%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 132 201 728 472 %%Creator: CorelDRAW! %%Title: FOUNTAIN.EPS %%CreationDate: Fri Apr 28 08:32:57 1995 %%DocumentFonts: %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black %%EndComments %%BeginProlog /AutoFlatness false def % -------------- POSTSCRIPT PROLOG FOR CORELDRAW 3.X ------ % Copyright 1992 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. /wCorelDict 300 dict def wCorelDict begin/bd{bind def}bind def /ld{load def}bd/xd{exch def}bd/_ null def /$c 0 def/$m 0 def/$y 0 def/$k 0 def/$t 1 def /$n _ def/$o 0 def/$fil 0 def/$bkg false def /$C 0 def/$M 0 def/$Y 0 def/$K 0 def/$T 1 def /$N _ def/$O 0 def/$PF false def/$ctm matrix currentmatrix def /$ptm matrix def/$ttm matrix def/$stm matrix def /$fst 128 def/$pad 0 def/$rox 0 def/$roy 0 def currentscreen/@dsp xd/$dsp/@dsp def/$dsa xd /$dsf xd/$sdf false def/$SDF false def/$Scra 0.0 def /$sv 0 def/@cp/closepath ld/@gs/gsave ld/@gr/grestore ld /@np/newpath ld/@sv{/$sv save def}bd/@rs{$sv restore}bd /@ss{exch $Scra add exch load setscreen}bd AutoFlatness{/$cpx ([Error: PathTooComplex; OffendingCommand: AnyPaintingOperator]\n) def /@err1{$cpx print flush newpath}bd/@ifl{dup currentflat exch sub 10 gt {@err1 exit}{currentflat 2 add setflat}ifelse}bd /@fill/fill ld/fill{currentflat{{@fill}stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse }bind loop setflat}bd/@eofill/eofill ld/eofill{currentflat{{@eofill} stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd /@clip/clip ld/clip{currentflat{{@clip}stopped{initclip @ifl}{exit }ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd/@eoclip/eoclip ld /eoclip{currentflat{{@eoclip}stopped{initclip @ifl}{exit}ifelse }bind loop setflat}bd/@stroke/stroke ld/stroke{currentflat{{@stroke} stopped{@ifl}{exit}ifelse}bind loop setflat}bd}if /InRange{3 -1 roll 2 copy le{pop}{exch pop}ifelse 2 copy ge{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd/wDstChck{2 1 roll dup 3 -1 roll eq{1 add}if}bd/@dot{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub 2 div}bd /@lin{exch pop abs 1 exch sub}bd/@MN{2 copy le{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd /setcmykcolor where{pop}{/setcmykcolor{4 1 roll 3{3 index add 1 @MN 1 exch sub 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bd}ifelse/setoverprint{/$op xd}bd /currentoverprint{$op}bd/setsepcolor{1 exch sub setgray}bd /checksepcolor{1 exch sub dup setgray 1 eq exch 1 eq and not}bd /setprocesscolor{ColorSeparationMode 0 eq{setcmykcolor}{ 0 4 $ink sub index exch pop 5 1 roll 4{pop}repeat setsepcolor}ifelse}bd/findcmykcustomcolor{5 array astore}bd /setcustomcolor where{pop}{/setcustomcolor{ColorSeparationMode 0 eq{ exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor}{exch aload pop CurrentInkName eq{4 index}{0}ifelse 6 1 roll 5{pop}repeat setsepcolor}ifelse}bd}ifelse/colorimage where{pop}{ /colorimage{pop pop pop pop pop{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop pop} repeat pop}bd}ifelse/@tc{dup 1 ge{pop}{4{dup 6 -1 roll mul exch}repeat pop}ifelse}bd/@scc{1 eq setoverprint dup _ eq{pop setprocesscolor pop}{findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}ifelse ColorSeparationMode 0 eq{true}{ currentgray 1 eq currentoverprint and not}ifelse}bd /@sft{/$tx $tllx $pxf add dup $tllx gt{$pwid sub}if def /$ty $tury $pyf sub dup $tury lt{$phei add}if def}bd /@stb{pathbbox/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd}bd /@ep{{cvx exec}forall}bd/@tp{@sv/$in true def 2 copy dup $lly le{/$in false def}if $phei sub $ury ge{/$in false def}if dup $urx ge{/$in false def}if $pwid add $llx le{/$in false def}if $in{@np 2 copy m $pwid 0 rl 0 $phei neg rl $pwid neg 0 rl 0 $phei rl clip @np $pn cvlit load aload pop 7 -1 roll 5 index sub 7 -1 roll 3 index sub translate /$ctm matrix currentmatrix def @ep pop pop pop pop}{pop pop}ifelse @rs}bd/@th{@sft 0 1 $tly 1 sub{dup $psx mul $tx add{ dup $llx gt{$pwid sub}{exit}ifelse}loop exch $phei mul $ty exch sub 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{$pwid mul 3 copy 3 -1 roll add exch @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul $tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1 $tly 1 sub{$phei mul 3 copy sub @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/@pf{@gs $ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb eoclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx xd Bbllx Bblly $pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd /$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei $tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc{eofill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc{ $tllx $tlly translate $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1 false [ 8 0 0 1 0 0 ]{}imagemask /$bkg true def}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt $hei 0 gt and{ $pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub/$pwid xd/$tlx $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add def /$tly $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add def $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th}ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@dlt{ColorSeparationMode 0 eq{ /$dc $toc $tot mul $frc $frt mul dup/$c xd sub $fst 1 sub div def /$dm $tom $tot mul $frm $frt mul dup/$m xd sub $fst 1 sub div def /$dy $toy $tot mul $fry $frt mul dup/$y xd sub $fst 1 sub div def /$dk $tok $tot mul $frk $frt mul dup/$k xd sub $fst 1 sub div def true}{$frt $frc $frm $fry $frk $frn $o @scc dup{/$frk 1 currentgray sub def}{/$frk 0 def}ifelse $tot $toc $tom $toy $tok $ton $o @scc dup{/$tok 1 currentgray sub def}{ /$tok 0 def}ifelse or dup{/$c 0 def/$m 0 def/$y 0 def/$k $frk def /$dc 0 def/$dm 0 def/$dy 0 def/$dk $tok $frk sub $fst 1 sub div def}if }ifelse}bd/@ftl{1 index 4 index sub dup $pad mul dup/$pdw xd 2 mul sub $fst div/$wid xd 2 index sub/$hei xd pop translate $c $m $y $k 4 copy ColorSeparationMode 0 ne {1 exch sub setgray pop pop pop}{setcmykcolor}ifelse 0 0 moveto 0 $hei lineto $pdw $hei lineto $pdw 0 lineto 0 0 lineto fill $pdw 0 translate $fst{4 copy ColorSeparationMode 0 ne {1 exch sub setgray pop pop pop}{setcmykcolor}ifelse 0 0 moveto 0 $hei lineto $wid $hei lineto $wid 0 lineto 0 0 lineto fill $wid 0 translate $dk add 4 1 roll $dy add 4 1 roll $dm add 4 1 roll $dc add 4 1 roll}repeat $dk sub 4 1 roll $dy sub 4 1 roll $dm sub 4 1 roll $dc sub 4 1 roll ColorSeparationMode 0 ne{1 exch sub setgray pop pop pop} {setcmykcolor}ifelse 0 0 moveto 0 $hei lineto $pdw $hei lineto $pdw 0 lineto 0 0 lineto fill }bd/@ftr{1 index 4 index sub dup $rox mul/$row xd 2 div 1 index 4 index sub dup $roy mul/$roh xd 2 div 2 copy dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt $row dup mul $roh dup mul add sqrt add dup/$hei xd $fst div/$wid xd 4 index add $roh add exch 5 index add $row add exch translate pop pop pop pop currentflat dup 5 mul setflat $c $m $y $k 4 copy ColorSeparationMode 0 ne {1 exch sub setgray pop pop pop}{setcmykcolor}ifelse $wid 0 moveto 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc fill 1.0 $pad 2 mul sub dup scale $fst{4 copy ColorSeparationMode 0 ne{1 exch sub setgray pop pop pop} {setcmykcolor}ifelse $wid 0 moveto 0 0 $hei 0 360 arc fill /$hei $hei $wid sub def $dk add 4 1 roll $dy add 4 1 roll $dm add 4 1 roll $dc add 4 1 roll}repeat pop pop pop pop setflat}bd/@ff{@gs @dlt{$ctm setmatrix eoclip newpath Bbllx Bblly moveto Bbllx Bbury lineto Bburx Bbury lineto Bburx Bblly lineto $fan rotate pathbbox newpath $fty 1 eq{@ftr}{@ftl}ifelse}if @gr @np}bd/@Pf{@sv ColorSeparationMode 0 eq $ink 3 eq or{0 J 0 j [] 0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn load exec}{1 setgray eofill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/g{1 exch sub/$k xd/$c 0 def/$m 0 def/$y 0 def/$t 1 def/$n _ def/$fil 0 def }bd/G{1 exch sub/$K xd/$C 0 def/$M 0 def/$Y 0 def/$T 1 def/$N _ def}bd /k{/$k xd/$y xd/$m xd/$c xd/$t 1 def/$n _ def/$fil 0 def}bd /K{/$K xd/$Y xd/$M xd/$C xd/$T 1 def/$N _ def}bd /x{/$t xd/$n xd/$k xd/$y xd/$m xd/$c xd/$fil 0 def}bd /X{/$T xd/$N xd/$K xd/$Y xd/$M xd/$C xd}bd /d/setdash ld/i{dup 0 ne{setflat}{pop}ifelse}bd /j/setlinejoin ld/J/setlinecap ld/M/setmiterlimit ld /w/setlinewidth ld/O{/$o xd}bd/R{/$O xd}bd /c/curveto ld/C/c ld/v{4 -2 roll 2 copy 6 -2 roll curveto}bd /V/v ld/y{2 copy curveto}bd/Y/y ld/l/lineto ld /L/l ld/rl/rlineto ld/m/moveto ld/n/newpath ld /N/newpath ld/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc {eofill}{@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc{ matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke setmatrix}{@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs F @gr S}bd/b{@cp B}bd/W{eoclip}bd /p{/$pm xd 7{pop}repeat/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd /$fil 1 def}bd/P{11{pop}repeat}bd/u{}bd/U{}bd /A{pop}bd/q/@gs ld/Q/@gr ld/E{5 array astore exch cvlit exch def}bd/`{}bd/~{}bd/@{}bd/&{}bd /CorelDrawReencodeVect [ 16#82/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase/ellipsis/dagger/daggerdbl 16#88/circumflex/perthousand/Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 16#91/quoteleft/quoteright/quotedblleft/quotedblright/bullet/endash/emdash 16#98/tilde/trademark/scaron/guilsinglright/oe 16#9F/Ydieresis 16#A1/exclamdown/cent/sterling/currency/yen/brokenbar/section 16#a8/dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine/guillemotleft/logicalnot/minus/registered/macron 16#b0/degree/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered 16#b8/cedilla/onesuperior/ordmasculine/guillemotright/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters/questiondown 16#c0/Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla 16#c8/Egrave/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Igrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis 16#d0/Eth/Ntilde/Ograve/Oacute/Ocircumflex/Otilde/Odieresis/multiply 16#d8/Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn/germandbls 16#e0/agrave/aacute/acircumflex/atilde/adieresis/aring/ae/ccedilla 16#e8/egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis 16#f0/eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde/odieresis/divide 16#f8/oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis ] def/@cc{currentfile $dat readhexstring pop}bd /@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd /Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq/$vectpat xd/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd/$pyf xd/$pxf xd /$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd array astore /$Prm xd}bd/@k{/$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd /$fty xd/$fan xd $fty 1 eq{/$fan 0 def}if/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd /$frk xd/$fry xd/$frm xd/$frc xd/$frn _ def/$frt 1 def/$ton _ def/$tot 1 def }bd/@x{/$fil 2 def/$roy xd/$rox xd/$pad xd /$fty xd/$fan xd/$tot xd/$ton xd/$tok xd/$toy xd/$tom xd/$toc xd /$frt 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div ceiling cvi string def $llx $lly translate $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid $hei abs $bts [ $wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse] /@cc load false $ncl colorimage @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd /z{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}bd /ZB{9 dict dup begin 4 1 roll/FontType 3 def /FontMatrix xd/FontBBox xd/Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for/CharStrings 256 dict def CharStrings/.notdef{}put/Metrics 256 dict def Metrics/.notdef 3 -1 roll put/BuildChar{exch dup/$char exch/Encoding get 3 index get def dup/Metrics get $char get aload pop setcachedevice begin Encoding exch get CharStrings exch get end exec}def end definefont pop}bd/ZBAddChar{findfont begin dup 4 1 roll dup 6 1 roll Encoding 3 1 roll put CharStrings 3 1 roll put Metrics 3 1 roll put end}bd/Z{findfont dup maxlength 2 add dict exch dup{1 index/FID ne{3 index 3 1 roll put}{pop pop}ifelse}forall pop dup dup/Encoding get 256 array copy dup/$fe xd /Encoding exch put dup/Fontname 3 index put 3 -1 roll dup length 0 ne{0 exch{dup type 0 type eq{exch pop}{ $fe exch 2 index exch put 1 add}ifelse}forall pop}if dup 256 dict dup/$met xd/Metrics exch put dup/FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul 1 exch div 3 index length 256 eq{0 1 255{dup $fe exch get dup/.notdef eq{pop pop}{5 index 3 -1 roll get 2 index mul $met 3 1 roll put}ifelse}for}if pop definefont pop pop}bd/@ftx{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll (0) dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix @@txt @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto }forall}bd/@ft{matrix currentmatrix exch $sdf{$scf $sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{/@@txt/@pf ld @ftx}{$fil 2 eq{/@@txt/@ff ld @ftx}{$fil 3 eq {/@@txt/@Pf ld @ftx}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc{show}{pop}ifelse}ifelse }ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd /@st{matrix currentmatrix exch $SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll (0) dup 3 -1 roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat stroke @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch moveto }forall}{pop}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@te{@ft}bd/@tr{@st}bd/@ta{dup @gs @ft @gr @st}bd/@t@a{dup @gs @st @gr @ft}bd /@tm{/$textsave save def @sm concat}bd/e{/t{@te}def}bd /r{/t{@tr}def}bd/o{/t{pop}def}bd/a{/t{@ta}def}bd /@a{/t{@t@a}def}bd/t{@te}def/T{@np $ctm setmatrix /$ttm matrix def $textsave restore}bd/@t{/$stm $stm currentmatrix def 3 1 roll moveto $ttm concat t $stm setmatrix}def /@n{/$ttm exch matrix rotate def}bd/@s{}bd /@l{}bd/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B}bd/@w{matrix rotate/$ptm xd matrix scale $ptm dup concatmatrix/$ptm xd 1 eq{$ptm exch dup concatmatrix/$ptm xd}if 1 w}bd/@g{1 eq dup/$sdf xd{/$scp xd/$sca xd /$scf xd}if}bd/@G{1 eq dup/$SDF xd{/$SCP xd /$SCA xd/$SCF xd}if}bd/@D{3 copy @ss/$dsp xd /$dsa xd/$dsf xd}bd/@j{@sv @np}bind def/@J{@rs}bind def /@sep{/ColorSeparationMode where{pop}{/ColorSeparationMode 0 def /CurrentInkName (Composite) def}ifelse ColorSeparationMode 0 eq{ /CurrentInkName (Composite) def}if/CurrentInkName 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