% axessibility - create pdf files with mathematical formulae accessible by assistive % technologies for visually impaired people with LaTeX % % Copyright (C) 2018 by % Anna Capietto, Sandro Coriasco, Tiziana Armano, % Nadir Murru, Alice Ruighi, Eugenia Taranto, % Dragan Ahmetovic, Cristian Bernareggi, Michele Berra % % Based on accsupp.sty % % This work consists of the main source file axessibility.dtx % and the derived files % axessibility.ins, axessibility.sty, axessibility.pdf, README, % axessibilityExampleGoldenMean.tex % % The Current Maintainer of this work is % Sandro Coriasco % % This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License % http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ % This is version 1.0 of axessibility, a package which allows LaTeX to create pdf files with mathematical formulae accessible by assistive technologies for visually impaired people. The following files are enclosed. README - This file. axessibility.dtx - Documented tex file of the axessibility package. Run pdfLaTeX on this file to obtain the package documentation. axessibility.ins - Run LaTeX on this file to extract the axessibility.sty file from axessibility.dtx. axessibilityExampleGoldenMean - A sample LaTeX file which uses the axessibility package. Installation notes: The package is supplied in `.ins`&`.dtx` format. Running `latex axessibility.ins` will extract the package, whereas `pdflatex axessibility.dtx` will typeset the documentation. Move `axessibility.sty` to your local `texmf` directory.