%&pdfelatex %% This is intended to be a working example of using the amsrefs %% backrefs option in conjunction with hyperref. It works for me using %% pdflatex [mjd,2002-01-03]. Cf testbib.tex in the hyperref distrib. %% %% This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14h-released-20010417 (Web2C %% (format=pdflatex 2001.12.21) %% Package: hyperref 2000/01/22 v6.69c Hypertext links for LaTeX \documentclass{article} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=red,pagebackref,hypertexnames=false]{hyperref} \usepackage[backrefs]{amsrefs} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section] \providecommand{\MR}{} \begin{document} \title{Testing amsrefs with the hyperref package} \author{MJD} \maketitle The following examples are derived from \emph{Homology manifold bordism} by Heather Johnston and Andrew Ranicki (Trans.\ Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.\ \textbf{352} no 11 (2000), PII: S 0002-9947(00)02630-1). \setcounter{section}{3} \section{Homology manifold bordism} The results of Johnston \cite{Jo} on homology manifolds are extended here. It is not possible to investigate transversality by geometric methods---as in \cite{Jo} we employ bordism and surgery instead. %Kirby and Siebenmann \cite{KS} (III,\S 1), The proof of transversality is indirect, relying heavily on surgery theory\mdash see Kirby and Siebenmann \cite{KS}*{III, \S 1}, Marin \cite{M} and Quinn \cite{Q3}. We shall use the formulation in terms of topological block bundles of Rourke and Sanderson \cite{RS}. $Q$ is a codimension $q$ subspace by Theorem 4.9 of Rourke and Sanderson \cite{RS}. (Hughes, Taylor and Williams \cite{HTW} obtained a topological regular neighborhood theorem for arbitrary submanifolds \dots.) %Wall \cite{Wa} (Chapter 11) obtained a Wall \cite{Wa}*{Chapter 11} obtained a codimension $q$ splitting obstruction \dots. \dots\ following the work of Cohen \cite{Co} on $PL$ manifold transversality. In this case each inverse image is automatically a $PL$ submanifold of codimension $\sigma$ (Cohen \cite{Co}), so there is no need to use $s$-cobordisms. %Quinn (\cite{Q2}, 1.1) proved that \dots Quinn \cite{Q2}*{1.1} proved that \dots \begin{thm}[The additive structure of homology manifold bordism, Johnston \cite{Jo}] \dots \end{thm} For $m\geq 5$ the Novikov-Wall surgery theory for topological manifolds gives an exact sequence (Wall \cite{Wa}*{Chapter 10}. The surgery theory of topological manifolds was extended to homology manifolds in Quinn \cites{Q1,Q2} and Bryant, Ferry, Mio and Weinberger \cite{BFMW}. The 4-periodic obstruction is equivalent to an $m$-dimensional homology manifold, by \cite{BFMW}. Thus, the surgery exact sequence of \cite{BFMW} does not follow Wall \cite{Wa} in relating homology manifold structures and normal invariants. \dots\ the canonical $TOP$ reduction (\cite{FP}) of the Spivak normal fibration of $M$ \dots \begin{thm}[Johnston \cite{Jo}] \dots \end{thm} Actually \cite{Jo}*{(5.2)} is for $m\geq 7$, but we can improve to $m\geq 6$ by a slight variation of the proof as described below. (This type of surgery on a Poincar\'e space is in the tradition of Lowell Jones \cite{Jn}.) \bibliographystyle{amsxport} \bibliography{jr} \end{document}