% (APA 7.01 Example 1) % Note that the URL is suppressed if there is a DOI @ARTICLE{7.01:1, AUTHOR = {K. L. Herbst-Damm and J. A. Kulik}, TITLE = {Volunteer Support, Marital Status, and the Survival Times of Terminally Ill Patients}, JOURNALTITLE = {Health Psychology}, VOLUME = {24}, PAGES = {225--229}, DATE = {2005}, DOI = {10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225}, URL = {http://some.url} } % (APA 7.01 Example 2) @ARTICLE{7.01:2, AUTHOR = {D. G. Gilbert and J. F. McClernon and N. E. Rabinovich and C. Sugai and L. C. Plath and G. Asgaard and D. Dickinson and N. Botros}, TITLE = {Effects of Quitting Smoking and {EEG} Activation and Attention Last for More Than 31 Days and are More Severe With Stress, Dependence, {DRD2 A1} Allele, and Depressive Traits}, JOURNALTITLE = {Nicotine and Tobacco Research}, VOLUME = {6}, PAGES = {249--267}, DATE = {2004}, DOI = {10.1080/14622200410001676305} } % (APA 7.01 Example 3) @ARTICLE{7.01:3a, AUTHOR = {T. J. Sillick and N. S. Schutte}, TITLE = {Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem Mediate Between Perceived Early Parental Love and Adult Happiness}, JOURNALTITLE = {E-Journal of Applied Psychology}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {38--48}, DATE = {2006}, URL = {http://ojs.lib.swin.edu.au/index.php/ejap} } @ARTICLE{7.01:3b, AUTHOR = {M. A. Light and I. H. Light}, TITLE = {The Geographic Expansion of {M}exican Immigration in the {U}nited {S}tates and its Implications for Local Law Enforcement}, DATE = {2008}, JOURNALTITLE = {Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal}, VOLUME = {8}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {73--82}, } % (APA 7.01 Example 4) @ARTICLE{7.01:4, AUTHOR = {P. Guimard and A. Florin}, ORIGTITLE = {Les évaluations des enseignants en grande section de maternelle sont-elles prédictives des difficultés de lecture au cours préparatoire?}, TITLE = {Are Teacher Ratings in Kindergarten Predictive of Reading Difficulties in First Grade?}, JOURNALTITLE = {Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant}, VOLUME = {19}, PAGES = {5--17}, DATE = {2007}, } % (APA 7.01 Example 5) % PUBSTATE field is reserved for biblatex defined keys so use NOTE for such non-standard % things @ARTICLE{7.01:5, AUTHOR = {S. C. {Von Ledebur}}, TITLE = {Optimizing Knowledge Transfer by New Employees in Companies}, JOURNALTITLE = {Knowledge Management Research and Practice}, DATE = {2007}, NOTE = {Advance online publication}, DOI = {10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500141} } % (APA 7.01 Example 6) @ARTICLE{7.01:6, AUTHOR = {R. Briscoe}, PUBSTATE = {inpress}, TITLE = {Egocentric Spatial Representation in Action and Perception}, JOURNALTITLE = {Philosophy and Phenomenological Research}, URL = {http://cogprints.org/5780/1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf} } % (APA 7.01 Example 7) @ARTICLE{7.01:7, AUTHOR = {J. Chamberlin and A. Novotney and E. Packard and M. Price}, TITLE = {Enhancing Worker Well-being}, SUBTITLE = {Occupational Health Psychologists Convene to Share Their Research on Work, Stress, and Health}, JOURNALTITLE = {Monitor on Psychology}, VOLUME = {39}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {26-29}, DATE = {2008-05} } % (APA 7.01 Example 8) @ARTICLE{7.01:8, AUTHOR = {Richard Clay}, TITLE = {Science vs. Ideology}, SUBTITLE = {Psychologists Fight Back About the Misuse of Research}, JOURNALTITLE = {Monitor on Psychology}, VOLUME = {39}, NUMBER = {6}, DATE = {2008-06}, URL = {http://www.apa.org/monitor/} } % (APA 7.01 Example 9) % The date format in the formatted APA example is inconsistent with all other date % range examples which have a '-' separating the range. We use '-' here too. @ARTICLE{7.01:9, TITLE = {Six Sites Meet for Comprehensive Anti-gang Initiative Conference}, SHORTTITLE = {Six Sites Meet}, JOURNALTITLE = {OJJDP News {@} a Glance}, DATE = {2006-11/2006-12}, URL = {http://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/news_at_glance/216684/topstory.html} } % (APA 7.01 Example 10) % Use entrytype "NEWSARTICLE" for newspaper articles so that the pages specification % is formatted correctly (needs "p/pp" whereas normal articles don't) % Use the "NEWSPAPER" field for the title of the paper, otherwise this entrytype % is similar to ARTICLE % Numeral format is redefined to allow page number starting in letters % Discontinuous pages are ok @NEWSARTICLE{7.01:10, AUTHOR = {J. Schwartz}, TITLE = {Obesity Affects Economic, Social Status}, NEWSPAPER = {The Washington Post}, PAGES = {A1, A4}, DATE = {1993-09-30}, } % (APA 7.01 Example 11) @NEWSARTICLE{7.01:11, AUTHOR = {J. E. Brody}, TITLE = {Mental Reserves Keep Brain Agile}, NEWSPAPER = {The New York Times}, DATE = {2007-12-11}, URL = {http://www.nytimes.com} } % (APA 7.01 Example 12) % Use the TITLEADDON field for things in brackets after the title. This has many % uses in the APA style. @ARTICLE{7.01:12a, EDITOR = {C. Haney and R. L. Wiener}, TITLE = {Capital Punishment in the United States}, TITLEADDON = {Special issue}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychology, Public Policy and Law}, VOLUME = {10}, NUMBER = {4}, DATE = {2004} } @ARTICLE{7.01:12b, EDITOR = {P. Greenfield and Z. Yan}, TITLE = {Children, Adolescents, and the {I}nternet}, TITLEADDON = {Special section}, JOURNALTITLE = {Developmental Psychology}, VOLUME = {42}, PAGES = {391--458}, DATE = {2006} } % APA manual implicit example made explicit - no editors @ARTICLE{7.01:12c, TITLE = {Capital Punishment in the United Kingdom}, SHORTTITLE = {Capital Punishment}, TITLEADDON = {Special issue}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychology, Public Policy and Law}, VOLUME = {10}, NUMBER = {4}, DATE = {2004} } % (APA 7.01 Example 13) % Monographs can be specified as articles with appropriate NUMBER fields @ARTICLE{7.01:13a, AUTHOR = {D. C. Ganster and J. Schaubroeck and W. E. Sime and B. T. Mayes}, TITLE = {The Nomological Validity of the {T}ype {A} Personality Among Employed Adults}, TITLEADDON = {Monograph}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Applied Psychology}, VOLUME = {76}, PAGES = {143--168}, DATE = {1991}, DOI = {10.1037/0021-9010.76.1.143} } % Implicit example made explicit (Given in APA 5th Ed. Manual) @ARTICLE{7.01:13b, AUTHOR = {P. L. Harris and R. D. Kavanaugh}, TITLE = {Young Children's Understanding of Pretense}, JOURNALTITLE = {Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development}, VOLUME = {58}, NUMBER = {1, Serial No. 231}, DATE = {1993} } % Implicit example made explicit (Given in APA 5th Ed. Manual) @ARTICLE{7.01:13c, AUTHOR = {W. F. Battig and W. E. Montague}, TITLE = {Category Norms for Verbal Items in 56 Categories}, SUBTITLE = {A Replication and Extension of the {C}onnecticut Category Norms}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Experimental Psychology Monographs}, VOLUME = {80}, NUMBER = {3, Pt. 2}, DATE = {1969} } % (APA 7.01 Example 14) @ARTICLE{7.01:14, TITLE = {Editorial: ``{W}hat a Disaster'' and Why Does This Question Matter?}, TITLEADDON = {Editorial}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management}, VOLUME = {14}, PAGES = {1--2}, DATE = {2006} } % (APA 7.01 Example 15) % Note use of font change @ARTICLE{7.01:15, AUTHOR = {S. Marshall-Pescini and A. Whiten}, TITLE = {Social Learning of Nut-Cracking Behaviour in {E}ast {A}frican Sanctuary-living Chimpanzees (\textsl{Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii})}, TITLEADDON = {Supplemental material}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Comparitive Psychology}, VOLUME = {122}, PAGES = {186--194}, DATE = {2008}, DOI = {10.1037/0735-7036.122.2.186.supp} } % (APA 7.01 Example 16) @ARTICLE{7.01:16a, AUTHOR = {N. J. Woolf and S. L. Young and M. S. Fanselow and L. L. Butcher}, TITLE = {{MAP-2} Expression in Cholinoceptive Pyramidal Cells of Rodent Cortex and Hippocampus is Altered by {P}avlovian Conditioning}, TITLEADDON = {Abstract}, JOURNALTITLE = {Society for Neuroscience Abstracts}, VOLUME = {17}, PAGES = {480}, DATE = {1991} } % Note use of ABSTRACTURL field value to specify that the URL is for the abstract % and so the entry gets "Abstract retrieved from" instead of just "retrieved from" @ARTICLE{7.01:16b, AUTHOR = {S. R. Lassen and M. M. Steele and W. Sailor}, TITLE = {The Relationship of School-wide Positive Behavour Support to Academic Achievement in an Urban Middle School}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychology in the Schools}, VOLUME = {43}, PAGES = {701--712}, DATE = {2006}, ABSTRACTURL = {http://www.interscience.wiley.com} } % (APA 7.01 Example 17) % Such unstructured abstract information uses the ABSTRACTLOC field % If the abstract/article was retreived from a standard online URI, things are little % better defined - see examples 7.01:16*). @ARTICLE{7.01:17, AUTHOR = {L. R. Hare and K. O'Neill}, TITLE = {Effectiveness and Efficiency in Small Academic Peer Groups}, JOURNALTITLE = {Small Group Research}, VOLUME = {31}, PAGES = {24--53}, DATE = {2000}, ABSTRACTLOC = {{S}ociological {A}bstracts database. (Accession No. 200010185)} } % (APA 7.02 Example 18) @BOOK{7.02:18, AUTHOR = {M. A. Shotton}, TITLE = {Computer Addiction? A Study of Computer Dependency}, LOCATION = {London, England}, PUBLISHER = {Taylor \& Francis}, DATE = {1989} } % (APA 7.02 Example 19) % Note the different year to the actual example to stop bibaltex generating extrayear % since the APA examples pretend each example is effectively an entry from a % different bibliography @BOOK{7.02:19a, AUTHOR = {M. A. Shotton}, TITLE = {Computer Addiction? A Study of Computer Dependency}, TITLEADDON = {{DX} {R}eader version}, DATE = {1990}, URL = {http://www.ebbokstore.tandf.co.uk/html/index.asp} } @BOOK{7.02:19b, AUTHOR = {G. R. Schiraldi}, TITLE = {The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook}, SUBTITLE = {A Guide to Healing, Recovery, and Growth}, TITLEADDON = {{A}dobe {D}igital {E}ditions version}, DATE = {2001}, DOI = {10.1036/0071393722} } % (APA 7.02 Example 20) @BOOK{7.02:20, AUTHOR = {E. O'Keefe}, TITLE = {Egoism \& the Crisis in {W}estern Values}, URL = {http://www.onlineoriginals.com/showitem.asp?itemID=135} } % (APA 7.02 Example 21) % NOTE is automatically generated from ORIGDATE @INBOOK{7.02:21, AUTHOR = {S. Freud}, EDITOR = {J. Strachey}, TRANSLATOR = {J. Strachey}, TITLE = {The Method of Interpreting Dreams}, BOOKTITLE = {The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of {S}igmund {F}reud}, VOLUME = {4}, PAGES = {96--121}, SUBTITLE = {An Analysis of a Specimen Dream}, DATE = {1953}, ORIGDATE = {1900}, URL = {http://books.google.com/books}, } % (APA 7.02 Example 22) @BOOK{7.02:22, EDITOR = {N. Thomas}, TITLE = {Perspectives on the Community College}, SUBTITLE = {A Journey of Discovery}, TITLEADDON = {Monograph}, DATE = {2002}, URL = {http://eric.ed.gov/} } % (APA 7.02 Example 23) @BOOK{7.02:23, EDITOR = {S. Koch}, TITLE = {Psychology}, SUBTITLE = {A Study of Science}, VOLUMES = {1--6}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {McGraw-Hill}, DATE = {1959/1963} } % (APA 7.02 Example 24) @INBOOK{7.02:24, AUTHOR = {Strong, Jr., E. K. and R. S. Uhrbrock}, EDITORA = {L. Outhwaite}, EDITORATYPE = {series}, TITLE = {Bibliography in Job Analysis}, BOOKTITLE = {Personnel {R}esearch {S}eries}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Vol. 1. {J}ob Analysis and the Curriculum}, PAGES = {140--146}, DATE = {1923}, DOI = {10.1037/10762-000} } % (APA 7.02 Example 25) @INBOOK{7.02:25, AUTHOR = {D. M. Haybron}, EDITOR = {M. Eid and R. J. Larsen}, TITLE = {Philosophy and the Science of Subjective Well-Being}, BOOKTITLE = {The Science of Subjective Well-Being}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Guildford Press}, PAGES = {17-43}, DATE = {2008}, } % (APA 7.02 Example 26) @INBOOK{7.02:26, AUTHOR = {J. Piaget}, EDITOR = {K. Richardson and S. Sheldon}, TRANSLATOR = {G. Gellerier and J. Langer}, TITLE = {Extracts From {P}iaget's Theory}, BOOKTITLE = {Cognitive Development to Adolescence}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {A Reader}, PAGES = {3--18}, LOCATION = {Hillsdale, NJ}, PUBLISHER = {Erlbaum}, DATE = {1988}, RELATED = {mcppiaget}, RELATEDTYPE = {reprintfrom} } @INCOLLECTION{mcppiaget, EDITOR = {P. H. Mussen}, TITLE = {Manual of Child Psychology}, DATE = {1970}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley}, PAGES = {703--732} } % (APA 7.02 Example 27) @BOOK{7.02:27, EDITOR = {G. R. VandenBos}, TITLE = {{APA} Dictionary of Psychology}, LOCATION = {Washington, DC}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {2007}, } % (APA 7.02 Example 28) @BOOK{7.02:28, AUTHOR = {{Real Academia Española}}, ORIGTITLE = {Diccionario de la lengua española}, TITLE = {Dictionary of the {S}panish Language}, EDITION = {22}, LOCATION = {Madrid, Spain}, PUBLISHER = {Author}, DATE = {2001}, } % (APA 7.02 Example 29) % If the EDITION field is not just an edition number like "2" or "4" (which % will be turned into an ordinal like "2nd" or "4th" by the style automatically), % then make the EDITION field the exact string you need. @INBOOK{7.02:29, AUTHOR = {G. Graham}, EDITOR = {E. N. Zalta}, TITLE = {Behaviourism}, BOOKTITLE = {The {S}tanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, EDITION = {Fall 2007 ed.}, DATE = {2005}, URL = {http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/behaviourism/} } % (APA 7.02 Example 30) @INBOOK{7.02:30, TITLE = {Heuristic}, BOOKTITLE = {{M}erriam-{W}ebster's Online Dictionary}, EDITION = {11}, URL = {http://www.m-w.com/dicitonary/heuristic} } % (APA 7.03 Example 31) % NUMBER contains report number, "No." is added automatically and TYPE contains the % report type @REPORT{7.03:31, AUTHOR = {{U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute}}, TITLE = {Managing Asthma}, SUBTITLE = {A Guide for Schools}, TYPE = {NIH Publication}, NUMBER = {02-2650}, DATE = {2003}, URL = {http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/lung/asthma/asth_sch.pdf} } % (APA 7.03 Example 32) @REPORT{7.03:32, AUTHOR = {{American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls}}, TITLE = {Report of the {APA} {T}ask {F}orce on the {S}exualization of {G}irls}, DATE = {2007}, URL = {http://www.apa.org/pi/wpo/sexualization.html} } % (APA 7.03 Example 33) % Use URLDESCRIPTION to introduce website address; defaults to just "Retreived from" % if not present @REPORT{7.03:33, AUTHOR = {S. S. A. Kessy and F. M. Urio}, TITLE = {The Contribution of Microfinance Institutions to Poverty Reduction in {T}anzania}, TYPE = {Research Report}, NUMBER = {06.3}, DATE = {2006}, URLDESCRIPTION = {Poverty Alleviation website}, URL = {http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Reports/06.3_Kessey_and_Urio.pdf} } % (APA 7.03 Example 34) % This example is an anomaly as it doesnt' have "No." before the report number. % This style does this consistently for all reports with numbers @REPORT{7.03:34, AUTHOR = {J. E. McDaniel and C. G. Miskel}, TITLE = {The Effect of Groups and Individuals on National Decisionmaking}, SUBTITLE = {Influence and Domination in the Reading Policymaking Environment}, TYPE = {CIERA Report}, NUMBER = {3-025}, DATE = {2002}, URLDESCRIPTION = {University of Michigan, Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement website}, URL = {http://www.ciera.org/library/reports/inquiry-3/3-025/3-025.pdf} } % (APA 7.03 Example 35) @TECHREPORT{7.03:35, AUTHOR = {{Employee Benefit Research Institute}}, TITLE = {Sources of health Insurance and Characteristics of the Uninsured}, TYPE = {Issue Brief}, NUMBER = {123}, DATE = {1992-02}, LOCATION = {Washington, DC}, PUBLISHER = {Author} } % (APA 7.04 Example 36) % Note this renders with a period before the LOCATION which is more consistent with other entries @INPROCEEDINGS{7.04:36, AUTHOR = {J. Muelbauer}, TITLE = {Housing, Credit and Consumer Expenditure}, EDITORA = {S. C. Ludvigson}, EDITORATYPE = {chair}, BOOKTITLE = {Housing and Consumer Behaviour}, EVENTTITLE = {Symposium Conducted at the Meeting of the {F}ederal {R}eserve {B}ank of {K}ansas {C}ity}, LOCATION = {Jackson Hole, WY}, DATE = {2007-09} } % (APA 7.04 Example 37) % Unpublished conference papers are UNPUBLISHED type @UNPUBLISHED{7.04:37, AUTHOR = {S. Liu}, TITLE = {Defending Against Business Crises with the Help of Inteligent Agent Based Early Warning Solutions}, DATE = {2005-05}, LOCATION = {Miami, FL}, NOTE = {Paper presented at the Seventh International Conferene on Enterprise Information Systems}, ABSTRACTURL = {http://www.iceis.org/iceis2005/abstracts_2005.htm} } % (APA 7.04 Example 38) @PROCEEDINGS{7.04:38, AUTHOR = {S. Herculano-Houzel and C. E. Collins and P. Wong and J. H. Kaas and R. Lent}, TITLE = {The Basic Nonuniformity of the Cerebral Cortex}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences, {USA}}, VOLUME = {105}, PAGES = {12593--12598}, DATE = {2008}, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.0805417105} } % (APA 7.04 Example 39) @INPROCEEDINGS{7.04:39, AUTHOR = {I. Katz and K. Gabayan and H. Aghajan}, TITLE = {A Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras}, EDITOR = {J. Blanc-Talon and W. Philips and D. Popescu and P. Scheunders}, MAINTITLE = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {4678}, BOOKTITLE = {Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems}, PAGES = {97--108}, LOCATION = {Berlin, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, DATE = {2007}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-540-74607-2_9} } % (APA 7.05 Example 40) % The PHDTHESIS and MASTERSTHESIS are the same as THESIS but they supply a default % TYPE field automatically @MASTERSTHESIS{7.05:40, AUTHOR = {D. S. McNiel}, TITLE = {Meaning Through Narrative}, SUBTITLE = {A Personal Narrative Discussing Growing Up with an Alchoholic Mother}, DATE = {2006}, NOTE = {Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database}, ADDENDUM = {UMI No. 1434728} } % (APA 7.05 Example 41) @PHDTHESIS{7.05:41, AUTHOR = {R. J. Adams}, TITLE = {Building a Foundation for Evaluation of Instruction in Higher Education and Continuing Education}, DATE = {1973}, URL = {http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/} } % (APA 7.05 Example 42) @PHDTHESIS{7.05:42, AUTHOR = {A. Bruckman}, TITLE = {{MOOSE} Crossing}, SUBTITLE = {Construction, Community, and Learning in a Networked Virtual World for Kids}, INSTITUTION = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, DATE = {1977}, URL = {http://www-static.cc.gatech.edu/~asb/thesis/} } % (APA 7.05 Example 43) % This example formats naturally as an article as it has VOLUME, NUMBER etc. @ARTICLE{7.05:43, AUTHOR = {L. G. Appelbaum}, JOURNALTITLE = {Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B. Sciences and Engineering}, TITLE = {Three Studies of Human Information Processing}, SUBTITLE = {Texture Amplification, Motion Representation, and Figure-Ground Segregation}, VOLUME = {65}, NUMBER = {10}, DATE = {2005}, PAGES = {5428} } % (APA 7.05 Example 44) % Note we're overriding TYPE here which is usually automatically set for PHDTHESIS since, % for some reason, this entry has "Doctoral thesis" instead of the usual "Doctoral % dissertation" @PHDTHESIS{7.05:44, AUTHOR = {P. Carlbom}, TITLE = {Carbody and Passengers in Rail Vehicle Dynamics}, TYPE = {Doctoral thesis}, INSTITUTION = {Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm}, LOCATION = {Sweden}, DATE = {2000}, URL = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-3029} } % (APA 7.06 Example 45) % Note how this is handled by the biblatex/biber "related entries" functionality % We have included the year in the reviewed item for consistency, as per 7.06:46 % The comma after the reviewed title is ommited for consistency, as per 7.06:48 @REVIEW{7.06:45, AUTHOR = {B. R. Schatz}, TITLE = {Learning By Text or Context?}, REVIEWTEXT = {the book}, RELATED = {brdu}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewof}, RELATEDSTRING = {Review of the book}, JOURNALTITLE = {Science}, VOLUME = {290}, PAGES = {1304}, DATE = {2000-11-17}, DOI = {10.1126/science.290.5495.1304}, } @BOOK{brdu, AUTHOR = {John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid}, TITLE = {The Social Life of Information}, DATE = {2000}, PUBLISHER = {Harvard Business School Press} } % (APA 7.06 Example 46) % Note that this example drops the "produced" in the reviewed item. It's not worth % automating this sort of verb as "by" is perfectly acceptable. @REVIEW{7.06:46, AUTHOR = {A. Axelman and J. L. Shapiro}, TITLE = {Does the Solution Warrant the Problem?}, RELATED = {apavid}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewof}, RELATEDSTRING = {Review of the {DVD}}, JOURNALTITLE = {PsycCRITIQUES}, VOLUME = {52}, NUMBER = {51}, DATE = {2007}, DOI = {10.1037/a0009036} } @VIDEO{apavid, PRODUCER = {{the American Psychological Association}}, TITLE = {Brief Therapy With Adolescents}, DATE = {2007} } % (APA 7.06 Example 47) % Again we drop the "produced" as with Example 46 @REVIEW{7.06:47, RELATED = {bioshock}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewof}, RELATEDSTRING = {Review of the video game}, URL = {http://www.whattheyplay.com/products/bioshock-for-xbox-360/?fm=3&ob=1&t=0#166}, } @SOFTWARE{bioshock, AUTHOR = {{2K Games}}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Computer Game}, TITLE = {BioShock}, DATE = {2007} } % (APA 7.06 Example 48) @REVIEW{7.06:48, AUTHOR = {K. S. Wolf}, TITLE = {The Future for {D}eaf Individuals is Not That Bleak}, RELATED = {deaf}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewof}, RELATEDSTRING = {Peer commentary on the paper}, DATE = {2005}, URL = {http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/hal.htm#wolf} } @ARTICLE{deaf, AUTHOR = {K. S. Wolf}, TITLE = {``{D}ecrease of {D}eaf potential in a mainstreamed environment''}, JOURNALTITLE = {Some Journal}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--10}, DATE = {2003}, } % (APA 7.07 Example 49) % We render this with "retrieved from" instead of "available from" as this is arbitrary % and ugly to parameterise. Forcing this means we can use a localisable string for "retrieved" @VIDEO{7.07:49, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {{DVD}}, PRODUCER = {{American Psychological Association}}, TITLE = {Responding Therapeutically to Patient Expressions of Sexual Attraction}, DATE = {2000}, URL = {http://www.apa.org/videos/} } % (APA 7.07 Example 50) @AUDIO{7.07:50, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Audio Podcast}, PRODUCER = {D. {Van Nuys}}, TITLE = {Shrink Rap Radio}, DATE = {2007-12-19}, URL = {http://www.shrinkrapradio.com/} } % (APA 7.07 Example 51) @VIDEO{7.07:51, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Television series episode}, WRITER = {D. Egan}, DIRECTOR = {J. Alexander}, EXECPRODUCER = {D. Shore}, TITLE = {Failure to Communicate}, MAINTITLE = {House}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Fox Broadcasting}, DATE = {2005}, } % (APA 7.07 Example 52) % Note use of SORTKEY to make sorting ignore the lower case AUTHOR @MUSIC{7.07:52, SORTKEY = {Lang, K. D.}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {{CD}}, AUTHOR = {{lang}, {k.} {d.}}, TITLE = {Shadow and the Frame}, MAINTITLE = {Watershed}, MAINTITLEADDON = {{CD}}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Nonesuch Records}, DATE = {2008}, } % (APA 7.07 Example 53) @MISC{7.07:53, AUTHOR = {{Lewis County Geographic Information Services}}, NAMEADDON = {Cartographer}, TITLE = {Population Density, 2000 {U}.{S}. {C}ensus}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Demographic map}, DATE = {2002}, URL = {http://www.co.lewis.wa.us/publicworks/maps/Demographics/census-pop-dens_2000.pdf} } % (APA 7.08 Example 54) @DATA{7.08:54, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Data file and code book}, AUTHOR = {{Pew Hispanic Center}}, TITLE = {Changing Channels and Crisscrossing Cultures}, SUBTITLE = {A Survey of {L}atinos on the News Media}, DATE = {2004}, URL = {http://pewhispanic.org/datasets/} } % (APA 7.08 Example 55) @MISC{7.08:55, AUTHOR = {M. L. Friedlander and V. Escudero and L. Heatherington}, TITLE = {{E-SOFTA}}, SUBTITLE = {System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Software and training videos}, DATE = {2002}, NOTE = {Unpublished instrument}, URL = {http://www.softa-soatif.com/} } % (APA 7.08 Example 56) @SOFTWARE{7.08:56, TITLE = {Comprehensive {M}eta-{A}nalysis}, TITLEADDON = {Computer software}, VERSION = {2}, LOCATION = {Englewood, NJ}, PUBLISHER = {Biostat} } % (APA 7.08 Example 57) @MISC{7.08:57, TITLE = {{Eyelink II}}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Apparatus and software}, LOCATION = {Mississauga, Ontario, Canada}, PUBLISHER = {SR Research}, DATE = {2004}, } % (APA 7.09 Example 58) @UNPUBLISHED{7.09:58, AUTHOR = {E. Blackwell and P. J. Conrod}, TITLE = {A Five-Dimensional Measure of Drinking Motives}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Unpublished manuscript}, INSTITUTION = {Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia}, LOCATION = {Vancouver, Canada}, DATE = {2003}, } % (APA 7.09 Example 59) @UNPUBLISHED{7.09:59, AUTHOR = {J. Y. Ting and P. Florsheim and W. Huang}, TITLE = {Mental Health Help-Seeking in Ethnic Minority Populations}, SUBTITLE = {A Theoretical Perspective}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Manuscript submitted for publication}, DATE = {2008}, } % (APA 7.09 Example 60) @DATA{7.09:60, AUTHOR = {F. Bordi and J. E. LeDoux}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Auditory Response Latencies in Rat Auditory Cortex}, NOTE = {Unpublished raw data}, DATE = {1993}, } % (APA 7.09 Example 61) @UNPUBLISHED{7.09:61a, AUTHOR = {S. D. Mitchell}, TITLE = {The Import of Uncertainty}, DATE = {2000}, URL = {http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00000162/} } @ARTICLE{7.09:61b, AUTHOR = {S. D. Mitchell}, TITLE = {The Import of Uncertainty}, JOURNALTITLE = {The Pluralist}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {58--71}, DATE = {2007}, } % (APA 7.09 Example 62) % "eric" is defined as a recognised eprint type in the style and will be formatted as a % localised version of "Retrieved from ERIC database ()" @UNPUBLISHED{7.09:62, AUTHOR = {K. Kubota}, TITLE = {``{S}oaking'' Model for Learning}, SUBTITLE = {Analyzing {J}apanese Learning/Teaching Process from a Socio-Historical Perspective}, DATE = {2007}, EPRINTTYPE = {eric}, EPRINT = {ED498566} } % (APA 7.10 Example 63) @LETTER{7.10:63, AUTHOR = {L. K. Frank}, TITLE = {Letter to {R}obert {M}. {O}gden}, INSTITUTION = {Rockerfeller Archive Center}, NUMBER = {GEB series 1.3, Box 371, Folder 3877}, LOCATION = {Tarrytown, NY}, DATE = {1935-02-04}, } % (APA 7.10 Example 64) @LETTER{7.10:64, AUTHOR = {G. P. Zacharius}, TITLE = {Letter to {W}illiam {R}ickel ({W}. {R}ickel, {T}rans.)}, DATE = {1935-08-15}, NOTE = {Copy in possession of Hendrika Vande Kemp} } % (APA 7.10 Example 65) % Entrytype is "LETTERS" (plural) for a collection of letters @LETTERS{7.10:65, AUTHOR = {G. W. Allport}, TITLE = {Correspondence}, DATE = {1930/1967}, INSTITUTION = {Gordon W. Allport Papers}, NUMBER = {HUG 4118.10}, LOCATION = {{Harvard University Archives, Cambridge}, MA}, } % (APA 7.10 Example 66) @UNPUBLISHED{7.10:66, AUTHOR = {A. Berliner}, TITLE = {Notes for a Lecture on Reminiscences of {W}undt and {L}epizig}, DATE = {1959}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Anna Berliner Memoirs (Box M50)}, LOCATION = {{Archives of the History of American Psychology, University of Akron, Akron}, OH} } % (APA 7.10 Example 67) % biblatex 3.4+ supports data annotations which can be use to deal with uncertain authors % biblatex 3.5+ supports uncertainty marker for dates @UNPUBLISHED{7.10:67, AUTHOR = {A. Allport}, AUTHOR+an = {=uncertain}, TITLE = {Marion {T}aylor Today---By the Biographer}, DATE = {1937~}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Unpublished manuscript, Marion Taylor Papers}, LOCATION = {{Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge}, MA} } % (APA 7.10 Example 68) @UNPUBLISHED{7.10:68, AUTHOR = {{Subcommitee on Mental Hygiene Personnel in School Programs}}, TITLE = {{Meeting of Subcommittee on Mental Hygiene Personnel in School Programs}}, HOWPUBLISHED = {David Chakow Papers (M1360)}, LOCATION = {{Archives of the History of American Psychology, University of Akron, Akron}, OH}, DATE = {1949-11-05/1949-11-06} } % (APA 7.10 Example 69) @MISC{7.10:69, AUTHOR = {M. B. Smith}, TITLE = {Interview by {C}. {A}. {K}iesler}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Tape Recording}, HOWPUBLISHED = {President's Oral History Project, American Psychological Association}, LOCATION = {APA Archives, Washington, DC}, DATE = {1989-08-12}, } % (APA 7.10 Example 70) % Note that this example is inconsistent in the APA 6th Edition (2nd printing) manual % with example 7.10:69. They differ in that 7.10:69 has a period before the location % and 7.10:70 has a comma. I have chosen a period for consistency. @UNPUBLISHED{7.10:70, AUTHOR = {C. F. Sparkman}, TITLE = {An Oral History with {D}r. {C}olley {F}. {S}parkman/{I}nterviewer: {O}rley {B}. {C}audill}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Mississippi Oral History Program (Vol. 289)}, LOCATION = {University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg}, DATE = {1973} } % (APA 7.10 Example 71) % If no normal paper citation, use ENTRYSUBTYPE to say what this NEWSARTICLE is @NEWSARTICLE{7.10:71, TITLE = {Psychoanalysis Institute to Open}, DATE = {1948-09-18}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Clipping from an unidentified Dayton, OH newspaper}, NOTE = {Copy in possession of author} } % (APA 7.10 Example 72) @UNPUBLISHED{7.10:72, AUTHOR = {{Sci-Art Publishers}}, TITLE = {Sci-{A}rt {P}ublications}, TITLEADDON = {Brochure}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Cambridge, MA: Author. A. A. Roback Papers (HUGFP 104.50, Box2, Folder ``Miscellaneous Psychological Materials'')}, LOCATION = {Harvard University Archives, Cambridge, MA}, DATE = {1935} } % (APA 7.10 Example 73) % biblatex 3.5+ supports EDTF circa markers in dates % Note that this example is inconsistent in the APA 6th Edition (2nd printing) manual % with example 7.10:67. They differ in that 7.10:67 has brackets around the approximate % date and 7.10:73 has parenthesis. I have chosen brackets for consistency. % Use TITLEISDESCRIPTION to indicate a title that is really a description and not a real % title @MISC{7.10:73, TITLEISDESCRIPTION = {true}, TITLE = {{Photographs of Robert M. Yerkes}}, DATE = {1917~/1954}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Robert Mearns Yerkes Papers (Box 137, Folder 2292)}, LOCATION = {{Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, New Haven}, CT} } % (APA 7.11 Example 74) @ONLINE{7.11:74, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Online forum comment}, AUTHOR = {T. Rampersad}, TITLE = {Re: {T}raditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions}, DATE = {2005-06-08}, URL = {http://www.wipo.int/roller/comments/ipisforum/Weblog/theme_eight_how_can_cultural#comments}, } % (APA 7.11 Example 75) @ONLINE{7.11:75, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Electronic mailing list message}, AUTHOR = {S. Smith}, TITLE = {Re: {D}isputed Estimates of {IQ}}, DATE = {2006-01-05}, URL = {http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ForensicNetwork/message/670}, } % (APA 7.11 Example 76) @ONLINE{7.11:76a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Web log post}, AUTHOR = {{PZ Myers}}, TITLE = {The Unfortunate Prerequisites and Consequences of Partitioning Your Mind}, DATE = {2007-01-22}, URL = {http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/01/the_unfortunate_prerequisites.php}, } @ONLINE{7.11:76b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Web log comment}, AUTHOR = {MiddleKid}, TITLE = {Re: {T}he Unfortunate Prerequisites and Consequences of Partitioning Your Mind}, DATE = {2007-01-22}, URL = {http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/01/the_unfortunate_prerequisites.php}, } % (APA 7.11 Example 77) @ONLINE{7.11:77, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Video file}, AUTHOR = {R. Norton}, TITLE = {How to Train a Cat to Operate a Light Switch}, DATE = {2006-11-04}, URL = {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vja83KLQXZs}, } % (APA A7.07) @PATENT{A7.07, AUTHOR = {I. M. Smith}, TITLE = {{U}.{S}. {P}atent {N}o. 123,445}, DATE = {1998}, LOCATION = {Washington, DC}, PUBLISHER = {U.S. Patent and Trademark Office} } % APA 6th doesn't have any extended date format examples. % Also test order of inpress and nodate, see % http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2013/01/alphabetizing-in-press-and-no-date-references.html @ONLINE{habitat1, TITLE = {Mission, Vision \& Values}, URL = {http://www.tchabitat.org/missionvisionvalues}, ORGANIZATION = {Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity website}, URLDATE = {2011-09-15} } @ONLINE{habitat2, TITLE = {Mission, Vision \& Values}, DATE = {2011}, URL = {http://www.tchabitat.org/missionvisionvalues}, ORGANIZATION = {Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity website}, URLDATE = {2011-09} } @ONLINE{habitat3, TITLE = {Mission, Vision \& Values}, DATE = {2012}, URL = {http://www.tchabitat.org/missionvisionvalues}, ORGANIZATION = {Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity website}, URLDATE = {2012} } @ONLINE{habitat4, TITLE = {Mission, Vision \& Values}, PUBSTATE = {inpress}, URL = {http://www.tchabitat.org/missionvisionvalues}, ORGANIZATION = {Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity website}, URLDATE = {2011-09-15} } @INPROCEEDINGS{proc1, AUTHOR = {Anon, A. N.}, TITLE = {A very interesting paper}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. {UKACC} International Conference on Control}, DATE = {2010-09}, EVENTDATE = {2010-09-07/2010-09-10}, LOCATION = {Coventry}, PAGES = {1--3} }