1. \CutAt{at-unit,until-unit-1,until-unit-2,...}

This directive asks the sectioning commands \at-unit to place their units in separate hypertext pages. The pages are to terminate upon encountering any of the commands in the list \at-unit, \until-unit-1, \until-unit-2,...

 \chapter{...}  ......  \section{...}  ......  \section{...}  ......
 \chapter{...}  ......  \section{...}  ......
Within the \CutAt instruction, the starred commands of LaTeX should be referenced with the prefix ‘like’ instead of the postfix of ‘*’, and appendices through the entry ‘appendix’.

A plus character ‘+’, before the leading parameter, requests buttons that link to the hypertext pages; e.g., ‘\CutAt{+likesection}’.

The end points of sections not specified within the \CutAt commands can be made known with instructions of the form ‘\Configure{endunit}{unit,unit,...}’.

2. \tableofcontents[unit-1,unit-2,...]

This variant of the \tableofcontents command specifies the kinds of entries that should be included in the tables.

3. \TocAt{at-unit,unit-1,unit-2,...,/until-unit-1,/until-unit-2,...}

This directive asks for a local table of contents, at each division created by the \at-unit command. The tables should include entries of types \unit-1, \unit-2,..., and terminate upon reaching any of the \at-unit, \until-unit-1, \until-unit-2,... commands.

Within the \TocAt instruction, the starred commands of LaTeX should be referenced with the prefix ‘like’ instead of the postfix of ‘*’, and appendices through the entry ‘appendix’.

 \section{...} ... \subsection{...} ...
 \section{...} ... \subsection{...} ... \subsection{...} ...
 \section*{...} ...
A postfix ‘*’ on \CutAt asks the tables of contents to appear after the preambles of the logical unit.

 \section{...} ... \subsection{...} ...
 \section{...} ... \subsection{...} ... \subsection{...} ...
 \section*{...} ...
A postfix ‘-’ on \CutAt asks to produce the local tables of contents only on demand, through Cutsection-type commands.

The only \ConfigureToc commands that count are those before the \TocAt instruction.

4. \ConfigureToc{unit} {before-mark} {before-title} {before-page-number} {at-end}

This command determines how entries of the specified unit will appear in the tables of contents. The entries include only fields corresponding to nonempty fields in the \ConfigureToc commands.

 \ConfigureToc{section} {} {$\bullet$~}  {}  {~~ }

5. \Configure{tableofcontents} {before-toc} {end-of-toc} {after-toc} {before-nonindented-par} {before-indented-par}

The end-of-toc is inserted at the end of the internal environment of the tables. The after-toc is included after leaving the internal environment.

6. \Configure{TocAt} {before-toc} {after-toc}

7. \Configure{TocAt*} {before-toc} {after-toc}

8. \Configure{unit} {top} {bottom} {before-title} {after-title}

This command determines the content to be inserted at the mentioned locations of the specified units.

    {\HCode{<div class="chapter">}}  {\HCode{</div>}}
    {\HCode{<h2 class="chapterHead">}\chaptername
        ~\thechapter\HCode{<br />}}
 \chapter{...} ....
 \chapter{...} ....

9. \Configure{CutAt} {unit} {before-button} {after-button}

10. \Configure{+CutAt} {unit} {before-button} {after-button}

11. \NewSection\unit {mark-for-toc}

This directive introduces a sectioning command \unit, which submits mark-for-toc to the tables of contents.

 \NewSection\X {\thec}
    {\addtocounter{c}{1}\HCode{<h2>}[\thec] }

12. \Configure{writetoc} {definitions-for-the-writing-environment}

TeX4ht expands and then writes the sectioning titles into an auxiliary file, and it might encounter there problems from macros that are not fit for such conditions or for inclusion in the table of contents. The current configuration instruction allows to locally modify the behavior of macros for the writing phase.

For instance, the instruction ‘\section{Foo \\ bar}’ suggests a configuration similar to ‘\Configure{writetoc}{\let\\\space}’.

13. \Configure{crosslinks} {left-delimiter} {right-delimiter} {next} {prev} {prev-tail} {front} {tail} {up}

This command configures the appearance of the cross-links between hypertext pages obtained for sectioning commands.


14. \Configure{crosslinks+} {before-top-links} {after-top-links} {before-bottom-links} {after-bottob-links}