Installing JadeTeX Frank Atanassow Christoph Next Solution Co., Ltd. Sebastian P Q Rahtz Oxford University Computing Services Simon Pepping Elsevier Science B.V. 1 1999/12/2 FAC Created. 2 2000/03/20 SR Edited, folded in remarks of SP.
Introduction This documents is based on a note by FC describing his experience installing JadeTeX with OpenJade 1.3 and teTeX 1.06 (on Unix). It has since been expanded and checked by SR and SP. It is aimed to people who have perhaps some experience using TeX and LaTeX, enough to write up technical reports using simple macros, but know little or nothing about format files or the particulars of the TeX distribution structure, and consequently have a rough time with JadeTeX… This document relates to JadeTeX version 2.11 or later. To use JadeTeX, you first of all should compile and install OpenJade. The resulting openjade executable, used with the flag, will format an SGML/XML file and yield a TeX output file. Using jadetex or pdfjadetex, you can transform this into DVI or PDF; from DVI, you can use a program like dvips to get PostScript output. This note describes how to build and install the former two programs, jadetex and pdfjadetex.
Increasing TeX capacities The TeX output file uses a macro package, JadeTeX, built on top of LaTeX, just as LaTeX is a macro package sitting on top of plain TeX. It is probably possible to just stick an \input at the top of your .tex file and use the JadeTeX macros this way, but that would be slow since TeX would need to parse and compile the macro definitions every time you format your .tex file. So what we do instead is to use TeX (actually, initex) to read in the LaTeX format, followed by the JadeTeX package, once, and dump the compiled image to what is called a format file. This is the same way that LaTeX is usually employed. Once the format file is built and installed, it is easy to arrange for TeX to read it in quickly and automatically when you process a .tex file. But, as ever, there are complications, relating to TeX's capacity restrictions. TeX is designed to use a fixed amount of resources to process documents; for example, there is a maximum number of strings that can be allocated, and a maximum stack size. If a processing run exceeds the default limits, TeX will complain and refuse to continue. Unfortunately, OpenJade's TeX backend tends to exceed these default limits. Fortunately, though, there is no need to recompile your TeX binary. If you are using teTeX (or any other Web2c-based distribution) there will be a file called texmf.cnf in your installation which sets the capacity parameters and is consulted every time TeX is run. By adding the right parameter settings here, you can ensure that JadeTeX will be unlikely to run out of memory. Where is texmf.cnf? You can find it in the web2c directory under your texmf tree... which begs the question, where is texmf? The most straightforward way to find it is to make sure all the TeX executables are in your PATH; then do: $ kpsewhich -expand-var '$TEXMFMAIN' /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf and it will respond with the location of your texmf tree. As you can see, it is also known as $TEXMFMAIN, which is how I shall refer to it in the sequel. If for some reason kpsewhich is not in your PATH, and you don't know where it is, here are some likely locations: /usr/share/texmf /usr/local/share/texmf /usr/local/teTeX/texmf /usr/local/lib/teTeX/texmf /usr/local/lib/texmf /usr/lib/texmf /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf In a minute we are going to modify texmf.cnf to increase the capacities, then build the JadeTeX format file and install the JadeTeX executable(s). But before we go further, check if you have an executable named hugelatex: $ which hugelatex If you are using teTeX, the answer is: probably not. hugelatex is a version of latex with greater capacity settings than the usual one, which is named simply latex. You need to build your format file using hugelatex rather than latex, so that JadeTeX inherits the `huge' settings. In addition, if you make any changes to the literate source of the JadeTeX macro package (see below), a normal latex will not do. First we need to update texmf.cnf to ensure that hugelatex really is huge. First, make a backup: $ cp texmf.cnf texmf.cnf.orig Then take a look at the top of the file. It will probably say: % original texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea. % (If you change or delete `original' on the previous line, the % distribution won't install its version over yours.) If it says % TeX Live texmf.cnf then you can skip all this and proceed to the next section, as TeX Live is already set up for JadeTeX If you have an `original', follow those directions and delete the string original to ensure that future upgrades won't obliterate your changes. In the latter half of the file, you will find the capacity settings, which look something like this: pool_size = 125000 pool_size.context = 750000 Here, pool_size is the name of the parameter in both cases, but the second one is qualified with .context, which indicates that this setting will be preferred when using the ConTeXt macro package. We need to make similar accomodations not only for hugelatex but also jadetex and pdfjadetex. Unfortunately, we don't know the minimal required values for every parameter and some of these values are probably ridiculously high, but no matter ... % hugelatex settings main_memory.hugelatex = 1100000 param_size.hugelatex = 1500 stack_size.hugelatex = 1500 hash_extra.hugelatex = 15000 string_vacancies.hugelatex = 45000 pool_free.hugelatex = 47500 nest_size.hugelatex = 500 save_size.hugelatex = 5000 pool_size.hugelatex = 500000 max_strings.hugelatex = 55000 font_mem_size.hugelatex= 400000 % jadetex & pdfjadetex main_memory.jadetex = 1500000 param_size.jadetex = 1500 stack_size.jadetex = 1500 hash_extra.jadetex = 50000 string_vacancies.jadetex = 45000 pool_free.jadetex = 47500 nest_size.jadetex = 500 save_size.jadetex = 5000 pool_size.jadetex = 500000 max_strings.jadetex = 55000 main_memory.pdfjadetex = 2500000 param_size.pdfjadetex = 1500 stack_size.pdfjadetex = 1500 hash_extra.pdfjadetex = 50000 string_vacancies.pdfjadetex = 45000 pool_free.pdfjadetex = 47500 nest_size.pdfjadetex = 500 save_size.pdfjadetex = 5000 pool_size.pdfjadetex = 500000 max_strings.pdfjadetex = 55000 Add these to the end of the file, or wherever makes you happy. Now let's build some format files. Under $TEXMFMAIN/tex/latex/config, you will find the files necessary to rebuild latex. Copy them somewhere temporary and go there: $ cp -R /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/config /tmp $ cd /tmp/config Now do this: $ tex -ini -progname=hugelatex latex.ini This will produce a file latex.fmt in the same directory. Rename this to hugelatex.fmt, then become root and put it in $TEXMFMAIN/web2c. This is where all the format files are kept. (You can delete the other copied files from config afterwards.) $ mv hugelatex.fmt /usr/share/texmf/web2c Now just create a symbolic link from tex to hugelatex: $ ln -s /usr/bin/tex /usr/local/bin/hugelatex When tex is invoked, it looks at the name X it was invoked with, then loads the format file X.fmt from $TEXMFMAIN/web2c before it starts processing the document. So creating this symbolic link is all that is needed to create the hugelatex executable.
Creating the format files Next, take a look at your OpenJade distribution. Under the directory dsssl you will find the files necessary to build jadetex and pdfjadetex, including a Makefile. If you don't have, and neglected to build, a hugelatex, then you will first need to edit the Makefile and replace hugelatex with latex. Otherwise, become root and just do: $ make install This creates jadetex.fmt and pdfjadetex.fmt, puts them in $TEXMFMAIN/web2c for you (using kpsewhich to find $TEXMFMAIN), and installs a few other auxiliary files under $TEXMFMAIN/tex/jadetex. All that's left to do is to create the links: $ ln -s /usr/bin/tex /usr/bin/jadetex $ ln -s /usr/bin/pdftex /usr/bin/pdfjadetex (changing the location of the binary directory to wherever your TeX is) and run mktexlsr so that your TeX distribution becomes aware of the newly installed files in $TEXMFMAIN/tex/jadetex. $ mktexlsr
Testing the installation Finally, test your installation using the demonstration files in that directory: $ openjade -t tex -d demo.dsl demo.sgm $ jadetex demo.tex $ pdfjadetex demo.tex You're done!
Frequently Asked Questions I installed JadeTeX, but when I run it, it complains that a file named unicode.sty (or dsssl.def, etc) can't be found. What did I do wrong? You didn't run the mktexlsr, so kpathsea doesn't know about the newly installed files. I don't like JadeTeX's default behavior in some situations. How do I modify it? If for some reason you want to modify the JadeTeX macro package, modify the file jadetex.dtx. This is the literate source for the format file and other files installed under $TEXMFMAIN/tex/jadetex. To format it, use hugelatex: $ hugelatex jadetex.dtx You will get tons of overfull hboxes but if you are using hugelatex rather than latex, it will work. Formatting the batch file jadetex.ins will produce stripped sources (dsssl.def and jadetex.ltx), which can be compiled into format files as before: $ hugelatex jadetex.ins $ make -f Makefile.jadetex What fonts can I use? Following is the names of the font families supported at the time of writing. Of course you must actually have these fonts installed to format the document (but not to produce the TeX output). Arial Helvetica Palatino Bookman Courier Symbol Wingdings WingDings LucidaSans LucidaBright Savoy ACaslon Caslon Formata FranklinGothic OCRAbyBT AGaramond Avant-Garde Courier-New New-Century-Schoolbook Times-Roman Trade-Gothic Times-New-Roman Times-NR-MT Courier-New Zapf-Dingbats Gill-Sans iso-serif iso-sanserif iso-monocase LetterGothic12PitchBT Monospace821 OCRB10PitchBT OCR-A OCR-B-10PitchBT Computer-Modern-Typewriter Computer-Modern-Sans Computer-Modern Computer-Modern-Caps-And-Small-Caps Why doesn't hyphenation work? Remember that your text must be fully justified (quadding: #t), hyphenation must be on, hyphenation?: #t, and a current language must be selected (e.g., language: 'EN) for JadeTeX to perform hyphenation. I'm using Norman Walsh's DocBook stylesheets and my footnotes are coming up at the end of the document rather than at the foot of each page. Why? The DocBook stylesheets need to be made aware that you are using the TeX backend. Add to your openjade command-line.