%% $Id: pst-news15.tex 163 2015-07-26 07:20:23Z herbert $ \documentclass[11pt,english,BCOR10mm,DIV12,bibliography=totoc,parskip=false,smallheadings headexclude,footexclude,oneside]{pst-doc} \listfiles \let\Lfile\LFile \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{pst-node} \let\pstnodeFV\fileversion \let\pstnodeFD\filedate \usepackage{pst-solides3d} \usepackage{xkvview} \renewcommand\bgImage{\psscalebox{15}{\color{blue!20}\the\year}} \def\textat{\char064} \lstset{explpreset={pos=l,width=-99pt,overhang=0pt,hsep=\columnsep,vsep=\bigskipamount,rframe={}}, escapechar=?} \begin{document} %\psset{PstDebug=1} \title{\texttt{News -- \the\year}\\ \Large new macros and bugfixes for the basic package \nxLFile{pstricks}} \author{Herbert Voß} \date{\today} \maketitle \clearpage \tableofcontents \clearpage \part{\texttt{pstricks} -- package} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\texttt{pstricks.sty} -- \texttt{pstricks-pdf.sty}} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The code for an automatic loading of package \LPack{auto-pst-pdf} is now moved into an own package \LPack{pstricks-pdf}. It allows to run PSTricks code with \Lprog{pdflatex} \texttt{-{}-shell-escape }. The option \Loption{pdf} for \LPack{pstricks} itself is now obsolet. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{\texttt{pstricks.tex} (\pstricksFV -- \pstricksFD)} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSTricks now takes the optional argument \Loption{draft} of the main document class into account. It shows only a frame, given by the coordinates of the \Lenv{pspicture} environment. \subsection{PostScript code} Additionally to the macro \Lcs{pstVerb} there are now the keywords \Lkeyword{precode} and \Lkeyword{postscode} which can be used by other packages to paste PostScript code before and after the macros. \begin{LTXexample}[pos=t] \psset{viewpoint=40 35 10 rtp2xyz,Decran=40,lightsrc=viewpoint,unit=0.5} \begin{pspicture}(-6,-6)(6,6) \defFunction{cercle1}(t) {4 t cos mul 2 sub rZ cos mul 4 t sin mul rZ sin mul add} % {4 t cos mul 2 sub rZ sin mul neg 4 t sin mul rZ cos mul add}% {4 t sin mul}% \psforeach{\iA}{0,20,..,360}{% \psSolid[object=courbe, precode=/rZ \iA\space def, r=0,range=0 360,resolution=360,function=cercle1]} \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \subsection{Background color} There is now the optional argument \Lkeyword{bgcolor} (backgound color), which is only valid for the background of the environment \Lenv{pspicture} with its defined coordinates. Internally it uses the macro \Lcs{psframe*}: \begin{LTXexample}[pos=t] \begin{pspicture*}[bgcolor=black!20](-12,-5)(-2,5) \psset{viewpoint=6 -50 0 rtp2xyz,Decran=4,lightsrc=viewpoint} \defFunction[algebraic]{torus}(u,v) {2*(1+ 0.5*cos(u))*cos(v)}% x=f(u,v) {2*(1+ 0.5*cos(u))*sin(v)}% y=f(u,v) {2*0.5*sin(u)}% z=f(u) \psSolid[object=surfaceparametree, precode=/n1 48 def /n2 90 def /n1n2 n1 n2 mul 2 mul 1 sub def /iS 0 def, base=0 2 pi mul 0 pi 1.5 mul , fcol=0 2 n1 2 sub {/i exch def i n2 mul 2 i n2 mul n2 add 1 sub {(Black)} for} for 1 2 n1 1 sub {/i exch def i n2 mul 1 add 2 i n2 mul n2 add 1 sub {(Black)} for} for, fillcolor=white,incolor=yellow!50, function=torus, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,unit=5,ngrid=n1 n2] \end{pspicture*} \end{LTXexample} \clearpage \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{PSTricks} \printindex \end{document}