@COMMENT{This BibTeX database consists of entries of all types of documents listed in the ``Instructions for Authors'', pp 5--6} @COMMENT{The references used in ``beilstein-template.tex'' are listed as well at the end of the file.} @COMMENT{Article within a journal} @ARTICLE{Constantino2001, author = {Constantino, M. G. and V. Lacerda, Jr. and Aragao, V.}, year ={2001}, journal = Molecules, volume = 6, pages = {770--776} } @COMMENT{Article within a journal with non-continuos (i.e.\ issue-based) pagination} @ARTICLE{Groeger2000, author = {Gr\"{o}ger, H. and Sans, J. and G\"{u}thner, T.}, journal = {Chim. Oggi}, year = 2000, volume = 18, number = {3/4}, pages = {12--16} } @COMMENT{If no volume, but only a number is given, ``No.'' is added automatically} @ARTICLE{Wills1983, author = {Wills, M. R. and Savory, J.}, journal = {Lancet}, year = 1983, number = 2, pages = {29} } @COMMENT{Article within a journal with article number} @COMMENT{The ``pages'' field is used for the article number.} @ARTICLE{Flamme2005, author = {Flamme, E. M. and Roush, W. R.}, journal = {Beilstein J. Org. Chem.}, year = 2005, volume = 1, pages = {No. 7} } @COMMENT{Article within a journal supplement} @ARTICLE{Orengo1999, author = {Orengo, C. A. and Bray, J. E. and Hubbard, T. and LoConte, L. and Sillitoe, I.}, journal = {Proteins}, year = {1999}, volume = 37, number = {Suppl. S3}, pages = {149--170} } @COMMENT{Article within a journal with two separate editions or with translations/article within a journal with aditional Chemical Abstracts reference} @ARTICLE{Grubbs2006, author = {Grubbs, R. H.}, journal = {Angew. Chem.}, year = 2006, volume = 118, pages = {3845--3850}, note = {{\emph{Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.} \textbf{2006,} \emph{45,} 3760--3765.}} } @COMMENT{In press article} @INPRESS{Schwartzman, author = {Schwartzman, M. and S. J. Wind}, journal ={Nano Lett.} } @COMMENT{Patent} @COMMENT{``pages'' holds the patent number, ``journal'' the type of patent} @PATENT{Schimmel, author = {Schimmel, T. and Xie, F. and Obermair, C.}, title = {Gate controlled atomic switch}, journal = {U.S. Pat. Appl.}, pages = {20090195300}, year = {Aug 6, 2009} } @COMMENT{Article within conference proceedings} @INPROCEEDINGS{Jones1996, author = {Jones, X.}, title ={Zeolites and synthetic mechanisms}, year = {1996}, pages = {16--27}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves}, publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann}, address = {Stoneham, MA}, venue = {Baltimore, MD, June 27--30, 1996}, editor = {Smith, Y.} } @COMMENT{Whole issue of a journal} @COMMENT{Instead of an author only an editor is given} @ARTICLE{OBrian2002, editor = {O'Brian, P.}, title = {Recent developments in chiral lithium amide base chemistry}, year ={2002}, journal = {Tetrahedron}, volume = 58, pages = {4567--4733} } @COMMENT{Whole conference proceedings} @Proceedings{Smith1996, editor = {Smith, Y.}, title ={Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves}, year = {1996}, address = {Stoneham, MA}, venue = {Baltimore, MD, June 27--30, 1996}, publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann} } @COMMENT{Complete book} @BOOK{Rao2005, author = {Rao, C. N. R. and Govindaraj, A.}, title = {Nanotubes and Nanowires}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry}, address = {Cambridge, U.K.}, year = 2005 } @COMMENT{Book edition} @BOOK{Borisenko2008, author = {Borisenko, V. E. and Ossicini, S.}, title = {What is what in the Nanoworld}, edition = 2, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Berlin}, year = 2008 } @COMMENT{Book chapter or article within book} @INCOLLECTION{Taylor2007, author = {Taylor, R. and Burley, G. A.}, title = {Production, Isolation and Purification of Fullerenes}, booktitle = {Fullerenes -- Principles and Application}, editor = {Langa, F. and Nierengarten, J.-F.}, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry}, address = {Cambridge, U.K.}, year = 2007, pages = {1--14} } @COMMENT{Book chapter or article within a multi-volume book} @INCOLLECTION{Farnum2003, author = {Farnum, M. A. and DesJarlais, R. L. and Agrafiotis, D. K.}, title = {Molecular Diversity}, booktitle = {Handbook of Chemoinformatics: From Data to Knowledge}, editor = {Gasteiger, J.}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim, Germany}, year = {2003}, volume = {4}, pages = {1640--1686} } @COMMENT{Chapter of a book in a series} @INCOLLECTION{Goldfuss2003, author = {Goldfuss, B.}, title = {Enantioselective addition of organolithiums to C=O groups}, booktitle = {Organolithiums in Enantioselective Synthesis}, editor = {Hodgson, D. M.}, series = {Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, Vol.~5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = 2003, pages = {21--35} } @COMMENT{Book with institutional author} @BOOK{AnnualReport, author = {{Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification}}, title = {Annual Report}, year = 1999, address = {London} } @COMMENT{Thesis} @PhDThesis{Pfrang2004, author = {Pfrang, A.}, title ={Von den Fr\"uhstadien der Pyrokohlenstoffabscheidung bis zum Kompositwerkstoff -- Untersuchungen mit Rastersondenverfahren}, year = {2004}, school = {University of Karlsruhe, Germany} } @COMMENT{For online resources a new type ``WWW'' is introduced. The fields ``url'' and ``urldate'' hold the corresponding address and access date. Please note: the urldate is not formatted, so it has to be in the correct format already.} @WWW{Bozen2002, title = {Proceedings of ``Molecular Informatics: Confronting Complexity'', May 13--16, 2002, Bozen, Italy}, url = {http://www.beilstein-institut.de/index.php?id=154}, urldate = {Sep 12, 2007} } @COMMENT{Software} @COMMENT{For software a field ``version'' can be used.} @SOFTWARE{Gaussian03, title = {Gaussian 03}, version = {Revision C.02}, publisher = {Gaussian, Inc.}, address = {Wallingford, CT}, year = {2004} } @Comment{----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} @Comment{References used in ``beilstein-template.tex''.} @INCOLLECTION{Pornet2002, author = {Pornet, J.}, title = {Product Subclass 32: Allenylsilanes}, booktitle = {Science of Synthesis}, editor = {Fleming, I.}, publisher = {Georg Thieme Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, year = {2002}, pages = {669--683}, volume = {4} } @ARTICLE{Masse1995, author = {Masse, C. E. and Panek, J. S.}, journal = chreay, year = 1995, volume = 95, pages = {1293--1316} } @ARTICLE{Jian1995, author = {Jian, J. and Smith, D. T. and Weinreb, S. M.}, year ={1995}, journal = joceah, volume = 60, pages = {5366--5367} } @ARTICLE{Weinreb1998, author = {Weinreb, S. M. and Smith, D. T. and Jian, J.}, year ={1998}, journal = syntbf, pages = {509--521} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1980, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Carini, D. J.}, year ={1980}, journal = joceah, volume = 45, pages = {3925--3927} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1986, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Carini, D. J. and Kwasigroch, C. A.}, year ={1986}, journal = joceah, volume = 51, pages = {3870--3878} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1985, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Kwasigroch, C. A. and Tsai, Y.-M.}, year ={1985}, journal = jacsat, volume = 107, pages = {7233--7235} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1985b, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Fink, D. M.}, year ={1985}, journal = {Tetrahedron Lett.}, volume = 26, pages = {2513--2516} } @ARTICLE{Daidouji2005, author = {Daidouji, K. and Fuchibe, K. and Akiyama, T.}, year ={2005}, journal = orlef7, volume = 7, pages = {1051--1053} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1981, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Carini, D. J. and Basak, A.}, year ={1981}, journal = jacsat, volume = 103, pages = {1604--1606} } @ARTICLE{Danheiser1983, author = {Danheiser, R. L. and Carini, D. J. and Fink, D. M.}, year ={1983}, journal = tetrab, volume = 39, pages = {935--947} } @Article{Danheiser1987, author="R. L. Danheiser and D. A. Becker", journal="Heterocycles", year="1987", volume="25", pages="277-281", } @Article{Yadav2004, author="V. K. Yadav and V. Sriramurthy", journal="Org. Lett.", year="2004", volume="6", pages="4495-4498", note="Annulations leading to cyclohexenes are known, see reference 11", } @Article{Danheiser1987b, author="R. L. Danheiser and Y.-M. Tsai and D. M. Fink", journal="Org. Synth.", year="1987", volume="66", pages="1-4", }