2016/06/02 Release on CTAN: axodraw2 [v. 2.1.0b 2016/06/02] axohelp [v. 1.0 2016/05/23] 2018/01/20 axohelp has standard options (-h, --help, -v, --version) Change verbose option to -V instead of -v Include files for autoconf and automake 2018/01/31 Updated manual to include information on status of axodraw2 and axohelp in MiKTeX. Compiled axohelp on Windows 10 and updated axohelp.exe. Checked package works with MiKTeX on Windows 10 by compiling manual. 2018/02/04 Minor corrections in manual. 2018/02/04 Update package version number and date. Version numbers: axodraw2 package [v. 2.1.0b 2018/02/05] axodraw2.sty [v. 2.1.0b 2016/06/02] axohelp [v. 1.1 2018/01/23] 2018/02/20 Correct LinAxis in axohelp to have LH thick tickmark when offset=1 Correct LinAxis and LogAxis to deal better with out-of-range arguments, and to be immune to rounding errors previously causing tickmarks at ends of axis being sometimes not drawn. Correct and simplify axohelp.test to work for TeXLive build. Update documentation. This version for release on CTAN. axodraw2 package [v. 2.1.1 2018/02/20] axodraw2.sty [v. 2.1.1 2018/02/15] axohelp [v. 1.2 2018/02/20]