\documentclass[10pt, compress]{beamer} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[green]{beamertheme-light} \title[The package \texttt{light}]{Colored beamer layout \\ with \texttt{beamertheme-light}} \author[F. Vergnet and V. Goepp]{F. Vergnet$^\dagger$ and V. Goepp$^{\ddagger}$} \institute{$\dagger$ : LMO, Universit\'e Paris-Sud, Universit\'e Paris-Saclay, \\ $\ddagger$ : MAP5, Universit\'e Paris-Descartes} \date{Package version 1.0 (29/01/2019)} \begin{document} {\setbeamertemplate{footline}{} \begin{frame} \titlepage \end{frame} } \begin{frame} \frametitle{How to use the package} \begin{enumerate} \item Download \texttt{beamertheme-light} from CTAN. \item Include \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage[coloroption]\{beamertheme-light\}} in your \texttt{.tex} beamer document. \item Replace \texttt{coloroption} by the color of your choice: ``red'', ``blue'', ``purple'', or ``green'' (the default color) \item The beamer document will have the same layout as this document. \end{enumerate} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Further options} \begin{enumerate} \item Provide a short title field. \item Provide a short author field. \item Use the command \texttt{\textbackslash thankframe\{mymessage\}} for the last frame. \end{enumerate} \end{frame} %%%%% Define last frame %%%%% \thankframe{This is the thankframe} \end{document}