Release notes for version 1.0rc1 [2016-06-07]: - The 15th-edition styles are now obsolete, and have been moved to a new obsolete/ subdirectory. You can still use them as they stand, but they won't compile against the newest biblatex, so you'll have to make sure that you have an older version (2.9a, perhaps). If you are still using them, I strongly urge you to consider switching to the the 16th-edition styles, which contain many new features and bug-fixes. - The old Chicago-specific option "usecompiler" is deprecated, and has been replaced by the standard biblatex "usenamec". If you have been using the former in your preamble or in your .bib entries, please replace it with the latter, which works better across the board. "Usecompiler" still "works," just not very well. - Stefan Björk has very generously provided a Swedish localization file for the package -- cms-swedish.lbx -- which can be loaded and used with babel just like the other localizations. - I have added support for "related" functionality to all the Chicago styles, including all the standard biblatex "relatedtypes". It is turned on by default in all styles, but you can turn it off, or alter where the information is printed, using the "related" option in the preamble or in individual entries. In the notes & bibliography style, "related" information is printed by default only in the bibliography, but you can change that by setting the option. In the author-date styles, it will only ever print in the list of references, depending on the option's setting. Please see sections 4.2.1 and 5.2.1 of biblatex-chicago.pdf for the details. - I have improved the name-handling code in all styles, regularizing the functioning of the "namea", "nameb", and "namec" fields with respect to the other, standard biblatex names. The former two in particular are newly available in the Collection and Periodical entry types, and biblatex-chicago now recognizes the standard "usenamea", "usenameb", and "usenamec" toggles, the last replacing the deprecated "usecompiler" (as above). You can also now use the "nameatype" field just as you would an "editortype", extending the possibilities for identifying certain roles attached specifically to "titles" as opposed to "booktitles" or "maintitles". - After a request by user BenVB, I have added support for the biblatex "shortjournal" field, which allows you to present abbreviated "journaltitles" in all the styles. You can use the "journalabbrev" option to control where in your document these abbreviated forms will appear. By default, the field is ignored in the notes & bibliography style, and appears only in citations in the author-date styles. You can also print a list of journal abbreviations, rather in the manner of a list of shorthands, using a command like: \printbiblist{shortjournal}. Even though the Periodical entry type uses the "title" and "shorttitle" fields in place of "journaltitle" and "shortjournal", these entries are included in this functionality, and controlled by the same "journalabbrev" option. Please see s.v. "shortjournal" in sections 4.2 and 5.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Following a request by Arne Skjærholt, and his generous provision of some code to get me started, I have implemented a new \gentextcite citation command in all styles. The "gen" part of the name refers to the genitive case, and it adds a possessive ending -- 's by default -- to the author's name in what is otherwise an ordinary \textcite. You can change the added ending however you want, using a third optional field to the citation command, and you can control to which names the ending is added in a \gentextcites multicite command by using the "genallnames" preamble and entry option. Please see sections 4.3.2 and 5.3.2 for the details. - Stefan Björk pointed out that "url", "doi", and "eprint" information could be totally ignored in some entries when you used the abbreviated cross-referencing functionality accessed through the "crossref" and "xref" fields. At his request, I have provided a new "xrefurl" entry and preamble option for all the styles to control the printing of this information in abbreviated notes or bibliography (reference list) entries. Please see sections 4.4.3 and 5.4.3 for the details. - In a related change, I have stopped child entries inheriting "url", "doi", and "eprint" fields from their cross-ref'd parents, so if your documents rely on this behavior please note that you'll have to provide such fields manually in the child entries. - Roger Hart long ago requested a way to control the punctuation before "book-", "main-", or plain "titleaddon" fields, and I have finally added it in this release in the form of two entry and preamble options, "ptitleaddon" and "ctitleaddon", available in all styles. By default, the former prints \addperiod\addspace, hence its name, and the latter \addcomma\addspace, but you can change either or both depending on which field you are using and which sort of entry it appears in -- the default output can be your guide to which option(s) to change. Please see the available valid option keys in sections 4.4.2 and 5.4.2. - The same user also long ago requested that the notes & bibliography style make it possible to use "Idem" when two consecutive notes cite different works by the same author. You can now use the standard biblatex option "idemtracker=constrict" in your preamble to activate this in your documents, but please be aware, first, that the Manual doesn't exactly approve of this and, second, that you'll only see "Idem" in short notes, never in full ones, which seems to be the standard biblatex way of implementing this. - Also only in the notes & bibliography style, I have added a "shorthandpunct" option to control the punctuation that appears before the first appearance of a "shorthand" and/or a "shorthandintro" in a long note. The default is \addspace, but you can change it in your preamble or in individual entries. Please see the available valid option keys in section 4.4.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - After reading a discussion started by Ryo Furue at github, I have added, in the author-date styles only, a test to some spacing commands to prevent line breaks immediately after abbreviation dots. These tests apply only in running text, never in the list of references, where good line breaks are already hard enough to find. - In addition to moving the 15th-edition styles into an obsolete/ subdirectory, I have also reorganized the author-date style files, adding chicago-dates-common.cbx, which contains the code that is common to the "trad" and the standard "authordate" styles. Nothing has changed in terms of loading the styles, the changes being designed primarily to ease maintenance. - I have created two new documentation files (and an appendix) to provide short introductions to the Chicago styles, introductions which attempt to fill the gap between the Quickstart section of biblatex-chicago.pdf and the fuller documentation contained in sections 4 and 5 of that file. Both cms-notes-intro.pdf and cms-dates-intro.pdf are fully hyperlinked so you can move easily from formatted citations and (annotated) references to .bib entries and back, with marginal references to the fuller discussions in biblatex-chicago.pdf. There is also a short cms-trad-appendix.pdf file to discuss a few entries that would need special treatment for the "trad" style. The sample files for each style still exist, but I intend them mainly for testing purposes, while many more (annotated) entries are still available for consultation in notes-test.bib and dates-test.bib. - I have made a number of other small enhancements to and fixed numerous bugs in all the styles, including some subtle inaccuracies in author-date citations spotted by Arne Skjærholt and some macros in InProceedings entries that had been missing for years. I have provided some default values for counters in biblatex-chicago.sty that aid in breaking long urls across lines, but I make no pretense that these fully adhere to the Manual's specifications. I have added a few \bibstrings, currently missing in standard biblatex, to cms-german.lbx for use with the "related" functionality. Recommendations for better ones would be gratefully received. Release notes for version 0.9.9i [2016-05-16]: - This is another interim release, allowing the use of biblatex 3.4 for those who want to try it. I have also fixed one old formatting error when "n.d." appears in author-date citations. A full feature-release based on 3.4 is imminent. Release notes for version 0.9.9h [2016-03-22]: - This is an interim bug-fix release, updating the styles so that they will work with biblatex 3.3. The notes & bibliography style, as pointed out by several users, wouldn't compile at all with the newest biblatex version, and all styles had inaccuracies in the presentation of names due to changes in the name-handling code in biblatex. I've done some testing against biblatex 3.3, and fixed all the errors I've spotted, but there may still be parts of my code that need updating to work well with the current version, so you can still downgrade to an earlier biblatex -- I recommend 2.9a -- if 3.3 doesn't work for you. The next release will be a feature release, so if you've made a request, it should be fulfilled then. - I've also fixed a couple of long-standing bugs, one in the entry options controlling abbreviated cross-references and another in the formatting of the "prenote" field, the latter identified (ages ago) by Bernd Rellermeyer. Release notes for version 0.9.9g [2014-08-21]: - Alexandre Roberts found a showstopper in the functionality related to the new "inheritshorthand" option in the notes & bibliography style, and I found an unpleasant bug in the formatting of abbreviated cross-references in the same style. This release, I hope, fixes both, but is in all other respects identical to 0.9.9f. Release notes for version 0.9.9f [2014-08-15]: - I've made the alterations needed to bring the styles into line with the latest version of biblatex (2.9a). This is the version that has been tested most thoroughly with biblatex-chicago, so I strongly recommend using it. - I fixed several inaccuracies in the presentation of abbreviated cross-references in all the Chicago styles, and while I was working on that portion of the code it seemed an opportune moment to fulfill some feature requests bearing on the same area of functionality. - First, following a request from Alexandre Roberts, I have added the "inheritshorthand" option to the notes & bibliography style, which allows child entries to inherit the "shorthand" field from their parents. This in turn allows the shorthand itself to appear in place of the usual abbreviated citation of parent entries cross-referenced by several different child entries, thereby saving some space. (This behavior was already available in the author-date styles, so the option is unnecessary there.) You'll need to use "skipbiblist" in the "options" field of child entries to make the list of shorthands work correctly. Please see the documentation of the "shorthand" field for the full explanation. - Second, following a request from Kenneth Pearce, I have added to all Chicago styles the capacity to combine abbreviated cross-references with the presentation of the original text of translations (via the "userf" field) or of the original publication details of an essay or chapter you are citing from a subsequent reprint (via the "reprinttitle" field). See the documentation of those fields, and also of "crossref," and note that you can now, taking certain precautions as outlined in the "shorthand" docs, combine the "userf," "crossref," and "shorthand" fields. This mechanism contains a great many moving parts, so please report any problems you might have with it. - Third, and finally, following a bug report by Mark van Atten I have fixed all Chicago styles so that the biblatex "backref" mechanism works properly in biblatex-chicago, including in those entries that use abbreviated cross-references, and in those that use the "userf" or "reprinttitle" fields. I can't see any instructions concerning this in the Manual, so I've left the formatting of "backref" lists in the hands of biblatex itself. If the default behavior doesn't match your needs, let me know, as it's possible I could add some further options for modifying it. - I have added a new "compresspages" option to all the Chicago styles. If set to "true" it automatically compresses page ranges in the "pages" and "postnote" fields, allowing you to type ranges naturally, e.g., 101--109, and letting the package follow the Manual's rules for you. (In this case, it would yield 101-9 in the document.) Thanks are due to David Gohlke who brought to my attention a discussion that took place a couple of years ago on Stack Exchange regarding the automatic compression of page ranges. Biblatex has long had the facilities for providing this, and though the Manual's rules (9.60) are fairly complicated, Audrey Boruvka fortunately provided in that discussion code that implements the specifications. As some users may well be accustomed to compressing page ranges themselves in their .bib files, and in their "postnote" fields, I have made the activation of this code a package option. - Several users, most recently David Gohlke, have requested a way to alter the punctuation that appears just before the "postnote" argument of citation commands. This allows, in the notes & bibliography style, citations to fit better into the flow of text, while in the author-date styles it allows you very easily to insert comments, which follow a semi-colon, inside parenthetical text citations. This punctuation is a complex issue in the Manual, but as a first stab at enabling this greater flexibility, I have introduced the "postnotepunct" package option. Set to "true," it allows you to start the "postnote" field with a punctuation mark (. , ; :) and have it appear as the \postnotedelim in place of whatever the package might otherwise automatically have chosen. Please note that this functionality relies on a very nifty macro by Philipp Lehman which I haven't extensively tested, so I'm labeling this option "experimental." Note also that the option only affects the "postnote" field of citation commands, not the "pages" field in your .bib file. Note, finally, that if you are using the new "compresspages" option then any "postnote" field starting with a punctuation mark will require you to do the compression of page ranges yourself. - I've added a new inheritance declaration so that InCollection entries can inherit from Book entries the same way they inherit from MVBook. - I've fixed a fair number of other bugs, including two in the Ibidem mechanism pointed out by Bernd Rellermeyer, one in the printing of dates, and one in the \textcite command in the notes & bibliography style, these last two pointed out by Kenneth Beesley. The presentation of all the periodical entry types (without an "entrysubtype") has also been made more accurate. Release notes for version 0.9.9e [2014-01-29]: - This minor release fixes a regression in the Ibidem mechanism in the notes & bibliography style, spotted by Harold Bellemare, and present in the package since version 0.9.9c. In all other respects this release is identical to 0.9.9d. Release notes for version 0.9.9d [2013-10-30]: - I am marking the 15th-edition styles as "strongly deprecated." I recommend that you switch to one of the 16th-edition styles as soon as is practicable. The older styles still work, but in the next major release I shall mark them as "obsolete," and cease updating them. There are four changes in this release that may, depending on various factors, require alterations in your documents or .bib files: - Following requests by Kenneth L. Pearce and Bertold Schweitzer, I have modified and extended the mechanism for creating abbreviated citations when several parts of the same collection are included in a reference apparatus. To the InCollection, InProceedings, and Letter entries of previous releases, I have added InBook, Book, BookInBook, Collection, and Proceedings entries. Only InBook entries join the former three in having this functionality turned on by default --- if you don't want this, it will require intervention either in the preamble or in the "options" field of individual entries. This intervention will be via the new "longcrossref" option, which controls the behavior of the four essay-like entry types and defaults to "false," while the new "booklongxref" option controls the four book-like types and defaults to "true." The useful settings for the options differ slightly between the author-date and the notes & bibliography specifications, so please see all the details in the docs of the "crossref" field in sections 4.2 and 5.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - On the same subject, in the notes & bibliography style, I should mention that in the first, full citation of one part of a collection in a note, the code no longer uses a separate citation of the parent entry to supply parts of what you see printed. (This led to numerous inaccuracies.) If your setup uses a side-effect of the old code to print data that hasn't even been inherited by the child, you may find that you need to change some "xref" fields to "crossref" fields to make it work correctly now. This situation will, I imagine, be very rare, but you can look at white:ross:memo in notes-test.bib to see an example. - In the author-date styles, several users have been frustrated by the lack of an approved way of setting the "cmsdate" option in the preambles of their documents, and Kenneth L. Pearce requested that I attempt to ease the burden on users by looking at this again. With this release, you can now set "cmsdate" either to "both" or "on" in the preamble, and it will affect all entries (except Music, Review, and Video) with multiple dates. You can still change this setting in the "options" field of individual entries, but what you won't be able to change there is the new call to \DeclareLabeldate which puts the "origdate" first in the list of dates when Biber searches for a "labelyear" to use in citations and in the list of references. If you have been using the "switchdates" mechanism to get the "origdate" as the "labeldate," your .bib files may need some editing in order to use the new preamble options. Please see the documentation of the "date" field in section 5.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf for all the (voluminous) details. - Following a request by Rasmus Pank Rouland, I adapted new biblatex code in the \textcite(s) commands in all styles to make them fit more elegantly in the flow of text. Upon reconsideration of the commands in the notes & bibliography style, I slightly modified them, but _only_ when used inside a foot- or endnote. In this context, by default, for both \textcite and \textcites, you'll now get the author's name(s) followed by a headless _short_ citation (or citations) placed within parentheses. You can use \renewcommand in the preamble of your document to redefine the new \foottextcite and \foottextcites commands to change this formatting. See section 4.3.1 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. Other New Features: - This release includes support, in all styles, for biblatex's multi-volume entry types: MVBook, MVCollection, MVProceedings, and MVReference. - If you use Biber, I have added several new inheritance schemes to all styles to make cross-referenced entries work more smoothly: InCollection entries can now inherit from MVBook just as they do from MVCollection entries; Letter entries now inherit from Book, Collection, MVBook, and MVCollection entries the same way an InBook or an InCollection entry would; the "namea," "nameb," "sortname," "sorttitle," and "sortyear" fields, all highly single-entry specific, are no longer inheritable; and the "date" and "origdate" fields of any MV* entry will _not_ be inherited by any other entry type. - Following a bug report by Henry D. Hollithron, I've added to Unpublished entries in all styles the possibility of including an "editor," "translator," etc. - Thanks to bug reports from Denis Maier and Bertold Schweitzer, I corrected inaccuracies and outright bugs in many entry types in all Chicago styles that appeared when there was a "booktitle" and not a "maintitle" or vice versa. This also involved another rewrite of the code handling the "volume" field and other related fields in all non-periodical entry types that use them. - On the subject of the "volume" field, I added a new preamble and entry option, "delayvolume," to the notes & bibliography style. In long notes where this data isn't printed before a "maintitle," this option allows you to print it _after_ the publication information rather than _before_ it, as may sometimes help clarify things, according to the Manual. This applies to the non-periodical entry types only. - On the same subject, in all styles, I have added a new preamble and entry option, "hidevolumes." This controls whether, in entries where a "volume" has been printed before a "maintitle," any "volumes" field present will also be printed, in this case _after_ the "maintitle." By default, this is set to "true," so that the "volumes" field won't appear in such circumstances. - On the same subject, I have modified, in all styles, the field format for the "part" field, so that if the field contains something other than a number, biblatex-chicago will print it as is, capitalizing it if necessary, rather than supplying the usual bibstring, thus providing a mechanism for altering the string to your liking. I have also decoupled the "part" field from the "volume" field, allowing it to be printed even in the absence of the latter, thereby providing a means to refer to segments of a larger work that don't easily fit the established schemes. The iso:electrodoc entry in dates-test.bib shows an example of how this might work. - There is a new "omitxrefdate" preamble and entry option in the notes & bibliography style. It turns off the printing of the child's "date" next to its "title" in abbreviated book-like entries _only_, in both notes and bibliography. - Clea F. Rees requested a way to customize the punctuation when a volume and a page number appear together like so: "2:204." You can use \renewcommand in your preamble to redefine the new \postvolpunct command to achieve this, in all styles. If your document language is French, cms-french.lbx redefines this already and prints something like "2 : 204." - I extended, in all styles, the functions of the "userd" field, allowing it to modify a "date" field if it hasn't already been captured by another date specification in the entry. - A bug report from Mathias Legrand helped clear up inaccuracies in the presentation of ordinal numbers in all styles. - For the author-date styles, another bug report by Kenneth Pearce resulted in the addition of the "labelyear" to the default "cms" sorting scheme so that more entries in the reference list are sorted properly without further user intervention. - George Pigman found an odd punctuation-tracking bug in the author-date styles. This has been fixed. - Marc Sommer found a bug in the presentation of the "prenote" field in the author-date styles. This has been fixed. - In the notes & bibliography style, I improved the behavior of abbreviated foot- and endnotes when using the hyperref package. - I modified the date-presentation code in all the language files (cms-*.lbx) provided by the package. Now, if an entry contains a "(*)year" and an "(*)endyear" that are exactly the same, and there aren't any further month or day specifications, then the "(*)year" alone will be printed. This allows for the clearing of spurious "(*)endyears" inherited from parent entries. - I discovered some unpleasant side effects of my arrangement of the .lbx files devoted to Norwegian, and reverted to the arrangement as originally provided by Håkon Malmedal. Release notes for version 0.9.9c [2013-03-15]: - I am marking the 15th-edition styles as "deprecated." I recommend that you switch to one of the 16th-edition styles as soon as is practicable. The older styles still work, but haven't received any updates or bug fixes for this release. - Antti-Juhani Kaijahano has very kindly provided a new Finnish localization for biblatex-chicago, called cms-finnish.lbx. As you will see if you look through it, it is still something of a work in progress. If you would like to fill some of its lacunae, please do let me know. - Following a report by Bertold Schweitzer, I have added the "namea" and "nameb" fields to Article and Review entries in all three 16th-edition Chicago styles. As in all the book-like entry types, they allow you to associate an editor or a translator specifically with a "title" rather than, in these cases, with an "issuetitle." See the docs on these entry types in sections 4.1 and 5.1 in biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Thanks to another report by Bertold I have, in all three 16th-edition Chicago styles, corrected inaccuracies in the presentation of the Report entry type. The "number" now appears immediately after the "type," and the "type" itself is now capitalized properly depending on its context in an entry. - A third report by Bertold, detailing inaccuracies in the treatment of the "volume" and "volumes" fields in certain contexts, has resulted in a complete rewrite of the presentation of these (and several related) fields in all non-periodical entry types in all three 16th-edition Chicago styles. This won't require any changes to your .bib files, but the output you see may, in some reasonably unusual situations, change. Please let me know if something doesn't look right to you. - A fourth report by Bertold revealed some inadequacies with multiple date presentation in the two 16th-edition author-date styles, issues that particularly involved cross-referenced entries. In addition to some general fixes in the code, I have also slightly changed the functioning of the "cmsdate=both" and "cmsdate=on" switches. If, and only if, a work has only one date, and there is no "switchdates" in the "options" field, then "cmsdate=on" and "cmsdate=both" will both result in the suppression of the "extrayear" field in that entry. See the "date" field docs in section 5.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Following a report by Antti-Juhani Kaijahano, I have modified the presentation of author-less Article and Review entries in the reference list of both 16th-edition author-date styles. If such a source had a "magazine" "entrysubtype," the styles would already use the "journaltitle" at the head of the entry in the list of references, but if there was no "entrysubtype" the entry would appear in the list "date" first. Now, in keeping with the Manual (14.175), the "title" will appear first, in both reference lists and in-text citations. See especially under Article in section 5.1 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Several users have pointed out annoying formatting errors in the 16th-edition styles. Evan Cortens spotted two bugs in the notes & bibliography style, one of which, under various circumstances, introduced extra spaces into long notes and the other of which affected the formatting of the "type" field in Thesis entries. I have fixed both, also applying the latter fix to several other entry types that use the "type" field. Bertold Schweitzer pointed out a formatting bug with the "issuesubtitle" field in the author-date style, now fixed. Mark Sprevak reported some spurious spaces appearing in headers and footers when using the titleps package; the culprits were errors in the cms-*.lbx files, now cleaned up. - I have rectified a number of other errors, in particular making the automatic provision of abbreviated cross-references more robust in InCollection, InProceedings, and Letter entries, improving the behavior of the "postnote" field in certain corner cases, fixing bugs in the handling of "pagination" and "bookpagination" fields, and slightly altering the placement of the "addendum" field in book-like entries to bring it closer to the Manual's specification. A number of other, smaller improvements should also bring the styles into closer conformity with the specification. Release notes for version 0.9.9b [2012-12-06]: - This release contains a new variant of the author-date style, available as the "authordate-trad" option when loading biblatex-chicago. This provides the traditional, plain, pre-16th-edition Chicago title handling -- sentence-style capitalization, absence of quotation marks in Article titles and the like -- but in all other respects follows the 16th-edition specification, as suggested by the Manual (15.45). Remember that the "headline" package option can be used to turn off the automatic sentence-style capitalization, meaning that titles will appear as presented in the .bib file, at least as far as capitalization is concerned. Please see especially the documentation under "title" in section 5.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf for the details. - I have updated calls to \DeclareLabelname and \DeclareLabelyear in several .cbx files so that the package works correctly with the most recent version (2.4) of biblatex. - Following a request by Norman Gray, and adapting code by Audrey Boruvka, I have included a \textcite (and a \textcites) command in the notes & bibliography style for the first time. - Following a request by Daniel Possenriede, I have added in all three 16th-edition styles a new switch, "only", to the "doi" option, which prints the "doi" field when present and the "url" field only when there is no "doi." The package default remains, however, "true". - I am grateful to Baldur Kristinsson for providing an Icelandic localization file for biblatex-chicago, called cms-icelandic.lbx. You'll see if you look through it that it is still something of a work in progress, but it should cover most needs in that language very well. If you would like to fill in some of the gaps please let me know. - I am also grateful to Håkon Malmedal for providing Norwegian localizations for biblatex-chicago, contained in the files cms-norsk.lbx, cms-norwegian.lbx, and cms-nynorsk.lbx. - I have added a new British localization, cms-british.lbx. The "british" option to babel should now work without further intervention. For further details on the usage of all these localizations please see section 6 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Several users have reported a bug that resulted in doubled bibstrings in certain contexts. This happened only when using localizations for which biblatex-chicago didn't have explicit support, and it should now be fixed. - I have changed the way the 16th-edition author-date styles handle the Ibidem mechanism. In the absence of a "postnote" field you no longer get empty parentheses, but rather a standard in-text citation. If you do have a "postnote" field, then only that will appear. Release notes for version 0.9.9a [2012-07-30]: - I have made a few changes to biblatex-chicago.sty to allow the package to work with the latest version (2.0) of biblatex. In all other respects this release is identical to 0.9.9. If you do use the package with biblatex 2.0, please let me know if there are issues I need to address. Thanks to Charles Schaum for alerting me to some of them. Release notes for version 0.9.9 [2012-07-05]: This release contains, for the first time, the style files for the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. If you wish to begin using the newest specification, then there are some changes you'll have to make to your .bib files, which I summarize here. First, I consider the notes & bibliography style, then author-date. After that, you can find a listing of more general changes to the package, followed by the changes I've made to the 15th-edition styles. Notes & Bibliography: - The specification for Music entries has been significantly altered for the new edition. You no longer need to worry about the \textcircledP and \textcopyright signs in the "howpublished" field, which will be silently ignored, and the "pubstate" field now reverts to its usual function of identifying reprints or, in this case, reissues. The spec really only requires a record label ("series") and catalog number ("number"), though "publisher" is still available if you need it. There is a new emphasis, finally, on the dating of musical recordings, so that the "eventdate" gives the recording date of a particular song or other portion of a recording, the "origdate" the recording date of an entire album, and the "date" the publishing date of that album. Please see the full documentation in biblatex.pdf. - The specification for Video entries has also been clarified. For television series, the episode and series numbers go in "booktitleaddon" instead of "titleaddon" and, as with Music entries, the "eventdate" will hold the original broadcast date of such an episode, or perhaps the recording/performance date of, e.g., an opera on DVD. The "origdate" will still hold the original release date of a film, and the "date" the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. Please see the full documentation in biblatex.pdf. - You should add CustomC entries to provide bibliographical cross-references from multiple pseudonyms back to the author's name. - In SuppBook entries, the Manual now requires you to provide the page range (in the "pages" field) for the specific part you are citing, e.g., an introduction, foreword, or afterword. - In Patent entries, the Manual now prefers sentence-style capitalization for titles, which you'll need to provide yourself by hand. - When a descriptive phrase is used as an "author," you can now omit an initial definite or indefinite article, which will help with alphabetization in the bibliography. - A DOI is now preferred to a URL, if both are available. - On the same subject, a revision date (or similar) is preferred to an access date for online material. You can use the new "userd" field to change the string introducing the "urldate," which defaults to being an access date. - Special imprints are now separated from their parent press by a forward slash rather than a comma, so can just be added to the "publisher" field with the usual keyword "and". - I have implemented a reasonable, less-flexible facsimile of the Biber-only command \DeclareLabelname which should work for those using any backend. It allows biblatex to find a name for short notes outside the standard name fields, including, notably, in the "name[a-c]" fields. This should reduce the instances where you need a "shortauthor" field to provide such a name. - The Chicago-specific setting of another Biber-only command, \DeclareSortingScheme=cms, allows non-standard fields to be considered by biblatex's sorting algorithms, which should reduce the instances where you need a "sortkey" or the like in your entries. If you aren't using Biber, the package reverts to the standard "nty" sorting scheme. Author-Date: - All title fields now follow the rules for the notes & bibliography style as far as punctuation, formatting, and capitalization are concerned. Biblatex-chicago-authordate will deal with most of this automatically, but if you have any hand formatting of lowercase letters within curly braces in your .bib file, you will need to restore the headline-style capitalization there. Also, you'll need to be more careful when you provide quotation marks inside titles, remembering to use \mkbibquote so that punctuation can be brought inside nested quotation marks. These revisions will apply particularly to "title," "booktitle," and "maintitle" fields. - The one exception to these rules is in Patent entries, where sentence-style capitalization of the "title" is now specified. You'll have to provide this by hand yourself, as in the notes & bibliography style. - Because of these changes to title formatting, you'll need to observe the difference between Article and Review entries, where the latter contain generic, "Review of ..." titles and the former standard, specific titles. - The presentation of "shorthand" fields has changed. You no longer need to use the CustomC entry type to include cross-references from shorthands to expansions in the list of references. Now, simply using a "shorthand" field in an entry places that "shorthand" in citations and at the head of the entry in the list of references, where it will be followed by its expansion within parentheses. The new system will require help with sorting in the reference list -- placing the "shorthand" also in a "sortkey" should do the trick. - On the subject of CustomC entries, the Manual now recommends using cross-references in several contexts, particularly when a single author uses more than one pseudonym. Adding CustomC entries makes this happen. - There have been significant changes when presenting book-like entries with more than one date. If you are using the "cmsdate=on" option, or indeed simply placing the earlier date in the "date" field and the later one in "origdate," the presentation will be the same as before, but you should understand that the Manual no longer recommends this "origdate"-only style. It prefers, instead, to present either the "date" alone or both dates in citations and at the head of reference list entries. When presenting both dates, there is now no longer a choice between the "old" and "new" options for "cmsdate," but only the "both" option. If you have "old" or "new" in your .bib files, they will be treated as synonyms of "both". - The specification for Music entries has been significantly altered for the new edition. You no longer need to worry about the \textcircledP and \textcopyright signs in the "howpublished" field, which will be silently ignored, and the "pubstate" field reverts to its more usual function of identifying reprints or, in this case, reissues. The spec really only requires a record label ("series") and catalog number ("number"), though "publisher" is still available if you need it. There is a new emphasis, finally, on the dating of musical recordings, which means that such entries will fit better with the author-date style. It also means that I have had to redefine the various date fields. The "eventdate" gives the recording date of a particular song or other portion of a recording, the "origdate" the recording date of an entire album, and the "date" the publishing date of that album. The earlier date is the one that will appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Please see the full documentation in biblatex-chicago.pdf. - The specification for Video entries has also been clarified. For television series, the episode and series numbers go in "booktitleaddon" instead of "titleaddon" and, as with Music entries, the "eventdate" will hold the original broadcast date of such an episode, or perhaps the recording/performance date of, e.g., an opera on DVD. The "origdate" will still hold the original release date of a film, and the "date" the publishing or copyright date of the medium you are referencing. The earlier date, once again, is the one that will appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Please see the full documentation in biblatex-chicago.pdf. - In SuppBook entries, the Manual now requires you to provide the page range (in the "pages" field) for the specific part you are citing, e.g., an introduction, foreword, or afterword. - The author-date style now prefers longer bibstrings in the list of references, bringing it into line with the notes & bibliography style. Generally, the package will take care of this for you, but if you've been using abbreviated strings in "note" fields, for example, you may want to change them so that they conform with the strings the package provides. In some circumstances the \partedit macro, and its relatives, may help. - When a descriptive phrase is used as an "author," you can now omit an initial definite or indefinite article, which will help with alphabetization in the bibliography. - A DOI is now preferred to a URL, if both are available. - On the same subject, a revision date (or similar) is preferred to an access date for online material. You can use the new "userd" field to change the string introducing the "urldate," which defaults to being an access date. - Special imprints are now separated from their parent press by a forward slash rather than a comma, so can just be added to the "publisher" field with the usual keyword "and". - The 16th edition of the Manual is less than enthusiastic about the use of "Anon." as the "author," preferring instead that the "title" or the "journaltitle" take its place. If you do decide to get rid of "Anon.," new facilities provided by Biber -- see next entry -- should mean that biblatex no longer requires assistance when alphabetizing such author-less entries. - The Chicago-specific setting of the Biber-only command, \DeclareSortingScheme=cms, allows non-standard fields to be considered by biblatex's sorting algorithms, which should reduce the instances where you need a "sortkey" or the like in your entries. - The Chicago-specific setting of the Biber-only command \DeclareLabelname allows biblatex to find a name ("label") for citations outside the standard name fields, including, notably, in the "name[a-c]" fields. This should reduce the instances where you need a "shortauthor" field to provide such a name. Other New Features: - For reprinted books, you can now present more detailed publishing information about the original edition using the new "origlocation" and "origpublisher" fields. You can also use the "origlocation" in Letter or Misc (with "entrysubtype") entries to identify where a published or unpublished letter was written. These uses apply to both Chicago styles. - Thanks to a patch sent by Kazuo Teramoto, you can now take advantage of biblatex's facilities for citing "eprint" resources. There is also a new "eprint" option, set to "true" by default, which controls the printing of this field in both Chicago styles. You can set the option both in the preamble and in the "options" field of individual entries. The field will always print in Online entries. - I have added a new citation command, \citejournal, to the notes & bibliography style to allow you to present journal articles using an alternative short note form, which may be a clearer form of reference in certain circumstances. Such short notes will present the name of the "author," the "journaltitle," and the "volume" information. - I have included a very slightly modified version of the standard biblatex \citeauthor command, which may be useful for references to works from classical antiquity. - I have added a new "cmsdate=full" switch to the author-date style, which only affects citations in the text, and means that a full date specification will appear there, rather than just the year. If you follow the Manual's recommendations concerning newspaper and magazine articles only appearing in running text and not in the reference list, this option will help. - I have added a new "avdate" option to the author-date style, set to "true" by default in biblatex-chicago.sty. This changes the default setting of \DeclareLabelyear in Music, Review, and Video entries to take account of specialized instructions in the Manual for finding dates to appear in citations and at the head of reference list entries. Setting "avdate=false" in the options when you load biblatex-chicago restores the default settings for all entry types. - The Manual has added recommendations for citing blogs, which generally will need an Article entry with "magazine" "entrysubtype." You can identify a blog as such by placing "blog" in the "location" field. If you want to cite a comment to a blog or to other online material, the Review entry type, "entrysubtype" "magazine" will serve. The "eventdate" dates the comment, and any timestamp that is required can go in "nameaddon." These instructions work in both styles. - Photographs are no longer presented differently from other sorts of artworks so, in effect, in both styles, the Image type is now a clone of Artwork, though retained for backward compatibility. - Following a request by Kenneth Pearce, I have added new facilities for presenting "shorthands" in both Chicago styles. In both, there are two new "bibenvironments" which you can set using the "env" option to the \printshorthands command: "losnotes" formats the list of shorthands so that it can be presented in a footnote, while "losendnotes" does the same for endnotes. In both styles, there is a new preamble option, "shorthandfull", which prints the full bibliographical information of each entry inside the list of shorthands, allowing such a list effectively to replace a bibliography or list of references. In the author-date style, you need to set the "cmslos=false" option as well, in order for this to work. In the notes & bibliography style, I have added a new citation command, \shorthandcite, which prints the "shorthand" even for the first citation of a given work. - Following suggestions by Roger Hart, I have implemented three new field-exclusion options in the notes & bibliography style. In all three cases, the field in question will always appear in the bibliography, but not in long notes, which may help to save space. The fields at stake are "addendum," "note," and "series," controlled respectively by the new "addendum", "notefield", and "bookseries" options. All of these are set to "true" using the new "completenotes" option in chicago-notes.cbx, but you can change the settings either in the preamble or in the "options" field of individual entries. Please see the documentation of these options in biblatex-chicago.pdf for details on which entry types are excluded from their scope. - Thanks to a coding suggestion from Gildas Hamel, I have redefined the \bibnamedash in biblatex-chicago.sty, which should now by default look a little better in a wider variety of fonts. - At the request of Baldur Kristinsson, I have added \DeclareLanguageMapping commands to biblatex-chicago.sty for all the languages biblatex-chicago provides. If you load the style in the standard way, you no longer need to provide these mappings manually yourself. - I have improved the date handling in both styles, particularly with regard to date ranges. Changes to the 15th-edition styles: - To continue using the 15th-edition styles, for whatever reason, please remember to specify either "notes15" or "authordate15" when loading biblatex-chicago in your preamble. - For reprinted books, you can now present more detailed information about the original edition using the new "origlocation" and "origpublisher" fields. You can also use this field in Letter or Misc (with "entrysubtype") entries to give the place where a published or unpublished letter was written. These uses apply to both styles. - Thanks to a patch sent by Kazuo Teramoto, you can now take advantage of biblatex's facilities for citing "eprint" resources, but only in the author-date style. There is also a new "eprint" option, set to "true" by default, which controls the printing of this field. You can set the option both in the preamble and in the "options" field of individual entries. The field will always print in Online entries. - I have added a new citation command, \citejournal, to the notes & bibliography style to allow you to present journal articles using an alternative short note form, which may be a clearer form of reference in certain circumstances. Such short notes will present the name of the "author," the "journaltitle," and the "volume" information. - I have included a very slightly modified version of the standard biblatex \citeauthor command, which may be useful for references to works from classical antiquity. - I have added a new "cmsdate=full" switch to the author-date style, which only affects citations in the text, and means that a full date specification will appear there, rather than just the year. If you follow the Manual's recommendations concerning newspaper and magazine articles only appearing in running text and not in the reference list, this option will help. - I have provided a new option, "headline", which turns off the automatic transformations that produce sentence-style capitalization in the title fields of the author-date style. If you set this option, the word case in your title fields will not be changed in any way, that is, this doesn't automatically transform your titles into headline-style, but rather allows the .bib file to determine capitalization. - Following a request by Kenneth Pearce, I have added new facilities for presenting "shorthands" in the author-date style. There are two new "bibenvironments" which you can set using the "env" option to the \printshorthands command: "losnotes" formats the list of shorthands so that it can be presented in a footnote, while "losendnotes" does the same for endnotes. There is also a new preamble option, "shorthandfull", which prints the full bibliographical information of each entry inside the list of shorthands, allowing such a list effectively to replace a list of references. You need to set the "cmslos=false" option as well in order for this to work. - Thanks to a coding suggestion from Gildas Hamel, I have redefined the \bibnamedash in biblatex-chicago.sty, which should now by default look a little better in a wider variety of fonts. - At the request of Baldur Kristinsson, I have added \DeclareLanguageMapping commands to biblatex-chicago.sty for all the languages biblatex-chicago provides. If you load the style in the standard way, you no longer need to provide these mappings manually yourself. - I have improved the date handling in both styles, particularly with regard to date ranges. Release notes for version 0.9.8d [2011-11-15]: - Some minor fixes to both styles for compatibility with biblatex 1.7. - Kenneth Pearce found an error in the formatting of BookInBook titles in the author-date style's list of shorthands. This should work properly now. - Jonathan Robinson spotted some inconsistencies in the way the notes & bibliography style interacts with the hyperref package. Following his suggestion, short notes now point to long notes when the latter are available, but to bibliography entries instead when you have given the "short" option to biblatex-chicago. Release notes for version 0.9.8c [2011-10-12]: - Emil Salim pointed out some rather basic errors in the presentation of InProceedings and Proceedings entries, errors that have been present from the first release of the style(s). These should now, belatedly, have been put right. This doesn't require any changes to your .bib files. Release notes for version 0.9.8b [2011-09-29]: - Christian Boesch alerted me to some bad date-formatting errors produced when using the styles with the "german" option to babel. A little further investigation revealed similar problems with "french," and before long it became clear that date handling in biblatex-chicago was generally, and significantly, sub-optimal. The whole system should now be more robust and more accurate. - The new date-handling code shouldn't require any changes to your .bib files, but users of the author-date style may want to have a look at the documentation of the Letter and Misc entry types, and of the four date fields, for some information about how the changes could simplify the creation of their databases. Release notes for version 0.9.8a [2011-09-21]: - Fixed a series of unsightly errors in the author-date style, discovered while working on the pending update to the 16th edition. - Fixed bugs uncovered in both the author-date and the notes & bibliography styles thanks to Charles Schaum's adventurous use of the "origyear" field. - Added two new bibstrings to the cms-*.lbx files to fix potential bugs in some of the audiovisual entry types. Release notes for version 0.9.8 [2011-08-31]: - Starting with biblatex version 1.5, in order to adhere to the author-date specification you will need to use Biber to process your .bib files, as BibTeX (and its more recent variants) will no longer provide all the required features. Unfortunately, however, the current release of Biber (0.9.5) contains bugs that make it tricky to use with biblatex-chicago. These bugs have been addressed in 0.9.6 beta, which is available for various operating systems in the development subdirectory of your SourceForge mirror, e.g., ... b/project/bi/biblatex-biber/biblatex-biber/development. (If, by the time you read this, Biber 0.9.6 has already been released, then so much the better.) Please see the start of cms-dates-sample.pdf for more details. - The switch to Biber for the author-date specification means that biblatex now provides considerably enhanced handling of the various date fields. I have attempted to document the relevant changes in cms-dates-sample.pdf and in the "date" discussion in biblatex-chicago.pdf, but in my testing the only alterations I've so far had to make to my .bib files involve adhering more closely to the instructions for specifying date ranges. Biber doesn't like {1968/75}, and will ignore it. Either use {1968/1975} or put {1968--75} in the "year" field. - In the notes & bibliography style, and mainly in Article, Letter, Misc, and Review entries, previous releases of biblatex-chicago recommended using the \isdot macro when you needed both to define a field and not have it appear in the printed output. This mechanism no longer works in biblatex 1.6, and while addressing the problem I realized that relying on it covered over some inconsistencies and bugs in my code, so from this release forward you will need to modify your .bib and .tex files to use other, more standard mechanisms to achieve the same ends, in particular the \headlesscite commands and declaring "useauthor=false" in the "options" field. Please consult the documentation in biblatex-chicago.pdf section 4.3.1, s.v. "isdot," for a list of example entries where you can see these changes at work. - The 16th-edition files are well under way, but still a work in progress. Other changes in 0.9.8: - Fixed the \smartcite citation command in, and added a \smartcites command to, chicago-notes.cbx, so that the notes & bibliography style no longer prints parentheses around citations produced using \autocite(s) commands inside \footnote commands. Many thanks to Louis-Dominique Dubeau for pointing out this error. - Fixed a problem with the \lbx@fromlang command, which biblatex 1.6 no longer defines. Many thanks to Rembrandt Wolpert and Aaron Lambert for pointing this out, and to Charles Schaum for posting a temporary workaround in a newsgroup post. - Version 1.6 of biblatex no longer allows you to redefine the "minnames" and "maxnames" options in the \printbibliography command, so I've defined "minbibnames" and "maxbibnames" in biblatex-chicago.sty, instead. These parameters have been available since version 1.1, so this is now the earliest version of biblatex that will work with the Chicago styles. Of course, if the (Chicago-recommended) values of these options don't suit your needs, you can redefine them in your document preamble. Release notes for version 0.9.7a [2011-03-17]: - Added the \smartcite citation command to chicago-notes.cbx so that the notes & bibliography style will work with biblatex 1.3. - Added bibstrings "byconductor" and "cbyconductor" to the .lbx files, mistakenly omitted in version 0.9.7. - Minor fixes to the docs. Release notes for version 0.9.7 [2011-02-15]: - The CustomA and CustomB entry types are now obsolete. Any such entry in your .bib files will be ignored. Please use Letter and BookInBook, respectively. - If you still have any CustomC entries containing introductions, afterwords, or the like, please change them to SuppBook, as I have reclaimed CustomC in order to provide alphabetized cross-references to other, separate entries in a bibliography or list of references. - The directory structure of the package archive has changed. I've copied that used by the biblatex package, so now you will find a latex/ directory with further bbx/, cbx/, and lbx/ subdirectories, and a doc/ directory with an examples/ subdirectory. The files are the same as in the previous release, merely organized differently. Other changes in 0.9.7: - I have added three new audiovisual entry types to both styles, Audio, Music, and Video. The documentation of Audio in sections 4.1 and 5.1 of biblatex-chicago.pdf contains an overview of the three, and the details for each type are to be found under their individual headings. - I have added several new bibstrings to the cms-*.lbx files for these new audiovisual entry types. This means that the "editortype" fields can now be set to "director," "producer," or "conductor," depending on your needs. You can also set the fields to "none," which eliminates all identifying strings, and which is useful for identifying performers of various sorts. - I have transformed the CustomC entry type to enable alphabetized cross-references -- the "c" is meant to be mnemonic -- to other, separate entries in a reference list or bibliography. In particular, this facilitates cross-references to other names in a list, rather than to other works. In author-date, in a procedure recommended by the Manual, this now allows you to expand shorthands inside the reference list rather than in a list of shorthands. In both styles, you can now provide a pointer to the main entry if a reader is looking an author up under, e.g., a pseudonym or other alternative name. - I have introduced the "userc" field, intended to simplify the printing of the cross-references provided by CustomC entries. The standard \nocite command works as well, but the additional mechanism may be more convenient in some circumstances. - You can now provide an "eventdate" field in Music entries to identify, e.g., a particular recording session. It will be printed just after the "title." - In the notes & bibliography style, I have now implemented the "shorthandintro" field, which allows you to change the string introducing a shorthand in the first, long note. It works just as it does in the standard biblatex styles. - I have added six new field-exclusion options to both styles, all of which can be set both in the document preamble and/or in the "options" field of individual .bib entries. Three of these -- "doi," "isbn," and "url" -- are standard biblatex options, the others -- "bookpages," "includeall," and "numbermonth" -- are chicago-specific. - I've added the "juniorcomma" option to both styles, which can be set in the document preamble and/or in the "options" field of individual entries. It allows you get the traditional comma between a surname and "Jr." or "Sr." - I fixed some old inaccuracies in the syntax of shortened notes and bibliography entries presenting multiple contributions to one multi-author (or single-author) volume. For the most part the changes won't affect your .bib files, but there may be cases where you need to choose your entry types carefully in order to get the results you want. For the details, please consult the "crossref" docs in section 4.2 of biblatex-chicago.pdf. - Several other bug fixes -- see biblatex-chicago.pdf for details. Release notes for version 0.9.5a [2010-09-07]: - This fixes an elementary and show-stopping mistake in biblatex-chicago.sty, a mistake disguised if you use the csquotes package, which I do in all my test files. Many thanks to Israel Jacques and Emil Salim for pointing this out to me. - These files have now been tested with biblatex 0.9c and 0.9d, which both work fine. Release notes for version 0.9.5 [2010-09-03]: Users upgrading from biblatex-chicago-notes-df may need to alter a few things in their .bib files and in their document preambles. - If you used \usepackage{biblatex-chicago} to load the package, now you need \usepackage[notes]{biblatex-chicago} instead. (The default if you don't choose between "notes" and "authordate" is, in fact, "notes," so even if you don't make this change it should all still work.) - If you used \usepackage[style=chicago-notes-df]{biblatex} to load the package, then be aware that you now need style=chicago-notes (or style=chicago-authordate) instead. - If you are still, for some reason, using the \custpunctc macro in your .bib files, it is now obsolete. Its function has been taken by the punctuation-tracking code present in biblatex for a long while now. - I have slightly improved the Misc entry type that uses an "entrysubtype." If you are citing archival letters or other letter-like sources (memoranda, reports, telegrams), then you're already using the "origdate" field, and that's still correct. If you're citing non-letter-like sources (interviews, wills, contracts, personal communications received by yourself), then putting the date into the "date" field will slightly improve compliance with the specification, at least as I interpret it. Nothing untoward will happen if you don't make this change, and the distinction can be difficult to draw, but it needed mentioning nonetheless. - I've improved the "number" field in Article, Periodical, and Review entries. You can now put a series or range of numbers into the field and the style will print them prefixed by the appropriate bibstring, singular or plural. - I've improved author-less Manual, Article, and Review entries (the latter two with magazine "entrysubtype"). In previous releases of biblatex-chicago-notes-df you needed a "shortauthor" field to make sure either the "organization" (in Manual entries) or the "journaltitle" (in Article and Review entries) appeared in short notes. The style now automatically takes a name for short notes from those fields, though you can still use "shortauthor" if you wish to present it differently, e.g., in an abbreviated form. Again, you probably needn't change anything in your .bib files, but being aware of this may make entries simpler to construct in the future. - I've marked the Custom[A-C] entry types as deprecated, in preparation for reusing them for other purposes in the next major release. Please change CustomA to Letter, CustomB to BookInBook, and CustomC to SuppBook in your .bib files. Other changes in 0.9.5: - The Chicago author-date style is now implemented in the package, and therefore the package name has changed to biblatex-chicago. A number of the files inside the package also have altered names -- the README file and biblatex-chicago.pdf contain the complete list. - I've now implemented the biblatex field "pubstate" in both styles. In the author-date style, it is strongly recommended you use it to identify reprints by putting the string "reprint" there. The requirements for formatting such entries are relatively complex, and the style does the right thing automatically. In the notes & bibliography style, you can also use the field in the same way to identify reprints, though placing the \reprint macro in the "location" field still works as it always has. Don't, please, use both methods in the same entry. - I've improved the functioning of Patent entries to make them more compliant with the specification. - Entries with a classical "entrysubtype" may behave slightly differently now, as I've improved the provision of punctuation before certain kinds of page or location specifiers even when citing works by their traditional divisions. This should, once again, make the package more compliant. Release notes for version 0.9a [2010-03-20]: - Small, quick fixes for immediate compatibility with biblatex 0.9a. Release notes for version 0.9 [2010-03-18]: As I noted in the README file, users will have to modify their .bib files somewhat to work properly with this release of biblatex-chicago. Some of these changes result from the disappearance of certain fields in biblatex itself -- particularly the "day" and "origyear" fields -- so you should at least skim through Lehman's RELEASE file first to familiarize yourself with what it means for your setup. The changes required for Chicago are as follows: - In CustomA (Letter) entries, the counter-intuitive reversal of roles between "year" and "origyear" has been eliminated. In common with other entry types, the "year" (or "date") field now refers to the publication date of the collection. The new "origdate" field now holds the date the letter was written. In short, change the "date" (or "year," "month," and "day") to "origdate," and change "origyear" to "year" (or "date"). - In Misc entries with an "entrysubtype," used to cite unpublished sources from a named archive, exactly the same reversal of roles was in place, and is now eliminated. The new "origdate" field now holds the date the letter was written or the interview conducted, so change the "date" (or "year," "month," and "day") to "origdate." (Under most circumstances, therefore, such entries won't have a "date" field defined.) Also, the use of the exact string "letter" in the "entrysubtype" field is no longer required. Using "origdate" prints the date where you want it, so anything at all in "entrysubtype" will do the trick, with "letter" being as good as anything else, meaning you don't actually have to modify this field. - In Patent entries, you need to make similar changes. The "origdate" field now holds the date the patent was filed, and the "date" field identifies when the patent was granted, if it was granted. You no longer need a specially-formatted "addendum" field for these entries. In short, change the "date" (or "year," "month," and "day") to "origdate," and put the date from the "addendum" field into "date." Any supplemental information you want printed after the dates of the patent can still be given in the "addendum" field, but most such entries won't require this. - The "userd" field is now obsolete. If by some chance you are still using it, please move any information found there into the "edition" field. Other changes in 0.9: - Added the files cms-german.lbx (with its clone cms-ngerman.lbx) and cms-french.lbx, which allow the creation of Chicago-like references in those languages. - Added the package option "annotation" to allow the creation of annotated bibliographies. - Added the new biblatex BookInBook entry type, which functions as an alias to CustomB. - Following biblatex's example, using the editortype field now turns off the package's usual string concatenation mechanisms. - Added support for the new editor[a-c] and editor[a-c]type fields, which function as they do in the standard biblatex styles. - My modified csquotes.cfg file is now obsolete, and has been removed from the package. Please upgrade to the latest version of csquotes. - Added bibstrings to help with internationalization. The new ones you might use in a .bib file are: pseudonym, nodate, revisededition, numbers, and reviewof. Changelog for version 0.8.9d [2010-02-16]: - Bug fix release, the last in the 0.8.9 series, intended for use with biblatex 0.8i, _not_ with 0.9. See note above. Changelog for version 0.8.9c [2009-11-04]: - Bug fix release. The details are in biblatex-chicago-notes-df.pdf. Changelog for version 0.8.9b [2009-09-09]: - Fixed several bugs, both recent and venerable. Please upgrade to the latest version of biblatex (0.8h at time of writing), though I have attempted to maintain backward compatibility at least with 0.8e. - Experimental version of the "reprinttitle" field, which allows you to provide original publication details of essays or chapters you are citing from a later reprint. See the pdf file for all the details. Changelog for version 0.8.9a [2009-07-05]: - Minor fixes to allow compatibility with biblatex 0.8e. The package still works with 0.8d and 0.8c, as well. Changelog for version 0.8.9 [2009-07-02]: - The default way of loading the package has changed. Please see the documentation for all the details, but in short, if you used to load it with a command like: \usepackage[style=chicago-notes-df,further-options]{biblatex} you should now load it like so: \usepackage[further-options]{biblatex-chicago} - All single-letter bibstrings are now obsolete. Please use \autocap instead - You should be using at least biblatex version 0.8c. 0.8d would be even better. - The package-specific bibstrings have been removed from the .cbx and .bbx files and gathered in a new file, cms-american.lbx. This changes somewhat the way the package interacts with babel, making it simpler if you want the defaults, but more complicated if you require non-standard features. In short, assuming you use the default loading option I've just described, then babel's main text language can be american or english, or alternately you can turn off babel altogether, and the strings should be available automatically. - Added two new entry types, Artwork and Image. - Added a new bibliography and entry option usecompiler, set to true by default in biblatex-chicago.sty. - Added the new bibliography option footmarkoff to biblatex-chicago.sty. This turns off the optional formatting of marks (in-line instead of superscript) on foot- or endnotes, returning you to the LaTeX defaults. - Added the new citation command \headlesscite, which works like \headlessfullcite but allows biblatex to decide whether to print the full or the short version of the reference. - Adopted biblatex's end-of-entry punctuation system, which fixes issues several users have been seeing with the solution I offered in previous releases. - Added a modified csquotes.cfg file (in the XeLaTeX subdirectory) to address issues users were having when using XeLaTeX with biblatex-chicago. Please see the docs for the details. - Added a new shorthandibid option that allows you to print "Ibid." after repeated references to an entry which contains a shorthand field. Previously, the shorthand itself would always be printed, and this behavior remains the default if you don't set this option. - Added a clone of biblatex's natbib option, so that users who use \usepackage{biblatex-chicago} instead of \usepackage{biblatex} can still have access to the biblatex's natbib compatibility code in bibnatex.def. Changelog for version 0.8.5a [2009-06-14]: - Quick and dirty fix to allow compatibility with biblatex 0.8d. Changelog for version 0.8.5 [2009-01-10]: - At least version 0.8b of biblatex now required -- even better, get the latest (0.8c). - Adopted the "American" punctuation tracker provided by biblatex, which fixes many small formatting errors and eliminates the need for \custpunct commands, but requires that you use \mkbibquote when quoted material appears inside a bibliography field. - Loading babel with "American" as the main text language now _strongly_ recommended. - The CustomC entry type now allows referencing any sort of post- or pre-matter via the type field, though the old mechanism remains in place for backward compatibility. The new SuppBook and SuppCollection entry types are aliased to CustomC, and therefore work in exactly the same way. - The new SuppPeriodical entry type is aliased to Review, and Letter to CustomA. - For InReference entries the postnote field of a citation command is now automatically treated as an alphabetized encyclopedia entry, that is, it will be placed in quotation marks and prefaced with the string "s.v." This may allow multiple citations of the same reference work without multiplying .bib entries. - The biblatex option "usetranslator" is now set to "true" by default, which means entries will automatically be alphabetized by their translator in the absence of an author or an editor. - I've added some color-coding to biblatex-chicago-notes-df.pdf to highlight new or significantly revised sections. Changelog for version [2008-11-24]: - Fixed spurious commas in some bibliography entries. Changelog for version 0.8.2 [2008-11-03]: - Fixed several formatting glitches between citations in multicite commands and also after some prenotes. Changelog for version 0.8.1 [2008-10-22]: - Updated the .bbx and .cbx files to work with biblatex 0.8. This most recent version of biblatex is now required for biblatex-chicago-notes-df to work. - The origlocation field is now obsolete, and has been replaced by lista. Please update your .bib files accordingly. - The single-letter \bibstring commands I provided in version 0.7 are now deprecated. In most cases, you'll be able to take advantage of the automatic contextual capitalization facilities introduced in this release, but if you still need the single-letter \bibstring functionality then you should switch to \autocap, as I shall be removing the single-letter bibstrings in a future release. See the \autocap docs for all the details. - The userd field is now deprecated, as biblatex 0.8 allows all forms of data to be included in the edition field. I shall be removing userd in a future release, so please update your .bib files as soon as is convenient. - Added the usera field, which holds supplemental information about a journaltitle in article and review entries. See the documentation of the field for details. - Other minor fixes and additions. See the full changelog for more. Changelog for version 0.7 [2008-08-18]: - First public release Copyright (c) 2008-2016 David Fussner. This package is author-maintained. This work may be copied, distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.