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[(6.1)-1022(Prepro)-28(cessing)-333(scripts)-489(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(4)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(6.2)-1022(Expansion)-333(of)-334(user)-333(macros)-803(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(4)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(6.3)-1022(Screen)-334(r)1(e)-1(ader)-333(dictionaries)-766(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(4)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf -14.944 -21.918 Td [(7)-925(Implemen)32(tation)-25466(4)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(8)-925(History)-29649(7)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.346 -42.562 Td [(1)]TJ ET endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 7321 >> stream BT /F47 14.3462 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td 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[(and)-289(braill)1(e)-289(displa)28(ys.)-430(They)-289(can)-288(b)-28(e)-289(made)-289(accessible)-289(b)28(y)-289(i)1(nse)-1(rt)1(ing)-289(a)-289(hidden)-288(c)-1(ommen)28(t,)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(i.e.,)-324(an)-322(actual)-322(text,)-325(similarly)-322(to)-322(the)-322(case)-322(of)-322(w)28(eb)-322(pages.)-441(This)-322(can)-322(b)-28(e)-322(made,)-324(e.g.,)-325(b)28(y)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(using)-383(the)-383(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 46.853 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-383(pac)28(k)55(age)-382(p)-28(dfcommen)28(t.st)27(y)84(.)-593(In)-383(an)28(y)-383(case,)-396(this)-382(task)-383(m)27(ust)-382(b)-28(e)-383(man)28(u-)]TJ -62.309 -11.955 Td [(ally)-375(p)-27(erformed)-375(b)28(y)-375(the)-374(author)-375(and)-374(it)-375(is)-375(surely)-374(ine\016cien)27(t,)-384(since)-375(the)-375(author)-374(should)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td 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[(problem)-358(of)-358(the)-357(ac)-1(cessibilit)28(y)-358(of)-357(form)27(ulae.)-518(The)-358(pac)28(k)56(age)-358(accsupp.st)28(y)-358(dev)28(e)-1(l)1(ops)-358(some)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(in)28(teresting)-268(to)-28(ols)-268(for)-268(c)-1(ommen)28(ting)-268(form)28(ulae)-268(using)-269(also)-268(sp)-28(ecial)-268(c)28(haracters)-268(\050p)-28(ossibilit)28(y)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(that)-297(is)-296(not)-297(a)28(v)55(ailable)-296(in)-297(the)-297(p)-27(dfcommen)27(t.st)28(y)-297(pac)28(k)56(age\051.)-432(Moreo)27(v)28(er,)-304(this)-297(is)-296(not)-297(an)-297(au-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(tomatized)-351(metho)-28(d,)-355(since)-352(the)-351(commen)28(t)-351(m)28(ust)-352(b)-27(e)-351(man)27(ually)-351(inserted)-351(b)28(y)-351(the)-351(author.)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(The)-348(pac)27(k)56(age)-349(accessibilit)28(y)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 263.739 458.355 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 2.989 0 l S Q BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 266.728 458.156 Td [(meta.st)28(y)-349(is)-348(an)-349(impro)28(v)28(ed)-348(v)27(ersion)-348(of)-348(the)-349(pac)28(k)55(age)-348(accessi-)]TJ -113.034 -11.955 Td [(bilit)28(y)83(.st)28(y)83(.)-437(This)-311(pac)28(k)56(age)-311(allo)27(ws)-311(the)-311(p)-27(ossibilit)27(y)-311(of)-311(in)1(s)-1(ertin)1(g)-311(s)-1(ev)28(eral)-311(tags)-311(for)-311(sections,)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(links,)-406(\014gures)-392(and)-392(tables.)-619(Ho)27(w)28(ev)28(er,)-406(ev)27(en)-391(if)-392(these)-392(tags)-392(are)-392(recognized)-391(b)27(y)-391(the)-392(to)-28(ol)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(for)-384(c)28(hec)28(king)-384(tags)-383(of)-384(Acrobat)-384(Reader)-383(Pro,)-396(they)-384(are)-384(not)-383(alw)28(a)27(ys)-383(recognized)-384(b)28(y)-384(the)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(screen)-379(readers.)-582(Moreo)28(v)27(er,)-390(this)-379(pac)28(k)55(age)-379(do)-28(es)-379(not)-379(manage)-379(form)28(ulae.)-582(Our)-379(pac)27(k)56(age)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td 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0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(axessibilit)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 55.343 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -135.052 -23.91 Td [(The)-333(pac)27(k)56(age)-333(includes)-334(the)-333(follo)28(wing)-333(features:)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -19.925 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(The)-333(comm)-1(an)1(ds)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.911 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfcompresslev)32(el=0)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfoptionp)-32(dfminorv)32(ersion=6)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -23.91 Td [(that)-333(pro)-28(duce)-333(an)-334(uncompressed)-333(PDF)-333(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -9.962 -19.926 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(The)-333(comm)-1(an)1(d)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(BeginAccSupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -23.91 Td [(con)28(tained)-457(in)-457(the)-457(pac)28(k)55(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 115.899 0 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 43.919 0 Td 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[(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.964 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.964 0 Td [(g)]TJ -172.63 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 48.692 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.303 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 48.692 0 Td [(g)]TJ -184.087 -11.956 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [([)-333(.)-167(.)-167(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 19.371 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(])]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -29.335 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\050)-333(.)-167(.)-167(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 20.478 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\051)]TJ -30.442 -27.895 Td [(ha)28(v)28(e)-304(b)-27(ee)-1(n)-303(rede\014ned.)-434(In)-303(eac)27(h)-303(en)28(vironmen)28(t)-303(listed)-304(ab)-27(o)27(v)28(e,)-309(the)-303(command)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 302.616 0 Td [(\134wrap)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -302.616 -11.955 Td [(is)-327(inserted)-327(together)-327(with)-327(the)-327(command)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 171.915 0 Td [(\134collect@body)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.994 0 Td [(,)-328(so)-327(that)-327(all)-327(the)-327(con-)]TJ -239.909 -11.955 Td [(ten)28(t)-403(of)-402(the)-403(en)28(vironmen)28(t)-403(is)-402(automatically)-403(stored)-402(in)28(to)-403(an)-402(ActualT)83(ext)-403(in)-402(the)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(PDF)-333(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -24.906 -32.946 Td [(5)-1125(Usage)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.82 Td [(An)-290(author)-290(that)-290(w)28(an)28(ts)-290(to)-290(c)-1(r)1(e)-1(ate)-290(an)-290(accessible)-290(PDF)-290(do)-28(cumen)28(t)-290(for)-290(visually)-290(impaired)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(p)-28(eople)-277(can)-277(add)-278(this)-277(pac)28(k)55(age)-277(using)-277(the)-277(ab)-28(o)28(v)27(e)-277(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)-278(for)-277(inserting)-277(the)-278(f)1(orm)27(u-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(lae.)-427(The)-281(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 41.793 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-281(co)-28(de)-281(of)-280(the)-281(inserted)-281(form)28(ulae)-281(will)-281(b)-28(e)-281(ad)1(ded)-281(as)-281(hidden)-281(commen)28(ts)-281(in)]TJ -57.249 -11.955 Td [(corresp)-28(ondence)-271(to)-270(the)-271(lo)-28(cation)-271(of)-271(the)-270(form)27(ulae)-270(in)-271(the)-271(text.)-424(This)-271(wil)1(l)-271(allo)28(w)-271(the)-271(user)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(to)-322(access)-321(the)-322(form)28(ula)-322(co)-27(de)-322(with)-322(the)-321(screen)-322(reader)-321(and)-322(with)-321(the)-322(braille)-322(r)1(e)-1(f)1(res)-1(hab)1(le)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(displa)28(y)83(.)-601(Additionally)83(,)-399(the)-386(pac)28(k)56(age)-386(enables)-386(to)-386(cop)28(y)-386(th)1(e)-386(form)28(ula)-386(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 283.181 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-386(co)-28(de)-385(from)]TJ -298.637 -11.955 Td [(the)-333(PDF)-334(reader)-333(and)-333(paste)-334(it)-333(elsewhere.)]TJ 174.346 -34.897 Td [(3)]TJ ET endstream endobj 28 0 obj << /Length 6327 >> stream BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 168.638 707.125 Td [(Note)-267(that,)-280(to)-267(pr)1(e)-1(serv)28(e)-267(the)-266(compatibilit)28(y)-267(with)-267(Acrobat)-267(Reader,)-280(our)-266(pac)27(k)56(age)-267(dis-)]TJ -14.944 -11.955 Td [(courages)-310(the)-310(use)-310(of)-310(the)-310(underscore)-310(c)28(haracter)-310(\050)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 353.327 695.369 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 2.989 0 l S Q BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 356.316 695.17 Td [(\051,)-315(whic)28(h)-310(is)-310(not)-310(correctly)-310(read)-310(using)]TJ -202.622 -11.955 Td [(screen)-328(readers)-327(in)-328(com)28(bination)-327(w)-1(i)1(th)-328(this)-328(PDF)-327(reader.)-443(Alternati)1(v)27(ely)84(,)-329(w)28(e)-328(suggest)-328(to)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(use)-333(the)-334(equiv)56(alen)28(t)-334(command)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 127.079 0 Td [(\134sb)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 15.691 0 Td [(.)]TJ -127.826 -11.956 Td [(Inline)-385(and)-385(displa)28(y)28(ed)-385(mathematical)-385(mo)-28(des)-385(enco)-28(ded)-385(b)28(y)-385(means)-385(of)-385($)-385(and)-385($$)-384(are)]TJ -14.944 -11.955 Td [(not)-341(s)-1(u)1(pp)-28(orted)-342(b)28(y)-341(the)-342(pac)28(k)55(age.)-469(Ho)28(w)28(ev)28(e)-1(r)1(,)-344(external)-342(scripts,)-343(pro)28(vided)-342(as)-341(com)-1(p)1(anion)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(soft)28(w)28(are)-334(and)-333(describ)-28(ed)-333(in)-333(the)-334(follo)28(wing)-333(section,)-334(can)-333(also)-333(address)-334(these)-333(cases.)]TJ 14.944 -23.91 Td [(While)-333(m)27(u)1(ltiline)-334(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)-333(lik)27(e)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.911 Td [(align)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.027 0 Td [(,)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 6.089 0 Td [(m)32(ultline)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.213 0 Td [(,)-333(.)-167(.)-167(.)]TJ -86.273 -23.91 Td [(are,)-333(at)-334(presen)28(t,)-333(not)-333(directly)-334(supp)-27(orted,)-334(it)-333(is)-333(of)-334(course)-333(p)-28(ossible)-333(to)-334(use)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.963 0 Td [(g)-333(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(aligned)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 35.643 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.303 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.982 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(aligned)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 35.644 0 Td [(g)-333(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.963 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -340.582 -23.911 Td [(for)-333(t)28(yp)-28(esetting)-334(m)28(ultiline)-333(form)28(ulae.)-445(The)-333(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 127.435 -19.925 Td [(eqnarra)32(y)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.126 0 Td [(/)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(eqnarra)32(y*)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -176.543 -19.925 Td [(can)-456(b)-27(e)-456(\050partially\051)-456(treated)-456(b)28(y)-456(using)-455(the)-456(prepro)-28(cessing)-456(scripts)-455(\050se)-1(e)-455(b)-28(elo)28(w\051.)-812(The)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(full)-442(treatmen)27(t)-442(of)-442(the)-443(m)28(ultiline)-443(en)28(vironmen)28(ts,)-470(in)-442(particular)-442(those)-443(de\014ned)-442(in)-443(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.956 Td [(amsmath)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 48.894 0 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age,)-333(will)-333(b)-28(e)-333(added)-334(in)-333(future)-333(v)28(ersions.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -48.894 -32.945 Td [(6)-1125(External)-375(scripts)-375(and)-375(screen)-375(reader)-375(in)31(tegration)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(In)-289(addition)-289(to)-289(the)-289(pac)28(k)55(age,)-298(w)28(e)-289(also)-289(pro)28(vide)-289(scripts)-289(that)-289(c)-1(ompl)1(e)-1(men)28(t)-289(pac)28(k)55(age)-289(func-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(tionalities.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf 0 -27.889 Td [(6.1)-1125(Prepro)-31(cessing)-375(scripts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.389 Td [(While)-424(w)28(e)-423(w)27(armly)-423(suggest)-424(to)-424(foll)1(o)27(w)-423(the)-424(indications)-423(pro)27(vided)-423(in)-424(the)-423(usage)-424(guide)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(\050suggested)-331(commands)-332(and)-331(en)28(vironmen)28(ts\051,)-332(it)-331(is)-332(al)1(s)-1(o)-331(p)-28(ossible)-331(to)-331(apply)-331(our)-331(pac)27(k)56(age)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(to)-330(an)-330(already)-330(existing)-330(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 100.562 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-330(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)-444(In)-330(this)-330(case,)-331(it)-330(is)-330(necessary)-330(to)-330(prepro)-28(cess)]TJ -116.018 -11.955 Td [(the)-382(do)-28(cumen)28(t)-382(in)-382(order)-382(to)-382(replace)-382(some)-382(of)-382(th)1(e)-382(unsupp)-28(orted)-382(commands)-382(and)-382(en)28(vi-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(ronmen)28(ts)-394(with)-393(the)-393(suggested)-394(ones.)-624(W)83(e)-393(pro)27(vid)1(e)-394(a)-393(prepro)-28(cessing)-393(s)-1(cri)1(pt)-394(to)-393(handle)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(some)-333(of)-334(these)-333(cases)-334(at)-333(our)-333(Gith)28(ub)-334(rep)-27(ository)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 194.701 3.615 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.469 -3.615 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf -199.17 -27.889 Td [(6.2)-1125(Expansion)-375(of)-375(user)-375(macros)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.389 Td [(Note)-320(that)-319(custom)-320(macros)-320(used)-319(b)27(y)-319(the)-320(author)-319(within)-320(the)-320(form)28(ulae)-319(are)-320(copied)-320(as-is)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(in)28(to)-377(the)-376(ac)-1(tu)1(al)-377(text)-377(in)-376(the)-377(hidden)-377(commen)28(t.)-574(This)-377(macros)-377(ma)28(y)-377(b)-27(ear)-377(no)-377(meaning)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(for)-340(other)-341(readers,)-342(so)-340(it)-340(ma)27(y)-340(b)-28(e)-340(more)-341(meaningf)1(ul)-341(to)-340(expand)-340(those)-341(macros)-340(in)28(to)-341(the)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(original)-245(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 37.77 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-246(commands.)-415(W)83(e)-245(pro)28(vide)-246(a)-246(script)-245(that)-246(can)-245(parse)-246(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 213.956 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-246(do)-27(cumen)27(t)-245(and)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 153.694 188.841 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 141.467 0 l S Q BT /F19 5.9776 Tf 164.786 182.199 Td [(1)]TJ/F56 7.9701 Tf 4.151 -2.812 Td [(www.integr-a)1(bile.unito.it/axessibil)1(ity/?repository)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 159.103 -40.132 Td [(4)]TJ ET endstream endobj 32 0 obj << /Length 5349 >> stream BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(replace)-389(all)-388(the)-389(user)-389(macros)-388(within)-389(the)-388(form)27(ulae)-388(with)-389(their)-388(expanded)-389(de\014nitions.)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(Y)83(ou)-333(can)-333(do)28(wnload)-334(this)-333(script)-333(at)-334(our)-333(Gith)28(ub)-333(rep)-28(ository)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 238.342 3.615 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.47 -3.615 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf -242.812 -27.56 Td [(6.3)-1125(Screen)-375(reader)-375(dictionaries)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.39 Td [(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 2.64 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.534 2.144 Td [(X)-344(commands)-345(that)-344(are)-344(included)-344(as)-344(actual)-345(text)-344(in)-344(the)-344(hidden)-344(comm)-1(en)28(ts)-344(corre-)]TJ -18.095 -11.955 Td [(sp)-28(onding)-364(to)-365(form)27(ul)1(ae)-365(ma)27(y)-365(app)-27(ear)-365(a)28(wkw)27(ard)-364(when)-365(read)-365(b)28(y)-365(the)-365(screen)-365(reader.)-539(W)83(e)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(pro)28(vide)-294(dictionaries)-293(for)-294(JA)111(WS)-294(and)-293(NVD)28(A)-294(screen)-294(readers)-294(that)-293(con)27(v)28(ert)-294(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 306.787 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-294(com-)]TJ -322.243 -11.955 Td [(mands)-334(in)28(to)-334(natural)-334(language.)-446(Please)-334(note)-334(that)-334(the)-334(braille)-334(refreshable)-334(displa)28(y)-334(will)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(still)-398(sho)28(w)-399(th)1(e)-399(form)28(ulae)-398(in)-398(their)-398(original)-398(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 180.871 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-398(represen)28(tations.)-639(The)-399(d)1(ic)-1(ti)1(onaries)]TJ -196.327 -11.956 Td [(can)-333(b)-28(e)-333(do)27(wnloaded)-333(at)-333(our)-333(Gith)27(ub)-333(rep)-28(ository)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 194.202 3.616 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.47 -3.616 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -198.672 -32.617 Td [(7)-1125(Implemen)31(tation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(Standard)-333(\014le)-333(iden)27(ti\014cation.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 3.971 -15.178 Td [(1)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(2)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(3)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134ProvidesPackage{axessibility})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(4)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(%[2018/07/09)-525(v1.0:)-525(Accessibility)-525(support)-525(by)-525(marked)-525(content)-525(for)-525(inli)1(ne)-525(&)-525(displayed)-525(formulae])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(5)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134RequirePackage{accsupp})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(6)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134RequirePackage{amsmath})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(7)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134RequirePackage{amssymb})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(8)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(%)-525(PDF)-525(compression/unicode)-525(settings)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -6.656 -10.959 Td [(9)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 6.656 0 Td [(\134pdfcompresslevel=0)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(10)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134pdfoptionpdfminorversion=6)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(11)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134input{glyphtounicode})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.958 Td [(12)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134pdfgentounicode=1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(13)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(14)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)-525(\134end{macrocode})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(15)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(16)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(17)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(18)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)-525(Renewed)-525(command)-525(\134cs{BeginAccSupp})-525(defined)-525(in)-525(package)-525(\134textbf{accsupp)1(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(19)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)-525(to)-525(add)-525(the)-525(string)-525(\134cs{S})-525(before)-525(\134cs{span}.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(20)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)-525(This)-525(makes)-525(the)-525(formula)-525(readable)-525(by)-525(voiceover)-525(technologies.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(21)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(22)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)-2100(\134begin{macrocode})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(23)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(24)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(25)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134renewcommand*{\134BeginAccSupp}[1]{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(26)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134begingroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.959 Td [(27)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 29.456 0 Td [(\134setkeys{ACCSUPP}{#1}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -29.456 -10.959 Td [(28)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 29.456 0 Td [(\134edef\134ACCSUPP@span{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -29.456 -10.959 Td [(29)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 38.871 0 Td [(/S/Span<<%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -38.871 -10.959 Td [(30)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134ifx\134ACCSUPP@Lang\134relax)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(31)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134else)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.958 Td [(32)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 57.7 0 Td [(/Lang\134ACCSUPP@Lang)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -57.7 -10.959 Td [(33)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134fi)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 126.061 -29.888 Td [(5)]TJ ET endstream endobj 36 0 obj << /Length 5298 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(34)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134ifx\134ACCSUPP@Alt\134relax)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(35)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134else)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(36)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 57.699 0 Td [(/Alt\134ACCSUPP@Alt)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -57.699 -10.959 Td [(37)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134fi)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(38)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134ifx\134ACCSUPP@ActualText\134relax)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.958 Td [(39)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134else)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(40)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 57.7 0 Td [(/ActualText\134ACCSUPP@ActualText)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -57.7 -10.959 Td [(41)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134fi)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(42)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134ifx\134ACCSUPP@E\134relax)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(43)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134else)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(44)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 57.7 0 Td [(/E\134ACCSUPP@E)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -57.7 -10.959 Td [(45)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 48.285 0 Td [(\134fi)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -48.285 -10.959 Td [(46)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 38.87 0 Td [(>>%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -38.87 -10.959 Td [(47)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 29.456 0 Td [(}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -29.456 -10.959 Td [(48)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 29.456 0 Td [(\134ACCSUPP@bdc)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -29.456 -10.958 Td [(49)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 29.456 0 Td [(\134ACCSUPP@space)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -29.456 -10.959 Td [(50)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134endgroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.959 Td [(51)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(52)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(53)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.937 Td [(The)-260(next)-260(command)-260(creates)-259(a)-260(blank)-260(space)-260(to)-260(a)28(v)28(oid)-260(clash)-260(with)-260(references)-260(\050it)-259(app)-28(ears)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(to)-222(b)-28(e)-222(a)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 30.718 0 Td [(\134protect)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.843 0 Td [(...\051.)-407(Refer)-223(to)-222(h)28(ttps://tex.stac)28(k)28(exc)27(hange.com/questions/57151/ho)28(w-)]TJ -72.561 -11.955 Td [(do-i-prev)28(en)28(t-con\015icts-b)-28(et)28(w)27(een-accsupp-and-h)28(yp)-28(erref)-336(for)-337(p)-28(ossible)-336(handling)-337(of)-336(s)-1(u)1(c)27(h)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(issues.\051)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 0 -15.94 Td [(54)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(55)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134newcommand{\134auxiliaryspace}{)-525(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(56)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.937 Td [(The)-278(n)1(e)-1(xt)-277(one)-277(is)-278(the)-278(actual)-277(wrapp)-28(er.)-426(T)84(ak)28(es)-278(the)-277(b)-28(o)-28(dy)-277(of)-278(a)-277(form)27(ula)-277(en)28(vironmen)28(t)-278(and)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(wraps)-408(it)-408(in)-408(AccSupp)-408(comm)-1(an)1(ds,)-427(to)-408(ma)-1(k)28(e)-408(the)-408(math-text)-408(a)28(v)55(ailable)-408(in)-408(commen)28(ts.)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(\134detokenize)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 60.418 0 Td [(allo)28(ws)-290(the)-289(form)28(ula)-290(to)-289(b)-28(e)-289(parsed)-290(and)-289(read)-290(as)-289(a)-290(string.)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 230.492 0 Td [(\134expandafter)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -290.91 -11.955 Td [(there)-246(applies)-246(to)-246(the)-246(tok)28(en)-246(")]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 115.835 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(")-246(and)-246(allo)28(w)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 50.938 0 Td [(\134detokenize)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 59.984 0 Td [(to)-246(b)-28(e)-246(appli)1(e)-1(d)-245(after)-246(argumen)27(t)]TJ -231.738 -11.955 Td [(#1)-333(is)-334(passed)-333(to)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 70.458 0 Td [(\134AccSupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.843 0 Td [(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -112.301 -15.94 Td [(57)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(58)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(59)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrap#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(60)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134BeginAccSupp{method=escape,ActualText=\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(61)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 15.334 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -15.334 -10.959 Td [(62)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134EndAccSupp{}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(63)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(64)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(65)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.936 Td [(The)-347(next)-348(function)-347(rede\014nes)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 123.518 0 Td [(\134equation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 50.535 0 Td [(b)28(y)-348(calling)-347(the)-347(ab)-28(o)28(v)27(e)-347(wrapp)-28(er)-347(to)-348(its)-347(argu-)]TJ -174.053 -11.955 Td [(men)28(t.)-445(This)-333(mak)28(es)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 81.749 0 Td [(\134equation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 50.394 0 Td [(accessible.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -132.143 -15.941 Td [(66)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.958 Td [(67)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(68)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{equation}{%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 163.719 -33.873 Td [(6)]TJ ET endstream endobj 39 0 obj << /Length 5190 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(69)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 15.334 0 Td [(\134incr@eqnum)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -15.334 -10.959 Td [(70)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@push)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.959 Td [(71)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134st@rredfalse)-525(\134global\134@eqnswtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.959 Td [(72)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 15.334 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay{equation}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -15.334 -10.959 Td [(73)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap\134auxiliaryspace}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.958 Td [(74)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134endmathdisplay{equation}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -20.041 -10.959 Td [(75)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 20.041 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@pop)]TJ/F7 6.9738 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[(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.958 Td [(93)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.771 Td [(The)-333(next)-334(function)-333(rede\014nes)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 122.956 0 Td [(\134[)-333(\134])]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.242 0 Td [(,)-333(using)-334(the)-333(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-333(rede\014nition)-334(of)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 142.272 0 Td [(\134equation*)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -289.47 -15.774 Td [(94)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(95)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(96)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134protected\134def\134[#1\134]{\134begin{equation*}#1\134end{equation*}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(97)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -10.627 -10.959 Td [(98)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.77 Td [(The)-356(next)-355(function)-356(r)1(e)-1(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-1(s)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 123.841 0 Td [(\134\050)-356(\134\051)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.006 0 Td [(b)28(y)-356(means)-355(of)-356(a)-355(\050temp)-28(orary\051)-356(math)-355(en)28(vironmen)27(t)]TJ -151.847 -11.955 Td [(that)-333(calls)-334(the)-333(wrapp)-28(er)-333(de\014ned)-333(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-1(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 0 -15.774 Td [(99)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 10.627 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(100)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(101)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(102)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134newenvironment{tempenv}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(103)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 24.012 0 Td [(\134relax\134ifmmode\134@badmath\134else$\134fi%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.012 -10.959 Td [(104)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(105)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 24.012 0 Td [(\134relax\134ifmmode\134ifinner$\134else\134@badmath\134fi\134else)-525(\134@badmath\134fi})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.012 -10.959 Td [(106)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(107)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134protected\134def\134\050#1\134\051{\134begin{tempenv}#1\134end{tempenv}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(108)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(109)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(110)]TJ/F57 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 163.719 -29.888 Td [(7)]TJ ET endstream endobj 43 0 obj << /Length 243 >> stream BT /F47 14.3462 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(8)-1125(History)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [([2018/07/09:)-511(v1.0])]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -19.925 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(First)-333(v)27(ersion)]TJ 149.44 -526.124 Td [(8)]TJ ET endstream endobj 60 0 obj << /Length1 2184 /Length2 16848 /Length3 0 /Length 19032 >> stream 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<00B4> <14> <02C7> <15> <02D8> <16> <00AF> <17> <02DA> <18> <00B8> <19> <00DF> <1A> <00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 95 0 obj << /Length 1530 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmmi7-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmmi7-builtin-0 TeX cmmi7-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource 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<10> <0131> <11> <0237> <12> <0060> <13> <00B4> <14> <02C7> <15> <02D8> <16> <00AF> <17> <02DA> <18> <00B8> <19> <00DF> <1A> <00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 97 0 obj << /Length 1724 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmr12-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmr12-builtin-0 TeX cmr12-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 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<03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 98 0 obj << /Length 1724 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmr17-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmr17-builtin-0 TeX cmr17-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmr17-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-cmr17-builtin-0 def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <00> endcodespacerange 7 beginbfrange <07> <08> <03A5> <23> <26> <0023> <28> <3B> <0028> <3F> <5B> <003F> <61> <7A> <0061> <7B> <7C> <2013> <03A5> endbfrange 78 beginbfchar <00> <0393> <01> <2206> <02> <0398> <03> <039B> <04> <039E> <05> <03A0> <06> <03A3> <09> <03A8> <0A> <2126> <0B> <00660066> <0C> <00660069> <0D> <0066006C> <0E> <006600660069> <0F> <00660066006C> <10> <0131> <11> <0237> <12> <0060> <13> <00B4> <14> <02C7> <15> <02D8> <16> <00AF> <17> <02DA> <18> <00B8> <19> <00DF> <1A> <00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 99 0 obj << /Length 1719 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap 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<201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 100 0 obj << /Length 1719 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmr7-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmr7-builtin-0 TeX cmr7-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmr7-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-cmr7-builtin-0 def /CMapType 2 def 1 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<12> <0060> <13> <00B4> <14> <02C7> <15> <02D8> <16> <00AF> <17> <02DA> <18> <00B8> <19> <00DF> <1A> <00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 102 0 obj << /Length 1729 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmss17-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmss17-builtin-0 TeX cmss17-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit 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