%% %% This is file `template.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% articleingud.dtx (with options: `tmple') %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% LICENSE %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Copyright (C) 2012 by Omar Salazar Morales %% osalazarm@correo.udistrital.edu.co %% Laboratory for Automation and Computational Intelligence %% Engineering Department %% Universidad Distrital ``Francisco José de Caldas'' %% Bogotá, Colombia %% http://www.udistrital.edu.co/ %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in: %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Omar Salazar Morales. %% %% This work consists of the source files: %% - articleingud.dtx (documented LaTeX file) %% - articleingud.ins (installer) %% \documentclass{articleingud} %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% OPTIONS %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% Use the following options in %% \documentclass[]{articleingud} %% %% -- Point size: 10pt (default), %% 11pt, %% 12pt %% -- Paper size: letterpaper (default), %% a4paper, %% a5paper, %% b5paper, %% legalpaper, %% executivepaper %% -- Orientation: portrait (default) %% landscape %% -- Print size: oneside (default), %% twoside %% -- Quality: final (default), %% draft %% -- Columns: onecolumn (default), %% twocolumn %% -- peer review: peerreview %% -- Equation numbering (equation numbers on %% the right is the default): %% leqno %% -- Displayed equations (centered is the default): %% fleqn (equations start at the same %% distance from the right side) %% -- Open bibliography style (closed is the default): %% openbib %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% PREAMBLE %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% %% ...Here you can load packages with \usepackage %% and make (re)definitions with %% \newcommand, \renewcommand, \newenvironment, %% \renewenvironment, etc, ... %% %%----------------- PACKAGES ------------------------------- \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[tight,footnotesize]{subfigure} \usepackage{cite} %%----------------- (RE)DEFINITIONS------------------------ %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% DOCUMENT %%---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% PAPER'S INFORMATION %%---------------------------------------------------------- \title [Short title]%<-- Optional argument (running head title) {Main title}%<-- Mandatory argument {Secondary tile}%<-- Mandatory argument \author [Author 1\and%<-- Each author should be separated with \and Author 2\and ... Author n]%<-- Optional argument (running head authors) {\textbf{\normalsize Author 1}\thanks{Affiliation 1}\and \textbf{\normalsize Author 2}\thanks{Affiliation 2}\and ... \textbf{\normalsize Author n}\thanks{Affiliation n}}%<-- Mandatory \date {Received: dd-mm-yyyy\\ Modified: dd-mm-yyyy\\ Accepted: dd-mm-yyyy}%<-- Mandatory argument \INGUDsetciteinfo {Cite: Author 1, Author 2,..., Author n. (20XX). Main title. In: Ingenier\'{\i}a, Vol. WW, No. XX, pp. YY--ZZ}%<-- Cite \INGUDsetvolume {1}%<-- Volume of the review (only the number) \INGUDsetnumber {1}%<-- Number of the review (only the number) \INGUDsetinitialpage {1}%<-- Initial page of the paper (only the number) \maketitle%<-- It should be finished with \endmaketitle %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% ABSTRACT %%---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{abstract} ...The abstract of your paper goes here... \end{abstract} %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% KEY WORDS %%---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{INGUDkeywords} ...List of key words... \end{INGUDkeywords} %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% RESUMEN %%---------------------------------------------------------- \renewcommand{\abstractname}{Resumen} \begin{abstract} ...El resumen del art\'{\i}culo va aqu\'{\i}... \end{abstract} %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% PALABRAS CLAVES %%---------------------------------------------------------- \renewcommand{\INGUDkeywordsname}{Palabras claves} \begin{INGUDkeywords} ...Lista de palabras claves... \end{INGUDkeywords} \endmaketitle%<-- Needed. This command finishes \maketitle %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% INTRODUCTION %%---------------------------------------------------------- \section{Introduction} ...Introduction of your paper... %% %% ...Put here additional sections as you need... %% \section{Final section} ...Final section of your paper... %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% CONCLUSIONS %%---------------------------------------------------------- \section{Conclusions} ..Conclusions of your paper... %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% APPENDIXES %%---------------------------------------------------------- \appendix%<-- Begin of appendixes \section{First appendix} ...Text of first appendix... \section{Second appendix} ...Text of second appendix... %% %% ...Put here additional appendixes as you need... %% \section{Final appendix} ...Text of final appendix... %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% ACKNOWLEDGMENTS %%---------------------------------------------------------- \section*{Acknowledgment}%<-- It should be used \section* ...Acknowledgment of your paper... %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% REFERENCES %%---------------------------------------------------------- \bibliography{ref}%<-- bibliography's file (*.bib). % This bibligraphy should be % prepared by BibTeX. % You can specify more *.bib files. % ref.bib should be into the same % directory of your source file \bibliographystyle{plain}%<-- Style's file (*.bst). %%---------------------------------------------------------- %% BIOGRAPHIES %%---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{biography}% %%[{\includegraphics[width=1in]{photograph}}]%<-- author's photograph % Uncomment if % you need a photograph {Name of author 1}%<-- Name of author 1 ...Biography of author 1... \end{biography} \begin{biography}% %%[{\includegraphics[width=1in]{photograph}}]%<-- author's photograph % Uncomment if % you need a photograph {Name of author 2}%<-- Name of author 2 ...Biography of author 2... \end{biography} %% %% ...Here you can specify more biographies... %% \begin{biography}% %%[{\includegraphics[width=1in]{photograph}}]%<-- author's photograph % Uncomment if % you need a photograph {Name of author n}%<-- Name of author n ...Biography of author n... \end{biography} \end{document}