Descriptions of files in the `enc-maps' directory of the T2 package. This directory contains the following files: 1) mappings from TeX Cyrillic font encodings to Unicode. These files are a plain ASCII text files consisting of lines containing fields terminated by semicolons. Each line represents the data for one encoded character. Lines beginning with the `#' character are comments. The first field is a hexadecimal number of the slot number in the font encoding. The second field is a hexadecimal number of the Unicode glyph number for this slot. The third field is a standard Unicode v3 name for this glyph. Some glyphs used in the T2 package are not yet registered in Unicode. In this case the second field is empty, and the name used in the third field is thus non-standard. --- mapping for the T2A encoding --- mapping for the T2B encoding --- mapping for the T2C encoding --- mapping for the X2 encoding --- mapping for the OT2 encoding 2) mappings from glyph names used in fonts (Type1, TrueType) and T2 package to Unicode. The format is similar to the one described in n.1. There are three fields separated by semicolons. Lines beginning with the `#' character are comments. The first field contains the Unicode glyph number. The second field contains a glyph name. The third field contains a standard Unicode-2.1 name for this glyph. glyphlist.txt --- Adobe Glyph List with Unicode Values available at mtcyr.txt --- mapping for (some of) the Monotype Cyrillic Type1 fonts urwcyr.txt --- mapping for (some of) the URW Cyrillic Type1 fonts amscyr.txt --- mapping for AMS Cyrillic (wncy*) Type1 fonts broken1.txt --- mapping for some broken naming used in some Type1 Cyrillic fonts broken2.txt --- mapping for some broken naming used in some Type1 Cyrillic fonts t2cyr.txt --- mapping for the Cyrillic glyph names used in the T2 package t2lat.txt --- mapping for the Latin glyph names used in the T2 package 3) mappings from various Cyrillic charsets to Unicode. cyrcset7.txt --- 7-bit Cyrillic charsets cyrcset8.txt --- 8-bit Cyrillic charsets cyrcsets.ind --- index file for the above two files Look into the file cyrcsets.ind and find needed charset. Notice the number assigned to this charset (say, N) and a file name (either cyrcset8.txt or cyrcset7.txt). Then the needed mapping from this charset to Unicode could be found from the (N+1)th column of the corresponding file. The first column contains the slot number in the encoding. All numbers are hexadecimal. 4) scripts for generation of *.enc files for dvips and pdftex. Makefile 5) miscellaneous. encfiles --- a directory with some *.enc files generated by running README --- this file.