\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{ametsoc} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} \catcode`\"=\active \let"=\" \let\3=\ss \begin{document} \title{\bf A Sample American Meteorological Society \LaTeX\ Document} % First author name and corresponding author information (typically % the first author). \author{{\sc{Brian Papa} \thanks{\textit{Corresponding author address:} Brian Papa, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St., Boston, MA 01464. \newline{E-mail: latex@ametsoc.org}}}\\ % First author affiliation \sc{American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts} % % Use the \and command to add multiple authors with different % affiliations % % Second author name and affiliation \and \centerline{\sc{Author2Firstname Author2Lastname}}\\ \centerline{\sc{Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country}} } \amstitle \begin{abstract} Start abstract here. \end{abstract} \section{First primary heading} \section{Second primary heading} \subsection{First secondary heading} \subsection{Second secondary heading} \subsubsection{First tertiary heading} \subsubsection{Second tertiary heading} \paragraph{First quaternary heading} \paragraph{Second quaternary heading} \section{Third primary heading} \subsection*{First unnumbered secondary heading} \subsubsection*{First unnumbered tertiary heading} \paragraph*{First unnumbered quaternary heading} \section{Fourth primary heading} \begin{acknowledgment} Start acknowledgments here. \end{acknowledgment} \clearpage % Use appendix}[A], {appendix}[B], etc. etc. in place of appendix if you have multiple appendixes. \begin{appendix} \section*{\begin{center}Appendix Title Is Entered Here (Primary heading)\end{center}} \subsection{First appendix secondary heading} \subsection{Second appendix secondary heading} \subsubsection{First appendix tertiary heading} \subsubsection{Second appendix tertiary heading} \paragraph{First appendix quaternary heading} \paragraph{Second appendix quaternary heading} \end{appendix} % Create a bibliography directory and place your .bib file there. \clearpage \bibliographystyle{./ametsoc} \bibliography{./bibliography/references} \clearpage \begin{figure} \noindent\includegraphics[width=19pc,angle=0]{./figures/figure01.eps}\\ \caption{Enter the caption for your figure here. Repeat as necessary for each of your figures. Create a figures directory and place all figures in that directory.}\label{f1} \end{figure} \clearpage \begin{table}[h] \caption{Enter the caption for your table here. Repeat as necessary for each of your tables.}\label{t1} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccccrrcrc} $\Theta$ & $a$ & $\Lambda$ & Perturbation type & $\tau$ & $\alpha$ & $\lambda_\parallel$ & $n_\parallel$ & $n_\phi$ \\\hline 89.5 & 1.20 & 6 & SV & 5 & 0 & 0.398 & 144 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 1.20 & 6 & SV & 5 & 90 & 3.981 & 2304 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 1.20 & 6 & NM & -- & 0 & 0.501 & 288 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 1.20 & 6 & NM & -- & 90 & 7.943 & 4608 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 0.87 & 6 & SV & 5 & 0 & 0.631 & 288 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 0.87 & 6 & SV & 5 & 90 & 3.162 & 1152 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 0.87 & 6 & SV & 30 & 0 & 7.943 & 4608 & 2304 \\ 89.5 & 0.87 & 6 & SV & 30 & 90 & 5.012 & 2304 & 2304 \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \end{document}