\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{aurical} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage[bookmarksopen=false]{hyperref} \newcommand{\longs}{s\rule{0pt}{0pt}} \begin{document} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} \begin{center} \Fontlukas\fontsize{40pt}{40pt}\selectfont Aurical \\ \fontsize{30pt}{30pt}\selectfont % \textemdash{} a set of three decorative fonts in T1 encoding \textemdash \end{center} This package implements three calligraphic fonts I created for fun in 2004 and 2005, which cover almost all glyphs from T1. The fonts have been created using fontforge\footnote{\url{fontforge.sourceforge.net}} and potrace\footnote{\url{potrace.sourceforge.net}}. Installation: Unpack the provided archive file ``\verb!aurical_texmf.zip!'' to your local TEXMF directory. Then update your filename database and add the mapfile ``aurical.map'' to your dvips and pdftex configuration. For example, in te\TeX 3 you have to issue the commands \texttt{texhash} and \texttt{updmap-sys --enable aurical.map}. For other systems, consult the corresponding documentation. Usage: To use the fonts, just include \verb!\usepackage{aurical}! into the preamble of your document. Then you can use the commands \verb!\Fontauri!, \verb!\Fontskrivan!, \verb!\Fontlukas! and \verb!\Fontamici! to select one of the calligraphic fonts. \centering \fbox{\parbox{0.7\linewidth}{\Fontauri Auriocus Kalligraphicus is the first of my calligraphic fonts done in April 2004. It contains all glyphs from T1 except perthousandzero, but many of the non-letter glyphs look odd: \# \$ \%. Its name is a pseudo--latin combination of my nickname auriocus and the word calligraphic. As the other fonts, it has only oldstyle figures: 0123456789 }} \fbox{\parbox{0.7\linewidth}{\Fontlukas Luk\'a\v s Svatba has been made originally for the design of the cover of a mediaeval music CD in 2004. In May 2005, a friend asked me to add czech diacritics so he could use the font for his wedding (svatba means wedding in czech). I removed the long s together with its ligatures, because they are not suitable for writing modern czech and renamed the font as a dedication to his wedding. The font currently covers the whole T1 encoding. \Fontamici The original variant with the long s is still available, as shown in this paragraph. It is selected by the command \texttt{\char92 Fontamici}. % \verb doesnt work here It contains a few extra ligatures like Ch, ch, ss, ssi, sk, sl, and a special swash character to write the logo of the band: \\ \hspace*{5em}Amici Musicae @ntiquae\\ To make room for these additional glyphs\/, some characters had to be withdrawn. Besides the standard ligatuares fi, fl, ffi and ffl, which are faked by negative kerning, \Fontlukas \v s \Fontamici could be removed, because it is written like \v s in ancient czech texts\/. Similiarly, the uppercase german double~s\/, perthousandzero and compwordmark are withdrawn to make space for additional ligatures\/.}} \fbox{\parbox{0.7\linewidth}{\Fontskrivan The last of the three fonts designed by me, Jana Sk\v rivana, is my cursive handwriting drawn with a copperplate calligraphy pen. It's dedicated to a girl, who can sing like a lark (sk\v rivan means lark in czech) and has been finished in December 2005. Sadly, a printout made with this font never looks equally attractive like a real hand-written sample. }} And now enjoy the fonts! \hfill{\Fontamici\fontsize{20pt}{20pt}\selectfont Christian Gollwitzer \raisebox{2pt}{(}\kern4pt @uriocus\/\kern3pt)} % some magic numbers to make the swash capital look good \end{document}