%% Revised 5 July 2019. @online{fourierwiki, title = {Joseph Fourier---Wikip\'{e}dia{,} l'encyclop\'{e}die libre}, year = {2019}, author = {Wikipedia}, url = {https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Fourier}, urldate = {July 5, 2019}, } %% Note ASME Journal discourage citations to Wikipedia. @online{amsmath, author = {{American Mathematical Society} and {LATEX3 Project}}, title = {User's Guide for the amsmath Package }, year = {2018}, organization = {Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}, url = {https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/amsmath/amsldoc.pdf}, urldate = {July 5, 2019}, version = {2.1}, } @online{sharpe1, author = {Michael Sharpe}, title = {New {TX} font package}, year = {2018}, organization = {Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/newtx}, urldate = {April 27, 2019}, version = {1.554}, } @online{sharpe2, author = {Michael Sharpe}, title = {The \textsf{mathalfa} package}, year = {2018}, organization = {Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}, url = {https://ctan.org/pkg/mathalfa}, urldate = {April 27, 2019}, version = {1.10}, } @article{toohey2007, author = {Kathleen S. Toohey and Nancy R. Sottos and Jennifer A. Lewis and Jeffrey S. Moore and Scott R. White}, year = {2007}, title = {Self-healing Materials with Microvascular Networks}, journal = {Nature Materials}, volume = {6}, number = {6662}, pages = {581--585}, doi = {10.1038/nmat1934}, } @BOOK{gibson2008, title = {The Big Book of Cellular Studies}, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons}, year = {2008}, author = {Tom A. Gibson and Matthew A. Tucker}, address = {New York, NY}, } @INCOLLECTION{stevens1999, title = {Stochastic Fields and Their Digital Simulation}, publisher = {Martinius Publishers}, pages = {22--36}, year = {1999}, booktitle = {Stochastic Methods}, author = {Thomas T. Stevens}, editor = {T. A. Sulle and M. Siiu}, address = {Dordrecht, Germany}, } @inproceedings{wions2005, author = {Thomas Wions and Christopher D. Mills}, title = {Structural Dynamics in Parallel Manipulation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE}, year = {2005}, pages = {777--798}, number = {ASME Paper No.\ DETC2005-99532}, venue = {New Orleans, LA}, eventdate = {September 10--13}, } % Note that venue and eventdate are specific to this .bst style @techreport{oligaria2011, author = {Oligaria, T. T. and Fredy, C. W. and Popullo, A. Z. and Tucker, M. A.}, year = {2011}, title = {Characterization of PKM Dynamics}, type = {SAE Technical Paper}, institution = {Society of Automotive Engineers}, address = {Warrendale, PA}, number = {No.\ 2011-02-8345, 07ATC-96}, } @phdthesis{mollen2014, author = {T. P. Mollen}, title = {Use of General Nonlinear Material in Articulated Systems}, school = {University of Boston}, address = {Boston, MA}, year = {2014}, } % type = {Sc{D} Thesis}, could be added to change the type of thesis. See example below. @book{smith2014, author = {Smith, John}, year = {2014}, title = {A Dog's Life in Berlin}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {New York}, doi = {10.1055/acprof.oso/97890.0394.000}, note = {\doi{10.1055/acprof.oso/97890.0394.000}}, } %% An example to show a doi even though doi is linked. %% note = {\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/acprof.oso/97890.0394.000}}, @online{apple2019, title={Apple Privacy Policy}, url = {https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/}, urldate = {April 27, 2019}, organization = {Apple Inc.}, address = {Cupertino, CA}, note = {updated April 4, 2019}, } @article{DKE1969, author = {D. K. Edwards}, title = {Radiative Transfer Characteristics of Materials}, journal = jht, volume = 91, number = 1, pages = {1--15}, month = {February}, year = {1969}, doi = {10.1115/1.3580108}, } @book{EDM, author = {D. K. Edwards and V. E. Denny and A. F. Mills}, title= {Transfer Processes}, publisher = {Hemisphere Publishing}, edition = {2nd}, year = 1979, address = {Washington, DC}, } @article{montijano2014, title={Numerical methods with {\LuaLaTeX}}, author={Juan I. Montijano and Mario P{\'{e}}rez and Luis R{\'{a}}ndez and Juan Luis Varona}, year=2014, volume=35, month={January}, number=1, pages={51--56}, journal={TUGboat}, url = {https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb35-1/tb109montijano.pdf}, } @techreport{reynolds1958, AUTHOR = {W.~C.~Reynolds and W.~M.~Kays and S.~J.~Kline}, TITLE = {Heat transfer in the incompressible turbulent boundary layer. {I}--constant wall temperature}, type = {NASA Technical Memorandum No.\ }, number = {12-1-58W}, institution = {National Aeronautics and Space Administration}, address = {Washington, DC}, Month={December}, year = {1958}, URL = {https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980228020.pdf}, } @incollection{DKE70, author = {Donald K. Edwards}, title = {Thermal Radiation Measurements}, editor = {Ernst R. G. Eckert and Richard J. Goldstein}, booktitle = {Measurement Techniques in Heat Transfer}, chapter = {9}, pages = {353--396}, volume ={130}, series ={{AGARD}ograph}, month = {November}, publisher = {Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development of {NATO}, Technivision Services}, address = {Slough, England}, year = {1970}, } %% type = {...}, changes chapter to something else... %% url = {..} can be added if it exists %% edition = {..} can be added if relevant. %% For Collections, series is intended to be used with volume, i.e., which volume of a collection. %% Series (the title of the collection) will not appear if the volume number is empty @article{Lienhard2019b, title = "Exterior Shape Factors from Interior Shape Factors", journal = jht, year = "2019", doi = "10.1115/1.4042912", author = {Lienhard, V, John H.}, eid = {061301}, volume = {141}, number = {6}, } @article{Lienhard2019c, title = {Linearization of Nongray Radiation Exchange: The Internal Fractional Function Reconsidered}, journal = jht, year = "2019", doi = "10.1115/1.4042158", author = {Lienhard, V, John H.}, eid = {052701}, volume = {141}, number = {5}, } @conference{Swaminathan2017IDABRO, Author = {Swaminathan, Jaichander and Stover, Richard L. and Tow, Emily W. and Warsinger, David M. and Lienhard, John H.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse}, Title = {Effect of practical losses on optimal design of batch {RO} systems}, Year = {2017}, Month = 10, Publisher = {International Desalination Association}, address = {Topsfield, MA}, venue ={S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil}, eventdate = {October 15--20}, archive = hndl, eprint = {1721.1/111971}, number = {Paper No.\ IDA17WC-58334}, } @misc{Fong2015, title = {Analytical Methods for Squaring the Disc}, author = {Chamberlain Fong}, howpublished = {{\itshape ArXiv e-prints}}, eprint = {1509.06344}, archive = arxiv, year = {2015}, month = {sep}, } @online{GSL, title = {{GNU} Scientific Library}, URL = {https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/}, author = {Mark Galassi and Jim Davies and James Theiler and Brian Gough and Gerard Jungman and Patrick Alken and Michael Booth and Fabrice Rossi and Rhys Ulerich}, year = 2017, organization = {Free Software Foundation}, address = {Boston, MA}, urldate = {Dec. 12, 2018}, version = {2.4}, versiontype = {Release}, } @online{dlmf, title = {{NIST} {D}igital Library of Mathematical Functions, Release 1.0.17}, year = {2017}, editor = {F. W. J. Olver and A. B. {Olde Daalhuis} and D. W. Lozier and B. I. Schneider and R. F. Boisvert and C. W. Clark and B. R. Miller and B. V. Saunders}, organization = {National Institute of Standards and Technology}, address = {Gaithersburg, MD}, url = {http://dlmf.nist.gov/}, urldate ={Dec.\ 22, 2018}, } @online{mpl, title={mpl colormaps}, author={St{\'e}fan {van der Walt} and Nathaniel Smith}, URL = {http://bids.github.io/colormap/}, urldate = {Aug. 26, 2018}, year = 2015, organization = {GitHub}, address = {San Francisco, CA}, month = {September}, } @book{ahtt, author = {Lienhard, IV, John H. and Lienhard, V, John H.}, title = {A Heat Transfer Textbook}, publisher = {Phlogiston Press}, year = 2018, volume = {}, series = {}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, edition = {4th}, month = {}, version = {2.12}, url = {http://ahtt.mit.edu}, } @online{texshop, author={Richard Koch}, title = {{\TeX}{S}hop, Version 4.01}, year={2018}, url = {http://pages.uoregon.edu/koch/texshop/obtaining.html}, urldate = {Apr. 16, 2018}, organization = {University of Oregon}, address = {Eugene, OR}, } @misc{narayan2017, author = {Prakash Narayan Govindan and Steven Lam and Maximus G. {St. John}}, title = {Systems including a condensing apparatus such as a bubble column condenser}, year = {2017}, howpublished = {US Patent {\#}9700811}, } @mastersthesis{smith1998, author = {Robert Smith}, title = {Conformal Lubricated Contact of Cylindrical Surfaces Involved in a Steady Motion}, school = {Rochester Institute of Technology}, address = {Rochester, NY}, year = {1998}, } @mastersthesis{smith1996, author = {Robert Smith}, title = {Cylindrical Surfaces Involved in a Steady Motion}, type = {{BS} Thesis}, school = {Rochester Institute of Technology}, address = {Rochester, NY}, year = {1996}, } @BOOK{johnson1980, title = {Title of edited book}, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Inc.}, year = {1980}, editor = {Howard Johnson}, address = {New York, NY}, } @proceedings{proceedings, title = {The title of the proceedings}, year = 2015, editor = {Howard Johnson}, volume = 2, address = {Address of publisher}, organization = {The organization}, publisher = {Name of publisher}, venue = {City, State}, eventdate = {Month, days}, note = {Optional note}, } % series = {Series A}, @book{ww1927, author={E. T. Whittaker and E. N. Watson}, title={A Course of Modern Analysis}, year={1920}, edition={3rd}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, address={Cambridge, UK}, url = {https://archive.org/details/courseofmodernan00whit}, } @incollection{euler1740, author={Leonard Euler}, title={De summis serierum reciprocarum}, booktitle={Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae}, volume= 7, year=1740, pages = {123--134}, archive=arxiv, eprint={math/0506415}, note={First communicated to Daniel Bernoulli in 1734 and read before the St.\ Petersburg Academy in December 1735}, } @book{euler1748, author={Leonard Euler}, title = {Introductio in analysin infinitorum}, year={1748}, volume=1, publisher={Apud Marcum-Michaelem Bousquet \& Socios}, address={Lausannae}, } % note={English translation by I.\ Bruce available here at \url{http://www.17centurymaths.com/contents/introductiontoanalysisvol1.htm}}, @BOOK{kirk2288a, title = {Decline and Fall of the Romulan Empire}, publisher = {Vulcan Free Press}, year = {2288}, author = {James Tiberius Kirk}, address = {T'Paal}, series = {Humankind's Greatest Writings}, number = {23}, edition = 7}, }