\listfiles \documentclass[manuscript, review, screen, natbib]{acmart} \setcitestyle{super,sort&compress} \usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables \usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e} % For algorithms % Metadata Information \acmJournal{CIE} \acmVolume{9} \acmNumber{4} \acmArticle{39} \acmYear{2010} \acmMonth{3} %\acmBadgeL[http://ctuning.org/ae/ppopp2016.html]{ae-logo} \acmBadgeR[http://ctuning.org/ae/ppopp2016.html]{ae-logo} % Copyright \setcopyright{acmcopyright} %\setcopyright{acmlicensed} %\setcopyright{rightsretained} %\setcopyright{usgov} %\setcopyright{usgovmixed} %\setcopyright{cagov} %\setcopyright{cagovmixed} % DOI \acmDOI{0000001.0000001} % Document starts \begin{document} % Title portion \title{A Multifrequency MAC Specially Designed for Wireless Sensor Network Applications} \titlenote{This is a titlenote} % \subtitle{This is a subtitle} % \subtitlenote{Subtitle note} \author{Gang Zhou} % \authornote{The corresponding author} \email{zhou@uva.edu} \author{Yafeng Wu} \email{ywu@uva.edu} \affiliation{University of Virginia} \author{Ting Yan} \affiliation{Eaton Innovation Center} \author{Tian He} \affiliation{University of Minnesota} \author{Chengdu Huang} \affiliation{Google} \author{John A. Stankovic} \affiliation{University of Virginia} \author{Tarek F. Abdelzaher} \affiliation{University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign} \affiliation{University of Virginia} \begin{abstract} Multifrequency media access control has been well understood in general wireless ad hoc networks, while in wireless sensor networks, researchers still focus on single frequency solutions. In wireless sensor networks, each device is typically equipped with a single radio transceiver and applications adopt much smaller packet sizes compared to those in general wireless ad hoc networks. Hence, the multifrequency MAC protocols proposed for general wireless ad hoc networks are not suitable for wireless sensor network applications, which we further demonstrate through our simulation experiments. In this article, we propose MMSN, which takes advantage of multifrequency availability while, at the same time, takes into consideration the restrictions of wireless sensor networks. Through extensive experiments, MMSN exhibits the prominent ability to utilize parallel transmissions among neighboring nodes. When multiple physical frequencies are available, it also achieves increased energy efficiency, demonstrating the ability to work against radio interference and the tolerance to a wide range of measured time synchronization errors\footnote{This is an abstract footnote}. \end{abstract} % % The code below should be generated by the tool at % http://dl.acm.org/ccs.cfm % Please copy and paste the code instead of the example below. % \begin{CCSXML} 10010520.10010553.10010562 Computer systems organization~Embedded systems 500 10010520.10010575.10010755 Computer systems organization~Redundancy 300 10010520.10010553.10010554 Computer systems organization~Robotics 100 10003033.10003083.10003095 Networks~Network reliability 100 \end{CCSXML} \ccsdesc[500]{Computer systems organization~Embedded systems} \ccsdesc[300]{Computer systems organization~Redundancy} \ccsdesc{Computer systems organization~Robotics} \ccsdesc[100]{Networks~Network reliability} % % End generated code % % We no longer use \terms command \terms{Design, Algorithms, Performance} \keywords{Wireless sensor networks, media access control, multi-channel, radio interference, time synchronization} \thanks{This work is supported by the National Science Foundation, under grant CNS-0435060, grant CCR-0325197 and grant EN-CS-0329609. Author's addresses: G. Zhou, Computer Science Department, College of William and Mary; Y. Wu {and} J. A. Stankovic, Computer Science Department, University of Virginia; T. Yan, Eaton Innovation Center; T. He, Computer Science Department, University of Minnesota; C. Huang, Google; T. F. Abdelzaher, (Current address) NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035.} \maketitle \input{samplebody-journals} \end{document}