\documentclass{article} \usepackage[author-year]{amsrefs} \newcommand{\latin}{\emph} \begin{document} \title{Evolutionary walks through a land plant morphospace} \author{Karl J. Niklas} \def\jinfo{Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 50, No. 330, pp. 39-52, January 1999, \copyright\ Oxford University Press 1999} \maketitle \section{Introduction} Wright's protocol has been successfully recast in terms of spatial domains containing all (or at least many) of the conceivable morphological variants (`morphospaces' \latin{sensu} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Thomas and Reif, 1993). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ocite{TR93}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this paper, I review the construction of a morphospace for early land plants %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %(Niklas and Kerchner, 1984; Niklas, 1997a, b) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \cites{NK84,N97-adaptive-walks,N97-effects} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and show how it can be used \ldots. \ldots\ horizontally cantilevered branches impose the largest bending moments on subtending branches %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %(Niklas, 1992, 1994a). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \cites{N92,N94-allometry}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ldots\ This definition removes the sharp dichotomy said to exist between `object' and `process' complexity (i.e. the number of different parts in an organic system versus the number of different interactions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %among them; McShea, 1996). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% among them \cite{M96}). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ldots\ fossil record for Devonian and Carboniferous vascular land %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %plants (Niklas et al., 1980, 1983; Gensel and Andrews, 1984). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% plants \cites{NTK80,NTK83,GA84}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{bibsection} \begin{biblist} \bib*{HSW80}{collection}{ editor={Hecht, M.}, editor={Steere, W.}, editor={Wallace, B.}, date={1980}, title={Evolutionary biology}, publisher={Plenum Publishing}, address={New York}, } \bib{fn95}{article}{ author={Farnsworth, K. D.}, author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1995}, title={Theories of optimization, form and function in branching architectures in plants}, journal={Functional Ecology}, volume={9}, pages={355\ndash 363}, } \typeout{} \typeout{ [Testing some of the amsrefs warning messages ...]} \bib{GMW81}{book}{ author={Gill, P. E.}, author={Murray, W.} author={Wright, M. H.}, date={1981}, title={Practical optimization}, publisher={Academic Press}, address={London}, } \bib{GA84}{book}{ author={Gensel, P. G.}, author={Andrews, H. N.}, date={1984}, title={Plant life in the Devonian}, publisher={Praeger Press}, address={New York}, } \bib{M96}{article}{ author={McShea, D. W.}, date={1996}, title={Metazoan complexity and evolution: is there a trend}, journal={Evolution}, volume={50}, pages={477\ndash 492}, } \bib{MWWW73}{book}{ author={Meredith, D. D.}, author={Wong, K. W.}, author={Woodhead, R. W.}, author={Wortman, R. H.}, date={1973}, title={Design and planning of engineering systems}, publisher={Prentice-Hall}, address={Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey}, } \bib{N92}{book}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1992}, title={Plant biomechanics: an engineering approach to plant form and function}, publisher={University of Chicago Press}, address={Illinois}, } \bib{N94-allometry}{book}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1994}, title={Plant allometry: the scaling of form and process}, publisher={University of Chicago Press}, address={Illinois}, } \bib{N94-simulation}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1994}, title={Simulation of organic shape: the roles of phenomenology and mechanism}, journal={Journal of Morphology}, volume={219}, pages={243\ndash 246}, } \bib{N97-adaptive-walks}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1997}, title={Adaptive walks through fitness landscapes for early vascular land plants}, journal={American Journal of Botany}, volume={84}, pages={16\ndash 25}, } \bib{N97-effects}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, date={1997}, title={Effects of hypothetical developmental barriers and abrupt environmental changes on adaptive walks in a computer-generated domain for early vascular land plants}, journal={Paleobiology}, volume={23}, pages={63\ndash 76}, } \bib{NK84}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, author={Kerchner, V.}, date={1984}, title={Mechanical and photosynthetic constraints on the evolution of plant shape}, journal={Paleobiology}, volume={10}, pages={79\ndash 101}, } \bib{NTK80}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, author={Tiffney, B. H.}, author={Knoll, A. H.}, date={1980}, title={Apparent changes in the diversity of fossil plants: a preliminary assessment}, xref={HSW80}, volume={12}, pages={1\ndash 89}, } \bib{NTK83}{article}{ author={Niklas, K. J.}, author={Tiffney, B. H.}, author={Knoll, A. H.}, date={1983}, title={Patterns in vascular land plant diversification}, journal={Nature}, volume={303}, pages={614\ndash 616}, } \bib{TR93}{article}{ author={Thomas, R. D. K.}, author={Reif, W.-E.}, % This is just to show what the warning looks like for an empty field: author={}, date={1993}, title={The skeleton space: a finite set of organic designs}, journal={Evolution}, volume={47}, pages={341\ndash 360}, } \end{biblist} \end{bibsection} \end{document}