\documentclass[hyperref={pdfauthor=Fiandrino Claudio}]{beamer} \usetheme[language=english,% Language used: default is english titlepagelogo=logopolito,% Logo for the first page bullet=diamond,% Avaiable bullets are: square,diamond,triangle,circle; default is circle pageofpages=of,% String used between the current page and the total page count titleline=true,% Show a line below the frame title color=red,% Set the color: default is blue, are also avaiable green and red secondcandidate=true,% Option to introduce the second candidate: allows to use command \secondcandidate secondlogo=true% Option to introduce the second candidate: allows to use command \titlepagesecondlogo ]{TorinoTh} \author{Claudio Fiandrino} \rel{Mario Rossi} \title{Beamer2Thesis, thesis theme for Beamer} \ateneo{Politecnico di Torino} \date{\today} \secondcandidate{Antonio Verdi} \titlepagesecondlogo{beamer2thesis} \begin{document} \input{../content_initial} \begin{frame}[t,fragile]{Configuration} \begin{itemize} \item The configuration of the standard theme is: \begin{itemize} \item \verb!language=english! \item \verb!titlepagelogo=name-of-the-logo! \item \verb!bullet=diamond! \item \verb!pageofpages=of! \item \verb!titleline=true! \item \verb!color=red! \item \verb!secondcandidate=true! \item \verb!secondlogo=true! \end{itemize} \item The configuration needs two more commands: \begin{itemize} \item \verb!\secondcandidate{Antonio Verdi}! \item \verb!\titlepagesecondlogo{beamer2thesis}! \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{tframe}{Behavior of alerts with current option} Each color theme requires different colors to highlight words: \begin{itemize} \item<+-| alert@+> Apple \item<+-| alert@+> Peach \end{itemize} \end{tframe} \input{../content_end.tex} \end{document}