% % JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS % @STRING{AMS = "Amer.\ Meteor.\ Soc."} @STRING{AGU = "Amer.\ Geophys.\ Union"} @STRING{AIP = "Amer. Inst. Phys."} @STRING{ADGEO = "Adv.\ Geosci."} @STRING{AFM = "Agric.\ For.\ Meteor."} @STRING{AM = "Ann.\ Meteor."} @STRING{AN = "Astrophys.\ Norv."} % Astrophysica Norvegica @STRING{AO = "Atmos.-Ocean"} % Atmosphere-Ocean, published by Canadian Meteorological Society (CMOS) @STRING{AR = "Atmos.\ Res."} % Atmospheric Research @STRING{ARFM = "Annu.\ Rev.\ Fluid Mech."} @STRING{AUMET = "Aust.\ Meteor.\ Mag."} @STRING{BAMS = "Bull.\ Amer.\ Meteor.\ Soc."} @STRING{CAP = "Contrib.\ Atmos.\ Phys."} @STRING{CC = "Climate Change"} % Climate Change @STRING{CCH = "Climatic Change"} % Climatic Change @STRING{CDYN = "Clim.\ Dynam."} @STRING{CHAOS = "Chaos"} @STRING{COL = "Collier's"} @STRING{CRS = "Cont.\ Shelf Res."} @STRING{DAO = "Dyn.\ Atmos.\ Oceans"} @STRING{ECO = "Ecology"} @STRING{EI = "Earth Interactions"} @STRING{GA = "Geophysica"} % Geophysica, published by Geophysical Society of Finland @STRING{GEOMAG = "Geophys.\ Mag."} @STRING{GN = "Geophys.\ Norv."} % Geophysica Norvegica @STRING{GRL = "Geophys.\ Res.\ Lett."} @STRING{GEOINT = "Geofis.\ Int."} % Geofisica Internacional (Mexican journal -- vols. 3-5 contained proceedings from a hurricane conference @STRING{GEOPUB = "Geofys.\ Publ."} @STRING{GPC = "Global Planet.\ Change"} @STRING{HP = "Health Phys."} @STRING{IAOP = "Izv.\ Atmos.\ Ocean.\ Phys.\ (Engl.\ Transl.)"} @STRING{IJC = "Int.\ J.\ Climatol."} @STRING{JAM = "J.\ Appl.\ Meteor."} % renamed to name below in 2006 @STRING{JAMC = "J.\ Appl.\ Meteor.\ Climatol."} % Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (this journal used to be called the Journal of Applied Meteorology before 2006) @STRING{JAS = "J.\ Atmos.\ Sci."} @STRING{JAOT = "J.\ Atmos.\ Oceanic Technol."} @STRING{JCAM = "J.\ Climate Appl.\ Meteor."} % now this is JAMC? @STRING{JCLI = "J.\ Climate"} @STRING{JCR = "J.\ Coastal Res."} @STRING{JFM = "J.\ Fluid\ Mech."} @STRING{JEM = "J.\ Eng.\ Math."} % Journal of Engineering Mathematics @STRING{JGR = "J.\ Geophys.\ Res."} @STRING{JHM = "J.\ Hydrometeor."} @STRING{JMS = "J.\ Mar.\ Syst."} @STRING{JM = "J.\ Meteor."} @STRING{JMR = "J.\ Mar.\ Res."} @STRING{JMSJ = "J.\ Meteor.\ Soc.\ Japan"} @STRING{JPO = "J.\ Phys.\ Oceanogr."} @STRING{JOCEAN = "J.\ Oceanogr."} % Journal of Oceanography @STRING{JOSJ = "J.\ Oceanogr.\ Soc.\ Japan"} @STRING{JSE = "J.\ Struct.\ Eng."} % Journal of Structural Engineering at ASCE @STRING{JTM = "J.\ Tropical Meteor."} @STRING{JWEIA = "J.\ Wind Eng.\ Ind.\ Aerodyn."} @STRING{MA = "Meteor.\ Appl."} @STRING{MAP = "Meteor.\ Atmos.\ Phys."} @STRING{METMON = "Meteor.\ Monogr."} @STRING{METZEIT = "Meteor.\ Z."} @STRING{MWL = "Mar.\ Wea.\ Log"} @STRING{MWR = "Mon.\ Wea.\ Rev."} @STRING{NAT = "Nature"} @STRING{NHR = "Natural Hazards Rev."} @STRING{NWD = "Natl.\ Weather Dig."} @STRING{OA = "Oceanol. Aeta"} @STRING{OCEAN = "Oceanography"} % a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society @STRING{PAG = "Pure Appl.\ Geophys."} @STRING{PF = "Phys.\ Fluids"} @STRING{PHYSD = "Physica D"} @STRING{PMG = "Pap.\ Meteor.\ Geophys."} % Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics @STRING{PNAS = "Proc.\ Natl.\ Acad.\ Sci.\ (USA)"} @STRING{PRE = "Phys.\ Rev.\ E"} @STRING{PRSA = "Proc.\ Roy.\ Soc.\ A."} @STRING{PT = "Phys.\ Today"} @STRING{PTRS = "Philos.\ Trans.\ Roy.\ Soc.\ London\ A"} @STRING{QJRMS = "Quart.\ J.\ Roy.\ Meteor.\ Soc."} @STRING{RGEO = "Rev. Geophys."} @STRING{SCI = "Science"} @STRING{SOLA = "SOLA"} % Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere @STRING{TAGU = "Eos, Trans.\ Amer.\ Geophys.\ Union"} @STRING{TELLUS = "Tellus"} @STRING{TCFD = "Theor.\ Comput.\ Fluid Dyn."} @STRING{WEA = "Weather"} @STRING{WW = "Weatherwise"} @STRING{WF = "Wea.\ Forecasting"} @STRING{WMOB = "WMO Bull."} %Journal article database entry @ARTICLE{Hubert_Whitney1971, AUTHOR = {L. F. Hubert and L. F. Whitney Jr.}, YEAR = {1971}, TITLE = {Wind estimation from geostationary satellite pictures}, JOURNAL = {Mon. Wea. Rev.}, VOLUME = {99}, PAGES ={665-672} } %Journal article database entry @ARTICLE{EmeryEA1986, AUTHOR = {W. J. Emery and A. C. Thomas and M. J. Collins and W. R. Crawford and D. L. Mackas}, YEAR = 1986, TITLE = {An objective method for computing advective surface velocities from sequential infrared satellite images}, JOURNAL = {J. Geophys. Res.}, VOLUME = 91, PAGES = {12865-12878} } %Book database entry @BOOK{Oke1979, AUTHOR = {T. R. Oke}, YEAR = 1979, TITLE = {Boundary Layer Climates}, PUBLISHER = {Wiley and Sons}, PAGES = {372} } %Book database entry @BOOK{Chorin_Marsden1993, AUTHOR = {A. J. Chorin and J. E. Marsden}, TITLE = {A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Dynamics}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, EDITION = {3}, PAGES = {169} } % Chapter in a book database entry @INCOLLECTION{Kauranne1990, AUTHOR = {T. Kauranne}, YEAR = 1990, TITLE = {An introduction to parallel processing in meteorology}, BOOKTITLE = {The Dawn of Massively Parallel Processing in Meteorology}, EDITOR = {G. R. Hoffman and D. K. Maretis}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, PAGES = {3-20} } %Multivolume book databas entry @BOOK{Courant_Hilbert1953, AUTHOR = {R. Courant and D. Hilbert}, YEAR = 1953, TITLE = {Methods of Mathematical Physics}, VOLUME = 1, PUBLISHER = {Wiley-Interscience}, PAGES = 560 } %Multivolume book database entry @BOOK{Pettersson1956, AUTHOR = {S. Pettersson}, YEAR = 1956, TITLE = {Weather Analysis and Forecasting}, VOLUME = 2, SERIES = {Motion and Motion Systems}, PUBLISHER = {McGraw Hill}, PAGES = 428 } %Series database entry @BOOK{Andrews_Holton_Leovoy1987, AUTHOR = {D. G. Andrews and J. R. Holton and C. B. Leovy}, YEAR = 1987, TITLE = {Middle Atmosphere Dynamics}, SERIES = {International Geophysical Series}, VOLUME = 40, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, PAGES = 489 } %Report database entry @TECHREPORT{Gannon1978, AUTHOR = {P. T. Gannon}, YEAR = 1978, TITLE = {Influences of earth surface and cloud properties in the south {F}lorida sea breeze}, TYPE = {NOAA Tech. Rep.}, NUMBER = {ERL402-NHELM2}, PAGES = 91, NOTE = {[NTIS PB-297398.]} } %Note database entry @TECHREPORT{Anthes1987, AUTHOR = {R. A. Anthes and E.-Y. Hsie and Y.-H. Kuo}, YEAR = 1987, TITLE = {Description of the {P}enn {S}tate/{NCAR} {M}esoscale {M}odel {V}ersion 4 ({MM4})}, TYPE = {NCAR Tech. Note}, NUMBER = {NCAR/TN-282+STR}, PAGES = 66 } %Memo database entry @TECHREPORT{Chen1979, AUTHOR = {T. C. Chen}, YEAR = 1979, TITLE = {On the Kinetic Energy of the Divergent and Nondivergent Flow in the Atmosphere}, TYPE = {Tech. {M}emo to the {N}ational {S}cience {F}oundation}, NUMBER = {}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Grant GA-161660}, INSTITUTION = {Iowa State University}, ADDRESS = {Ames, IA}, PAGES = 143 } %Another Report database entry @TECHREPORT{Wentz1990, AUTHOR = {F. J. Wentz}, YEAR = 1990, TITLE = {West Coast Storm Forecasting with {SSM/I}. {V}ol. {I}}, TYPE = {Final Tech. Rep.}, INSTITUTION = {Remote Sensing Systems}, PAGES = 42, NOTE = {[Available from Remote Sensing Systems, 1101 College Ave., Suite 220, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.]} } %Report database entry @TECHREPORT{Goodridge_Rhodes_Bingham1979, AUTHOR = {J. P. Goodridge and H. Rhodes and E. G. Bingham}, YEAR = 1979, TITLE = {Windstorms in {C}alifornia}, INSTITUTION = {Division of Planning, Department of Water Resources, State of California}, ADDRESS = {[Available from Division of Planning, Department of Water Resources, State of California, 1416 9th St., Sacramento, CA 95814.]}, PAGES = 34 } %Preprints database entry @INPROCEEDINGS{Lhermitte_Gilet1976, AUTHOR = {R. Lhermitte and M. Gilet}, YEAR = 1976, TITLE = {Aquisition and Processing of Tri-{D}oppler Radar Data}, BOOKTITLE = {Preprints, 17th Conf.\ on Radar Meteorology}, ADDRESS = {Seattle, WA}, ORGANIZATION = AMS, PAGES = {1-6}, } %Proceeding database entry @INPROCEEDINGS{Riley_Metcalfe_Weisman1981, AUTHOR = {J. J. Riley and R. W. Metcalfe and M. A. Weisman}, YEAR = 1981, TITLE = {Direct Numerical Simulations of Homogeneous Turbulence in Density-Stratified Fluids}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. AIP Conf. on Nonlinear Properties of Internal Waves}, ADDRESS = {Houston, TX}, ORGANIZATION = AIP, PAGES = {79-112} } %Extended Abastracts database entry @INPROCEEDINGS{FukutaEA1984, AUTHOR = {N. Fukuta and H. S. Chang and J. L. Sutherland and D. A. Griffith}, YEAR = 1984, TITLE = {Comparative Airborne Tests of Vapor-Activated Methaldehyde and Silver Iodide Particles in Supercooled Stratus Clouds}, BOOKTITLE = {Extended Abstracts, Ninth Conf. on Weather Modification}, ADDRESS = {Park City, UT}, ORGANIZATION = AMS, PAGES = {6-7} } %Proceedings database entry @INPROCEEDINGS{Vali1970, AUTHOR = {G. Vali}, YEAR = 1970, TITLE = {Entry of Freezing Nuclei into Precipitation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Symp. on Precipitation Scavenging}, ADDRESS = {Richland, WA}, ORGANIZATION = {U.S. Atomic Energy Commission}, PAGES = {49-68}, NOTE = {[Available from G. Vali, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071.]} } %Conference preprints/Proceedings/Extended Abstracts on CD-ROM database entry @INPROCEEDINGS{Kuji_Nakajima2002, AUTHOR = {M. Kuji and T. Nakajima}, YEAR = 2002, TITLE = {Retrieval of Cloud Geometrical Parameters Using Remote Sensing Data}, BOOKTITLE = {11th Conf.\ on Cloud Physics}, ADDRESS = {Ogden, UT}, ORGANIZATION = AMS, HOWPUBLISHED = {CD-ROM}, PAGES = {JP1.7}, } %Thesis Ph.D. database entry @PHDTHESIS{Cheng1993, AUTHOR = {X. Cheng}, YEAR = 1993, TITLE = {Linear and Nonlinear Aspects of {N}orthern {H}emisphere Wintertime Variability in the 500 mb Height Field}, SCHOOL = {University of Washington}, PAGES = 180, NOTE = {[Available from University Microfilm, 305 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106.]} } %Thesis Master's database entry @MASTERSTHESIS{Hirschberg1988, AUTHOR = {P. Hirschberg}, YEAR = 1988, TITLE = {The Saline Flow into the {A}tlantic}, DEPARTMENT = {Dept. of Oceanographic Studies}, SCHOOL = {The Pennsylvania State University}, PAGES = 207, NOTE = {[NTIS PH-358930-2.]} } %Thesis database entry @MASTERSTHESIS{Estournel1988, AUTHOR = {C. Estournel}, YEAR = 1988, TITLE = {Etude de la phase nocturne de la couche limite atmospherique}, TYPE = {These doctorat d'etat 1361}, SCHOOL = {Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier}, PAGES = 161, NOTE = {[Available from Universit{\'e} Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne 31062, Toulouse, France.]} } %Monograph database entry @INCOLLECTION{Braham1981, AUTHOR = {R. R. Braham}, YEAR = 1981, TITLE = {Urban Precipitation Processes}, BOOKTITLE = {Metromex: A Review and Summary}, SERIES = {Meteor. Monogr.}, NUMBER = 40, PUBLISHER = AMS, PAGES = {75-116} } %Atlas database entry @MISC{Levitus1982, AUTHOR = {S. Levitus}, YEAR = 1982, TITLE = {Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean}, PUBLISHER = {National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration}, PAGES = 173 } %Atlas database entry @MISC{Bumpus_Lauzier1965, AUTHOR = {D. F. Bumpus and L. M. Lauzier}, YEAR = 1965, TITLE = {Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment}, SERIES = {Surface circulation on the continental shelf off eastern {N}orth {A}merica between {N}ewfoundland and {F}lorida}, PUBLISHER = {American Geographical Society}, NOTE = {{F}olio 7, {P}late 8}, PAGES = 4, } %Electronic document database entry @MISC{NCSA1994, AUTHOR = {NCSA}, YEAR = {cited 1994}, TITLE = {A Beginner's Guide to {HTML}}, NOTE = {[Available online at http://www/ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html.]} } %Software database entry @MISC{Smith1991, AUTHOR = {J. Smith}, YEAR = 1991, TITLE = {{FORTRAN} {H}-extended {V}ersion 2.3}, NOTE = {IBM} } %Reference with DOI database entry @ARTICLE{MeixnerEA2002, AUTHOR = {T. Meixner and L. A. Bastidas and H. V. Gupta and R. C. Bales}, YEAR = 2002, TITLE = {Multicriteria Parameter Estimation of Models of Stream Chemical Composition}, JOURNAL = {Water Resour. Res.}, VOLUME = 38, EID = 1027, DOI = {10.1029/2000WR000112}, }