\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{The output} The pdf generated, has automatically, some properties: \begin{itemize} \item the title \item the name of the author \item the subject: \begin{itemize} \item Thesis Presentation by using the english language \item Presentazione Tesi di Laurea by using the italian language \end{itemize} \end{itemize} This is possible thanks to the available options of hyperref. To create references in the text, use: \begin{itemize} \item \verb!\label{name-reference}! in the starting point \item \verb!\ref{name-reference}! in the point you want to show the reference \item \verb!\href{url}{name-url}! to specify web addresses \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Suggestions} \begin{itemize} \item To realize a frame it is possible use the environment \emph{frame} with top (t), center (c) or bottom (b) alignment: I suggest you to use the top alignment; this is the basic code: \verb!\begin{frame}[t]{title-of-the-frame}! \begin{flushleft} text \end{flushleft} \verb!\end{frame}! \item To make things easier, it has been introduced a new environment which is able to have the top property property intrinsic: \verb!\begin{tframe}{title-of-the-frame}! \begin{flushleft} text \end{flushleft} \verb!\end{tframe}! \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Suggestions (II)} \begin{itemize} \item To realize the titlepage with all options, it has been introduced the command \verb!\titlepageframe! \begin{itemize} \item Of course, it is also possible to use the \emph{standard} approach\\ \verb!\begin{frame}[plain]!\\ \verb!\titlepage! \\ \verb!\end{frame}! \item In this case \textbf{do not} provide a title for the frame \end{itemize} \item If you have to insert some code using \emph{verbatim} or \emph{listings} \textbf{do not exploit} \emph{tframe} environment, but:\\ \verb!\begin{frame}[t,fragile]{title-of-the-frame}! \begin{verbatim} \verb!code! \end{verbatim} \verb!\end{frame}! \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{tframe}{On Facebook} The relevance of Facebook is known to everybody: due to this reason, you can find: \begin{itemize} \item the group \href{https://www.facebook.com/\#!/groups/beamer2thesis/}{Beamer2Thesis} \item the page \href{https://www.facebook.com/\#!/pages/Beamer2Thesis/112814205489099}{Beamer2Thesis} \end{itemize} In this way you can post your comments, hints, suggestion and questions in more familiar way. Morevoer, you can find further examples. \end{tframe} \begin{tframe}{History} Here are shortly reported the main features of the releases: \begin{itemize} \item basic version (2011-01-17): \begin{itemize} \item colors, second logo, second candidate, tframe environment, titleline, bullets, languages, separator string for slide numeration; \end{itemize} \item release 2.0: \begin{itemize} \item third logo, assistant supervisor, new ways to highlight, new command for the titlepage, new enviroments \emph{adv} and \emph{disadv}, \XeTeX\, and \XeLaTeX\, support, block. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{tframe} \begin{tframe}{Thanks} I would like to thank people that, with precious hints, help me: \begin{itemize} \item Alessio Califano \item Alessio Sanna \item Luca De Villa Palù \item Mariano \emph{Dave} Graziano \item Giovanna Turvani \item Mattia Stefano \item Nicola Tuveri \item Giuliana Galati \end{itemize} A special thank to Claudio Beccari for very precise comments on the previous version. \end{tframe}