Info file:, -*-Text-*- produced by from the Bizarre Format With No Name. INFO-DIR-SECTION Languages START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * asymptote FAQ: (asy-faq). Asymptote Frequently Asked Questions. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Question 1.1, Up: (dir) ASYMPTOTE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 28 Apr 2014 This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions about Asymptote (asy). Index * Menu: * Section 1:: About Asymptote * Section 2:: Questions about installation and setup * Section 3:: Questions about paths * Section 4:: Questions about labels * Section 5:: Questions about arrows * Section 6:: Questions about 2D graphs * Section 7:: Questions about programming * Section 8:: Questions about differences between Asymptote and MetaPost * Section 9:: Questions about output Section 1, About Asymptote * Question 1.1:: What is Asymptote? * Question 1.2:: How do I obtain Asymptote? * Question 1.3:: Where can I ask questions about Asymptote? * Question 1.4:: Why was the name Asymptote chosen? * Question 1.5:: In the internal Asymptote source code, what does the name camp refer to? Section 2, Questions about installation and setup * Question 2.1:: Is it possible to install Asymptote on Mac OS X? * Question 2.2:: Why do I get the error Bad CPU type in executable on installing Asymptote from the MAC OS binary? * Question 2.3:: What do I do if I get the error: Error: pdfetex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file...texinfo.tex appears to be broken? * Question 2.4:: What do I do if I get the error: ! Undefined control sequence. l.6 @copying? * Question 2.5:: Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into LaTeX? * Question 2.6:: Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into latex or pdflatex? * Question 2.7:: Do I need the tkinter package to install an Asymptote rpm binary? * Question 2.8:: What does the path %USERPROFILE%\.asy\config.asy mean? * Question 2.9:: Why do I get the error "string not terminated" when I try to set settings.dir="C:\asymptote\";? * Question 2.10:: How do I change environment variables in Microsoft Windows, for example, in order to change the default PostScript viewer? * Question 2.11:: Under Microsoft Windows XP, why do I get an error like "Invalid Parameter - 432x432"? * Question 2.12:: Why does Asymptote freeze upon trying to draw a label with my MikTex installation under Microsoft Windows? Section 3, Questions about paths * Question 3.1:: Why do I get a syntax error message when I specify an integer value for the path tension? * Question 3.2:: Shouldn't dots always be the same size? Section 4, Questions about labels * Question 4.1:: How do I get Greek letters like omega to show up in my labels? * Question 4.2:: Can Asymptote use matrices as labels? * Question 4.3:: How do I tell Asymptote to load a particular LaTeX package, like mathptmx? * Question 4.4:: How can I use international fonts in Asymptote labels? * Question 4.5:: How can I use Fourier fonts? * Question 4.6:: Is there any way to change the default appearance of the decimal separator, using a comma instead of a dot? * Question 4.7:: How can I get a rotated label with the filled box rotated as well so that it fits the text? * Question 4.8:: How can I rotate labels in a 3D figure? * Question 4.9:: How can I draw some squares and circles of a fixed size and put a label in the middle of them? * Question 4.10:: The binary operator * can be used to scale the color of a pen by a real number. Does this scaling factor have to be less than 1? * Question 4.11:: Why is the space after the comma decimal separator in my locale so large? * Question 4.12:: How can I prevent texpreamble("\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}") from changing the page size? Section 5, Questions about arrows * Question 5.1:: How do I draw two arrows at arbitrary positions along a path? * Question 5.2:: How do I reverse the direction of an arrowhead? * Question 5.3:: How do I change the size of all arrows? * Question 5.4:: Can I create other arrowhead styles? Section 6, Questions about 2D graphs * Question 6.1:: How can I draw x axis ticks on the right side, with the tick labels on the left side (relative to the axis path)? * Question 6.2:: How can I reposition the x axis label to three-quarters along the axis length? * Question 6.3:: How can I move the x axis label down 10bp? * Question 6.4:: Can I use different pens for the axis, the axis label, and the tick labels? * Question 6.5:: How can I change the font type of the axes label? * Question 6.6:: How can I change the font type of the tick labels on an axis? * Question 6.7:: How can I prevent axes tick labels from rendering on top of each other? * Question 6.8:: How do I make the plot region of a graph, ignoring labels and legends, have a fixed size? * Question 6.9:: How can I plot a function f(x) within [0,1]x[0,2] without explicitly calculating the x values for which f(x) hits the boundary? * Question 6.10:: Is it possible to define customized palettes? * Question 6.11:: Is there an easy way to graph factorial functions nicely? * Question 6.12:: How do I indicate that a certain length should be exactly the size I prescribe with no rescaling, within a picture which has its own size? * Question 6.13:: How can I make the y axis display base-2 logarithmic values? * Question 6.14:: How can I align the x axes of two graphs on the same figure? * Question 6.15:: How can I change the direction of the y-axis, such that negatives values are on the upper y-axis? * Question 6.16:: How can I fill a path with a function that defines the color of each location? * Question 6.17:: Is there a way to draw a function that is not explicitly given, such as (y - 2)^2 = x - 1 ? * Question 6.18:: Is it possible to reverse or stretch an axis? * Question 6.19:: Why can't I use the UnFill option to draw graphs with empty markers? * Question 6.20:: How can I force several images to use the same palette range (e.g. the entire 0-255 grayscale range)? Section 7, Questions about programming * Question 7.1:: Is Asymptote an interpreter or a compiler? * Question 7.2:: What is the difference between a frame and a picture? * Question 7.3:: What is the difference between a path and a guide? * Question 7.4:: What is a convenient way to declare and initialize an array of pictures? * Question 7.5:: Is there a way to define functions that act on arrays in general (i.e. work for arrays of any type)? * Question 7.6:: Is there any way to declare structures ahead of their definition, e.g. where struct A performs some operation on struct B, but B contains an A member? * Question 7.7:: Where are static variables in for loops allocated? * Question 7.8:: Is there a debugger for asy? * Question 7.9:: Do you accept patches for Asymptote? Section 8, Questions about differences between Asymptote and MetaPost * Question 8.1:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost c[a,b] interpolation operator? * Question 8.2:: How does picture scaling differ in Asymptote and MetaPost? * Question 8.3:: How can I avoid automatic scaling of a picture? * Question 8.4:: What is the equivalent of MetaPost ... command? * Question 8.5:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost pickup command? * Question 8.6:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost whatever command? * Question 8.7:: What is the equivalent for the MetaPost command for lray - horiz*v - verti*u = whatever*(LightSource - R), a system of three linear equations for three unknowns: horiz, verti, whatever? * Question 8.8:: In MetaPost, it is possible to have a drawing remain the same size in different pictures by defining a unit u and explicitly multiply all the coordinates by u. Is there a better way to do this in Asymptote? * Question 8.9:: In MetaPost, one could produce tiling pictures by generating a picture, and then clipping the picture to a rectangle of fixed dimensions around the center of the picture. How is that done in Asymptote? Section 9, Questions about output * Question 9.1:: How can I disable automatic invocation of the PS viewer after an asy file is done processing? * Question 9.2:: How do I output jpeg images? * Question 9.3:: Can I embed bitmaps (photos) into my drawings and position and scale them? * Question 9.4:: Does Asymptote support direct PDF output? * Question 9.5:: How to I produce large pictures of high quality in raster format (e.g. png, giff etc). * Question 9.6:: Is it possible to produce multi-page documents with asymptote?  File:, Node: Section 1, Next: Section 2, Previous: Top, Up: Top About Asymptote * Menu: * Question 1.1:: What is Asymptote? * Question 1.2:: How do I obtain Asymptote? * Question 1.3:: Where can I ask questions about Asymptote? * Question 1.4:: Why was the name Asymptote chosen? * Question 1.5:: In the internal Asymptote source code, what does the name camp refer to?  File:, Node: Question 1.1, Next: Question 1.2, Previous: Top, Up: Section 1 Question 1.1. What is Asymptote? Asymptote is a vector graphics language designed for technical graphics, inspired by MetaPost but with IEEE floating-point numerics, native three-dimensional graphics, Grayscale/RGB/CMYK colourspaces, and a C++-like syntax. Unlike MetaPost, it natively supports multiple-segment paths (and hence regions other than simply connected ones), tiling patterns, Gouraud shading, tensor patch shading, and PostScript images.  File:, Node: Question 1.2, Next: Question 1.3, Previous: Question 1.1, Up: Section 1 Question 1.2. How do I obtain Asymptote? Binary releases are available for Linux, MacOS X, and Microsoft Windows platforms, in addition to full source code, from the website Many Linux distributions (such as RedHat and Debian) now include an Asymptote package (check your distribution's documentation for further information about this).  File:, Node: Question 1.3, Next: Question 1.4, Previous: Question 1.2, Up: Section 1 Question 1.3. Where can I ask questions about Asymptote? If you have a question, please try to find an answer in this FAQ, in the extensive Asymptote documentation at, or search the forum:  File:, Node: Question 1.4, Next: Question 1.5, Previous: Question 1.3, Up: Section 1 Question 1.4. Why was the name Asymptote chosen? Well, it isn't the perfect graphics package, but we do think it is getting there asymptotically...  File:, Node: Question 1.5, Next: Question 2.1, Previous: Question 1.4, Up: Section 1 Question 1.5. In the internal Asymptote source code, what does the name camp refer to? That was our original tentative name for this project, which stood for "C's Answer to MetaPost" (the language that inspired Asymptote). However, we eventually decided that the name Asymptote better emphasizes the mathematical and graphical nature of this language.  File:, Node: Section 2, Next: Section 3, Previous: Section 1, Up: Top Questions about installation and setup * Menu: * Question 2.1:: Is it possible to install Asymptote on Mac OS X? * Question 2.2:: Why do I get the error Bad CPU type in executable on installing Asymptote from the MAC OS binary? * Question 2.3:: What do I do if I get the error: Error: pdfetex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file...texinfo.tex appears to be broken? * Question 2.4:: What do I do if I get the error: ! Undefined control sequence. l.6 @copying? * Question 2.5:: Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into LaTeX? * Question 2.6:: Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into latex or pdflatex? * Question 2.7:: Do I need the tkinter package to install an Asymptote rpm binary? * Question 2.8:: What does the path %USERPROFILE%\.asy\config.asy mean? * Question 2.9:: Why do I get the error "string not terminated" when I try to set settings.dir="C:\asymptote\";? * Question 2.10:: How do I change environment variables in Microsoft Windows, for example, in order to change the default PostScript viewer? * Question 2.11:: Under Microsoft Windows XP, why do I get an error like "Invalid Parameter - 432x432"? * Question 2.12:: Why does Asymptote freeze upon trying to draw a label with my MikTex installation under Microsoft Windows?  File:, Node: Question 2.1, Next: Question 2.2, Previous: Question 1.5, Up: Section 2 Question 2.1. Is it possible to install Asymptote on Mac OS X? It is easy to compile Asymptote directly from the source code at We recommend first upgrading to the latest GNU readline library, unless you don't care about interactive readline support (in which case configure will automatically detect and disable obsolete versions of the readline library). Marius Schamschula also maintains a binary package for various MacOS X platforms  File:, Node: Question 2.2, Next: Question 2.3, Previous: Question 2.1, Up: Section 2 Question 2.2. Why do I get the error Bad CPU type in executable on installing Asymptote from the MAC OS binary? This means either that you have a binary distribution for another MAC architecture, or (according to Marius Schamschula) that you may have a missing library. The simplest solution is to compile Asymptote directly from the official source:  File:, Node: Question 2.3, Next: Question 2.4, Previous: Question 2.2, Up: Section 2 Question 2.3. What do I do if I get the error: Error: pdfetex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file...texinfo.tex appears to be broken? Simply put in the directory doc and repeat the command make all. Or, if you don't want to build a local copy of the documentation, simply proceed with make install-asy.  File:, Node: Question 2.4, Next: Question 2.5, Previous: Question 2.3, Up: Section 2 Question 2.4. What do I do if I get the error: ! Undefined control sequence. l.6 @copying? Either upgrade your texinfo package or follow one of the easy work arounds in *Note Question 2.3:: `What do I do if I get the error: Error: pdfetex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file...texinfo.tex appears to be broken?'.  File:, Node: Question 2.5, Next: Question 2.6, Previous: Question 2.4, Up: Section 2 Question 2.5. Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into LaTeX? Yes, see the example latexusage.tex. Dario Teixeira has also written a detailed guide on the topic. You can download it from Philippe Ivaldi has contributed an Asymptote mode for Emacs users, which includes a lasy-mode that allows one to compile and view the output of one \begin{asy}...\end{asy} section at a time.  File:, Node: Question 2.6, Next: Question 2.7, Previous: Question 2.5, Up: Section 2 Question 2.6. Is it possible to integrate Asymptote into latex or pdflatex? Yes, as of version 1.14, Asymptote supports latex and pdflatex (both in EPS/PDF and inline mode), as illustrated by the example latexusage.tex: pdflatex latexusage asy latexusage pdflatex latexusage  File:, Node: Question 2.7, Next: Question 2.8, Previous: Question 2.6, Up: Section 2 Question 2.7. Do I need the tkinter package to install an Asymptote rpm binary? No, you don't need tkinter unless you want to try out the GUI xasy. Try rpm -Uvh --nodeps asymptote-x.xx-1.i386.rpm where x.xx represents the version number.  File:, Node: Question 2.8, Next: Question 2.9, Previous: Question 2.7, Up: Section 2 Question 2.8. What does the path %USERPROFILE%\.asy\config.asy mean? That is the way that Microsoft Windows refers to the user profile directory. There's nothing really to understand here, just put your configuration commands in the file config.asy in a new folder %USERPROFILE%\.asy.  File:, Node: Question 2.9, Next: Question 2.10, Previous: Question 2.8, Up: Section 2 Question 2.9. Why do I get the error "string not terminated" when I try to set settings.dir="C:\asymptote\";? The backslash is an escape character here, so \" is interpreted as a verbatim quotation mark, leaving the string without a terminating quotation mark. Fortunately, this is the only escaped character in double-quoted strings. A final backslash isn't needed here anyway, but should you really want one somewhere, you can say: settings.dir="C:\asymptote"+'\\';.  File:, Node: Question 2.10, Next: Question 2.11, Previous: Question 2.9, Up: Section 2 Question 2.10. How do I change environment variables in Microsoft Windows, for example, in order to change the default PostScript viewer? While it is easier to set the corresponding Asymptote configuration variable in your config.asy file, here is the procedure for changing Microsoft Windows environment variables: Click on the [Start] button * RIGHT-click on 'My Computer' * Choose 'Properties' from the popup menu * Click the 'Advanced' tab * Click the 'Environment Variables' button.  File:, Node: Question 2.11, Next: Question 2.12, Previous: Question 2.10, Up: Section 2 Question 2.11. Under Microsoft Windows XP, why do I get an error like "Invalid Parameter - 432x432"? This means that ImageMagick wasn't properly installed and you are using the MSDOS convert program rather than the ImageMagick one. Or you may have installed ImageMagick but ran Asymptote from an existing MSDOS window. In that case, simply open a new window and try again. If that doesn't work, check that convert --version returns something like Version: ImageMagick 6.2.8 06/27/06 Q16  File:, Node: Question 2.12, Next: Question 3.1, Previous: Question 2.11, Up: Section 2 Question 2.12. Why does Asymptote freeze upon trying to draw a label with my MikTex installation under Microsoft Windows? Likely, this means that latex and dvips are not in your default path. Try adding the appropriate paths in your config.asy file, for example: import settings; latex="C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin\latex.exe"; dvips="C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin\dvips.exe";  File:, Node: Section 3, Next: Section 4, Previous: Section 2, Up: Top Questions about paths * Menu: * Question 3.1:: Why do I get a syntax error message when I specify an integer value for the path tension? * Question 3.2:: Shouldn't dots always be the same size?  File:, Node: Question 3.1, Next: Question 3.2, Previous: Question 2.12, Up: Section 3 Question 3.1. Why do I get a syntax error message when I specify an integer value for the path tension? What is happening here is that draw((0,0)..tension 2..(0,50)..(100,100)); is read as draw((0,0)..tension 2. .(0,50)..(100,100)); So the first . after the two is treated as a decimal point. Just put a space after the integer tension value: draw((0,0)..tension 2 ..(0,50)..(100,100));  File:, Node: Question 3.2, Next: Question 4.1, Previous: Question 3.1, Up: Section 3 Question 3.2. Shouldn't dots always be the same size? From the documentation: "The dot command defined in the module plain draws a dot having a diameter equal to an explicit pen linewidth or the default linewidth magnified by dotfactor (6 by default)." Thus, when you use the default pen, the dot will have size 6*linewidth, but when you give a pen with an explicit width specified, you will have a dot of size linewidth. If you want the first case to behave like the second, you may set dotfactor=1.  File:, Node: Section 4, Next: Section 5, Previous: Section 3, Up: Top Questions about labels * Menu: * Question 4.1:: How do I get Greek letters like omega to show up in my labels? * Question 4.2:: Can Asymptote use matrices as labels? * Question 4.3:: How do I tell Asymptote to load a particular LaTeX package, like mathptmx? * Question 4.4:: How can I use international fonts in Asymptote labels? * Question 4.5:: How can I use Fourier fonts? * Question 4.6:: Is there any way to change the default appearance of the decimal separator, using a comma instead of a dot? * Question 4.7:: How can I get a rotated label with the filled box rotated as well so that it fits the text? * Question 4.8:: How can I rotate labels in a 3D figure? * Question 4.9:: How can I draw some squares and circles of a fixed size and put a label in the middle of them? * Question 4.10:: The binary operator * can be used to scale the color of a pen by a real number. Does this scaling factor have to be less than 1? * Question 4.11:: Why is the space after the comma decimal separator in my locale so large? * Question 4.12:: How can I prevent texpreamble("\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}") from changing the page size?  File:, Node: Question 4.1, Next: Question 4.2, Previous: Question 3.2, Up: Section 4 Question 4.1. How do I get Greek letters like omega to show up in my labels? In (La)TeX, Greek letters can be obtained in math mode by prepending a backslash to the letter name. So for a omega symbol, use "$\omega$". Everything between the dollar signs is considered to be a math formula. Uppercase Greek letters can be used by capitalizing the first letter of the name: label("$\omega$",(0,0)); label("$\Omega$",(20,0));  File:, Node: Question 4.2, Next: Question 4.3, Previous: Question 4.1, Up: Section 4 Question 4.2. Can Asymptote use matrices as labels? Yes: usepackage("amsmath"); label("$\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 \\\ 1 & 1 \end{matrix}$",(0,0));  File:, Node: Question 4.3, Next: Question 4.4, Previous: Question 4.2, Up: Section 4 Question 4.3. How do I tell Asymptote to load a particular LaTeX package, like mathptmx? Put usepackage("mathptmx"); at the beginning of your file. Note: to enable the Adobe Times Roman font for text, you will also need to say: defaultpen(TimesRoman());  File:, Node: Question 4.4, Next: Question 4.5, Previous: Question 4.3, Up: Section 4 Question 4.4. How can I use international fonts in Asymptote labels? See  File:, Node: Question 4.5, Next: Question 4.6, Previous: Question 4.4, Up: Section 4 Question 4.5. How can I use Fourier fonts? usepackage("fourier"); defaultpen(font("T1","fut\textfamilyextension","m","n"));  File:, Node: Question 4.6, Next: Question 4.7, Previous: Question 4.5, Up: Section 4 Question 4.6. Is there any way to change the default appearance of the decimal separator, using a comma instead of a dot? Just set your locale appropriately: locale("it_IT"); usepackage("icomma"); label(format(0.5));  File:, Node: Question 4.7, Next: Question 4.8, Previous: Question 4.6, Up: Section 4 Question 4.7. How can I get a rotated label with the filled box rotated as well so that it fits the text? frame f; label(f,"This is some text",white,Fill(blue)); add(rotate(65)*f);  File:, Node: Question 4.8, Next: Question 4.9, Previous: Question 4.7, Up: Section 4 Question 4.8. How can I rotate labels in a 3D figure? You need to first project the triple to a pair like this: import three; size(100,100); draw(rotate(90,project(Z))*"A",O--X);  File:, Node: Question 4.9, Next: Question 4.10, Previous: Question 4.8, Up: Section 4 Question 4.9. How can I draw some squares and circles of a fixed size and put a label in the middle of them? Fixed-size objects should be drawn on a separate picture and then added to currentpicture. Here is one way (see also and real u=2cm; picture square; draw(square,scale(u)*shift(-0.5,-0.5)*unitsquare); picture circle; draw(circle,scale(0.5u)*unitcircle); void add(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, picture object, pair z) { add(pic,object,z); label(pic,L,z); } add("square",square,(0,0)); add("circle",circle,(5cm,0));  File:, Node: Question 4.10, Next: Question 4.11, Previous: Question 4.9, Up: Section 4 Question 4.10. The binary operator * can be used to scale the color of a pen by a real number. Does this scaling factor have to be less than 1? The scaling factor can be greater than 1. But keep in mind that the rgb color components saturate at 1. Try write(cyan); write(0.8*cyan); write(1.5*cyan); and you will quickly see what is going on. To get a lighter cyan you can say white+cyan, which yields rgb(0.5,1,1). If you want something even lighter specify the rgb colors directly, for example, rgb(0.9,1,1). Alternatively, work in cmyk colour space, which is nicer in that it handles saturation separately from hue: 0.1*Cyan is light and 0.9*Cyan is dark. You can also say 0.1*cmyk(red).  File:, Node: Question 4.11, Next: Question 4.12, Previous: Question 4.10, Up: Section 4 Question 4.11. Why is the space after the comma decimal separator in my locale so large? LaTeX is treating the comma as punctuation and not as a decimal separator. The solution is to load the icomma package near the beginning of your file: usepackage("icomma");  File:, Node: Question 4.12, Next: Question 5.1, Previous: Question 4.11, Up: Section 4 Question 4.12. How can I prevent texpreamble("\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}") from changing the page size? texpreamble("\usepackage[pdftex,setpagesize=false]{hyperref}");  File:, Node: Section 5, Next: Section 6, Previous: Section 4, Up: Top Questions about arrows * Menu: * Question 5.1:: How do I draw two arrows at arbitrary positions along a path? * Question 5.2:: How do I reverse the direction of an arrowhead? * Question 5.3:: How do I change the size of all arrows? * Question 5.4:: Can I create other arrowhead styles?  File:, Node: Question 5.1, Next: Question 5.2, Previous: Question 4.12, Up: Section 5 Question 5.1. How do I draw two arrows at arbitrary positions along a path? Assuming that at least one of the arrowheads is to be filled, you can do this: size(200); path g = (0,0)..(1,3)..(3,0); draw(g,Arrow(Relative(0.9))); add(arrow(g,invisible,FillDraw(black),Relative(0.5))); add(arrow(reverse(g),invisible,FillDraw(white,black),Relative(0.9))); If both of the arrowheads are to be drawn with filltype NoFill, one will need to create a specialized version of the arrow routine in plain_arrows.asy: void arrow(frame f, arrowhead arrowhead=DefaultHead, path g, pen p=currentpen, real size=0, real angle=arrowangle, filltype filltype=arrowhead.defaultfilltype, position position=EndPoint, bool forwards=true, margin margin=NoMargin, bool center=false);  File:, Node: Question 5.2, Next: Question 5.3, Previous: Question 5.1, Up: Section 5 Question 5.2. How do I reverse the direction of an arrowhead? Simply reverse the direction of the path. path g=((0,0)--(5cm,0)); draw(reverse(g),Arrow(Relative(0.55)));  File:, Node: Question 5.3, Next: Question 5.4, Previous: Question 5.2, Up: Section 5 Question 5.3. How do I change the size of all arrows? To override the arrowsize you can give every Arrow drawing attribute a real size argument. If you want to do this globally, you can override the pen-dependent arrowsize function like this: DefaultHead.size=new real(pen p=currentpen) {return 2mm;};  File:, Node: Question 5.4, Next: Question 6.1, Previous: Question 5.3, Up: Section 5 Question 5.4. Can I create other arrowhead styles? Yes, you can build custom arrowheads like this (see the predefined arrowhead styles in plain_arrows.asy for further examples): arrowhead DotHead; DotHead.head=new path(path g, position position=EndPoint, pen p=currentpen, real size=0, real angle=arrowangle) { if(size == 0) size=DotHead.size(p); bool relative=position.relative; real position=position.position.x; if(relative) position=reltime(g,position); path r=subpath(g,position,0); pair x=point(r,0); real t=arctime(r,size); pair y=point(r,t); return circle(0.5(x+y),0.5size); }; size(100); draw((0,0)..(1,1)..(2,0),Arrow(DotHead)); dot((2,0),red); If you submit your alternate arrowheads to the Forum or the Patch Tracking System, we'll consider including them in a future release.  File:, Node: Section 6, Next: Section 7, Previous: Section 5, Up: Top Questions about 2D graphs * Menu: * Question 6.1:: How can I draw x axis ticks on the right side, with the tick labels on the left side (relative to the axis path)? * Question 6.2:: How can I reposition the x axis label to three-quarters along the axis length? * Question 6.3:: How can I move the x axis label down 10bp? * Question 6.4:: Can I use different pens for the axis, the axis label, and the tick labels? * Question 6.5:: How can I change the font type of the axes label? * Question 6.6:: How can I change the font type of the tick labels on an axis? * Question 6.7:: How can I prevent axes tick labels from rendering on top of each other? * Question 6.8:: How do I make the plot region of a graph, ignoring labels and legends, have a fixed size? * Question 6.9:: How can I plot a function f(x) within [0,1]x[0,2] without explicitly calculating the x values for which f(x) hits the boundary? * Question 6.10:: Is it possible to define customized palettes? * Question 6.11:: Is there an easy way to graph factorial functions nicely? * Question 6.12:: How do I indicate that a certain length should be exactly the size I prescribe with no rescaling, within a picture which has its own size? * Question 6.13:: How can I make the y axis display base-2 logarithmic values? * Question 6.14:: How can I align the x axes of two graphs on the same figure? * Question 6.15:: How can I change the direction of the y-axis, such that negatives values are on the upper y-axis? * Question 6.16:: How can I fill a path with a function that defines the color of each location? * Question 6.17:: Is there a way to draw a function that is not explicitly given, such as (y - 2)^2 = x - 1 ? * Question 6.18:: Is it possible to reverse or stretch an axis? * Question 6.19:: Why can't I use the UnFill option to draw graphs with empty markers? * Question 6.20:: How can I force several images to use the same palette range (e.g. the entire 0-255 grayscale range)?  File:, Node: Question 6.1, Next: Question 6.2, Previous: Question 5.4, Up: Section 6 Question 6.1. How can I draw x axis ticks on the right side, with the tick labels on the left side (relative to the axis path)? import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); draw(graph(exp,-1,1),red); xaxis("$x$",RightTicks(Label(align=left))); yaxis("$y$",RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.2, Next: Question 6.3, Previous: Question 6.1, Up: Section 6 Question 6.2. How can I reposition the x axis label to three-quarters along the axis length? import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); draw(graph(exp,-1,1),red); xaxis(Label("$x$",0.75),LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.3, Next: Question 6.4, Previous: Question 6.2, Up: Section 6 Question 6.3. How can I move the x axis label down 10bp? import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); draw(graph(exp,-1,1),red); xaxis(shift(0,-10)*"$x$",LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.4, Next: Question 6.5, Previous: Question 6.3, Up: Section 6 Question 6.4. Can I use different pens for the axis, the axis label, and the tick labels? Yes: import graph; size(300,200,IgnoreAspect); xlimits(-50,50); ylimits(0,100); xaxis(Label("$x$",MidPoint,red),Bottom,blue,LeftTicks(green)); yaxis("$y$",Left,RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.5, Next: Question 6.6, Previous: Question 6.4, Up: Section 6 Question 6.5. How can I change the font type of the axes label? import graph; size(300,200,IgnoreAspect); xlimits(-50,50); ylimits(0,100); xaxis("x",Bottom,Courier("m","n"),LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",Left,RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.6, Next: Question 6.7, Previous: Question 6.5, Up: Section 6 Question 6.6. How can I change the font type of the tick labels on an axis? Tick labels are by default typeset in (TeX) math mode, so to use other fonts you need to override the default tick format: import graph; size(300,200,IgnoreAspect); xlimits(-50,50); ylimits(0,100); xaxis("$x$",Bottom,LeftTicks("%.4g",Courier("m","n")+fontsize(12))); yaxis("$y$",Left,RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.7, Next: Question 6.8, Previous: Question 6.6, Up: Section 6 Question 6.7. How can I prevent axes tick labels from rendering on top of each other? Either: (i) give LeftTicks/RightTicks/Ticks the arguments beginlabel=false and/or endlabel=false; (ii) explicitly remove specific ticks and their labels (drawing them manually; see for the definition of NoZero): import graph; size(10cm); real f(real x) {return x^2;} draw(graph(f,-2,2)); xaxis(Ticks(NoZero)); yaxis(Ticks(NoZero)); label("$0$",(0,0),SW); (iii) explicitly remove specific tick labels and draw them manually (see for the definition of NoZeroFormat): import graph; size(10cm); real f(real x) {return x^2;} draw(graph(f,-2,2)); xaxis(Ticks(NoZeroFormat)); yaxis(Ticks(NoZeroFormat)); label("$0$",(0,0),SW); (iv) use the xasy GUI to move overlapping labels; (v) change the Label argument of LeftTicks, RightTicks, or Ticks to: Label(currentpen+overwrite(Move)) Solution (v) will move labels that might otherwise overwrite a previous label. Other possible overwrite arguments are Allow (allows overlapping labels; the default), Suppress (an overlapping label will not be written at all), SuppressQuiet, and MoveQuiet. The last two achieve the same result as the non-quiet types, but will not notify you which labels are overlapping. See: In the case of a user-specified tick array, you can change which labels get suppressed/moved by changing the order of array entries.  File:, Node: Question 6.8, Next: Question 6.9, Previous: Question 6.7, Up: Section 6 Question 6.8. How do I make the plot region of a graph, ignoring labels and legends, have a fixed size? Either: i) Specify an explicit unitsize, which overrides any call to size: unitsize(x=1cm,y=2cm); ii) Explicitly tell Asymptote to map the plot region to a specific size: import graph; real[] x={0,1,2,3}; real[] y=x^2; draw(graph(x,y),red); xaxis("$x$",BottomTop,LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",LeftRight,RightTicks); size(5cm,5cm,point(SW),point(NE)); label("$f_\mathrm{T}$",point(N),2N); iii) Specify the points in user coordinates that should correspond to a given picture size: import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); draw(graph(exp,-1,1),red); xaxis("$x$",BottomTop,LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",LeftRight,RightTicks); fixedscaling((-1.5,-0.5),(1.5,3.5)); In this example, the user coordinate (-1.5,-0.5) will end up being the lower left corner of the figure and (1.5,3.5) will be the upper right corner. You can use this option to ensure multiple figures have the same scaling and same resulting figure size (just ensure the two coordinates given to fixedscaling() leaves room for any labels). See also  File:, Node: Question 6.9, Next: Question 6.10, Previous: Question 6.8, Up: Section 6 Question 6.9. How can I plot a function f(x) within [0,1]x[0,2] without explicitly calculating the x values for which f(x) hits the boundary? Call limits with the Crop option before drawing the graph: import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); draw(graph(exp,-1,1),red); limits((0,0),(1,2),Crop); xaxis("$x$",BottomTop,LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",LeftRight,RightTicks); See also  File:, Node: Question 6.10, Next: Question 6.11, Previous: Question 6.9, Up: Section 6 Question 6.10. Is it possible to define customized palettes? Yes, you may generate your own pen[] array. For example: int NColors=32768; pen[] MyPalette=new pen[NColors]; real step=1/(NColors-1.0); // Start at black: rgb(0,0,0) // End at yellow: rgb(1,1,0) for(int i=0; i < NColors; ++i) { real rgval=i*step; MyPalette[i]=rgb(rgval,rgval,0.0); }  File:, Node: Question 6.11, Next: Question 6.12, Previous: Question 6.10, Up: Section 6 Question 6.11. Is there an easy way to graph factorial functions nicely? The example below shows a continuous function and two methods for placing markers at integer values of x: import graph; size(200,200,IgnoreAspect); real factorial(real t) {return gamma(t+1);} scale(Linear,Log); // Graph the factorial function. draw(graph(factorial,0,10)); // Method 1: Draw nodes, but hide line pair F(int t) {return (t,factorial(t));} // Graph of factorial function from 0 to 10 pair[] z=sequence(F,11); draw(graph(z),invisible,marker(scale(0.8mm)*unitcircle,blue,Fill)); // Method 2: Nongraphing routines require explicit scaling: pair dotloc(int t) {return Scale(F(t));} pair[] dotlocs=sequence(dotloc,11); dot(dotlocs); xaxis("$x$",BottomTop,LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",LeftRight,RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.12, Next: Question 6.13, Previous: Question 6.11, Up: Section 6 Question 6.12. How do I indicate that a certain length should be exactly the size I prescribe with no rescaling, within a picture which has its own size? Here's an easy way to do this. size(12cm,0); void distance(picture pic=currentpicture, pair A, pair B, Label L="", real n=0, pen p=currentpen) { real d=3mm; path g=A--B; transform T=shift(-n*d*unit(B-A)*I); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { picture opic; path G=T*t*g; draw(opic,Label(L,Center,UnFill(1)),G,p,Arrows(NoFill),Bars,PenMargins); add(f,; }); pic.addBox(min(g),max(g),T*min(p),T*max(p)); } pair A=(0,0), B=(3,3); dot(A); dot(B); distance(A,B,"$\ell$",1);  File:, Node: Question 6.13, Next: Question 6.14, Previous: Question 6.12, Up: Section 6 Question 6.13. How can I make the y axis display base-2 logarithmic values? See the example graphs/log2graph.asy.  File:, Node: Question 6.14, Next: Question 6.15, Previous: Question 6.13, Up: Section 6 Question 6.14. How can I align the x axes of two graphs on the same figure? An easy way to do this, if the axes to be aligned have the same scaling and size, is illustrated in the example graphs/alignedaxis.asy. Here is a more general solution to the problem of aligning two arbitrary axes. One fits the second picture to a frame based on the horizontal scaling for the first picture: import graph; real width=15cm; real aspect=0.3; picture pic1,pic2; size(pic1,width,aspect*width,IgnoreAspect); size(pic2,width,aspect*width,IgnoreAspect); scale(pic1,false); scale(pic2,false); real xmin1=6; real xmax1=9; real xmin2=8; real xmax2=16; real a1=1; real a2=0.001; real f1(real x) {return a1*sin(x/2*pi);} real f2(real x) {return a2*sin(x/4*pi);} draw(pic1,graph(pic1,f1,xmin1,xmax1)); draw(pic2,graph(pic2,f2,xmin2,xmax2)); xaxis(pic1,Bottom,LeftTicks()); yaxis(pic1,"$f_1(x)$",Left,RightTicks); xaxis(pic2,"$x$",Bottom,LeftTicks(Step=4)); yaxis(pic2,"$f_2(x)$",Left,RightTicks); yequals(pic1,0,Dotted); yequals(pic2,0,Dotted); pair min1=point(pic1,SW); pair max1=point(pic1,NE); pair min2=point(pic2,SW); pair max2=point(pic2,NE); real scale=(max1.x-min1.x)/(max2.x-min2.x); real shift=min1.x/scale-min2.x; transform t1=pic1.calculateTransform(); transform t2=pic2.calculateTransform(); transform T=xscale(scale*t1.xx)*yscale(t2.yy); add(; real height=truepoint(N,user=false).y-truepoint(S,user=false).y; add(shift(0,-height)*(shift(shift)*pic2).fit(T));  File:, Node: Question 6.15, Next: Question 6.16, Previous: Question 6.14, Up: Section 6 Question 6.15. How can I change the direction of the y-axis, such that negatives values are on the upper y-axis? Here is a simple example (see also the example graphs/diatom.asy or the discussion of Linear(-1) in the documentation): import graph; size(250,200,IgnoreAspect); scale(Linear,Linear(-1)); draw(graph(log,0.1,10),red); xaxis("$x$",LeftTicks); yaxis("$y$",RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.16, Next: Question 6.17, Previous: Question 6.15, Up: Section 6 Question 6.16. How can I fill a path with a function that defines the color of each location? Use functionshade with a PDF tex engine, as illustrated by the example {functionshading.asy}. If you want to produce PostScript output, an approximate solution for now would be to superimpose a fine grid and specify colors to latticeshade that depend on position as a single pen[][] lattice. Alternatively, it may be more efficient to use tensorshade}.  File:, Node: Question 6.17, Next: Question 6.18, Previous: Question 6.16, Up: Section 6 Question 6.17. Is there a way to draw a function that is not explicitly given, such as (y - 2)^2 = x - 1 ? Yes, use the parametric form y=t x=(t-2)^2+1 See the example graphs/parametricgraph.asy.  File:, Node: Question 6.18, Next: Question 6.19, Previous: Question 6.17, Up: Section 6 Question 6.18. Is it possible to reverse or stretch an axis? The real scaling argument to Linear is used to stretch (or reverse) the axis. To see the effect of axis stretching, be sure not to specify IgnoreAspect in the picture size command. A secondary axis has the same length as the primary axis, so stretching cannot have any effect. But one can still reverse the axis, with Linear(-1).  File:, Node: Question 6.19, Next: Question 6.20, Previous: Question 6.18, Up: Section 6 Question 6.19. Why can't I use the UnFill option to draw graphs with empty markers? UnFill won't work here because it only affects the local frame the markers are initially drawn on, before being added to currentpicture. Here is a way of achieving the desired effect (assuming a white background): import graph; size(10cm,0); pair[] z={(0,0),(0.5,0.5),(1,1)}; path g=graph(z); draw(shift(0,.5)*g,marker(scale(5)*unitcircle,FillDraw(white))); xaxis(BottomTop,LeftTicks); yaxis(LeftRight,RightTicks);  File:, Node: Question 6.20, Next: Question 7.1, Previous: Question 6.19, Up: Section 6 Question 6.20. How can I force several images to use the same palette range (e.g. the entire 0-255 grayscale range)? The palette color space corresponds to a range of values specified by the argument range, which can be Full, Automatic or an explicit range Range(pair min, pair max). Here Full} specifies a range varying from the minimum to maximum values of the function over the sampling interval, while Automatic selects "nice" limits.  File:, Node: Section 7, Next: Section 8, Previous: Section 6, Up: Top Questions about programming * Menu: * Question 7.1:: Is Asymptote an interpreter or a compiler? * Question 7.2:: What is the difference between a frame and a picture? * Question 7.3:: What is the difference between a path and a guide? * Question 7.4:: What is a convenient way to declare and initialize an array of pictures? * Question 7.5:: Is there a way to define functions that act on arrays in general (i.e. work for arrays of any type)? * Question 7.6:: Is there any way to declare structures ahead of their definition, e.g. where struct A performs some operation on struct B, but B contains an A member? * Question 7.7:: Where are static variables in for loops allocated? * Question 7.8:: Is there a debugger for asy? * Question 7.9:: Do you accept patches for Asymptote?  File:, Node: Question 7.1, Next: Question 7.2, Previous: Question 6.20, Up: Section 7 Question 7.1. Is Asymptote an interpreter or a compiler? Asymptote compiles Asymptote commands into its own virtual machine code. It then runs this pseudocode on a virtual machine to produce PostScript code.  File:, Node: Question 7.2, Next: Question 7.3, Previous: Question 7.1, Up: Section 7 Question 7.2. What is the difference between a frame and a picture? Frames are canvases for drawing in PostScript coordinates. While working with frames directly is occasionally necessary for constructing deferred drawing routines, pictures are usually more convenient to work with. See *Note Question 8.8:: `In MetaPost, it is possible to have a drawing remain the same size in different pictures by defining a unit u and explicitly multiply all the coordinates by u. Is there a better way to do this in Asymptote?'.  File:, Node: Question 7.3, Next: Question 7.4, Previous: Question 7.2, Up: Section 7 Question 7.3. What is the difference between a path and a guide? A path is a cubic spline with fixed endpoint conditions. A guide is an unresolved cubic spline (list of cubic-spline nodes and control points). A guide is like a path except that the computation of the cubic spline is deferred until drawing time (when it is resolved into a path); this allows two guides with free endpoint conditions to be joined together smoothly.  File:, Node: Question 7.4, Next: Question 7.5, Previous: Question 7.3, Up: Section 7 Question 7.4. What is a convenient way to declare and initialize an array of pictures? You could write yourself a routine such as: picture[] picture(int n) { picture[] pic; for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { pic[i]=new picture; size(pic[i],19cm,0); } return pic; } picture[] pic=picture(6);  File:, Node: Question 7.5, Next: Question 7.6, Previous: Question 7.4, Up: Section 7 Question 7.5. Is there a way to define functions that act on arrays in general (i.e. work for arrays of any type)? Generic types aren't yet implemented. But for now you can at least say typedef string T; include F; typedef real T; include F; where F.asy contains some type-dependent code like T[] operator $(T A, T B) {return new T[] {A,B};}  File:, Node: Question 7.6, Next: Question 7.7, Previous: Question 7.5, Up: Section 7 Question 7.6. Is there any way to declare structures ahead of their definition, e.g. where struct A performs some operation on struct B, but B contains an A member? Asymptote does not support forward declaration of types. You can, however, nest structures, so that both types are visible for parts of the bodies of both structure definitions. For example: struct B { typedef void someroutine(B b); static struct A { someroutine routine; void operator init(someroutine routine) { this.routine=routine; } } string test="Testing"; } typedef B.A A; A a=B.A(new void(B b){write(b.test);}); B b; a.routine(b);  File:, Node: Question 7.7, Next: Question 7.8, Previous: Question 7.6, Up: Section 7 Question 7.7. Where are static variables in for loops allocated? In the example void f() { for(int i=0; i < 3; ++i) { static int n; ++n; write(n); } } f(); // Writes 1, 2, 3 the static qualifier means that n is allocated not just outside of the for loop, but also outside the function. This is clear if you call f multiple times; there is still only one instance of n. The "level" of a variable (where it is allocated) has nothing to do with the "scope" of a variable (how long it can be referred to by name). The curly braces enclosing a block affect only a variable's scope, not its level. Static modifiers are meaningless at the top level; they generate a warning and are simply ignored: for(int i=0; i < 3; ++i) { static int n; ++n; write(n); } // Writes warning about top-level static modifier and then 1, 1, 1 Since version 1.22, non-static variables allocated in a loop body are allocated anew every iteration. This is only noticable in obscure cases where a variable in a loop is accessed in the closure of a function defined in the loop: int f(); for(int i=0; i < 10; ++i) { int j=10*i; if(i == 5) f=new int() {return j;}; } write(f()); // Writes 50 Variables in the body of a loop last as long as that iteration of the loop, unless they are kept alive by a function closure as in the example above. In a function body, variables will last at least as long as the function call, though because of closures and garbage collection, they may last longer than that. If defined at the top level of a file or at the interactive prompt, they will last at least until the end of the file or prompt's run.  File:, Node: Question 7.8, Next: Question 7.9, Previous: Question 7.7, Up: Section 7 Question 7.8. Is there a debugger for asy? Yes, Asymptote includes a line-based debugger:  File:, Node: Question 7.9, Next: Question 8.1, Previous: Question 7.8, Up: Section 7 Question 7.9. Do you accept patches for Asymptote? Yes, in fact we would prefer that users submit patches for customized features (to instead of relying on us to do all of the coding. Development will proceed faster that way.  File:, Node: Section 8, Next: Section 9, Previous: Section 7, Up: Top Questions about differences between Asymptote and MetaPost * Menu: * Question 8.1:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost c[a,b] interpolation operator? * Question 8.2:: How does picture scaling differ in Asymptote and MetaPost? * Question 8.3:: How can I avoid automatic scaling of a picture? * Question 8.4:: What is the equivalent of MetaPost ... command? * Question 8.5:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost pickup command? * Question 8.6:: What is the equivalent of the MetaPost whatever command? * Question 8.7:: What is the equivalent for the MetaPost command for lray - horiz*v - verti*u = whatever*(LightSource - R), a system of three linear equations for three unknowns: horiz, verti, whatever? * Question 8.8:: In MetaPost, it is possible to have a drawing remain the same size in different pictures by defining a unit u and explicitly multiply all the coordinates by u. Is there a better way to do this in Asymptote? * Question 8.9:: In MetaPost, one could produce tiling pictures by generating a picture, and then clipping the picture to a rectangle of fixed dimensions around the center of the picture. How is that done in Asymptote?  File:, Node: Question 8.1, Next: Question 8.2, Previous: Question 7.9, Up: Section 8 Question 8.1. What is the equivalent of the MetaPost c[a,b] interpolation operator? interp(a,b,c);  File:, Node: Question 8.2, Next: Question 8.3, Previous: Question 8.1, Up: Section 8 Question 8.2. How does picture scaling differ in Asymptote and MetaPost? Asymptote includes an optional facility to do automatic scaling of pictures to achieve a given overall picture size, whereas Metapost only supports manual scaling. Asymptote defers drawing of objects drawn to pictures and distinguishes between true-size objects and objects that should scale with the picture size. The resulting linear programming problem is solved via the Simplex method. See the example for an example of how deferred drawing is used to accomodate both user and true-size (PostScript) coordinates.  File:, Node: Question 8.3, Next: Question 8.4, Previous: Question 8.2, Up: Section 8 Question 8.3. How can I avoid automatic scaling of a picture? If you really like Metapost-style manual (hard-wired) scaling either: (i) use the default size(0,0) for the entire picture and do all of the scaling by hand, just like in MetaPost; (ii) draw to a separate picture pic and add(; (iii) use frames.  File:, Node: Question 8.4, Next: Question 8.5, Previous: Question 8.3, Up: Section 8 Question 8.4. What is the equivalent of MetaPost ... command? The connector :: is a macro for tension atleast 1: size(100); pair z0=(0,0); pair z1=(1,0.25); pair z2=(2,0); draw(z0{up}::z1{right}::z2{down});  File:, Node: Question 8.5, Next: Question 8.6, Previous: Question 8.4, Up: Section 8 Question 8.5. What is the equivalent of the MetaPost pickup command? Just say, for example: currentpen=red;  File:, Node: Question 8.6, Next: Question 8.7, Previous: Question 8.5, Up: Section 8 Question 8.6. What is the equivalent of the MetaPost whatever command? Asymptote does not implicitly solve linear equations and therefore does not have the notion of a whatever unknown. Such a facility could certainly be added (perhaps using the notation ?= since = means assignment). However, the most common uses of whatever in MetaPost are covered by functions like extension in math.asy: pair extension(pair P, pair Q, pair p, pair q); this returns the intersection point of the extensions of the line segments PQ and pq. We find using routines like extension more explicit and less confusing to new users. But we could be persuaded to add something similar if someone can justify the need. In the meantime, one can always use the explicit built-in linear solver solve (see, which uses LU decomposition.  File:, Node: Question 8.7, Next: Question 8.8, Previous: Question 8.6, Up: Section 8 Question 8.7. What is the equivalent for the MetaPost command for lray - horiz*v - verti*u = whatever*(LightSource - R), a system of three linear equations for three unknowns: horiz, verti, whatever? Since horiz*v+verti*u spans a plane, you could use real intersect(vector P, vector Q, vector n, vector Z); to find the intersection time for the line lray-whatever*(LightSource - R) and then extract the three desired values from there. (You'll still need to use the built-in explicit linear solver to solve a 2x2 system to get horiz and verti.)  File:, Node: Question 8.8, Next: Question 8.9, Previous: Question 8.7, Up: Section 8 Question 8.8. In MetaPost, it is possible to have a drawing remain the same size in different pictures by defining a unit u and explicitly multiply all the coordinates by u. Is there a better way to do this in Asymptote? Yes, Asymptote has a better way: you definitely don't want to manually scale all of your coordinates. To make the user coordinates represent multiples of exactly 1cm: unitsize(1cm); draw(unitsquare); One can also specify different x and y unit sizes: unitsize(x=1cm,y=2cm); draw(unitsquare); Another way is to draw your fixed size object to a frame and add it to currentpicture like this: path p=(0,0)--(1,0); frame object; draw(object,scale(100)*p); add(object); add(object,(0,-10)); To understand the difference between frames and pictures, try this: size(300,300); path p=(0,0)--(1,0); picture object; draw(object,scale(100)*p); add(object); add(object,(0,-10)); // Adds truesize object to currentpicture  File:, Node: Question 8.9, Next: Question 9.1, Previous: Question 8.8, Up: Section 8 Question 8.9. In MetaPost, one could produce tiling pictures by generating a picture, and then clipping the picture to a rectangle of fixed dimensions around the center of the picture. How is that done in Asymptote? If you are using currentpicture the way one would in MetaPost (drawing in raw PostScript coordinates), you can simply do something like: fill((0,0)--(100,100)--(200,0)--cycle); pair center(picture pic=currentpicture) {return 0.5*(pic.min()+pic.max());} real height=100; real width=100; pair delta=0.5(width,height); pair c=center(); clip(box(c-delta,c+delta)); However, drawing in PostScript coordinates is often inconvenient. Here's the Asymptote way of doing the same thing, using deferred drawing: size(200,100); fill((0,0)--(1,1)--(2,0)--cycle); void clip(picture pic=currentpicture, real width, real height) { pic.clip(new void (frame f, transform) { pair center=0.5(min(f)+max(f)); pair delta=0.5(width,height); clip(f,box(center-delta,center+delta)); }); } clip(100,100); See also the discussion of tilings in the documentation:  File:, Node: Section 9, Previous: Section 8, Up: Top Questions about output * Menu: * Question 9.1:: How can I disable automatic invocation of the PS viewer after an asy file is done processing? * Question 9.2:: How do I output jpeg images? * Question 9.3:: Can I embed bitmaps (photos) into my drawings and position and scale them? * Question 9.4:: Does Asymptote support direct PDF output? * Question 9.5:: How to I produce large pictures of high quality in raster format (e.g. png, giff etc). * Question 9.6:: Is it possible to produce multi-page documents with asymptote?  File:, Node: Question 9.1, Next: Question 9.2, Previous: Question 8.9, Up: Section 9 Question 9.1. How can I disable automatic invocation of the PS viewer after an asy file is done processing? It's actually not on by default, unless you happen to be using Microsoft Windows (because that is what most Microsoft Windows users expect). Microsoft Windows users can turn this feature off with the command-line option -noV or by putting import settings; interactiveView=false; batchView=false; in their config.asy file. See  File:, Node: Question 9.2, Next: Question 9.3, Previous: Question 9.1, Up: Section 9 Question 9.2. How do I output jpeg images? If you have the ImageMagick convert program installed, simply type asy -f jpg test.asy  File:, Node: Question 9.3, Next: Question 9.4, Previous: Question 9.2, Up: Section 9 Question 9.3. Can I embed bitmaps (photos) into my drawings and position and scale them? Convert them to eps format and use the graphic(string) function just like a Label: label(graphic("file"),(0,0)); See the example and  File:, Node: Question 9.4, Next: Question 9.5, Previous: Question 9.3, Up: Section 9 Question 9.4. Does Asymptote support direct PDF output? Yes, PDF output can be produced by the -f pdf option or -tex pdflatex option. This supports transparency, annotations, embedded movies, and U3D/PRC content.  File:, Node: Question 9.5, Next: Question 9.6, Previous: Question 9.4, Up: Section 9 Question 9.5. How to I produce large pictures of high quality in raster format (e.g. png, giff etc). Try using some of the options to convert, mainly -geometry and -density. For example: convert -geometry 1000x3000 example.eps example.png You can also change the default resolution of the image with: convert -geometry 1000x3000 -density 300 -units PixelsPerInch example.eps example.png This does not change the number of pixels in the image, but just gives a hint as to how large each pixel should be displayed. If you include the -density option without the -geometry option, convert will keep the image size constant (so a 4cm x 3cm eps figure will generate a 4cm x 3cm png image).  File:, Node: Question 9.6, Previous: Question 9.5, Up: Section 9 Question 9.6. Is it possible to produce multi-page documents with asymptote? Yes, simply call the newpage() function. This is used by the slide.asy package to produce high-quality slide presentations (easier to use than Prosper).