Awesome Boxes is all about drawing admonition blocks around text to inform or alert your readers about something particular. The specific aim of this package is to use [FontAwesome 5]( icons to ease the illustration of these blocks. The idea of admonition blocks comes from the ones you can easily do with [AsciiDoc]( For more details, please refer to the [awesomebox.pdf]( document. Requirements ============ The following LaTeX packages are required (they should be already included in your LaTeX distribution): - `fontawesome5` - `xcolor` - `array` - `xparse` Installation ============ Download the `awesomebox.sty` file and put it in the same folder of the document your are composing. For system wide installation, please refer to the documentation of your LaTeX distribution. License ======= Awesome Box is released under the [WTFPL]( A copy of this license is distributed in this package.