% upzhkinsoku-doc.tex % !TeX encoding = UTF-8 % !TeX program = pdfLaTeX \RequirePackage{fix-cm} \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[UKenglish]{babel} \usepackage[babel]{microtype} \usepackage{etoolbox} \AtBeginEnvironment{verbatim}{\microtypesetup{activate=false}} \newcommand\NormalSans{\normalfont\sffamily} \newcommand\pkg[1]{{\protect\NormalSans#1}} \newcommand\pTeX{p\kern-0.15em\TeX} \newcommand\e{\ensuremath{\varepsilon}} \newcommand\upTeX{u\pTeX} \newcommand\ApTeX{A\kern-0.1em\pTeX} \newcommand\kn{test} \newcommand\sk{test} \font\kn=ipxm-r-u79 at 9.62216pt \font\sk=ipxm-r-u52 at 9.62216pt \begin{document} \title{The \pkg{upzhkinsoku} package% \thanks{CTAN Homepage: \texttt{https://ctan.org/pkg/upzhkinsoku}} \thanks{Repository: \texttt{https://github.com/Man-Ting-Fang/upzhkinsoku}}} \author{Yue \textsc{Zhang}} \date{2018-02-04\quad v0.4} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This package provides supplementary Chinese kinsoku (line breaking rules etc.) settings for Unicode (\e-)\upTeX\footnote{(\e-)\upTeX\ when using Unicode as its internal encoding.} and \ApTeX. Both \LaTeX\ and plain \TeX\ are supported. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} \textit{Kinsoku} is the romanisation of the Japanese word ``{\kn\char"81\relax \sk\char"47}'' which means ``prohibition rules''. It is a set of rules to avoid prohibited line breaks in CJK typography, such as ``line-start prohibition rules'', ``line-end prohibition rules'', inseparable or unbreakable character sequences and so on.\footnote{\textit{Requirements for Japanese Text Layout}: \texttt{https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/}} (\e-)\upTeX\ and \ApTeX's default kinsoku parameters are set in \verb|ukinsoku.tex|. However, the default settings do not satisfy Chinese typesetting,\footnote{\textit{Requirements for Chinese Text Layout}: \texttt{https://www.w3.org/TR/clreq/}} thus this package provides supplementary Chinese kinsoku settings for Unicode (\e-)\upTeX\ and \ApTeX. Please note that this package is specifically optimised for Chinese typesetting, so it is usually not suitable for document whose main language is not Chinese. \section{Usage} This package has no options, just load it as usual: \begin{itemize} \item \LaTeX: \verb|\usepackage{upzhkinsoku}| \item Plain \TeX: \verb|\input upzhkinsoku.sty| \end{itemize} If you are using \LaTeX\ and would like to change some kinsoku parameters (this is usually unnecessary, however), please do that after \verb|\begin{document}|, or via \verb|\AtBeginDocument| after loading this package; otherwise they may be overridden.\footnote{For technical reasons, the actual execution of this package is delayed to \texttt{\char"5C begin\char"7B document\char"7D}, also via \texttt{\char"5C AtBeginDocument}.} \end{document}