Changes in version 3.0 (June 2010) o Add compatibility with the version 3.0 of ClassicThesis style o Removed language option: the package now has no option at all o Fixed the chapter titles spreading in more than one line o \ctTeX command fixed o biblatex package used to make the bibliography in the documentation Changes in version 2.7 (February 2010) o Add compatibility with the "backref" option of classicthesis-ldpkg, introduced with the 2.7 version of ClassicThesis o Fixed some details in the documentation Changes in version 2.5.4 (January 2009) o Corrected some typos in English Documentation. Changes in version 2.5.3 (January 2009) o Documentation both in English and in Italian; o Support for the English, French, Spanish and German language, via the new options "english" (default), "french", "spanish" and "german", respectively. o New name, \arsincludegraphics, for the command which allows to include graphics with ``Alice Blue'' coloured background. The old name, \myincludegraphics, is still manteined (for now), but deprecated. Changes in version 2.5.2 (December 2008) o The numbers of parts are now in Roman (uppercase), rather than in roman (lowercase) Changes in version 2.5.1 (November 2008) o Fixed some details in the documentation o Note: Thanks to all the folks who already sent me some advices! Version 2.5 (November 2008) o First public release