% Jan Holecek, Alexander Grahn % 2008/01/03 filenametemplate "%j_%c.mps"; e := 2.718282; N=8; size := 5cm; bars := 0.5mm; diff := 0.05; xmin := -2; xmax := 2; xo := -2; ymin := 0; ymax := e**xmax; xcoe := size / (xmax - xmin); ycoe := size / (ymax - ymin); pair xaxis[], yaxis[], npnt; xaxis[1] = (xmin * xcoe, 0); xaxis[2] = (xmax * xcoe, 0); yaxis[1] = (0, ymin * ycoe); yaxis[2] = (0, ymax * ycoe); npnt = (xmin * xcoe, ymax * ycoe); picture xlabel, ylabel, elabel, nlabel[]; xlabel = btex $x$ etex; ylabel = btex $y$ etex; elabel = btex $y = e^x$ etex; nlabel[1] = btex $n = 1$ etex; nlabel[2] = btex $n = 2$ etex; nlabel[3] = btex $n = 3$ etex; nlabel[4] = btex $n = 4$ etex; nlabel[5] = btex $n = 5$ etex; nlabel[6] = btex $n = 6$ etex; nlabel[7] = btex $n = 7$ etex; nlabel[8] = btex $n = 8$ etex; def pnt (expr x,y)= ( x * xcoe, y * ycoe ) enddef; def exp (expr x)= pnt (x , e**x) enddef; def taylor (expr s,x)= begingroup save i,v,w; v = 1; w = 1; for i := 1 upto s: w := (w * (x-xo)) / i; v := v + w; endfor; pnt (x , v * (e**xo)) endgroup enddef; path pexp,ptaylor[]; pexp = exp(xmin) for i:=xmin+diff step diff until xmax: .. exp(i) endfor; for j:=1 upto N: ptaylor[j] := taylor (j,xmin) for i:=xmin+diff step diff until xmax: .. taylor(j,i) endfor; endfor; def axis= drawarrow xaxis[1]--xaxis[2]; drawarrow yaxis[1]--yaxis[2]; for k:=-1,1: draw (k * xcoe, -bars) -- (k * xcoe, bars); endfor; for k:=1 upto 6: draw (-bars, k * ycoe) -- (bars, k * ycoe); endfor; draw pexp withcolor red; label.lrt (xlabel, xaxis[2]); label.ulft (ylabel, yaxis[2]); label.top (elabel, point (length (pexp)) of pexp); enddef; path bounds; beginfig(0); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; axis; bounds:=bbox currentpicture; setbounds currentpicture to bounds; clip currentpicture to bounds; endfig; for i:=1 upto N: beginfig(i); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; draw ptaylor[i] withcolor blue; label.lrt ( nlabel[i], npnt); setbounds currentpicture to bounds; clip currentpicture to bounds; endfig; endfor; end.