\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[ a4paper, nohead, nofoot, top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm, pdftex]{geometry} % \usepackage{array} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{charter} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks=false]{hyperref} \usepackage[vietnam,english]{babel} % \pagestyle{empty} \def\arraystretch{1.3} \DefineShortVerb{\|} \parskip.5\baselineskip \parindent0pt \raggedbottom \input{abbr.tex} \begin{document} \title{\bfseries Minimal steps to typeset Vietnamese} \author{\fontencoding{T5}\selectfont H\`an Th\'\ecircumflex{} Th\`anh} \maketitle This document tries to answer the question that has been often asked: \textit{How can I typeset \textbf{just a few Vietnamese words} in my document, which is in English (or French/German/...)?} The answer depends very much on a particular scenario, however I assume that you are in a hurry, you don't want to bother with issues like how to display and write Vietnamese in your \ editor. You only have a few Vietnamese words in your \ file and you would like to see them properly displayed in your final \ or \ file. \begin{enumerate} \item As the very first requirement, you must have some minimal \ support for Vietnamese: \begin{itemize} \item Check whether you have \ installed. \ is included in \, \ and \. \item If the above is not the case, try to download and install \ by following the instructions at \url{http://vntex.sf.net/download/vntex}. \item If you can't install \, you must have at least Latin Modern fonts installed. Then download \url{http://vntex.sf.net/download/vntex-support/t5enc.def} and put it to the directory where your \ file is. \item If all the above fails, try to get help from someone else to solve at least one of those issues. \end{itemize} \item Make sure you have package |fontenc| loaded with T5 encoding. For example, if your document contains European languague(s) only, then you should have a line saying \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[T1,T5]{fontenc} \end{verbatim} in your preamble. \item An example how to input Vietnamese words may look like this: \begin{verbatim} {\fontencoding{T5}\selectfont Ti\'\ecircumflex{}ng Vi\d\ecircumflex{}t} \end{verbatim} which gives the output as \texttt{\fontencoding{T5}\selectfont Ti\'\ecircumflex{}ng Vi\d\ecircumflex{}t}. \item The following table contains all Vietnamese letters for your reference: {\fontencoding{T5}\selectfont \input{test-accents} } \item If you have quite a lot of Vietnamese words, then it can be somewhat tedious to translate them to the above form (often called as \ Internal Character Representation -- LICR). On \ you can use the package \url{http://vntex.sf.net/download/vntex-support/tovntex.zip} to translate text in clipboard from VIQR or UTF-8 to LICR by one key press. The same (or close) convenience could be made for \/\ users, but at somewhat higher cost due to deficiencies of \-like systems. So if you don't use \ then you are out of luck, sorry. However, if you use \, you can still download the package mentioned above, and use the vim script inside the zip archive to do the conversion. If you want to make this easier for \ users then let me know. \item If you still have questions, join the \ mailing list at \url{https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/vntex-users}. \end{enumerate} Good luck! % \DefineShortVerb{\|} \end{document}