@article{puppin+:2002, Author = {Ezio Puppin and Vincenzo Fratello}, Year-Added = {2005-10-16 19:28:09 +0930}, Year-Modified = {2005-10-16 19:28:09 +0930}, Journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, Local-Url = {file://localhost/Users/will/Documents/PhD/Research/Literature/puppin+2002.pdf}, Location = {Should be in BSL Electronic Collection}, Month = nov, Number = 11, Pages = {4034--4036}, Title = {Vibration isolation with magnet springs}, Volume = 73, Year = 2002, Annote = { One of the few of my paper that focusses on vibration isolation! However, this paper is very simple and uses physical horizontal constraints to levitate a table with some fat neodymium magnets. It has good amplitude attenuation in the high frequencies (0.05-0.1 attenuation in low), but only mentions vertical excitation and doesn't cover modal cross coupling. }} @article{earnshaw:1842, Author = {Samuel Earnshaw}, Year-Added = {2005-10-16 19:28:09 +0930}, Year-Modified = {2005-10-16 19:28:09 +0930}, Journal = {Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society}, Location = {BSL Joint Store: P 8392-8403}, Number = 1, Pages = {97--112}, Source = {Everyone talking about permanent magnet levitation}, Title = {On the Nature of the Molecular Forces which regulate the Constitution of the Luminiferous Ether}, Volume = 3, Year = 1842, Annote = { The definitive work on how magnetostatic levitation is not possible. Referenced by everyone writing about levitation of permanent magnets. Also includes some wacky stuff about the luminiferous ether; the particles that cause magnetic forces or something. Obviously field theory was not invented at the time. }} @article{ac1, Author = {G. Wesley Blankenship and Rajendra Singh}, Title = {New rating indices for gear noise based upon vibro-acoustic measurements}, Journal={Noise Control Engineering Journal}, Volume = {38}, Number = {2}, Pages = {81-92}, Year= {1992} } @article{ac2, Author = {F. Holste and W. Neise}, Title = {Experimental comparison of standardized sound power measurement procedures for fans}, Journal = {Journal of Sound and Vibration}, Volume = 152, Number = 1, pages = {1-26}, Year = 1992 } @article{ac3, Author = {T. F. W. Embleton}, Title = {Experimental study of noise reduction in centrifugal blowers}, Journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}, Volume = {35}, Number = {5}, Pages = {700-705}, Year = {1963} } @incollection{ac4, Author ={Leo L. Beranek}, Title = {Criteria for noise and vibration in communities, buildings, and vehicles}, Chapter = 17, Booktitle = {Noise and Vibration Control Engineering-Principles and Applications}, Editor = {Leo L. Beranek and Istvan L. Ver}, Publisher= {Wiley, New York}, Year = 1992 } @book{ac5, Author = {Bernard Widrow and Samuel D. Stearns}, Title = {Adaptive Signal Processing}, Publisher = {Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey}, Year = 1985 } @inproceedings{ac6, Author = {D. A. Kienholz and K. E. Smith}, Title = {Admittance Modeling: Frequency Domain, Physical Coordinate Methods for Multi-Component Systems}, BookTitle={Proceedings of the 6th International Modal Analysis Conference}, Year = {1988}, Pages = {608-614} } @inproceedings{ac7, Author = {Volker Nitsche}, Title = {Application of aircraft noise monitoring systems at German airports}, Booktitle= {INTER-NOISE 95}, editor={Robert J. Bernhard and J. Stuart Bolton}, Volume = {2}, Pages = {755-758}, Year = {1995} } @inproceedings{ac8, Author={U. Sandberg and J.A. Ejsmont}, Title = {The influence of tire age and wear on tire/road noise emission}, BookTitle= {INTER-NOISE 02}, editor = {Ahmet Selamet and Rajendra Singh and George C. Maling}, Year = 2002 } @manual{ac9, title = {Acoustics-Description and Measurement of Environmental Noise-Part 2: Acquisition of Data Pertinent to Land Use, International Standard ISO 1996-2: 1990}, organization = { International Organization for Standardization}, Address ={Geneva, Switzerland}, Year = 1990 } @manual{ac10, Title = {Sound Level Meters, International Standard IEC 651:1979}, organization = {International Electrotechnical Commission}, Address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, Year = 1979 } @manual{ac11, title = {American National Standard Acoustical Terminology, American National Standards Institute ANSI S1.1-1994}, Organization = {Acoustical Society of America}, Address = {New York}, Year = 1994 }