% (C) Lars Madsen, daleif@imf.au.dk, 2010/05/08 % This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. % See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html % for the details of that license. The main idea behind this document is to demonstrate various either contributed or inspired chapter styles for the memoir class. If you have style you would like to contribute a style/implementation, please send it with a minimal example to daleif+memoir@imf.au.dk and I will include it into this document. Memoir Chapter style Showcase -- README ---------------------------------------- The showcase source consists of one single file that includes everything needed to compile the document. Files ------ MemoirChapStyles.tex -- source code MemoirChapStyles.pdf -- compiled showcase README -- this document Versions --------- 1.7b An automatec build seems to have cropped a bit too much in the TiKz example, fixed 1.7 Back in sync with the current memoir. Also added a TiKz based style found online. 1.6 Added the jenor style, and prepared for a CTAN release. 1.5 A new mempatch version has been released including several new chapter styles, this document has been changed acordingly. You can use this as a preview for these styles. 1.4c: Added demo2 from the comming new version of Memoir Addendum, and also added the the daleif3 style 1.4b: Sample text bugfix, a missing \par after \fancybreak affects the spacing after \chapter* 1.4: Added the EQ style inspired by a mail from Erik Quaeghebeur 1.3: Added the reparticle, southall and chappell styles from the memoir addendum. Thanks to David Chadd for reminding me. How to compile this showcase document: -------------------------------------- Requirements: A fairly new LaTeX installation pdfcrop (comes at least with TeX Live 2009) pdftops (available through TeX Live 2009) perl (see later) To compile: Run the document once through latex or pdflatex. This will create process.pl chapterexample.tex and a lot of *-style.tex files Now run (you might need to change the permissions on process.pl) ./process.pl -f MemoirChapStyles.styles This will process all of the *-style files mentioned in MemoirChapStyles.styles. It will run pdflatex XXX-style.tex pdfcrop XXX-style.pdf tmp.pdf mv tmp.pdf XXX-style.pdf pdftops -eps XXX-style.pdf (plus a little extra for the EQ style) The reason for going over pdflatex, pdfcrop, pdftops is that dvips is not good at creating correct bounding boxes for files that contain postscript effects, pdfcrop does a much better job. Then run latex or pdflatex on MemoirChapStyles.tex a few times to get all references up to date. /daleif