%% %% This file is asmeconf-template.tex, a template to format ASME Conference papers according to %% the requirements on ASME's conference web pages (as posted in March 2019). %% %% This file is version 1.07 dated 2019/04/20 %% %% Author: John H. Lienhard V %% Department of Mechanical Engineering %% Massachusetts Institute of Technology %% Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA %% %% Class options are described in the asmeconf.cls file. These include: %% %% * Math options from M. Sharpe's newtxmath package: upright integrals [upint]; and %% * varvw for a v and w that are better distinguished from greek nu; and also %% * smallerops, varg, slantedGreek, frenchmath, varbb, cmbraces. Version 1.5 or higher %% * is recommended. %% %% * Many options for calligraphic, script, and fraktur fonts from the mathalfa package; the %% * example value used is: mathalfa=cal=euler (use Euler font for \mathcal) %% * some other options for cal are: dutchcal, zapfc, cm (default), boondox,... %% * frak (fraktur), bb (blackboard bold), scr (script) may also be controlled. %% %% * An option to omit the ASME copyright footer: nofoot %% %% * An optional to use newtxtext's superiors font for footnotes [nodefaultsups] and an option %% * for slightly larger small capitals, largesc %% %% For details of newtxmath and mathalfa, refer to their documentation (available on CTAN: http://ctan.org). %% %% The use of commands defined or modified by the asmeconf class is illustrated below. In particular, %% ASME requires capitalized, sans-serif section headings, and as a result some care is needed %% when using macros in section headings, as also illustrated below. %% %========================================================= %% %% LICENSE: %% %% Copyright (c) 2019 John Lienhard %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and %% associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, %% including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, %% and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, %% subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or %% substantial portions of the Software. %% %% The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but %% not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. %% In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, %% whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the %% software or the use or other dealings in the software. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Class options are described above. \documentclass[varvw,largesc,upint,mathalfa=cal=euler]{asmeconf} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% The following are editing tools, can delete if not using them \usepackage{lipsum} % Generates paragraphs of gibberish latin for checking layout ... e.g. \lipsum[2-4] produces % paragraphs 2 through 4 of the text. \usepackage{comment} % for commenting out passages. See package documentation for usage. %% Filler names for Author and affiliation blocks on title page \def\AuthorName{Name[s] of Author[s]} \long\def\Affiliation{Institution or Company Name \\ Department of Mechanical Engineering\\ Street address\\ City, State, Country} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fields to be completed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% pdf metadata and colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% The user should edit as desired %%%%%%%%%%%% \hypersetup{% colorlinks=true,% <=== change to false to get black type for links (ASME may request this) linkcolor=blue, % citecolor=blue, % SeaGreen4, urlcolor=blue, % Red3, pdftitle={ASME Conference Paper Template}, % <=== change to YOUR pdf file title pdfkeywords={ASME, Paper, Template, \LaTeX, Research}, % <=== change to YOUR pdf keywords pdfauthor={John H. Lienhard}, % <=== change to YOUR name[s]!!! } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} % Change these fields to the right content for your conference! % You can comment these out if for some reason you don't want a header. \ConfName{Proceedings of the ASME 2018 \linebreak International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition} \ConfAcronym{IMECE18} \ConfDate{November 9--15, 2018} \ConfCity{Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA} \PaperNo{IMECE2018-XXXX} % Units of measure and other specialty lowercase terms in the title should be % enclosed in \NoCaseChange{...} to maintain lower case type \PaperTitle{Our research paper: the latest developments in cutting-edge engineering} % Change to your name[s] and addresses, in the desired order of authors. Up to nine author blocks. % Note usage below for joint first authors and for corresponding author. % First name, middle initial, last name % Use title case (upper and lower case letters) % (Most of the example names below are not real people, just very common names.) \SetAuthorBlock{Luis Hern\'{a}ndez\JointFirstAuthor}{\Affiliation} \SetAuthorBlock{Maria Silva\JointFirstAuthor}{\Affiliation} \SetAuthorBlock{Henry Tudor, Catherine Parr}{Hampton Court Palace \\ Richmond, England} \SetAuthorBlock{Jinsoo Kim}{\Affiliation} \SetAuthorBlock{Yusuf Yilmaz}{\Affiliation} %\SetAuthorBlock{Amelia Smith}{\Affiliation} %\SetAuthorBlock{Aadhya Acharya}{\Affiliation} %\SetAuthorBlock{Ahmed Mohammed}{\Affiliation} % Can omit second argument of \CorrespondingAuthor if putting email into address % i.e., can just use \CorrespondingAuthor{name}. % Can also put multiple emails and use command more than once for multiple corresponding authors. \SetAuthorBlock{\CorrespondingAuthor{John H.\ Lienhard V}{lienhard@mit.edu}}{% Massachusetts Institute of Technology \\ Rohsenow Kendall Heat Transfer Lab \\ Department of Mechanical Engineering \\ Cambridge, MA 02139 USA} \MakeTitlePage %%% Change these to your keywords. Keywords are automatically printed at the end of the abstract. %%% This command must come BEFORE the end of the abstract. %%% If you don't want keywords, delete the command. \keywords{ASME, Paper, Template, \LaTeX, Research} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of fields to be completed. Now write! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Abstract should be no more than 200 words \begin{abstract} This paper is an example and template for the \texttt{asmeconf} class. Papers typeset in this class will follow ASME Conference guidelines for margins, fonts, headings, captions, and reference formats. Standard \LaTeX\ commands are used. The class is compatible with the \texttt{hyperref} package. The class defines new environments for abstract and nomenclature. The optional argument of \verb|\section| has been modified for manually setting pdf bookmarks when macros or complicated mathematics are included in section headings. The class is intended to be used with the \texttt{asmeconf.bst} \textsc{Bib}\negthinspace\TeX\ style, which is part of this distribution. The class may be invoked with several options, most of which address math fonts. The class calls a number of packages, all of which are in \TeX\textsc{live}\ and on CTAN (\href{http://ctan.org}{ctan.org}). \end{abstract} \section*{Introduction} For ASME conference papers, the labels Figure and Equation should be abbreviated when they do not start a sentence, as in Fig.~\ref{fig:1} and Eq.~\eqref{eqn:dw}. Figure~\ref{fig:1} is spelled out when it starts a sentence. Equation~\eqref{eqn:dw} is spelled out when it starts a sentence. References are automatically numbered \cite{ning2002}. They should be inserted at the appropriate point using a \verb|\cite{ref}| command~\cite{gibson2008,stevens1999}. The references will be automatically sorted and compressed as well if they are given in a set \cite{stevens1999,ning2002,gibson2008,wions2005,smith2002,watson1982,smith1998}. See the \texttt{asmeconf-sample.bib} file for examples of how to enter your references. Equations are typeset in the usual way. The class file loads the \texttt{amsmath} and \texttt{mathtools} packages. Further, the \texttt{newtxmath} package used for the math fonts includes many additional features. \begin{equation}\label{eqn:fourier} \vec{q} = -k\nabla T \end{equation} ASME does not specify a standard nomenclature list. Be sure to put your symbols into the nomenclature list, including SI units. %% Use title case for subsections and subsubsections \section*{Section Headings and Captions} ASME requires that section headings and captions be set in an uppercase, bold face, sans serif font. The class will do this automatically. You can place \verb|\cite{..}|, \verb|\ref{..}|, \verb|\label{..}|, and into headings and captions directly, as you would in the main text. Do not enclose them braces, e.g.\ \verb|{\cite{..}}|, which will cause errors. You can place \verb|\footnote{..}| into headings, but not into captions.\footnote{See \texttt{tex-stackexchange} for various approaches to footnotes in captions, if they seem necessary. For footnotes in tables, use the \texttt{tablefootnote} package.} Text in section headings and captions will not be capitalized if enclosed in a \verb|\NoCaseChange{...}| command. Sections may either be numbered or left unnumbered. Simple math can be used in either captions or section headings. For a section heading that includes more complicated math (and macros), you may use the optional argument of \verb|\section[..]{..}| to create a pdf bookmark without losing characters or producing warnings or errors. See the \texttt{asmeconf.tex} source file for examples of this. These bookmarks should usually be text expressions, although some math is supported. If you wish to override the default math format in captions, put \verb|\mathversion{normal}| in the caption. \subsection*{Subsection Headings in Title Case} Subsections and sub-subsection headings should be in title case (first letter of primary words capitalized). \section*{More on math} To get bold math outside of the captions, you can use the \verb|\bm{..}| macro from the \texttt{bm} package, which is loaded by the class. Math italics are used for roman and greek letters by default. If you want an upright letter in math, you can use the relevant math alphabet, e.g., \verb|\mathrm, \mathbf, \mathsf|: \begin{equation} \vec{F} = m \vec{a} \quad\textrm{or}\quad \vec{\mathrm{F}} = m \vec{\mathrm{a}} \quad\textrm{or}\quad \mathbf{F} = m \mathbf{a} \quad\textrm{or}\quad \vec{\mathsf{F}} = m \vec{\mathsf{a}} \end{equation} The class file also provides upright sans-serif greek letters with \verb|\sfalpha| and similar expressions (e.g.\ $\sfalpha, \sfbeta, \sfgamma, \sfdelta \ldots \bm{\sfalpha, \sfbeta, \sfgamma, \sfdelta \ldots}$), in case they are needed (but note that the \verb|newtxmath| options \verb|frenchmath| and \verb|slantedGreek| also affect how Greek is presented). \section*{Tables} Table \ref{tab:1} is an example of a simple table. Table captions should be placed above tables. The class loads the \texttt{booktabs} package (used for horizontal rules in both Table \ref{tab:1} and \ref{tab:2}), and the \texttt{array} and \texttt{dcolumn} packages which provide extended capabilities for columns in the \texttt{tabular} environment (used in Table \ref{tab:2}). The text in tables and figures should be no smaller than 7~point type. %%%%%%%%%%%%% begin figure %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% captions go below figures \begin{figure} \centering\includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{sample-figure-1.pdf} \caption{A figure caption with math, $z = (r,\phi)$ \cite{Lienhard2019b}\label{fig:1}} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%% end figure %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection*{Latin for Layout} The rest of this text uses Latin to show layout and usage. Refer to the \texttt{.tex} file for further details. \lipsum[4-5] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin simple table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% captions go above tables \begin{table}[t] \caption[Table]{A simple table\label{tab:1}} \centering{% \begin{tabular}{l l r} \toprule Experiment & $u$ [m/s] & $T$ [\textdegree C] \\ \midrule Run 11 & 12.5 & 103.4 \\ Run 12 & 24 & 68.3 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin more complicated table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table}[t] \caption{Table with more complicated columns}\label{tab:2}% \centering{% \begin{tabular}{!{\hspace*{0.5cm}} >{\raggedright\hangindent=1em} p{3cm} d{3} @{\hspace*{1cm}} d{3} !{\hspace*{0.5cm}}} \toprule Experiment & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace*{1cm}}}{$u$ [m/s]} & \multicolumn{1}{c!{\hspace*{0.5cm}}}{$T$ [\textdegree C]} \\ \midrule The first test we ran this morning & 124.3 & 68.3 \\ The second test we ran this morning & 82.50 & 103.46 \\ Our competitor's test & 72.321 & 141.384 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Dealing with complicated math in a section heading: optional argument provides the pdfbookmark %% without losing characters or producing warnings/errors. %% In this heading, u is forced to be upright with \mathrm{u} \section*[Math in a section heading: u\cdot\omega=0]{Math in a section heading: $\vec{\mathrm{u}}\cdot\vec{\omega}=0$} \lipsum[6] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin wide figure %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{figure*}[t] \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth} \centering{ \includegraphics{sample-figure-2a.pdf} \subcaption{Interior region\label{fig:interior-region}} }\end{minipage} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth} \centering{ \includegraphics{sample-figure-2b.pdf} \subcaption{Exterior region\label{fig:exterior-region}} }\end{minipage} \caption{A figure with two subfigures \cite{Lienhard2019b}} \end{figure*} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end wide figure %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section*{Entropy generation\footnote{If you have text in a section heading or caption that you do not want to be capitalized, such as an SI unit, enclose it in a \texttt{\textbackslash NoCaseChange} command.} is always interesting and important \cite{bejan}} \lipsum[5] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! %% Unumbered subsections with math do not need any special handling because they are neither uppercased nor bookmarked \subsection*{Subsection with Math: $\dot{S}_{\textsf{gen}}$ \cite{bejan}.} %% Numbered subsections with math are bookmarked may require special handling to produce the right bookmark %\subsection[Subsection with Math: A\times B]{Subsection with Math: $\vec{A}\times\vec{B}$.} \lipsum[10] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! \subsubsection*{Sub-subsection\footnote{Another longer footnote to show the leading and line breaking, and how it will sit at the bottom of a column. Another longer footnote to show the leading and line breaking, and how it will sit at the bottom of a column.} Heading} \lipsum[12-13] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! \begin{equation}\label{eqn:dw} d\vec{w} = \begin{pmatrix} du \\ dv \end{pmatrix} = \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} \partial u/\partial x & \partial u/\partial y \\ \partial v/\partial x & \partial v/\partial y \end{pmatrix}}_{=\,\mathbf{J}_1} \begin{pmatrix} dx \\ dy \end{pmatrix} \end{equation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table*}[t] \caption{A table spanning two columns}\label{tab:3}% \centering{% \begin{tabular*}{0.8\textwidth}{@{\hspace*{1.5em}}@{\extracolsep{\fill}}ccc!{\hspace*{3.em}}ccc@{\hspace*{1.5em}}} \toprule \multicolumn{1}{@{\hspace*{1.5em}}c}{$x$\rule{0pt}{11pt}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$\textrm{erf}(x)$} & \multicolumn{1}{c!{\hspace*{3.em}}}{$\textrm{erfc}(x)$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$x$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$\textrm{erf}(x)$} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{\hspace*{1.5em}}}{$\textrm{erfc}(x)$} \\ \midrule 0.00 & 0.00000 & 1.00000 & 1.10 & 0.88021 & 0.11980\rule{0pt}{11pt} \\ 0.05 & 0.05637 & 0.94363 & 1.20 & 0.91031 & 0.08969 \\ 0.10 & 0.11246 & 0.88754 & 1.30 & 0.93401 & 0.06599 \\ 0.15 & 0.16800 & 0.83200 & 1.40 & 0.95229 & 0.04771 \\ 0.20 & 0.22270 & 0.77730 & 1.50 & 0.96611 & 0.03389 \\ 0.30 & 0.32863 & 0.67137 & 1.60 & 0.97635 & 0.02365 \\ 0.40 & 0.42839 & 0.57161 & 1.70 & 0.98379 & 0.01621 \\ 0.50 & 0.52050 & 0.47950 & 1.80 & 0.98909 & 0.01091 \\ 0.60 & 0.60386 & 0.39614 & 1.82\makebox[0pt][l]{14} & 0.99000 & 0.01000 \\ 0.70 & 0.67780 & 0.32220 & 1.90 & 0.99279 & 0.00721 \\ 0.80 & 0.74210 & 0.25790 & 2.00 & 0.99532 & 0.00468 \\ 0.90 & 0.79691 & 0.20309 & 2.50 & 0.99959 & 0.00041 \\ 1.00 & 0.84270 & 0.15730 & 3.00 & 0.99998 & 0.00002 \\[2pt] \bottomrule\end{tabular*} } \end{table*} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end table %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \lipsum[16] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! \section*{Acknowledgements} \lipsum[17] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! %%%%%%%%% NOMENCLATURE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% To change space between the symbols and definitions, use \begin{nomenclature}[Xcm] where X is a number %% The unit cm can be replaced by any LaTeX unit of dimension: pt, in, ex, em, pc, etc. %% Default is 2em. %% Leave off second argument of \entry to produce a subheading (e.g., \entry{Greek letters} ) \begin{nomenclature} \entry{Roman letters} \entry{$k$}{Thermal conductivity [W m$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$]} \entry{$\vec{q}$}{Heat flux vector [W m$^{-2}$]} \entry{Greek letters} \entry{$\alpha$}{Thermal diffusivity [m$^2$ s$^{-1}$]} \entry{$\nu$}{Kinematic viscosity [m$^2$ s$^{-1}$]} \entry{Dimensionless groups} \entry{Pr}{Prandtl number, $\nu/\alpha$} \entry{Superscripts and subscripts} \entry{b}{bulk value} \entry{$\infty$}{free stream value} \end{nomenclature} %%% REFERENCES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Put your references into your .bib file in the usual way. Run latex once, bibtex once, then latex twice. %% This specific .bst style allows: venue = {location of conference}, and confmonth = {Month days} %% \nocite{*} %% <=== delete this line unless you want to typeset the entire contents of your .bib file. \bibliographystyle{asmeconf} %% .bst file following ASME conference format. Do not change. \bibliography{asmeconf-sample} %% <=== change this to name of your bib file %%% APPENDICES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix %% Note that appendices will be "numbered" A, B, C, ... etc. Use \section, not \section* %% Equations should be numbered sequentially following those in the paper. Don't reset the equation counter. %% Here we use the optional argument for the pdf bookmark. \section[The vector product A\times B]{The vector product $\vec{A}\times\vec{B}$} \lipsum[21] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! \begin{align} \frac{d\Gamma}{dt} &{}= \int_{\mathcal{C}} \frac{D\mathbf{u}}{Dt} \cdot d\mathbf{r}\\ &{}= \iint_{\mathcal{S}} \nabla \times \frac{D\mathbf{u}}{Dt} \cdot d\mathbf{A}\\ &{}= \iint_{\mathcal{S}} \nabla p \times \nabla \left( \frac{1}{\rho}\right) \cdot d\mathbf{A} \end{align} %% This subsection heading is not numbered \subsection*{Subsection Heading} \lipsum[22] % <=== This command generates paragraphs of fake Latin. Delete it here and elsewhere! \end{document}