Generated on Sun Jan 2 17:18:36 2011 (1294006716). ,-------------------. | BIBTEX ENTRIES | `-------------------' @book{Graetzer00:MathIntoLaTeX, address = {Boston}, author = {George Gr\"aetzer}, edition = {Third}, publisher = {Birkh\"auser}, title = {Math into \LaTeX}, year = {2000}, } @misc{TeXFAQ, author = {{UK \TeX{} Users Group}}, howpublished = {\url{}}, title = {{UK} List of {\TeX} Frequently Asked Questions}, year = {2008}, } @manual{Downes04:amsart, author = {Michael Downes and Barbara Beeton}, month = {August}, note = {\url{}}, organization = {American Mathematical Society}, title = {The \textsf{amsart}, \textsf{amsproc}, and \textsf{amsbook} document~classes}, year = {2004}, } @manual{Rahtz06:Hyperref, author = {Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek}, month = {September}, note = {\url{}}, title = {Hypertext Marks in \LaTeX: a Manual for Hyperref}, year = {2006}, } @manual{Oberdiek06:Ifpdf, author = {Heiko Oberdiek}, month = {February}, note = {\url{}}, title = {The \textsf{ifpdf} Package}, year = {2006}, } @manual{Oostrum04:Fancyhdr, author = {van Oostrum, Piet}, month = {March}, note = {\url{}}, title = {Page Layout in \LaTeX}, year = {2004}, } @manual{Znamenskii03:Cmtiup, author = {Sergei V. Znamenskii}, month = {January}, note = {\url{}}, title = {Unslanted Punctuation in {Computer Modern} Italic}, year = {2003}, } @manual{Haralambous96:Yhmath, author = {Yannis Haralambous}, month = {January}, note = {\url{}}, title = {My Humble Additions to {(La)\TeX} Mathematics}, year = {1996}, } @manual{amsldoc, month = {February}, note = {\url{ f}}, organization = {American Mathematical Society}, title = {User's Guide for the \textsf{amsmath} Package (Version~2.0)}, year = {2002}, } @manual{instr-l, month = {August}, note = {\url{ .pdf}}, organization = {American Mathematical Society}, title = {Instructions for Preparation of Papers and Monographs, {AMS\LaTeX}}, year = {2004}, } @manual{amsthdoc, month = {August}, note = {\url{ c.pdf}}, organization = {American Mathematical Society}, title = {Using the \texttt{amsthm} Package}, year = {2004}, } @book{Goossens97:LateXGraphicsCompanion, address = {Reading, Ma.}, author = {Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach}, chapter = {}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, series = {Addison-Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting}, title = {The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents With \TeX{} and {PostScript}}, year = {1997}, }