1. BibHTML (Norman Gray) A BibTeX to HTML converter.

2. Bib2HTML (David Kotz) Perl script for creating HTML output from a BibTeX database.

3. Bib2HTML (Heiner Steven) AWK script for creating HTML output from a BibTeX database.

4. BibTeX2HTML (Jean-Christophe Filliatre) A BibTeX to HTML converter written in Objective Caml.

5. Dlh (David Mosberger) A C translator for converting from a subset of LaTeX to HTML.

6. Euromath A converter from LaTeX to Euromath SGML

7. GELLMU (William F. Hammond) A general-purpose SGML authoring language based on LaTeX syntax.

8. HEVEA (Luc Maranget) An Objective Caml translator from a subset of LaTeX to HTML.

9. HTeX (Thomas F. Rutherford) A preprocessor which expands html by a new tag: ‘<eq>..</eq>’. An <eq> signifies the start of a LaTeX-readable equation, and a </eq> indicates the end of an equation. Anything appearing between these tags is treated as LaTeX commands within a ‘displaymath’ section of a LaTeX document.

10. HtmlTeX (Sergey Brin) Perl script for converting a subset of LaTeX to HTML

11. HTMX (Joe Fields) Perl script for translating LaTeX equations embedded within HTML into gif.

12. HyperLaTeX (Otfried Cheong) A processor for a subset of LaTeX enriched with hypertext-oriented commands.

13. HyperTeX (Tanmoy Bhattacharya, David Carlisle, Mark Doyle, Paul Ginsparg, Alan Jeffrey, Hiroshi Kubo, Kasper Peeters, Sebastian Rahtz and Arthur Smith) A convention for inclusion of hyperlinks in TeX and LaTeX documents, supported by packages that automatically introduce the links into the code.

14. Itex2mml (Paul Gartside) A C program for translating a dialect of LaTeX into MathML.

15. LaTeX2HTML (Nikos Drakos) A perl script for translating LaTeX into HTML.

16. LaTeX2man (Jürgen Vollmer) A Perl script for translating UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX into UNIX man(1)-command, HTML, or TexInfo code.

17. Ltoh (Russell W. Quong) A customizable Perl converter from a subset of LaTeX to HTML.

18. Ltx2x (Pete R.r Wilson) A table-driven program that will replace LaTeX commands by user defined text.

19. MicroPress TeXpider (MicroPress) A modified TeX compiler for PCs for translating LaTeX to HTML.

20. ORCCA (?) A Java program for translating TeX mathematics into MathML

21. Omega (Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice) A TeX compiler capable of producing MathML code.

22. pyLaTeX (Kevin Smith) A LaTeX document processing framework written entirely in Python.

23. Selathco (Petr Toman) A Simple Extensible LaTeX To HTML Converter written in Java.

24. TeX2HTML (Gabriel Zachmann) Vim macros for converting from LaTeX to HTML

25. TeX2Page (Dorai Sitaram) A Scheme script for translating a subset of plain TeX to HTML.

26. TeX2RTF (Julian Smart) tmEA A C++ utility for converting from a subset of LaTeX to HTML and other formats.

27. Texi2HTML (Lionel Cons) A Perl script for converting Texinfo manuals to HTML.

28. Texi2www (Tim Singletary) Converts Texinfo manuals to HTML. Another Perl script for converting Texinfo manuals to HTML.

29. TeXPort WEB (K-talk Communications) A program running on MS-DOS or MS-Windows.

30. Tralics (Jos^^e9 Grimm) AC program for translating a subset of LaTeX to a local XML. -------------------------------------------------------

31. Tth (Ian Hutchinson) A C program for translating a subset of plain TeX and LaTeX into HTML. Uses special fonts and tables to represent formulas.

32. Vulcanize (Mark-Jason Dominus) A Perl program for translating a subset of LaTeX to HTML.

33. WebEQ (Mark-Jason Dominus) MathML fro a TeX variant named WebTeX