% (APA 8.6) @BOOK{8.6a, AUTHOR = {A. Rabbitt}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {1982} } @BOOK{8.6b, AUTHOR = {A. Lyon and B. Brent and C. Crump}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{8.6c, AUTHOR = {A. Nicholson}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2003} } % (APA 8.10) @BOOK{8.10a, AUTHOR = {Kessler, Jr., A.}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2003} } @ARTICLE{8.10b, AUTHOR = {Terrence Test}, TITLE = {Some Title}, JOURNAL = {Jolly Journal}, ISSUE = {Spring}, PAGES = {100--103}, DATE = {2001} } % (APA 8.11) @BOOK{8.11a, AUTHOR = {A. Koehler}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 8.12) @BOOK{8.12a, AUTHOR = {A. Adams and B. Brown and C. Clapham}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.12b, AUTHOR = {A. Shumway and B. Shulman}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.12c, AUTHOR = {A. Westinghouse}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.12d, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Department of Veteran Affairs}}, TITLE = {Title1} } @BOOK{8.12e, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Department of Veteran Affairs}}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.12f, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Department of Veteran Affairs}}, TITLE = {Title2}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.12g, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Department of Veteran Affairs}}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.12h, AUTHOR = {A. Zhou}, TITLE = {Title1}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } @BOOK{8.12i, AUTHOR = {A. Zhou}, TITLE = {Title1} } @BOOK{8.12j, AUTHOR = {A. Zhou}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2000} } @BOOK{8.12k, AUTHOR = {A. Zhou}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2016} } @BOOK{8.12l, AUTHOR = {A. Carraway and B. Brown and C. Crush}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2013} } @BOOK{8.12m, AUTHOR = {A. Carraway and B. Brown and C. Crush}, TITLE = {Title2}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{8.12n, AUTHOR = {A. Carraway and B. Brown and C. Crush}, TITLE = {Title3}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.12o, AUTHOR = {A. Sampson and B. Hughes}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.12p, AUTHOR = {A. Augustine}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.12q, AUTHOR = {A. Melara and B. Brunswick and C. Davenport}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2018} } @BOOK{8.12r, AUTHOR = {A. Pérez}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2014} } % PUBSTATE is not used as there is a DATE - enforced by a style source map in .bbx @BOOK{8.12s, AUTHOR = {Steven Smidge}, TITLE = {Something 1}, DATE = {2000}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } @BOOK{8.12t, AUTHOR = {Steven Smidge}, TITLE = {Something 2}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } @BOOK{8.12u, AUTHOR = {Steven Smidge}, TITLE = {Something 3}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } % (APA 8.13) @BOOK{8.13a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Centers for Disease Control and Prevention}}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.13b, AUTHOR = {A. Shimamura}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.13c, AUTHOR = {A. Armstrong}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.13d, AUTHOR = {A. Shadid}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.13e, AUTHOR = {A. Kovačič and B. Horvat}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.13f, AUTHOR = {A. Thompson}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.13g, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Beck Institute for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy}}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2012} } @BOOK{8.13h, TITLE = {King James Bible}, ORIGDATE = {1769}, DATE = {2017} } % Note the special date specification for BC and circa - see biblatex manual @BOOK{8.13i, AUTHOR = {Aristotle}, TITLE = {Ethics}, ORIGDATE = {-0349~}, DATE = {1994} } @BOOK{8.13j, AUTHOR = {W. Shakespeare}, ORIGDATE = {1623}, DATE = {1995} } % (APA 8.14) @BOOK{8.14a, TITLE = {Interpersonal Skills and Other Desperate Phrases Designed to Sound Scientific}, SHORTTITLE = {Interpersonal Skills}, DATE = {2019} } @ARTICLE{8.14b, TITLE = {Understanding Sensory Memory}, DATE = {2018} } @BOOK{8.14c, AUTHOR = {Anonymous}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 8.15) @BOOK{8.15a, AUTHOR = {S. Freud}, TITLE = {Title}, ORIGDATE = {1900}, DATE = {1953} } @BOOK{8.15b, AUTHOR = {J. Piaget}, TITLE = {Title}, ORIGDATE = {1966}, DATE = {2000} } % (APA 8.17) @BOOK{8.17a, AUTHOR = {Luna, A}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.17b, AUTHOR = {Sales, A and D'Agostino, B}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.17c, AUTHOR = {Martin, A and Someone B and Someoneelse C}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.17d, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Institute of Mental Health}}, SHORTAUTHOR = {NIMH}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.17e, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Stanford University}}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{8.17f, AUTHOR = {A. Jöreskog and B. Sörbon}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2007} } @BOOK{8.17g, AUTHOR = {A. Eifert and B. Yildiz}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2018} } @BOOK{8.17h, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Educational Research Association} and {Some other group} and {Yet another group}}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 8.18) @BOOK{8.18a, AUTHOR = {A. Kapoor and B. Bloom and C. Montez and D. Warner and E. Hill}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.18b, AUTHOR = {A. Kapoor and B. Bloom and C. Zucker and D. Tang and E. Köroğlu and F. L'Enfant and G. Kim and H. Daly}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.18c, AUTHOR = {A. Hasan and B. Liang and C. Kahn and D. Jones-Miller}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.18d, AUTHOR = {A. Hasan and B. Liang and C. Kahn and D. Weintraub}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.18e, AUTHOR = {A. Albert and B. Bryant and C. Cuthbert and D. Dinge}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {1990} } @BOOK{8.18f, AUTHOR = {A. Albert and B. Bryant and C. Cuthbert and E. Elide}, TITLE = {Title 2}, DATE = {1991} } % (APA 8.19) @BOOK{8.19a, AUTHOR = {A. Judge and B. Kammeyer-Mueller}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2012-07} } @BOOK{8.19b, AUTHOR = {A. Judge and B. Kammeyer-Mueller}, TITLE = {Title2}, DATE = {2012-06} } @MISC{8.19c, AUTHOR = {A. Sifuentes}, TITLE = {Title1} } @MISC{8.19d, AUTHOR = {A. Sifuentes}, TITLE = {Title2} } % (APA 8.20) @BOOK{8.20a, AUTHOR = {J. M. Taylor and B. Neimeyer}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.20b, AUTHOR = {T. Taylor}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{8.20c, AUTHOR = {Reginald Plumber}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{8.20d, AUTHOR = {Robert Plumber}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{8.20e, AUTHOR = {A. Chen and B. Chen}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{8.20f, AUTHOR = {Brown, Y. and Campbell, W. K.}, DATE = {2004} } @BOOK{8.20g, AUTHOR = {Campbell, A. and Muncer, M. and Gorman, B.}, DATE = {1993} } @BOOK{8.20h, AUTHOR = {Campbell, W. K. and Bush, C. P. and Brunell, A. B.}, DATE = {2005} } @BOOK{8.20i, AUTHOR = {Smyth, L. N. and Campbell, A. and Adams, K.}, DATE = {1992} } @ARTICLE{8.20j, AUTHOR = {Deutsch, J. Anthony and Deutsch, Diana}, DATE = {1963} } % (APA 8.21) @BOOK{8.21a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{The American Psychological Association}}, SHORTAUTHOR = {APA}, TITLE = {Title1}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{8.21b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{The American Psychological Association}}, SHORTAUTHOR = {APA}, TITLE = {Title2}, DATE = {2006} } % Suffix test for first-last (editor) @INCOLLECTION{stest1, AUTHOR = {Gring, III, Alan J.}, EDITOR = {Greaves, Jr., Percy L.}, TITLE = {A test of suffix 1}, DATE = {1968}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley}, PAGES = {1--34} } % Suffix test for first-last (editor) @INCOLLECTION{stest2, EDITOR = {Greaves, Jr., Percy L.}, TITLE = {A test of suffix 2}, DATE = {1968}, LOCATION = {New York, NY}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley}, PAGES = {1--34} } % Don't forget that useprefix=false doesn't ignore the prefix completely - it is still used in % hash and uniqueness generation and so there are two different "Greaves" here - one von and one not % Prefix test (useprefix=true) @BOOK{pretest, AUTHOR = {Luis von Mises}, TITLE = {A Title}, DATE = {2000} } % Prefix test (useprefix=false) @MISC{nopretest, OPTIONS = {useprefix=false}, AUTHOR = {Luis von Mises}, TITLE = {Another Title}, DATE = {2001} } % Prefix + suffix test (useprefix=true) first-last @INCOLLECTION{presufftest, EDITOR = {von Greaves, Jr., Percy L.}, TITLE = {A test of prefix 2}, DATE = {1969}, } % Prefix + suffix test (useprefix=false) @MISC{nopresufftest, OPTIONS = {useprefix=false}, AUTHOR = {von Greaves, Jr., Percy L.}, TITLE = {A test of noprefix 2}, DATE = {2001} } % Prefix + suffix test (useprefix=true) @BOOK{presufftest2, AUTHOR = {von Greaves, Jr., Percy L.}, TITLE = {A test of noprefix 2}, DATE = {2001} } % Test "and others" @ARTICLE{ao1, AUTHOR = {Boker, S. and Neale, M. and Maes, H. and Wilde, M. and Spiegel, M. and Brick, T. and Spies, J. and Estabrook, R. and Kenny, S. and Bates, T. and others}, TITLE = {Open{M}x: {A}n open source extended structural equation modeling framework}, JOURNAL = {Psychometrika}, VOLUME = {76}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {306--317}, DATE = {2011} } @ARTICLE{ao2, AUTHOR = {Olive, K. A. and others}, DATE = {2014} } % Testing multicite name elision @ARTICLE{kingetal2005a, AUTHOR = {King, J. E. and Weiss, A. and Farmer, K. H.}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2005} } @ARTICLE{weissetal2007a, AUTHOR = {Weiss, A. and King, J. E. and Hopkins, W. D.}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2007} } @ARTICLE{weissetal2009a, AUTHOR = {Weiss, A. and Inoue-Murayama, M. and Hong, K-W. and Inoue, E. and Udono, S. and Ochiai, T. and Matsuzawa, T. and Hirata, S. and King, J. E.}, TITLE = {Title}, DATE = {2009} } % Testing citation with complete dates @ARTICLE{Ludwig2014, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {nonacademic}, AUTHOR = {Ludwig, Jan}, TITLE = {Wenn nichts mehr geht}, URL = {http://www.zeit.de/campus/2014/06/pruefungsergebnis-klage}, JOURNALTITLE = {Zeit Campus}, DATE = {2014-10-08}, LANGUAGE = {de} } % Testing date range with same months, different days @BOOK{daterange1, AUTHOR = {Freddy Furnishings}, TITLE = {Authorship Provisions in Augment}, DATE = {1984-02-01/1984-02-27}, } % Testing date range with different months @BOOK{daterange2, AUTHOR = {Graham Granary}, TITLE = {Authorship Provisions in Augment}, DATE = {1984-02-27/1984-03-01}, } % Testing fullcite so make it nice and long @ARTICLE{FC1, AUTHOR = {Arthur Amorous and Brian Belligerent and Clive Clandestine}, TITLE = {Names Which Inspire Envy}, SUBTITLE = {The Fashions of Nominal Imprudence}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of International Interest}, VOLUME = {87}, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {1423--1458}, DATE = {1923} }