%%% template.tex %%% This is a template for making up an AMS-LaTeX file %%% Version of May 14, 2009 %%%--------------------------------------------------------- %%% The following command chooses the default 10 point type. %%% To choose 12 point, change it to %%% \documentclass[12pt]{amsart} \documentclass{amsart} %%% The following command loads the amsrefs package, which will be %%% used to create the bibliography: \usepackage[lite]{amsrefs} %%% The following command defines the standard names for all of the %%% special symbols in the AMSfonts package, listed in %%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/math/symbols.pdf \usepackage{amssymb} %%% The following commands allow you to use \Xy-pic to draw %%% commutative diagrams. (You can omit the second line if you want %%% the default style of the nodes to be \textstyle.) \usepackage[all,cmtip]{xy} \let\objectstyle=\displaystyle %%% If you'll be importing any graphics, uncomment the following %%% line. (Note: The spelling is correct; the package graphicx.sty is %%% the updated version of the older graphics.sty.) % \usepackage{graphicx} %%% This part of the file (after the \documentclass command, %%% but before the \begin{document}) is called the ``preamble''. %%% This is where we put our macro definitions. %%% Comment out (or delete) any of these that you don't want to use. \newcommand{\tensor}{\otimes} \newcommand{\homotopic}{\simeq} \newcommand{\homeq}{\cong} \newcommand{\iso}{\approx} \DeclareMathOperator{\ho}{Ho} \DeclareMathOperator*{\colim}{colim} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\M}{\mathcal{M}} \newcommand{\W}{\mathcal{W}} \newcommand{\itilde}{\tilde{\imath}} \newcommand{\jtilde}{\tilde{\jmath}} \newcommand{\ihat}{\hat{\imath}} \newcommand{\jhat}{\hat{\jmath}} %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The Theorem environments: %%% %%% %%% The following commands set it up so that: %%% %%% All Theorems, Corollaries, Lemmas, Propositions, Definitions, %%% Remarks, Examples, Notations, and Terminologies will be numbered %%% in a single sequence, and the numbering will be within each %%% section. Displayed equations will be numbered in the same %%% sequence. %%% %%% %%% Theorems, Propositions, Lemmas, and Corollaries will have the most %%% formal typesetting. %%% %%% Definitions will have the next level of formality. %%% %%% Remarks, Examples, Notations, and Terminologies will be the least %%% formal. %%% %%% Theorem: %%% \begin{thm} %%% %%% \end{thm} %%% %%% Corollary: %%% \begin{cor} %%% %%% \end{cor} %%% %%% Lemma: %%% \begin{lem} %%% %%% \end{lem} %%% %%% Proposition: %%% \begin{prop} %%% %%% \end{prop} %%% %%% Definition: %%% \begin{defn} %%% %%% \end{defn} %%% %%% Remark: %%% \begin{rem} %%% %%% \end{rem} %%% %%% Example: %%% \begin{ex} %%% %%% \end{ex} %%% %%% Notation: %%% \begin{notation} %%% %%% \end{notation} %%% %%% Terminology: %%% \begin{terminology} %%% %%% \end{terminology} %%% %%% Theorem environments % The following causes equations to be numbered within sections \numberwithin{equation}{section} % We'll use the equation counter for all our theorem environments, so % that everything will be numbered in the same sequence. % Theorem environments \theoremstyle{plain} %% This is the default, anyway \newtheorem{thm}[equation]{Theorem} \newtheorem{cor}[equation]{Corollary} \newtheorem{lem}[equation]{Lemma} \newtheorem{prop}[equation]{Proposition} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{defn}[equation]{Definition} \theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem{rem}[equation]{Remark} \newtheorem{ex}[equation]{Example} \newtheorem{notation}[equation]{Notation} \newtheorem{terminology}[equation]{Terminology} %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} %%% In the title, use a double backslash "\\" to show a linebreak: %%% Use one of the following two forms: %%% \title{Text of the title} %%% or %%% \title[Short form for the running head]{Text of the title} \title{} %%% If there are multiple authors, they're described one at a time: %%% First author: \author{} \address{} \curraddr{} \email{} \thanks{} %%% Second author: \author{} \address{} \curraddr{} \email{} \thanks{} %%% Third author: \author{} \address{} \curraddr{} \email{} \thanks{} \author{} %%% In the address, show linebreaks with double backslashes: \address{} %%% Current address is optional. % \curraddr{} %%% Email address is optional. % \email{} %%% If there's a second author: % \author{} % \address{} % \curraddr{} % \email{} %%% To have the current date inserted, use \date{\today}: \date{} %%% To include an abstract, uncomment the following two lines and type %%% the abstract in between them: % \begin{abstract} % \end{abstract} \maketitle %%% To include a table of contents, uncomment the following line: % \tableofcontents %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Start the body of the paper here! E.G., maybe use: %%% \section{Introduction} %%% \label{sec:intro} %%% For a numbered display, use %%% \begin{equation} %%% \label{something} %%% The display goes here %%% \end{equation} %%% and you can refer to it as \eqref{something}. %%% For an unnumbered display, use %%% \begin{equation*} %%% The display goes here %%% \end{equation*} %%% To import a graphics file, you must have said %%% \usepackage{graphicx} %%% in the preamble (i.e., before the \begin{document}). %%% Putting it into a figure environment enables it to float to the %%% next page if there isn't enough room for it on the current page. %%% The \label command must come after the \caption command. % \begin{figure}[h] % \includegraphics{filename} % \caption{Some caption} % \label{somelabel} % \end{figure} %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% This is where we create the bibliography. \begin{bibdiv} \begin{biblist} %%% The format of bibliography items is as in the following examples: %%% %%% \bib{yellowmonster}{book}{ %%% author={Bousfield, A.K.}, %%% author={Kan, D.M.}, %%% title={Homotopy Limits, Completions and Localizations}, %%% date={1972}, %%% series={Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, %%% volume={304}, %%% publisher={Springer-Verlag}, %%% address={Berlin-New York} %%% } %%% \bib{HA}{book}{ %%% author={Quillen, Daniel G.}, %%% title={Homotopical Algebra}, %%% series={Lecture Notes in Mathematics}, %%% volume={43}, %%% publisher={Springer-Verlag}, %%% address={Berlin-New York}, %%% date={1967} %%% } %%% \bib{serre:shfs}{article}{ %%% author={Serre, Jean-Pierre}, %%% title={Homologie Singuli\`ere des Espaces Fibr\'es. Applications}, %%% journal={Ann. of Math. (2)}, %%% date={1951}, %%% volume={54}, %%% pages={425--505} %%% } \end{biblist} \end{bibdiv} \end{document}