2005-06-16 Till Tantau Version 3.06: - Fixed bug in drawing of buttons. - Version for use with pgf version 1.00. 2005-06-12 Till Tantau Version 3.05: - Added color theme wolverine and presentation theme AnnArbor, submitted by Madhusudan Singh . - Added two screen options. - Added subsubsections (evil!). - Added \begin{frame}{Title}{Subtitle} syntax. - Switched to pgf version 0.95 Changes: - \setbeamercovered is now scoped. Bugfixes: - Fixed location of navigation symbols on plain frames. - Fixed wrong frame number in conjunction with fragile option. - Fixed compatibility definitions like \beamertemplateballtoc. - Fixed compatibility definitions for \beamersetleftmargin. - Fixed wobbling height of frametitle in default theme. - Fixed problem with serif theme and "onlymath" option. - Fixed problem with >127 characters and fragile option. - Fixed problem with activation of Chinese characters - Fixed problem with spaces in semiverbatim. 2004-10-11 Till Tantau Version 3.01: Added: - Option "fragile" that allows the use of overlays together with verbatims. *Extremely* useful. - Added option "T" to columns command/environment for alignment of top of first lines instead of baselines of first lines. - Added a color theme (dolphin) and a presentation theme (Boadilla) due to Manuel Carro. Bugfixes: - Fixed "fotoline" in beamerbasecompatibility.sty and beamerthemeboxes.sty. - Fixed vertical spacing problem having to do with the use of \trivlist. - Fixed problem with wrong short forms of section/subsection in certain outer themes in headline. - Fixed bug causing "unknown command \insertblockname" in article mode. - Changed definition of \normalcolor so that it works inside color mixins. - Fixed problems with autoframebreak and unwanted breaks. - Fixed problem with problem with vertical mode after \item. - "Smoothed" the rendering of the right side of boxes with shadows. - Fixed "descriptionwidth" to "description width". - Fixed problem with labels outside frames creating empty frames. - Applied lot's of spelling patches to user guide. - Fixed \thanks. - Navigation symbols are no longer shown in handout and trans modes, by default (write \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}[default] to get them back). 2004-09-27 Till Tantau Version 3.00: Added: - Added inmargin and Bergen themes. - Added beamerbasercs.sty. Bugfixes: - Fixed problem with displayed math formulas are message "improper halign..." - Fixed wrong positioning of mini frames on notes pages. - Fixed bugs in outer theme miniframes. - Fixed foreground coloring problem in beamerboxesrounded. - Fixed \alert in article mode problem. - Fixed \temporal problem. - Fixed vertical mode after \item problem. - Applied patch with typo fixed submitted by Ohura Makoto. - Fixed warnings concerning it/sl substitution for cmss. - Renamed "ternary" to "tertiary" and "fourth" to "quaternary". - Changed parent of color "frametitle" to "titlelike". - Fixed problem with \note in lectures that are excluded. 2004-09-23 Till Tantau Version 2.99 Release notes: - This is a pretest version. Version 3.00 will be the next "real" release. The present version should not be distributed as bundles or suchlike. - You need pgf 0.63 and xcolor 2.00 for this version. - Quite a lot has changed. However, old presentations should compile just fine, except if really wicked things have been done. If a reasonably normal old presentation no longer compiles, please drop me a line. - Some small color and spacing changes in the old themes may occur. Themes: - Completely new theme management. - Lot's of new variations of themes. - Font/element/layout/color themes are orthogonal and can be freely combined. - Old themes obsolete, but supported for compatibility. - Original default theme is now in "beamerthemecompatibility.sty". New default is more minimalistic. + Presentation themes: - There are now 24 ready-to-use presentation themes. - Manuel Carro has send me a theme that I slightly adapted and added as the Madrid theme. + Layout and element Themes: - There are 9 different layouts themes, including three new ones that were not available in the previous version. - There are 4 different element themes (which dictate things like how items are typeset). + Color themes: - There are 10 color themes, including a yellow-on-blue theme. - The seahorse and rose theme allow you to change the colors of headlines and footlines easily to much less "aggressive" versions. - You can now dictate the color of every minute detail of a presentation individually, (including math!). + Font themes: - 6 font themes. Change the fonts of titles to, say, small caps just by using the smallcaps theme; no need to meddle with templates. - Just like colors, you can individually change all fonts in minute detail without touching any templates. Documentation: - Split documentation into multiple files. - Reorganized and reworked large parts of the documention. - Added a small tutorial to help new users. - Extracted all "guidelines" and "recommendations" and put them in a "guidelines" section. Also added lots of guidelines on fonts. - Added an index (though it's pretty poor, still). Solutions: - Added a solutions directory. It contains ready-to-use solutions for common problems (like a template for a conference talk). - Help appreciated (see the documentation). Added: - Added frame environment (finally!). - Added the dot notation to overlay specifications. If a dot is used instead of a plus, the beamerpauses counter is not incremented. - Added xmpmulti.sty. Very useful for including Multi Metapost graphics. - Added some functionality to \onslide to get it more in sync with ha-prosper. - Made \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification work also outside frames. - Added new version of beamer.el by Thomas Baumann. - \footnote now takes an overlay specification. - Added beamercolorbox environment. - Characters like : may now be active (nice for french style). Only exceptions are < and >. - Added a note on how to use msc.sty with beamer. - TOCs in sidebar will now do line breaking (finally!). - Powerful object-oriented new font management. - Powerful object-oriented new color management. - \tableofcontents now has more options for showing/not showing entries. - Same is true for the toc in sidebars. - Added \keywords command (like \subject). - Added a patch to make beamer work together with musixtex. \pause will be redeclared inside music environments. - Added \insert's for inserting the start and end pages of the current frame, subsection, section, part, presentation, appendix. Changed: - Reordered directories. - beamerboxesrounded now works differently. color schemes no longer needed. - Option class=xxxx onsolete. Use document class xxxx directly instead and load new style beamerarticle. - Cleaned up lot's of internals. - Slight changes to vertical spacing. - slidestop is now called "t" and slidescentered is called "c". - \beamersetleftmargin and \beamersetrightmargin obsolete. Use \setbeamersize instead. - Old themes are now mapped to new internal mechanisms. Slight color and vertical spacing changes may occur. Bugfixes: - Fixed incompatibility with czech.sty. - Fixed some spacing problems with \label. - Fixed bug that could cause endless loop if more than two pages resulted from an allowframebreaks. - Fixed bug that caused incorrect counter resets in conjunction with allowframebreaks. - Fixed bug that caused footnotes of suppressed frames to spill over to the next frame. - Fixed bug with \AtBeginSection + \lecture + \mode* - Fixed \label bug in article mode in conjunction with amstex - Fixed spacing problems when \pause is used in equations - Fixed spacing problem with slides that start with an itemize. - Fixed color problem in itemize in conjunction with evil use of \everymath. - Fixed failure of action environment in handout and trans modes. - Fixed bug with shrink + t options. - Fixed lot's of other small things. 2004-07-06 Till Tantau Version 2.21 - Switched to xcolor 2.00. 2004-04-19 Till Tantau Version 2.20 Added: - Added style "Separator" in LyX. - Added multimedia.sty for movie and sound inclusion. - Added evil allowframebreaks option to frames for automatic frame breaking. - Added evil shrink option for automatic frame text shrinking. - Added squeeze option to frames for squeezing more on a frame. - Added \framesubtitle command. - Added \subtitle command. - Added \subject command. - Added option usepdftitle=false to suppress automatic generation of author and title entries in pdf document info. - Added \framezoom command. - Added new version of beamer.el, due to Thomas Baumann. Changes: - FoilTeX emulation will now do automatic page breaking. - Empty lines in "Standard" lyx style will no longer be kept, use an empty Separator line instead. - Changed the qed symbol to an open rectangle. - The way frame titles are typeset is completely different now, internally. Under normal circumstance you should not notice any differences, but if you do wicked things with the frame titles, problems might arise. Bugfixes: - Fixed definition of overlayarea to give better spacing. - Fixed problem with persisting background color and dvips. - Fixed zillions of typos in the user's guide spotted by Xavier Noria and Uwe Stoer. - Fixed unrobust definition of \\. 2004-04-07 Till Tantau Version 2.11 - Added t, b, c options to \frame. - Fixed esoteric bug in beamerbaseoptions. - Fixed problem with \againframe and counters. - Added (small part of) texpower emulation and foils emulation. - Changed the examples for emulation of prosper. - Now works with xcolor 1.10 (and only 1.10). - Fixed a PostScript related problems in bibliographies. - Fixed lyx default template. - Fixed bug that caused option CJK to be broken (though cjk worked). - Added inserts for section numbers for navigation bars. - Fixed problem with spacing inside itemize after equations. 2004-03-10 Till Tantau Version 2.10 - Fixed some spacing problems in uncover and invisible, itemize and pause. - Moved head/footline calculation after beginning of document. This fixes all sorts of problems. - Added utf8 encoding support. - Added a (HA-)Prosper emulation layer. - Added a seminar emulation layer. - Added third level of itemize/enumerate nesting (I don't like it, but some people do). - Added the \onslide command for use outside overprint environments. It generalises \pause in a simple, easy-to-use way. - Added incremental overlay specifications (very useful). - Added beamer.el emacs plug-in, contributed by Thomas Baumann. - Fixed problem that caused empty columns to disappear. - \ref will now create hyperjumps. - Switched to amsthm for theorems. Theorems now accept optional arguments (amsthm like). - Added \newtheorem support. 2004-02-23 Till Tantau Version 2.01 - Fixed bug with class options containing braces - Fixed bug in beamerbasecolor.sty - Fixed bug that caused footnotes not to be shown. - Fixed bug that caused \normalcolor to ignore mixins. - Fixed bug with french and spanish babel in article mode. - Fixed bugs in \cite and \bibitem commands. Will now correctly handle spaces in conjunction with babel. - Fixed bugs in beamerpresentation.lyx. - Fixed bug with \@centercr in article mode. - \cite now hyperlinks - \beamertemplateballitems will now also project mini templates on balls. Write \useenumerateitemminitemplate{\color{beamercolor}\insertenumlabel} to get the old behaviour. - \footnote now takes an extra optional argument. 2004-02-18 Till Tantau Version 2.00 Added: - Added placement options to columns and column commands. - Added \column command. - Added label option to frames. - Added \againframe command for showing a frame again later on (very useful!). - Added \includeonlyframe command for typesetting only specific frames. - Added \AtBeginSection, \AtBeginSubsection, and \AtBeginPart commands (very useful!). - Added \visible command (opposite of \invisible). - Added verse, quotation, and quote environments. - Added abstract environment (not very useful in my opinion). - Added colored option to \defverbatim for use with lstlisting. - Added grid density option to grid background. - Added professionalfont option. - Added automatic support of serif math minion fonts. - Added option to \pause command to pause only from a specific slide on. - Added \unpause to stop the last \pause. - Includes enumerate.sty by default and allows one to use its functionality in beamer. - Added dark and tab options to beamerthemesidebar. Other sidebar themes no longer needed. - Made \note work also inside frames. - Added templates for notes. - Added notes=onlyframeswithnotes option for generating only frames that contain a note. - Added options to all \insertshortxxx commands. - Added option for passing arguments to color, xcolor, pgf, and hyperref. - Added \action and actionenv environments. - Added the concept of actions to overlay specifications. For example, \item will alert the item on the second slide and \item<2-| alert@2> will furthermore have the item covered before that. - Added <> option to \newcommand and \newenvironment to make the defined commands overlay-specification aware. - \only and \alt will now also accept an overlay specification "at the end". - Block environments now accept overlay specification also before the argument. - Added \mode command - Added beamerbasearticle.sty -> makes nearly all beamer commands available in article mode in a sensible way. - Added mode specifications to \section and \subsection commands (useful for the article version). - Started adding some templates for rendering frames in article mode. - Added \lecture command and \includeonlylecture (useful for lecture notes). - Added a containsverbatim option to the \frame command. Should be used instead of the old \frame (which is, however, still supported). - Made \includegraphics, \pgfimage, and \pgfuseimage overlay-specification-aware. (useful for pseudo-animations) Changed: - Every frame is now put into a box internally. Slides will never be split over two pages. - \pause commands now transcends blocks (very useful, but not compatible!) - Balls are now also used for enumerations, not just for itemize in shadow theme. Use \beamertemplateenumeratealpha to get old behaviour. - Changed syntax of alert and structure templates. - Reworked internals of overlay management. Should produce slightly shorter files. - Changed file names of .jpg and .png images to start with "beamer-" to avoid name clashes. - Renamed \original to \beameroriginal because of clash with lucidia font styles. - "Streamlined" themes to use the same basic templates. - \noteitems replaced by \note[enumerate]. - \nameslide command is now obsolete. Use the label= option instead. - Removed notesonly option. Use notes=only. - Themes beamerthemesidebartab, beamerthemesidebardark, and beamerthemesidebardarktab are now obsolete. Use beamerthesesidebar will appropriate options instead. - Theme beamerthemetreebars obsolete. Use beamerthemetree with option bars instead. - Removed compressnotes option. Use \beamertemplatenotecompress instead. Removed: - Removed pauses environment (no longer needed). - Improved pgf makes \pgfonly superfluous. Use \only instead. - Removed reproducable .pdf example files from repository for faster cvs checkout/checkin. - Removed \invisibleon command (was superfluous anyway). - Removed \mixinon command (was not very useful and clashes with new \pause command; use \opaqueness instead). - Removed \newoverlaycommand and \renewoverlaycommand. Can be better implemented using \newcommand<>. - Removed \article, \presentation, and \common commands (still quietly tolerated). Should be replaced by \mode
, \mode, and \mode. - Removed beamer/lyx/doc. Documentation is now incorporated in the main user's guide. LyX: - Added a big example file beamerlyxexample1.lyx. - Changed \tableofcontents command so that options can be given in LyX. - Changed \frame command in LyX so that options can be given. - Added overprint and overlayarea environments. - Added \againframe command. - Changed beamer.layout to use new command \column. Old environment no longer supported in lyx. - A new frame and a section or subsection will automatically close the previous frame. EndFrame is only needed before the end of the document, before the appendix, and before "out-of-frame" material. - Added TitleGraphic command. - Documented the LyX interface in beameruserguide.pdf. Bugfixes: - Fixed bugs with "jumping" blocks in overlays. - Fixed bug with tabbing in beamerbaseboxes. - Added work-around for problem with black background in older versions of acroread. - Fixed problems with linebreak in short title and short author in sidebar themes. 2004-01-19 Till Tantau Version 1.21 - Fixed bug in \insertverticalnavigation that made sidebar themes unusable. 2004-01-16 Till Tantau Version 1.20 - Reorganzed directory structure: new directories base and themes - Added some explanations in user guide on font encodings and graphic file formats. - T1 encoding is fully supported now. - lmodern and fourier fonts are supported now. - \mathrm will always produce roman text now. - \mathbf will produced boldface serif or sans-serif text, depending on the math font selection. - Added options to include only certain sections in the table of contents. - Added option to hilight only the current subsection in the table of contents. - Added inserts for numbering sections in the table of contents. - Added predefined templates for more fancyful table of contents. - Shadow theme now uses a numbered table of contents by default. Use \beamertemplateplaintoc to get the old behaviour. - Changed the syntax of \frame. Overlay specification must now be given in pointed brackets. (Old syntax is quietly tolerated.) - Command \plainframe has been replaced by \frame[plain]. (Old syntax is quietly tolerated.) - Renamed beamerboxes to beamerbaseboxes and beamertemplates to beamerbasetemplate. They are included automatically, so simply delete an inclusion of the old packages). - Fixed bug in beamerbaseboxes. - Uncover now also works for whole lines or passages in tables and alignments, both for completely invisible covered and transparent covered text. - Item balls/icons now change color inside beamerboxes according to the color scheme. - Added versioning system for head and toc entries. Will no longer do weird things when left over files from an old version are encountered. (Makes updating a lot easier.) - Slightly changed LyX stuff to work together with the syntax changes. Still no real documentation. - Uses version 1.06 of xcolor now. - Uses pgf 0.50 now. - Mechanism for alternate selection of images and shading is slightly changed and incompatible with the old one. - pgf's cvs is now also on SourceForge next to the beamer class. 2003-12-09 Till Tantau Version 1.10: - Started implementing a LyX interface, see the lyx directory (not yet documented very well). - Fixed bug with navigation symbols and dvips, ps2pdf. - Fixed bug with navigation symbols and missing \logo. - Added more size options. - Fixed bug in parts with superfluous frame symbols in navigation bars. 2003-11-25 Till Tantau Version 1.04: - Fixed problem with Spanish style. - Fixed problem with compress in beamerthemesplit. - Fixed bug that made beamerthemeclassic useless. - Fixed incompatibility with deluxetabular. - Fixed bug with "gray" option. Renamed to "blackandwhite". - Fixed bug that caused columns in slidetop mode to be centered. 2003-11-20 Till Tantau Version 1.03: - Documented beamerboxes.sty - Added animation example. 2003-11-20 Till Tantau Version 1.02: - Added missing shadow theme file. - Documented changes of syntax of \transxxxx commands. 2003-11-15 Till Tantau Version 1.01: - Added shadow theme. - Added masked versions of images. - Added shadow blocks. - Added another example. 2003-11-12 Till Tantau Version 1.00: - Added part managment and documented it. - Changed \appendix to use \part internally. Appendix can now contain numerous sections. - Added \nameslide commands for inserting slides into the article version. - Added draft option. - Fixed bug with \pause and notesonly. - Added CJK option for Chinese fonts in navigation bars. - Added \includeslide command. - Needs pgf 0.40 now. - Added \beamertemplateroundedblocks (quite cute). - Added three examples. - Added compressnotes option. 2003-11-04 Till Tantau Version 0.93: - Added \article, \common, \presentation macros for creating an article version of a presentation from the same file. - Corrected several examples in the user guide. - Added additional hyperlink commands. - Added button management. - Reworked the formatting of the user's guide. - Added new navigation symbols. - Replaced inrow option and theme splitcondensed by compress option. 2003-10-28 Till Tantau Version 0.92: - Added figure and table environments. - Color management switch over to xxcolor. - Implemented transparency effects for covered items. - Fixed problem with \label. - Made \bibitem overlay-specification-aware. - Added \transduration command. - Added animation commands. - Added pauses environment. - Added pausing options to \tableofcontents. - Moved hidesubsections and shadedsubsections options to parameters of \tableofcontents. 2003-10-23 Till Tantau Version 0.91: - Documented side bar templates. - Fixed bug that did not suppress head and foot lines for notes. - Fixed bug that disabled transition effects. 2003-10-16 Till Tantau Version 0.90: - Improved the installation procedure documentation. - Added a \plainframe command for creating frames that are completely filled with a picture. Navigation bars are suppressed. - Clicking on the current frame icon will advance to last slide of the frame. - Added nicer icons for the bibliography. These are now vector graphics that work nicely together with a background shading and can be zoomed arbitrarily. - Fixed bug in overwritten \document. - Added \appendix command. - Fixed bug when using color options like "red". - Added theme beamerthemesplitcondensed, adapted from a submission by Paul Gomme - Added command \insertframenumber - Added several new themes - Fixed behaviour of split theme: optional arguments of \section and \subsection are now shown in navigation bars. - Added side bar management. 2003-10-13 Till Tantau Version 0.82: - Short versions of title, authors, institute can now be specified as optional parameters. - Fixed problem with the usage of commands (like \LaTeX) in \section and \subsection commands. 2003-10-09 Till Tantau Version 0.81: - Fixed problems with french babel styles. - Fixed problems with pdfmark.def - Fixed bugs in user guide - Fixed problem with using commands inside overlay specifications (you can now write \uncover<\value{xxx}>{something}) - Changed version numbering to become compatible with debian package manager 2003-10-01 Till Tantau Version 0.80: - Renamed \line to \beamerline to avoid clash with LaTeX standard \line - Added transition effects. - Expanded documentation. 2003-09-30 Till Tantau Version 0.71: - Added bibliography environment and appropriate templates. - Added \temporal command. 2003-09-26 Till Tantau Version 0.70: - Added per-frame resets for counters. Fixed a problem with wrong numbers in equations in overlays. - Fonts can now easily be changed. 2003-09-23 Till Tantau Version 0.62: - Added a description environment. 2003-09-22 Till Tantau Version 0.61: - Bugfix to make the class work with both old and new versions of geometry.sty. 2003-09-19 Till Tantau Version 0.60: - Bugfix for overlays and environments that internally use trivlists. - Bugfix for overlays and lists - no more whobbling. - Added overprint environment and overlayarea environment. 2003-09-18 Till Tantau Version 0.52: - Left and right margins can now be changed. - In \section commands, you can now use formulas and line breaks. - More documentation, especially on how to put several slides on one page. - Workflow documentation. - Two new themes. One of them needs version 0.11 of pgfshade.sty to work. 2003-08-31 Till Tantau Version 0.50: - Added options handout and trans. - Moved predefined templates to new file beamertemplates.sty - \titlepage must be put into a frame now - Added notes management. 2003-08-21 Till Tantau Version 0.40: - Created Change log. - New overlay management.