% +--------------------------------------------------+ % | Typeset this file to get the documentation. | % +--------------------------------------------------+ % %% Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2006 Javier Bezos %% All Rights Reserved %% http://www.texytipografia.com %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this %% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version %% of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% This Current Maintainer of this work is Javier Bezos. %% %% This work consists of the files accents.tex and accents.sty. \def\fileversion{1.3} \def\docdate{May 12, 2006} \documentclass{ltxguide} \usepackage{accents} \title{The \textsf{accents} Package\footnote{This package is currently at version \fileversion.}} \author{Javier Bezos\footnote{For bug reports, comments and suggestions go to \texttt{http://www.texytipografia.com}. English is not my strong point, so contact me when you find mistakes in the manual. Other packages by the same author: \textsf{tensind} (tensorial indexes), \textsf{spanish} (for babel), \textsf{titlesec} (to redefine sectioning macros), \textsf{dotlessi} (dotless i in any math group).}} \date{\docdate} \newenvironment{sample}{\begin{quote}\small\begin{tabbing}% \hskip14pc\=\hskip6pc\\} {\end{tabbing}\end{quote}} \DeclareMathAccent{\wtilde}{\mathord}{largesymbols}{"65} \raggedright \advance\textheight24pt \begin{document} \maketitle This package provides some miscellaneous tools for mathematical accents, with the following goals in mind: \begin{itemize} \item Creating faked accents from non-accent symbols, like $\accentset{\star}{s}$. \item Grouping them, perhaps including actual accents, like $\hat{\accentset{\star}{\hat h}}$. That has the side effect that multiple actual accents can be built as well. \item Putting them below the main symbol instead of above. \end{itemize} That is done so that the faked accents behave in quite similar fashion to actual accents do; i.e., the skew of the letter is taken into account (compare $\accentset{\ast}{d}$ with $\accentset{\ast}{h}$) and the sub and superscripts attached to it aren't misplaced (look carefully at $\accentset{\star}{f}_1^1$). Release 1.1 included a few new features, some of them following suggestions by Donald Arseneau. In particular, the |\underaccent| command has been fully reimplemented for the slant to be taken into account and the ``accent'' to be placed below the symbol can be anyone, not only real accents. This release just makes it compatible with \textsf{amsmath} 2 with a quick fix. \begin{decl} |\DeclareMathAccent| \end{decl} This \LaTeXe{} command is reimplemented so that newly defined accents will incorporate the features of this package. The standard accents are automatically redefined, including |\mathring| if you are using one of the latest \LaTeX{} releases. However, both |\widetilde| and |\widehat| remains untouched. If you are using a non standard math encoding, the accents following the standard encoding names are rightly redefined, but new accents are not converted because \textsf{accents} is not aware of its existence. See |fntguide.tex| in the \LaTeX{} standard distribution for a discussion on |\DeclareMathAccent|. \begin{decl} |\ring{}| \end{decl} The accent in $\ring{x}$, which was available in this package (and in fact in many others) before the |\mathring| command was added to the \LaTeX{} kernel. \begin{decl} |\accentset{}{}| \end{decl} Builds a faked accent, as for instance \begin{sample} |\accentset{\star}{d}| \> $\accentset{\star}{d}$\\ |\accentset{\diamond}{h}| \> $\accentset{\diamond}{h}$\\ |\tilde{\accentset{\circ}{\phi}}| \> $\tilde{\accentset{\circ}{\phi}}$ \end{sample} The || is always in |\scriptscriptmode|; hence, using |\accentset| in scripts won't give the desired result. Of course, if you use some faked accent many times, you can define: \begin{verbatim} \newcommand\starred[1]{\accentset{\star}{#1}} \end{verbatim} and |\starred| will become an accent, like |\hat|, |\tilde|, etc. \begin{decl} |\dddot \ddddot| \end{decl} Two prefabricated faked accents: $\dddot{f}$ and $\ddddot{f}$. \begin{decl} |\underaccent{}{}| \end{decl} This command puts the || under the ||. Both real and faked accents are allowed. For instance, \begin{sample} |\underaccent{\hat}{x}| \> $\underaccent{\hat}{x}$\\ |\underaccent{\bar}{\gamma}| \> $\underaccent{\bar}{\gamma}$\\ |\underaccent{\triangleright}{q}| \> $\underaccent{\triangleright}{q}$\\ |\underaccent{\tilde}{\mathcal{A}}| \> $\underaccent{\tilde}{\mathcal{A}}$ \end{sample} Many people likes using the wider version of the tilde accent as printed by the |\widetilde| command, i.e., $\widetilde{A}$ instead of $\tilde{A}$. I find that aesthetically questionable, but anyway it can be used under the symbol as well. Since |\widetilde| remains untouched, you should define: \begin{verbatim} \DeclareMathAccent{\wtilde}{\mathord}{largesymbols}{"65} \end{verbatim} and write |\underaccent{\wtilde}{V}|, say (giving $\underaccent{\wtilde}{V}$). You may build an accent with |\sim|, too. (The value for a wide hat is |"62|) Sadly, \TeX{} lacks of a mechanism to place underaccents similar to that used in accents. Letters have a large variety of shapes and finding an automatic adjusting is practically impossible. Compare for instance the following letters: \begingroup \def\\{\underaccent{\bar}}% $\\V$, $\\Q$, $\\p$, $\\q$, $\\f$, $\\\beta$, $\\\gamma$, $\\{\mathcal{F}}$, $\\{\mathcal{A}}$ \endgroup and you wil understand the difficulties. \begin{decl} |\undertilde{}| \end{decl} This is the ``under'' version of |\widetilde| and like the latter is intended for constructions involving several symbols. For instance: \begin{sample} |\undertilde{CV}| \> $\undertilde{CV}$ \end{sample} Note that in this case no correction is made in the placement of the tilde. \begin{decl} |nonscript single| \end{decl} These package options are intended mainly for speeding up the typesetting of document. The algorithm used here is recursive and very slow; although in fast processors that is not felt, in slow system that could be very annoying. \begin{description} \item[single] If you are interested only in |\accentset|. Accents are not reimplemented. \item[nonscript] If you intend to use multiple accents in text and display modes only. \end{description} Macros are speeded up dramaticaly with both options; if your system is slow, I commend using them in drafts and removing them for the final print. Finally, some remarks: \begin{itemize} \item The package does not provides alternative accents for fonts lacking them. If you want an accented |\mathcal| letter you had to write |\hat{\hat{\mathcal{A}}}| ($\hat{\hat{\mathcal{A}}}$). \item |\mathbf{\hat{\hat h}}| gets the bold accent; |\hat{\hat{\mathbf{h}}}| not. \item The symbol in |\accentset| must be a single symbol. \item If you use \textsf{accents} with \textsf{amsmath} 2, you must load \textsf{accents} after. Note that \textsf{amsmath} could redefine some accents; in particular, if you experience problems with |\vec| and you are using the standard math encodings, define: \begin{verbatim} \let\vec\relax \DeclareMathAccent{\vec}{\mathord}{letters}{"7E} \end{verbatim} \end{itemize} \end{document}