph Reagle noticed that endnote marks (produced using the \textsf{endnotes} package) did not receive the same treatment as footnote marks. I have rectified this, placing the code in \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} so that you can turn it off either by using the old package-loading system or by setting the \texttt{footmarkoff} package option when loading \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. \item Updates to Lehman's \textsf{csquotes} package have rendered my modifications in \textsf{cs\-quotes.cfg} obsolete. Please use the latest version of \textsf{csquotes} (4.4a at time of writing) and ignore my file, which will disappear in a later release. \item At the request of Will Small, I have included some code, still in an alpha state, to allow you to specify, in the bibliography, the original publication details of essays which you are citing from later reprints (a \emph{Collected Essays} volume, for example). See the documentation above under the \textsf{\mycolor{reprinttitle}} field if you would like to test this functionality. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.9a: Released July 5, 2009} \begin{itemize} \item Slight changes for compatibility with \textsf{biblatex} 0.8e. The package still works with 0.8c and 0.8d, as well. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.9: Released July 2, 2009} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{single-letter bibstrings} (\cmd{bibstring\{a\}}, \cmd{bibstring\{b\}}, etc.) are now obsolete. You should replace any still present in your .bib file with \cmd{autocap} commands --- see §~3.8.4 of \textsf{biblatex.pdf}. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item The default way of loading the package is now with \cmd{usepackage[further-options]\{biblatex-chicago\}} rather than \cmd{usepackage[style=chicago-notes-df,further-options]\{biblatex\}}. Please see section~\ref{sec:loading} above for details and hints. \item Package-specific bibstrings have been removed from the .cbx and .bbx files and are now gathered in a new file, \textbf{cms-american.lbx}, which changes the way the package interacts with \textbf{babel}. It is now somewhat simpler if you want the defaults, but somewhat more complex if you require non-standard features. Please see section~\ref{sec:otherpacks} above for more details. \item Two new entry types have been added: \textbf{artwork} for works of visual art excluding photographs, and \textbf{image} for photographs. See the documentation of \textsf{artwork} for how to create .bib entries for both types. \item Added the new bibliography and entry option \textbf{usecompiler}, set to \texttt{true} by default. This streamlines the code that finds a name to head an entry (\textbf{author -> editor [or namea] -> translator [or nameb] -> compiler [namec] -> title}). The whole system should work more consistently now, but do see the \textsf{author} and \textsf{namec} documentation for improved notes on how to use it. \item Added the new bibliography option \textbf{footmarkoff}, to turn off the optional in-line (as opposed to superscript) formatting of the marks in foot- or endnotes. You only need this if you load the package with the new default \cmd{usepackage\{biblatex-chicago\}}; users loading it the old way get default \LaTeX\ formatting. \item At Matthew Lundin's request, I have added the citation command \textbf{\textbackslash head\-lesscite}, which works like \cmd{headlessfullcite} but allows \textsf{biblatex} to decide whether to print the full or the short note. \item Fully adopted \textsf{biblatex's} system for providing end-of-entry punctuation, which should solve some of the bugs users have been finding. See section~\ref{sec:otherhints}, above, and do please let me know if inconsistencies remain. \item Added a modified \textbf{csquotes.cfg} file to address issues users were having when using the \textbf{Xe\LaTeX} engine in combination with \textsf{biblatex-chicago}. See section~\ref{sec:otherpacks}, above. \item Added \texttt{natbib} option to allow users of the default setup to continue to benefit from \textsf{biblatex's} \textsf{natbib} compatibility code. Thanks to Bennett Helm for pointing out this issue. \item Added a \textbf{shorthandibid} option to allow the printing of \emph{ibid.}\ in consecutive references to an entry that contains a \textsf{shorthand} field. Thanks to Chris Sparks for calling my attention to this problem. \item While investigating the preceding, I noticed failures when combining the \texttt{short} option with a \textsf{shorthand} field. The package now actually does what it has always claimed to do under \textbf{shorthand}. \item Many small bug fixes and improvements to the documentation. \end{itemize} To Do: \begin{itemize} \item The shorthand vs \emph{ibid.}\ question may need more careful addressing in some cross references, and also in relation to the \texttt{noibid} package option. \item Charles Schaum has quite rightly pointed out the inconsistency in my naming conventions --- \textsf{biblatex-chicago.sty} as opposed to \textsf{chicago-notes-df.cbx}, for example. I'm going to delay a decision on which way to go with this until a later release. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.5a: Released June 14, 2009} \begin{itemize} \item Quick and dirty fixes to bibliography strings to allow compatibility with \textsf{biblatex} version 0.8d. If you are still using 0.8c, then I would wait for the next version of \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df}, which is due soon. See README. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.5: Released January 10, 2009} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{\textbackslash custpunct} commands are now deprecated --- Lehman's \enquote{American} punctuation tracking facilities should handle quoted text automatically, assuming you remember always to use \textbf{\textbackslash mkbibquote} in your database. If you still need \cmd{custpunct}, please let me know, as it may be an error in the style. \item With \cmd{custpunct} no longer needed, the toggles activated by placing \enquote{\texttt{plain}} in the \textbf{type} or \textbf{userb} fields are also deprecated. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item At least \textbf{biblatex 0.8b} is now required --- 0.8c works fine, as well. \item I now \emph{strongly recommend} that you use \textbf{babel} with \enquote{\texttt{american}} as the main text language. See section~\ref{sec:otherpacks} above for further details. \item The \textbf{customc} entry type has been revised, allowing you to cite any sort of supplementary material using the \textbf{type} field instead of relying on toggles in the \textsf{introduction}, \textsf{afterword}, and \textsf{foreword} fields, though these latter still work. The two new entry types \textbf{suppbook} and \textbf{suppcollection} are both aliased to \textsf{customc}, and therefore work in exactly the same way. \item The new entry type \textbf{suppperiodical} is aliased to \textbf{review}. \item The new entry type \textbf{letter} is aliased to \textbf{customa}. \item In \textbf{inreference} entries the \textsf{postnote} field of all \cmd{cite} commands is now treated like data in \textsf{lista}, that is, it will be placed within quotation marks and prefaced with the appropriate string. The only difference is that you can only put one such article name in \textsf{postnote}, as it isn't a list field. \item I've set the new \textsf{biblatex} option \texttt{usetranslator} to \texttt{true} by default, which means entries will automatically be alphabetized by their \textsf{translator} in the absence of an \textsf{author} or an \textsf{editor}. \item A host of small formatting errors were eliminated, nearly all of them through adopting Lehman's punctuation tracker. \item In the main body of this documentation, I've added some \mycolor{\textbf{color coding}} to help you more quickly to identify entry types and fields that are either new or that have undergone significant revision. \end{itemize} To Do: \begin{itemize} \item Separate out \enquote{options} from the basic citation \enquote{style,} using a \LaTeX\ style file. This is an architectural change recommended by Lehman. \end{itemize} \textbf{ Released November 24, 2008} \begin{itemize} \item Fixed spurious commas appearing in some bibliography entries, spotted by Nick Andrewes. While investigating this I noticed a more general problem with punctuation after italicized titles ending with question marks or exclamation points. This will be addressed in forthcoming revisions both of \textsf{biblatex} and of this package. \item Nick also reported some problems with spurious punctuation in the bibliography when using XeLaTeX. I haven't yet been able to pin down the exact cause of these, but if you are using XeLaTeX and are having (or have solved) similar problems I'd be interested to hear from you. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.2: Released November 3, 2008} \begin{itemize} \item Fixed several formatting glitches between citations in multicite commands (spotted by Joseph Reagle) and also after some prenotes. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.8.1: Released October 22, 2008} \mylittlespace Obsolete and Deprecated Features: \begin{itemize} \item The \textbf{origlocation} field is now obsolete, and has been replaced by \textbf{lista}. Please update your .bib files accordingly. \item The single-letter \textbf{\textbackslash bibstring} commands I provided in version 0.7 are now deprecated. In most cases, you'll be able to take advantage of the automatic contextual capitalization facilities introduced in this release, but if you still need the single-letter \cmd{bibstring} functionality then you should switch to \cmd{autocap}, as I shall be removing the single-letter \texttt{bibstrings} in a future release. See above under \textbf{\textbackslash autocap} for all the details. \item The \textbf{userd} field is now deprecated, as \textsf{biblatex} 0.8 allows all forms of data to be included in the \textsf{edition} field. I shall be removing \textsf{userd} in a future release, so please update your .bib files as soon as is convenient. \end{itemize} Other New Features: \begin{itemize} \item Updated the .bbx and .cbx files to work with \textsf{biblatex} 0.8. This most recent version of \textsf{biblatex} is now required for \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df} to work. \item Added the \textbf{usera} field, which holds supplemental information about a \textsf{journaltitle} in \textsf{article} and \textsf{review} entries. See the documentation of the field for details. \item Added the \textbf{\textbackslash citetitles} multicite command to fix a problem with spurious punctuation when multiple titles were listed. \item Added the \textbf{\textbackslash Citetitle} command to help with automatic capitalization of titles when they occur at the beginning of a note. \item Minor punctuation fixes in \textsf{biblatex-chicago-notes-df.bbx}. \end{itemize} To Do: \begin{itemize} \item Integrate \textsf{biblatex's} American punctuation facilities. \item Separate out \enquote{options} from the basic citation \enquote{style,} using a \LaTeX\ style file. This is an architectural change recommended by Lehman. \item Investigate and possibly integrate the new entry types provided in \textsf{biblatex} 0.8. \end{itemize} \textbf{0.7: First public release, September 18, 2008} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: