% arara: pdflatex % arara: biber % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the ACRO package % % Typeset Acronyms % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/acro/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The acro package consists of the files % - acro.sty, acro_en.tex, acro_en.pdf, README % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % if you want to compile this documentation you'll need the document class % `cnpkgdoc' which you can get here: % https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/cnpkgdoc/ % the class is licensed LPPL 1.3 or later % \documentclass[DIV10,toc=index,toc=bib,hyperfootnotes=false]{cnpkgdoc} \docsetup{ pkg = {[single,macros,sort]acro} , language = en , code-box = { backgroundcolor = gray!7!white , skipbelow = .6\baselineskip plus .5ex minus .5ex , skipabove = .6\baselineskip plus .5ex minus .5ex , roundcorner = 3pt , } , gobble = 1 } \acsetup{hyperref} \cnpkgusecolorscheme{friendly} \usepackage{fnpct} \renewcommand*\othersectionlevelsformat[3]{% \textcolor{main}{#3\autodot}\enskip} \renewcommand*\partformat{% \textcolor{main}{\partname~\thepart\autodot}} \usepackage[biblatex]{embrac}[2012/06/29] \ChangeEmph{[}[,.02em]{]}[.055em,-.08em] \ChangeEmph{(}[-.01em,.04em]{)}[.04em,-.05em] \addcmds{ ac,aca,acap,acf,acfp,acl,aclp,acp,acreset,acresetall,acs,acsetup,acsp, addcolon, DeclareAcronym,DeclareAcronymCitation,DeclareAcronymFormat, DeclareAcronymPDFString, linewidth, nato,newlist,ny, printacronyms, setlist } \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage[backend=biber,style=alphabetic,maxnames=10]{biblatex} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @package{abbrevs, title = {abbrevs}, author = {Matt Swift}, date = {2001-09-08}, version = {1.4}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/abbrevs} } @package{acromake, title = {acromake}, author = {Paul A. Thompson}, date = {1995-07-16}, version = {na}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/acromake} } @package{acronym, title = {acronym -- An Acronym Environment for \LaTeXe}, author = {Tobias Oetiker}, date = {2010-09-08}, version = {1.36}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/acronym} } @package{acroterm, title = {acroterm}, author = {Jakob Voss}, date = {2010-11-19}, version = {0.1}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/acroterm} } @package{glossaries, title = {glossaries}, author = {Nicola L.C. Talbot}, date = {2011-04-12}, version = {3.01}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/glossaries} } @package{nomencl, title = {nomencl -- A Package to Create a Nomenclature}, author = {Boris Veytsman and Bernd Schandl and Lee Netherton and C.V. Radhakrishnan}, date = {2005-09-22}, version = {4.2}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/nomencl} } @online{wikipedia, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {Acronym and initialism}, urldate = {2012-06-21}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acronyms}, year = {2012} } @online{NewYork, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {New York City}, urldate = {2012-09-27}, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City}, year = {2012} } \end{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.ist} heading_prefix "{\\bfseries " heading_suffix "\\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n" headings_flag 1 delim_0 "\\dotfill " delim_1 "\\dotfill " delim_2 "\\dotfill " delim_r "\\textendash" suffix_2p "\\nohyperpage{\\,f.}" suffix_3p "\\nohyperpage{\\,ff.}" \end{filecontents} \TitlePicture{\parbox{.75\linewidth}{% \acro not only allows you to create acronyms in a simple way but also lets you add them to different classes of acronyms. Lists can be created of separate classes wherever you want the list to appear.\par \acro also provides an option \key{single} which ignores acronyms that are used only once in the whole document.\par As an experimental feature \acro also offers the option \key{sort} which automatically sorts the list created by \cmd{printacronyms}.}} % additional packages: \usepackage{longtable,enumitem,ragged2e,amssymb} \newcommand*\wikipedia{%\libertineGlyph{W.alt}\kern-.055em \textsc{Wikipedia}} \newcommand*\h[1]{\textcolor{main}{\textbf{#1}}} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand \Default {g} { \hfill\llap { \IfNoValueTF { #1 } {(initially~empty)} {Default:~\code{#1}} } \newline } \ExplSyntaxOff \DeclareAcronym{cd}{cd}{Compact Disc} \DeclareAcronymFormat{cd}{\scshape} \DeclareAcronym{id}{id}{identification string} \DeclareAcronymFormat{id}{\scshape} \DeclareAcronym{jpg}{JPEG}[JPG]{Joint Photographic Experts Group} \DeclareAcronym{la}{LA,}{Los Angeles,}[city] \DeclareAcronym*{mp}{MP}{Member of Parliament,Members of Parliament} \DeclareAcronym{nato}{nato}{North Atlantic Treaty Organization}{\textit{deutsch}: Organisation des Nordatlantikvertrags} \DeclareAcronymFormat{nato}{\scshape} \DeclareAcronym{ny}{NY,}{New York,}[city] \DeclareAcronymCitation{ny}{NewYork} \DeclareAcronym{ot}{ot}{Other Test} \DeclareAcronymFormat{ot}{\scshape} \DeclareAcronym{pdf}{pdf}{Portable Document Format} \DeclareAcronymFormat{pdf}{\scshape} \DeclareAcronymPDFString{pdf}{PDF} \DeclareAcronym{sw}{SW}{Sammelwerk,e} \DeclareAcronym{test}{ST}{Some Test} \DeclareAcronym{texse}{\{TeX\}.SE}{\TeX\ StackExchange} \usepackage{imakeidx} \makeindex[columns=2,options={-sl \jobname.ist},intoc] \usepackage{marginnote} \makeatletter \newcommand*\sinceversion[1]{% \@bsphack \marginnote{% \footnotesize\sffamily\RaggedRight \textcolor{black!75}{Introduced in version~#1}}% \@esphack} \newcommand*\changedversion[1]{% \@bsphack \marginnote{% \footnotesize\sffamily\RaggedRight \textcolor{black!75}{Changed in version~#1}}% \@esphack} \renewcommand*\cnpkgdoctriangle{} \makeatother \begin{document} \section{Licence and Requirements} Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the \LaTeX{} Project Public License, version 1.3 or later (\url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt}). The package has the status ``maintained.'' \acro loads and needs the following packages: \paket{expl3}, \paket{xparse}, \paket{xtemplate} and \paket{l3keys2e}. \section{About} \begin{zitat}[\cite{wikipedia}] Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux and Ameslan). There is no universal agreement on the precise definition of the various terms nor on written usage. \end{zitat} After \wikipedia\ told us what acronyms are and we won't confuse them with units or other kinds of abbreviations -- why would we need another package for them? There are several already: \paket{acronym}~\cite{acronym}, \paket{acromake}% ~\cite{acromake}, \paket{acroterm}~\cite{acroterm}, the abbreviations package \paket{abbrevs}~\cite{abbrevs} (the current version 1.4 has a bug\footnote{see \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/59840/5049} for solutions.}, though), the nomenclature package \paket{nomencl}~\cite{nomencl}, and of course the mighty \paket{glossaries}~\cite{glossaries}. So there is really no \emph{need} for a new package. On the other hand \paket{acronym}, the best of the acronym specific packages, has one or two shortcomings and sometimes using \paket{glossaries} seems a bit of an overkill (or simply inconvenient as one has to run \code{makeglossaries}, \code{makeindex} or \code{xindy}, then). So \acro stands somewhere in between (but much closer to \paket{acronym}). The main reason for the existance of \acro is a question on \acs{texse}% \footnote{\url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/59449/5049}} which intrigued me and in consequence led to \acro and it's option \key{single}. \acro has many similarities with the \paket{acronym} package. In fact, quite some macros have the same name and meaning\footnote{\emph{Not} in the sense of \code{\textbackslash\textcolor{code}{meaning}}!}. \section{Basics}\secidx{Basics} \subsection{Creating New Acronyms}\secidx[new acronyms]{Basics} Acronyms are created with the command \cmd{DeclareAcronym} that can only be used in the preamble. \begin{beschreibung} \Befehl{DeclareAcronym}*{}\ma{,}\oa{}\ma{,}\ma{}\oa{} \verb+% can be used only in preamble+ \Befehl{DeclareAcronymFormat}{}\ma{} \verb+% can be used only in preamble+ \Befehl{DeclareAcronymCitation}{}\oa{
   \verb+% can be used only in preamble+
   \verb+% can be used only in preamble+
Although \cmd{DeclareAcronym} has quite a number of arguments. In the simplest
case you'll only need three:
\begin{beispiel}[code only]
 % preamble
 \DeclareAcronym{test}{ST}{Some Test}
This creates the acronym ``\acs{test}'' with the \acs{id} ``test'' and the long
form ``\acl{test}.'' The other arguments will be described later in this document.

\cmd{DeclareAcronymFormat} lets you assign a special format to an acronym. Maybe
small caps:
\begin{beispiel}[code only]
 % preamble:
 \DeclareAcronym{ot}{ot}{Other Test}
The short form now looks like this: \acs{ot}.

With \cmd{DeclareAcronymCitation} you can add a key as used in \cmd*{cite} that
is added to the first or every appearance of the acronym (depending on an option
that is described later).
\begin{beispiel}[code only]
 % preamble:
 \DeclareAcronym{ny}{NY,}{New York,}
 % bib file for use with biber/biblatex:
   author  = {Wikipedia},
   title   = {New York City},
   urldate = {2012-09-27},
   url     = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City},
   year    = {2012}
The first appearance now looks as follows\footnote{The appearance of the citation
of course depends on the citation style you're using.}: \acf{ny}.

\subsection{Using the Acronyms -- the Commands}\secidx[using acronyms]{Basics}
Acronyms are used with with one of the following commands:
 \befehl{ac}*{} basic command; the first output is different from subsequent
 \befehl{Ac}*{} same as \cmd{ac} but capitalizes the first letter of the
   long form.
 \befehl{acs}*{} \h{s}hort form; the actual acronym.
 \befehl{acl}*{} \h{l}ong form; the meaning of the acronym.
 \befehl{Acl}*{} same as \cmd{acl} but capitalizes first letter.
 \befehl{aca}*{} \h{a}lternative short form as specified in the \oa{}
   argument of \cmd{DeclareAcronym}; if it hasn't been specified this is
   identical to \cmd{acs}.
 \befehl{acf}*{} first form; output like the first time \cmd{ac} is output.
 \befehl{Acf}*{} same as \cmd{acf} but capitalizes first letter of the long
 \befehl{acp}*{} \h{p}lural form of \cmd{ac};
 \befehl{Acp}*{} same as \cmd{acp} but capitalizes first letter of the long
 \befehl{acsp}*{} plural form of \cmd{acs};
 \befehl{aclp}*{} plural form of \cmd{acl};
 \befehl{Aclp}*{} same as \cmd{aclp} but capitalizes first letter.
 \befehl{acap}*{} plural form of \cmd{aca};
 \befehl{acfp}*{} plural form of \cmd{acf};
 \befehl{Acfp}*{} same as \cmd{acfp} but capitalizes first letter of the
   long form.
If an acronym is used the first time with \cmd{ac} its output is different from
subsequent uses. To be clear on this: the first time! If the acronym has been
used with \emph{any} of the output commands before it is \emph{not} the first
time any more.

\sinceversion{0.5}If you use the starred variant an acronym will not be marked as
used. This proves useful if an acronym is typeset in a section title, for example,
since then the appearance in the table of contents won't mark it as used.

 % preamble: \DeclareAcronym{cd}{cd}{Compact Disc}
 % \DeclareAcronymFormat{cd}{\scshape}
 first time: \ac{cd} \\
 second time: \ac{cd} \\
 short: \acs{cd} \\
 alternative: \aca{cd} \\
 first again: \acf{cd} \\
 long: \acl{cd} \\
 short plural: \acsp{cd} \\
 long plural: \aclp{cd}

\subsection{Plural Forms}\secidx[plural forms]{Basics}
If an acronym is defined in the standard way \acro uses an `s' that's appended to
both the short and the long form when one of the plural commands is used. However,
that is not always the best solution. For one thing not all acronyms may have a
plural form. Second, the plural form especially of the long forms may be fomed
differently. And third, other languages can have other plural endings.

For this reason \cmd{DeclareAcronym} provides additional arguments:
These arguments are optional. If they're not used, the default setting is `s'.
If you use the starred version the long form will be replaced by the specified
plural form when necessary. A given short plural will still be appended.

 % preamble:
 % \DeclareAcronym{cd}{\textsc{cd}}{Compact Disc}
 %   \DeclareAcronymFormat{cd}{\scshape}
 % \DeclareAcronym{ny}{NY,}{New York,}
 % \DeclareAcronym{sw}{SW}{Sammelwerk,e}
 % \DeclareAcronym*{mp}{MP}{Member of Parliament,Members of Parliament}
 \acsp{cd}, \aclp{cd} \\
 \acsp{ny}, \aclp{ny} \\
 \acsp{sw}, \aclp{sw} \\
 \acsp{mp}, \aclp{mp}

\subsection{Alternative Short Forms}\secidx[alternative forms]{Basics}
For some acronyms it might be useful to have alternative forms. For this
\cmd{DeclareAcronym} has another optional argument:
 % preamble \DeclareAcronym{jpg}{JPEG}[JPG]{Joint Photographic Experts Group}
 default: \acs{jpg} \\
 alt.: \aca{jpg}
The alternative form uses the same plural ending as the default short form and
is formatted in the same way.

\subsection{Extra Information for the List Entry}\secidx[extra information]{Basics}
Of course you can print a list of acronyms where their meaning is explained.
Sometimes it can be useful to add additional information there. This is done with
another optional argument to \cmd{DeclareAcronym}:
These information will only be displayed in the list. See section~\ref{sec:print_lists}
for the impact of the following example.

 % preamble:
 % \DeclareAcronym{nato}{nato}{North Atlantic Treaty Organization}{\textit{deutsch}: Organisation des Nordatlantikvertrags}
 % \DeclareAcronymFormat{nato}{\scshape}
 The \ac{nato} is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the
 North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4~April 1949. \ac{nato}
 headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, one of the 28 member states
 across North America and Europe, the newest of which, Albania and
 Croatia, joined in April 2009.

\section{Additional Commands and Possibilities}\secidx{Additional Commands}
\subsection{Using Classes}\secidx[classes]{Additional Commands}
The acronyms of \acro can be divided into different classes. This doesn't change
the output but allows different acronym lists, see section~\ref{sec:print_lists}.
For this \cmd{DeclareAcronym} has an optional argument:
 % preamble:
 % \DeclareAcronym{la}{LA,}{Los Angeles,}[city]
 % \DeclareAcronym{ny}{NY,}{New York,}[city]
 \acl{la} (\acs{la}) \\
 \acl{ny} (\acs{ny})
This might be useful if you can and want to divide your acronyms into different
types, technical and grammatical ones, say, that shall be listed in different

\subsection{Reset or Mark as Used}\secidx[resetting]{Additional Commands}
If you want for some reason to fool \acro into thinking that an acronym is used
for the first time you can call one of these commands:
Beware that both commands act \emph{globally}! There is also one command that
effectively is the opposite of \cmd{acreset}, i.e., it marks an acronym as used:

\subsection{Labels}\secidx[labels]{Additional Commands}
The first usage of an acronym sets a label \verb+\label{ac:}+, regardless
which command has been used to typeset it. This label is used to create the page
numbers in the list (see section~\ref{sec:print_lists} for details) but can also
be used for other references if needed.

\subsection{\cmd{ac} and Friends in \acs*{pdf} Bookmarks}
\noindent\sinceversion{0.5}\acro's commands usually are not expandable which
means they'd leave unallowed tokens in \acs{pdf} bookmarks. \paket{hyperref}
offers \cmd{texorpdfstring} to circumvent that issue manually but that isn't
really a nice solution. What's the point of having macros to get output for you
if you have to specify it manually after all?

That is why \acro offers a preliminary solution for this. In a bookmark every
\cmd{ac} like command falls back to a simple text string typesetting what \cmd{acs}
would do (or \cmd{acsp} for plural forms). These text strings both can accessed
manually and can be modified to an output reserved for \acs{pdf} bookmarks.

 \befehl{acpdfstring}{} access the text string used in \acs{pdf} bookmarks.
 \befehl{acpdfstringplural}{} access the plural form of the text string used
   in \acs{pdf} bookmarks.
 \Befehl{DeclareAcronymPDFString}{}\ma{,} \cnpkgdocarrow\
   declare a custom text string for \acs{pdf} bookmarks.

For example the \acs{pdf} acronym used in the title for this section is defined
as follows:
\begin{beispiel}[code only]
 \DeclareAcronym{pdf}{pdf}{Portable Document File}

\secidx*{Additional Commands}

\section{Printing the List}\label{sec:print_lists}\secidx{Printing the List}
Printing the whole list of acronyms is easy: just place \cmd{printacronyms}
wherever you want the list to be.
 \Befehl{printacronyms}{}\oa{} \cnpkgdocarrow\
 the first \emph{optional} (!) argument \ma{} takes a comma-separated
 list of the classes of acronyms that should be in the list. If the argument is
 left out, \emph{all} acronyms are printed. In the optional argument \oa{} classes can be specified that shall not be included into the list.
 \acsetup{list-name=City Acronyms}
You can see that the default layout is a \code{description} list with a
\code{section*} title. Both can be changed, see section~\ref{sec:customization}.

The command \cmd{printacronyms} needs two \LaTeX\ runs. This is a precaution to
avoid error messages with a possibly empty list. But since almost all documents
need at least two runs and often are compiled much more often than that, this
fact shouldn't cause too much inconvenience.
\secidx*{Printing the List}

\subsection{General Options}\secidx[general options]{Customization}
There are a few options which change the general behaviour of \acro.
\default{Underlined} values are used if no value is given.
   If set to \code{true} an acronym that's used only once '(with \cmd{ac}) in a
   document will only print the long form and will not be printed in the list.
   If set to \code{true} the short forms of the acronyms will be linked to their
   list entry.
   This option is \code{true} as default. It means that only acronyms that are
   actually used in the document are printed in the list. If \code{false}, all
   acronyms defined with \cmd{DeclareAcronym} will be written to the list.
   If set to \code{true} this option will create a macro \cmd{} for each
   acronym as a shortcut for \cmd{ac}{}.  Already existing macros will
   \emph{not} be overwritten.
   \sinceversion{0.6}If set to \code{true} this option will append \cmd{xspace}
   from the \paket{xspace} package to the commands created with the \key{macros}
   If set to \code{true} and the option \key{macros}{true} is in effect then
   already existing macros will be overwritten.
   If set to \code{true} the acronym list will be sorted automatically. The
   entries are sorted by their \acs{id} ignoring upper and lower case. This
   option needs the experimental package \paket*{l3sort} (from the
   \paket{l3experimental} bundle) and can only be set in the preamble.
   This option decides whether citations that are added vie \cmd{DeclareAcronymCitation}
   are added to each first, every or no appearance of an acronym.
   This option determines which command is used for the citation. Each citation
   command that takes the cite key as argument is valid, for example \paket*{biblatex}'s%
   \footnote{\CTANurl{biblatex}} \cmd*{footcite}.
   Depending on the citation command in use a space should be inserted before the
   citation or maybe not (e.g.\ \cmd*{footcite}\ldots). This option allows you to
   set this. Actually it can be used to place arbitrary code right before the
   The command that is used to capitalize the first word in the \cmd{Ac} and the
   like commands. You can change it to another one like for example
   \cmd*{makefirstuc}\footnote{from the \paket*{mfirstuc} package} or
   \cmd*{MakeTextUppercase}\footnote{from the \paket*{textcase} package}.\catcode`\_=8

All options of this and the following sections can be set up either as package
options or via the setup command:
 \Befehl{acsetup}{} set up \acro anywhere in the document. Or separate
 package loading from setup.

 % with \acsetup{macros}
 we could have used these before: \nato, \ny

\subsection{Options Regarding Acronyms}\secidx[acronyms]{Customization}
The options described in this section all influence the layout of one of the
possible output forms of the acronyms.
   Sets a format for all short forms. For example \key{short-format}{\cmd{scshape}}
   would print all short forms in small caps.
   The same for the long forms.
   An extra format for the long entries in the list. If not used this is the same
   as \key{long-format}.
   The same for the extra information.
   The basic style of the first appearance of an acronym.
   Defines the way the extra information is printed in the list.
   With this option the default plural ending can be set.

 % (Keep in mind that we're in
 % a minipage here!)
 \acf{ny} \\
 \acf{ny} \\
 \acf{ny} \\
 \acf{ny} \\
 \acf{ny} \\

\subsection{Options Regarding the List}\secidx[list]{Customization}
   The style with which the page number of the first appearance of the acronym
   in the text is displayed.
   The ``name'' of the page label.
   This option let's you choose how the list is printed. \code{} can be any
   valid list like
 \code{itemize} or \code{description}.
   If you choose \key{list-type}{table} you have to specify which kind of table
   should be used. If you choose \code{longtable}, \code{extra-longtable} or
   \code{extra-longtable-rev} you have to load \paket{longtable} in your preamble.
   The values \code{extra-longtable} and \code{extra-longtable-rev} put the extra
   information in a column of its own.
   The header type of the list.\Default{section*}
   The name of the list. This is what's written in the list-header.
   This has only an effect if you chose \key{list-type}{table}. The second column
   (or the third if you choose one of the \code{-rev} styles) of the table is a
   \code{p} column whose width can be specified with this option.
   Print the first letters of the long form capitalized.

If you for example have loaded \paket{enumitem} you can define a custom list for
the acronym list:
 % preamble:
 % \usepackage{enumitem}

\section{hyperref Support}\secidx{\paket{hyperref} support}[hyperref Support]
The option \key{hyperref}{true} adds internal links from all short (or alternative)
forms to their respective list entries. Of course this only works if you have
loaded the \paket{hyperref} package in your preamble. You should use this option
with care: if you don't use \cmd{printacronyms} anywhere this option will result
in loads of \paket{hyperref} warnings. Also printing several lists can result in
warnings if don't clearly separate the lists into different classes. If an acronym
appears in more than one list there will also be more than one hypertarget for this
\secidx*{\paket{hyperref} support}[hyperref Support]


\section{All Acronyms Used in this Documentation}\label{sec:documentation_acronyms}
\begin{beispiel}[code only]
   list-type   = table,
   list-style  = longtable,
   list-header = subsection*,
   extra-style = comma,
   page-ref    = comma,
   list-name   = All Acronyms}
  list-type   = table,
  list-style  = longtable,
  list-header = subsection*,
  extra-style = comma,
  page-ref    = comma,
  list-name   = All Acronyms}

\begin{beispiel}[code only]
   list-type   = table,
   list-style  = longtable,
   list-header = subsection*,
   page-ref    = comma,
   list-name   = City-Acronyms}


  \noindent Section titles are indicated \textbf{bold}, packages \textsf{sans serif},
  commands \cmd*{brown} and options \textcolor{key}{\code{yellow}}.}
