\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[hypertexnames=false]{hyperref} \usepackage{cleveref} \usepackage{autonum} \newcounter{Hequation} \renewcommand{\theHequation}{\thechapter.\arabic{Hequation}} \makeatletter \g@addto@macro\equation{\stepcounter{Hequation}} \makeatother \begin{document} % \tracingall % \makeatletter % \show\equation % \show\autonum@equationOld % \show\mathdisplay % \show\mathdisplay@pop % \begin{equation}\label{dd}a\end{equation}%\ref{dd} % % \stop % \begin{equation}\label{ee}b\end{equation} \section*{Tests} Additionally test, that deactivating the package does not reuslt in compile errors during the next run if only basic features are used. \begin{itemize} \item Having a referenced equation with reference before \ref{referenceBefore} \begin{equation}\label{referenceBefore} d - d = 0 \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{referenceNo} d - d = 0 \end{equation} \ref{b}\begin{equation}\label{a}a\end{equation}\begin{equation}\label{b}b\end{equation} \item Having a referenced equation with reference after \begin{equation}\label{referenceAfter} c^2 = c c \end{equation} \ref{referenceAfter} \item Having an unlabeled equation \begin{equation}\label{abc} a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \end{equation} \item Having a labeled, but unreferenced equation \begin{equation}\label{unreferenced} \sqrt{a} \end{equation} \item Having a labeled equation with a very strange label \ref{äöüÄÖÜß?:, 3075µ!/§} \begin{equation}\label{äöüÄÖÜß?:, 3075µ!/§} \sqrt{b} \end{equation} \item Check for spurious whitespace around reference (\ref{checkWhitespace}) \begin{equation}\label{checkWhitespace} b_c \end{equation} \item Check if the starred version of ref does also work (\ref*{checkStarred}) \begin{equation}\label{checkStarred} c_D \end{equation} \item Check if the starred version of cref does also work (\cref*{checkStarredCref}) \begin{equation}\label{checkStarredCref} d_E \end{equation} \item Placing the number in long equations \ref{long} \begin{equation}\label{long} \sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum\sum a \end{equation} \item Printing the number without referencing (needs autonum) \begin{equation+} E = mgh \end{equation+} \item Using a ref inside a caption \begin{figure} ref \caption{\ref{long}} \end{figure} \item Using a cref inside a caption \begin{figure} cref \caption{\cref{long}} \end{figure} \item Using cref with one argument \begin{equation}\label{crefOne} g \end{equation} \cref{crefOne} \item Using cref with two arguments \begin{equation}\label{crefTwo} cr = ef \end{equation} \cref{crefOne,crefTwo} \item Using otherwise unused cref with two arguments (needs autonum) \[\label{crefThree} cr = ef \] \[\label{crefFour} cr = ef \] \cref{crefThree,crefFour} \item Using align \ref{alignOne}, \ref{alignThree} \begin{align} a\label{alignOne}\\ b\label{alignTwo}\\ c\label{alignThree} \end{align} \item Using gather \ref{gatherOne}, \ref{gatherThree} \begin{gather} a\label{gatherOne}\\ b\label{gatherTwo}\\ c\label{gatherThree} \end{gather} \item Using multline without referencing \begin{multline} a\\ c\label{multlineUnreferenced} \end{multline} \item Using multline with referencing \ref{multlineReferenced} \begin{multline} a\\ c\label{multlineReferenced} \end{multline} \item Using flalign with referencing \ref{flalignReferenced} \begin{flalign} a\\ c\label{flalignReferenced} \end{flalign} \item Using alignat with referencing \ref{alignatReferenced} \begin{alignat}{4} x &= yy & \implies & y &= x \label{alignatUnreferenced}\\ y &= z & \implies & z &= y \label{alignatReferenced} \end{alignat} \item short one-line shortcut \[n\] % \item shortcut environment with two lines, referencing \ref{firstShortcut} \[n_1\label{firstShortcut} \\ n_2\] \item align, numbering always \begin{align+} a=l \end{align+} (needs autonum) \item gather, numbering always \begin{gather+} g=a \end{gather+} (needs autonum) \item multline, numbering always (and avoiding overfull hbox warning) \begin{multline+} m=u\line(1,0){220}=v \end{multline+} (needs autonum) \item equation, numbering always \begin{equation+} e=q \end{equation+} (needs autonum) \item shortcut and split \ref{split} \[ \label{split}\begin{split} s \\ p \end{split} \] (needs autonum) \item equation and split \ref{splitEquation} \begin{equation} \label{splitEquation}\begin{split} s \\ p \end{split} \end{equation} % \item super-short \[\(a+b\\d+e\)\] % \item Using aligned \ref{alignedOne}, \ref{alignedThree} % \begin{equation} % \begin{aligned} % a\label{alignedOne}\\ % b\label{alignedTwo}\\ % c\label{alignedThree} % \end{aligned} % \end{equation} % \item Using gathered \ref{gatheredOne}, \ref{gatheredThree} % \begin{equation} % \begin{gathered} % a\label{gatheredOne}\\ % b\label{gatheredTwo}\\ % c\label{gatheredThree} % \end{gathered} % \end{equation} \end{itemize} \section{Using ref in section \ref{i1}}\label{i1} text \section{Using cref in \cref{i2}}\label{i2} text \begin{figure} \caption{Ref 2: \cref{i2} and \ref{i2}} \end{figure} \tableofcontents \listoffigures \end{document}