1. \HCode{...}
This command allows only for the expansion of macros, before sending its content to the output. The instruction \Hnewline may be introduced there for requesting line breaks, and the command \# may be used for the sharp symbol ‘#’.
2. \HPage{anchor}content\EndHPage{}
This command dedicates a hypertext page for the specified content, to be accessed through the given button.
The \ExitHPage{...} command may be employed within the content to create exit buttons.
3. \Link[target-file arguments]{target-loc}{cur-loc}anchor\EndLink
This command requests an anchor that links to ‘target-file#target-loc’, and marks the current location with the name ‘cur-loc’.
The component ‘[...]’ is optional when it is empty, and the target file need not be mentioned if it is created from the current source file.
4. \ifOption{...}{true-part}{false-part}