Some Sources of Problems for MathML
- Broken math formulas, such as ‘$R=\{x|x$ is real $\}$’ instead of ‘$R=\{x|x \mbox{ is real } \}$’.
- Math mode employment for presenting nonmath content, such as ‘$$\vbox{...}$$ ’ instead of
- Unmatched parentheses within entries of arrays, such as ‘\begin{array}...(... & ...)...\end{array}’ instead
of ‘\begin{array}...\mathrel( ... & ...\mathrel)...\end{array}’.
- Incorrect annotation of delimiters, such as ‘\bigl\{...\bigr|...\bigr\}’ instead of ‘\bigl\{...\bigg|...\bigr’
- Empty bases for subscripts and superscripts, such as ‘{}^{...}, {}_{...}’ instead of ‘{\csname
HCode\endcsname{}}^{...}, {\csname HCode\endcsname{}}_{...}’.
- Use of the operators ‘^’ and ‘_’, instead of ‘\sb’ and ‘\sp’, outside the presence of TeX4ht. (TeX4ht becomes active
only at the ‘\begin{document}’ command. The ‘early_’ and ‘early^’ options extend this awareness to the
preambles of the source latex documents.)